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Review of Muckdogs' season, 2020-21 audit report are on agenda of tonight's Batavia City Council meeting

By Mike Pettinella

The Batavia City Council, back in the public eye after a five-week break, is expected to hear a review of the Batavia Muckdogs’ summer baseball season from owner Robbie Nichols and an audit presentation for the 2020-21 fiscal year by Kathryn Barrett, director at Freed Maxick CPAs, P.C.

Those two items, along with City Manager Rachael Tabelski’s recommended transfers of unassigned funds to restricted reserve funds, highlight the agenda of Council’s Special Conference Meeting, which is set for 7 p.m. at the City Hall Council Board Room.

A Business Meeting, featuring five resolutions to be voted upon, will follow. One of those resolutions is to approve the modified and restated sales tax allocation agreement with Genesee County – action that paves the way for the county to distribute sales tax revenue on an annual basis to its towns and villages for the next 38 years.

Muckdogs Make Winning Debut

The Batavia club enjoyed a successful first season in the Perfect Game Collegiate Baseball League after the city and CAN-USA Sports LLC, owned by Nichols and his wife, Nellie, came to a lease agreement over the winter to operate a team here – ultimately deciding to keep the popular nickname, Muckdogs.

The team posted a 22-19 record, finishing one game back of Geneva for a playoff berth in the league’s Western Division, but beyond that, fans flocked to Dwyer Stadium in large numbers. The Nichols and their players also supported numerous community events and causes.

In an interview with The Batavian at the end of July, Nichols said fans will see an even better team in 2022, stating that this year’s players will go back to their schools and tell the best players on their teams that “you want to go to Batavia."

“I think the team is really going to improve next year," he said.

Audit: City at ‘Healthy, Stable Position’

Barrett will present the key findings of the accounting firm’s audit of the city, which, per the document’s financial highlights section, continued to maintain a healthy and stable financial position for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021.

“The city continues to maintain a positive unassigned fund balance. Despite the challenges such as a slow property tax base growth and state mandates (i.e. the property tax cap), the city continues to diligently commit one-time surplus funds to fund balance reserves for future capital investments,” the report reads.

Achievements over the past year, per the report, include:

-- Strong assigned and unassigned fund balances in the general fund and strong balances in the water and sewer funds, along with “healthy” operations in general, water and sewer funds;

-- Committing surplus to reserve funds for one-time equipment purchases and infrastructure and facility improvements;

-- Implementation of fiscal policies such as a fund balance policy, investment policy, revised purchasing manual and monthly financial monitoring.

Tabelski: Move $761,000 to Reserve Funds

The city manager, in a memo to the city’s Audit Advisory Committee dated Aug. 25, writes that after the 2021 fiscal year, the city is in “a good position to increase the percentage of unassigned fund balance … to 15 percent of current year general fund expenses.”

She recommends transferring $711,000 in general fund balance to reserve funds and another $50,000 in the workers’ compensation fund to that fund’s reserves.  Even with these transfers, she said there will be about $2,527,600 left in unassigned fund balance.

Tabelski noted that the city’s capital plan calls for “multiple” expenditures over the next two to five years, including public works equipment, sidewalk replacement and facility improvements – “without negatively affecting the city’s financial position or tax rate.”

The recommended transfers are as follows:

  • Police Reserve, $50,000, primarily to replace patrol and detective vehicles on an annual basis, with two vehicles to be replaced next year.
  • DPW Equipment Reserve, $100,000, raising the fund to $437,225, with the goal to replace three dump trucks/plows, six sedans, four pickup trucks with plows and a one-ton dump truck by the end of 2025.
  • Facilities Reserve, $136,000, considering work on multiple proposed projects, such as the new police station, improvements at the fire station, Bureau of Maintenance, City Centre and other buildings.
  • Compensated Absences, $75,000, noting the city’s liability in this area is $1.94 million, with nearly $200,000 due within a year, and also that three pending retirements will affect the general fund by nearly $100,000.
  • Parking Lot, $100,000, with an eye on repaving, by 2025, lots on Williams Street, Court Street Plaza and Bureau of Maintenance
  • Health Care Fund Reserve, $250,000, to build back funds spent over the last two years. As of March 31, the fund had $10,155.47 in restricted reserves and $13,863.08 in assigned fund balance.
  • Workers’ Compensation Fund Reserve, $50,000, with the goal of reaching $1 million in the fund’s restricted reserve. As of March 31, the WC fund had $580,424.34 of restricted reserves and $485,111.13 in assigned fund balance.

Cherished Memories in tough times

By Anne Marie Starowitz

"I wonder what memories of yours will persist as you go on in life. My hunch is that the most important will have to do with feelings of loving and being loved, friends, family, teachers, shopkeepers, whoever's been close to you."  -- Fred Roger

I love Fred Roger's definition of memories.   It is like our heart is compartmentalized into sections that house our memories.  As I get older, they seem to have a much deeper meaning to me.

I was approached by a lovely woman asking if our house was the Peca Homestead. So, of course, I said yes and explained that my grandfather built the house in 1927. Then, she asked if I would be so kind as to speak to her 96-year-old mother.  She was sitting in the car and had many memories of our home.  She was a friend of my Aunt Florence and remembered everything from our pantry, the two-way stairs, and the infamous old laundry chute. I loved talking to her because I remember her family and the connection between the Pecas and the Cinquinos. It was such a lovely visit.

Recently, a high school reunion lunch at the Pok-A-Dot brought back memories from high school.

As a teacher for over 50 years, I have had the joy of seeing former students.  They remind me of what it was like to be their teacher and have them as one of mine!  If you are lucky to have that lifelong friend that has gone through the highs and lows of your life, consider yourself blessed. 

As the compartments of my heart are filling up, the memories of my marriage and being a mother overfill them.  The greatest of all is our daughters and now our grandchildren.  

I cherished growing up in a big family. I treasured those memories. One, in particular, came to mind. I was one of six siblings. One night my mom lined all of us up as we waited for my father to get home from working late.  As he opened and looked at us, a little startled, my mother proceeded to introduce us to our dad. I'll never forget the look on my dad's face. 

Another memory would be when he would take us to Boulder Park or the Pok-A-Dot on a Sunday; I think it was his way of giving my mother a well-deserved break. We loved to spin on those stools and fight over who would pay the $10 for our hot dogs, French fries, and root beer in the frosted mugs.

Holidays were epic in our house, the laughter, the stories, and of course, the children's table seating 12.  Our meals began with an antipasto, followed by Italian Wedding soup, Lasagna, meatballs, sausage, and then a full turkey dinner with all the trimmings.  The food was delicious, but the shared stories were priceless and seem to get better with age. 

Another person we all cherished was our Grandma Bellow.

She would visit us every Sunday after Mass and bring dessert.  On holidays she would make the main course. My happiest memories were going home with her and staying overnight, and sleeping on her pull-out bed in her living room. Our drive from Batavia to Leroy in her 1962 Chevy was always enjoyable.  We would say the Rosary together on our way.  Her dashboard reminded me of a small altar with many saints watching the road for us. She taught me to cook, bake, pray, and clean.  

For many years, I was the only girl with three brothers, and I loved it. I was quite the tomboy, and what I like the best was I could annoy my brothers, and they were never allowed to hit a girl. However, they did get back at me when one brother (Tony) would read my diary to a boyfriend or tape my phone conversations. Then, nine and ten years later, I was given the most extraordinary gifts of 2 sisters. 

So many from my generation have lost their parents, family members, and friends. There are no words to express that loss, but somehow the sadness over time is replaced with our memories and love for them.  Not a day goes by I don't wish I had one more conversation with them.  

So, readers, in the overwhelming days we are living in, take time to remember and cherish your memories.  My compartments are almost all filled, and I am anxiously waiting to see what memories will be added until my heart is whole!

Your family is your story; make it never-ending!


Batavia entrepreneur likes the pressure of building business

By Joanne Beck

Ryan Pyatt is building his empire one business at a time.

The Batavia native and resident just purchased his third company, and he sees no end in sight with his life motto firmly in place.

“Leave a legacy. Life is what you make it,” he said during an interview Thursday. “Everybody has the opportunity to accomplish (their goals) if they’re motivated and disciplined. I really want this thing to blow up.”

This “thing” happens to be WNY Pressure Wash, in its fourth year and 800 customers strong. Pyatt bought out Batavia Exterior and Roof Clean and rolled it and a few hundred base customers into WNY Pressure Wash, at 8145 East Main St. He plans to reach out to those customers and notify them of the change in ownership. The 10-year-old company was competition for him, so buying it “was a big move for us,” Pyatt said.

“We definitely want to continue to grow,” the 28-year-old entrepreneur said. “Our goal is to be the largest exterior pressure washing company in this area. Growth is one of the major things … I just really want to be the premiere pressure washing company.”

Not exactly a newcomer to the pressure washing field, Pyatt worked for Sparkle Wash since he was 17, and then purchased the company four years ago. For three of those years, he went with the name RNP Services using his own initials. But the evolving student of marketing and branding decided it was time to name it what it was: a pressure washing company. That, and more extensive advertising on Facebook, Angie’s List, and other home services websites, gave him the boost he was looking for, he said.

Pyatt, a 2011 Batavia High School graduate, admits that his time spent in obtaining an associate’s degree in business at Southern New Hampshire University didn’t give him as much foundation as did practical, hands-on experience.

“People ask me what my hobby is, and I say ‘I like to acquire businesses,’” he said, adding that it’s not even so much about the money. “How can I take a failing business and continue to grow it.”

He and fiancée Natalie Cervone bought Great Kutz, in Valu Plaza, in November 2020. Cervone runs the salon while Pyatt concentrates on his other ventures. It hasn’t always been a smooth ride, he said, as there is a learning curve with business ownership.

In other words, there was “a lot of trial and error,” he said.

“We made mistakes, that’s inevitable,” he said. “Finding out why those mistakes happen, and if you can learn and grow from them, that’s the name of the game.”

It was while providing services to home and commercial property owners that prompted Pyatt to pursue other career avenues. During those services, he’d hear people say that they wanted to sell their places but didn’t have a real estate agent. So Pyatt became an agent at Keller Williams in Batavia. Pressure washing and property sales seemed a natural fit to him.

“I’m getting your property ready, so I might as well finish it for you,” he said.

WNY Pressure Wash offers an array of services, from washing building exteriors, sidewalks, and driveways to back decks, roofs, garden pavers, and gutters. There are soft washes for roofs and other more delicate materials, and pressure washes that spit out 5-1/2 gallons per minute. He couldn’t come up with a most difficult job to date but named the oddest request so far: tombstones.

Pyatt has become a bit of a gunk connoisseur — blogging on the site about the benefits of pressure washing and potential damage that can result from leaving roof algae and artillery fungus alone. Artillery fungus comes out as tiny black dots near the bottom of siding; it’s a wood-decaying fungus that, like algae, can cause long-term damage to your home’s exterior, his blog states.

As he has become more versed in the entrepreneurial world, Pyatt came across a belief that there are three levels a business owner should reach for 30 feet is completely hands-on, when Pyatt was actually out there pressure washing people’s homes; 300 feet is about being in the office maintaining the day-to-day needs; and 3,000 feet is overseeing the business as a whole, taking care of the financial end of matters and customer acquisition. He alternates between 300 and 3,000 feet, he said, as profits have been continuously reinvested for the business with eight staff, four vans, two trailers, seven washing units, a building with a full bay for repairs, two offices, and an employee break room.

The keys to success are providing a quality job, good customer service, and communication, he said.

“That’s what we pride ourselves on -- quality,” he said.

He is offering 10 percent off gutter and roof cleaning services for new customers, valid until Oct. 31. For more information, go to or call 585-888-WASH (9274).

Photo by James Burns. Ryan Pyatt checks out a pressure washer at his site on East Main Street, Batavia.

Weaker demand, recovery from Ida edge gas prices down

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from AAA: 

Today’s national average price for a gallon of gasoline is $3.18, down one cent from last week. One year ago, the price was $2.20. The New York State average is $3.28 – no change from last week. A year ago, the NYS average was $2.28. AAA Western and Central New York (AAA WCNY) reports the following averages:

  • Batavia - $3.25 (down two cents since last week)
  • Buffalo - $3.23 (no change since last week)
  • Ithaca - $3.27 (up one cent since last week)
  • Rochester - $3.27 (no change since last week)
  • Rome - $3.30 (up one cent since last week)
  • Syracuse - $3.24 (down one cent since last week)
  • Watertown - $3.25 (no change since last week)

Note: prices are compared to last Monday, Labor Day. The last gas price report was issued Tuesday after the holiday.

The national gas price average has held steady for several days at $3.18. The latest data from the Energy Information Administration shows that gas demand increased slightly from 9.58 million b/d to 9.61 million b/d — a healthy reading for the Labor Day weekend. Meanwhile, total domestic stocks took a major step back by 7.2 million bbl to 220 million bbl. Refinery utilization was down almost 10% to 81.9%, as refineries impacted by Ida continue to progress in their recovery efforts. With demand increasing and supplies tightening, some states have seen prices fluctuate, with some up by four cents and others lower by 3 cents. This has helped stabilize the national average this week. However, as oil prices remain high (over $70 per barrel), the national average is expected to stay above $3 per gallon.

From Gas Buddy:

"Sagging U.S. gasoline demand along with continued recovery after Hurricane Ida have helped gas prices edge slightly lower in most states from where they were a week ago. But with Tropical Storm Nicholas threatening another key area of refineries in Houston with significant rain, we could see the decline in prices hit the pause button," said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy. "While Nicholas would appear to be a minor storm, we could see a deluge of water - the same issue that caused some significant damage in Ida's wake to refineries in Louisiana. Combined with the earlier storm, Nicholas could make things more challenging. However, as gasoline demand has now fallen for four straight weeks, there is more breathing room even if some capacity does temporarily go offline. It's too early to tell, clearly, but motorists should be aware."

Photos: 2021 Onion Queen crowned

By Howard B. Owens

Georgia Luft was crowned the 2021 Onion Queen in Elba on Saturday night.  First runner up, Carolyn Sybertz, second, Laci Sewar.  Taylor Augello (in black dress) is the 2020 Onion Queen.

Photos by Debra Reilly.

Photos: Children set up free lemonade stand for first responders on 9-11 anniversary

By Howard B. Owens

To honor first responders on the 20th anniversary of 9-11 yesterday, Lilah Guarino and her friends set up a lemonade stand and gave free lemonade to police officers and firefighters.

Her father, Mike Guarino, who submitted the photos, said, "They ended up having some visitors from the city police and fire department.  It was awesome.  The kids were very thankful and excited."


Pembroke runs away with second victory in second game of the season

By Howard B. Owens

Pembroke moved to 2-0 to start the 2021 football season on Friday evening with a 47-6 win over Lyons/Sodus.

Tyson Totten rushed for 138 yards on 11 carries. He scored a touchdown. Caleb Felski, seven carried, 65 yards and a TD. 

QB Cayden Pfalzer  was 506 passing for 107 yards and two TDs. He also had six carries for 46 yards and a TD.

Chase Guzdek had three receptions for 68 yards and two TDs.

Alex Lamb and Giovanni Smart each had three sacks. Smart recovered two fumbles. Jacob Dulski had six tackles. Pfalzer contributed a sack and an interception.

In  other football this weekend:

Batavia beat Attica 41-8. Jesse Reinhart was  8-12 passing for 184 yards and four touchdowns.  He also rushed for 35 yards on two carries, scoring a TD.  Cam McClinic also scored a rushing touchdown, gaining seven yards on two carries.  Aidan Anderson rushed for 76  yards on ten carries. Carter McFollins caught two TD passes and Jamison Richardson and Javin McFollins each had a TD reception.  Kaden Marucci had seven tackles, Garret Schmidt had six.

Alexander beat Geneseo/Mount Morris 63-14.  Eight of the 17 players on the Alexander roster scored touchdowns. Braydon Woods had 11 carries for 73 yards.  Nick Kramer, 48 on seven carries.  And Clayton Bezon rushed for 312 yards on six carries.   Kramer was 3--5 passing for 86 yards.  Benny Merrill had two receptions for 73 yards. Bezon had seven tackles, two sacks, and a fumble recovering.

East Rochester beat Le Roy 18-6.

Previously: Wade, Essig, Cappotelli spark Cal-Mum/B-B to a 36-0 varsity football victory over host Notre Dame

Photos by Elizabeth Gabby.

Jacobs releases statement on 20th anniversary of 9-11

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement on the 20th anniversary of the attacks of September 11th, 2001. 

“Twenty years ago today, our nation came under attack from a foreign enemy, and we lost 3,000 American mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends, and heroes. It was one of our nation’s darkest hours – clouded by smoke, fear, and uncertainty. We did not know what tomorrow holds, let alone the next few hours. But we also witnessed the true meaning of what it means to be an American. Amidst that uncertainty and fear, we witnessed bravery and courage, and selflessness that made each of us proud to be an American.

“Our first responders and regular citizens alike rushed into the flames and collapsing buildings to save their fellow Americans, many losing their own lives in the process. And a whole generation of Americans enlisted in our nation’s military to go overseas and bring to justice each and every single person who sought harm against our nation. America was tested in our resolve, and in true American fashion, we banded together emerged stronger than we were before. 

“It has now been two decades since that day – but the pain and clarity of it still remain recent in our minds. Today, 20 years later, we remember our fallen brothers and sisters, and we honor the brave men and women who ran into darkness to save lives and defend our nation. They were true American heroes, as is every single service member who has spent the last 20 years keeping our nation safe. Our nation is eternally grateful for that service, and our nation will never forget. 

“So today, reflect on the events of 20 years ago, take a moment to honor those who perished, those who fought, and those who continue to fight and pass on the memory of those heroes and this day to the new generation who were not alive in 2001. God bless the United States of America. 

Wade, Essig, Cappotelli spark Cal-Mum/B-B to a 36-0 varsity football victory over host Notre Dame

By Mike Pettinella

The Caledonia-Mumford/Byron-Bergen Red Raiders dominated on both sides of the ball this afternoon, blanking host Notre Dame, 36-0, in varsity football action.

Senior quarterback Kyle Wade and senior receiver Scott Essig led the way with Wade passing for three touchdowns – two of them in the first half to Essig, who also scored on an interception as the visitors led 22-0 at intermission.

Both teams are 1-1.

After stopping the Fighting Irish on a fourth down play at the ND 29, Cal-Mum/B-B took a 6-0 lead midway through the first quarter when Wade found Essig from 11 yards out. Senior running back Jacob Cappotelli ran it in for the two-point conversion.

The visitors went up 14-0 late in the quarter when Essig intercepted a pass in the end zone by ND quarterback Jimmy Fanara, who was chased out of the pocket and attempted to throw the ball away.

Cal-Mum/B-B scored again in the second quarter, this time on a 33-yard pass from Wade to Essig on a fourth-and-11 play, capping a 77-yard drive. Cappotelli’s run made it 22-0 at the half.

ND was held to just one first down in the opening half, that coming in the final minute.

In the second half, Wade tossed a 29-yard TD strike to tight end Mark Poles-Harrison in the third quarter – sophomore Anthony Leach tallied the two-point conversion – and junior David Bromsted scampered into the end zone from 17 yards out in the fourth period to round out the scoring. Bromsted also had an interception for the Red Raiders.

Cappotelli ran the ball 20 times for 97 yards and Wade’s three completions in five attempts all went for touchdowns. Cal-Mum/BB outgained Notre Dame, 221-89.

For the Irish, George Woodruff (19 tackles), Drew Edwards (18 tackles) and Vin DiRisio (13 tackles) were defensive stalwarts. Ryan Fitzpatrick came up with an interception on a pass that was deflected by DiRisio.

For the game, Cal-Mum/B-B had 16 first downs to Notre Dame’s three. Bryceton Berry’s 20-yard run in the fourth quarter was ND’s longest play of the day.

Emotional reaction to 9/11 inspired city police officer, firefighter to do their part to protect our freedoms

By Mike Pettinella

This morning’s 9/11 remembrance at the Veness-Strollo Post 1602 VFW grounds included speeches from Det. Sgt. Matt Lutey (at right in photo above) of the Batavia Police Department and Lt. Dave Green of the Batavia Fire Department – both of whom said the events of that tragic day prompted them to enlist or re-enlist, respectively, in the military.

Here are their speeches:

Det. Sgt. Matt Lutey

It truly is an honor to be here among fellow service men and women who have served and those who continue to serve, and I would just like to take a moment to say thanks for what you do.

I just came across an article the other day that compared the two biggest military recruitment surges as Pearl Harbor and 9/11. The unique aspect of this is that those who enlisted after these events knew what they were signing up for.

It wasn’t for free college tuition and it wasn’t for pay or any other benefit. It was to step forward and fight for our country. I was in high school when 9/11 happened.

I’ll never forget the events of that day. I’ll never forget how I felt. I will never forget driving around after school and seeing everyone putting up American flags.

I will never forget the pride I felt for our country after that tragic day. I will never forget the images of first responders running toward the World Trade Center towers to help people while the majority of people were running away.

I will never forget the images of the men and women in the armed forces bringing the fight to the enemy who had the audacity to attack us on our soil that day.

I will never forget coming home to my dad on the phone with an Army recruiter, only to be turned down because he was too old to join.

The events of 9/11 and our country responses shaped the better part of my life. I was one of many of the post-9/11 military recruitment surge as I enlisted in the U.S. Air Force after I graduated from high school in 2003.

I served six years as a TACP (Tactical Air Control Party Officer) calling in air strikes for my Army counterparts. I completed three tours in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. After I was honorable discharged, I knew that I wanted to continue to serve but in a capacity that was more personal to me.

I was fortunate enough to join the Batavia Police Department where I have had the privilege of serving my community for the past 11 years. In no way do I share this story for personal accolades. I share it because I believe it our duty to educate the next generation about duty, service and sacrifice.

Lt. Dave Green

I had been discharged from the Army National Guard just a couple of years before that. I went to work that morning, met up with my partner on the ambulance, and we went to work – met up with the other ambulance crew for the day and had just gotten some breakfast at the hospital that morning.

It’s strange but I remember details of that morning but the rest of the day was a blur. After seeing the planes hit the towers and the other locations, and the continuous news reports, I can remember feeling helpless and feeling a need to do something.

In the hours that passed, we sat and watched our world change. I’m proud to say that the City of Batavia Fire Department stepped up and sent crews to New York City as soon as we were able. However, I was not in that response.

So, for me, there still a feeling I needed to do something. After a discussion with my wife, I decided to get back in the military in a reserve capacity. As time passed, I still felt the draw and eventually got my time to serve.

I eventually deployed on three separate occasions to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The City of Batavia supported my efforts and allowed me to keep my medical coverage for my family while I was serving overseas.

I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to serve my country and to be able to serve the community where I live. On this anniversary of this tragedy I’m drawn to a memory of one of my deployments, where a sign hung that said, “Today is September 12th.”

For me that means a chance to help pick up the pieces; to show that we are stronger than that event. I’m proud to be a veteran, a firefighter and a member of this community.

Batavia VFW marks 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attack: 'We will not forget'

By Mike Pettinella

“Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.” – President George W. Bush.

As those words by a president seeking to calm a nation shocked by the events of Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, resound to this day, officials of VFW Veness-Strollo Post 1602 this morning conducted a moving and fitting tribute to the nearly 3,000 lives lost as a result of that horrific terrorist attack on American soil.

The Batavian, as a community service to those unable to attend today's remembrance event, is publishing the text of the speeches given by Assemblyman Steven Hawley, VFW member Max Sernoffsky (who acted as master of ceremonies), Post 1602 Junior Vice Commander John Woodworth Jr. and City Councilman-At-Large Robert Bialkowski.

Another story, featuring Batavia Police Det. Sgt. Matt Lutey and Batavia Fire Lt. Dave Green, will follow.

Assemblyman Steven Hawley

It’s hard to believe that it has been 20 years since the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. Most, if not all of us, remember exactly what we were doing that day … almost as if it were yesterday. Where we were; who we were with and how we felt. Watching the twin towers (of the World Trade Center in New York City) fall changed our lives and our nation forever.

As New Yorkers, we were all particularly affected by the attack close to our own homes. We are forever grateful to our first responders, many of whom still live with the physical and psychological effects of their service during that tragic time.

Their courage can not be understated. Thousands of firefighters, emergency medical technicians, and police officers rushed into danger at that scene to save others during the attack – and we will never forget the hundreds of responders who died so that others might live.

After the tragedy of the terrorist attacks of 9-11-01, a sense of unity spread throughout the entire country. American flags blossomed everywhere – on homes and on businesses. Bumper stickers and magnets declaring support for our military were a common sight on highways. And we came together to support those within our communities and beyond.

The American spirit of resilience was on full display, just as it was during our Revolution and during the World Wars. We must always remember that resiliency and never forget that regardless of our personal or political differences, we are united freely and equally as one people under our Constitution.

It is that commitment to our common ideals and the respect for one another that has empowered us to be as strong as we are. The events of the past few weeks have thrust us into a new period, and reminds us – home or abroad – the strength, bravery and skill of our military service members are what stand between freedom and tyranny.

The men and women who fought in Afghanistan should be welcomed home as heroes, and those we lost should be remembered and honored for all history. They fought bravely for a righteous cause. As soldiers return to their families, we must ensure they’re given every resource to make a successful transition back into life at home.

Most of all, they deserve our gratitude and respect.

Max Sernoffsky, VFW Post 1602 member

Three major questions have got my attention while planning this event: who, how and, most importantly, why.

Well, 911 has always been known as a sign of distress. If there is trouble, just call the number and you get help from first responders. So, the question of who. Who are we honoring? Definitely, first responders.

Sept. 11, 2001 was very different. This was a very vicious and malicious attack on all of America through which our World Trade Center and Pentagon were attacked. In essence, the heartbeat of America.

On this day all of America responded. America became proud, ready and united. On this day, we honor all Americans who made themselves ready for the call to protect our way of life.

The question of how? It has been said that how we should act is sad and somber. I totally agree what happened 20 years ago was anything but a celebration. Well, America did not die on that day. America came together. Angry and upset, maybe, but definitely united.

As one may say, let a sleeping dog lie, because after this tragedy America did become alive. Every patriotic American volunteered to support the cause of freedom.

The most important question is why? Why are we gathered here today? This is a remembrance event. Remember there are some out there that try to take our freedoms, rights and way of life from us … as American we must always be prepared to protect and defend as we did on that day.

Heroes on Flight 93 were the first to respond. They were American citizens who were very heroic. They stopped the terrorists from reaching their mark in an attempt to destroy America. To those brave American citizens, we just always remember and never forget. Let us honor them by doing what it takes to keep our country free.

Among us today, we have many veterans and first responders. We also have many citizens whose help was instrumental. Several are part of the many organizations that are here to serve. Why? Because they believe in what you're doing for our country.

To our young citizens, I realize you were too little or not even born when this tragic event took place. To you I realize that you are about to embark on a path – whatever you become – doctors, firemen, policemen or even a member of the armed forces. There will be times you feel alone along the way, alienated, tested or even overwhelmed.

Just remember … we always have your back. I encourage you all to stay around after the ceremony and engage first hand with our fellow veterans, supporting organizations and first responders. Ask the questions, gain knowledge, insight and wisdom from them.

(He also thanked the businesses who supported the ceremony).

Today, we remember our firefighters, police force, armed forces and citizens who all stepped forward when they first got the news. These people ran toward the danger – not away from it. Why? Because there were American citizens in those towers.

It is because of that bravery that many lives were saved. They did this knowing full well of the risk that they themselves may never make it back alive. I can’t say this enough. It is Americans like you that make me so proud to be an American.

Please God, always give me the same strength that they had to be ready to face danger and to never turn my back to it. Whenever I think of the many Americans selflessly doing their part, protecting our way of life, it just makes me so thankful and patriotic.

Why do Americans do this? It is because Americans are resilient. They do this because America is worth protecting. As long as we continue to have our brave young Americans protecting our way of life, we will forever be and always will be the greatest nation ever.

Councilmember-At-Large Robert Bialkowski

We certainly live in very troubled times. 20 years (ago), it seems like just an hour ago, the mainland of our country was attacked by our enemies. Please, let’s never, ever forget this day.

Four airliners were hijacked and used for these attacks of terror. American Airlines Flight 11 was crashed into the World Trade Center north tower at 8:46 a.m. United Airlines Flight 175 was crashed 17 minutes later into the south tower at 9:03 a.m. American Airlines Flight 77 was crashed into the west side of the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. United Airlines Flight 93, heading for target White House or the Capitol building was overtaken by some very brave passengers and crashed in Shanksville, Pa., at 10:03 a.m.

Many of us have had friends, relatives and associates working in these buildings. I, personally, had a relative and other military people I knew that were working in the Pentagon at that time. By the grace of God, they escaped.

The aftermath of this attack was 2,977 fatalities. Over 25,000 people were also injured. Three hundred and forty firefighters and 72 law enforcement officers paid the ultimate sacrifice performing their heroic rescue attempts, and to this day there are thousands of people suffering health issues.

This was a major attack and it all occurred in minutes, and it was well laid out and well planned. These people – al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS and all the other terrorist groups – are our enemies and must be treated as such. They will never be our friends and we must never forget.

It’s an honor to be here today to recognize our local post 1602 and the entire VFW organization for all your unselfish work supporting all our veterans. Since your beginning in 1899 … that’s a long time to be providing services. You provide a home, and when I say home, I’m talking about a community – a community where all veterans are welcome with honor and dignity.

He then was joined by City Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr. in presenting a proclamation from the City of Batavia recognizing today as “911 Day of Remembrance in the City of Batavia” and encourage citizens to honor the lives of those lost to participation in community service and remembrance ceremonies on this day and throughout this year.

VFW Post 1602 Junior Vice Commander John Woodworth Jr.

I encourage our recruits to understand that the VFW and American Legion is our voice in Washington, D.C. We have to depend on each other, so I highly recommend that you join these organizations to support not just ourselves but our community as well.

My name is John Woodworth Jr. I'm a U.S. Air Force retiree and I continue to serve our great nation as of now, for 31 years.

I would like to speak about September 11th, 2001, as we commemorate the 20th anniversary of the events ... and remember all those who lost their lives on that tragic day. To me, September 11th has been the worst attack on the American people and the second worst attack on America’s resolve.

The first, as many may know already, is December 7th, 1941, at the Pearl Harbor Naval Stations. However, but instead of another country waging war on our nation using military force against military force, 19 Islamic extremists committed an unthinkable act of cowardliness against the American people and tested our resolve. These 19 terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners – American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines Flight 77 and United Airlines Flight 93.

They used them as weapons of mass destruction on American citizens and citizens from 77 different countries. These weren’t the only victims of 911. We lost 412 of America’s heroes, and I’m referring to our firefighters, police officers and medical personnel who answered the call and gave all save tens of thousands of lives during rescue operations at the World Trade Center.

Which leads me to the other heroes of September 11th – Chief Master Sgt. Troy McIntosh from the Pentagon who rushed into flames three times to help evacuate wounded personnel and Master Sgt. Noel Sepulveda, a career medical technician, who pulled six injured people through windows and set up a triage in the parking lot. And finally, the passengers of Flight 93.

The passengers of Flight 93, after learning the intentions of their hijackers, established a plan to retake their aircraft from these assailants – transforming themselves from victims to heroes. Their sacrifice resulted in safeguarding an unknown number lives at the hijackers’ unknown target – cementing themselves as the first ones to fight terrorism on September 11th, and in my eyes, the biggest heroes of the day.

The actions of our first responders and Flight 93 passengers inspired and strengthened America’s resolve.

I often wonder if Osama Bin Laden felt the same pressure as Japanese World War II Admiral Yamamoto by awakening a sleeping giant. Did Bin Laden recognize true might of America or did he misjudge America’s pursuit of peace as a weakness?

On Sept. 18, 2001, President Bush signed a bill to authorize use of military force. Then on Oct. 7, 2001, U.S. forces began air campaigns against the Taliban and al-Qaeda forces. For nearly 20 years, the U.S. armed forces kept the fight on enemy soil.

However, the war on terrorism isn’t truly over as we discovered on August 26th, 2021, when 13 American service members lost their lives to a suicide bombing as the United States was withdrawing from Afghanistan to officially end the longest war in American history. (He then mentioned a display inside the VFW set up to honor those 13 service members).

My final words for September 11th are this:

We should never forget the men, women and children whose lives were so tragically on the ground and in the air. We should never forget the sacrifice our first responders and the passengers of Flight 93. As Americans, we need to remain ever vigilant and continue to stand together to stand together against terrorism.

As Flight 93 passenger Todd Beamer quoted, “Let’s roll.”

Photos at bottom: U.S. Army personnel observing a moment of silence; Tom Cecere rings the bell at 8:46 a.m. to mark the first strike into the World Trade Center (other bell ringings took place at 9:03, 9:37 and 10:03); playing of taps as VFW honor guard stands at attention. Photos by Mike Pettinella.

Four bands to provide afternoon of entertainment in Elba tomorrow

By Howard B. Owens

More fun, music, and food are on the agenda in the Elba Village Park tomorrow from noon until  6 p.m.

The Corfu Pembroke Community Band, directed by Don Rogers leads off the festivities. This group was the finale of the summer series last year and the program features patriotic music.

DSP Jazz Trio will follow.  The trio is Derek Reiss, a BHS graduate who played trumpet in the US Air Force Band for 24 years and now lives in Elba. Skip Taylor, on drums, taught music at Pembroke Central School for 30 years, was a founder of the Corfu Pembroke Community Band, and has played in musical groups in WNY and Canada for many years. And Peter Mark, also a BHS graduate who has performed with many instrumental and vocal groups around WNY, will be on trombone and provide vocals.

The third band of the afternoon is Generations, a 5 piece group that plays danceable rock and roll from the 50s and 60s. You'll hear covers of the Beatles, Stones, Credence, Linda Ronstadt, and many one-hit wonders.

Rounding out the show will be the Don Newcomb Band playing good, old-school,  traditional,  real country music,  such as Hank, Merle, and Buck. The group features Don Newcomb on bass and vocals, Keith Worthington guitar and vocals, Chris Mc Gauley on steel guitar and vocals, and rounding it out with Skip Taylor back on the stage on drums. 

For Elba's last show, the Betterment Committee will be cooking hot dogs and hamburgers, serving pizza from Andy's, and popping corn at our stand. The committee will serve homemade pie from Chap's Elba Diner. Lori's Delectable Edibles, Ice Cream and Chill, Circle B Winery, and Eli Fish will be there as well

Every concert this summer has been provided free of charge but tomorrow there will be taking a free-will offering to the Elba Historical Society, which hasn't been unable to host their famous roast beef dinner for the past two years due to the pandemic.

Grand Jury Report: Man accused of threatening officers with knife during incident in Darien

By Howard B. Owens

Dean M. Conboy, Sr., is indicted on two counts of attempted aggravated assault upon a police officer, two counts of menacing a police officer, attempted assault in the second degree, unlawful imprisonment in the first degree, two counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree, resisting arrest, and menacing in the second degree.  On June 11, 2021, Conboy allegedly threatened police officers and intended to cause serious injury to police officers using a dangerous instrument. He also allegedly restained another person and exposed that person to the risk of serious physical injury. He allegedly possessed a knife during these incidents.

Andrew C. Aldrow is indicted on counts of felony DWI, refusal to submit to a breath test, consumption of alcoholic beverages in a motor vehicle, and moving from lane unsafely. Aldrow was stopped on Feb. 26 in  the Town of Le Roy.

Stephen L. Hegel is indicted on two counts of grand larceny in the third degree and one count of grand larceny in the fourth degree. On Oct. 8, in the City of Batavia, Hegel allegedly stole property with more than $3,000.  On Oct. 22,  he allegedly stole property with a value of more than $1,000. On Oct. 14, he allegedly stole property valued at more than $3,000.

BID announces annual scarecrow contest

By Howard B. Owens

Businesses, agencies, organizations, and families are invited to participate in the Downtown Business Improvement District's annual Scarecrow Contest.

Prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place.

All participants will be provided with straw, twine and an assigned pole in  Downtown Batavia where the entrants can mount their scarecrows.

The contest runs from Sept. 27 to Oct. 31.

Register online at or email  There is a $20 entry fee.

Photo: File photo from 2020

Photos: 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony in Alexander

By Howard B. Owens

Volunteer firefighters from Alexander, Town of Batavia, Le Roy, Darien, and Bethany, along with Sheriff's deputies and State troopers, participated on Friday morning in a remembrance ceremony for the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States at Alexander Central School.

Photos by Alecia Kaus.

Sponsored Post: New listings from Reliant Real Estate

By Lisa Ace

181 Vine Street, Batavia. Here’s one you shouldn’t overlook! Solid well kept and upgraded, this 2 bedroom, 2 full bath Cape is literally turn key! Home has been freshly painted and downstairs, newly carpeted. The living room is super spacious with gas fireplace and lots of natural lighting. There is first floor bedroom, bath and laundry and a kitchen that is loaded with cupboards and storage! Upstairs is like your own private suite with small sitting area large bedroom and another full bath-this home packs a lot in! When you walk outside from kitchen you will fall in love with this pretty and super private backyard! Not only is it surprisingly large there is a shed AND an awesome large outbuilding that was used as a workshop but would make an awesome man cave/she shed or super cool play house- it has electric and heat!! Hidden gem of a home -super affordable and turn key for you to move right in!!

60 River Street, Batavia. Here’s one to not look past! Solid 3 bedroom, 2 FULL bath home in great location. Close to all amenities and conveniently located to all major routes and minutes from thruway for quick access to Buffalo/Rochester! Everything in this homes has been modernized throughout the years with the addition of a first floor bedroom and bath with great closet space! This room has French doors leading to great large private deck! What you don’t see from the road is a super deep and awesome private back yard-it feels like your own private escape from everything! Sit on your back deck or there’s a large above ground pool where you can enjoy with no one to see!! Upstairs of this home has two additional good size bedrooms and an additional full bath. This home definitely is bigger AND cozier than it appears from the road! Utilities are inexpensive and there is large basement that is great storage or perfect for the person looking for extra space for workshop! This home is perfect whether you are starting out or ending-everything is well laid out and ready for someone to move in and make it their own!!

Call Reliant Real Estate today, call 585-344-HOME (4663).

Paving begins on North Road in Le Roy

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee County Highway Department began paving operations on North Road (CR #40) in the Town of Le Roy today.  Paving will initially begin on the aprons and intersection with Rt 19.  Mainline paving on North Road will restart on Monday, Sept. 13 and continue for the remainder of the week. Paving operations will be between Route 19 and the Monroe County line. North Road will be closed to thru traffic during this time for the safety of the highway crews. The road will remain accessible to local traffic, deliveries, school buses, and emergency vehicles. 

Health Department hosting drive-thru anti-rabies clinic on Thursday

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County Health Department will be hosting a FREE drive-thru anti-rabies immunization clinic on Thursday, September 16th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Genesee County Fairgrounds (5056 East Main Street, Batavia).

“Rabies continues to be a public health issue in Genesee County. We urge pet owners to take this opportunity to ensure their pets are protected against rabies,” stated Paul Pettit, Public Health Director for Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health). “Our drive-thru clinics are well-organized, run very smoothly, and prevent animals from getting into any altercations with other animals.”

Vaccinations are free for dogs, cats, and ferrets, but voluntary donations are accepted. Animals must be at least 3 months old. Each animal must be leashed or crated and accompanied by an adult who can control the animal. Limit 4 pets per car maximum.

Face coverings are recommended and please follow all social distancing requirements.

To save you time, please click here to fill out your registration form in advance. Be sure to print out two copies for each pet to be vaccinated and bring them with you to the clinic.

The next anti-rabies immunization clinic in Orleans County will be held on October 2nd at the Orleans County Fairgrounds (12690 Rt. 31 in Albion) from 9:00-11:30 a.m. For more information, please contact the Orleans County Health Department: 585-589-3278 or The next anti-rabies immunization clinic in Genesee County will be held on October 14th.  For more information, please contact the Genesee County Health Department: 585-344-2580 x.5555 or

Top Items on Batavia's List

AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: Assignments in this Class require the exercise of specialized skills in tasks pertaining to the maintenance and repair of a wide variety of machinery and equipment used in public works activities, as well as to other vehicles owned or operated by the municipal employer. In smaller agencies, an Automotive Mechanic may exercise a degree of supervision over assistant mechanics or Equipment Operators performing minor maintenance and repair on equipment, with general supervision being received from a supervisor, superintendent, or other such official or designee. Does related work, as required. TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: Repairs motorized and non-motorized equipment, such as trucks, tractors, mowers, graders, loaders, sweepers, rollers, compressors, and automobiles; Adjusts, repairs, and rebuilds gasoline and diesel engines; Repairs and replaces components of equipment, such as suspension systems, drive assemblies, brake systems, fuel systems, electrical systems, and cooling systems, and makes necessary adjustments to same; Carries out sanding, sandblasting, filling, painting, and related body-work tasks; Makes minor welding repairs; Operates drills, grinders, and other metal-working machines related to automotive repair functions; Performs preventative maintenance tasks which may include vehicle inspections; Attaches and removes snow plows, blades, and other attachments for motorized equipment; Maintains records of tasks performed, and other pertinent records; Requisitions parts and materials, to ensure adequate supply to maintain workflow; Acts as Equipment Operator, or wingman, as directed; May drive buses, cars, or trucks; May deliver fuel to job sites; Keeps shop area neat and clean. The above examples of duties are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to the position. FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITY AND/OR PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of standard automotive repair and maintenance methods; thorough knowledge of automotive repair terminology and tools; working knowledge of welding techniques; ability to make difficult repairs to heavy automotive and other mechanical equipment; ability to work from plans and specifications, and to follow rough draft sketches and oral instructions; good motor and hand eye coordination; manual dexterity. The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is occasionally required to reach with hands and arms. The employee constantly is required to stand; walk; and use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objects, tools, or controls. The employee is occasionally required to sit; climb or balance; stoop, kneel, crouch, or crawl; and talk or hear. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 100 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distance vision, and the ability to adjust focus. The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee regularly works in outside weather conditions. The employee is frequently exposed to wet and/or humid conditions. The employee is occasionally exposed to risk of electrical shock. The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate to loud. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS:  Some jurisdictions may require appointees to receive and maintain certification as a NYS Motor Vehicle Inspector, within six months of appointment. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: 1.     Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. 2.     In school districts where incumbent may operate a school bus, possession of a valid appropriate level New York State Driver's License is required. 3.     Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. NOTE:  In addition, candidates must satisfy the requirements for School Bus Driver set forth in the Rules and Regulations of the New York State Commissioner of Education. Non-Competitive Class Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than October 18, 2024.
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