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Students rally to support Blue Devils as team heads off to Glens Falls for Final Four

By Howard B. Owens

A full auditorium of Batavia High School students cheered on the varsity basketball team as it gets ready to head off to Glens Falls for the state championship basketball tournament.

The Blue Devils made the final four when sophomore Jeff Redband nailed a buzzer beater Saturday to beat Olean 63-62 in the Far West Regional championship game.

The shot was replayed during the pep rally and as the ball went in, the auditorium exploded in cheers, including from Redband's teammates (above).

Batavia takes on Watervliet at 8:30 p.m., Friday.

The Cannoneers come into the tournament with a seemingly unimpressive 16-8 record, but five of those losses were the result of a forefeit early in the season after officials discovered the team had an ineligible player on its roster.

The team has one three straight sectional championships and last year lost the state championship Class B game by one point to Bishop Ludden.

They’re a really good team," said Batavia Head Coach Buddy Brasky after the pep rally.

Like Olean, Watervliet features two high-scoring guards. Both seniors are headed to NCAA Division I schools next season.

"They’re probably going to be the two best players combined that we’ve faced all year," Brasky said. "They average about 45 points between them."

Jordan Gleason, wearing #1, is 6'1" and is heading to Sacred Heart. He averages 24 points a game and is a good three-point shooter, Brasky said.

Tyler McLeod, wearing #10, is 6'3" and is being recruited by La Salle in the Atlantic 10. He averages 21 points a game and is a "pull-up jumper" type of guard, Brasky said.

"Just like Olean had two kids who averaged about 40 points a game, our goal is to keep them in the low 30s," Brasky said. "If we can do that, we can be right there."

According to a Times-Union article, the Cannoneers will bring a freshman guard who has been a key part of the team's success this season. Ty'Jon Gilmore averaged 23 points in Watervliet's regional championship game.

Gilmore enters Friday's contest averaging 8.3 points, 4.5 rebounds, 3.1 assists and 3.0 steals per game.

DiBacco says Gilmore's ability to be disruptive defensively has strengthened the Cannoneers' ability to press and trap the opposition.

"It gives me the chance to put Jordan and Tyler in the back of a lot of our traps and use our length and speed," DiBacco said. "Ty'Jon is a big reason why we're (in the state semifinals)."

Brasky likes to pressure opponents and get them out of rhythm.

"They try to make up and down, high tempo game," Brasky said. "Our challenge is to handle their pressure, try to get it to a half-court game where we can get into our half-court sets. If we can get them into half court, I think we can be successful defensively."

After Redband's big shot and the national attention it gained, it was a bit of a challenge to bring the Blue Devil players down from the excitement, Brasky said, and he kind of let them ride the high through Monday's practice, but on Tuesday, they came in focused and have remained focused since.

"They believe they can win and that's half the battle," Brasky said.

The senior leaders of the team's boosters give the players a pep talk.

After the rally, a team picture.

The senior players.

Photo: Two-car accident with minor injuries at Main and Bank

By Howard B. Owens

Two cars hit head on shortly after 1:15 p.m. at Main and Bank streets. Both drivers appeared a little shaken up but not seriously injured.

Batavia PD, city fire and Mercy EMS were on scene quickly and the intersection was cleared by 1:45 p.m.

Batavia's Father Ivan, with roots in South America, happy to see Argentinian elected pope

By Howard B. Owens

For Father Ivan R. Trujillo, today's election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, had a special meaning and brought Trujillo a special joy.

Bergoglio, now known as Pope Francis I, is the first pope from South America, and though Bergoglio is from Argentina and Trujillo is from Bolivia, it is a good thing for the church that a new pope was selected from the 455 million Catholics in South America, home to 42 percent of all Roman Catholics in the world.

"I'm very happy that they elected somebody from South America because most South Americans, most Latin American people, are Catholics, I'd say 80 percent" Trujillo said. "They are very happy. I'm very happy."

Trujillo is pastor of Resurrection Parish, which includes Batavia's St. Joseph's and St. Mary's. He was ordained in Jamestown in 1990 and became an assistant at St. Mary's in 1995. Four years ago, when St. Joe's and St. Mary's merged to form Resurrection Parish, Father Ivan was appointed pastor of the parish.

It was a Jesuit, like Pope Francis, who inspired Trujillo to become a priest. In Bolivia, while studying philosophy, the rector of the school was a Jesuit. The priest had a passion, as most Jesuits do, for working with the poor.

A good deal of Father Ivan's work in Western New York is with the poor and less fortunate. He works with the poor and sick in his own perish, ministers to inmates at Attica and Wyoming correctional facilities, and works with migrant workers in Genesee, Orleans and Niagara counties.

Pope Francis -- taking the name of St. Francis Xavier -- has a reputation for humility and caring for the poor, living an austere life in Buenos Aires. For a time, Bergoglio gave up riding in a limo and instead took public transportation around the city, but had to give up the practice for security reasons.

"I believe it is a great sign that he will be a pope for the poor and everybody else," Father Ivan said. "I’m pretty sure he’ll be trying to reach the most needy people."

Trujillo believes that Francis, coming out of the Jesuit Order, will be a capable administrator as well as a spiritual leader, which is something, he said, the church needs now.

"It's a good time to celebrate," Trujillo said. "I know there are many problems with the church, but knowing about Jesuits, I'm sure he's well organized and he'll be a good asset for our universal church."

Trujillo was returning from Wyoming when church staff called him to say that a new pope had been elected. He returned to St. Joe's in time to see Pope Francis introduced to the crowd in Vatican City and a worldwide television audience.

It was an thrilling moment, he said.

"At the moment I’m a little bit shocked and so glad," Father Ivan said. "I wish the best for the pope and the whole church. One thing that impressed me with him was that he asked first to be blessed by the people in Rome and after that he blessed the people. After he was blessed by the people, he blessed them. That was a very nice symbolism that he will be a pope for the people and at the same time he brings some order that we need."

GCC Fashion Business major earns sale and marketing award

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Genesee Community College Fashion Business major Samantha Vogt has received the Collegiate Sales and Marketing Award from the Buffalo Niagara Sales and Marketing Executives. The West Seneca native was recognized with other winners at the annual Sales and Marketing Awards Gala at Salvatore's Italian Gardens on March 4.

Samantha, a 4.0 student, serves as student representative on the GCC Board of Trustees, is president of the Business Forum Club, and participates actively in Toastmasters, Campus Activities Board and DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America). In addition, she works at M.A.Carr Bridal in Orchard Park and has produced five bridal fashion shows and a prom fashion show. At GCC, she actively contributes to the Fashion program blog and is project manager for the committee planning the annual Spring Fashion Show.

"GCC has given me all the tools to produce an outstanding fashion show and has shown me how to communicate effectively with others in order to sell a product," Samantha wrote in application for the award. She plans to further her education in direct marketing at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City.

"Samantha excels in everything she does," said business, marketing and fashion Professor Rick Dudkowski, who nominated her for the award. "She is organized, professional, pays great attention to detail, gets along well with others and goes the proverbial 'extra mile' in all of her assignments." He calls working with her "absolutely amazing."

Samantha is busy preparing for the 32nd annual GCC Spring Fashion Show, the largest in Western New York. The show, "Fashion Forward," will have two performances on Saturday, April 27 at 3 and 7 p.m. Tickets for the show are available for $5 in advance or $7 at the door and can be purchased by calling 585-345-6830. Advance tickets are strongly recommended.

To stay current on details and information about this year's show, check out the GCC student blog and for a review of last year's "Soiree" Fashion Show go to

Batavia Ramparts host Collin Crane Memorial ice skating event Saturday

By Billie Owens

The Batavia Ramparts are presenting the Collin Crane Memorial ice skating event on Saturday, March 16, at the Falleti Ice Arena on Evans Street in the City of Batavia.


  • 1 to 2:20 p.m. -- Open Memorial Skate -- with free skating and skate rentals
  • 2:30 p.m. -- Mite Tournament (Mite sponsors are Max Pies, West Main Wine and Spirits, Cornerstone Abstract, South Side Deli)
  • 4:40 p.m. -- Midget A Rampart Exhibition Game vs. MOHL

Food from Clor's Meat Market will be available, including pulled pork, turkey, and beef sandwiches.

There will be raffles and gift baskets. All proceeds will be used to establish a hockey scholarship in Collin's name.

Raffles include:

  • $400 gift certificate to Adam Miller Toys
  • $150 gift card to Alex's Place
  • $100 gift card to Valle Jewelers
  • $50 dinner and free play at Batavia Downs
  • Autographed Ryan Miller Jersey
  • Autographed Americans' Jersey

Seventeen-year-old Collin Crane, of Batavia, died in a two-car head-on collision on Dec. 8 on Route 33 in the Town of Stafford. A 49-year-old woman was seriously injured in the accident.

Man unconscious, bleeding from the neck on Hutchins Street in the city

By Billie Owens

There's a man down, unconscious and bleeding from the neck at a residence on Hutchins St. in the city. Law enforcement is on scene and Mercy medics are called. It's an "unknown situation." The location is between Ellicott and Sumner streets.

UPDATE 12:40 p.m.: The patient, who was found inside the residence, is being transported to Strong Memorial Hospital.

UPDATE 12:49 p.m.: Mercy Medic #3 rerouted to the hangar at Genesee County Airport so the patient could be flown to the hospital by Mercy Flight.

UPDATE 1:01 p.m.: Investigators remain at the scene to gather more information. This may have been a medical issue.

Law and Order: Pair charged with grand larceny after allegedly stealing from Walmart

By Howard B. Owens

April Marie Palmer, 26, of Liberty Street, Batavia, and Jaime Leigh Ayala, 33, of Wood Street, Batavia, are charged with grand larceny, 4th. Palmer and Ayala are accused of stealing merchandise from Walmart.

Patrick K. Gross, 29, of 15 Merrick St., Binghamton, is charged with DWI, refusal to take breath test, aggravated unlicensed operation, failure to yield right of way to emergency vehicle and several other violations. Gross allegedly failed to keep right and struck a median sign at the intersection of West Main and Oak streets. Gross allegedly failed to stop when a police vehicle using lights and siren attempted to stop his vehicle. Gross was jailed on $10,000 bail.

Alex S. Dumbleton, 19, of Greece, is charged with two counts of harassment, 2nd. Dumbleton allegedly threatened physical injury to two people.

Big barn fire on Route 20, west of Francis Road, in Bethany

By Billie Owens

The second alarm is called for a fully involved barn fire in Bethany at 4658 Route 20, just west of Francis Road. A deputy there reports black smoke billowing from the barn. The road will be shut down. The Bethany chief is on scene and all equipment from his department is called in.

Mutual aid is requested from Darien, Alexander, Attica, Town of Batavia, the city's Fast Team, and the Village of Wyoming. Stafford is called to stand by in Bethany's fire hall. The city's first platoon is called to stand by in headquarters.

The occupants are out of the house. Power is shut off in the barn. Vehicles have been removed from the property. The propane tank is also shut off.

UPDATE 3:34 a.m.: Westbound Route 20 is shut down at Texaco Town (the junction of routes 63 and 20).

UPDATE 4:01 a.m.: Command reports the fire is under control.

UPDATE 4:45 a.m.: The town and city units from Batavia have returned to quarters. Wyoming responders are released.

UPDATE 6:39 a.m. (by Howard): For the past 45 minutes or so, mutual aid departments have been going back in service. Bethany remains on scene. Photo: Reader submitted photo.

Reader Photos: A herd of deer in the city

By Howard B. Owens

Yesterday, Lorri Goergen, of North Spruce Street, Batavia, showed me these pictures on her iPad. It's a herd of deer that appeared in her backyard the day before -- in the city, on Spruce Street.

Significant cost expected to clean up former metal recycling facility on Bank Street

By Howard B. Owens

The cost will be significant to clean up a former industrial property at 301 Bank St., Batavia, but it will be the state that picks up the bill, the City Council learned Monday night.

Some 4,000 tons of solid waste needs to be removed and another 20,000 tons of contaminated soil must be dug out and trucked to Texas for incineration.

The current owner of the property, Batavia Waste Material Co., Inc., went into bankruptcy in the mid-1990s. The city could have filed a tax-lien foreclosure in 1999, but the risk was the city would take on the responsibility for clean up of any contamination.

For more than 50 years, the property was used as an iron and metal recycling facility, so the possibility of contamination seemed likely.

"From a city perspective, the situation first involved a Hobson's Choice," said City Attorney George Van Nest. "What do you do? Do you foreclose and maintain municipal ownership, or do you leave it alone for the next 100 years."

The city found a middle way in the early 2000s -- apply for a state grant to hire a consultant to do an environmental assessment and come up with a plan for cleanup. 

Working with the Department of Environmental Conservation, the city hired GZA GeoEnvironmental of New York, based in Buffalo, to take on the study and develop the plan.

It's been a slow process, at a cost of more than $200,000 (city share, 10 percent) because DEC officials have had to approve it each step along the way.

Fieldwork was conducted between January 2006 and December 2010. There were 22 test pits dug, 50 soil probes, seven monitoring wells sunk and some 130 soil, sediment, surface water and groundwater samples collected.

The result -- some significant contamination on some portion of the property, including lead and PCB.

Already, some 40 tons of soil laced with PCB and pesticides have been removed and incinerated in Texas, just to take care of the most pressing issues.

Now the DEC is considering a full-on cleanup and will hold a public meeting at 6:30 p.m., March 20, to present its findings and gather public input. A final "record of decision" will be released March 31.

The cleanup, called remediation, is expected to take as long as 10 years, but when completed, the city will be able to finally foreclose on the property -- valued at about $190,000 -- and then sell it to the highest bidder. CORRECTION: The entire prodcess, starting in 2004, is a 10-year process, so officials expect completion in 2014.

The property is zoned for residential development.

As for who pays for the cleanup, the DEC will use money from the state's Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Site Superfund, a pot of money collected from fines and fees paid by polluters. 

Part of the Superfund process for a site cleanup is identifying a "responsible party" who will then be billed to remediate the current site.

"This is the best case, because we don't have to take over the property and be responsible for the cleanup and assume the cost of the cleanup," City Manager Jason Molino said. "In time, we can turn it into residential property."

Top photo: Chris Baron, consultant with GZA GeoEnvironmental.

Council hears from public on proposed changes to trash collection law

By Howard B. Owens

There was nearly a full house for Monday night's public hearing on proposed changes to the City of Batavia's garbage collection law.

Most speakers -- and most applauders -- argued for some variation of "keep Genesee ARC" as the city's official garbage collection agency.

A couple of speakers said the city should get out of the garbage business.

There was no vote or comment by the council itself Monday. Council members did what they do at public hearings -- sat and listened.

The council is considering a proposed change to the ordinance that would take the cost of garbage collection off the tax rolls, end a 28-year relationship with Genesee ARC, and leave it up to each individual resident to contract with a garbage collection company of his or her choice.

Even the speakers who favor free choice said they would go with Genesee ARC if the price was competitive.

"If ARC chooses to provide trash service I will go with them," said John Roach, who supports the proposal to get the city out of the trash business. "It's the right thing to do and a good many people feel the same way."

But many supporters, such as Carol Grasso, said the city has pulled a fast one on residents by proposing a single-payer, pay-as-you-throw tote system and then when people protested, just saying, "OK, we'll get out of the trash business."

"Council may have misunderstood what we wanted," Grasso said. "Many of us wanted it to stay the way it was."

Grasso suggested that if the council votes for the new ordinance, come November, local voters may just "throw out the garbage."

Mary Ellen Wilber suggested that supporters of ARC may just seek the 400 signatures necessary for a ballot initiative to overturn any decision that gets the city out of the trash business.

"We need to do something together as a city and work together," Wilbur said. "You guys need to understand it wasn’t really broken. I don’t know what happened that this came to this point, but it has to be equitable for everybody."

Thomas Houseknecht said the proposed change unfairly increases the cost for city residents who can least afford the increase and offered to serve on a committee that would help the city come up with a better plan for garbage collection.

Several people made such an offer, and even supporters of choice, such as Jim Rosenbeck, said the city hasn't collected enough public input, studied the issue thoroughly and given it enough time.

"Trying to make the decision in two months is unfair to people," Rosenbeck said.

While he also offered to serve on a trash committee, Rosenbeck clearly favors getting the city out of the trash business.

"I don't believe the sky will fall if the city gets out of the trash collection business," Rosenbeck said. "It works in the town. It works in other communities. I think if trash piles up on the streets, you folks are charged with making sure that's taken care of, and I trust that you will."

Donna Rae Sutherland said the city getting out of the trash business is "bad governance" because it's the city's responsibility to provide shared services that benefit all residents.

Part of the economic calculation, she said, needs to include the local impact of Genesee ARC on jobs created, taxes paid, money spent locally -- the whole multiplier effect of local employment.

A trash collection committee should be formed, she said, to come up with a plan in conjunction with ARC that will increase recycling and create shared revenue with the city.

A select-your-own system, she said, is just going to lead to problems.

"Absentee landlords and unruly tenants will certainly clash over who pays and who is responsible for trash collection," Sutherland said. "Neighbors with garbage contacts and business owners with Dumpsters will find other people’s trash added to their own. Pocket parks and green spaces and back alleys will become drop garbage zones and our streets will become more congested with trash vendors."

Roach said, free choice works in other communities and there's no reason it can't work in Batavia.

"Former City Council President Charlie Mallow has moved to Webster where they have this free choice system and everybody has a different service provider," Roach said. "According to the former city council president, it is not a major problem, trucks running up and down the streets or anything like that. It’s workable. Glens Falls doesn’t have a problem. Saratoga doesn’t have a problem. The Town of Batavia doesn’t have a problem. Get out of the trash business. I don’t need anybody telling me who I have to hire."

Photos: Retiring police officer and firefighter honored by Batavia City Council

By Howard B. Owens

Capt. Jay Steinbrenner, who retired recently from the City of Batavia Fire Department, and Sgt. John Peck, who retired from Batavia PD, were honored Monday night by the City Council with proclamations recognizing their decades of dedicated service to the city.

Top, Steinbrenner with Councilman Brooks Hawley, and below, Peck with Councilwoman Kathy Briggs, and bottom, Steinbrenner, Chief Jim Maxwell and members of city fire.

Supporters of ARC plan to turn out at public hearing tonight on Batavia's new trash law

By Howard B. Owens

Organizers of the Facebook group "Batavians Want to Keep ARC Trash Collection" have been exhorting their members this week to show up at 7 tonight at City Hall for a public hearing on the proposed trash ordinance.

The new trash law would require each city resident to contract individually for trash collection.

Genesee ARC's director Donna Saskowski has said the agency is ready to go into the competitive trash business, but some ARC supporters are advocating for an ongoing exclusive contract with ARC.

One message:

Hope to see Many People at the Council meeting tomorrow night at 7 for the Public Hearing on the Latest proposed ordinance which would require all residents to hire their own trash contractor by June 1st. If you think it is a bad idea, we really need you to come and show your support and let Council know!

Residents who wish to speak either for or against the proposed ordinance should plan on showing up early and signing in. Speakers will be called to the podium in order of sign-up.

The council will also hold a public hearing on the proposed budget for 2013-2014, which lowers taxes based on the proposal to take garbage collection off the tax roles and have residents become responsible for their own garbage collection.

Sheriff responds to allegation that investigator placed bets with bookie working in fire department

By Howard B. Owens

Sheriff Gary Maha was on vacation last week when The Batavian sought a response from him on allegations raised by Larry Andolina, attorney for Greg Phillips, that Sgt. Steve Mullen had mishandled the investigation of a bookmaking case involving two city firefighters.

Phillips is one of three men, including another former city firefighter, who admitted in December to bookmaking (taking sports bets). 

This afternoon we received the following response from Maha:

Allegations were made through defense counsel (Mr. Andolina) that Steve Mullen had in the past placed bets with his client. Information was that these alleged bets were placed four to five years ago.

As you know, placing a bet is not illegal, however if this was true, it would be a violation of our rules and regulations.

Based upon these allegations, we initiated an internal investigation. Steve Mullen retired prior to the completion of our internal investigation, therefore this became a moot issue as I could not discipline him if these allegations were sustained. All personnel matters are confidential.

Phillips and co-defendants Brian Bordinaro and Lance Engel each entered guilty pleas Dec. 11 to a Class A misdemeanor charge of promoting gambling, 2nd. Last Tuesday, they each learned that Judge Robert Balbick intends to give them weekend community work details as part of their sentences.

After the hearing, Andolina spoke with the media and said the reduced charge (the bookies were originally charged with the Class B felony of enterprise corruption) was the result of the Sheriff's Office mishandling the case. Pressed for proof, Andolina mentioned Mullen's retirement, but declined to produce any other evidence.

Later that evening WIVB aired a story that more specifically accused Mullen of placing bets, but it was scant on details and offered no factual information to back up the allegation. The story was based entirely on anonymous sources.

Law and Order: Two Rochester men caught allegedly transporting 2 lbs of marijuana through Bergen

By Howard B. Owens

Hector Antonio Leon-Figueroa, 31, of Avery Street, Rochester, is charged with criminal possession of marijuana, speeding and obstructed license plate. Omar Leon-Figueroa, 30, of Curlew Street, Rochester, is charged with criminal possession of marijuana. Hector Antonio Leon-Figueroa's vehicle was stopped at 4:36 p.m. Saturday on I-490, Bergen, for alleged traffic violations by Deputy Kevin McCarthy. During the stopped, McCarthy allegedly discovered the vehicle was carrying two pounds of marijuana. Hector Antonio Leon-Figueroa was jailed without bail. Omar Leon-Figueroa was jailed on $5,000 bail.

Joshua T. Fullmer, 20, of 3124 W. Main Street Road, Batavia, is charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. While Batavia police officers investigated an incident at 3:41 a.m. Saturday, Fullmer allegedly approached and shouted obscenities at the officers. He allegedly acted in an aggressive manner and squared off in a fighting posture. Fullmer was subdued and taken into custody. He was later released on an appearance ticket.

Alexander A. Chandler, 21, of 25 Bacon St., Le Roy, is charged with assault, 3rd, and criminal mischief, 4th. Chandler is accused of punching another person in the face several times, causing cuts and and breaking the victim's glasses, while at Denny's, 364 W. Main St., Batavia, at 12:41 a.m. Sunday.

Andrei P. Sliker, 22, 11172 Silver Road, Bethany, is charged with disorderly conduct and harassment, 2nd. Sliker allegedly tried to punch the manager at the Days Inn during a disturbance at 3:25 a.m. Sunday. As officers attempted to take Sliker into custody, he allegedly became belligerent and shouted obscenities.  Sliker was jailed on $250 bail.

Cheryl M. Lyons, 47, of 119 State St., Apt. 4, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. She is accused of stealing a laptop computer from another person.

Michael Patrick Sullivan, 50, of Main Road, Stafford, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Sullivan is accused of throwing a box that contained a computer modem at a female, striking her in the head. He also allegedly punched the victim in her chest. Sullivan was jailed on $500 bail.

Fawn Lynn Marie Kaczmarek, 24, of Darien, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Deputies Kevin McCarthy and Patrick Reeves responded to a reported altercation between two people at 9:25 p.m., Friday, and found Kaczmarek allegedly with an infant outside not wearing appropriate clothing for the 33-degree weather.

UPDATE, this just in from the Wyoming County Sheriff's Office:

Deric J. Hewitt, 28, of South Jefferson Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, unlawful possession of marijuana, DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, inadequate brake lights and failure to notify DMV of address change. Hewitt was stopped at 1:30 a.m. Friday in the Village of Perry by Deputy Colin Reagan. Also charged with unlawful possession of marijuana and consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle was Hewitt's reported passenger, Sean M. Miller. Hewitt was released to a third party after his vehicle was towed.

House fire reported on Sandpit Road, Alexander

By Billie Owens

A working house fire is reported at 11030 Sandpit Road. Alexander and Darien fire departments are responding, and Town of Batavia and Attica are called for mutual aid. The location is said to be at or near "the old school house." Law enforcement on scene reports the propane tanks are shut off but the blaze "is really cooking." They have not yet determined if the occupant(s) are out. They are embarking on a search.

UPDATE 10:22 p.m.: The power company is called to the scene.

UPDATE 10:24 p.m.: National Grid is advised, no ETA given.

UPDATE 10:25 p.m.: A patient has been located.

UPDATE 10:42 p.m.: At least one patient suffered multiple burns and CPR is in progress. Possibly another patient is en route to an area hospital.

UPDATE 10:44 p.m.: The firefighters are now focusing on rehabing the structure. themselves as need be.

UPDATE 10:48 p.m.: One person is at UMMC, transported by Alexander #10.

UPDATE 10:51 p.m.: Bethany firefighters have also assisted on this call.

UPDATE 11:03 p.m.: National Grid has a 20-minute ETA.

UPDATE 11:09 p.m.: Alexander #10 is returning to the scene. The sole victim was not the homeowner but a male house sitter.

UPDATE 11:14 p.m.: The Town of Batavia assignment is back in service.

UPDATE 11:17 p.m.: Mercy Medics who responded are told to go back in service.

UPDATE 11:21 p.m.: The power company is on scene.

UPDATE 12:07 p.m.: The sole victim transported to UMMC subsequently died, according to Tim Yaeger, Genesee County Emergency Management coordinator. More T/K.

UPDATE 1:52 a.m.: All Alexander units back in service.

Blues victory over Jets in men's hockey has special meaning to O'Geen family

By Howard B. Owens

Through 36 years in the league, the entire history of the league, Charlie O'Geen has never held the Batavia Men's Hockey League Championship Cup.

Today he did.

His son, Brian, a teammate, along with other teammates on the Genesee Orthopedic Blues, carried the cup to him after their 4-3 over the Max Pies Jets.

O'Geen is layed up in a hospital in Buffalo.

"I so wish he could be here," Brian said. "I was in tears last night  because I was afraid this was going to happen and he wasn’t going to be here."

The Blues jumped out to a 4-0 lead. The Jets fought back, but could never notch that final goal to tie it up.

"We got on them early," said Jeff Rauter, standing in for O'Geen as team captain. "We played a little physical. They like to play physical, so it makes the game go faster. They've got some good players on the team and we just contained them."

To purchase prints of the photos, click here.

Laurie Call and teammates stifle Section VI's top scorer to stomp Sherman in Far West game

By Howard B. Owens

The other basketball hero to come out of Genesee County Saturday was Laurie Call.

Call was given the job of guarding Sherman's Elle Reed, the top scorer Class D Section VI, who averaged 32 points a game coming the Far West Regional Championship game.

Reed was held to 19 points in the contest, and fouled out with more two minutes remaining in the game.

Notre Dame beat Sherman 70-32.

"This wasn't the team we scouted," Sherman's head coach, Mel Swanson, told the Jamestown Post-Standard.

By Swanson's estimation, the Notre Dame girls were much more proficient with three-point jumpers, which helped the Fighting Irish jump out to a quick 20-4 first quarter lead.

Melanie Taylor scored 24 points and Riley Norton added 14 and Emma Francis, 9.

Swanson also expressed some frustration with playing against a private school, which is something Setion VI teams don't face until they match up against Section V.

''It is tough. It's an inequality. Their players played hard and they were very good players and they did great things with the basketball. But when you're a small school like ours that graduates 30-something kids and you have to compete at that level It's just such a different field they get to draw from. .... "

Notre Dame enters the Final Four state championship round ranked #5 in the state and will square off against #2 ranked Fort Edward at 10:45 a.m., Saturday, at Hudson Valley Community College.

PHOTOS: By Bare Antolos. Click on the headline to see more photos after the jump.

When his teammates needed it the most, sophomore comes up big for Blue Devils

By Howard B. Owens

With six-and-half seconds left in the game, down by two, who are you going to give the ball to? Jalen Smith? Justin Washington? Jamesson Etienne?

How about a lanky sophomore who spent most of the season on the JV squad?

According to Batavia Blue Devils Head Coach Buddy Brasky, Jeff Redband was always part of the plan.

"He's the second best shooter on the team," Brasky said. "I don't care what grade he's in."

For most of the night, the Far West Regional Championship game between Batavia, the #9 Class B seed in the state, against the #1 ranked Olean Huskies, was a prototypical seesaw.

Batavia took an early lead; Olean tied it up. Batavia jumped out in front again to lead at the half, and Olean looked like they were about to put the game out of reach in the third quarter, scoring 21 points against Batavia's 10.

The fourth quarter, though, the fourth quarter belonged to Batavia, who outscored the Huskies 20-12.

"It's all about defense," said junior guard Jake Brasky. "In the beginning of the fourth quarter, we came out, we made a statement. We shut them down."

Even with the Huskies' taking fewer shots and missing the chances they got, Batavia had to claw back from what at one point was a 12-point deficit.

That meant that with less then a minute to go, the game was notched at 60 apiece.

Wil Bathurst, Olean's leading scorer on the season, out maneuvered Redband on a lay-up to put the Huskies up by two.

As the Blue Devils hustled the ball down the court, a missed pass sent the ball bounding back toward Olean's goal.

Washington stumbled after the ball as he got tangled up with a Huskie. Redband sprinted down the court and managed to nab the ball before it went out of bounds.

Coach Brasky called a time out.

That's when he layed out the plan: Washington would bring the ball down the court and head for the basket. If he found a lane, he could go in for the shot, but if his path was blocked, he was told to pass it to Redband waiting in the near-side corner.

"I knew they would be all over Jalen," Brasky said. "They would not let Jalen get the last shot."

As Washington headed toward the basket, Olean's Patrick Scholla stepped in his way. Washington started to fall and he shoved the ball in the general direction of Redband, who was ready, right in the spot Brasky had told him to be.

"I put him there and told him on the bench, 'if it’s kicked to you, you’re going to nail the shot to win the game,' " Brasky said. "That's not exactly how we planned it, but we'll take it."

Redband, Washington, Smith and Jake Brasky were all pretty speechless after the game. It was a wild end to a hard-fought game.

"When Jeff hit that shot, I didn't even know what to say," Jake Brasky said. "I was shocked."

With a battery of television cameras in his face after the game, Redband struggled to find the words to express how we felt. We spoke later and he summed it up nicely.

"It's a blessing because to be on the team for eight games, six, seven or eight games now, and to get the game-winning shot to save all of our seniors' seasons and high school careers, it's the best feeling in the world," Redband said.

Smith said he wasn't surprised Redband came up big when the team needed it.

"I always knew he'd be on varsity eventually," Smith said. "He can shoot and he's a hard worker."

Etienne also came up big in the fourth quarter, scoring six of his 10 points on the night.

Again, Etienne stepping it up was by design, Brasky said.

"We thought we had an advantage high screen and roll because their big guy who was guarding Jamesson was hedging out on Jalen, so that left Jamesson rolling to the basket," Brasky said. "That’s one of our key sets and Jalen was the one who suggested (it). He came to me at half time and said I can hit Jamesson on the roll, so we kind of went to that at the beginning at fourth quarter."

All along, Brasky said he was worried about Olean's shooting guards, Nick Schmidt and Max Portlow.

"We knew it was going to be tough to hold them to 13 or under per quarter," Brasky said. "They have so many weapons. I said to my coaches before the game if their guards shot the ball well, it’s going to be tough for us to win. They’re guards shot the ball extremely well and we still won."

Schmidt scored all 12 of his points in the game on three-point jumpers. Portlow hit two three-point goals and Bathurst added two more.

Each three-pointer in the third quarter brought the Huskies' bench to life, and the whooping and hollering didn't go unnoticed by Washington.

"When the other team gets pumped and starts screaming, I don’t like it," Washington said. "It motivates me to play better."

Brasky told his players not to sweat the hot streak.

"When you live by the three, sometimes it’s fool's gold," Brasky said. "They have good shooters. Their guards are good shooters, but they’re hot and cold. They did get hot, but I kept telling the guys on the bench, they’re going to start missing. Weather the storm. We’re OK. Just get the rebounds when they miss."

And Batavia did get the rebounds, the most important from the likes of Etienne and Redband, who were able to convert rebounds under their own goal into scores.

In all, Redband ended the night with 11 points, including three three-point goals, and five rebounds.

Smith scored 24 points, hitting five three-pointers. Washington had 16 points and 10 rebounds, including nine big grabs on defense.

Bathurst led the Huskies in scoring with 18 points.

Even when his team was down by 12 in the third quarter, Smith said there was nobody on the team ready to throw in the towel.

"Our mentality is to fight to the end, to play to end and we talked about it during timeouts that we need to keep fighting and keep playing," Smith said. "When the fourth quarter started, we started to pick it up. They went on a little run, but our team sticks together and we play with confidence."

The Blue Devils trip to Glens Falls on Saturday is the first trip to the final four for Batavia since Washington was a freshman, when the team got knocked out in the first game. Washington, Smith and Jake Brasky said they're all feeling confident as they head into the state championship series.

Photo: Jeff Redband's buzzer-beater to lift Batavia over Olean, 63-62

By Howard B. Owens

With six-and-half seconds left and down 62-60, Batavia in-bounded the ball on the far end the court. Justin Washington brought the ball past half court to the top of the key, where he was met by two Olean players who blocked his path to the basket. As he was tripped up and started down, he flipped the ball toward sophomore forward Jeff Redband, who was waiting well outside the three-point line. Without hesitation, Redband grabbed the loose ball, and as the last second ticked off the clock, Redband flicked the ball toward the hoop. Swosh. All net.

The final score, Batavia 63 and the state's #1 rank Class B team, Olean, 62.

Batavia will move onto the final four of the state championships in Glens Falls on Saturday.

We'll have more photos and full coverage later tonight, or more likely tomorrow morning.

Meanwhile, Notre Dame crushed Sherman 70-32 at Buffalo State in the girls Far West Regional Championship game. Bare Antolos will send some photos to us later.

UPDATE: Here's a video of the final play:

UPDATE:  Here's another video by Josh Stendts.

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