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Large full moon lit the sky Friday evening in Batavia

By Steve Ognibene
A full moon over Batavia.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
A full moon lit the sky Friday evening in Batavia.
Photo by Steve Ognibene

Anyone catch the full moon Friday evening?  Here is an image by photographer Steve Ognibene in case you missed it.

Memorial Day 'Hot Dogs on the Lawn' is Monday at St. James

By Press Release
Reverend Canon Cathy Dempesy-Sims
Reverend Canon Cathy Dempesy-Sims
Submitted photo.

Press Release:

The Reverend Canon Cathy Dempesy-Sims is ready to welcome the community on Memorial Day. St. James Church will be hosting Hot Dogs on the Lawn during the Memorial Day parade this coming Monday. 

Stop by the front lawn of the church at 405 East Main Street, Batavia, and enjoy a hot dog, a bottle of water, and a bag of chips while you enjoy the parade. 

This is offered free of charge courtesy of The Reverend Canon Cathy Dempesy-Sims, St. James Episcopal Church, and H.E. Turner & Co., Inc.

Genesee County to participate in statewide STOP-DWI during Memorial Day Weekend

By Press Release

Press Release:

Genesee County law enforcement agencies, including the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office and the Village of LeRoy Police Department will be participating in a coordinated effort with the STOP-DWI program to bring awareness to the dangers of impaired driving.

The statewide STOP-DWI High Visibility Engagement Campaign will start Friday, May 24 and will continue through Monday, May 27. Memorial Day weekend is one of the busiest travel holidays and marks the official start of summer. New York State Police, County Sheriffs, municipal law enforcement agencies, and local STOP-DWI programs will be collaborating in force across the state in an effort to reduce the number of impaired driving-related injuries and deaths. 

While STOP-DWI efforts across New York have made great strides in reducing the numbers of alcohol and drug-related fatalities, still too many lives are being lost because of crashes caused by drunk or impaired drivers.

You can make a difference by having a sober plan to get a safe ride because impaired driving is completely preventable – all it takes is a little planning. Visit for more information.

Housing study shows need for low income, workforce, or market rate? Yes to all, consultants say

By Joanne Beck
Home ownership rate slide
Home ownership rates for 2022 that is part of a Genesee County housing needs assessment report from Urban Partners.

Contrary to what city and county leaders said they would have wanted for the type of housing complex in the heart of downtown Batavia, Ellicott Station’s low to very low-income levels are warranted according to the latest housing needs study, says Chris Lankenau of Urban Partners.

While Lankenau did not specifically mention the south side apartment complex, he said, in response to questions from The Batavian, that “it appears there is a need for all of those housing types,” which would include the Ellicott Station project, which has been gradually making construction progress throughout the winter and into spring. 

Lankenau and his partner Isaac Kwon presented their study this week as an updated version of the 2018 county housing study in which they took “a deeper dive”  into the current for-sale and rental housing markets than most studies, Lankenau said.

This current study used “real-time data that we acquire, while certain demographic and employment trends are gathered from typical sources such as the U.S. Census,” he said.

The city of Batavia, though short on home ownership — 53% compared to the town of Batavia at 88% — edged out the other municipalities in showing a slight uptick in housing growth, at .2%, versus the town’s 7% decrease, he said.

Who’s moving to Genesee County? There's a trade-off, with folks moving in and out of both Erie and Monroe counties, to the tune of more than 250 a year. There were 254 per year, or 21.6%, of all new households in 2021 came from Erie County and 247 from Monroe County, versus 218 that went to Erie County and 279 to Monroe County.

The latest data show that the median household income is $68,178, and housing is considered affordable when rent or mortgage plus utilities are no more than 30% of a household’s gross income, Lankenau said.

Just over 22% of residents were considered “cost-burdened,” with nearly half of them earning less than 80% of the annual median income. Ellicott Station was set up for occupants earning between 50 and 60% of the AMI for low-income households and less than 50% for very low-income households, and Section 8 housing vouchers are available.

Workforce housing, which is 80 to 120% of AMI, according to HUD definitions, is not included in the Ellicott Station project.

Not far from the Ellicott Street complex is the Carr’s Reborn site on Main and Jackson Streets. That will provide the opposite end of the scale with 10 market-rate apartments—which also falls within the needed housing types, Lankenau said. The landlord sets the market rate, and it is not dependent on any type of income level, as a low-income housing unit would be. 

“We do think the city is on the right track in this regard. In fact, the city is the only submarket in the study that is increasing both its for-sale and rental housing stock,” he said. “Continuing this trend of expanding housing opportunities that focus on Batavia – the county’s center of commerce and transportation – is a good policy for growth. 

“In addition to new construction, we think it will also be important to support the rehabilitation of the county's existing older housing stock, especially in Batavia, to accommodate more homeowners and renters,” he said.

The city has announced programs to supplement qualifying homeowners and developers with grant money for projects that meet guidelines for particular housing types and for improvements to boost the value of one’s property and overall neighborhood.

Gov. Kathy Hochul said Thursday that Batavia was one of 61 local governments that have already been certified for the state's Pro-Housing Communities Program, launched last year as part of a package of Executive Actions to increase the housing supply.

As part of the 2025 Enacted Budget, the governor secured an agreement to require Pro-Housing Community certification for up to $650 million in state discretionary funding.

“Across our state, local leaders are joining our Pro-Housing Communities program to take a stand against New York’s housing crisis and commit to building the homes New Yorkers deserve,” Hochul said in a press release. “My administration is ready to work with any community that shares our determination to build safe, stable, and affordable housing, and I encourage even more local leaders to launch their applications, get certified, and help us achieve our housing potential in every part of the state.”

Growing jurisdictions slide

So it certainly seems that pursuit of new housing is the trend moving forward. Along with that, Urban Partners will be determining more detailed housing needs as part of the next steps of the study. The Batavian asked if and when other elements will be part of the bigger picture, such as zoning, utilities, and availability of land for building.

“We will conduct an assessment of existing and future demand for housing in Genesee County for the next 20 years based on long-term projected growth for the county, detailed in five-year increments,” Lankenau said. “Which will lead to a series of recommended policies and actions to meet those needs. While examining available land, zoning, and utilities in detail goes beyond the scope of this study, we will suggest when and where these factors will need to be addressed to accommodate future housing.”

 The Batavian also asked about other works in progress in the towns of Pembroke and Batavia, and how they fit into the study’s findings.

The study discusses the completed part of Brickhouse Commons in the Rental Market section and identifies the future phases of that development as well as the additional new project in Pembroke and Town of Batavia in the Home Building Activity section. The total future housing needs quantities will take into account those projects under construction or in the development pipeline.

 During the past five years, 2022 was the hot one for home sales, with 783 homes sold in the city, compared to 539 in 2019. That has fallen down to 626 in 2023, and now “homes are nowhere to be found,” he said. The median house price jumped from $115,000 to upwards of $200,000, thanks to the continuous ballooning of home sizes, which incidentally haven’t seemed to accommodate either end of the shopper's list: a young family just starting out and looking for something affordable or the senior wishing to downsize, he said. 

As for those senior citizens, a survey of 540 people found that 61% preferred to age in place, but of those, 32% said their homes weren’t suitable to do so due to stairs and maintenance issues. Of those respondents, 95% lived in a single-family home and 44% of them have lived there for more than 20 years.

More than a third of those people said they were planning to purchase a new home, which is promising news for realtors, and unsurprisingly, the biggest barrier is cost. Nearly 40% of those answering said that they had difficulty paying for their basic needs.

The Batavian asked how the respondents were chosen and how the survey was administered. It was an online Google document with a survey link provided on the county’s website, he said. 

“In addition, we encouraged county staff and key stakeholders to share the survey with colleagues, employees, and all members of their communities,” he said. “Results of the survey were automatically tabulated in a spreadsheet of raw data from which we highlighted specific relevant questions and responses.”

 To view the entire presentation, go HERE

Median household income Genesee County slide

Photos: Volunteers help spruce up the community as part of annual Day of Caring

By Howard B. Owens

It's time for spring cleaning, and for Genesee County's community organizations, that's where volunteers on the Day of Caring prove invaluable.

They paint, pull weeds, clean and scrub, trim and rake, pick up debris -- just about anything that will help or beautify a community organization's property.

On Thursday, hundreds of volunteers started the morning at Dwyer Stadium before dispersing to nearly 40 locations throughout the county, including Crossroads House, the Community Garden, GO ART!, Gillam Grant Community Center, the International Peace Garden, Machpelah Cemetery, Purple Pony, and many other locations.

These photos are from the Batavia Girls Fastpitch Softball field at Lion's Park, the Pathway of Life Garden at Grandview Cemetery, and the Historic Batavia Cemetery.

The event is organized by United Way.

Photos by Howard Owens.


Batavia High celebrates six seniors continuing academic and athletic pursuits after graduation

By Howard B. Owens
bhs signing day 2024
Photo by Howard Owens.

Batavia High School recognized six of its student-athlete seniors Wednesday who will continue both their academic and athletic careers at colleges and universities.

Cole Grazioplene is heading to Brockport State College, where he will play D-III baseball. His parents are Andrea and Jeffery Grazioplene.

Owen Halpin will attend St. John Fisher University and play D-III soccer. He is also receiving a presidential scholarship.  His parents are Graham and Jill Halpin.

Giana Mruczek will attend Keuka College where she will play D-III softball. She is also receiving a partial academic scholarship. Her parents are Brian and Erika Mruczek.

Casper Steward, a NYS champion in wrestling, is heading to West Point where he will wrestle in D-I. He is receiving a full athletic scholarship. His parents are Rick and Katie Stewart.

Anna Varland will attend Robers Wesleyan University, where she will play D-II soccer. She is receiving athletic and academic scholarships. Her parents are Nate and Julie Varland.

Noah Whitcombe is signing with Niagara University where he will play hockey. He is receiving an academic scholarship.  His parents are Jeff and Shannon Whitcombe.

bhs signing day 2024
Cole Grazioplene
Photo by Howard Owens.
bhs signing day 2024
Owen Halpin. 
Photo by Howard Owens.
bhs signing day 2024
Giana Mruczek
Photo by Howard Owens.
bhs signing day 2024
Casper Stewart
Photo by Howard Owens.
bhs signing day 2024
Anna Varland
Photo by Howard Owens.
bhs signing day 2024
Noah Whitcombe
Photo by Howard Owens.

GO Health 2024 rankings put local obesity, smoking higher than state levels

By Press Release

Press Release:

The 2024 County Health Rankings have been released and updated by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute (UWPHI). The Rankings are available at

“Each year we look at the County Health Rankings to get an overview of our health and factors that influence our health,” stated Paul Pettit, Public Health Director for the Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health). “This year the County Health Rankings have made some changes in reporting. Rather than ranking with specific numbers, the Rankings are looking at how each county fits in the scale from Healthiest in the United States (U.S.) to Least Healthiest in the U.S. The purpose of the annual data release is to help communities understand the many factors that influence health.”

The rankings are broken into two main categories, Health Outcomes, which include length of life and quality of life, and Health Factors, which include health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic factors, and physical environment.

Genesee County is faring about the same as the average county in New York State (NYS) for Health Outcomes, and better than the average county in the nation. Orleans County is faring worse than the average county in NYS for Health Outcomes, and better than the average county in the nation. For Health Factors, Genesee is faring worse than the average county, and better than the average county in the nation. Orleans is faring worse than the average county in New York State and in the nation.

“As Chief Health Strategists, we collaborate with our partners and community members to provide quality training, education, and referrals as well as develop coalitions to explore the best way to help our county residents thrive and improve health factors,” stated Pettit.

As referenced below, both Genesee and Orleans Counties have health factors that could be improved specifically with local access to physicians, mental health providers, and dentists along with excessive drinking, adult obesity, and adult smoking. Access to care significantly impacts and drives the rankings for both counties. Additionally, it is a substantial barrier for residents and ultimately, has an impact on not only an individual’s physical, social, and mental health but also their overall quality of life.


Some key areas of the 2024 County Health Rankings for Genesee and Orleans Counties are:

  • Genesee and Orleans are currently working on providing information and programming to decrease adult smoking (20% with New York at 12%) and adult obesity (40% with New York at 29%). GO Health is providing an awareness campaign in partnership with Tobacco Free GLOW on the impact smoking and vaping have on health.
  • Both counties are bringing back the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) by presenting the Lifestyle Change program. This is an evidence-based program developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help individuals at risk of or diagnosed with pre-diabetes learn how to lower their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by making lifestyle changes over 26 one-hour sessions.

The Rankings have become an important tool for communities that want to improve health for all. Working collaboratively with community partners in Genesee, Orleans, and Wyoming Counties (GOW), Genesee and Orleans Counties use the GOW 2022-2024 Community Health Assessment to choose the priorities for the Community Health Improvement Plan over the next three years. 

We analyze the Rankings along with New York State data and community input from the Community Health Assessment survey and Community Conversations to determine these priorities. The 2022-2024 Community Health Improvement Plan's priority areas are to prevent chronic disease, promote well-being, and prevent mental and substance use disorders.

For more information on Health Department programs and services, visit or call your respective health department at:

Follow GO Health on Facebook, Instagram, and X at GOHealthNY.

Genesee County announces summer office hours

By Press Release

Press Release:

Starting May 28, Genesee County Offices will shift their hours of operation from the previous hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. to the summer hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

As in years past, this slight shift will not affect the total number of hours that county offices will be open to the public. These new hours will remain in effect until August 30.

Two serious injuries reported in accident on Route 77 in Darien on Wednesday

By Howard B. Owens

Two people sustained serious injuries in a three-vehicle accident, one of them a tractor-trailer, on Route 77 and McVean Road in Darien at 7:14 p.m. on Wednesday.

The Sheriff's Office said the investigation is ongoing but reports that a 2022 Subaru was attempting to make a left-hand turn off of McVean onto Route 77. The tractor-trailer was northbound on Route 77. It appears the Subaru failed to yield the right of way to the truck. 

As a result of the collision, one of the occupants of the Subaru was thrown from the vehicle and struck by a passing Ford Escape that was southbound.

The Subaru was driven by Brittany N. Smith, 30, of Macedon. She was transported to Strong Memorial Hospital by Mercy EMS for treatment of her injuries.

The occupants were Kayleigh E. Williams, 30, of Rochester, who sustained serious injuries and was transported to Strong by Mercy EMS, and Ariana P. Dupra, 30, of Fairport, who sustained serious injuries and was transported to Strong by Mercy Flight.

Both Williams and Dupra are listed in critical condition.

The tractor-trailer was a 2002 Peterbilt with Ontario plates. The driver, Lyndord E. Yoder, 37, of Sebringville, Ontario, was not injured.

The 2018 Escape was driven by Brandon G. Schoener, 25, of Grand Island, and occupied by Allyson A. Schoener, 23, of Grand Island. Neither were injured and denied medical care at the scene.

Route 77 was crowded with concert traffic at the time of the accident, according to responders.

The investigation is ongoing and no charges, if any, were released. The Crash Management Team responded to the scene, which was closed to through traffic for several hours. Assisting at the scene were Darien Fire, Corfu Fire, Pembroke Fire, East Pembroke Fire, Mercy EMS, and the Corfu Police Department.  An off-duty City Fire officer assisted with the Mercy Flight landing zone.

Previously: Critical injuries reported on Route 77 in Darien

Batavia's budget approved, community schools program shifts with new coordinator and focus on social work

By Joanne Beck

Now that the Batavia City Schools budget has been approved, district leaders will focus on certain portions of the financial plan, including how to proceed with changes in the Community Schools program, which will mean hiring a part-time coordinator, Superintendent Jason Smith says.

Once the change officially takes place on July 1, former full-time coordinator Julia Rogers will be reverting back to a former title as assistant principal at the district and a new coordinator will be hired, he said. The program, built upon a five-year $2.5 million grant, is designed to unite the Batavia community and its schools through “shared resources, working partnerships and open, collaborative communication.”

Part of the U.S. Department of Education Office of Elementary and Secondary Education program, also considered a “full-service” community schools program, includes a yearly evaluation review and related report, which is performed and posted by Brockport Research Institute. 

All of the measurable data and protocols for the program is collected by Molly Corey, executive director of curriculum and instruction for the district. 

There are 10 pillars of expectations for the program, each involving various goals, from accessibility of mental and behavioral health resources to equitable diversity ratios among the student and employee populations. 

In reviewing the first report, issued in October 2023, The Batavian asked several questions of Smith. 

Jason Smith
Batavia City School District Superintendent Jason Smith

Q: Given that it is a grant, how was that extra funding from the (coordinator) job reduction used?
A: Per the grant requirements, the District was required to match a portion of the Coordinator of Community School salary. As a result, general fund expenditures have been reduced, allowing us to prioritize other programming while being mindful of expenditures.

Q: One of the program objectives (10) seems to lean heavily on "community schools director and coordinators" that were hired in year one, and The Batavian was only aware of the one coordinator. Were or are there other such positions? 
A: We have hired one Coordinator of Community Schools, given the size of our District. As a note, we have a full-time aide assigned to the Community Schools team, who will remain in place with the hiring of the new part-time coordinator. 

Q: The next question cites a particular section: Train community schools directors and coordinators in trauma-informed care, restorative justice practices, and Multi-tiered Systems of Support. No evidence has been provided that these trainings have taken place. As of the writing of this report, only a System of Care training with eight participants was reported. It is unclear if there was additional training provided during Year 1 or not. 

Was this type of training done for this program? Or will it be incorporated at some point? 
A: The training requirements were met.

MTSS is essentially a system designed to provide academic support for students based on their needs. Several staff trainings have been provided, and future trainings are planned.

Trainings we have already provided include:

  • Summer professional development offerings for restorative practices and MTSS (several sessions)
  • Several sessions have taken place during the school year/school day
  • Faculty meetings (per school)
  • Social workers and counselors were part of a series from the University of Rochester
  • Additional resources are available for self-paced training

We have approximately 20 staff members trained in Trauma Illness and Grief practices. 

Q: Another question based on a specific section of the protocol, based on the Year 2 target: By year two, BCSD expects to maintain a staff reflective of the student population, trained in a variety of evidence-based practices, and engaged in professional learning communities. 

Staff training and engagement with professional learning communities may very well happen by the end of Year 2. The concerning finding from the BEDS data, Brockport Research Institute states, is related to the goal of having a staff reflective of the student population. Currently 97% of BCSD staff are White, and 100% of the teachers are White. As only 70% of the student body is White, it is unclear how BCSD can meet its goal of a staff reflective of the student population by the end of Year 2 (December 31, 2024).

Based on the above percentages, the recommendation was to work with Human Resources, which prompts The Batavian to ask if you can also work with the teachers union to move toward hiring more teachers of color or otherwise affect the staffing ratio. Is this feasible? Does the district have a plan for this? 
A: Our teachers' union is not directly involved in the hiring of staff.

Additionally, the District believes it is important that our workforce reflects our student body and remains committed to diversity in hiring practices, while at the same, hiring highly skilled, qualified, and dedicated teachers and staff. We’re proud of our recent hires who helped us reach this goal, and we’re continuously exploring ways to attract, hire, and retain a diverse staff. 

Q: The researchers also said it was "unclear what percentage of students accessed any of the supports under this pillar (mental and behavioral health) or which of the supports were available during Year 1." Why is that? Do you feel that setting up this program has been working so far? Do you see room for improvement, and if so, can you be candid about some examples?
A: We are thrilled to see numerous students across BCSD access our support services.  We have dedicated staff to address these needs, as well as partnerships with several community agencies that work with our students (mental health and behavioral health) The students who need these services the most are accessing them—and we’re proud to have programs and staff available to help.

Q: This program is about far more than just one coordinator, but it seems, given some of this data, that reducing a full-time position to part-time doesn't seem a likely remedy to accomplish the findings and recommendations made by the BRI, so has the district revised or is revising its strategies moving forward? 
Q: We have systems in place to address student learning needs, as previously described regarding Multi-Tiered System Support.  

The best approach is to increase the resources closest to the students. Each school has a social worker and counseling team that integrates needed resources into their school by working closely with the principal. We have seen tremendous success with this model for our District. Having these resources embedded in each building where they get to know students, their families, and their needs has expanded our capacity to reach those who really need our support directly.

Q: Are you working toward the issues of racial disparity for discipline and absenteeism? According to the report, blacks are in a higher percentage than whites for both. Is there a plan to discover why more blacks are missing school and why more of them are being disciplined? 
A: We are currently providing support through My Brothers Keeper, a grant and program designed to address these issues.

Each school has an attendance team that strives to improve attendance for all students. The DEI committee completed a book study, “Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain,” by Zaretta Hammonds. We are in the process of integrating practical strategies outlined in the book into our attendance process.

Q: It was also discovered that less than half of the parents who completed the program’s needs assessment agreed that students were treated fairly, no matter their race or cultural background. What do you think that's about?
A: Our District's goal and top priority is to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all students, and our leadership team and Board of Education are 100 percent committed to this goal.

We appreciate the input from our parents who participated in the survey -- it provides a helpful perspective. With that being said, we are closely analyzing the results of the survey to help inform our practices, and we will certainly make adjustments as needed. 

Q: Can you elaborate at all about those “critical elements” that the current coordinator will be focusing on, and confirm if there are other coordinators and a director to be handling other components of the program?
A: The new Coordinator will partner with building and district leadership to target focus areas. A particular focus will be to leverage the work of our social workers to support Community School goals.

Critical injuries reported on Route 77 in Darien

By Howard B. Owens

At least two critical injuries were reported in an accident on Route 77 at McVean Road in Darien at about 7:30 p.m.

The accident involved a semi-truck and two passenger vehicles. There is entrapment and a passenger injection.

Multiple ambulances and Mercy Flight dispatched.

There are also minor injuries and people in another vehicle not injured.

Darien Fire and Corfu Fire dispatched.

There's a concert at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center and traffic has slowed the emergency response.

Sponsored Post: Join the Early Access Pass today and receive a $50 T.F. Brown's gift card

By Sponsored Post
Early Access Pass, T.F. Brown's

Click here to sign up for an Early Access Pass from The Batavian. Join before June 14 and receive as a thank you gift from The Batavian and T.F. Brown's a $50 gift card redeemable at T.F. Browns.

Use the promo code BROWNS1050 and get an additional $10 off.

Members of Early Access Pass help support local journalism and get early access (currently, four hours) to select stories published by The Batavian.

CCE and Leadership Genesee offices closing early June 13

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Genesee and Leadership Genesee offices will close for the day at 2 p.m. on June 13. The offices will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, June 14.

UConnectCare named one of 27 ‘Best Companies’ in NYS

By Press Release

Press release:

The New York State Council of the Society for Human Resource Management, Best Companies Group and Rochester Business Journal have named UConnectCare Behavioral Health Services as one of the 2024 Best Companies to Work for in New York.

This is the sixth consecutive year that the local nonprofit agency, formerly known as Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, has been recognized by Best Companies to Work for in New York, a research-driven program that examines a company’s practices, programs and benefits and also surveys its employees for their perspectives.

UConnectCare was one of 27 businesses in the state receiving the honor in the medium companies (100-249 employees) category.

“As our agency continues to grow, I am especially proud of how our staff has pulled together to provide a wider spectrum of services, while also expressing their satisfaction on the survey in terms of their workplace experience,” UConnectCare Chief Executive Officer John Bennett said. “I am delighted by the level of professionalism and compassion displayed by our employees throughout the organization.”

To be considered, companies must have at least 15 full-time or part-time employees working in New York; be a for-profit or not-for-profit business or government entity; be a publicly or privately held business; have a facility in the State of New York and be in business a minimum of one year.

There were two parts used to determine the rankings. The first consisted of evaluating each nominated company's workplace policies, practices and demographics, worth approximately 25 percent of the total evaluation. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience, which consisted of 75 percent of the total. The combined scores determined the top companies and the final rankings.

For more information on the Best Companies to Work for in New York program, visit

Fire hydrant flushing on northwest side of the city Thursday

By Press Release

Press Release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department will be flushing/testing fire hydrants on Thursday May 23, from approximately 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the general area of North of Main Street and West of Bank Street. Homes and businesses nearby will be affected. 

These tests may result in a temporary discoloration of water in that area. As in the past, please do not attempt to wash any clothing if your water appears discolored. If you do experience a discoloration of your water, run cold water for about 5 minutes or until clear.

This annual testing is essential to maintain the communities class III Insurance Services Office (ISO) public protection classification and to assure that fire hydrants are operating efficiently for fire protection purposes. 

Along with maintaining the fire rating, the test monitors the health of the city's water system, identifies weak areas in the system, and removes material that settles in the water lines. Checking each hydrant improves fire department personnel's knowledge of the hydrant locations. 

If you have any questions or should notice a hydrant in need of repair, please contact the fire department at 585-345-6375.

CCE of Genesee County sets board meeting

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Genesee County Board of Directors meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on May 28.

The meeting will be held at the Association at 420 E. Main St. in Batavia and is open to the public. For more information, please contact Yvonne Peck at or 585-343-3040 x123.

Top Items on Batavia's List

City of Batavia, NY Position: Full-time Building Maintenance Worker. Salary: $20.60 - $24.45/hour. The City of Batavia is accepting applications for one full-time Building Maintenance Worker. The work involves a variety of mechanical and other building maintenance tasks. Applicant must have a minimum of two years of full-time paid experience in general building construction or maintenance work, or an equivalent combination of training and experience indicating ability to perform the duties of the job. Civil Service applications may be obtained at City Hall in the Human Resource Department. Please send completed applications to Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk, One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY, or via email to by September 20, 2024. Background check, psychological assessment, and physical/drug testing required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO
Tags: Jobs offered

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