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Harness Writers Association to present annual awards at Batavia Downs on Saturday

By Press Release

Press release:

Every year since 2008 the Upstate New York Chapter of the United States Harness Writers Association and Batavia Downs have honored the top human and equine performers of the meet during the Night of Distinction which is held on the track’s final night of racing. Unfortunately the final night at Batavia Downs last year was canceled due to inclement weather.

Although these awards were announced, the actual hardware was never distributed. So on Saturday (Aug. 20) a formal presentation will be held in the Purple Haze Winner’s Circle at approximately 5:30 p.m., between qualifiers and the first race of the evening to take care of this unfinished business.   

The following is a list of the 2021 award winners along with a summary describing the accomplishments of each.

President’s Award - New York State Assemblyman Steve Hawley
Always working for the betterment of the community as a local businessman, Steve Hawley took it one step further in 2006 and was successfully elected to office in the 139th New York Assembly District and has been proudly serving his constituents ever since.    

Hawley has always been a friendly acquaintance of Batavia Downs and he grew to understand how integral the sport of harness racing is to the agricultural infrastructure in Genesee and surrounding counties. While in office serving on the racing and wagering committee and currently the agriculture committee, he has fought hard to protect the people that racing employs both directly and in supporting industries.

Since 2010 Hawley has sponsored his “Night At The Races” at the Downs bringing thousands of people who otherwise might not have come to the track, and introduced them to the sport that has been a mainstay of the economic fabric of Batavia for eight decades.

Tim Bojarski, President of UNY-USHWA said “I have known Steve for a long time and have witnessed first hand his passion for this community and his appreciation for the sport of harness racing. He genuinely understands the intricacies of the business and how hard our horsemen and women work to ensure the well-being of our horses while earning a living in a very difficult industry. Our organization is proud to present him with this gesture of our appreciation.”

Henry Wojtaszek, President and CEO of Batavia Downs Gaming and Hotel said “Throughout the years, Steve has been a champion not only of Batavia Downs but of the entire racing and gaming industries. He has introduced many people to our historic race track all while supporting legislation that helps the people of New York who work for the casinos and tracks and it’s through Steve’s hard work that our industry continues to grow and prosper. We congratulate Steve on receiving this well-deserved award.”

Unsung Hero - Jami Chatt
Jami Chatt has been around horses since she could walk and was introduced to harness racing by her grandfather, western New York racing legend Fred Haslip. And although she has groomed, jogged and trained horses all her life and currently competes the pacer Mateo, she also works daily in her full time career as a special education teacher in the Sweet Home school district, so there’s not a lot of free time to be had.

Despite all her personal commitments, Chatt still goes above and beyond for anything that puts harness racing in a positive light and has been doing it for years, especially when it comes to charitable concerns.

Chatt spearheaded the 2013 fundraiser for injured driver Anthony Coletta that raised raised $12,835, the 2015 fundraiser for driver Brad Hanners family that raised over $11,000 and several years ago, joined in to help the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester’s annual fundraiser at Batavia Downs to solicit trainers, drivers and owners both at Batavia and then later, at other tracks, to donate a percentage of their purse the night of the event to the BCCR. Since Chatt has gotten involved, the final donation number has grown exponentially and the 2021 total was a record $19,653.  

Chatt also works hard to introduce new fans to the sport. Each year she brings families and friends who are not associated with racing to the track and even holds a “field trip” for her fellow teachers, and then spends her night schooling them on the finer points of handicapping.

Rising Star - Kyle Cummings
It comes as no surprise that Kyle Cummings has been one of the best drivers in western New York despite a very brief career to this point, as he hails from a family deeply rooted in racing. His father Todd Cummings, mother Tammy Cummings, grandfathers the late John Cummings Sr. and Hugh Stevens, grandmother Cindy Stark-Casale, uncles John Cummings Jr., Tony Cummings, Kevin Cummings, John Stark Jr., Doug Ackley and aunt Laurie Stark have all been successful trainer/drivers spanning the last 45 years. So he had a wealth of knowledge to draw from and clearly he paid attention.

Cummings got his first pari-mutuel win in April of 2019 with a pacer named Jude Hall and his production at the track took off from there, but to say he had a break-out season in 2021 would be an understatement. In only his third year in the bike, the 21-year-old doubled his win and earnings output posted over the first two years of his career. In 2021 overall he has driven 721 races with 109 wins, 107 seconds and 101 thirds and has bankrolled $688,417 in purses.

Cummings was also the leading dash driver on the New York Sire Stake fair circuit and was named the NYSS County Fair Driver of the Year during their awards ceremony last November. During that competition he had 50 starts with 26 wins, 19 seconds and one third and earnings of $60,942 while racing across the state. That equates to a phenomenal UDR of .738 for that series. He also won two of the finals held at Goshen Historic Track in September.

Driver of the Meet - Jim Morrill Jr.
Jim Morrill Jr. had the driving title all but wrapped up halfway through the meet last year as he got off to a hot start in July and burned his way through November. Morrill finished the meet with 365 starts, 116 wins, 72 seconds and 45 thirds to post a stellar .468 UDR. Those 64% in-the-money finishes garnered his connections $716,607 in earnings making him the top earner as well.

Kevin Cummings finished second with 68 wins and $501,663 in purses and Kyle Cummings was third with 48 wins and $380,999 banked.

Trainer of the Meet - Jennifer Giuliani
Jennifer Giuliani was in a tight trainer race all last year but came out on top with 41 wins, 25 seconds and 21 thirds out of 146 starts that produced $208,757 in earnings and a UTR of .424. Her horses hit the board 60% of the time and she also trained the Batavia Downs claimer of the meet, Raksmach N.

Maria Rice finished second with 40 wins and $312,757 in purses (which made her barn the highest earning stable on the grounds) and Gerry Sarama was third with 36 wins and $235,060 earned.

Trotter of the Meet - Barn Hall
It’s not too often a 3-year-old trotter can come in and not only compete with, but beat older Open campaigners, but Barn Hall proved it can be done. After racing successfully on the New York Sire Stake Excel A circuit all summer, Barn Hall settled in at Batavia and became a powerful top class performer for the entire meet. He hit the board 12 out of 14 starts, winning four times and earning $42,092, which was the most won by any trotter at the meet this year. Plus he took his lifetime mark of 1:55 at Batavia after winning an Open trot in October.  

Barn Hall was owned by Steve and Nancy Pratt, Wanda Polisseni's Purple Haze Stable and the Out In The Country Stable and was trained by Steve Pratt.

Pacer of the Meet - Art Scene
Art Scene was a relatively new acquisition for trainer Maria Rice when he came to Batavia, after being claimed at Yonkers Raceway last June for $25,000. But his new home track suited him just fine as he went on to have the winningest year of his career. While racing at Batavia, Art Scene won six Open paces and finished second twice out of his 13 starts at Batavia and put $43,765 in the bank, making him the richest pacer on the grounds last year. He won his first start and last start at the track and took his seasonal mark of 1:53.3 in between.

Mare of the Meet - Protect Blue Chip
Protect Blue Chip surpassed all her previous career numbers in 2021 and excelled in her 11 starts at Batavia Downs. She hit the board eight times, winning four Opens while finishing second and third twice each, netting her $35,142 in purses. Her best win time of 2021 was 1:54 taken at the Downs in September and it was also her fastest career win over any half-mile track. Plus it was the third consecutive year she took her seasonal mark at Batavia Downs.  

Art Scene and Protect Blue Chip are both owned by Vogel & Wags Nags and Team Rice Racing and are trained by Maria Rice.

Claimer of the Meet - Raksmach N
Raksmach N also had the best year of his career in North America since landing here in 2018 from New Zealand and the bulk of his success came at Batavia Downs. During the meet he had six wins in only nine starts and earned $29,150 in purses. But he also paced the fastest mile of his life over a half-mile track on September 18 at the Downs when he scorched the oval in 1:52.3, winning by 5-1/4 lengths for driver Jim Morrill Jr. Five of Raksmach N’s six wins came in claiming races of $15,000 or higher.

Local law enforcement running STOP-DWI patrols tonight through Sept. 5

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee County’s STOP-DWI Coordinator announced today that Genesee County law enforcement agencies, including the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, City of Batavia Police Department, and Village of LeRoy Police Department will be participating in a coordinated effort with the STOP-DWI program to bring awareness to the dangers of impaired driving.

Law enforcement officers across New York State are taking to the roads in an effort to stop impaired driving, prevent injuries and save lives. The statewide STOP-DWI Campaign will start on Aug. 19 and will end on Sept. 5.  

This event is one of many statewide enforcement initiatives promoted by the New York State STOP-DWI Association with additional funding from the New York State STOP-DWI Foundation and the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee.

STOP-DWI efforts across New York have led to significant reductions in the numbers of alcohol and drug-related fatalities, however, still too many lives are being lost because of crashes caused by drunk or impaired drivers.  Highly visible, highly publicized efforts like the STOP-DWI High Visibility Engagement Campaigns aim to further reduce the incidence of drunk and impaired driving. 

Always remember impaired driving is completely preventable.  All it takes is a little planning.  


PUBLIC NOTICE: Town of Alexander budget workshop set for Aug. 29

By Legal Notices


Town of Alexander Residents

There will be a budget workshop on August 29, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.

All are welcome to attend.

Publisher's Note: Legal Notices/Public Notices are published by The Batavian for free as a public service pending revision of state law that will allow digital news publications to publish legal notices that meet the legal requirements of such notices. Clerks: Email your notices to

Water shut down on Oak Street from Richmond to Pickthorn

By Press Release

Press release:

The City of Batavia Water Department will be shutting down the water main on Oak St from the Richmond Ave intersection, to just north of Pickthorn Drive in the 110 block of Oak St today Friday, August 19, 2022. 

Zoladz Construction will be abandoning the 6” water main on Richmond Ave.  The length of time the water will be off is unknown.

As always, when the water is restored it may be discolored.  Please refrain from doing any laundry until the water runs clear.

We apologize for any inconvenience and the public’s patience is greatly appreciated.

GCC offering micro-credentials in seven career fields

By Press Release

Press release:

Today's competitive workforce is in a constant state of evolution. The introduction of new systems, products and services, and the drive for improved efficiencies in an ever-challenging marketplace require employers to evaluate, update and realign teams to best meet the changing demands of their industry. To help employees build their skill sets and keep up, Genesee Community College is excited to offer enrollment for its Business and Commerce Micro-credential programs available this fall semester, which begins September 6, 2022.

Micro-credentials are academic programs, similar to degree programs, that have been dramatically trimmed to just 9 to 15 credit hours that include only core courses relevant to specific skills, training, and knowledge in that discipline. Designed to be earned in as quickly as one semester, a Micro-credential is the ideal way to build a resume to take advantage of career advancement opportunities, get started in a new industry or even to explore a career path without the commitment of an expensive or time-consuming four-year degree.

GCC's Micro-Credential programs offer students a high-quality education in a reduced time frame and limited cost - only course tuition plus course-related books and fees. Business and Commerce micro-credential programs available for enrollment for the Fall 2022 semester are:

  • The Human Resource Management Micro-credential focuses on human resources including legal compliance, diversity and inclusion, succession planning, recruitment, retention, and much more!
  • The Event Management Micro-credential provides value to anyone wanting to start a career in event planning, advance their career, or change careers and enter the event planning field.
  • The Professional Sales Micro-credential provides up-and-coming as well as seasoned sales professionals across industry lines with a skill set that starts and actively advances professional careers in sales.
  • The Entrepreneurship Micro-credential is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in new venture creation and operation. Micro-credential earners will be able to identify new business opportunities, research markets, understand costs, set prices and launch a new business or help an existing business to expand their product/service lines. Understanding entrepreneurship will provide earners with the power to expand their personal wealth or build their career as a key leader of an existing organization.
  • The Supply Chain Management Micro-credential is designed to provide individuals with a broad understanding of the primary functions and coordination of areas ranging from purchasing, inventory control, warehouse management, operations, production and transportation.
  • The Medical Office Assistant Micro-credential is designed to provide students with a firm foundation for the medical office environment, focused on development of a strong foundation of terminology, forms and billing, and medical office procedures.
  • The Accounting Fundamentals Micro-credential is designed to teach individuals introductory financial, managerial and income tax skills with a focus on the use of computer technology for accounting applications.

"While none of us can predict the changes that will affect our industry, organization or jobs, the best way to "future proof" our careers is to consistently sharpen our skills and expand our capacity. As an example, GCC's HRM Micro-credential could prove to be very valuable to individuals working in a management capacity since it includes topics like how to building strong teams, how to motivate employees, how to think creatively and solve difficult problems in the workplace, and so much more. I would encourage you to take a moment and explore our offerings. We would love to help you grow your future!" Said Dr. Lina LaMattina, director of Business Programs.

The online learning component of micro-credentials is another way the programs enable student success, particularly for those who may be juggling the responsibility of family, healthcare needs, transportation issues or jobs. Upon completion of a micro-credential program, students receive an official college transcript that documents their earned academic credit as well as a specific digital badge that highlights those core skills and competencies that employers search for on resumes, LinkedIn pages and other social media channels. The digital badge, representing the earned micro-credential, sets a GCC candidate apart from the rest.

Additionally, earned micro-credentials generate SUNY academic college credits which are transferable and can be applied toward additional academic degrees in the future including:

  • GCC associate degrees and certificates
  • SUNY to SUNY Pathways and Seamless Transfer programs
  • GCC's many (200+) transfer agreements with baccalaureate institutions
  • Most colleges and universities nationwide

Tuition assistance is available through SUNY's Reimagine Workforce grant. For eligibility requirements, please contact Tish Williams, Project Coordinator, Stay Near, Go Far, Reimagine Workforce Grant at, 585-343-0055 Ext. 6318. Stay Near, Go Far is funded by a sub-award from the NYS Department of Labor through a U.S. Department of Education Stabilization Fund Reimagine Workforce Preparation grant, administered by SUNY RF.

For more information on GCC's Business and Commerce Micro-credentials, please contact Dr. Lina LaMattina, Director of Business programs at, 585-343-0055 Ext. 6319.

Chamber seeking nominees for annual business awards

By Press Release

Press release:

The Chamber’s Annual Awards Committee has announced the “2022” Annual Award Ceremony will be held on Saturday, March 11, 2023, at Batavia Downs Gaming, Park Road, Batavia. This is the County’s premier event that honors businesses and individuals for their achievements in business, community service, and volunteerism.

Please note that a brief write-up will qualify your nominee for consideration. Nominations are now being accepted for Business of the Year, Entrepreneurial Business of the Year, Agricultural Business of the Year, Innovative Enterprise of the Year, Special Service Recognition & Geneseeans of the Year. Business Nominees must be chamber members (If unsure of your nominee, call the Chamber to verify).

Nomination forms are available at the Chamber of Commerce office, 8276 Park Road, Batavia and can also be downloaded from the Chamber Website at

If you would like more information, feel free to call or email Kelly J. Bermingham, Director of Member Relations & Special Events at the Chamber office, 343-7440, ext. 1026, 

Batavia woman sent to federal prison, ordered to repay $18K of stolen COVID relief funds

By Howard B. Owens
Danielle Tooley

A Batavia woman, who applied for and received unemployment benefits connected to COVID-19 relief programs that she was not entitled to, has been sentenced to six months in federal prison.

Danielle Tooley, 37, must also pay $18,000 in restitution to the federal government.

Tooley's scheme was uncovered by local law enforcement during a traffic stop on Nov. 24, when she was arrested for alleged criminal possession of a controlled substance following a traffic stop on Clinton Street Road in Bergen.

As officers prepared to tow Tooley's vehicle, they recovered six NYS unemployment benefit cards issued to people other than Tooley. They turned the cards over to the Department of Labor. 

An investigation by the Inspector General revealed that Tooley had consistently withdrawn money from bank accounts associated with the cards.

She was sentenced today by Chief U.S. District Judge Elizabeth A. Wolford.

Booking Photo: From an unrelated arrest in Genesee County and obtained by The Batavian through a Freedom of Information Law request.

Rabies treatment may be necessary for person bitten by dog

By Howard B. Owens

A request from the Health Department for information on a dog that bit a person on Aug. 2 failed to yield any tips, so the health department has offered the victim "post-exposure rabies treatment," according to Kaitlin Pettine, public information officer for the department.

According to the initial news release, a person was bitten on Jerome Place near East Main Street in the City of Batavia at 9 a.m. Aug. 2. The dog bit the victim's arm.  The dog then ran across Main Street in a westerly direction.

The dog was described as a solid, dark gray dog with a bright blue collar. The dog resembled a pit bull or bulldog. 

If you have information about the location of the dog and its owner, please contact the Genesee County Health Department at 585-344-2580, Ext. 5555.

No arrests yet, no new information available on Aug. 12 shooting on Elm Street

By Howard B. Owens

There is no new information to share in the ongoing investigation of a shooting reported on Elm Street on Aug. 12, said Batavia PD Chief Shawn Heubusch.

Heubusch said detectives are working on active leads and that there is no further info to release to the public at this time.

According to the initial report from police, two people were shot at 4:14 p.m. last Friday in the area of Elm Street and East Main Street.  

Both victims were treated on the scene by City Fire and Mercy EMS.  One person was transported to UMMC with non-life-threatening injuries and the other one was treated and released at the scene.

Police have yet to release any information on possible suspects, such as how many people might be involved, the type or types of weapons involved, how many shots were fired, or any descriptions of the suspects.

There is no information available on any possible motive.

Crews repairing water main break on Harvester Avenue

By Press Release

Press release:

The City of Batavia Water Department along with Zoladz Construction will be repairing an emergency water main break on Harvester Ave.  The water will be shut down on Harvester Ave from Colorado Ave to Ellicott Street.

The length of time the water will be off is unknown.

As always, when the water is restored, it may be discolored.  Please refrain from doing any laundry until the water runs clear.

We apologize for any inconvenience and the public’s patience is greatly appreciated.


GLOW workforce development program involves 2K hands

By Joanne Beck

There are kids in every high school who, when it comes time to make that serious decision after graduation, just don’t know what they want to do, Molly Haungs says.

And the GLOW With Your Hands program is a way to introduce kids early on to many career options that don't necessarily require a costly college degree.

“I am a marketing manager, I have a college degree. It took me seven and a half years to get there. That's an expensive mistake, and that was a long time ago. It's an even more expensive mistake now. And I think if we can kind of get some of these kiddos that just aren't really sure what they want to do, in front of businesses and in front of occupations, where they can feel a sense of fulfillment and know that they're gonna make a good honest living. There's just so much pride in that,” Haungs said during a GLOW celebration Wednesday at the site of her employer, Land Pro Equipment. “And this community offers a ton of opportunities. So that's really what the GLOW With Your Hands project is about, it’s aligning potential students with the businesses that have careers that can make it all happen and come together.”

Haungs and several other partners in the four-county effort (Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, and Wyoming) got together to announce the program’s success in attracting those students, and area businesses, to participate.

This year 1,000 students will be learning various skills that are in demand in the workforce, from high-tech construction equipment operators and advanced manufacturing to food production and jobs in the agricultural market.

Land Pro Equipment, in progress with a project at its site at Saile Drive and Call Parkway, was one of the founders of the program and therefore has been a participating business for interested students. Haungs said this kick-off event couldn’t have happened at a better time “as we continue with the construction of our 50,000 square-foot regional training center with sales, service, and training facilities,” she said.

“In order to repair and maintain a large portfolio of John Deere equipment, we need workers with a specific set of skills because these machines use highly sophisticated electronics and other high-end controls. We are finding that GLOW With Your Hands is truly making a difference … I mean, you'll see kids that are driving nails. I got to see some things last year that, you just see a spark in their eye and interest created, and it's just such a good feeling when you see that light in one kid.”

Her company first saw such an initiative at a Finger Lakes Career Fair, and everyone agreed that it should be replicated here, Haungs said. One by one, key players joined in the effort, from Co-Chairmen Jay Lazarony and Chris Suozzi, GLOW With Your Hands School Coordinator Angela Grouse and Melinda Mack, New York Association of Training and Employment Professionals executive director, to marketing committee co-chairman Jim Krencik.

And a win-win became evident: employers provided opportunities for students to learn hands-on skills, students and their families could eliminate college debt, and more trained workers are becoming available for employers seeking people to fill positions.

As Suozzi said, “The GLOW region has become a hub for workforce development because of events such as GLOW With Your Hands, which provides hands-on experiences in growing and emerging fields that can lead to good paying career opportunities without students having to incur the cost of a college education.”

Students from eighth to 12th grades will come from all four counties for a career boot camp of sorts, learning hands-on skills and trades and having the opportunity to dip their toes in several occupational pools, so to speak.

More than 45 vendors have already committed to participate in hands-on activities and simulations in the advanced manufacturing, agriculture, food production, skilled trades sectors, and various branches of the military.

Mack said the efforts of GLOW With Your Hands represent the impact that workforce development partnerships are having for the next generation of talent.

“GLOW With Your Hands is a model of how regional stakeholders are collaborating on workforce development initiatives that provide industries across many sectors with a pipeline of prospective skilled workers,” she said. “We are very passionate about workforce development, it is our goal to provide voice, knowledge, and accelerating progress in this field through events and initiatives like GLOW With Your Hands.”

The student participants will converge on Genesee County Fairgrounds on Sept. 27, and, as a result of this program, local residents have “many options for good-paying, family-sustaining jobs,” Lazarony said.

“But the job is not done. We need to focus on the next generation of workers because of the immediate need for skilled workers due to the rate of retiring laborers. It's important to note, that a number of these jobs do not require a four-year college degree. Graduating students can start their careers without incurring or letting their parents incur the cost of college education,” he said.

“There was a time not too long ago that you didn't have a college degree and you couldn't get a good paying job, a family-sustaining job. That's not the case any longer,” he said. “Simply put, employers that report skilled workers now, especially those that can grow within their companies in the coming decades, through our collaboration with the business sector, and stakeholders in government events like GLOW With Your Hands, are helping meet this demand. The future for our regional economy depends on us meeting this demand.”

Haungs also credits Karen Winters of Genesee County’s Business Education Alliance as the one who “kind of got in front of the right people to make this happen.” From there, it snowballed into a much larger territory of workforce development opportunities for students, she said.

“And it was just a trickle-down effect of people, just knowing that we need this, and knowing that this is going to make a difference,” Haungs said.

Top photo from left, Jay Lazarony, Angela Grouse, Molly Haungs, Melinda Mack, Chris Suozzi, and Jim Krencik celebrate the GLOW With Your Hands program, which will involve 1,000 students from Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, and Wyoming counties at a hands-on training Sept. 27 at Genesee County Fairgrounds. Photos by Joanne Beck.

Muckdogs ace named pitcher of the year for PGCBL

By Howard B. Owens

Nolan Sparks 0.22 regular season ERA, along with a 5-1 record, placed him at the top of the class in the Perfect Game Collegiate Baseball League.

The Muckdogs' ace was named Pitcher of the Year for the 2022 season after helping Batavia win the Western Division crown.

Sparks led the league in ERA and was second in wins. 

With a post-season win, Sparks was 6-1 for the year with a 0.38 ERA.  He started nine games, picked up a save, tossed 41 2/3 innings, had 51 strikeouts, and gave up 12 walks and 23 hits.

In seven starts, Sparks didn't surrender a single earned run and in his other two starts, he surrendered only one run.

Sparks is from Aurora, Colo., where he was valedictorian at Cherokee Trail High School. He is entering his junior year at the University of Rochester.

Photo by Howard Owens.

Eden's plant-based cuisine is 'here to stay' for growing customer base

By Joanne Beck

Finally, after making a move over to Ellicott Street, having a “soft” opening and trial period, Judy Hysek was ready for an official reopening celebration this week.

Hysek, owner of Eden Cafe & Bakeshop at 242 Ellicott St., Batavia, had to overcome more than a physical move, as the new site’s renovations included much electrical work, a lingering permit process, and, once again, COVID jumped into the middle of yet another business owner’s plans.

Her place, Eden Cafe & Bakeshop, has been settling into its new home for a few months now since moving out of Eli Fish Brewery on Main Street. Her vision unfolded in colors of cream and rosy melon, light olive green and two shocks of cobalt blue from the wall artwork made of recycled plastic Domino sugar bags.

People have suggested that Hysek take her shop to a larger city in the next county, but she believes Batavia — a place she is from and loves — needs the plant-based options that she offers.

“There are other vegan eateries in the larger cities, and we want to serve the people here locally,” she said. “We will always be in Batavia.”

Hysek first moved into shared space with Eli Fish a year after winning a regional Foodie Challenge in 2017. A year ago, one of her customers, Stephen Valle, approached her about a space he had available on Ellicott Street. Now, after months of hard work and testing the water with limited hours, Eden Café has now been christened with an official ribbon-cutting ceremony. Genesee County Chamber of Commerce and Business Improvement District staff welcomed another business owner and helped with the celebration.

Her menu is full of vegan options, however, she stresses that meatless doesn’t mean boring or bland. From the growing number of customers, it would seem they agree. There are cauliflower wings, breaded, baked to order and served with mild to hot barbecue sauce or a house-made sweet maple mustard, or Cattleman’s Gold. Cauliflower has become hot in the food industry, and cauli wings as they’re called offers a meaty-like bite with seasonings and a sauce.

There’s a selection of burgers — made with a Beyond Meat brand patty that Hysek said comes “really, really close” to the real thing — are served with grilled pineapple, house-made pickled onions, teriyaki and mayo, or with a more traditional lettuce, tomato and French’s fried onions. There are also house-made chipotle black bean and chickpea patties, crunchwraps, salads, bowls and Eden’s popular carrot dogs. There’s also a little something for the sweet tooth — fresh-made pies, such as a luscious lemon meringue.

Hours are 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday for dining in or take-out. For more information, call (585) 815-4487 or go to Eden

Top photo: Judy Hysek cuts the ribbon during a grand reopening celebration this week at Eden Cafe & Bakeshop in Batavia. Photo submitted by Steven Falitico; cauli wings and lemon meringue pie cover both spectrums of savory and sweet. Photos by Howard Owens.

Jacobs introduces legislation designed to lower property taxes in New York

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) introduced the Property Tax Reduction Act of 2022. The legislation would prohibit state governments from shifting their Medicaid burden onto local county governments. 

“New York State is the only state to impose this Medicaid burden onto their local county governments, forcing property taxes higher and putting unnecessary financial strain on residents across the state. County governments in New York must devote massive amounts of their property tax revenue to this Medicaid obligation – it costs Erie County over 70 percent of its local property tax revenue annually. This legislation corrects this inequity, demands much-needed state fiscal responsibility, and provides tax relief to families and homeowners,” said Jacobs.

“Since taking office, I have made it a priority to do everything I can to once again make New York an affordable place to live, work, and raise a family. By passing this legislation, county governments and their taxpayers will be financially liberated from this oppressive burden. In turn, they would be able to put these saved local funds toward cutting local taxes and making critical investments to bring prosperity and growth back to their regions,” Jacobs said. 

“The cost of living has risen exponentially for New Yorkers. From sky high property taxes to today’s 41-year-high inflation, people across our state just cannot catch a break. I’m honored to join the Property Tax Reduction Act once again to ensure counties across New York are not burdened with the State’s high costs of Medicaid spending. This will lower property taxes and force the State to live within its means and finally make important decisions about how to allocate and reduce spending. Enough unfunded mandates and costly burdens have been passed down to our local governments, it’s time we set New York on a path toward fiscal responsibility,” Rep. Tenney said.

The Property Tax Reduction Act would require New York State to absorb the full costs of its Medicaid spending by reducing the state’s Federal Financial Participation (FFP) commensurate with the counties’ share of spending. This reduction is phased in over four years starting in 2025. In 2020, New York counties outside of New York City collectively are forced to contribute $2.3 billion towards the state’s share of Medicaid.

Rep. Jacobs was joined by Representatives Zeldin (NY-01), Stefanik (NY-21), and Tenney (NY-22) in introducing the legislation.

The federal Medicaid program is jointly funded by the federal government and states. New York State shifts a significant portion of its obligation onto local county governments. New York is the only state in the nation to place this significant financial burden on counties. New York counties have no say in how the Medicaid program is run but are required to pay a significant amount of its costs. In 2020, Erie County was forced to pay the state $215 million – or 73% of its property tax revenues – for this Medicaid obligation. Niagara County paid $46 million – or 50% of the county’s property tax revenues. 

Byron children help clean up cemetery as part of summer camp program

By Press Release

Press release:

The Byron Rec Program ended its 15th year on August 12th.

The program averages 20 to 30 children Monday through Friday for three hours per day for seven weeks. The program is free and includes lunch.

The program was the vision of Laura Platt and Debra Buck-Leaton.

Buck-Leaton is the Byron Town Clerk and an EMT in the Byron Rescue Squad, she is very active within the community. Platt, a homemaker, and child-care provider for over 30-plus years is president of Byron Ladies Auxiliary. She is an EMT and treasurer of the Byron Rescue Squad. Platt won this year’s award as the most active EMT attending more emergency calls than any other EMT in the squad. Last year, Platt received an award from Strong Memorial Hospital at the department’s annual awards banquet for saving a life at the scene of a chainsaw accident. Platt is also instrumental in heading up the fund-raising efforts for a new ambulance to replace the squad’s 14-year-old ambulance. Incidentally, the Byron Rescue Squad responds to more calls than any other volunteer squad in all of Genesee County. The Byron Rescue Squad has 13 active EMTs, some with advanced certification and 1 first responder.

The Byron Rec Program is a grassroots community project that answered a basic need of keeping local children busy while providing a free, safe, fun place to come to during the summer. Miss Emily (Marble) was selected as the first leader back in 2007 at the program’s start. Some 15 years later, she is still the welcoming, familiar face at the playground. During her 15 years, she completed college, became a teacher, and got married. However, if you ask her, she’ll tell you she loves her summer job that she bicycles to from her home in Bergen.

Seven years ago as the number of children increased there became a need for an assistant. Through the county’s Job Development program Mr. Knickerbocker (Nathan) came to us while still in high school. He enjoyed working with the children and with Miss Emily so much that he was eventually hired as the permanent assistant. He is now in his seventh year, has finished college and is currently seeking a teaching position.

Together the two have become a constant in the lives of many, many Byron children. Together they have created many memorable experiences for their kids over the years. The program includes several field trips yearly. While many are to local parks within walking or biking distance, they have also travelled by bus to Fantasy Island, the Genesee County Park, Seneca Park Zoo. This past week, Miss Emily initiated a geocaching adventure, which the kids really enjoyed.

However, a program started by community-minded volunteers and leaders also includes hopes to instill volunteerism to their younger community members. Over the last few years, the children, with their leaders, have paraded to the nearby Byron Cemetery with buckets, brushes and rags in hand they work to clean tombstones and tidy up the local graves.

“The children love coming to the cemetery, and Miss Emily makes it fun, they also know that they are helping! said Platt.

She added, “As a special treat, they get some ice cream, too!”

A few years ago their volunteering effort was to assist a local disabled veteran by helping clean up the outside of his home. The children not only helped spruce up his home, but they also warmed his heart with some big hugs! “I’m especially proud to share with the children how wonderful it feels to help others,” said Platt.

This year to bridge the gap a week before the school lunch program started, food from the North Bergen Food Pantry was donated and some local volunteers made up and delivered lunches to the program. Parents of the children participating in the program have also stepped up and have picked up the lunches at Byron Bergen School and volunteered as chaperones on field trips. “This program is community at its very best,” said Platt. “It is my hope that it will outlive me!”

Submitted photos

Office for the Aging has more Farmers Market coupons available

By Press Release

Press release:

It’s Not Too Late! Genesee County Office for the Aging ordered more Farmers Market Coupons. They are available at: 2 Bank St., Batavia, NY 14020, Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

Anyone 60 or older in your household can have a coupon booklet. You must still be income eligible.

For any questions, please call (585) 343-1611

** 2022 Income Guidelines **
Household of 1 = $ 2096/mo.
Household of 2 = $ 2823/mo.
Household of 3 = $ 3551/mo.

Space available on Steve Hawley's Patriot Trip to D.C.

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C, I-Batavia) is announcing there are still several openings available to take part in his Patriot Trip to Washington, D.C., taking place from Sept. 15 to 18, 2002. Veterans and their family members will be hosted on a tour throughout the area to visit historical sites and landmarks constructed to pay tribute to their service and the nation they’ve fought for. This year’s trip will feature stops at war memorials and other notable locations, including the Arlington National Cemetery, and the World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War memorials, with a stop in Gettysburg.

“Some of the most meaningful memories of my lifetime come from experiences I’ve had on our Patriot Trips witnessing heroes who’ve risked their lives to defend our country get to see the monuments built to honor their bravery and sacrifices,” said Hawley. “After having to pause the tour due to the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, I am very excited to begin our trips once more and encourage all interested to look into joining us on this incredibly meaningful journey.”

Participation in the trip is open to all military veterans and their family members and will cost between $425 to $500 per person. Those interested in participating in this year’s trip are encouraged to reach out to Assemblyman Hawley’s district office at 585-589-5780 for more details. 

Assemblyman Hawley encourages those interested, or who knows someone who might be interested but who may need financial assistance, to contact their local veterans’ services agency. They may be able to provide some assistance, so Hawley encourages those interested to reach out to their county’s agency using the numbers below:

Two men indicted on murder counts in deaths of two men at Alexander dairy farm

By Howard B. Owens
Prince Wilson Raul Cruz

A Genesee County Grand Jury has indicted two men of murder for the death of two dairy farm workers in Alexander in March.

Raul Cruz, 18, of Warsaw, and Prince Wilson, 23, of Albion, are both charged with murder in the first degree, murder in the second degree, arson in the second degree, and petit larceny.

They both face a minimum prison sentence of 15 to 40 years in prison if convicted.

They are accused of killing Elibander "Ivan" Morales and Marcelino Gomez Hernandez at 10216 Alexander Road, Alexander on March 11.

Morales was 30 and Hernandez, 29.  Both were born in Mexico and had been employed in the U.S. for an unspecified amount of time.

Deputies responded to the dairy farm at 9:59 p.m. March 11, when dispatchers received a report of a disturbance in a bunk house. A short time after deputies responded, smoke was seen coming from the bunkhouse and Alexander Fire was dispatched. The fire was quickly extinguished. 

Deputies found two victims dead inside the bunkhouse.

 Cruz and Wilson are accused of killing Morales and Hernandez, of setting the fire, and of stealing cash, a suitcase, a laptop, and other personal property.


Limited power outages in Batavia

By Joanne Beck

Apparently Batavia is the only area in Genesee County with a reported power outage that occurred at 1:47 p.m. Wednesday, according to National Grid. The outage has affected 2,455 customers, including those on the city's north side, and specific reasons for the outage were not available from National Grid staff at 2:14 p.m.

National Grid has estimated that the outage is expected to be restored by 4 p.m. Wednesday.

Top Items on Batavia's List

City of Batavia, NY Position: Full-time Building Maintenance Worker. Salary: $20.60 - $24.45/hour. The City of Batavia is accepting applications for one full-time Building Maintenance Worker. The work involves a variety of mechanical and other building maintenance tasks. Applicant must have a minimum of two years of full-time paid experience in general building construction or maintenance work, or an equivalent combination of training and experience indicating ability to perform the duties of the job. Civil Service applications may be obtained at City Hall in the Human Resource Department. Please send completed applications to Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk, One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY, or via email to by September 20, 2024. Background check, psychological assessment, and physical/drug testing required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO
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