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Bialkowski: Four candidates running for three seats on Batavia City Council address everything from police funding to taxes

By Joanne Beck

Next week’s election includes a race for three vacant council-at-large seats on Batavia’s City Council.

Newcomer Erica O’Donnell is vying to be the only Democrat in the group come 2022, as she and Republican incumbents Bob Bialkowski, Eugene Jankowski Jr. and Jeremy Karas run for three open seats.

Organized alphabetically, Bob Bialkowski’s interview with the Batavian is first up to cover everything from city businesses and police funding to taxes and why he deserves a vote. Bialkowski is running for his second term and believes he knows how to be successful as a member of the City Council: Represent all of the people in the city of Batavia.

F. Robert “Bob” Bialkowski has served nine years on City Council, with stints from 2008 to 2011, was appointed to fill a vacancy for a year in 2017 and 2018 to present. A Batavia native, Bialkowski has served in the New York Army National Guard and the Coast Guard Auxiliary, which he presently serves as an aircraft commander. His business ventures include as the founder of Inland Aero Service, Inc. and Great Lakes Aviation, Inc. He has served on the Solid Waste and Recycling Committee, Neighborhood Improvement Committee, and the Zoning Board of Appeals. Bob and Madeline, his wife of 53 years, have one son, Robert.

Q: What do you feel is your responsibility as a councilman-at-large?
We represent all the citizens. It's sort of a check and balance function because you have council members that represent their communities; council-at-large represents the entire city.

Q: What is going right with Batavia?
Oh, I think it's going well. I mean, there's, you know, the bottom line, and we have an administration that's working pretty hard. The administration has been pretty streamlined because we've had retirements and everything else. People aren't jumping out of the woodwork to apply for jobs right now. But I think our administration is really, really going the extra mile, and I think it's all working as is demonstrated. We just got through the pandemic and we didn't bankrupt the city, and thanks to the city that we didn’t come to a grinding halt. We got through it pretty well when we had our council meetings, so we actually had a couple of meetings, but we had, basically, meetings continued on. So I think we have a pretty, pretty good government, pretty functional government, that's for sure. And you know, we don't always agree on everything and we don't always disagree on everything. But we hammered it out, got through it.

Q: What could use some improvement in the city?
Well, a lot of things could use improvement, but this starts out with earnings, like saying what could use some improvement on your home and office? We all need improvements. And you know, there’s our core staff for finances to infrastructure, where you have a lot of infrastructure issues, but a lot of them were on top of it, you know …  we spent a lot of money on sidewalks every year and on-street repairs.

We're doing a lot of upgrading right now. I mean, we have a lot of things in the works for next year to be upgraded. And so those are all going on now, and a new police station’s in the works and that'll be happening long overdue by about 50 years. And you know, it's too bad that existing buildings are in such disrepair. But it is what it is, it’s something we can't go back in history. You can only learn from history. You can't go back and change it.

Q:  What would be your top priority for 2022 if you're re-elected?
My top priorities are the same priorities I've had for the last nine years of being on councils: to represent the people, be a voice for the people. And one of the things that I've been quoted on, I've done it many, many times. Some people call, they have concerns, but that's a bigger concern. I ask them to please come and speak to our council, take five minutes out of your life. I respect the council and to make all this work make us aware of your feelings, your thoughts. And also the media will be there. The media will pick up on it and you will get action if you come and speak to the council. That's the best way to get action. I mean, as far as just calling your individual councilperson, they will resolve it. But the only reason I'm in this is to represent the members of the committee, and I have no personal gain by doing any of this.

Q: How do you feel that you personally will contribute to city operations? 
A: I tell you, I'm quite outspoken as you know. So, you know, I get the message out there. I represent the people that are out there. I do my homework. I always research everything. I'm not afraid to make phone calls. I call state agencies. We recently had an issue come up here earlier in the year, and those people came and spoke at the council meeting and they expressed their concerns. It was about disc golf at Centennial Park. And after they spoke, I contacted the state Parks Commission and spoke to the state park managers for Western New York. I contacted each one individually … about the cost, hazards, everything else, and I did contact and could speak with the western New York Regional Parks Commissioner about the issue. And you know, for sure, for all our neighbors had concerns and we should know this isn't for Centennial Park. And I think it's kind of, we haven't heard it back since it was handed off to them to see what kind of potential there is to do it in another park. But this is typical, just the way I operate. I guess I just do the work involved.

Q: Why should you get a resident’s vote?
Why should I get a vote? They want somebody that's going to work hard for them. I don't care about party affiliation, political views or whatever. I work for the residents. It's that simple. If you want somebody that's going to work for you, I'm curious. I'm not in there for my own personal agenda. I'm not in there to promote walking on the Moon or anything like that. I'm just standing there to represent the community, the citizens of the city, I’m trying to improve our community. And I feel people really need representation.

Q: Do you feel that Batavia needs more housing? 
A: You know, I'm going to answer that with one of the questions that I always return with. I've heard about homeless veterans. My question is where are they living now? I don't see homeless people walking the streets of Batavia, living under trees, or living in the parks. When we say well, you need more housing for the homeless, who do we need housing for? I mean, if I saw a whole bunch of people living in the city that don't have housing, or are there people that want better housing at a lower price? Are there people from other counties that want to move here or are being asked to move here? So I don't know. I mean, do we need more housing? I think housing is a commodity like anything else. I mean, I remember when I first got married, apartments were very scarce. I don't think there were like 10 apartments available in the community. Well, Madeline and I went out and looked at several apartments and found an apartment. But I hear this. We need more housing or we need housing for homeless people. I think that's not a simple yes or no answer.

Q: Does Batavia need more downtown businesses? And if so, what types would you like to see?
A: Well, I think the best thing government can do is stay out of the private sector. First of all, just because you're in a position as an official, that does not make you an expert in business or an expert on anything. You should just be there to represent the people. I think the one thing downtown businesses need is more of a streamlined process to remodel buildings. You know, they're stressed and have so many regulations and laws and zoning and code and building permits. It can take a year of planning. I think we need to do some streamlining there. But you know, I would like to see more retail and all that. But the reality is one small retail store downtown would only be one aisle in a big box store. Yeah. So there's a competition, and we knew that years ago and there is nothing we can do about this. American people have opportunities.

Q: I know a decision has already been made about a new police station, but how do you feel about it and the location?
A: Well, we put out a request for proposals for engineering contracts. A couple of things we have to look at. We didn't want to build in a flood zone because that would jump the cost substantially by a 25 to 35 percent increase in costs. So do we want to do that to the taxpayers? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. We don't want to spend any more taxpayers’ money than we have to. If we don't do something soon, we're going to have to move the police out of there. And I don't know where that would be, put them in a big tent or something? The building is no longer usable because it needs to be redone. And you know, if we start construction right now, it will be two years before they can move in any way. So there's the timeframe. We're looking at the location, it's a great downtown location. It's downtown, it's right up from the Main Street central Area. I mean, it has everything going for it. It's in a parking lot that the city already owns, so we don't have to procure land and there's a lot of flexibility involved with that. So yeah, I just think it's a win for the taxpayers, a win-win for everybody. As far as financially, we can afford it and we were able to say OK. 

Q: Regarding the police department itself, do you feel that the police could use more, less, or status quo as far as funding for what they need to do?
Well, we are not defunding the police. I don't know of any single person who wants our police department defunded. Yeah. We're not going to play that game. We're not going to go down that road. At least I'm not. I don't think most of the council does. It's like any of our services. Sure, fire, police, DPW, they can always use more funding. But you know, we're getting by. We have strict limits on overtime. We have limits on the number of policemen. So yeah, they can always use more funding, but more funding means raising the taxes. So people want more police or more of DPW or more sidewalks or whatever. OK. How much do you want your taxes to go up? Oh, it'll be a different story. So we're doing the best we can.

Q: Do you think city taxes are fair for the amenities that city residents receive?
Oh, yes, absolutely. I mean, the city has more park area per population than almost all the cities where you have plenty of parks. We have a pretty darn decent infrastructure. We're putting in new water lines, we're putting in handicapped, accessible sidewalks, which is very important to me, and it's up to sustainability and walkability where our streets are. Most of our streets are in excellent shape. There are sidewalks that are on the schedule to be built or making it to some streets. But it's expensive infrastructure, very expensive today, as I’ve pointed this out to many people, to replace. One block costs $350 and that's for one sidewalk block. Like, that's why we don't replace individual blocks anymore. We do it all by contract. We just put out a contract to replace 2000 feet of sidewalks at a time or whatever it takes. We have some aging trees. We have trees that should have never been planted in the city that happened. So that means now we have trees that are dead and they have to be cut down. So to cut one tree down in front of a home cost about $3,700. So, big money. Everything is big money and there's no way around it. So, you know, our DPW and our administration are doing the best they can to keep everything in check and keep costs down.

Q: Do you feel that you said what you wanted to say as far as running for council?
  You know, I just want to add that one of the things I think I'd like to see is for the citizens to communicate more freely, to talk to their neighbors … nobody talks to each other. Yeah, the first person people call is the police. That guy who walked across my front lawn, and they say ‘I don't want to do it.’ Sometimes you just have to be able to communicate. People are reluctant to do it, to me, because, you know, we still have some communication problems.

And another one is a consideration. Don't park your car over the sidewalk so we’re walking down the street.  You should go out into the street. Number one, it's against the law. Number two, you are liable when you do that. And number three, it’s just darn rude to do to your neighbors, your friends. That's part of living in the city. Part of living in the city is getting along.

You know, take care of your property to make sure your home is maintained the best you can. So I think it's very important.

And you know, there are those people out there that are campaigning and promising to do everything in the world, so people need to remember it’s City Council; there's nine of us. Yeah, any individual is only one person on council. A lot of people don't even understand how local government works. You have to get it on an agenda, bring it to a conference meeting and hammer it out in public. Oh, we don't discourage anyone from speaking at a council meeting. Sign up to speak, and a lot of times it really does get results. I always encourage people to come to a meeting and speak and give some examples. And then, after all that, for the vetting process, you know, it goes to our business meeting, and then it gets voted out. No single person can really do anything. Government has a very good reason to move very slowly because God help us if an individual can just make a request, that can be dangerous and reckless.

City Fire Captain: PAARI is a Door for People Struggling with Addiction and a Tool for Reducing Stigma

By Mike Pettinella

In the eyes of City of Batavia Fire Captain Greg Ireland, his department made a wise and potentially life-saving decision to join the Public Safety Assisted Addiction & Recovery Initiative in Genesee County.

Ireland, speaking at the GOW Opioid Task Force meeting via Zoom earlier this month, said access to a specially-built foyer in front of the fire headquarters on Evans Street for those struggling with substance use has made a big difference – not only for those individuals who are seeking help but also for the fire department personnel assigned to support them.

The Task Force, in conjunction with the Greater Rochester Health Foundation and Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, hosted a public event at the fire station this summer to welcome the City of Batavia FD into the fold – joining the City of Batavia and Village of Le Roy police departments and the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office.

The City of Batavia FD is the first fire department in the state to be a part of the PAARI network.

Ireland (photo at right) said that by educating them about substance use and addiction, firefighters learned to understand what some people are going through.

“There were some in our department who said they didn’t want those people in our building; that they didn’t want to deal with addicts,” he said. “Through education, that was a very easy hurdle to change. Educating our firefighters and employees to the opioid crisis.”


He also said a key factor in the education process was when a GCASA peer advocate came to the fire department and met with every one of the firefighters.

“That really bridged that gap. They were able to see that these are real people who have real struggles and eventually can be successful,” he said.

Ireland, in thanking the GRHF for a grant that made it possible, pointed to the secure area for PAARI intake at the building’s front door as overcoming another hurdle.

“We were able to build a double-door foyer for intake now, and that’s where the process starts,” he said. “But a firefighter is assigned to stay with that person from the minute they walk in until the peer counselor from GCASA arrives.”

Ireland took on the role as coordinator of the PAARI program for the department after learning the success the Chatham Police Department had in starting several years ago. The initial thought of Chatham organizers was to reduce petty crime by taking those with substance use disorder off the street by getting them help.

“Think about these folks who have that substance use disorder, and they’ll basically take from anything to feed their habit,” he said. “So, what they found is that by eliminating the people with substance use disorder in his community, they reduced the petty crime – theft and things of that nature because people weren’t stealing to buy drugs. That was the whole goal of this program. It reduces crime and there’s some scientific evidence to prove that.”

Ireland said medics use special business cards – printed with “Addiction is not a crime, it’s a disease” and “Help is available 24/7” – when responding to calls involving drug use.

“We will leave the cards on the kitchen table as we leave,” he said. “Our hope is someday maybe they will pick that up, see it and maybe it’s the right time for them to accept the help.”


PAARI’s mission is to provide training, guidance, support, and resources to help law enforcement agencies nationwide create non-arrest pathways to treatment and recovery.

It was founded by the Gloucester (Mass.) Police Department along with the Angel Program in June 2015 – creating a simple, stigma-free entry point to treatment and reframing addiction as a disease.

Under this program, those struggling with substance use can go to the law enforcement agency 24/7 and receive help, stigma-free, GOW Opioid Task Force Coordinator Christen Ferraro said.

“What that means is that an officer will meet them at the door and they will help them to get the help that they need,” she said. “If they have drugs on them, police or fire officials will dispose of those drugs for them, they will connect them with the resources for treatment and recovery, and kind of be that first entry point to getting help.”

One of those resources is the support of a GCASA peer support advocate – a team player, often in recovery, who steps into the role of providing a bridge between providers and clients that facilitates the medical and psychosocial care of the client.

Rob Shields, who spoke during the meeting, is one of those people.


“As someone in recovery, I wish that I knew about a program like this due to the fact that I might have not gone through the struggles that I went through,” Shields said before explaining his responsibilities.

He said that those struggling with substance use need someone they can connect with – someone who can relate to their situation.

“A peer advocate or peer support advocate emphasizes their support for the peer they're working with,” he said. “They connect with the peer and fight for what they need. Peer advocates can be found next to peers in court. They help them come up with coping skills and ways to monitor their own progress.”

Shields (photo at right) emphasized that substance dependency can be “a scary place.”

“You get to the point where you don’t know where to turn, and you don’t know who to talk to. You’re in so deep, that nothing else matters in your life,” he explained. “You think that people won’t give you the time of day, but with the PAARI program you have people that are there to support you and connect you to the resources to help you on your road to recovery.”


Along with the options of going to the agencies mentioned above, other avenues for those seeking help with substance use disorder are the 24/7 telephone hotline -- CARE + CRISIS / WYO CO CRISIS 585-283-5200 / PEER PHONE LINE 585-815-1800 -- and GCASA’s The Recovery Station at 5256 Clinton Street Rd., Batavia.

Disclosure: Mike Pettinella is the publicist for GCASA.

Law and Order: Batavia man accused of attacking woman, resisting arrest

By Howard B. Owens

Aaron Michael Reagan Hatt, 25, no disclosed address in Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt 1st, criminal obstruction of breathing/blood circulation, unlawful imprisonment, resisting arrest, and obstructing governmental administration.   Hatt is accused of applying pressure to a woman's neck during a dispute at 11:59 p.m., Oct. 29, at a location on Federal Drive, Batavia. He allegedly resisted arrest while deputies attempted to place him in custody.  He was jailed on $5,000 bail.

Erica Ann Hanley, 33, of Pratt Road, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt 2nd.  Hanley is accused of violating an order of protection at 10:26 p.m., Oct. 29.  She was released on an appearance ticket.

Resident on Putnam Road finds abandoned vehicle in yard

By Howard B. Owens

A caller at 9644 Putnam Road, Batavia, reports coming out of his house this morning to find an abandoned vehicle stuck in his front yard.

The caller reports who ever drove the vehicle into the yard attempted to get it out but couldn't.  

There is no one around the vehicle now.

A state trooper is dispatched.

City crews working to repair water leak on Law Street

By Mike Pettinella

Update, 11:30 a.m., from Rachael Tabelski:

The break has been repaired.  Water service to residents on Law Street was interrupted while repairs were made, but has been restored. Any residents, especially on the southwest side of the city, that has brown discoloration in their water, should run their cold water at this time until it runs clear.  After discovery of the water line break, the city asked for conservation efforts of water while we investigated the extent of the issue.  At this time all conservation requests are discontinued.


City of Batavia workers have identified a water leak on Law Street that currently, according to City Manager Rachael Tabelski, is affecting a limited number of residents.

“There was a call midway through the day yesterday (Saturday) that the tanks at the water plant were dropping,” Tabelski told The Batavian minutes ago at the scene. “They (water plant employees) waited to see how the demand was yesterday. And as they got into the night when water usage is typically lower, the tanks continued to drop, which is an indication of a leak in the system.”

Tabelski said crews began looking at different lines throughout the city and northern towns of Genesee County where they suspected the leak could occur.

“As they moved through the night, they walked lines all over the city -- especially the larger lines -- because the leak we could tell was significant because of the drop in our tanks,” she said. “And we need those tanks every day to refill at night to then supply enough water to all the customers during the daytime.”

She said she came out to meet crews around 6 this morning to issue a press release on their behalf so they could stay in the field.

“Then we went out and in daylight were able to see that the break occurred on Law Street. So, now crews are here trying to determine if it is just a junction to a fire hydrant or if it's the full line that broke. We’ll know more later.”

When asked if it is a major break or something that could be repaired quickly, Tabelski said that is unknown at this point.

“Luckily it's affecting a small number of customers,” she said. “The goal right now to try to ensure the customers on Law Street -- the residents -- get their water back immediately because they did have to shut off and isolate this.

“The good news is we know this is what the cause of it is because they there was a spike in the water tanks as they began to fill again. So, we're very confident that is what it is.”

Earlier, Tabelski sent out a press release asking residents to conserve water until the leak in the system was identified and repaired.

Photos: City of Batavia crews are on Law Street this morning, the site of a water leak that currently is affecting a small number of customers. Photos by Howard Owens.

As season comes to an end, Notre Dame football coach Zambito has high expectations for 2022

By Mike Pettinella

A tough season marked by key injuries and inconsistency on offense came to a close on Friday night for the Notre Dame Fighting Irish varsity football team, but Coach Joe Zambito said he sees a silver lining in all of it.

“Our guys hung in there and gave them a game when a lot of sportswriters said we would get blown out,” Zambito said, talking about his team’s 22-0 defeat at Avon in a Section V Class D quarterfinal match.

The loss ends ND’s season at 3-6 while the Braves, 8-1, move on to the next round where they will host Alexander. The other Class D semifinal contest pits Caledonia-Mumford/Byron-Bergen at top-seeded Oakfield-Alabama/Elba.

Zambito pointed to a couple of turnovers late in the second quarter as keys to the game, both giving Avon short fields – leading to a pair of touchdowns.

“We had some momentum but those turnovers flipped the field,” he said. “Give Avon credit; they have a strong team.”

Senior quarterback Andrew Roland rushed for both TDs – one from 22 yards out and the other from 8 yards out.  The Braves added a third touchdown in the third quarter to complete the scoring.

Notre Dame gained 130 yards on offense under rainy conditions, with junior Hayden Groff tallying 57 yards on 13 carries and senior Drew Edwards picking up 36 yards, also on 13 carries. Junior QB Jimmy Fanara was 2-for-8 passing for 39 yards and two interceptions.

The Irish defense was led by seniors Conner McWilliams and Edwards with 11 and nine tackles, respectively, while Groff, senior Vin DiRisio and sophomore Ryan Fitzpatrick each were credited with 5 ½ tackles. Fitzpatrick came up with a pair of interceptions.

“Our defense held up well; our guys were flying all over the field,” said Zambito, who said he sees better days ahead for his squad as a result of the experience the underclassmen gained this season.

Along with Fitzpatrick, Fanara and Groff, players returning in 2022 include receivers Jay Antinore, Brandon Carrick and C.J. Thornley, running back George Woodruff, linemen Anthony Fiorentino, Mavrik Hall, Jacob Maracle, Maximus White, Connor Boehly and Joe Trewer, and running back/receiver Bryceton Berry.

"I'm looking forward to next year," Zambito said. "We'll learn from this."

Truck off the road, struck tree, on Ledge Road, Basom

By Howard B. Owens

A pickup truck into a tree accident is reported in the area of 1031 Ledge Road, near the Totem Pole, Basom.

Unknown injuries.

Alabama Fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

UPDATE 7:03 p.m.: The vehicle is off the road approximately 30 yards according to a first responder.

UPDATE 7:06 p.m.: There is one patient. The patient is conscious.  The scene commander requests Mercy Flight on ground standby.

Ron Guidry looks back at 1978 playoff game against Red Sox -- one of greatest moments in Yankees' history

By Mike Pettinella

This year’s New York at Boston “Wild Card” game to advance in the American League baseball playoffs triggered a host of memories for Ron Guidry, the winning pitcher in the Yankees’ thrilling 5-4 victory over the Red Sox in the Oct. 2, 1978 tie-breaker game to determine the champion of the AL’s East Division.

“When it got down this year to the last couple of days in New York and Boston, and then now you got a playoff game, well, yeah, I started getting phone calls left and right about the playoffs,” said Guidry, who was in town today to sign autographs at the Legends & Stars Fall 2021 Sports Expo at Batavia Downs Gaming.

“So, yeah, it brought back some memories. The only problem is we didn't win this time.”

That moved the conversation to 1978, a season in which the Yankees rallied from a 14 ½ game deficit to the Bosox to end in a tie with 99-63 records. A one-game playoff was in order and, by virtue of a coin flip, it was to be played in Fenway Park in Boston.

Guidry, the AL’s best pitcher that season, started on the mound for the Yankees.

When it was mentioned that he started on short rest, he said, “Yeah. Maybe a day.”

The 5-9, 175-pound left-handed strikeout artist pitched into the seventh inning, leaving with a 4-2 lead.

The big blow in the contest -- as any baseball fan knows -- was a three-run homer by light-hitting Yankee shortstop Bucky Dent in the seventh inning that erased Boston’s 2-0 lead and gave Dent a nickname that lives in infamy.

“That was the only time that I really was upset with (manager) Bob Lemon because I really didn't want to come out of the game,” he said. “I really thought that I could; that I still had enough.”

He recalled that George Scott got a base hit between first and second base, prompting Lemon to call for reliever Goose Gossage.

“It was a ground ball – it wasn't like he hit a ball on the wall or a screamer. You know, he just snuck it in. And I still felt like I had some stuff. I still felt like I could have at least completed that seventh inning to where Goose only had to look at pitching to innings. Now, taking me out that early, he almost has to go three innings. And it was pretty hot that day. But, it worked out.”

When asked if it was more nerve-wracking for him after he came out of the game, Guidry said he never got nervous.

“People always ask me that and this is what I tell them,” he said. “You either do the job or you don't. There's no in-between, I do a good job or don't, we win or we lose, that’s it.”

Guidry said his “goal” was to put his team in a position to win that game.

“So, when I come out of that, when I came out of that game, we were winning 4-2. And then then very next inning, you know, Reggie (Jackson) hit a home run to make it 5-2. Now, we got a little cushion but no cushion is safe in Boston, in Fenway Park.”

He said that while Dent’s homer is remembered as the big hit, Guidry said the game-saving play was made by Yankee right fielder Lou Piniella in the ninth inning with the score 5-4.

Boston’s Jerry Remy hit a line drive that Piniella could not see due to the late afternoon sun. As the ball hit the turf and almost bounced by him, Piniella stabbed at it and it landed in his glove. That prevented the baserunner, Rick Burleson, from advancing from first to third base. A deep fly out by Jim Rice, the next batter, could only move Burleson to third – instead of being a sacrifice fly.

With two outs and two on, Gossage got Red Sox legend Carl Yastrzemski on a foul pop to third baseman Graig Nettles for the game’s final out.

“If Piniella doesn't cut that ball off Burleson goes third, and he might have even scored,” Guidry reasoned. “But you know, he cuts it off. And I think he just saw it at the last second.”

He credited the Yankees’ outfielders for knowing where to position themselves for certain hitters.

“Those guys were so intelligent. Because we didn't have an outfield that had blistering speed or anything like that. You know? They were just good ballplayers. (Mickey) Rivers was the only one who had speed,” he said. “But the most amazing thing was you didn't have to worry about them being out of position. They knew where to play guys.”

The 1978 Yankees went on to beat the Kansas City Royals in the American League Championship Series and the Los Angeles Dodgers in the World Series for their 22nd championship. Guidry posted three more victories in the playoffs and World Series, finishing with a 28-3 mark.

For his regular season success (25-3, 1.74 earned run average), Guidry was named the league’s Cy Young Award winner and finished second to Rice in the Most Valuable Player voting.

Guidry retired following the 1988 season with a 170-91 won-loss record, 3.29 ERA and 1,778 strikeouts.

The Lafayette, La. native (and resident) shared his thoughts on a few other topics:

On this year’s Yankees vs. Red Sox playoff game:

“I didn’t like going back to Boston for that because, looking at the whole thing, the first time (1978), we did it, but it gets much harder to do it again. So now, each team has won one. If it ever happens again, that’s going to be a great story."

On infield shifting in today’s game:

“No, we didn’t have that. I mean you shifted certain guys, because you know, a lot of guys just hit the ball in certain areas,” he said. “If I'm going to pitch and know that I'm going to be throwing a guy a certain way, then I might tell my infielders or outfielders to shift this way or that way.

“Now, with all the analytical stuff, sometimes it helps them and sometimes it hurts. You watch teams that know how to hit the ball behind runners and stuff like that? Even though they’re left or right handed, when they start shifting, you can drive a battleship between first and second, or second and third because there’s only one guy playing somewhere around there. You just hope it don't hurt at the worst possible moment.”

On his nicknames – Gator and Louisiana Lightning:

“My teammates gave me the nickname, Gator,” he said. “When I got called up in 1975, the Yankees were playing at Shea Stadium as the old (Yankee) stadium was being refurbished. And when I got there, you know, I got off the plane and I went to Shea Stadium, got dressed and they were already playing because we had a doubleheader against Boston.

“I walked in and met the manager and he told me to go to the bullpen. And when I walked in the bullpen, of course, I met Sparky Lyle and Dick Tidrow and a couple of other guys, and they started talking to you about where you’re from. And they asked me what we had a lot of in Louisiana and I told them, we got mosquitoes and snakes and alligators.

“And, I don't remember who it was; it was either Sparky or Dick Tidrow and they said, ‘We’re just going to call you Gator because we can't pronounce that last name. So, you know, that's the nickname that was given to you by your teammates. So, that's the one that you treasure the most.”

Regarding Louisiana Lightning, he said that was given to him by longtime Yankees broadcaster Phil Rizzuto during Guidry’s 18-strikeout performance against the California Angels on June 17, 1978.

“It’s a catchy thing, but it’s tough to sign when you’ve got to sign a lot of it,” he said.

Photo at top: New York Yankees pitching great Ron Guidry talks with Dino Labbate of Rochester as he autographs baseball memorabilia at today's Legends & Stars 2021 Fall Sports Expo at Batavia Downs Gaming. Photo at bottom: Guidry and Hall of Fame infielder/designated hitter Paul Molitor, who faced Guidry while playing for the Milwaukee Brewers from 1978-1992. Photos by Mike Pettinella.

'Stars' shine brightly at sports card, memorabilia and autograph event at Batavia Downs Gaming

By Mike Pettinella

As he looked around and saw the large crowd on hand for the Legends & Stars Fall 2021 Batavia Sports Expo today at Batavia Downs Gaming, Robert McClaine was quick to point out the degree of cooperation that it takes to make these card/autograph shows successful.

McClaine, a resident of nearby Akron, is co-owner of Legends & Stars – teaming with friends Brian Burke and Chris Sabatello about three years ago to purchase what was an established business.

“We are trying to take this to the next level to bring in the Jim Kellys, Josh Allens, Emmitt Smiths, Michael Irvins, Jerome Bettises,” McClaine said. “I mean we've had numerous guys here in little Batavia, New York. We’re getting Emmitt Smith, the leading rusher in NFL history.

“We're getting him to Batavia, New York, and we're so fortunate to have the partnership with numerous agents in the area, numerous agents in the country to bring these players to Batavia -- which is quite it's quite an accomplishment, quite an experience.”

While Emmitt Smith did not appear at this particular show, the stars were shining brightly in the form of baseball greats Paul Molitor and Ron Guidry and football legends Kellen Winslow Sr., Lenny Moore, Rickey Jackson and Buffalo Bills Jim Kelly, Andre Reed, Thurman Thomas and Joe DeLamielluere.

Current members of the Bills attended as well, something that McClaine sees as vital to his team’s “family focused approach.”

“We want kids to come in and leave here with smiles on their faces,” he said. “They got to see Jordan Poyer or Micah Hyde or Dawson Knox. That's what it's all about. And even the dads are coming up with smiles on their face since Ron Guidry was their hero or Jim Kelly was their hero growing up there, that's what it's all about.

“It's a family type atmosphere. And we want people to leave with smiles on their faces like that was the best experience.”

McClaine said Legends & Stars works with player and former players’ agents to book them for their events.

“So, we're in the show promoting business, not in a player promoting business. We’re not on the hook necessarily for the players. But it gets people through the door,” he said. “That’s all we can ask for. We can't tell people to spend money at the dealer tables. All we can do is try to bring the lineup as promoted and get people through the door.”

For the Downs’ event, he said more than 70 card and memorabilia vendors signed up to rent space. The athletes are compensated by what they charge for autographs and photos, and also receive a stipend from Legends & Stars.

“We have numerous dealers that come to every one of our shows,” he said. “It's just a great partnership, not necessarily with the dealers, but also with the casino. There's nothing like the staff at Batavia Downs (which, for this event, is directed by Mary Bucceri with assistance from Ryan Hasenauer). I mean whatever we ask, they do, and it just works.”

The next Legends & Stars sports expo at Batavia Downs is scheduled for Feb. 26-27, 2022.

“We don't have any guests lined up quite yet, but if you use social media – we’re on Twitter and Facebook – and have our own website, Keep checking back and we'll give updates as soon as we know,” McClaine said.

Photo at top: Robert McClaine at registration desk with his son, Logan; daughter, Olivia; and mother, Carol. 

Jim Kelly, Buffalo Bills QB and NFL Hall of Famer

The Calarco-Smith family of Elba in line for a Jim Kelly autograph -- Justin, Liz and kids, from left, Nico, Noah and Lucia

Lucia's hat after a visit with Jim Kelly

Plenty of action on the vendor floor

Baseball Hall of Famer Paul Molitor, left, with Milwaukee Brewers' fan Batavian Vin Pontillo

Josh Currier of Batavia selling his Buf on Weck merchandise

Elba's Norm Itjen assisting NFL Hall of Fame tight end Kellen Winslow Sr. sign numerous items

Autographed baseballs ready for purchase

And there were plenty of helmets to go around as well

Buffalo Bills tight end Dawson Knox, currently out with a broken hand, but still able to sign a bunch of jerseys

Andre Rison, wide receiver for the Green Bay Packers' team that won Super Bowl XXXI.

Photos by Mike Pettinella. 


Genesee Cancer Assistance announces 25th anniversary celebration

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee Cancer Assistance is pleased to announce the upcoming celebration in honor of their service to Genesee County.

Founded in 1995, the organization’s goal has been to help alleviate some of the difficulties experienced by cancer patients, their families, and caregivers.  GCA provides financial assistance and free support services to those residents affected by cancer in Genesee County.

During the past 26 years, GCA has been able to assist thousands of individuals!

This belated 25th Anniversary Celebration is scheduled for Saturday, November 20th at the newly renovated Batavia Downs Park Place.  The evening is designed to thank our many sponsors and supporters, recognize the many dedicated volunteers who make GCA possible, and honor those impacted by cancer. 

Please join us for this special evening. Doors open at 4:30 pm with appetizers at 5:00 pm and dinner served at 6:00 pm. (Cash bar available). Tickets for the dinner event can be purchased by contacting (585) 345-0417 or  The ticket price of $35.00 includes appetizers, a delicious buffet dinner, coffee/tea, and dessert.  This price also includes $25 in free play to enjoy at the casino!

Reserve your tickets now through Friday, November 12th.

St. Jerome Guild announces dates for 'Noel Nook'

By Press Release

Press release:

The St. Jerome Guild, Inc., annual "Noel Nook" will take place at The Jerome Center at 16 Bank Street, Batavia, NY on November 5 -12, 2021 from 9 am - 4 pm, Saturdays, November 6 and 13 from 9 am – 2 pm and closed Sunday, November 7.  Please wear a mask.  All customers will enjoy a 10% discount on the entire order (some exclusions apply). We invite parents and their children to post their Santa’s letters in the North Pole Post located outside the gift shop.

‘Tis the season to wear customer favorites of home interiors and stylish ponchos, capes, and shawls, woven caplets, fur-trimmed, and knit hats and gloves, gorgeous scarves, from K & K, Carmen & Coco, Mud Pie, Simply Noelle, and Gantz, to name a few. Our updated selection of Petite Ginger Snaps, which are interchangeable with bracelets, necklaces, and rings come in a variety of colors, shapes, and stones.  We continue to carry our selection of stylish handbags.  Our reasonably priced 'Jerome Jewelry Collection’ includes rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces sets, some with semi-precious stones, and a wide assortment of watches, and children’s jewelry.  Popular items are cozy baby jackets in blue, pink, and leopard, tummy blankets, picture frames, milestone items, and a variety of children's toys and plush animals.  Patrons love our Famous Beekman Brothers’ products of hand creams, soaps, facial makeup remover, and lip balms.

You will find a bar and wine accessories, eclectic and wine caddies depicting doctors, golfers, nurses, firefighters, musicians, athletes, and gardeners are customer favorites.  Enjoy the expressions of wall and counter art, holiday wreaths, kitchen towels, spatula sets, mugs and aprons, Santas, snowmen, Snowbabies, crystal candle holders and warmers, angels, elegant glittered and country trees, hundreds of gorgeous ornaments, cardinals, flags, throws, centerpieces, and night lights.  Gift cards are also available.  

The St. Jerome Guild, Inc., a not-for-profit volunteer organization has been serving the healthcare community for decades and celebrated their 100-year Jubilee a few years ago and the group continues to be an active organization donating vital equipment to UMMC. The Guild’s 2020 Hometown Heroes Star Initiative honoring all UMMC employees for their efforts during the height of the pandemic raised $3000. These funds contributed toward the Guild’s $7000 purchase of an urgently needed freezer to store the Covid vaccines! 

For decades, the Guild offers to UMMC employees pursuing educational careers, our annual Health Professional Scholarships.  Children who visit the Jerome Center Urgent Care are comforted with plush animals. Cancer patients receive care bags of personal items. The Guild sponsors the Jerome Center Annual Employee Recognition Day to thank employees for their efforts in serving the community. Guild members donate thousands of volunteer hours working at the Shop and for UMMC events, including the Teddy Bear Clinic.  The Guild has set up a satellite gift shop at the UMMC Kiosk on North Street open at various times offering our inventory of home goods, giftware and clothing.  

St. Jerome Gift Shop business hours vary and Monday through Friday from 9 am – 3 pm, and Saturday from

9 am - 12 noon managed and operated only by Guild volunteers.  New members are welcome to join the Guild throughout the year and a membership tea is held in September.  Members attend regular monthly meetings that include a program and guest speakers.  The Guild manages a monthly lottery and the community is invited to participate. Please join our Facebook page to view our inventory at: St. Jerome Gift Shop.

Article submitted by: Marilyn C. Dickinson, Secretary
St. Jerome Guild, Inc. Board of Directors

HLOM announces annual Wonderland of Trees

By Press Release

Press release:

Come and experience the 20th annual Wonderland of Trees, sponsored in part by WBTA! The opening gala will occur on Friday, November 19th from 6:00 to 8:30 pm at the Holland Land Office Museum. This year's theme to honor this milestone year is "Through the Years." Visit the museum to see all the wonderfully decorated trees and displays by local businesses and organizations. This year's opening gala will feature many great gift baskets to win and a Silent Auction. The night will also feature holiday music by the Genesee Symphony Orchestra and hors d'oeuvres provided by the D & R Depot. Tickets for this event are on sale at the museum. Tickets are $15 per person/ $10 for museum members and $5 for children under 12. For more details contact the museum or visit

The Wonderland of Trees will run through the end of December. The basket raffle winners will be drawn Friday, December 17th. Further holiday events will also be held throughout the season. If you would like to participate by decorating a tree or contributing a basket, or general sponsorship, please contact the museum or visit

Notre Dame announces Hall of Fame Dinner, 2020 and 2021 inductees

By Press Release

Press release:

Notre Dame High School will be honoring the Hall of Fame Class of 2020 & 2021 Inductees during the annual Sports Night Dinner on Saturday, November 13, 2021. The event was not held last year due to covid, so both year’s inductees will be honored at this year’s event.

The 2020 Inductees are: Ron Francis ’67, Gary Conte ’69, Caitlin Fix ’01, Jessica Cocco Paulin ’05, “The Foundation” (which includes early years ND All Stars Jerome O’Grady ’55, Samuel John Gerace ’55, James Sullivan ’55, Ron Kosiorek ’55, Frank Ferrando ’56, Vincent Messina ’57, Bill Kelty ’57, Richard Lewis ’58, Patrick Welsh ’58, Michael Welsh ’61), 1968 & 1969 Varsity Golf Teams, and Coach Marc Staley ’20 honorary.

The 2021 Inductees are: Vinny Fanara ’97, Mike Redick ’97, Otis Thomas ’97, Kathryn Redick Thompson ’03, Darci Walthew Pfund ’03, 1978 Varsity Football Team, and 1978 Varsity Girls’ Volleyball Team with special recognition to Donald “Magoo” Suozzi who was an incredible supporter of Notre Dame High School students and the athletic program for over 50 years!

The first Annual Bill Sutherland Humanitarian of the Year Award will also be presented to Dr. Joseph Scanlan ’65. Beloved teacher and coach, Bill Sutherland, passed away in 2020 and his family has created this award to honor someone who helps people behind the scenes.

Notre Dame Hall of Fame recognizes inductees for their outstanding athletic contributions while at ND.

For bios of inductees, click here.

Meeting with engineers working with city give O-At-Ka CEO optimism that wastewater issue can be solved

By Mike Pettinella

Friday’s meeting with the engineering firm representing the City of Batavia -- coupled with continued progress on completion of a new pretreatment facility – is giving O-At-Ka Milk Products Chief Executive Officer Bill Schreiber hope that wastewater restrictions placed on the Cedar Street processing plant will come to an end in the near future.

“Our technical team had a good exchange of information with the city and their engineering firm (GHD Group of Buffalo) this afternoon,” Schreiber said in an email to The Batavian. “The team presented several options we think will assist in elevating dissolved oxygen levels in the lagoons (at the city’s Waste Water Treatment Plant) and support recovery.”

In the meantime, O-At-Ka officials have been hauling wastewater to other locations on a daily basis for several weeks – currently at an average cost of $13,000 to $15,000 per day, Schreiber said.

This became necessary when City of Batavia leaders determined that the dissolved oxygen levels in the ponds were insufficient and not in compliance with the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit that regulates O-At-Ka. As a result, the city issued a cease-and-desist order to the plant, which is owned by the Upstate Niagara dairy farmer cooperative.

Schreiber and John Gould, Upstate Niagara chairman of the board, have been calling for a meeting with city engineers and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to forge a “three-party solution.”

While the DEC apparently was not involved in Friday’s discussion, Schreiber said that engineers working with the city “have indicated they will consider what was presented and we hope to have further discussion next week.”

Work on getting its new pretreatment plant up and running is on schedule, Schreiber said, adding that Nov. 15 is the target date to begin seeding and flow to the new Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor.

“The media for the new MBBR has been received,” Schreiber said. “The blower mechanical and electrical installation is complete, and pre-commissioning and walk through for the blowers is planned for November 8th.”

He said the company also is acquiring an additional Dissolved Air Flotation – not part of the original design -- to augment the existing unit, facilitating a process that removes solids before the wastewater enters the MBBR and reduces the load.

Calls to City Attorney George Van Nest, who is speaking on behalf of the city regarding this situation, were not returned at the time of the posting of this story.

Photo at top: The new Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor with the media for it on the ground to the left of the structure; Photo below: An inside view of the MBBR. Submitted photos.

Previously: City attorney: WWTP levels are heading in right direction; O-At-Ka has to abide by conditions of permit

Maple Street arsonist convicted in jury trial

By Howard B. Owens

UPDATED with additional information from the trial.

     Plush Dozier

An arson and attempted murder case dating back to 2018, beset by numerous delays -- including the 2020 pandemic -- has reached a resolution after a jury trial this week of Plush Dozier, 24.

Dozier was convicted by the jury this afternoon on both counts.

First-degree arson is a Class A-1 felony. Second-degree attempted murder is a Class B felony.  Under New York's penal law, both sentences must run concurrently.

Dozier intentionally set fire on June 15 to the house at 35 Maple St., Batavia, in an attempt to kill a person inside the residence.

First Assistant District Attorney Kevin Finnell, who prosecuted the case, indicated the conviction came on the strength of a confession by Dozier the night of the fire. At the fire scene while fire crews were still battling the blaze, Dozier approached Officer Arick Perkins and admitted to starting the fire. He later made a tape confession that included method and intent. Those details were corroborated through additional investigation and statements by occupants of the home.

During the drive, Lt. Micahel Morris, City Fire, provided testimony that helped secure the conviction.

During deliberations, the jury asked for a replay of the video of Dozier's confession and also asked for a readback of a portion of the testimony of one of the children who was home at the time of the fire.  

Finnell said the jury deliberated for more than two hours before returning a verdict.

Among the delays in the case was a September 2019 mental health evaluation that ended in a determination that Dozier was mentally fit to stand trial.

While in custody, Dozier allegedly damaged the door of a Sheriff's patrol vehicle and menaced an officer.  He also is accused of kicking out a plate glass window at the jail in a separate incident.

For previous coverage, click here.

Batavia defeats Newark/Marion in Playoffs

By James Burns

The Batavia High Blue Devils varsity football team opened the Section V Class B playoffs tonight with a dominating 35-0 victory over the visiting Newark/Marion Reds at Van Detta Stadium.

The second-seeded Blue Devils will host No. 3 Wayne at 7 p.m. next Friday in the semifinals.

Batavia scored on all but two of its possessions.

QB Jesse Reinhart was 8-12 passing for 152 yards and two TDs. He was intercepted once. He also gained 32 yards on the ground on four carries.  

Cam McClinic gained 94 yards rushing on three carries and scored twice. Aidan Anderson rushed 11 times for 71 yards and scored a TD.

Cole Grazioplene scored once on five receptions for 76 yards.  Jagger Owens caught a 40-yard TD pass.

On defense, Kaden Marucci had nine tackles.

Also on Friday:

Alexander 45, Geneseo 0. The Trojans gained more than 300 yards on the ground. Braydon Woods gained 128 yards on 17 carries.  Nick Kramer gained 91 yards on ten carries.

Le Roy 7, Attica 3. Brock Flint rushed for 38 yards on 14 carries. John Penepento, four runs for 21 yards and a TD.  He was also 2-7 passing for 34 yards. Jack Tonzi had 13 tackles and Tyler Strollo, nine.

Pembroke 34, Sodus 0. In eight-man football, Tyson Totten gained 136 yards on 19 carries and scored three touchdowns. Caleb Felski, seven carries, 100 yards and a TD. Cayden Pfalzer, 3-3 passing for 56 yards and a TD.  On defense, Pete Farrington had six tackls.

Photos by Jim Burns


Batavia defeats Newark/Marion, 35-0; ND loses to Avon

By Mike Pettinella

Tonight's Section V football quarterfinal scores:

Class B -- Batavia 35, Newark/Marion 0

Class C -- Letchworth/Warsaw/Perry 6, Livonia 0

Class C -- Le Roy 7, Attica 3

Class D -- Avon 22, Notre Dame 0

Class D -- Cal-Mum/Byron-Bergen 27, Bolivar-Richburg 20

Class D -- Alexander 45, Geneseo/Mount Morris 0

Class D -- Oakfield-Alabama/Elba 68, Clyde-Savannah 8

Eight-Man -- Pembroke 34, Lyons/Sodus 0

Fire at North and Ross

By James Burns

A multi-unit residence at North and Ross is suspected of having a small electrical wiring fire "in the wall or something," according to the property owner. All inhabitants were able to safely evacuate the structure. Ross Street is closed south of North Street.  

Accident reported on Ellicott Street Road, Bethany

By Howard B. Owens

A rollover accident with a pole and lines down is reported in the area of 5414 Ellicott Street Road.

The vehicle is smoking.

The driver was trapped but a first responder was able to get the door open and the driver was able to self-extricate.  Minor injuries.

Bethany Fire and ambulance responding.

UPDATE 6:54 p.m.: Traffic is partially blocked. Traffic control is requested.  

O'Donnell supporter miffed by disappearance of signs

By Mike Pettinella

It’s not exactly trying to “steal the election,” but the removal of a couple political signs supporting Erica O'Donnell in her bid for an at-large seat on Batavia City Council has an Ellicott Street resident hopping mad.

Diana Kastenbaum is reporting that both of her O'Donnell for City Council yard signs – one on Ellicott and one on Richmond Avenue -- were stolen in the last 24 hours.

“And it’s not even Halloween yet,” she stated in an email to The Batavian.

O’Donnell is the lone Democratic Party candidate in a four-person race for three at-large positions. She is running against incumbent Republicans Eugene Jankowski Jr., Robert Bialkowski and Jeremy Karas.

“The Republican signs for Council are all still standing on Ellicott.  This has happened in the past to Dem signs, but not the Republicans signs in the City of Batavia,” Kastenbaum said.

“Someone left a note in my mailbox today to say Erica's signs were no longer in my front yard. I didn't notice if they were there this morning, but when I came home from work only the stakes were left.  Of course, I will replace them, but every year we have to deal with this nonsense and no one seems to do anything about it.”

When informed of Kastenbaum’s predicament, Jankowski said he could understand why she would be annoyed.

“I don’t understand what people gain by that,” he said. “I know that in past elections, a few of my signs went missing.”

He also theorized that it could be an O’Donnell supporter who wanted a sign to put up somewhere else.

“I mean, in a couple of days, they’ll all be coming down so if you want one, just ask and you can get one for free,” he said.

Assistant Police Chief Chris Camp said that the Batavia PD has received no reports of political signs being removed from yards in the city thus far this election season.

Top Items on Batavia's List

Town Court Clerk Below are two lists: one details the myriad responsibilities that fall within the purview of the court clerk; the other summarizes the knowledge and abilities that court clerks possess or acquire through training. These lists are provided so that a judge and municipality can intelligently discuss the benefits that a court clerk can provide. The items below can also form the basis for a list of job duties should a municipality need to fill a vacancy in a court clerk position. Primary Responsibilities A. Maintain confidentiality of records and information when required to do so B. Prepare court calendar C. Collect monies, reconcile daily receipts, deposit receipts, prepare reports for monthly disbursements, reconcile bank accounts, and prepare administrative reports D. Enter convictions on drivers' licenses and prepare conviction reports electronically transmitted to the Department of Motor Vehicles E. Enter criminal conviction on NCIC reports and electronically send same to Division of Criminal Justice Services F. Respond to inquiries-in person, by phone, by e-mail and by mail-and provide assistance to lawyers, litigants, media, and members of the public G. Prepare monthly reports that are electronically sent to the Office of the State Comptroller H. Prepare orders, summonses, warrants and other court forms i. Communicate with outside agencies in order to coordinate the Court's activities and provide services to litigants. Such agencies include: ii. Law enforcement agencies, such as local police departments, New York State Police, Sheriffs office, FBI and CIA, US Armed Forces, and the Office of the District Attorney; I. Other courts, including superior courts and other local town and village courts; and i. Miscellaneous county agencies, such as Community Service, Community Dispute Resolution Center, Pre-trial Release, Probation, Stop DWI program, Victim Impact Panel, and Youth Court. ii. State agencies that require periodic reporting, including the New York State Unified Court System, the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Office of the State Comptroller, the Division of Criminal Justice Services, and the Office of Court Record Retention. J. Examine court documents to ensure their accuracy and completeness K. Receive and file summonses, traffic tickets and other documents for court proceedings i. Assist the Justice at the bench during all Court proceedings Knowledge of: 1. The functions and organization of the Unified Court System ii. Basic legal terminology, codes and abbreviations iii. Court forms, practices and procedures, including those set forth in the Uniform Justice Court Act and the Uniform Civil Rules for the Justice Courts (22 NYCRR Part 214) 2. Ability to: i. Prepare judicial orders and decisions ii. Effectively communicate information orally and in writing iii. File and retrieve materials, extract data from various sources for entry onto court form iv. Research and interpret laws outlined in court documents and litigants' motions and other papers v. Perform mathematical tasks in order to compile court activity reports, total receipts, accept payments, and verify bills vi. Refer to appropriate documents, statutes, citations or other sources in order to respond to specific questions from attorneys, litigants and members of the general public vii. Interpret policies, statutes, rules and regulations and apply them in specific contexts viii. Establish work priorities ix. Constructively manage conflict with court users Qualifications: Highschool diploma recognized by the NYS Dept of Education or appropriate equivalent. Along with 4 years of college, specialization in criminal justice, law, business administration or related field. -OR- 2 years college with specialization in Business Administration or related field. Please email your resume to no later than 12/16/2024. Pay is based on experience.
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