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Batavia native found his life path in the military, becomes a mentor to young people in community

By Joanne Beck

The word haven means a place of safety, a refuge.

And so it is with Batavia native Haven Armstrong. Despite his rocky childhood — dropping out of high school and a constant journey of getting into “a little bit of trouble” — Armstrong has since become a leader in the military, with his family, and for the community.

The 36-year-old Irondequoit resident has fulfilled the very reason his dad named him Haven.

“It means a safe place; he liked that word. My dad taught me how to carry yourself like a man,” Armstrong said during an interview Wednesday. “I just want to be as honest, as real, as open as I can be.”

A Rocky Beginning

It took him a while to reach this point. As a teen, Armstrong dropped out of school at 16. Admittedly, he was “running with the wrong crowd, skipping school” and believing he was a man before his time.

“Thinking I was grown up before I was grown up,” he said.  “My mother didn’t let me get away with a lot. She guided me.”

His mom, Patricia Armstrong of Batavia, not only devoted her support to her eldest son and his siblings, but to Haven’s daughter. At the precarious age of 15, he became a father to Makayla. That was “a definite eye-opener,” he said and began his slow trek into adulthood. He eventually got his General Education Diploma (GED) and worked “every job” at various places, from gumball factories and roofing companies to fast-food restaurants.

He acknowledges now that he probably should have listened to his mom more than he did. When his second child, Hasan, was born in 2007, Armstrong genuinely tuned into reality, he said. At 23, he decided to enlist in the Army National Guard. He never looked back.

Falling in Line

“I saw the way my life was going,” he said. “I kind of just took right to it. It’s always something I wanted to do. I believe it was the structure I was yearning for. It was a personal journey that helped me as a father, helped me as a brother, helped me as a son.”

Geographically, he said, the role of infantryman has taken him to Germany, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Ireland, and just about every state in America. Once a kid on the street looking for trouble, Armstrong, a Staff Sergeant in line for a promotion to Sergeant First Class, has established a solid career. Much of his work has been to evaluate infantry units and train them for deployment. His team trained 50,000 troops across the country, he said. While overseas he helped to shut down highways and safeguard vehicles carrying ammunition.

“We made sure it was a safe route for the ammo to travel,” he said. “We were getting proficient and becoming experts in what we did. It taught me a lot.”

Two years ago he took another opportunity with National Guard to become a recruiter. Based in Geneseo, Armstrong visits schools throughout Genesee County and a portion of Wyoming County during the school year. Summertime means seeing prospective recruits at festivals and fairs. Although he misses the hands-on duties of his infantryman status, Armstrong enjoys sharing his own story with youths who may be experiencing a similar upbringing. The Army National Guard has given him a needed outlet, he said.

“I didn’t know how to channel that energy,” he said. “That’s why I got in trouble.”

Gaining a Voice

His story’s latest chapter is to become part of the Just Kings Social Club, a 10-member organization to help raise up the community. It began with Armstrong’s brother, Brandon, and a few of his friends who organized a march last year in memory of George Floyd and to raise awareness of “why people are upset,” Haven said. Unlike many other rallies that scored big publicity for wreaking havoc on the streets, this one was meant to be peaceful and powerful, Haven said. And he got caught up in the emotion of it all.  During the march, he seized the opportunity to speak his truth.

“I grabbed the bullhorn and shared my story,” he said. “We wanted it to be as non-violent as possible.”

As part African American, he has experienced and observed racial profiling — getting pulled over and searched by law enforcement more often than other ethnicities — and watching as minorities received heavier penalties than white people for similar offenses, he said. His military service has brought enlightenment that it doesn’t have to be that way, he said.

“I’ve seen the most diversity … black leadership with white subordinates and white leadership with black subordinates. We don’t see color; everybody’s green. That was the real way of doing everything. When doing a job, we were all treated the same.”

Establishing a Foothold

He is careful to ensure his children, which also include Haven Jr., receive a well-rounded education and not just what is in traditional history books, he said. He wants to instill “a moral guideline” along with providing valid information about his family’s heritage.

“To give them everything I can give them in this crazy world we live in,” he said. “I don’t hide anything from them.”

He also brings that truth to Just Kings, a group of humble beginnings purposely devoid of a leader in lieu of a board of peers. Just is for justice and Kings is a term of endearment in the black community. Juneteenth celebrations, chicken barbecues, Thanksgiving food drives, and a school backpack program have served as fundraisers and philanthropy efforts to help bring about change and let people know that someone has their back, he said.

“We’re just trying to be that extra support for the community. People felt like they’re not represented,” he said. “We felt like we needed to put our foothold down in the community.”

The group’s mission statement is “to provide a voice for the local black community. We work to educate and mentor the youth, our neighbors, and ourselves as we continue to fight to end Racism (White Supremacy).”

Haven praised the generosity of local individuals and businesses and law enforcement. Just Kings has forged relationships with Batavia City Police Chief Shawn Heubusch and others in the criminal justice system. The outreach has been “overwhelming,” he said, and these efforts have given people a voice.

“We’ve been silent for so long,” he said.

For more information about Just Kings, how you can help, and future events, check out:

Photos courtesy Haven Armstrong.

City Fire urges residents to learn the 'Sounds of Safety' during Fire Prevention Week

By Press Release

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department is teaming up with the National Fire Protection Association® (NFPA®)—the official sponsor of Fire Prevention Week for more than 90 years—to promote this year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign, “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety.” This year’s campaign, October 3-9th, works to educate everyone about simple but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe. 

The City of Batavia Fire Department encourages all residents to embrace the 2021 Fire Prevention Week theme.  “It’s important to learn the different sounds of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. When an alarm makes noise—a beeping sound or a chirping sound—you must take action!” said Dan Herberger, Fire Chief. “Make sure everyone in the home understands the sounds of the alarms and knows how to respond. To learn the sounds of your specific smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, check the manufacturer’s instructions that came in the box, or search the brand and model online.”

The City Batavia Fire Department wants to share safety tips to help you “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety”

  • A continuous set of three loud beeps—beep, beep, beep—means smoke or fire. Get out, call 9-1-1, and stay out.
  • A single chirp every 30 or 60 seconds means the battery is low and must be changed.
  • All smoke alarms must be replaced after 10 years.
  • Chirping that continues after the battery has been replaced means the alarm is at the end of its life and the unit must be replaced.
  • Make sure your smoke and CO alarms meet the needs of all your family members, including those with sensory or physical disabilities.
  • The City of Batavia Fire Department is hosting a series of events in support of this year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign, “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety”, including several presentations at area schools, residences, and the library.

Along with our public events, The City of Batavia Fire Department has a FREE smoke alarm installation program,” said Fire Chief Herberger. “If you do not have a smoke detector or if you are unsure the batteries are working properly, members of the City of Batavia Fire Department will come to your home and ensure that you have a working smoke detector, absolutely free of charge. Call (585) 345-6375 to set up an in-home appointment.”

Hawley kicks off Women's Small Business Month with visit to Gilliana's Diner

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is kicking off a series of visits to local small businesses to commemorate National Women's Small Business Month, starting with a visit to Gilliana's Diner in Batavia. In the weeks to come, Hawley will be visiting other women-owned small businesses in the district throughout October.

Gilliana's Diner is a business opened by local resident Jill Antinore during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hawley will be visiting the restaurant on Oct. 2 at 12:30 p.m. to honor Jill Antinore for her community-minded actions and perseverance in opening her business during a challenging period, all while looking out for her neighbors. They will also discuss her experience opening and operating her business, along with the challenges she and her staff have faced along the way.

“The dedication and generosity displayed by Jill Antinore in opening her business amid a pandemic is truly commendable, and her restaurant is the perfect place to start our celebration of National Women's Small Business Month,” said Hawley. “What she has done for the community, even while working to get her restaurant up and running, is truly astounding. I look forward to hearing from her firsthand about how she managed to do so much for so many people.”

Even as they opened their doors during tumultuous times, Jill and her husband worked through nights and early mornings to prepare meals to donate to the United Memorial Medical Center. Not stopping there, the business has continued its generous acts by donating 30 percent of all take-out dinner sales to benefit the Batavia Business & Professional Women's Club, as well as providing scholarships to local youth, and monetary awards to non-profit organizations engaged in bettering the community.

As Hawley continues with his series of visits to other businesses throughout National Women's Small Business Month, he will continue to highlight women-owned businesses that have overcome adversity, gone above and beyond to benefit their community, or have otherwise become famed fixtures within local areas. He will be announcing more of these visits to businesses in the near future.

“In a year that has been challenging for small businesses throughout the state, I am excited to use this opportunity to highlight the hard work and managerial prowess of women who own small businesses in our district,” said Hawley. “They have worked through a pandemic to continue serving their communities, all while adapting to rapidly changing laws and regulations, and that is something truly admirable.”

Administrator: No vaccine issues at The Manor House, but NYS reimbursement for testing is welcome

By Mike Pettinella

Early confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine’s effectiveness has kept The Manor House free from any health problems for residents and staff alike, according to the administrator of the upscale assisted living facility at 427 East Main St.

“All of our staff were really confident in the vaccine in the beginning so most of us were already vaccinated,” Kristin Cronk said on Thursday. “We had a very high vaccination rate to start with so fortunately for us it has not affected our staffing.”

All of the building’s 65 residents and all but two of the 50 employees have received the vaccine, she said, “and we’re working on the last two right now.”

“Vaccination-wise we’re doing really well. We’ve never had a COVID case to date in this building,” she added.

Cronk said The Manor House is experiencing the same staffing issues that similar agencies are experiencing, but noted they are not related to the vaccine mandate.

When asked about applying for financial relief from New York State, she said she is looking into that.

“Relief is something that many of the buildings are advocating for, especially because a lot of the employees, us included, had to cover the cost for their testing – when we did have to do testing for so long,” she said. “That’s something that is very important to us but we haven’t gotten very far on that yet.”

Human Resources Director Renee Arieno commended The Manor House team “for keeping our residents safe.”

“We’re really fortunate that we’re not experiencing the hardships that others are with the vaccine mandate,” she said.

A private-pay facility, The Manor House offers 89 studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments, which are rented on a monthly basis. Employees include licensed practical nurses, aides, receptionists, cooks, housekeepers, servers and security.

Currently, 12 apartments are available, Cronk said.

Jackson Street building renovation is underway

By Mike Pettinella

Renovation of the commercial building at 39-43 Jackson St. in Batavia's Downtown Business Improvement District has begun, with Thompson Builds of Churchville as the general contractor. Supported by a Building Improvement Fund grant through the state Downtown Revitalization Initiative, work includes building out storefront entrances flush to the face of the building, replacing windows, installing exterior down lighting on the face of the elevation, removing existing ridged canopy projections and installing new retractable fabric awnings. 

Photo by Mike Pettinella.

Previously: County planners to consider site plan for renovations at 39-43 Jackson St.

Photos: Yesterday's Sunset

By Howard B. Owens

I should have posted these photos earlier today but got sidetracked or something.  I took the top photo on the drive home from Rochester yesterday on Route 33.  The bottom photo is from Indian Falls by Joanne Meiser.

Chief physicians, Monroe County executive address nursing home 'bottlenecks,' employee vaccination status

By Mike Pettinella

The chief medical officer at Rochester Regional Health today said that due to nursing home admission limitations as many as 80 patients who are ready to be transferred to long-term care facilities or rehabilitation centers are stuck in the system’s hospitals.

“There are, on any given day, in our … hospitals, a combined 60 to 80 patients in this category,” Dr. Rob Mayo said. “So, it is a considerable number.”

RRH is an integrated health care system with nine member hospitals, including United Memorial Medical Center in Batavia.

Mayo (photo at right) took part in a video press conference with Adam Bello, Monroe County executive; Dr. Michael Mendoza, Monroe County commissioner of public health, and Dr. Michael J. Apostolakos, chief medical officer at University of Rochester Medical Center Strong Memorial and Highland Hospitals.

The session focused on the vaccine mandate imposed upon health care workers by Gov. Kathy Hochul and its effect on staffing at hospitals and nursing homes, as well as the situation in schools and delays in receiving care at hospital emergency rooms.

Mayo said RRH is working with the other health systems and community partners to alleviate the hospital-to-nursing-home logjam.

“What we do is continue to care for them, and we continue to look for options,” he said. “We work with our partner home care agencies … but, by and large, it is a challenge to do this.”

All three doctors emphasized that employee vaccination rates at their hospitals are very high – up to 99 percent at RRH and URMC locations – but acknowledged that lower levels at nursing homes are causing significant problems.

“Among nursing home staff not all staff fit into the same categories,” Mendoza offered. “When you look at the positions, the nurse practitioners who work in the nursing homes, the vaccination rate is like among other positions – upwards of 99 percent.

“What we’re seeing among other staff, particularly the nurse aides and CNAs (Certified Nursing Assistants) and so forth, their vaccination rate more appropriately parallels the demographic from which they are representing. So, if many live in the city (of Rochester), their vaccination rate as a population is roughly the same as the vaccination rate that we’re seeing in the city.”

Mendoza called it “an absolute concern … that represents a disparity in care and health access that we’ve been seeing all across this pandemic. It is a very important problem.”

He said nursing homes are limiting the number of admissions from the hospitals in order to “keep appropriate ratios in place.”

“Right now, unfortunately for the rest of the health care system, they’ve decreased their admissions, which is creating a bottleneck, if you will, across the entire system.”

Apostolakos said the nursing home issue has resulted in the inability to transfer 55 patients in the URMC system – almost 10 percent of its inpatient capacity.

“… those patients are still taking up acute care beds in our acute care hospital,” he said. “It is causing a significant percentage of our beds to be taken up and, therefore, making it more difficult to get patients through the emergency room and into our hospital, and to accept transfers into our facility.”


Mayo said that as of Monday, more than 99 percent of RRH employees are vaccinated, with less than 1 percent placed on administrative leave because of their unvaccinated status. He also said that a small percentage requested religious or medical exemptions – and those were granted in compliance with New York State regulations.

Those employees who do not qualify for an exemption and refuse to get vaccinated will be terminated sometime in the morning of Oct. 3 (this Sunday), he reported.

“Despite the successes with this vaccination mandate and regulation, we do have understaffed areas,” he said. “Many people are working overtime. We have patients in our hospitals awaiting discharge and we pleased to participate in a community-wide effort to create solutions for hospitals and for nursing homes … so we can all move patients into their appropriate environments as quickly as possible.”

He also said RRH is participating in efforts to managing strains on pediatric practices and the impact of COVID in schools.

Apostolakos said that more than 96 percent of URMC employees have been vaccinated, another 3 percent received religious exemptions and less than 1 percent elected to resign their positions.

“The not so good news,” he said, is the increasing number of COVID cases.

Sixty-nine patients at Strong have COVID, with 15 of those on a ventilator, he said, and another 84 are at other URMC facilities.

“That number continues to increase,” he said, adding that most of those patients are unvaccinated.

He pleaded with the community “to get vaccinated for yourself, for your family, for your community and for our health care workers that have been under stress and strain for the past 18 months.”

Bello said 93.8 percent of workers at Monroe County Hospital are vaccinated, with 61 employees not vaccinated, seven receiving exemptions and one who has resigned.

He said the unvaccinated workers have been placed on unpaid administrative leave for three months, but would be welcomed back if fully vaccinated.

The county executive said employees are working under stressful conditions and that he was disheartened to see people protesting in front of hospitals.

“The patients inside are sick; they’re seeking care. The health care providers are working long hours, under considerable stress. Neither patients nor health care workers deserve the disdain and anger that’s being targeted towards them and where they work,” he said.


Mendoza spoke about situation in schools, noting that they are seeing an unseasonal increase in Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV, which causes mild symptoms in school age kids but can be serious for infants, toddlers and older adults.

Also, a growing number of school age children who have contracted COVID-19, he said.

Per state Department of Health guidelines, the only authorized tests are the NAT and PCR tests, he said, and not the rapid antigen tests due to Monroe County’s “high” transmission status.

He said health officials are working with schools to increase testing capabilities, a procedure that is also taking place in Genesee County.

“Do not send your sick children to school. Make sure they are properly masking and follow all of the other safety protocols in place … and if they are eligible, please get them vaccinated,” he said.


Both Apostolakos and Mayo said that for the immediate future, delays in the emergency rooms, waiting rooms and even some urgent care centers are inevitable.

The emergency department has a triage process, with priority is given to patients depending upon severity of illness or injury, Apostolakos said, “so the wait could be several hours.”

“We encourage our patients to call their primary care providers to seek health care at urgent care if their illness is less severe,” he advised.

He also said URMC is pausing temporarily some elective surgeries where hospital stays are necessary to ensure there is enough space for patients admitted with COVID and other non-COVID illnesses.

Mayo said RRH emergency rooms and urgent care facilities have been crowded over the last couple weeks.

“It’s disappointing to acknowledge … but waits in our emergency rooms can be long; they can be several hours,” he said.

Many outpatient services have been unaffected, he said, but RRH hospitals are limiting some elective surgeries, primarily at Rochester General Hospital.

Sponsored Post: Dolce Panepinto: Frequently asked workers' compensation questions

By Lisa Ace

Q. What is a Workers’ Compensation claim?
A. A Workers’ Compensation claim is a legal action that occurs when you get hurt during the course of your employment. In New York State you cannot sue your employer. When you get hurt at work, the Workers’ Compensation system provides for lost time financial payments and medical treatment required as a result of your work-related injury.

Q. How do I know if I have a Workers’ Compensation claim?
A. If you sustain an injury during the course of your employment, you should contact our office for a free case evaluation as soon as possible. We can help you determine if you have a Workers’ Compensation claim and assist you in filing the proper paperwork.

Q. How long do I have to file a Workers’ Compensation claim?
A. You are required to report your injury to your employer within 30 days. There is also a two-year time limit to file a claim with the Workers’ Compensation Board. Failure to adhere to these time limits can result in a denial of your claim.

Q. Is a Workers’ Compensation claim my only recourse if I am hurt at work?
A. In New York State, you cannot sue your employer. In some circumstances, a personal injury lawsuit can be filed in addition to a Workers’ Compensation claim. This includes, but is not limited to, injuries sustained in a work-related motor vehicle accident, constructions injuries, or injuries sustained at a location not owned by your employer. Our team of attorneys at Dolce Panepinto will assess your claim to ensure that every legal avenue available to you is pursued.

Q. How much does a Workers’ Compensation Attorney cost? 
A. Workers’ Compensation fees are generated on a contingent basis. This means that we only receive payment if we generate money in connection with your Workers’ Compensation claim. More information on contingent fees can be found here. Additionally, our attorneys can explain our attorney fees in greater detail.

Q. Do I need an attorney?
A. While an attorney is not required, it is strongly recommended that you retain an attorney. The Workers’ Compensation Law is complex, confusing, and often difficult to navigate. The insurance carrier will have an attorney fighting on their behalf, we recommend that you have an attorney fighting on your behalf. Having an attorney means ensuring your rights are protected, maximizing your benefits, and making sure your questions and concerns are addressed.

Dolce Panepinto works tirelessly to protect the rights of injured workers by making sure that those responsible are held accountable. If you or a family member are injured at work, or in your private life, contact us today for a free case evaluation at (585) 815-9003. For further questions regarding Workers' Compensation Law or to contact Dolce Panepinto: click here.


Health Department announces Pfizer booster dose vaccination clinics

By Press Release

Press release:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending that certain populations receive a booster shot of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at least six months after the completion of their Pfizer vaccine primary series (two doses). In addition, the CDC recommends that individuals that are in high-risk occupational and institutional settings should also receive a booster shot of the Pfizer vaccine.

Based on these recommendations, the following groups should receive a booster shot of the Pfizer vaccine at least 6 months after completing their Pfizer vaccine primary series:

  • People 65 years and older
  • Residents in long-term care settings 
  • People aged 50 to 64 with certain underlying medical conditions

The following groups may consider receiving a booster shot of the Pfizer vaccine at least 6 months after completing their Pfizer vaccine primary series, based on their individual benefits and risks:

  • People aged 18 to 49 who are at high risk for severe COVID-19 due to certain underlying medical conditions
  • People aged 18 to 64 who are at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure and transmission because of occupational or institutional setting

Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health) are promoting booster shots to those that are eligible beginning the week of October 4th.

“We are prepared to provide booster shots to eligible residents who received their second dose of the Pfizer vaccine six months ago, stated Paul Pettit, Public Health Director for GO Health. “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective and this will help provide these individuals with the extra protection needed against COVID-19.”

Appointments are required for Booster shots. Individuals will self-attest that they fall under one of the above categories to receive a booster shot. At this time, boosters are only recommended for those who have received the Pfizer vaccine for their primary series. The CDC is continuing to evaluate the data to make recommendations for those that received Moderna and Johnson & Johnson for their primary vaccine series.

Wednesday 10/6

12:45pm - 3:30pm


Genesee County Health Dept.

3837 W Main Street Rd

Batavia, NY 14020

J&J: Walk-ins & Appt.


Moderna: Walk-ins and Appt.


Pfizer Walk-ins and Appt.


Pfizer Booster: Appointment required

Thursday 10/7

12:45pm - 3:30pm

Orleans County Health Dept. 14016 State Route 31


Albion, NY 14411

J&J: Walk-ins and Appt.


Moderna: Walk-ins and Appt.


Pfizer Walk-ins and Appt.


Pfizer Booster: Appointment required

“We also encourage anyone who has still not received their primary series of a COVID-19 vaccine, to do so and to talk with their primary care provider with questions related to the vaccine,” stated Pettit. “Everyone should also continue to practice the public health prevention precautions detailed below.”

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water.
  • If water is not readily available, use hand sanitizer, containing at least 60% alcohol.
  • Wash and sanitize frequently shared/touched items.
  • Stay 6 feet away from others and avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces.
  • Wear a face mask indoors in public and crowded outdoor settings.
  • Monitor your health daily and stay home if you are experiencing any symptoms.
  • Get tested if you are experiencing symptoms and self-isolate until you get your results back. If you test positive for COVID, you are to isolate for 10 days.

For more information on the COVID-19 vaccine, booster shots or to make an appointment, visit

            For COVID-19 updates, visit

Law and Order: Couple reportedly involved in dispute in vehicle on Swamp Road both arrested

By Howard B. Owens

Tylur Tyshawn Harper, 27, of Byron Holley Road, Byron, is charged with criminal mischief 3rd and criminal obstruction of breathing. Harper is accused of breaking the rear window of a vehicle and applied pressure to the throat of another person during a disturbance at a location on Swamp Road in Byron at 10:42 p.m., Wednesday.  Harper allegedly fled the scene on foot following a traffic stop by Deputy David Moore and was later located by Sgt. Mathew Clor and Trooper Ruckdaschel and Trooper Serio  on Byron Holley Road with the help of tracking from  Swamp Road by Batavia PD Officer Stephen Quider and K-9 "Batu."  Harper was arraigned in Town of Batavia Court with an order of protection issued.  Harper was released on his own recognizance.

Elizabeth Christine Lambert, 26, of Swamp Road, Byron, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, and moving from lane unsafely. Lambert was stopped at 10:42 p.m., Wednesday, on Swamp Road, by Deputy David Moore.

Wendy Marie Rivera, 56, of Redwood Avenue, Albion, is charged with stalking 4th and harassment 2nd. Rivera is accused of stalking and harassing another person while following that person in a car on Clinton Street Road in Stafford.  Rivera was located and arrested by Deputy Kenneth Quackenbush.

Ed Henry named Le Royan of the Year

By Press Release

Press Release:

Botts-Fiorito Post #576, American Legion, LeRoy, would like to announce with great pride and pleasure, Ed Henry as its selection for the 2021 “LeRoyan of the Year Award.” The award recognizes people who demonstrate the following qualifications and attributes:

  • The man, woman, or child who exemplifies the true spirit of Americanism, its ideals, love of the flag, and country, regardless of race, creed, or color.
  • Good citizenship – by carrying out these principles, often beyond that expected of him or her.
  • Service to the community – signified by excellence in the life of purpose and accomplishment.

Ed, a longtime resident of LeRoy, currently lives in Williamsville, NY with his wife, Karen. He’s a member of the LeRoy High School Class of 1976 and earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Education at nearby SUNY Brockport in 1980 and 1983, respectively.  Ed is now retired after 38 years at Eastman Kodak.

Ed started his long list of volunteering for the LeRoy Jr.-Sr. High School by doing Stats for the Varsity Football team, and started the website.  Currently you can often see Ed at many sporting events of LeRoy Jr-Sr. High School photographing, from football, basketball, wrestling, softball, baseball, track, and cheerleading.  You can then find all those pictures on the “Le Roy Oatkan Knights Football” Facebook page (with some 850 members), the “Le Roy Oatkan Knights Basketball” Facebook page, and the “LeRoy N.Y. Then and Now” Facebook page (with some 6000 members), which he started and maintains.  Ed is also active with the LeRoy Sports Hall of Fame where he actively manages it website. 

Ed opened his a garage to athletes for off-season weight training, offering supervised lifting sessions 4 days a week.  He helped the athletes learn to stay on task, help one another, mature and give back to the LeRoy community. In seeing a need in the new weight room at school donated dumbbells, kettlebells, and standalone and safe modular equipment to the LeRoy Jr. Sr. High School to improve its weight room. 

Ed’s digital footprint is seen by thousands every time he posts positive stories, images, and videos of the high school students and community.

If you are wondering what Ed does in his spare time, he is very active working at the Machpelah Cemetery in LeRoy. He can be found March through November, cleaning the 25 acres of the cemetery, this involves leaf blowing, raking, pitchforking, weed-whacking, branch removal, and the subsequent dumping of this tremendous amount of debris. He has utilized family, friends, and high school athletes to help in these cleaning projects, teaching youngsters to show respect for the lost lives and to freely give back to the community. 

Ed is also a valued helper and supporter of the LeRoy Historical Society, busily scanning and shooting photos from the Society’s archives (LeRoy Gazette and LeRoy in 1940 collection) to create retro features to share with LeRoyans around the globe.

To honor Ed, the 52nd annual LeRoyan of the Year Award Dinner will be held on Saturday, October 23, 2021. Social hour is at 6:00 PM with dinner served at 6:45 PM, at the American Legion at 53 West Main St, LeRoy.

A limited number of tickets will be available starting on Oct 1, 2021, at the American Legion after 4:00 PM, at Mickel’s Nickels at 80 Lake Street, LeRoy, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Mon - Sat. or by calling Joan 585-721-7801. The cost is $25.00 per ticket (check or cash only).

Local hospital, nursing homes, assisted living facilities report high vaccination rates for staff, residents

By Mike Pettinella

Vaccination rates for United Memorial Medical Center employees are right around the 90 percent mark as hospitals and other facilities around the state contend with Gov. Kathy Hochul’s Sept. 27th mandate requiring health care workers to get vaccinated or risk losing their jobs.

According to statistics on the New York State COVID-19 vaccine website --, 94 percent of workers at UMMC’s Bank Street campus have been vaccinated compared to 89 percent at UMMC’s North Street campus.

UMMC is part of Rochester Regional Health System, which is showing a 90 percent vaccination rate for all of its employees – a percentage point less than data for Strong Memorial Hospital University of Rochester Medical Center.

(Watch for an update later today).

The percentage of hospital workers vaccinated in the Finger Lakes Region is 90 percent, with Genesee and Orleans counties at 89 and Wyoming County at 90.

These figures are calculated from the number of hospital staff eligible for vaccination and the number completing the recommended series of a given COVID-19 vaccine product (e.g. 2 doses of the 2-dose Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or 1-dose of the 1-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine), per the state website.

Statistics for nursing homes and assisted living facilities reveal the following for Genesee County (as reported by the individual facilities as of Sept. 27):

Nursing homes:

  • Le Roy Village Green – Residents’ complete dose: 92.7 percent; Staff complete dose: 83 percent.
  • Premier Genesee – Residents’ complete dose: 90.3 percent; Staff complete dose: 92.4 percent.
  • The Grand – Residents’ complete dose: 91.4 percent; Staff complete dose: 90.7 percent.

Assisted living:

  • Genesee Adult Home – Residents’ complete dose: 94.5 percent; Staff complete dose: 72.7 percent.
  • Le Roy Manor -- Residents’ complete dose: 97.2 percent; Staff compete dose: 92.3 percent.
  • The Manor House, Batavia – Residents’ complete dose: 100 percent; Staff compete dose: 93.6 percent.

Calls seeking comment from the administrators at the nursing homes listed above were not returned at the time of the posting of this story. Samantha Vagg is the administrator at Le Roy Village Green, Sharon Zeams is the administrator at Premier Genesee and Timothy Srye is the administrator at The Grand.

All told in Genesee County, skilled nursing facilities vaccination rates as of Sept. 28 were 94 percent for residents and 90 percent for workers and adult care facilities vaccination rates as of Sept. 28 were 97 percent for residents and 87 percent for workers.


On Wednesday, Hochul said that 92 percent of hospital and nursing home workforce have gotten at least one dose of a Covid vaccine, and 89 percent of adult care facilities employees have received at least one dose.

Based on total number of hospital employees in the state, an 8 percent unvaccinated rate equates to more than 41,000 who have not received at least one dose. As a result, the governor’s staff is monitoring the impact of her mandate, with the possibility of bringing in health care workers from out of the state or even from other countries.

The Genesee County Legislature, along with about seven other counties in the region, has sent a letter to the governor asking for her to include a coronavirus testing option for health care workers.

“I fully support the legislature’s position … to ensure that we didn’t have any lapse in service,” County Manager Matt Landers said today. “It’s a common sense, logical approach to the situation at hand. Obviously, we’d like to see as many people vaccinated as possible, but at the end of the day, we can’t jeopardize the care of our sick and our elderly because of the mandate.”


Latest statistics (as of Sept. 29) also show that 56.1 percent of Genesee County residents age 12 and over are fully vaccinated, which is less than the 63.6 percent for all New York state residents.

By zip code (as of Sept. 28), these are the percentages of those fully vaccinated:

  • Batavia – 50.4
  • East Bethany – 38.8
  • Alexander – 44
  • Basom – 44.4
  • Oakfield – 45.3
  • Byron – 48
  • Corfu – 49.6
  • Darien Center – 51.1
  • Pavilion – 53.8
  • Bergen – 55.3
  • Le Roy – 56.5
  • Stafford – 65.5
  • Elba – 73.6

In the Finger Lakes Region, the total number of people with at least one vaccine dose has increased over the past week by 7,695 to 760,752, and the total number of people with the complete vaccine series has increased over the past week by 5,590 to 706,944.


Nola Goodrich-Kresse, public health educator, reported that the Genesee Orleans Health Department has set up clinics for those eligible for booster shots, beginning next week.

“Boosters are offered during the regular clinic day with the only difference being registration is required for boosters,” she said.

The booster shot schedule, for those 65 and older who became fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine at least six months ago:

  • Oct. 6 from 12:45 to 3:30 p.m., Genesee County Health Department, 3837 West Main Street Rd., Batavia;
  • Oct. 7, from 12:45 to 3:30 p.m., Orleans County Health Department, 14016 State Route 31, Suite 101, Albion.

These shots are administered by appointment only.

Batavia Downs donates $4,500 from concert chair rental proceeds to Make-A-Wish

By Press Release

Press release:

Western Region Off-Track Betting (WROTB) President and CEO Henry Wojtaszek was joined by Batavia Downs employees to present the Make-A-Wish Foundation with a $4,500 check to help support the incredible work they do by fulfilling the dreams of Western New York children.

“One of the best aspects of the work we do is being able to give back. The team at Batavia Downs and Western OTB is always looking for creative ways we can help leaders of the community,” Wojtaszek said. “We could not be more proud to help ‘Make-A-Wish’ in any small way to make the dreams of young Western New Yorkers a reality.”

Throughout Batavia Downs’ massively successful Rockin’ The Downs Summer Series, volunteers from Make-A-Wish worked a chair-rental booth.   The chairs were purchased by Batavia Downs and adorned with the Make-A-Wish logo and a positive message written on the back.   The message reads:  “The person sitting in this chair is helping to transform lives.”  A portion of proceeds from chair rentals, koozies and glow jewelry are what make up the check given to Make-A-Wish today.

“We are incredibly grateful for our partnership with Batavia Downs and the opportunity to raise awareness and crucial support at the ‘Rockin’ the Downs’ concert series,” said Ben Marchione, Regional Director, Make-A-Wish® Western New York.  “Our area children fighting critical illnesses need the hope, strength, and transformation a wish can bring now as much as ever and Make-A-Wish is thankful for the generous support of Batavia Downs and all those in attendance this summer.”

Photo: Submitted photo.  Ben Marchione, Connie Czworka, and Henry Wojtaszek.

Asbury Road Bridge in Le Roy to be closed for six weeks starting Oct. 4

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Asbury Road Bridge, north of Harris Road in the Town of Le Roy will be closed beginning Monday 10/4/2021 for bridge repairs. This project is expected to take six weeks. During this time the road will not be passable to regular traffic or emergency vehicles.

Hawley announces outreach office hours

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced today that he will be holding outreach office hours within his district during the months of October, November and December. During these outreach office hours, residents will have the opportunity to meet with members of his staff to discuss their concerns regarding state government and local issues. 

Genesee County office hours will be held at Genesee Community College in Room T124 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 7, Oct. 28, Nov. 18, Dec. 2, and Dec. 16. 

“I’m eager to use these outreach office hours as an opportunity to get input from constituents on issues they’d like to address who aren’t able to make it out to our main district office,” said Hawley. “With everything that has occurred within our government and in society at large throughout the last year, I look forward to hearing about the concerns of residents during these unprecedented times.”

If residents wish to schedule an appointment with Assemblyman Hawley personally, they can do so by calling his main office at 585-589-5780.

Ribbon cutting marks completion of City View Residences revitalization project in downtown Batavia

By Mike Pettinella

If not for a flooded basement many years ago, today’s grand opening of Ellicott Place and City View Residences at 45 Ellicott St. likely would have never taken place.


For a look at the apartments, click on the link at the bottom of this story.


Speaking to a gathering of about 40 people in front of the entrance to the second-floor apartments above the Save-A-Lot store, Vito Gautieri, founder and chairman of VJ Gautieri Constructors Inc., recalled circumstances that took place not long after the completion of the building in 1968.

“We built this building … owned it with the bank,” Gautieri said. “Montgomery Ward had a 25-year lease when we got done with this. What you see upstairs – the second floor – that was not supposed to be there.”

Then, he pointed to a car parked to the west, in an area toward the front of Batavia Tailors & Cleaners, which his company built and his late brother, Vin, owned for many years.

“That (location of the Montgomery Ward storage and warehouse) was supposed to be in the cellar (of this building). All of a sudden we came back after the weekend (and it was) like a pool – full of water,” he said. “We had pumps going for hours and days, and nothing.”

Gautieri said an engineer was called to inspect the damage.

“He comes over. We had to stop construction. In a week’s time, they had the second floor up,” he continued “That’s why this project … From the day one that I got this project, I knew we were going to do something with that on the second floor.”

After noting that his son, Victor, had thanked all those associated with the completion of one of the City of Batavia’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative ventures, he said, “That without the help from New York State, this would never had been possible.”

Indeed, Victor Gautieri, company president, moments before did thank the people and agencies that contributed to the construction of 10 apartments on the second floor along with the development of first-floor storefronts and building-wide façade improvements. It is a $3.1 million project, supported by $1.15 million in DRI funding.

“VJ Gautieri Constructors with the help of governmental agencies, professionals, contractors, skilled workers and the like have given new life to an aging building,” Victor Gautieri said. “It wasn’t an easy task. We started the project in the middle of a pandemic, which created a lot of obstacles. Supply chain issues and cost increases forced us to re-evaluate nearly every aspect of the project on a daily basis.”

He pointed out that his team “was up to the task – upgrading and modernizing nearly aspect of the property as well as creating 10 well-appointed, elevator-serviced apartments that are filling the downtown Batavia housing need.”

“We currently have eight of those apartments rented and the other two will be rented very shortly.”

Victor Gautieri’s “thank you” list started with his father, “who through his forward thinking many years ago had a vision of the building’s transformation (drawing a round of applause).”

“Next is David Rowley, project manager, through his dedication, expertise and problem-solving that we were able to make it to the finish line,” he said.

He also commended Dan Seeler of Seeler Contracting, Inc., of Holley, and Lenora Page, owner, Flower City Monitor Services, for their efforts, as well as his wife, Julie, and sister, Valerie, for assisting with the interior décor and rental process, respectively; Mark Dean of Dean Architects, and Frank Cipriano of Upstate National Bank.

Victor Gautieri thanked the City of Batavia for “an excellent job” preparing the DRI grant application, to the Genesee County Economic Development Center for providing "much needed: financial assistance, and John Hedlund, owner of Save-A-Lot for his “continued commitment to downtown Batavia,” noting that Hedlund just renewed a long-term lease.

Other speakers included Assemblyman Steven Hawley, Senator Edward Rath, City Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr. and Genesee County Legislature Chair Rochelle Stein. Batavia Development Corp. Director Brett Frank facilitated the proceedings.

Assemblyman Hawley:

“All you have to really do is look around, behind you and to your left and right, and this is downtown Batavia. And we’re here to talk about revitalization – not just for businesses but for great living, affordable apartments that the Gautieris have worked long and hard to see come to fruition.

“Affordable housing is extremely important for businesses to be able to survive and succeed, and today’s open house is going to be a step in the right direction. If you’re looking for clothing or (prescription) drugs or insurance or banks, there are lots of places to choose from. And the folks who live here and other places in downtown Batavia will be the benefactors of living right here in the beautiful City of Batavia.”

Senator Rath:

Noting that eight of the 10 residences are already rented, he said, “That goes to show you that is already a destination right here in the City of Batavia.”

“This is the hub of economic activity and investment that is happening right here in the great City of Batavia. (On a tour of the city with City Manager Rachael Tabelski), he was able “to hear first-hand the vision and the strategy and the approach to bringing the City of Batavia further along in the 21st Century."

“This is a tremendous investment for this community. This is where you want to have people living and working and spending their time and recreation is right here in the City of Batavia.”

Rath said he serves on the Cities II Committee in the State Senate.

“There used to be just one Cities Committee and you can all guess where all the attention was paid for the Cities Committee in New York State. It was New York City. That’s all they did was prioritize policies and legislation to benefit New York City.

“This year, we brought about the Cities II Committee to focus on and prioritize all of the other cities across New York State. We are going to carry the issues, needs and concerns of all of our upstate cities back to Albany to create policies, procedures and regulations that are city-friendly outside of … New York City.”

City Council President Jankowski:

“It’s no secret that this building needed to be repurposed for many years, and it’s going to have a serious positive economic impact on our community. But not only that, it’s going to create 10 homes for people that can live downtown and enjoy the benefits of living downtown. The fact that eight apartments are already rented so quickly is a sign that we need more of these type of apartments in our community.”

Mentioning that he lives on the city’s southside, he acknowledged Victor Gautieri’s perseverance through the COVID-19 pandemic, and said, “I’m proud to go by everyday and I smile when I see the transformation that took place.”

Legislature Chair Stein:

Thanking the Gautieri family, she drew a round of applause when saying that “family business today is important in Genesee County and we honor you and your work today.”

She also thanked the DRI committee members for their hard work and “the constant conversations that you had to ensure that these projects would make it through and actually get through to completion. Your work is most incredible and you saw the future that is here today.”

“For the rest of us, the City View (Residences) is an absolutely wonderful name because there will be sunrises and there will be sunsets that people have in their homes – and homes that people didn’t have before. They are our workforce. These are the folks that are putting down roots in Batavia and congratulations to all of them.”

Photo at top: Taking part in the ribbon cutting at City View Residences are, from left, Vito Gautieri, David Rowley, Victor Gautieri, Senator Edward Rath, Assemblyman Steven Hawley, Lenora Page and Eugene Jankowski Jr. Photos at bottom: Vito and Victor Gautieri as Rath and Jankowski look on; Rath at the podium. Photos by Mike Pettinella.

Previously: A first look: City View Residences (aka Ellicott Place) on the second floor of Save-A-Lot building

Farmworkers and Farmers rally in Elba for 60-hour work week

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Press release:

Today, Torrey Farms, a member of the Grow NY Farms Coalition, welcomed state officials to tour their 13,000-acre property. Officials discussed the industry with farmers and farmworkers and heard about the potential impacts of lowering the overtime threshold from 60 hours to 40. The overtime threshold was determined by the 2019 Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act and is in danger of being decreased further, threatening farmers and farm workers alike. Elected officials had the opportunity to see the real implications of a lowered threshold and speak with the farmworkers and farmers who will be directly affected by this change.

“Our land, workers and produce feed families across New York State as well as the Eastern United States and have done so for twelve generations. This year’s harvest is no different. However, if the threshold is lowered, many locally-owned farms will not be able to say the same next year. The compromise of 60 hours reached in 2019 must be maintained. A decreased threshold will dramatically alter the agriculture industry as well as farmworker family income in New York State and decision-makers need to listen to the men and women of the industry they are looking to protect, “said Max Torrey, Torrey Farms.

"Our farm runs 24 hours a day 7 days a week. There is always work to be done when it comes to animal care and we are often presented with obstacles that we cannot predict including inclement weather and breakdowns. Employees want to work on New York dairy farms because they have a passion for agriculture, they take pride in knowing that their work has to get done because the animals are counting on them. They also seek out dairy farm work because they can earn a good living working at least 60 hours a week to support their families. We have employees who have been with us for over 10 years. They want to work here, and we can't afford to lose them. Our businesses and our consumers rely on them. We're urging our legislators and Governor Hochul to maintain the current overtime threshold so we can retain our team, and continue to be competitive in the regional and global marketplace," said Keith Kimball, Owner of La Casa de Leche Farm and Red Maples Dairy, NEDPA Board Vice-Chair.

“New Yorkers have grown accustomed to a wide variety of local produce at their fingertips, especially this time of the year during the fall harvest. However, we are at risk of losing our vibrant fruit farms if the overtime threshold is lowered. We simply can't compete against lower-priced fruit from neighboring states and Canada. If the wage board moves to 40-hours, we have plans to remove trees and transition to less labor-intensive crops. New York State must maintain the 60-hour overtime threshold and protect New York agriculture, farmworker jobs and our food supply,” Jim Bittner, Bittner-Singer Orchards located in Niagara County, NY.

Prior to the adoption of the 60-hour overtime threshold, the industry standard for farmworkers was 80 hours during peak season⁠—a well-established concept amongst farmworkers and farmers whose industry is reliant on labor-intensive harvesting. Although influenced by downstate activists unfamiliar with the agriculture industry, the threshold of 60 hours served as a compromise, despite objections from farmworkers who want as many hours as possible. Farmworkers, many of whom come from other countries to work seasonally, benefited from the long weekly hours in order to make a projected income to return home with. Currently, farmers are at risk of not being able to afford their workers at all with the potential for an even more onerous overtime threshold. Tours like today’s provide the opportunity to educate elected officials and key stakeholders about the agriculture industry and how the proposed policy change with drastically harm the industry.

Later this year, the New York State Wage Board will revisit the 2019 Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act’s 60-hour overtime threshold for farmworkers and determine if an adjustment to 40 hours will be necessary. For more information on the group’s efforts, please visit

Video Produced by The Batavian

Dozens of schools participate in annual GLOW with your hands event

By Howard B. Owens

More than 700 students from throughout the GLOW region -- including students from every high school in Genesee County --  participated Tuesday in GLOW With Your Hands at the Genesee County Fairgrounds.

The event gives students a chance to experience a variety of trades including, bricklaying, carpentry, electrical, mechanical, and various forms of manufacturing.  

Among the 40 companies participating wereOxbow, Liberty Pumps, and O-AT-KA Milk.  Major sponsors included LandPro and Genesee Construction.

Photos by Steve Ognibene

To view or purchase pictures, click here.

Top Items on Batavia's List

AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: Assignments in this Class require the exercise of specialized skills in tasks pertaining to the maintenance and repair of a wide variety of machinery and equipment used in public works activities, as well as to other vehicles owned or operated by the municipal employer. In smaller agencies, an Automotive Mechanic may exercise a degree of supervision over assistant mechanics or Equipment Operators performing minor maintenance and repair on equipment, with general supervision being received from a supervisor, superintendent, or other such official or designee. Does related work, as required. TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: Repairs motorized and non-motorized equipment, such as trucks, tractors, mowers, graders, loaders, sweepers, rollers, compressors, and automobiles; Adjusts, repairs, and rebuilds gasoline and diesel engines; Repairs and replaces components of equipment, such as suspension systems, drive assemblies, brake systems, fuel systems, electrical systems, and cooling systems, and makes necessary adjustments to same; Carries out sanding, sandblasting, filling, painting, and related body-work tasks; Makes minor welding repairs; Operates drills, grinders, and other metal-working machines related to automotive repair functions; Performs preventative maintenance tasks which may include vehicle inspections; Attaches and removes snow plows, blades, and other attachments for motorized equipment; Maintains records of tasks performed, and other pertinent records; Requisitions parts and materials, to ensure adequate supply to maintain workflow; Acts as Equipment Operator, or wingman, as directed; May drive buses, cars, or trucks; May deliver fuel to job sites; Keeps shop area neat and clean. The above examples of duties are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to the position. FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITY AND/OR PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of standard automotive repair and maintenance methods; thorough knowledge of automotive repair terminology and tools; working knowledge of welding techniques; ability to make difficult repairs to heavy automotive and other mechanical equipment; ability to work from plans and specifications, and to follow rough draft sketches and oral instructions; good motor and hand eye coordination; manual dexterity. The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is occasionally required to reach with hands and arms. The employee constantly is required to stand; walk; and use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objects, tools, or controls. The employee is occasionally required to sit; climb or balance; stoop, kneel, crouch, or crawl; and talk or hear. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 100 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distance vision, and the ability to adjust focus. The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee regularly works in outside weather conditions. The employee is frequently exposed to wet and/or humid conditions. The employee is occasionally exposed to risk of electrical shock. The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate to loud. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS:  Some jurisdictions may require appointees to receive and maintain certification as a NYS Motor Vehicle Inspector, within six months of appointment. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: 1.     Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. 2.     In school districts where incumbent may operate a school bus, possession of a valid appropriate level New York State Driver's License is required. 3.     Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. NOTE:  In addition, candidates must satisfy the requirements for School Bus Driver set forth in the Rules and Regulations of the New York State Commissioner of Education. Non-Competitive Class Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than October 18, 2024.
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