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Law and Order: Pair of youths charged with shoplifting, possession of alcohol

By Howard B. Owens

Two youths, a 16-year-old and a juvenile, are charged with petit larceny and unlawful possession of alcohol under age 21. The duo is accused of stealing merchandise from Walmart and being in possession of alcohol.

Shaqueita Irvin, 21, of Miller Avenue, Batavia, is charged with criminal trespass, 3rd. Irvin was arrested on a warrant out of Town of Batavia Court and released on her own recognizance. Irvin was also arraigned in Village of Corfu Court before Justice O'Connor on an alleged violation of probation charge. She posted bail of $150.

Trash talking citizens jam into council chambers for public hearing

By Howard B. Owens

Last night's turn out for a public hearing on trash collection was the largest attendance for a city council meeting in recent memory.

According to fire code, only 246 people are permitted into council chambers at any one time, and last night Fire Chief Jim Maxwell and a Batavia PD officer were monitoring the doorway to prevent more people from entering until some people left.

The city council heard a variety of opinions about a proposed change in the Batavia Municipal Code governing how trash is collected in the city.

In all, 28 people took to the podium to address the council, and most of the speakers supported Genesee ARC, the local agency that has provided garbage and recycling collection services to city residents for 28 years.

"If it ain't broke, why fix it?" was a common refrain.

There were also speakers who support the proposed change to the municipal code and a couple of speakers who neither supported the proposed change nor necessarily back Genesee ARC keeping the garbage collection contract. They favor the city getting out of garbage collection altogether and letting property owners pick their own haulers.

In the end, no vote was taken -- the council vote is scheduled for Feb. 25 -- but there was a proposal from Councilwoman Patti Pacino that city staff schedule an informational meeting before the vote where residents can get their questions answered.

City Manager Jason Molino said speakers during the evening made at least 25 statements that were factually incorrect or need clarification and that such an informational meeting might be a good idea.

Unlike a public hearing, city staff would be able to answer questions and clarify information for both the public and council members at such a meeting.

No date was set, or even a confirmation that such a meeting would take place.

The public hearing began with a warning from City Attorney George Van Nest that speakers could not -- under state law, he said -- lobby the council on behalf or against any company that bid on the trash contract.

Van Nest said from the time the bids were requested until the time the bid is awarded, if it is, is considered a "restricted period" and anything related to any bidders could not be discussed.

The sole topic of consideration before the council was the proposed change to the solid waste law and not which company might be awarded the bid if the law is changed.

"State finance law prohibits those comments," Van Nest said. "State procurement procedures require that we follow the law. Please don't comment or lobby on behalf of any particular vendor."

Many speakers strayed from a strict interpretation of Van Nest's instructions. A few were told by Van Nest to confine their comments to the proposed new law and refrain from mentioning a particular vendor.

Some speakers had fun with the restrictions, making statements like "the vendor we all know."

The majority of the 246 people in the room were Genesee ARC supporters. They carried signs that read "No Totes" and "Keep ARC" and early on loudly applauded speakers who opposed the tote system in any manner.

The applause brought repeated warnings from Council President Tim Buckley to keep the disruption to a minimum so the meeting could move along swiftly.

People only stopped clapping following speakers after Buckley stood up and threatened to have the room cleared if the applause persisted.

The first speaker, Blake Elliott, didn't get much applause. He was one of three speakers completely supportive of the proposed change in the law.

"I still believe one source is the best way to go," Elliott said. "I don't believe it should be part of the taxpayers' bill. We need a system that is fair, equitable, variable and includes positive things for recycling and doesn't require trash and recycling blowing down the street."

Maidul Kahn also spoke in favor of the new law. He even praised Molino.

"All we hear now is tax and spend, over and over, year after year, tax and spend, tax and spend, tax and spend," Kahn said. "Finally, I found somebody from the city, our city manager here, who has a proposal to cut taxes. It's unheard of, really. I really commend you Mr. Molino for coming up with this program. We pay enough taxes and we can use some tax relief."

Former Councilman Bill Cox also praised the anticipated tax savings and said the council was moving in the right direction to get trash collection off the tax rolls.

Cox said council members were elected to "do whatever is in your power to lower taxes."

Several speakers accused city management of really playing some sort of shell game with the suggestion that taxes will go down with the proposal.

Thomas Houseknecht, who owns commercial property in the city, said he will personally benefit from the proposed change. Still, he considers a user-fee to be a regressive tax -- costing poorer property owners more money and giving only rich property owners an actual tax break.

"If you vote in favor of this resolution and subsequently accept the bid from Allied Republic as the lowest bid, you are doing so at the expense of the most vulnerable part of our population, both ARC employees and taxpayers," Houseknecht said.

Jennifer Elmore said her home is assessed at $46,000. The new law would more than double what she pays for garbage collection now.

If the change in the local law fails, Molino has said property taxes could go up to more than $11 per thousand of assessed value.

Dave O'Geen said he calculated that the cost savings amounts to 11 cents a day and the cost savings isn't worth what would be lost.

"I would be ashamed to be part of a community that would even consider something like this," O'Geen said. "What are you going to tell your family, your children, your grandchildren, when they ask you if you voted to lay off a bunch of disabled individuals to save 11 cents a day?"

More than one speaker said they could afford the tax increase and would gladly pay it to protect Genesee ARC.

"I personally can afford another 11 cents a day and I really want to keep the people collecting my trash," Janet Saile said.

Charles Green, a 33-year resident of Batavia, questioned why a contract would be awarded to an out-of-town company that he doesn't believe the city knows enough about.

"I’ve seen a lot of changes in the city, but I got to tell you, in all honesty, the one thing I never thought that I would see was that I had to, mandated by law, buy a service from a company that I have no idea who they are," Green said. "I suspect most of the people behind me have never heard of them and quite frankly I’m not to sure the people in front of me have heard of them."

Speakers such as Dave Meyer, Jim Rosenbeck and John Roach questioned why the city is involved in trash collection at all, whether it's contracting with Genesee ARC or buying totes and requiring residents to get their garbage picked up by a single vendor.

Let residents hire their own contractors to pick up garbage, they suggested.

"There's an easy answer to all this," Meyer said. "The city gets out of the way and gets out of the trash business and lets homeowners make their own arrangements."

Meyer cited Saratoga Springs, a city of 27,000 people, as an example of a municipality that handles garbage collection that way. But after the meeting, Shawn McGoran, manager of municipal services for Allied Republic (the low bidder on the proposed trash contract) said in his experience, such an arrangement is highly unusual these days.

Ninety percent of all residents in WNY, he said, live an area with just one hauler, be it a contract provider or a city-operated service (such as Tonawanda).

"There's always issues and change is always an issue for folks, but we still believe we have something to offer the city," McGoran said, but was hesitant to comment further given state procurement rules.

"I think the proposal we submitted speaks for itself," McGoran said. "We're going to offer a great service as we do to 185,000 homes in Western New York, and we've been doing it for years."

After the public comments were closed, some council members made brief comments.

Rose Mary Christian wanted the world to know, regardless of what's been printed elsewhere, she has no prior business arrangement with Allied. Her current trash hauler for her business is Waste Management.

Councilman Pierluigi Cipollone took exception to the suggestion by a couple of speakers that the council was being led around by the nose by Molino. He said Molino is taking direction from the council and the proposal he brought forward was at the request of the council.

Cipollone also said he has personally checked the city's tax roles and confirmed a majority of residential property owners will save money under the proposed changes.

"It is true that more than 50 percent and close to 60 percent of the population will save money," Cipollone said. "We're not misleading anybody"

After the meeting, Molino was asked for examples of things people said that were either wrong or need clarification.

For one, Molino said, the idea that the city is going to take out a bond to borrow $500,000 is wrong. The city will borrow money, but it will be paid back before a bond is necessary, and the city will save money in the process.

"It's a temporary note to make an investment of $500,000 and the pay off is at a 2-1 ratio," Molino said. "You're saving more than $1 million."

He also said the city needs to get information out about what happens when carts are stolen or damaged. Clearly, he said, people don't understand the process. He said city staff will explain such things either at a future meeting or through other means once all the questions and issues have been gathered and reviewed.

A number of people wanted to know why there wasn't public discussion about changing how trash was collected prior to the request for bids going out.

Molino said public discussion just wasn't possible.

"Before, we were doing a lot of research and we were in discussions with the current vendor trying to make these changes," Molino said. "At that stage of the game, there really is not the ability to comment."

As for being the focal point of a lot of criticism Monday night, Molino said that's just part of the job.

"Council hired me to do a job and manage the city in the most efficient and effective means possible," Molino said. "They hired me to address controversial issues and not hide behind them. We are trying to address an issue. Is it going to create controversy? Sure. We’re trying to do what’s in the best interest of the community. That is my job. I understand that there is obviously two sides to every story. We dealt with this with the ambulance service. We dealt with this with dispatch, as well as with some financial problems. They’re very difficult issues to deal with. They’re emotional. This is an emotional issue. We understand that, but that doesn’t mean we don’t address it."

PHOTOS: Top, Steve Ognibene signs a petition during a rally in support of Genesee ARC prior to the council meeting; Carol Grasso speaks at the rally; Blake Elliott; Tim Buckley and Jim Russell; Maidul Kahn; people in the audience; Tom Houseknecht; Jim Rosenbeck; Jason Molino; George Van Nest; Kathy Briggs and Brooks Hawley.

Just in case, ARC and BDC looking at job options for those who might be out of work when trash contract ends

By Howard B. Owens

Even as supporters of Genesee ARC hope to garner enough public support to sway the Batavia City Council away from trashing a 30-year relationship for garbage collection in the city, the agency is looking at its options should it lose the garbage contact.

ARC Executive Director Donna Saskowski said she's formed an internal task force to look at all of the options for the agency.

The core mission of ARC, Saskowski said, is to provide services and employment to people with disabilities. That will not change, regardless of the outcome of the proposed changes to the local solid waste law.

"My job is to take care of the people we serve," Saskowski said. "We're researching as many options as possible."

Julie Pacatte, economic development coordinator for the Batavia Development Corp. (BDC), has also stepped in to help line up resources for placing any agency employees who might otherwise be eligible for unemployment.

Of the 30 people who work in the garbage and recycling collection program, some are more properly classified as clients of ARC, Saskowski explained, and even though they are paid for their work, they are not eligible for unemployment benefits.

Those people, Saskowski said, will continue to be assigned work by ARC one way or the other.

Another group are actually employees of the agency and must work in community-based employment.

If jobs are not found for them, they would be eligible for unemployment benefits.

There are approximately -- the number fluctuates -- 15 such people.

Some of the agency's employees who could be affected by a loss of the contract have no disabilities.

Pacatte is pulling together resources, including the county's Job Development Bureau to help them find work.

There are private employers who have already expressed an interest and both Pacatte and Saskowski hope more come forward.

Nationally, 70 percent of people with disabilities are unemployed.

"We're looking for any company that could use a well-trained, dedicated workforce," Saskowski said. "We work with each individual and try to find the best situation for (him or her)."

Pacatte said there are a few tax-credit programs employers can benefit from if they hire a person with a disability.

Working to help ARC is what the BDC should do, Pacatte said, "with any company that is anticipating any kind of major shift in their workforce."

If the council votes against the proposed ordinance change, Saskowski said she doesn't really know what will happen with garbage collection in Batavia come March 31 when the current contract expires. She referred that question to City Manager Jason Molino.

"I couldn't even address it at this point," Saskowski said.

Late this afternoon, Molino wasn't immediately available for comment.

Along with finding jobs for anyone displaced by a change in garbage collection, ARC is looking for other companies to do contract work for and other entrepreneurial options.

"We're looking at just about anything and everything," Saskowski said.

Information for employers:

GCEDC approves tax assistance for three projects, including Darien Lake expansion

By Howard B. Owens

The Genesee County Economic Development Center Board of Directors has approved assistance with the following projects:

Darien Lake Theme Park. Darien Lake is planning new cabins and new rides for 2013. The total investment by Darien Lake is $5.2 million and theme park management sought assistance with $1.9 million of the investment. The board approved a PILOT (reduced property tax on the increase in assessed value due to the improvements) worth $147,339 over 10 years. The project will also save $132,000 on sales tax for construction materials. The project is expected to generate six additional full-time equivalent jobs. Darien Lake employees more than 400 FTEs.

Reed Batavia Properties, LLC. Reed is in the process of purchasing the former Batavia City Schools administration building at 39 Washington Ave., Batavia. The company is planning $1.525 million in improvements to the building, converting it to medical offices. The GCEDC board approved a $76,361 PILOT, $52,000 in sales tax exemption, and a $12,500 mortgage tax exemption. The project is expected to generate six new jobs.

Batavia Hospitality, Inc. (Days Inn / Super 8). The company is planning on investing $530,000 in building improvements, including a new pitched roof, exterior facelift and interior upgrades. GCEDC's board approved a PILOT worth $54,198 over 10 years and sales tax exemption of $28,000. The project is expected to create five new jobs and help retain 16 jobs.

Public hearings set for tonight on budget, water and trash

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavia City Council will conduct public hearings tonight on garbage, water and the budget.

The meeting starts at 7 p.m. Before getting to the public hearings, the council will go into closed session on an unrelated matter (typically, closed sessions are held as the last item on a council agenda).

A public hearing is a chance for voters to share their thoughts and information on matters pending before the council.

The first hearing will be on the proposed 2013-2014 budget, which includes a 16-percent reduction of property taxes due to a plan to remove garbage collection from tax collection and make garbage collection a user-based fee.

The second public hearing is on an increase in the water rate, meter fees and capital improvement fee.

The third public hearing is on a proposed change to the solid waste chapter of the Batavia Municipal Code. The change would require residential property owners to use a new tote system for garbage collection and recycling that would allow for automated collection of garbage.

Prior to the meeting, supporters of Genesee ARC will hold a rally, starting at 6:15 p.m., in front of City Hall, to protest the proposed change to the solid waste law.

The nonprofit agency has collected garbage in the city for nearly 30 years but submitted the highest bid for the new trash collection contract.

ARC Executive Director Donna Saskowski has said the agency will need to lay off eight to 10 people if the agency loses the contract. The garbage collection program employs 30 people, about 20 of whom have disabilities.

Download: As sort of a letter to the editor, reader Dave Huber has submitted a series of questions about ARC and the garbage contract (PDF).

Guy Clark and daughter participate in annual Polar Bear Plunge

By Howard B. Owens

Guy Clark and his daughter Caylin DePuy joined about 1,000 other people at Lake Ontario yesterday for the annual Polar Bear Plunge.

Unfortunately, Guy didn't have available a picture of him coming out of the frigid water.

The event raises money for Special Olympics and Clark said the event this year raised about $100,000.

This was Clark's fourth plunge and the fifth time for DePuy.

Law and Order: Woman accused of trying to forge three $3K checks

By Howard B. Owens

Stephanie A. Hotchkiss, 36, of 335 Bank St., Batavia, is charged with three counts of forgery, 2nd. Hotchkiss is accused of stealing three checks from a person she knew. She allegedly drafted the checks for $3,000 each. She allegedly cashed one and attempted to cash the other two. Hotchkiss was released under supervision of Genesee Justice.

Jeane M. Hoar, 29, of 419 S. Shore Blvd., Lackawanna, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Hoar was stopped by Le Roy PD for allegedly making a left turn onto Main Street without a turn signal.

Ronald K. Smythe, 46, of 38 Church St., Le Roy, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and driving with a suspended license. Smythe was stopped by Le Roy PD after allegedly being observed turning onto Church Street at a high rate of speed and without a turn signal. Smythe was allegedly found to have a BAC of .16.

Nicholas K. Gray, 19, Robert J. Wheeler, 19, and Blair W. Berg, 20, of 2 Olyn Ave., Batavia, are all charged with criminal nuisance for allegedly maintaining a premise where unlawful conduct occurs. Gray is also charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. The three men are accused of hosting an underage drinking party Saturday night. Batavia PD reports that officers have been dispatched to the same address previously for similar complaints. Besides Gray, Wheeler and Berg, 15 other people where charged with possession of alcohol under age 21. The names of the other people charged were not released.

Anita J. Stiles, 38, of 2731 Galloway Road, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Stiles is accused of pushing another person.

Nicholas Guy Williams, 36, of Main Street, Le Roy, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, unlawful possession of marijuana and consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle. Williams was stopped at 7:21 p.m., Saturday, on Kelsey Road, Batavia, by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Brett Adam Scheuerlein, 18, of Richmond Avenue, Batavia, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Scheuerlein was stopped at 7:20 p.m., Saturday, on West Main Street Road by Deputy Patrick Reeves and allegedly found in possession of marijuana.

Jenna L. Josephite, 24, of West Main Street Road, is charged with two counts of criminal possession of stolen property, 5th. Josephite is accused of returning stolen items to Target and taking in exchange two gift cards. Josephite then allegedly pawned the gift cards at Pawn King. Deputy Christopher Parker is conducting an investigation and additional charges may be pending in connection with similar activity at other stores.

Ameer K. Walker, 19, of Buffalo, and Hugo D. Smith, 22, of Buffalo, are charged with petit larceny and false personation. Walker and Smith allegedly stole from Kmart on Friday. The case is being handled by the State Police. No further details released.

Photos: Fun in the sun and snow at Centennial Park

By Howard B. Owens

The folks having the most fun in Batavia today were the kids of all ages at Centennial Park enjoying the afternoon sun and slick snow on the northeast corner of the park.

To purchase prints of these photos, click here.

Snowmobiler suffers broken ankle in accident off Boyce Road

By Howard B. Owens

A snowmobiler is being transported to ECMC following an accident on a trail between Angling Road and Boyce Road, Corfu.

The rider had a broken ankle and back pain.

East Pembroke fire responded to the call and had to access the patient, with medics, on snowmobiles.

A stokes basket was required to transport the patient back to the roadway.

East Pembroke is back in service.

Photos: Spaghetti dinner at Daphne's to benefit area children's charities

By Howard B. Owens

Four-year-old Arianna dances with her mother, Vera Pray, of East Bethany, during a spaghetti dinner at Daphne's Restaurant & Lounge.

Daphane's was packed this afternoon for the charity event, which benefits the 51st Annual Variety Kids Telethon for Women's & Children's Hospital of Buffalo, Robert Warner, MD Center for Children with special needs and other Western NY children's charities.

Pray was one of the organizers.

The event included a chance auction.

Children gather at HLOM for annual snowman event

By Howard B. Owens

The Holland Land Office Museum invited children in today from throughout Genesee County to participate in the annual snowman making contest and a chance to learn about the Civil War through a group of reenactors.

Above, contest winner Meyah Woods-Richardson, 5, a student at Jackson. Second, was Hunter Gaylord, 7, of Byron-Bergen.

CORRECTION: While held at HLOM, the event was sponsored and hosted by the Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden.

Photos: Snowy Saturday morning in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

I left the house early this morning looking for snow-related photos.

I started at Centennial Park and grabbed this picture of the gate at the Rowell Mansion flocked in snow.

Tree on Lockport Road, east of Albion Road

Same spot on Lockport Road, other side of the street

Ledge Road and Alleghany Road, Alabama

Indian Falls

Robber of Sally's appears to have executed a plan to avoid identification

By Howard B. Owens

A lone armed robber gave every appearance of knowing what he was doing and of having planned his crime when he robbed Sally Beauty Supply this morning.

Wearing a black ski mask and carrying a knife and duct tape, he entered the Batavia business right after the doors opened when only one female employee was inside.

He ordered her to turn over all the cash in the drawer and then made her go into a back room, where he took all the money from her purse and then bound her hands and feet with duct tape.

The robber told her to wait five minutes before calling police and not to watch him leave. 

"He told her he wasn't going to hurt her," said Sgt. Greg Walker, Genesee County Sheriff's Office.

Footprints in the snow showed he entered and left the store from the west, going around the back of the building and along the western edge of the Target parking lot.

A K-9 tracked his scent to somewhere between the Sally building and the Clarion Hotel, where he may have gotten into a waiting car. 

The path may have taken him out of range of the Target security cameras.

There are no cameras, apparently, in Sally's or any of the neighboring businesses that could help identify the suspect or his vehicle.

The woman was pretty emotional following the robbery, Walker said.

"She was obviously very upset," Walker said. "You can tell she was crying quite a bit. Her make up was running. She’s still upset about the whole incident."

The robber got away with an undetermined about of cash, probably just what was necessary to open the store in the morning, plus whatever was in the woman's purse.

He is described as white, about 5'5" tall, about 130 to 140 pounds, and wearing black. He didn't take any store product or any personal items from the woman.

The woman managed to get out of the duct tape using scissors she had available.

Anybody with information that may assist investigators can contact the Sheriff's Office at (585) 343-5000.

UPDATE: Below are photos of a possible suspect vehicle.

Robbery reported at Sally Beauty Supply on Veterans Memorial Drive

By Howard B. Owens

A victim was tied up by a robber at Sally Beauty Supply, 4662 Veterans Memorial Drive, Batavia, this morning.

The suspect is described as a white male 5'5" and weighing 140 to 150 pounds, dressed in black.

The victim did not see which direction the suspect went upon leaving the store or if he left on foot or by car.

A deputy who responded reported seeing footprints in the snow exiting the store and followed the footprints to a possible waiting vehicle.

Deputies and State Police are responding. The call came in at 9:25 a.m.

More than 60 students earn academic honors at the College at Brockport

By Billie Owens

The College at Brockport, State University of New York, recently honored students who excelled academically by naming them to the dean's list for the Fall 2012 semester. Students who earn a GPA of 3.70–3.99 are named to the dean's list with honors, while students who achieve a 3.40–3.69 are named to the dean's list.

Dean's list with honors:


  • Patrick Guarino, with honors
  • Peggy Hamm-Johnson, with honors


  • Lori Stellrecht, with honors
  • Elias Seward, with honors
  • Danielle Hirtzel, with honors


  • Heidi Dempsey, with honors
  • Kristin Aidala, with honors
  • Jennifer Baker, with honors
  • John Beckler, with honors
  • Kaley Falkowski, with honors
  • Leigh Woodall, with honors


  • Shane Chatham, with honors
  • Cody Pierce, with honors
  • Rebecca Smith, with honors
  • Lindsay Stumpf, with honors
  • Athena Corodimas, with honors


  • Melissa Hale, with honors
  • Tammy Fuller, with honors
  • Sarah Ritchie, with honors


  • Gianni Zambito, with honors

Le Roy

  • Natalie Wedge, with honors
  • Katherine Rogers, with honors
  • Meghan Bishop, with honors
  • Danielle Ford, with honors
  • Gena Korn, with honors


  • Jamie Borkholder, with honors
  • Zackary Kibler, with honors

South Byron

  • Kallee Stein, with honors

Dean's list:


  • Cory Dick


  • Patrick Carr
  • Emily Mott
  • Felicia McJury
  • Erin Suttell
  • David Eick
  • Charles Eggebrecht
  • Cara Grosshans
  • Carrie Putney
  • Brittany Wormley
  • Diane Cox
  • Emily Glidden
  • Katrina Mogavero
  • Catherine Taylor


  • Harjit Singh
  • Brian Humphrey
  • Alexander Gunther
  • Alyson Tardy
  • Emily Drzewiecki
  • Carrie Cooper
  • Paul Morton


  • Darren Kwiatkowski


  • Casey Herman
  • Kristen Gaik


  • Keenan Hughes
  • Meg Stucko

Le Roy

  • Joel Pitts
  • Justin Becker
  • Abigail Graham


  • Samantha Denton
  • Olivia Waldron
  • Benjamin Cherry
  • Lisa Halat


  • Theresa Raponi
  • Shawn Mascho

College at Brockport names nine students to President's List

By Billie Owens

The College at Brockport, State University of New York, recently honored students who excelled academically by naming them to the President's List for the Fall 2012 semester. They are:

  • James Mignano, of Stafford


  • Matthew Andre, of Batavia


  • Brian Burgay, of Bergen


  • Antonio Madau, of Le Roy


  • Amanda Wormley, of Batavia


  • Kara Miller, of Le Roy


  • Lyman Rhodes, of Le Roy


  • Katlyn Brooks, of Le Roy


  • Samantha Elliott, of Bergen

To achieve the honor of being on the President's List, a student must earn a GPA of 4.0.

Heavy, wet snow falling; winter storm warning still in effect through Saturday morning

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia is getting a blanket of heavy, wet snow.

The weather service says to expect lake effect snow at about the rate of an inch an hour for the next couple of hours.

However, the radar maps indicate the heaviest of the snowfall may already have passed.

Roads are slick and a few accidents have been reported in Genesee County.

A winter storm warning remains in effect through Saturday morning.

Batavia City Schools announced that all of this afternoon's and this evening's events -- including sports -- have been canceled because of the weather.

UPDATE 3:48 p.m.: Just received this: "Due to weather conditions,The Genesee Chorale has rescheduled tonight's performance for tomorrow night. The concert will be held at St. James Church on Saturday, February 8 at 7 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door for those who have not yet purchased them."

Law and Order: Woman accused of stealing items from residence in Alabama over Father's Day weekend

By Howard B. Owens

Penny Sue Sprague, 42, of Oakfield, is charged with burglary, 2nd. Sprague is accused of entering a residence without permission on Father's Day weekend and stealing several items, including electronics, jewelry, money and other property.  Following arraignment, Sprague was released under supervision of Genesee Justice.

Scott D. Fairfield, 19, of 131 S. Swan St., Batavia, is charged with resisting arrest. Fairfield is accused of interfering with the arrest of another person at his residence. No further information was released.

Timothy James Walsh, 44, of Redfield Parkway, is charged with criminal mischief, 4th, and leaving the scene of a property damage accident. Walsh is accused of using a motor vehicle to recklessly damaging the property of another person on Hunn Road, Alexander, on Feb. 3.

Group working to raise $125K for 'inclusive playground'

By Howard B. Owens

Building an "inclusive playground" at Kiwanis Park in the Town of Batavia will cost $125,000, members of the Batavia Kiwanis Club were told at their weekly meeting today.

The group backing the project has already raised $30,000, asked the club to pitch in $10,000 and is making similar requests of a number of local groups.

Susan Maha, who is on the committee helping to bring the idea of an inclusive park to fruition, told members "it's your park" and the Kiwanis should be part of the project.

An inclusive park includes play sets that are accessible to people with disabilities, whether physical or mental.

"So many kids in our community have these fears and can't go to a normal playground," Maha said. "We have thousands of people in our community who can't go to a normal playground and it breaks my heart."

The playground would be open to the entire community, young and old, with disabilities or not.

Maha recalled the history of the park, which was first proposed in 1976. The Kiwanis helped raise $100,000 and the park opened in 1982.

Shelley Falitco, director of development for Genesee ARC, said backers have until March 1 to raise the $125,000. That's when the playground equipment must be ordered so it arrives by April's "Day of Caring."

The group will be looking for 50 people to volunteer on the Day of Caring to help install the playground equipment.

To find out how to support the project, contact Shelley Falitco at (585) 343-1123.

Top photo, Shelley Falitco; inset photo, Susan Maha.

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