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Dog reported locked in vehicle at Dollar Tree

By Howard B. Owens

An officer has been dispatched to the Dollar Tree on East Main Street, Batavia, to investigate a report of a dog locked in a black Ford Escape.

"The window is only cracked a little bit," the officer is informed.

Retired emergency dispatcher pleads guilty in child pornography case

By Howard B. Owens

A retired emergency dispatcher entered a guilty plea today one count of possession of sexual performance by a child less than than 16 years old, a Class E felony.

Under terms of the plea deal, James E. Tripp, 58, of Batavia, will be sentenced at a later date to 90 days in jail and 10 years of probation. He was also required to forfeit devices seized by law enforcement during the investigation.

Tripp will also become a registered sex offender.

State Police arrested Tripp in January following a more-than-two-year investigation that included interviews and a search of his residence. Today's plea satisfies three counts of possession of sexual performance by a child.

During his career as a dispatcher -- he worked full-time for 22 years and part-time after 2016 -- Tripp was honored multiple times for his service, including named the state's top dispatcher in 2015. 

The Batavian who died to call attention to Earth's plight

By David Reilly

Photo of David Buckel from the nonprofit Lambda Legal.

David Buckel was an environmentalist. He was an LGBTQ advocate. He was an attorney. He started his life in Batavia. He ended it more than two years ago in New York City in an effort to draw attention to the plight of the Earth in a time when it seems so many people are focused on other things.

His death didn’t garner much attention locally, but we remember today him on World Nature Conservation Day.

Most Likely to Succeed

David was a Batavia kid, born here on June 13, 1957. His dad was an agricultural consultant and his mom was a florist.

Her maiden name was Stroh and her family ran a well known floral business in town. After his mother died, he changed his middle name to Stroh in her memory. He had four brothers, two of whom served in Vietnam.

He was a bright student. At Batavia High School, where he graduated from in 1975, he was a member of the National Honor Society and voted the boy Most Likely to Succeed by his classmates. He was active in sports as a member of the varsity cross-country, track, and tennis teams.

David went on to college at The University of Rochester graduating with a bachelor's degree in 1980. After graduation he began to show his compassion for others by working as an attendant caring for in-home hospice patients.

After earning a Juris Doctorate degree in 1987 from Cornell University Law School, David began his career as an attorney.

While living in Rochester David was introduced by friends to a man named Terry Kaelber. They hit it off, became a couple and moved to New York City.

As might be surmised from his earlier hospice work, David started his career at Legal Aid assisting those in need of help with the law who couldn't afford it otherwise.

In 1995 David began working for Lambda Legal, which helped LGBT (Q, for queer/questioning, was added to the initialism starting in 1996.) youth and he specifically became a director of the organization's marriage project.

Pair of Legal Victories, Pair of Weddings

During his tenure at Lambda Legal, Buckel was one of the counsel responsible for two big victories.

In 1996 a young gay man named Jamie Nabozny was awarded almost a million dollars after suing a Wisconsin school district for failure to protect him from bullying. The court ruling in Nabozny v. Podlesny also established a legal precedent to protect LGBTQ students from being bullied in all school systems.

In 2001 David was one of the attorneys for JoAnn Brandon, who won a lawsuit in Nebraska against a local sheriff for failing to protect her transgender child who was raped and murdered in 1993. JoAnn's daughter, Teena Brandon, had reversed her name to Brandon Teena while transitioning to a male gender identity. Hillary Swank won the Academy Award for Best Actress in 1999 for portraying Teena Brandon, JoAnn's murdered child, in the movie “Boys Don't Cry,” based on the crime.

Four years after the landmark decision, there was a milestone in David's personal life when he married Kaelber in a double wedding ceremony in Canada. The other couple exchanging vows that day were lesbians with whom the men were raising a daughter. She's now a college student, scheduled to graduate in 2021.

Hooked on Urban Farming

In 2008, Buckel retired from Lambda Legal to devote his time and energy to helping preserve the environment. He became an expert in composting, the reuse of organic garbage. 

He spent several years interning at Red Hook's Columbia Street Farm in Brooklyn, where he learned the intricacies of composting peoples' kitchen waste into fertilizer to grow more food. Red Hook had been built on several old baseball diamonds to become the biggest urban farm in the United States.

Eventually, David applied his talent for organizing and planning to become the director of the Brooklyn operation. With the assistance of a large core of volunteers Red Hook was processing 225 tons of compost every year.

Buckel cultivated his workforce of volunteers as well as he did the organic material. He was respected, even beloved by the people he worked with. Several workers said that he changed their life. He ended each work day by thanking the volunteers for helping their Earth.

Buddhism, Trump and the Beginning of the End

As he developed his passion for tending to the environment he also pursued a corresponding interest in Buddhism. With its tenets of inner peace and caring for others it only seemed natural that David would be interested in this way of life. However, the Buddhist methods of protest probably contributed to his untimely end.

After the election of Donald Trump as President in 2016 and the subsequent rollback of Obama era environmental regulations, Buckel's family and friends described him in news accounts as becoming increasingly upset with the trajectory of government actions or inactions.

As 2018 progressed toward April, David began sending emails to his assistant at Red Hook detailing all the things which needed to be done in case of his absence. He also labeled everything at the site, equipment, tools and supplies. His assistant asked him if he was thinking of retiring but he assured him he was not.

Then, before dawn on the morning of April 14th, David Buckel left the home he shared with his family in Brooklyn. He had a shopping cart and headed to a nearby park. He had told no one that he was leaving.

He stopped at a patch of grass in the park off the walkway and apparently built a small wall of earth around himself. He sent an email to the media detailing what he was about to do, poured a flammable substance on himself, and lit it on fire. Within a minute or two David Buckel was dead.

The obvious reaction was shock and sadness. His family, friends, coworkers, former colleagues, and former classmates were bewildered.

They couldn't believe that a quiet, gentle, private man who cared so deeply for others would choose such a public way to end his life in protest. He hadn't even said goodbye to his loved ones.

His family's comment was that they intended to honor his life by carrying on his environmental goals. Coworkers at Red Hook vowed to continue his work.

Lambda Legal issued a statement when they learned of Buckel's death.

Former Batavia High classmates commented on a Class of '75 Facebook page that several had tried to get in touch with David over the years with no success.

They were mystified over his suicide, but remembered him fondly. Former law colleagues were stunned along with everyone else.

Buckel's final email stated that, “My early death by fossil fuel reflects what we are doing to ourselves.”

So, two plus years have now passed since David Buckel's death at age 60.

No one will ever completely understand or be able to give an absolute explanation as to why he chose to make a statement by ending his life in such a horrific way.

But, hopefully people, including Batavians from the community where he grew up, will remember him for the contributions he made to the world and as the good, kind, and helpful person he was.

Read more about David Buckel's life:

A lawyer sets himself on fire to protest climate change. Did anyone care?The Guardian, April 15, 2019

Remembering David Buckel, the pioneering lawyer who championed LGBT Rights, The New Yorker magazine, April 16, 2018

What Drove a Man to Set Himself on Fire in Brooklyn?, The New York Times, May 28, 2018

Self-immolation can be a form of protest or a cry for help. Are we listening?, The Washington Post, May 30, 2019

Ralph and Rosie's Deli to open Batavia location soon

By Sarah Whitehead

Bergen staple, Ralph and Rosie’s Deli, is opening a new Batavia location. Ralph and Rosie’s has operated in Bergen on North Lake Avenue for 42 years with Mike and Kelly Marsocci continuing the family's legacy of operating the business since 2012.

The couple began plans for the Batavia location at the end of 2019 with hopes of opening the location by early spring, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic their plans were put on hold. Now, they are hoping to open within the next few weeks. 

“Expanding during this time has its stressors, but it’s a blessing to be expanding and not have to worry about closing our doors,” Kelly Marsocci said. 

Like many other restaurants and small businesses, Ralph and Rosie’s has been adjusting to the pandemic by offering curbside pickup and assisting the community by ordering products that have been difficult to find and selling them to members of the community at cost. 

They have had a tremendous amount of support during this time and excitement for their new location.

“It’s always been a dream to open a second location and we appreciate all the support and love from the community,” Kelly Marsocci said.

The Batavia location will offer the same favorites as their Bergen location, "Home of the Original Sweet Sauce," including their homemade meatballs, mozzarella wedges, dough, and their signature sweet sauce, which are made fresh daily. They offer subs, too.

Ralph and Rosie’s new Batavia location address is 3845 W. Main Street Road and will be open daily from 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Phone is (585) 494-2049.

Photo by Sarah Whitehead.

Darien Center couple would like the truth from Tomaszewski about what happened to their daughter's remains

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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To this day, Zachariah and Danielle Young, of Darien Center, really don't know what happened to the remains of their stillborn daughter, Evangeline Elsie.

A photo of the document       Michael Tomaszewski reportedly produced showing
Zach Young authorized the 
cremation of his daughter.
Legally, we are told, a verbal
authorization is not permitted.

They have a box of ashes but the don't feel assured that the box contains the ashes of the little girl they still call Eva.

"The paperwork had the date that literally was a scribble on it," Zach said. "We have absolutely no answers as to when she was actually cremated."

The Youngs said they didn't want Eva cremated, at least not at the time the baby may have been cremated. And, as they remember, when Michael Tomaszewski Funeral and Cremation Chapel received the remains of the baby from Rochester Regional Hospital, he said he wouldn't do it.

As Zach remembers it, Tomaszewski, or "Tom," as they knew him, said "something doesn't look right" and so he agreed to hold onto the remains while the Youngs researched the circumstances of their daughter's death. 

The baby was born at UMMC. She had seemed healthy

just days before when doctors detected a strong heartbeat.

On Feb. 22, when Zach and Danielle arrived at the hospital,

the couple was told Eva's heart had stopped beating.

After hours of labor, Danielle gave birth to a lifeless body.

"It was devastating," Zach said.

"A mother knows their baby already before they're born," Danielle said. "A mother already has that bond. It's like having somebody rip that away and be careless with her remains is just insane. I don't understand it."

Genesee County Coronor Karen Lang confirmed that Eva was born Feb. 22 at UMMC and her body was sent to Rochester Regional for an autopsy. Eva's little body was then sent by courier to Tomaszewski. Tomaszewski has acknowledged receiving the body.

But what happened next is muddled by the funeral director's contradictory stories to the Youngs and to Lang.

On Thursday, the Sheriff's Office announced the arrest of Tomaszewski on about 200 charges. Most of the charges are related to allegations that he misappropriated fund families had prepaid for funeral services. He is also accused of failing to fulfill contracts to purchase headstones and gravesites.

What he hasn't been charged with yet -- and it's unclear if there will be charges -- is how he handled the remains of some deceased people. Chief Deputy Joseph Graff, Sheriff's Office, has confirmed, the department is looking into multiple reports of Tomaszewski mishandling the remains of people who died. The two cases Graff has confirmed involved a veteran who should have been interred at the Bath National Cemetary -- for free -- and the remains of Evangeline Elsie Young.

Lang said she became involved in the Young case after talking with the parents last November. At that point, she learned the Youngs still did not have the remains of Eva nor Eva's autopsy report. 

Both Tomaszewski and Rochester Regional Health were offered an opportunity to comment on this story. Neither responded with a comment.

Tomaszewski has provided both the Youngs and Lang with multiple stories about what happened with Eva's remains. He told the Youngs in June that he hadn't delivered the remains to the crematorium and then a short time later said she had been cremated.  

In November, he told Coroner Jeff McIntyre, who was assisting Lang with the case while she was on vacation, that he cremated Eva when he first received the remains; however, Tomaszewski couldn't produce documentation. He later told Lang he cremated the baby in June.

Most people don't understand, Lang said, that most funeral homes don't have the facilities to store the remains of deceased people for long periods of time.

When Lang asked Tomaszewski, who also operates a catering facility, what he did with Eva's body from February until June, Lang said Tomaszewski told her that he kept the body in a cooler in his prep room.

Tomaszewski eventually produced documentation on the cremation of Eva but neither of the Youngs signed it -- which Lang said is required by law.  Instead, the document says the Youngs gave permission over the phone for the cremation. 

Based on their conversation with county officials -- which includes an interview the Sheriff's Office -- the Youngs suspect the box of ashes they received is too light to contain the remains of a once nine-pound baby. So they feel in limbo. Their church -- High Point in Pembroke -- held a service  for Eva but they didn't have her ashes then and they don't know if what they have now are really her ashes.

They would just like answers.

"I think to make it up, he would have to really admit to his wrongs and not just for me, but for a lot of people," Danielle said. "Losing somebody as it is, is something traumatic to have to deal with. And for us to trust you with our dead loved one..."

"It would be nice to at least know what happened because we got three different stories from him," Zach interjected.

"We don't really have answers," Danielle said. "To be honest -- to be honest with anybody -- would be good. The trauma of losing our daughter was bad enough and then to have to worry about her remains -- that wasn't professional."


Lifelong county resident promoted to assistant county manager

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The County Manager’s Office is pleased to announce the appointment of Tammi Ferringer as the new Assistant County Manager effective Aug. 15.

Tammi, a lifelong resident of Genesee County, brings 15 years of experience in county government to her new role as a key operative in the Chief Administrative Office of Genesee County government.

Ferringer began her County career in 2005 as Senior Financial Clerk-Typist at the Genesee County Health Department and quickly worked her way through the ranks to Administrative Officer/Budget Officer. In 2014, she transitioned to the Department of Social Services serving as director of Fiscal Operations and Child Support and, in 2019, was appointed as the County’s compliance officer.

Ferringer has continually exceeded expectations in her different roles in the County, leading to a series of promotions and advancements. Unique skill sets in both finance and compliance make her a great fit for the needs of the Assistant County Manager position.

She's a graduate of Batavia High School. She holds an associate degree in Business Administration from Genesee Community College and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Finance from SUNY Brockport.

Ferringer resides in the Town of Batavia and is the proud parent of her two children, Jacelyn, 20, and Caleb, 13.

Firefighter suffered minor injury at basement fire on Ellicott Street

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

At 8:05 p.m. on July 26, the City of Batavia Fire Department was dispatched to a reported residential basement fire located at 438 Ellicott St. First arriving fire units were on scene at 8:08 p.m.

Upon arrival, firefighters found a working fire with heavy smoke and flames visible. Responding crews made an aggressive interior attack of the basement and were able to confine and contain the fire and the situation was called under control by command at 8:42 p.m.

While the fire was contained to the basement of the structure, there was smoke and heat damage to the first and second floor due to the intensity and balloon frame construction that allowed for additional diffusion.

All occupants were able to self-extricate along with a cat from the residence. One adult and two teenagers are receiving lodging assistance from the Red Cross.

Additionally, a City firefighter was injured while fighting the fire. He was sent to United Memorial Medical Center (UMMC) for evaluation, and has been released and is seeking follow-up medical treatment.

At this time the City of Batavia’s Fire Investigation team is investigating the fire to determine the origin and cause. Pending further investigation, the fire has been label undetermined. A final determination will be made upon completion of the investigation.

City fire was assisted at the scene by the City of Batavia Police, Mercy EMS, and the Genesee County Sheriff and Emergency Management Departments with additional support provided by the Town of Batavia Fire Department and Genesee County Emergency Dispatch.

Photos by Frank Capuano.

Photo: pigeon with a bracelet

By Howard B. Owens

Angela Schlaggel spotted this white pigeon in the parking lot of The Salvation Army in Batavia and noticed it was wearing a bracelet. 

The pigeon had been at the location for the last two hours at the time Schlaggel sent us the picture this morning.

"It has a bracelet and isn't bothered by my presence at all so I think it may be someone's escaped pet," she said. 

Bleating mad: Trio of goats in weensy pen gets caller's goat

By Billie Owens

A trio of goats in a tiny pen in the hot sun in a field off Route 63 has a caller to the Genesee County Animal Shelter concerned, and the animal control officer asked to speak to the caller, according to a dispatcher.

Earlier today, The Batavian received an email from a passerby who does not live locally. She wrote:

"I was traveling through yesterday on Route 63 between Batavia and Oakfield and noticed three goats in a VERY small fenced enclosure with no shade available. There was a small plastic 'house' but I'm not sure they would all fit inside and I'm sure it would be horribly hot if they could have. The enclosure was in the middle of a field not far from the road.

"I went by before noon and back again around 5:30. They were all still there. ... I felt so bad for them. What they need is definitely a larger fenced area and some thing to provide shade -- even a tarp over part of the fence would be OK."

What's worse than bats in the belfry? A bat in your kitchen

By Billie Owens

A woman who lives in the 9200 block of Shepard Road in Batavia is "extremely upset" because a bat flew into her kitchen and she does not know what to do. She tried enlisting neighbors' help but it wasn't too helpful. A sheriff's deputy just arrived "in the kitchen." He'll know what to do.

Small yellow dog locked inside small white car at Walmart

By Billie Owens

A caller to dispatch reports a small white car with a small yellow dog barking inside is parked near the pharmacy entrance at Walmart. An animal control officer is responding. It's about 82 degrees outside.

UPDATE 1:26 p.m.: "Can I get someone to get me into this car please?" an officer asks a dispatcher. A deputy is responding.

UPDATE 1:41 p.m.: The deputy gained access to the vehicle and the animal control officer is taking the pooch to the Genesee County Animal Shelter. She asked what the initial time of call was -- 1:08 p.m. -- and noted that no one had come out to vehicle while they were there.

UPDATE 1:45 p.m.: The animal control officer asks what the Genesee County Emergency Dispatch Center is showing for the local temperature and the reply is 84 degrees.

UPDATE 2:55 p.m.: A deputy is out with the registered owner of the vehicle at the Genesee County Animal Shelter.

Working fire reported on Ellicott Street in the city

By Billie Owens

A working fire is reported at 438 Ellicott St. in the City of Batavia. City fire is responding. Third platoon is called in.

UPDATE 8:17 p.m.: All available manpower at city fire is called to the scene. Town of Batavia Fire Department is asked to stand by in city headquarters on Evans Street. The fire scene is between Ellicott Place and South Swan Street.

UPDATE 8:23 p.m.: Commands calls for a National Grid rep to the scene and a building code inspector.

UPDATE 8:28 p.m.: National Grid has been notified; not ETA provided.

UPDATE 8:42 p.m.: Fire is under control.

UPDATE 8:50 p.m.: National Grid is on scene.

UPDATE 9:14 p.m.: The Salvation Army or American Red Cross, whichever is first available, requested to the scene to assist one adult and two teenagers with lodging. 

UPDATE 9:16 p.m.: Batavia PD has a traffic stop on a vehicle that drove through the fire scene.

UPDATE 9:41 p.m.: Ellicott Street is reopened.

UPDATE 10:34 p.m.:  Engine 11 remaining on scene. Engine 14 returning to quarters.

Man putting flyers on cars looks suspicious to caller outside Marshalls

By Howard B. Owens

A caller outside Marshalls in Towne Center at Batavia reports a white male in blue jeans, a grey, button-down shirt, safari hat, and with his face fully covered is walking around putting flyers on cars and "looking suspicious." 

The caller wishes to speak with a patrol officer.

Dog in Silverado at BJ's plaza barking

By Billie Owens

An animal control officer is responding to BJ's Wholesale Club parking lot for a report of a dogged locked inside a gray Chevy Silverado. The engine is running; the window is cracked; the dog is barking. It's about 80 degrees outside today.

UPDATE 12:04 p.m.: The caller reports the driver of the Silverado is leaving and a license plate was provided. The officer says she will call the complainant.

Sheriff's Office looking into report that Tomaszewski improperly handled stillborn baby's remains

By Howard B. Owens
     Michael Tomaszewski

It isn't just headstones Michael Tomaszewski is suspected of not delivering to cemeteries but bodies, too, including the remains of a stillborn baby.

Chief Deputy Joseph Graff, Sheriff's Office, said that investigators are looking into multiple incidences of mishandling remains at Tomaszewski's facilities on West Main Street Road, Batavia.

Graff wouldn't elaborate other than to confirm the investigation into the remains of a baby and a veteran.

The investigation into remains being stored at the Michael S. Tomaszewski Funeral Home & Cremation Chapel, and possibly at Tomaszewski's adjoining properties, began in January 2019.

That's when Genesee County Coroner Jeff McIntire received a call from the estranged stepdaughter of Peter Vandetta, a 20-year Army veteran, who died in April 2018.

Ronda Grabowski said she wasn't notified of Vandetta's death immediately, but became suspicious after reviewing his death certificate.

She contacted Coroner McIntire and asked him to find out where her stepfather's body was buried.

McIntire found the death certificate and discovered Vandetta's passing was one of his cases, so he tried contacting the Bath (NY) National Cemetary, where Vandetta was supposed to be interred, to find out if he was buried there. McIntyre said he made a few calls, each time being told there was no record of Peter Vandetta at the cemetery.

He followed up with Tomaszewski and McIntire said the funeral director assured him he had taken Vandetta's remains to Bath and he could provide him with the grave coordinates.

After being told by officials at Bath once again that Vandetta was not lain to rest at the national cemetery, McIntire asked Tomaszewski to provide him with the grave coordinates. But, when pressed, Tomaszewski couldn't do it, he said.

At that point, McIntire turned the investigation over to the Genesee County Sheriff's Office.

A short time later, McIntire received a call from an investigator and was told that the remains of an adult male at been located in the garage at the Tomaszewski funeral home.

McIntire ordered the remains delivered to the Monroe County Medical Examiner's office for positive identification. That ME's office did confirm the remains were Vandetta's.

Grabowski told 13WHAM, The Batavian's news partner, that she confronted Tomaszewski about the situation. She said he told her the cousin who was supposed to handle arrangements never contacted him with instructions on how to proceed.

After the ID was confirmed, a cousin apparently authorized the return of the remains of Vandetta to Tomaszewski, who published Vandetta's obituary on Aug. 6, 2019, with services to be held at the funeral home on Aug. 11. Vandetta is now interred at Bath National Cemetary.

Asked for his thoughts on the case, McIntire, himself a military veteran, said, "You know, I can’t even tell you what my thoughts are. I don’t even understand. I don't know. I hope the system works and we’re able to find out what happened and what went wrong."

Graff said there has been an active investigation into the Vandetta case since January 2019, and he also confirmed that the Sheriff's Office has been contacted about the possible inappropriate handling of other human remains. Graff declined to say how many complaints there might be but did confirm that one involves a stillborn baby.  

District Attorney Lawrence Friedman said he has been aware of the investigation but has not been handed a case yet by the Sheriff's Office so couldn't comment further on possible charges.

Chief deputy Graff also said he and other investigators were kept busy fielding calls from more possible victims of Tomaszewski.

On Thursday, the Sheriff's Office announced the arrest of the funeral director on about 200 charges involving the alleged misuse of prepaid funeral arrangement funds and Tomaszewski's possible failure to purchase headstones and gravesites as paid for and promised to clients.

It's alleged that in the initial set of charges, Tomaszewski may have misused about $525,000 in funeral funds he deposited.

Earlier this year, Tomaszewski and his company, Acme Holdings of N.Y. Inc., filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. He lists $1,094,346 in assets against $3,242,390 in liabilities.

If convicted, Tomaszewski will certainly be ordered to pay restitution to victims. Restitution cannot be discharged, like other debts, in bankruptcy court.

Previously: Local funeral director charged with stealing money from customers

Caller reports a half dozen people trying to get into vehicles in Aldi parking lot

By Billie Owens

A caller reports about six people -- males and females -- are trying to gain access to vehicles in the Aldi parking lot. City police just arrived on scene. The caller said they were trying to use coat hangers and other implements. They were trying to get into a Prius and had attempted to get into a Lexus, the caller said.

Video: Dave's Ice Cream hosting summer concert series

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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In the age of COVID, when many indoor activities are curtailed and we're supposed to keep our distance outside, Debra Webster decided she could use the park-like area behind her business, Dave's Ice Cream, on West Main Street, as a place to give people something to do.

This week, she kicked off a summer concert series featuring Austin Wahl, a guitar performance student at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester.

Webster plans free concerts from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Thursday nights during the summer.

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