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Photo: Santa at Foxprowl

By Howard B. Owens

Santa, along with Mrs. Claus made his annual visit to Foxprowl Collectibles on Ellicott Street, Batavia, this weekend.

Spider-Man will be in the story this Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m.

Submitted photo and information.


40 years celebrated during Genesee County DA's retirement gathering

By Joanne Beck

As the ceiling of the Richard C. Call Center rumbled from 75-mile-an-hour winds Saturday evening, a group of about 70 people gathered to pay tribute to one of Genesee County’s finest. 

Larry Friedman was bid farewell and best wishes amidst of stream of anecdotes, remembrances, friendship, and his professional career accomplishments as the county’s district attorney for the last 40 years. 

“Larry’s a good man. He’s a hard worker, tenacious, and passionate about his cases, that’s why I enjoy working with him,” said Theresa Asmus Roth, program coordinator of the Children’s Advocacy Center, which she fondly described. “It’s a child-centered place, an environment that’s meaningful to our families on the worst days of their lives. They get to come to a place that looks like it was built for them.”

The advocacy center hosts children of suspected abuse during their examinations. It was one of Friedman’s many projects and goals for Genesee County, so that abused children could find safety and comfort in their first steps toward justice. Once a case was developed by medical, psychological, and law enforcement staff, it was fought by Friedman in the courtroom.

As state Assemblyman Steve Hawley said, “we’re all here because of Larry Friedman and the job he’s done in Genesee County.” 

“We can expect him and all of law enforcement to uphold the law, and they’re working strongly with all kinds of folks,” Hawley said. “No one wants you to leave. This Legislature takes great pride in recognizing and applauding Lawrence Friedman.”

Hawley presented one of many citations to Friedman, of Batavia, for his efforts to “strive to improve the lives of citizens.” Filling the DA position for six unopposed consecutive terms, with 140 felony jury trials and an 82 percent conviction rate, Friedman demonstrated his “steadfast commitment” to the role, Hawley said. 

Nearly two hours of speakers comprised a who’s who of Genesee County, which also included members of the county Legislature, management, Sheriff's Office and BAR Association, city police and various members of legal systems in Genesee and Wyoming counties. They listed his myriad attributes, from providing “faithful, conscientious service” and being “smart, quick-witted and flexible,” to being willing to share his professional enthusiasm  as mentor to kids and adults alike. 

Peter Guppenberger spoke of Friedman’s civic contributions as a Batavia Kiwanis president, secretary and “keeper of secrets.” The district attorney was instrumental in helping to not only meet the club’s goal of raising $150,000 for a new CAC site, but exceeding it to $212,000, Guppenberger said. 

“The power of one, times by like-minded people; that’s Larry’s legacy in Kiwanis,” Guppenberger said. 

While most speakers took to the podium that was front and center, Wyoming County Judge Michael Mohun opted to mill about the room regaling the audience with a story about how Friedman once loaned Mohun his three-cylinder, impressively powerful motorcycle after Mohun’s new Mustang convertible got towed away after being parked in the front of the courthouse. 

Following several weeks of abiding patience, Friedman finally asked where his motorcycle was, as Mohun was enjoying it. Mohun eventually retrieved his vehicle from impound and returned Friedman's motorcycle, he said with a smile. Mohun spoke highly of his colleague and friend and said he believes that Genesee County is “a hell of a lot better place to live” because of Friedman’s presence.

“Because of that man right there,” he said, pointing out Friedman at a nearby table. 

Incoming District Attorney Kevin Finnell, who will begin his term in 2022, acknowledged that his predecessor will be “a tough act to follow.” Friedman’s enthusiasm stems from his love of the law and to serve as prosecutor, Finnell said, adding that the entire county legal system deserves credit.

“I’ll do my best to continue their legacy in Genesee County,” he said. “You’re out here enduring this weather because of what Larry did. He’s loyal, to the staff and to the people who worked with him. He’s humble; he never wanted the spotlight; he would share it with the rest of us. Thank you Larry for taking the time to work with me for the last two years.”

When it was Friedman’s turn at the microphone, he dispersed the spotlight once again by asking anyone who has worked with him over the years to join him at the podium. One by one, he recognized their “phenomenal assistance” and thanked them for it. He also acknowledged aspects of the 16 departments that have worked with him over the years, from probation and information technology to county management and the defense department.

“I’m very grateful to the County Legislature … the Legislature realizes the need for public safety. They understand it, they respect it,” he said. “I feel so privileged to be able to serve this county. Thank you to all of you to be here despite COVID, despite the weather. And thank you to Jeanne (Walton) for being responsible for all of this, and for the committee.”

He had joked that he initially wasn’t going to retire, but he then saw that a Committee to Retire Larry Friedman had been formed by Walton, so he had to do it. He and Walton, (photo below with Friedman), plan to move west to California to be closer to family, which includes his daughters Suzanna and Rebecca.

The committee also includes Vicky Muckle, Lacie Snell, Mary Ann Wiater, Kevin Finnell, Fred Rarick, and Tom Williams. 

Top photo: Wyoming County Judge Michael Mohun shares stories about his friend and colleague, Genesee County District Attorney Larry Friedman during a retirement gathering Saturday at the Richard C. Call Center in Batavia. Guest speakers also included incoming District Attorney Kevin Finnell, Genesee County Legislature members Gary Maha and Shelley Stein, Assistant City Police Chief Chris Camp and City Judge and attorney Tom Burns. Friedman thanked the roomful of attendees, which included a portion of colleagues he has worked with, above, over the last 40 years of his legal career. 

Confirmation candidates presented at morning Mass

By Press Release

Confirmation candidates from Resurrection Parish with their parents and sponsor at Mass this morning at St Joseph’s Church. 

Candidates are:

  • Aiden Anderson 
  • Dominic Grillo
  • Maylee Green
  • Alex Johnson 
  • Olivia Shell

They will be confirmed this June on Pentecost Sunday.

Photos: Shop with a Cop 2021

By Howard B. Owens

Today, at Walmart, police officers with four agencies -- Batavia PD, Sheriff's Office, State Police, and Le Roy PD -- gathered at Walmart for law enforcement's annual "Shop with a Cop" day, when select youths in the community receive a free gift certificate to spend on presents for family members (and perhaps get something for themselves).

Photos: BMS choir sings Christmas carols at Pub Coffee Hub

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavia Middle School Choir performed Christmas carols on Friday evening at the Pub Coffee Hub on Harvester Avenue, Batavia.

The high school choir will be at the coffee shop this coming Saturday at 4 p.m.

Photos: Santa on State Street

By Howard B. Owens

Amanda Sutton snaps a photo of her son Kannon, 3, and daughter Alora Wolff, 10 months, with Santa at the house of Angelina Pellegrino on State Street.  Pellegrino invited Santa and Mrs. Claus to her place on Friday evening to spread even more Christmas cheer.

Photo: Santa at City Centre

By Howard B. Owens

Angelina Bubel, 12, from Caledonia, visits Santa at the "Our Hometown Christmas at Main St. 56 Theater" in Batavia City Centre on Friday evening.

The craft and vendor show continues today until 4 p.m.


Local nurse practitioner appreciates the little joys during first year at UMMC

By Joanne Beck

Perspective is everything, so the saying goes.

And for one nurse practitioner at Batavia’s United Memorial Medical Center, it’s been a lesson worth remembering from this past year of all things COVID-19.

“I didn’t expect to lose so many people in a year. The wins are great; it’s so awesome to take a breathing tube out and hear them saying good morning to you,” Marie Campbell said during an interview with The Batavian.

“I was hoping for more wins than losses … it’s one hour, one day, one minute at a time.”

Campbell, originally from Connecticut and a current resident of Akron, first joined the Air  Force on her way to a medical career path. It was while stationed In Texas that she met her future husband Bill. They moved to his hometown of Akron and had three boys, James, now 7, Alexander, 4, and 18-month-old Malcolm. Mrs. Campbell wanted to find a job that was “exciting and interesting,” she said, and opted to attend D’Youville College and University at Buffalo, eventually completing her Doctor of Nursing Practice.

Once done with the educational portion of learning, Mrs. Campbell landed a job in the neurological Intensive Care Unit at Buffalo General, and then in the ICU at UMMC a year ago Nov. 30. To bump up the stress another notch, she was pregnant during those first tenuous months of the pandemic, giving birth to Malcolm in May 2020.

Mrs. Campbell was shielded from COVID-19 patients initially, she said, until after she gave birth. When she first came onto the ICU floor, it was a safety protocol all the way, she said: Here’s your N95 mask, gloves, gown, and special headgear. 

“It’s scary,” Mrs. Campbell said. “I’m changing my clothes in the garage and I don’t go into the house … it’s really tough when three kids want to tell me about their day.”

She has emphasized that they’re not to touch her until she has changed and cleansed thoroughly. It has become a habit for them to ask “can I touch you?” and the cautious mom has had to say “no” all too often, she said.

As a nurse practitioner, she deals a lot with the families of patients, explaining what’s going on and what the medical treatment plan entails. Patients with COVID-19 could not have visitors whereas those with illnesses other than the virus could. 

“Most of the interactions with families were on the phone,” she said. “COVID patients don’t get visitors unless they’re end of life. I’ve lost track of all the patients we’ve lost over the last year; I’ve stopped counting.”

One of the most difficult talks she has with patients is that they need a breathing tube and be intubated. “That terrifies people,” she said, “and family members are terrified.”

“In people’s mind, if you put a person on a breathing tube, they won’t survive,” she said.

Although that’s not true, it’s what many people have come to believe about having that tube down their throat, she said. Those with COVID-19 are more often than not unvaccinated and in their 50s and 60s, she said. Their reasons for not getting the shot vary, from their belief it is not safe and decisions to wait awhile longer to see more results, to not thinking the virus is a real threat, she said.

“Being vaccinated makes a difference; it does not mean you’re 100 percent safe, but it does make a huge difference in going into the ICU,” she said. “A large percentage of those not vaccinated … end up getting really sick.”

Her job also includes performing intubations, putting in central lines (which are larger IVs), and reviewing patient charts and lab results. The challenges of a pandemic and constant loss of life have been outweighed by the less intrusive rewards.

“As hard as it was, it was the right decision for me,” she said, highlighting a perk of her job. “The feeling I can make a difference in someone’s life. Often they’re very, very sick, and I can talk to their families. Being able to talk to them, explain things to them … giving them comfort in knowing we’re doing everything we can.”

Her schedule puts the mom of three at work seven days at a time, followed by seven days off. Her days typically begin with waking up the kids and spending some precious time with them before taking care of urgent matters at the hospital, she said.

Despite their tender ages, her children seem to be quite aware of COVID-19 and what it means. She laughed when describing a time she was carrying her 18-month-old son into a medical office, and he reached over to grab some hand sanitizer. 

There are also those sad times, she said. The 35-year-old has been surprised, given she’s in a “small community hospital,” to see the number of sick people coming through the door. Her husband contracted COVID-19 before the vaccine was available to him, and he has since gotten it. The couple is thankful he did not suffer the serious side effects known to so many. Those others have not been as fortunate, she said.

“There are multiple people who wished they had gotten vaccinated, and they passed away,” she said, sharing a piece of advice she’s had to embrace. “When you leave work, you just have to leave it at work. My focus is being at home, enjoying my family.” 

One such patient — a gentleman who had gotten the virus at a wedding — came to her mind. His last words were that “I never should’ve gone to that f- - - ing wedding.” He then died.

It hasn’t all been so bleak, though, Mrs. Campbell said. Many younger patients have gone on to do “really well” and get discharged, even after being on a ventilator. 

“It does happen; the tube is removed and they go home,” she said. “And those are always the best ones.”

Top photo: Marie Campbell, a nurse practitioner at UMMC in Batavia, enjoys time spent with her family, including son Malcolm, 18 months. Sons James, 7, and 4-year-old Alexander also look forward to being with mom, who works with a patient on the Intensive Care Unit floor at UMMC, and dad, Marie's husband Bill, above. 

Batavia Downs cancels final card Saturday

By Press Release

Press Release by Tim Bojarski, for Batavia Downs

The management of Batavia Downs Gaming and Hotel and the Western New York Harness Horsemen’s Association have agreed to cancel live racing on Saturday night (Dec. 11), which was the last card of the 2021 season at Batavia Downs. This is because of concern for the safety of all the participating horsemen, horsewomen, horses and patrons due to the impending day-long forecast of near hurricane force winds of between 65 to 70 mph for all of western New York -- including Batavia.

"Over half the card of horses ship in and some from as far as Pennsylvania and Ohio. It's simply unsafe for trailers to be on the road with winds gusting up to 70 mph. And it's doubtful we could get the wings of the starting gates to consistently and safely close at the start of each race in this type of dangerous weather conditions,"said Todd Haight, Director/General Manager of Live racing at Batavia Downs. "

“Therefore after consulting with Bruce Tubin (President of the WNYHHA) on the situation, we decided it was in the collective best interest to err on the side of caution and safety and shut it down for the season. We want to thank our staff, horseman and horsewomen and all of our loyal fans for a tremendous racing season and look forward to reopening on July 20, 2022, pending New York Gaming Commission approval.” 

Photos: Community once again comes through for the kids in annual Toy Drive

By Howard B. Owens

WBTA, Ken Barrett Chevrolet, the Salvation Army, and City Fire teamed up today for the radio station's annual toy drive.  Area residents were invited to drop by the dealership to leave new, unwrapped presents for children in the community.

Top Photo: Lorne Way, WBTA, Ken Barrett, Lt. Jamie Call, Firefighter Ferdinando Papalia, Todd Rapp, Salvation Army, and Nici Johnson, WBTA.

Photos: BSA hosts opening of Winter Art Show at Richmond

By Howard B. Owens

Nicole Greenbaum won "Best in Show," as selected in voting by attendees, at the opening of the Batavia Society of Artists Winter Show at the Richmond Memorial Library.  Her painting, a watercolor, top right, is entitled "Silent Observations." 

Madeleine Rusch is the featured artist in the show.  Rusch has been painting for about 15 years and is mostly self-taught though attended classes with John Hodgins and Dennis Wood. Her main interest is acrylic paint. She has participated in many art shows and recently won Best in Show at the Alden Art Show.

WBTA Annual Christmas Toy Drive for The Salvation Army

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Salvation Army of Batavia is proud to announce, for the 38th consecutive year WBTA’S annual Christmas Toy Drive with Ken Barrett Cadillac Chevrolet. COVID-19 has hit The Salvation Army especially hard, with the need for services being at an all-time high and funding down nearly 40-50 percent. The annual toy drive is a staple to The Salvation Army of Batavia and the local community. All toys (new unwrapped) donated go to children in the Genesee County area. To date, The Salvation Army of Batavia has nearly 200 families registered with more than 400 children needing toys this Christmas. They have seen more than a 30% increase in need this year due to the pandemic in just the Batavia area. “While the start of the Christmas season for The Salvation Army begins in the summer with planning, for me, the Christmas spirit is ignited with our annual toy drive,” said Captain Rachel Moore. “I feel the toy drive is what really signifies the holiday spirit in Batavia. It is overwhelming to see the generosity of our community as toy after toy is dropped off. This year, more than ever before, we are relying on the giving spirit of our neighbors to offer hope to children in need all over Genesee county. We are grateful to WBTA and Ken Barrett Cadillac Chevrolet for continuing a beautiful tradition that will help so many this year.” The Batavia Salvation Army has implemented additional precautions to make the toy drive a COVID-19 safe event. Those participating can simply drive up to the designated area at Ken Barrett Cadillac Chevrolet and open their trunk. A member of the Batavia Fire Department will collect the toys. If you cannot participate on December 10th, toys can be dropped off at The Salvation Army offices located at 529 Easy Main Street in Batavia Monday thru Friday between 9:00am and 3:00pm.


BID seeks to hire new executive director

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Batavia Business Improvement District is seeking to fill the position of Executive Director. 

The ideal candidate must possess demonstrated experience as a visionary leader with the ability to see beyond today and to lead the BID in development, implantation of ideas and vision, along with creating overall strategic direction for the BID. 

Resumes and Cover Letters may be emailed to

For more information contact the Batavia Business Improvement District at 585-344-0900 or Donald Brown at

Photos: Retiring DA Lawrence Friedman given honor escort from courthouse

By Howard B. Owens

Lawrence Friedman, who retired today after 40 years of service to the people of Genesee County, was provided an honor walk by members of the criminal justice community as he exited the County Courthouse officially for the last time this afternoon.

Participants included members of the Genesee County Sheriff's Office, Batavia PD, Le Roy PD, Probation, the courts, fellow prosecutors, and defense attornies.

Police nab two warrant suspects on East Avenue

By Howard B. Owens

When members of local law enforcement attempted to execute an arrest warrant at a residence on East Avenue in the City of Batavia today, a second person wanted on a parole warrant was also located at the address and police learned there was potentially a third warrant suspect inside the residence.

The need to search the residence prompted a response from additional law enforcement personnel.

On scene were Batavia PD, the Sheriff's Office, State Police, and probation officers.

The original arrest warrant suspect was taken into custody along with the probation absconder suspect without incident, said Chris Camp, assistant chief of police, Batavia PD.

The potential third warrant suspect was not in the house.

Batavia City Schools’ parents speak out about bullying at the district

By Joanne Beck

Editor’s Note: Batavia City School District closed all schools last Friday, Dec. 3, following the perception of threats of violence and after the distribution of student-created literature and a proposed walk-out at Batavia High School. Students wanted to bring awareness to bullying and their belief that district officials were not responding adequately to reported incidents of bullying. The district closed after reports of threats of violence at buildings in the district began circulating on social media. Per a press release issued on Dec. 2, District officials "worked in close collaboration with the Batavia Police Department and made the decision to close the schools out of an abundance of caution." Many parents posted comments on social media and responded to The Batavian’s request for interviews. Parents’ full names and their children’s names are not being used to protect their privacy. 

To read the response of school and district officials to the parents' complaints, click here.

Lidia’s Story …
She would often come home distraught after being verbally taunted at Batavia Middle School.

She would tell her mom that kids called her names and told her to “go back where you came from,” which prompted the teenager to ask why. Why should she want to go back to Texas, she wondered.

No, that’s not what the kids meant, her mom Lidia said. Being of Hispanic and Native American descent, Lidia’s daughter was instead being asked to go back to Mexico, Lidia said.

“She would come home crying, saying ‘I’m from here,’” Lidia said Sunday to The Batavian. “I just want (district leaders) to realize there’s a problem at school. There’s bullying everywhere, and maybe the teachers, the Board of Education, the principals will pay attention.”

Lidia’s family moved from Texas to Batavia six years ago. It was mostly in the middle school that her daughter suffered from name-calling with “racist and homophobic slurs,” her mom said. The teenager, who is also gay, required counseling, a prescription medicine for depression, and, at one point earlier this year, hospitalization for her compounding mental health issues, her mom said. 

When the verbal assaults continued, albeit not quite as harsh as in middle school, the current high school senior finally had enough. She and some friends decided to organize a walk-out, promoted with a flyer, and advertise the bullying wrongs in a pamphlet, both created by Lidia’s daughter. 

She asked her mom what she thought of the idea. It wasn’t just for Lidia’s daughter, but for those others she saw getting bullied as well with nothing being done by the school district. 

“Her biggest concern was a lot of people were getting bullied and no one is doing anything,” Lidia said. “They were alone in this; she felt that maybe having a walk-out might bring it to the attention of others. I told her to go ahead, and I was going to be there. She ruffled some feathers, she put a spotlight on it.”

The pamphlet’s cover page features a Batavia Blue Devil with “Batavia School Kills” at the top. It continues to state “Don’t tell us students to do better. Don’t try to place the blame on us. Staff Members are useless. They don’t care about us.”

Due to the use of students’ names throughout the pamphlet, The Batavian is not going to publish it here. Batavia city schools “allow racism, homophobia, sexism, and misogyny, but won’t allow our shoulders to be exposed,” it states. There are a number of alleged bullying scenarios described, including boys yelling homophobic comments, someone being screamed at to kill him/herself by another student, and using "nig- - -," "faggot" and "stupid Jew" to describe fellow students. 

There are some educational components of defining particular words, such as ableist, transphobic, racism, sexist and anti-Semitic. A couple pages have big bold letters asking “What the F- - -.”

Lidia’s daughter has been suspended from school for violating the Code of Conduct. She will receive tutoring at a site away from the high school for an indefinite period of time. Her mom is still waiting for instructions from the district administration. 

Holly’s Story …
Bullying with no repercussions seems to be a common complaint amongst parents and their children. Holly has two children in the district and one who graduated two years ago. The 10th-grader is bi-racial and diagnosed with autism spectrum. 

Bullying has driven her online, her mom says. 

As the victim of consistent racist name-calling — with no end in sight — the 15-year-old withdrew from the brick and mortar school in May and studies completely online now. 

“So a lot of people don’t know that I had been basically bullied out of school due to racism, being called names such as ‘nig- - -‘ and ‘monkey,’ she said in an online post provided to The Batavian by her mother. 

Although her daughter told teachers and counselors about the situation, she contends that the alleged bully remained in school with no apparent accountability, Holly said. 

“They were aware of it,” she said. “The situation continued.”

Her daughter ended up making some poor choices in response to the verbal attacks, her mom said, and is willing to face the consequences.  District leaders “were quick to give her suspension,” she said, but what about the other student?

“She continues to say things,” mom said of the alleged bully.

Both Lidia and Holly said that their children were offered a solution of removing themselves from the classroom and/or hanging out in a counselor’s office. Only problem with that was her child’s bully would sometimes also be in that counselor’s office, Holly said. 

She discussed the issue with district leaders in May and June of this year, without an acceptable solution, Holly said. And although she admits that her child is not perfect, she would like to see more being done to address bullying. 

“I think awareness definitely needs to take place,” she said. “My frustration is there’s a zero-tolerance policy.”

That means if two students get into a physical altercation, even if one of them was defending him/herself, that person could also get penalized. Holly feels that’s unfair.

“I think when these kids go to the teachers, there should be some kind of mediation between all parties involved,” she said. “Kids lose faith in the system if they’re going to teachers and nothing can be done. The BHS principal said that anyone who walks out will be suspended. Kids wanted to peacefully protest bullying. What’s being done about her being bullied?”

Regardless of district action, or inaction according to parents, both daughters weren’t going to wait around for someone else to help them. Lidia’s daughter drafted the printed literature to distribute, and Holly’s daughter created a petition at

The online petition, posted publicly by Ellie, has received 84 votes so far, with a total of 100 being sought. Her reason wasn’t “so much of being safe, but I’ll feel better as a person if I wasn’t attacked in school for my skin color,” she explained in the petition. She went on to request that “the student who has been racist to a lot of students at my school and me” be removed from school. 

“It’s not fair that students who have been attacked with racism by this person go to school and not know if this person is going to say those things again,” she said, adding that it’s not acceptable.  

Sherri’s Story …
For Sherri’s daughter, she opted to get physical. After dealing with a boy’s ongoing sexual harassment in her junior year, the girl slapped him in the face after first attempting to confront the bullying by reporting it to teachers, Sherri said. The end result was punishment for both sides. She got two days of in-school suspension and was suspended from school for one day. The boy was given two days of suspension. 

Sherri referred to a program that she believes isn’t being well promoted by the district. Sources of Strength, a peer-to-peer mentoring program, offers viable emotional support for troubled students, she said. Due to last year’s pandemic and kids staying home, this program isn’t well known in the district community, she said. 

Sources of Strength is a high school group with the message “We Belong!” It initiated a March 2021 campaign in the district newsletter. Sources of Strength is a suicide prevention program with approximately 70 BHS student members, called peer leaders, and six adult advisors, the newsletter stated.

Holly plans to keep her daughter out of school and online for the remainder of this year. She plans to wait and see “how this year plays out.”

“She is extremely bright and is doing higher-level classes at 15 … so she can get out of school as soon as possible because it is so stressful,” the proud mom said. “There are some good teachers there, some good people there, but all it takes is one rotten apple to spoil the bunch.”

Top photo: Batavia PD's resource officer worked at the school during the closure on Dec. 3 and another officer happened to be at the school at the time the photo was taken. Photo by Howard Owens.

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