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Photos: National ATV race event opens at Batavia Motor Speedway

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia Motor Speedway on Harloff Road is hosting a national ATV race that has brought racers to the track from all over the United States, including world record holders.

Racing started Friday and continues on Saturday, with the first race at 11 a.m. and main races starting about 4 p.m. and the professionals expected to take to the track for pro-only races at about 9 p.m.

The search for a potentially critical beep-beep-beep to help locate an Alzheimer's patient

By Howard B. Owens

If you saw Lt. David Morales walking down Main Street in Downtown Batavia this afternoon you might have wondered why a man in uniform with a badge and a gun was walking to-and-fro with a television antenna in his hand.

If you happened to be walking behind him as he searched for an elusive "beep, beep, beep," your mind might have flashed on an image of an old-time dowser plying a divining rod over sun-parched desert sands.

If you were David Morales, you might have felt like you were searching for a needle in a haystack.

Morales is a cop with the Veteran's Administration. At the VA hospital, Alzheimer's patients wear ankle bracelets that emit an AM-band radio signal so that if the patient wanders off, it might be easier for VA police to location the patient.

Each bracelet is coded with its own frequency. The device used by Morales today can be programmed to listen for the beeps on that specific frequency.

One difficulty is, other systems can emit tones on the same frequency.

"This device, as far as on the VA campus, is very useful," Morales said. "It's a big area and it's mostly wooded. Outside the base, in a city environment like this, we get a lot of interference. It can be from vehicles wtih powerful radios emanating strong signals. The police station, for example, that can have a strong signal for us, and as you know from walking with us, we hit on the Verizon building and we hit on one other location for whatever reason. Those are the handicaps we can run into."

Morales was called to the city today because a 78-year-old man from Livonia with advanced Alzheimer's Disease had gone missing. His wife told police the man was wearing an ankle bracelet that emitted the very kind of radio signal Morales is trained to track.

Because Det. Pat Corona had been in a training class on law enforcement response to events involving Alzheimer's patients with the local VA Police Chief Mike Messina, Corona knew the local VA had a receiver for AM-frequency tracking signals. It would have taken the Sheriff's Office in Livingston County an hour to get a receiver to Batavia PD, which Corona, from his training, knew could be a critical amount of time to wait.

"Finding people affected by Alzheimer's or dementia quickly is critical," Corona said. "It's not like a typical missing person. You have to bring all of your resources together quickly because history has shown that very quickly they get into a situation of distress. Typically they don't go very far. They try to get into a secluded area and secrete themselves so they can't be found. A lot of times they don't respond. If you call to them, they don't respond, so you have to act quickly."

The search for Robert Tutt started about 1:45 p.m. when his wife came into the police station and said her husband had gotten out of the car while she was stopped on Jackson Street at Main Street.

Tutt crossed Main Street and headed north, which is when his wife lost track of him.

Nearly all of Batavia's patrol units were dispatched to help search for Tutt along with troopers for the State Police and deputies from the Sheriff's Office. The State Police dispatched a helicopter to assist in the search.

Corona learned from Tutt's wife about the ankle bracelet and was able to find out the frequency set on the bracelet, so he called Messina at the VA to see if the VA could help.

Morales responded and the search started at Main and Jackson.

Almost immediately, Morales picked up some sort of signal, but it was indistinct and hard to pinpoint.

He let Corona listen through his headphones. They then entered City Centre, but the signal faded.

The two men then headed east on Main Street, with Morales making periodic stops to point the antenna this way or that and listen for the beep-beeps he hoped to hear.

The possible signal Morales thought might be lurking in the neighborhood led him and Corona down Center Street. It grew stronger, but it wasn't the clear beep-beep Morales wanted to hear.

At Jackson and School streets, Morales learned that Verizon has a building that straddles the block between Center and Jackson.

That explained the interference he was getting, he said.

After checking Jackson Square, which is a logical place where an Alzheimer's patient might try to hide, Corona and Morales headed north on Center over to Bank Street and down to Washington Avenue, where they turned left.

As they headed down Bank, a reporter asked Morales if the ankle bracelet has a battery and if it needs to be periodically charged.

It does.

Corona radioed to the police station and learned that Tutt's braclet was last charged on Monday, but without knowing the brand and make of the bracelet, Morales had no way of knowing if the battery could already be dead.

The battery's in the bracelets at the VA can keep a charge for two or three months -- they are serviced every 30 days.

After getting to State Street, Morales explained to Corona that they needed to head back in the other direction.

Because the radio signal carries only two miles, a search needs to be conducted in a grid fashion -- the search goes so far in one direction and then tries the opposite direction and then will head to the next grid space if no signal is found.

About this time, a reader of The Batavian -- which had posted information about the missing man at the request of Batavia PD -- reported seeing somebody who might have matched the description on Elmwood Avenue (near Kibbe Park). It didn't take long for Corona to learn it wasn't Robert Tutt.

When Morales and Corona reached Ross Street, Morales turned south. About halfway down the block he picked up a faint signal. He turned the antenna toward a large white house across the street. Corona noted that there was plenty of area behind St. Joe's that might attract an Alzheimer's patient looking for someplace to hide.

The men crossed the street.

In a side yard, Morales let Corona listen to the signal. The signal strength was 80 percent, Morales said, and was clearly coming from the house. He said it was probably a false signal.

Corona knocked on the door and a man answered and said he hasn't seen anybody matching Tutt's description. He checked a side door that could possibly be unlocked and leads to a vacant room and he also checked the garage door and a travel trailer that was unlocked, but Tutt wasn't there.

As Morales and Corona left the house, dispatchers informed Corona that Tutt had apparently been located at the Department of Social of Services office.

Without confirmation, the search for that all important beep-beep continued. Morales and Corona crossed Main Street and once they did, Corona was informed the man at DSS was indeed Tutt.

Tutt would be transported to the Batavia PD station. Corona learned, and Morales wanted to go there and confirm, that if they had gotten within a close enough distance to Tutt, the receiver would have worked.

At the station, Morales showed a reporter the signal he was picking up from Tutt's ankle bracelet. The signal was at 99-percent strength. If Tutt had stayed in the downtown area, he would have been located.

How Tutt made it all the way out to the DSS office on East Main Street isn't clear. Logically, it doesn't make much sense that he got there on his own without being spotted along the way.

"He can't help us with that," Corona said. "He has no idea how he arrived there. All security at the county building knows is he walked through the front doors.

It seems to be a long distance for him to have traveled on foot and not be seen, especially with everybody we had looking for him," Corona added. "It seems to me like logical place if somebody had contact with a disoriented person that it might be where they would take that person, but we don't know and he can't help us."

The only thing we know is that Tutt was reunited with his wife and after a brief discussion with police they continued on their way.

Top photo: Morales and Corona at Main and Jackson.

On Center Street

Between buildings on School Street, heading toward the Verizon building.

Checking an area that would be potentially attractive to an Alzheimer's patient.

In Jackson Square

Heading north on Bank Street

In front of a house on Ross Street that was emitting a matching signal.

Morales let's Corona listen to the signal he was hearing.

Near the end of the search -- Tutt was already potentially located at DSS -- Morales and Corona prepare to cross Main Street. If Tutt hadn't been located by this point, Corona was going to set up a command center at the police station and Morales would widen the area of the grid search by vehicle.

Car vs. motorcycle accident on West Main Street, minor hand cut reported

By Billie Owens

A car versus motorcycle accident is reported in front of Scooter's restaurant on West Main Street in the Town of Batavia. An officer on scene reports everyone involved is "up and walking around." There is one minor hand injury on the motorcyclist. The officer says there's no need for Town of Batavia Fire Department. Mercy medics are responding non-emergency, to get a sign off.

"He dumped his motorcycle and there's some small laceration to his hand," says the officer on scene.

Police searching for missing Alzheimer's patient in Downtown Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia PD is asking for the public's help in locating a man with advanced Alzheimer's who is missing in Downtown Batavia.

He went missing on Jackson Street, but may have wandered over to City Centre.

The subject is described as a black male with white hair about 5' 8" tall wearing blue jeans and a sleaved shirt with a blue stripe.

The man is not from the area. He is wearing a tracking braclet on his ankle, but the equipment needed to work with it is not in Genesee County. It is being transported here at this time.

Multiple law enforcement units from the city and county are searching the area. A helicopter may be dispatched.

If you see this individual contact Batavia PD at 345-6350 or 9-1-1.

UPDATE (By Billie) 2:58 p.m.: He was last seen on the north side of Main Street by the Showtime Movie Theater sign.

UPDATE 3:06 p.m.: A faint signal from his tracking device can be heard by authorities in the area of the mall. They are checking inside.

UPDATE 3:13 p.m.: A City Police officer is going to the State Police hangar to join helicopter personnel to scour the center of the city from the air.

UPDATE 3:26 p.m.: A light-skinned black male matching the description was located by a citizen on Elmwood Avenue. Officers are en route.

UPDATE 3:28 p.m.: Meanwhile, officers are told to check shrubs and hedges. A tracker from Livingston County just arrived at the Police Station to join in the search.

UPDATE 3:36 p.m.: It was confirmed that the guy on Elmwood Avenue is NOT the person they are searching for. The Alzheimer's patient is a dark-skinned black male.

UPDATE 3:45 p.m.: The missing man's ankle tracking device is not GPS-related. Rather it is an A.M. radio signal. Batavia PD obtained the signal for the device and a receiver operated by Lt. David Morales of the VA was deployed.

UPDATE 3:37 p.m.: It is confirmed that the subject has been located at the Department of Social Services on East Main Street.

UPDATE 3:55 p.m.: The subject is being taken to the police station to join his family.

Photo: A nice sunny day for some exercise

By Howard B. Owens

Dana Bowen and his dog Jake were out for exercise on Bank Street this morning on another beautiful day in Batavia. The seven-day forecast indicates we should expect more of the same, though slightly warmer.

Photo: Stiletto Walk scheduled for Oct. 1

By Howard B. Owens

The YWCA is sponsoring a Stiletto Walk on Tuesday, Oct. 1, in the City of Batavia, and to help promote the event, some local community leaders showed up this morning at the Y for a photo.

Men need not wear high heels (though local photographers encourage it) for the walk. Women are encouraged to wear any kind of women's footwear, even pink tennis shoes.

The event is aimed at raising awareness about domestic violence and costs $28 for the walk and supper afterward (or $20 just for the walk, or $8 just for the dinner).

To register visit or call (585) 343-5808.

Pictured from left, David Boyce, Linsey Vallett, Det. Rich Schauf, Chief Shawn Heubusch, Sgt. Greg Walker, Jim Fulmer, Sgt. Dan Coffey and Cindy Earl.

Southern Gospel music performed by Crist Family at Batavia Assembly of God

By Billie Owens

A Southern Gospel Group that has visited before, The Crist Family, will be back for a concert at 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, at the Batavia Assembly of God Church. A free will offering will be taken.

The church is located at 24 Spruce St. in the City of Batavia.

Check out the family's Web site at

Or for more information, call (585) 762-9151 or e-mail the nonprofit organizer who brings concerts like this to the area:

Event Date and Time

Presbyterians ready for annual free clothing giveaway

By Howard B. Owens

The First Presbyterian Church, 300 E. Main St., Batavia, is hosting a community clothing and household item giveaway Sunday and Monday.

Donations are still be accepted today. Organizers are looking for clean, gently used clothing and household items such as towels, bedding, curtains, tablecloths and throw rugs.

There's always a need for donations of clothing for infants, boys and girls, and for men and women, shoes, sneakers, purses and hats, plus winter clothing for children and adults.

Donations can be brought to the church today from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and from 6 to 8 p.m.

Items that cannot be left include large items, furniture, appliances and similar items.

For those who need to receive such donations, the giveaway is from noon to 4:30 p.m. on Sunday and from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday.

Cedar Street to be closed for five weeks during reconstruction

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Phase 1 of the Cedar Street road reconstruction will be starting on Monday Aug. 26. Cedar Street will be closed to traffic from Edward Street to the north side of the Genesee County Highway Dept. drive. A traffic detour will be in place directing traffic around the project via Harvester Avenue. This road closure will be in place for approximately five weeks.

NOTE: I spoke with Guy Clark at Cedar Street Sales and Rental. His shop will remain open and accessible throughout the reconstruction process. He also said, "look for some fun events" during the next five weeks.

Law and Order: Woman accused of using knife to attack and injure people

By Howard B. Owens

Latoya D. Jackson, 27, of 112 State St., Batavia, is charged with acting in a manner injurious to a child less than 17, assault 2nd, and assault 2nd (recklessly causing serious injury with a weapon). Jackson was allegedly involved in a fight at 121 Liberty St., Batavia, in which she injured two people with a knife at 8:39 p.m., Monday.

Dustin W. Bogue, 31, of 109 Oak St., Batavia, is charged with criminal trespass, 2nd, criminal contempt, 1st, harassment, 2nd. Bogue is accused of violating a no-offensive-conduct order of protect.

Michael S. Lytle, 24, of 11 Wood St., Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd, for allegedly violating an order of protection.

Raymond Paul Meshlovitz, 34, of Main Road, Corfu, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon, 4th, and unlawful possession of a prescription form. During a search of his residence by probation, Meshlovitz was allegedly found in possession of brass knuckles, a switchblade knife and prescription forms.

Jacob Duane Defisher, 17, of Roanoke Road, Pavilion, is charged with petit larceny. Defisher is accused of stealing money from Darien Lake while employed there.

Amanda Marie Bowles, 28, of Williams Street Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Bowles is accused of shoplifting from Walmart.

Tammy L. Draper, 46, of 22 Porter Ave., Batavia, is charged with disorderly conduct. Draper is accused of making obscene gestures and yelling obscenities while on State Street at 3:39 p.m., Saturday.

Landrea D. Wroten, 41, of 5 Dellinger Ave., Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Wroten is accused of stealing a friend's purse.

Cody D. Cutitta, 26, of 5 Fairmont Ave., Batavia, is charged with aggravated harassment and disorderly conduct. Cutitta is accused of standing in the middle of Fairmont Avenue and swearing at 2:15 a.m. He's also accused of making threats by phone.

Nicola Marchesoni, 53, of Hamilton Street, Albion, is charged with driving while impaired by drugs, unlawful possession of marijuana, failure ot keep right and moving from lane unsafely. Marchesoni was stopped at 9:20 p.m. Tuesday on Quaker Hill Road, Elba, by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Grand Jury Report: Alleged assailant at Kid Rock concert now charged with felony

By Howard B. Owens

Craig M. Lawson is indicted on one count of assault in the second degree, a Class D felony. The indictment accuses Lawson of hitting another person with intent to cause serious physical injury. Lawson allegedly hit Jason McNeil following the Kid Rock concert at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center on July 5. McNeil suffered a serious head injury when he fell to the ground and remains hospitalized at ECMC. Lawson, a Canadian who was originally arrested on a misdemeanor charge, is out of jail on $1,000 bail. He is scheduled to be arraigned on the felony charge Sept. 3.

Felipe R. Fernandez is indicted on a count of aggravated unlicensed operation in the first degree.  Fernandez is accused of driving a motor vehicle on May 8 in the Town of Batavia while knowing that his license to operate a motor vehicle was revoked with 10 or more suspensions.

Hector A. Leon-Figueroa is indicted on a count of criminal possession of marijuana in the third degree, a Class E felony. Leon-Figueroa is accused of possessing more than eight ounces of marijauna March 10 on the Thruway in the Town of Bergen.

Jimmy T. Garcia Jr., is indicted on a count of grand larceny in the fourth degree. Garcia is accused of of stealing $3,010 sometime between Aug. 24 and Aug. 29 in the Town of Batavia.

Council members say businesses should pay for dumpster enclosure, not taxpayers

By Howard B. Owens

At Monday's meeting, the City Council rejected on a 6-2 vote a plan to spend $35,000 to build a dumpster enclosure on School Street.

City administrators have been looking for a way to clean up the collection of dumpsters used by nearby businesses and sought approval to use VLT money (money from slot machines at the Batavia Downs Casino) for the project.

Council members said that money should be spent elsewhere or saved.

"That money should be used for other things," said Councilwoman Rose Mary Christian, "like reducing our budget or the fact that we need new sidewalks or resurfacing our city streets, just helping our taxpayers all the time instead of businesses all the time. And I have nothing against businesses, but nobody helped me pay for a dumpster."

Pier Cipollone also said taxpayers should benefit from the VLT money, not private businesses.

"The VLT money will end up in the budget," Cipollone said. "It will end up in a contingency fund that will offset sidewalk construction, infrastructure improvements which would, in the end, decrease the tax levy."

City Manager Jason Molino agreed to try and rework the enclosure to reduce its cost by $10,000 eliminating any direct contribution by either business owners or taxpayers.

The measure defeated Monday night also called for spending $30,000 to mill and resurface the parking lot around the proposed dumpster enclosure.

(Based on story by The Batavian's news partner, WBTA.)

Batavia man accused of dealing heroin following traffic stop

By Howard B. Owens

A traffic stop initiated by members of the Local Drug Enforcement Task Force has led to the arrest of a suspected drug dealer who was allegedly found in possession of 55 individual packets of heroin.

Jarett J. Locicero, 23, of West Main Street, Batavia, was also allegedly found in possession of marijuana and $1,085 in cash.

Locicero, who was driving a 2002 Mitsubishi, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd, a Class B felony, criminally using drug paraphernalia, 2nd, and unlawful possession of marijuana.

Following arraignment in City Court, Locicero was jailed without bail.

Assisting with the arrest were uniformed deputies and state troopers.

Photos: Practicing for JV cheer tryouts

By Howard B. Owens

Heading home tonight, I came upon these three young ladies out on Ganson Avenue practicing their cheer routine. Tryouts for the JV cheer squad at Batavia High School are this week and they're leaving nothing to chance. Pictured are Taylor Smith, Mikey Lullo and Chloe Rapone.

Rollover accident reported on the Thruway in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

A rollover accident has been reported on the Thruway in the westbound lane in the area of mile marker 389.2.

Town of Batavia Fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

UPDATE 9:57 p.m.: A passerby did stop and they're reporting minor injuries, but the motor won't shut off. The location is about a half mile west of Bank Street Road.

UPDATE 10:04 p.m.: Assignment being held to two engines on scene and Mercy EMS. There two occupants and both are out of the vehicle.

City announces Richmond Avenue closure tomorrow for water main repair

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

On Tuesday, Richmond Avenue will be closed to traffic between Oak Street and Prospect Avenue beginning at 8:30 a.m. and lasting several hours for a water main repair before the paving project.

Every effort will be made to minimize the time that the road closure is in effect.

Residents in the immediate area may experience periods of interrupted water service that may cause discolored water in this vicinity, and should avoid activities such as laundry which could be affected.

Possible water interruption would include Richmond Avenue between Oak and Prospect, Oak Street from Richmond to Pickthorn Drive, and Pickthorn Drive.

Law and Order: Trio from Rochester arrested following reported fight on Swan Street, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Patrick D. Powell, 27, of 98 Barton St., Rochester, is charged with resisting arrest. Powell is accused of physically interfering with the arrest of Richard Johnson at 9:43 p.m., Saturday, at 45 Swan St., Batavia.

Richard E. Johnson, 53, of 159 Millbank St., Rochester, is charged with disorderly conduct. Johnson allegedly used obscene language and gestures on a crowded public street after being warned by police to cease such conduct.

Jovon C. Johnson, 24, of 960 Gleason Circle, East Rochester, is charged with resisting arrest. Johnson allegedly interfered with a police officer's attempt to arrest another person during following a reported fight involving several people on Swan Street at 9:43 p.m., Saturday.

Willie A. Toney, 26, of Finch Street, Rochester, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon, 4th, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, criminal use of drug paraphernalia, 2nd. Toney was stopped at 3:03 p.m., Saturday, on Route 77, Village of Corfu, by Corfu Police Officer Michael Petritz for allegedly driving 48 in a 35 mph zone. Upon further investigation, it was determined Toney's license was allegedly suspended 21 times. A search of his vehicle allegedly turned up a .38 caliber pistol and a crack pipe containing crack cocaine residue.

Jennifer L. Spraugue, 30, of Pringle Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear on a falsely reporting an incident case. Spraugue is being held on an unrelated charge. She was arrested for allegedly failing to appear in Bergen Town Court on a third-degree charge of falsely reporting an incident to law enforcement. Spraugue entered a guilty plea and was sentenced to time served. She was returned to the jail on the unrelated matter.

Stoan Richard Dietzman, 18, of Dartwood Avenue, Cheektowaga, was arrested on warrants related endangering the welfare of a child and strangulation, 2nd, charges. Dietzman was a passenger in a vehicle stopped in the City of Buffalo and after a records check was arrested on the warrants. After being turned over to the Sheriff's Office, Dietzman was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Barbara Ann Kosciolek, 67, of Osterhout Avenue, Batavia, is charged with DWI, aggravated DWI, failure to keep right and moving form lane unsafely. Kosciolek was stopped at 11:11 p.m. Saturday on Route 5 in Stafford by Deputy Matthew Butler.

John Edward Ryman, 32, of Macedone Center Road, Palmyra, is charged with possession of untaxed cigarettes. Ryman was allegedly found in possession of 35 cartons of untaxed cigarettes during a traffic stop on Route 5 in Le Roy by Deputy Matthew Butler.

Jeanine Danielle Fuller, 26, of Holland Avenue, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Fuller is accused of shoplifting $33.78 in merchandise from Walmart.

Robert Gordan Woodhouse, 54, of Creek Road, Batavia, is charged with felony DWAI-Drugs and moving from lane unsafely. Woodhouse was stopped following a report at 4 p.m. Friday of a black H3 Hummer operating erratically on West Main Street Road in the Town of Batavia. The Hummer allegedly crossed the center line and nearly struck an oncoming vehicle. The Hummer was stopped by Deputy Chad Minuto and upon investigation Woodhouse was accused of driving while under the influence of drugs.

Robert Walter Plantiko, 38, of West Main Street Road, Batavia, is charged with burglary, 2nd. Plantiko allegedly entered a motel room and stole property. Plantiko was jailed on $10,000 bail or $20,000 bond.

Mark Robert Willard, 39, of Tinkham Road, Darien, is accused of violating probation. Willard was arrested and held without bail.

Iesha Marie Vetter, 20, of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny and criminal mischief. Vetter is accused of removing products from packaging as part of an effort to steal items from Target.

Winston A. Lockhart, 18, of 3 Lewis Place, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Lockhart allegedly hit a woman at 119 State St., Batavia, during an incident reported at 3:22 p.m. Saturday.

Ashlea M. Harmon, 22, of 665 Ellicott St., Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Harmon was found in possession of an allegedly stolen bicycle that she admitted to stealing.

Michael S. Lytle, 24, of 11 Wood St., Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd, and criminal mischief. Lytle was arrested following a reported domestic incident on Wood Street at 11:40 p.m. Friday. Lytle was jailed on $250 bail.

Photos: The biggest yet Summer in the City

By Howard B. Owens

There were 57 vendors at the 10th Annual Summer in the City yesterday. Don Burkel, Business Improvement District director, said more classic cars showed up than ever before. It's impossible to count how many people were there, but it sure seemed like -- and Burkel agreed -- that more people showed up than ever before.

And it was a beautiful day.

Thanks to the City Fire Department for letting me ride up into the sky over the city in Ladder 15 to get some aerial shots.

Thanks to the dozens and dozens of people who stopped by our booth and said great things about The Batavian, especially the ones who followed up by becoming members of The Batavian Club. Your support is so greatly appreciated. Thanks to Bonnie Marrocco for helping out in our booth. 

I missed Don Carroll's 5K race, so I apologize about that.

Next to our booth, I set up a big U.S. flag that I normally use for awards dinners and took photos of several people who stopped by our booth. If I took your picture and you wish to purchase a print, follow this link.

To purchase prints, click here.

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