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As Fentanyl ODs deaths rise, residents encouraged to learn how to administer Naloxone

By Press Release

Press release:

Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for Americans 18 to 45 years old. It is being mixed illegally with drugs like counterfeit painkillers, heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine. Fentanyl is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine, so the lethal dose is much smaller. You cannot see, taste, or smell fentanyl, but there is something you can do to protect others. Getting trained to administer Naloxone can help get those that are experiencing an overdose the time they need to get help. Naloxone is an FDA-approved medication that works to reverse an opioid overdose, including a fentanyl overdose. Naloxone works as an opioid antagonist by binding to opioid receptors and blocking the effects of opioids.

In Genesee County, fentanyl has caused a large number of deaths, and has even been found mixed in with other drugs. Since 2018, there have been 58 fatal opioid overdoses in the county, with 10 additional deaths still pending official causes of death as of November 2022. In 2020, Genesee County experienced 15 fatal opioid overdoses (25.7 per 100,000). With a higher fatal opioid overdose rate than that of New York State in 2020 (21.8 per 100,000), it is especially important for Genesee County residents to know the signs of an overdose so naloxone can be administered.

If someone is having difficulty breathing, is unconscious, choking, or experiencing discoloration of their skin or lips, an overdose may be occurring. Naloxone can be used to reverse both fentanyl and other opioid overdoses, such as heroin, oxycodone, morphine, and methadone. There is no harm in administering naloxone if an overdose is not occurring or opioids are not in the body.

The Naloxone Co-Payment Assistance Program, commonly referred to as N-CAP, can help individuals obtain naloxone. If you have prescription coverage as part of your health insurance plan, N-CAP will cover up to $40 in prescription co-payments. This ensures there are little to no out-of-pocket expenses for those getting naloxone at their local New York State pharmacy, all of which provide naloxone through a standing order that allows you to get this medication without a prescription. To learn more about N-CAP, please visit:

Individuals who use any type of illicit substance or misuse prescribed opioids are at risk of experiencing an overdose. Now more than ever, it is important to have naloxone nearby. Encourage your loved ones to be trained, carry naloxone, and tell their friends where they keep it in case they overdose. Reversing an overdose can be done in four steps: call 911, administer naloxone by inserting into the nostril and pressing the plunger, give CPR if trained, and stay until help arrives.

To learn more about fentanyl and naloxone, visit:

Robin Hood: good, bad or evil? Show patrons will get to decide

By Joanne Beck

This week’s production of "The Trial of Robin Hood" will probably seem familiar, since most people —whether through cartoons, movies or live stage — have watched a version of the English-based character performing his obligatory duties to give to the poor.

Except for the fact that this Robin Hood must fight for his life in a court battle. And King Richard, in this case, is Queen Richelle. Oh, and there are those three witnesses who describe in conflicting detail who they believe Robin Hood to be. And, yes, another variation is that the audience gets to vote for one of three endings to the story.

So perhaps you may not be as familiar with this version of the good-deed-doer and his band of merry men. But one thing is certain, says Caryn Leigh Wood, director of the Batavia High School Drama Club’s play.

“It’s very Robin Hood in tights-esque. It’s tongue in cheek, almost poking fun at itself,” she said after rehearsals Monday evening. “Obviously, it's a well-known story. I feel like almost everybody has heard the story or concept of Robin Hood. And obviously, there's tons of different adaptations. But it's funny, it's very silly, and we don't take it too seriously at all. If people come with an open mind and be ready for some silly fun time … I think people will laugh a lot.”

The trial is set for 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday at BHS, 260 State St., Batavia.

Funny thing is that The Batavian asked Wood how many BHS shows this makes for her, and she only happened to realize earlier in the day that it’s her 20th season. It gave her pause to reflect on the work that has gone into each and every show — from the selection process and auditions to the creation of the set, costumes, running lines, choreography and the maestro act of pulling it all together.

Throughout it all, Wood has questioned herself: am I doing everything that I need to do?

“I want to work as hard as I can for the students; they are putting in a tremendous amount of effort and time, and I want to reciprocate that for them. And so before every show every year, I'm just like, okay, mentally I've gotta prepare, gotta make sure I have my checklists. And I foresee a daunting task, and then I get to this point, and it's like, a whirlwind. And I'm like, how did I get here?" 

It’s really that "day-to-day, constant, chipping away" at the minute details that have brought her and the club members to this point. And yet, she remembers every single production, she said, and the significance of each. This winter’s show puts a cast of 25 students and a crew of six to work on the tale of Robin Hood of Nottingham, England.

“I look at a ton of material each year, I like to cast a wide net,” she said. “It comes down to what fits the kids best. When I start hearing their voices speaking the parts, I know that’s the one. And we want one that also be entertaining to the audience.”

The Drama Club voted for a comedy this year, a stark contrast to last year’s sobering “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.” They got what they asked for, though it has meant three times the work.

The trial puts Robin in the hot seat, as witness accounts by Maiden Marian and the Sheriff of Nottingham widely stray from Robin’s own accounting. As each witness describes his and her version of details, a vignette of characters acts it out before the audience.

Whose version will win out? With Queen Richelle as the judge, the court must rule on what happened to a kingdom run amok. Is Robin Hood a lusty hero, a hapless romantic or truly an evil criminal? That’s where the audience comes in, to vote on a finale.

Typical for many of Wood’s shows, this will be a black box-style, putting the audience square in the eyes of actors during the performance. She likes that it really draws spectators into the action while also giving students a more intimate acting experience.

All this is to say that the cast had to rehearse three different endings and be prepared for the final decision, chosen on the spot during the show. Rest assured, Wood said, “we have a plan.”

No matter what scenario is chosen, the kids will have fun with it, she said.

“They know all three endings. They are very prepared,” the confident director said. “I think that everybody will laugh at something in the show.”

Tickets are $9 and available at or $10 at the door.

Photos of dress rehearsal for "The Trial of Robin Hood" feature BHS senior Paul Daniszewski as Robin Hood, junior Cassidy Crawford as Maid Marian, senior Christina Brown as Sheriff of Nottingham, and Saniiya Santiago as Queen Richelle. Photos by Howard Owens.

Law and Order: Man charged with DWI following report of disturbance in Elba

By Howard B. Owens

Cardenas Modesto Otoniel Domingo, 29, of Pearl Street, Batavia, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Domingo was stopped on Nov. 24 at 11:47 p.m. on Pearl Street in Batavia by Deputy James Stack as part of an investigation into a disturbance reported earlier in Elba.  Domingo was issued an appearance ticket.

Tara Lyn Hall-Dilaura, 44, of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th, tampering with physical evidence, and insufficient turn signal.  Hall-Dilaura was stopped on Nov. 24 at 9:05 p.m. on Clinton Street Road, Batavia, by Deputy Mason Schultz. Hall-Dilaura is accused of hiding a controlled substance on her person while deputies conducted a traffic stop.  She was processed at the Genesee County Jail and released on an appearance ticket.

Brian t. Stachewicz, 27, of Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon 3rd and DWI.  Stachewicz was stopped by State Police on Nov. 25 at 10:03 p.m. in the Town of Barre. He was allegedly found in possession of an illegal rifle. He was released on an appearance ticket. No other details released.

Allyson P. Lawrence, 28, of Batavia, is charged with bail jumping 3rd. Lawrence was arrested by State Police on Nov 26 at 12:50 a.m. in the Town of Batavia. She was released to a third party.  No further details released.

Nicholas S. Goodell, 25, of Le Roy, is charged with petit larceny. Goodell is accused of stealing in the Town of Batavia (location not released) on Nov. 22 at 2:41 p.m. and was arrested by State Police. He was released on an appearance ticket.

HCR Home Care employees make donations to help feed families for Thanksgiving

By Press Release

Press release:

Families in need will received food for the Thanksgiving holiday, as a result of donations from HCR Home Care employees.

Employees generously donated items to fill 72 food baskets for families across HCR’s footprint in New York state. HCR chairwoman and CEO Louise Woerner and her husband, Don Kollmorgen, also donated funds to provide turkeys for the families.

“At HCR, we focus on taking a moment of gratitude every day,” said CEO Louise Woerner. “This Thanksgiving, we are grateful to have the opportunity to provide these holiday food baskets to families in need.”

Food baskets were donated to the following number of families:

  • 48 families in the Finger Lakes region
  • 17 families in the North Country
  • 6 families in Central N.Y.
  • 1 family in the Catskills region

Bringing a piece of Peru home and back again: how an adoption came full circle with Outreach effort

By Joanne Beck

It might seem lucky that Cristian Johnston met his wife while on a trip to Peru, although that’s not quite the beginning or the end of the story.

This fairytale of sorts begins with Cristian growing up in an orphanage in Peru and then being adopted by Kathy Houlihan and her husband, Daniel Johnston, a couple from Corfu. It was when Cristian, 26, went back to visit that same orphanage that he first reconnected with the house mother who cared for him as a baby.

And then he met her daughter, Rosita. They fell in love and got married, and now have a son, Iker. The story unfolds into a full circle, as Cristian decided to give back to his roots by helping out financially and through hands-on labor.

Consider it luck or fate or happenstance, he has immense gratitude for what he’s been given by his adopted parents and his life ever since.

“It’s a night and day difference. It’s quite a privilege to see my life — I had two very different possibilities,” Cristian said during an interview with The Batavian. “It’s very eye-opening from where I stand.”

His mom added that there’s a lot of poverty in Peru, which has an estimated population of 33.5 million people. And whether despite that fact, or because of it, she was drawn to the country, its culture and its struggles. Peru's boundaries are with Colombia to the northeast and Brazil to the east, and they traverse lower ranges or tropical forests, whereas the borders with Bolivia to the southeast, Chile to the south, and Ecuador to the northwest run across the high Andes mountains.

A South American adoption
Houlihan first traveled to the South American locale in 1978 as an exchange student after graduating from high school. So when she and her husband were thinking of adopting, she thought Peru would be a good place to look. After all, Houlihan speaks Spanish fluently, she was familiar with the geography and some of the country’s challenges. The orphanage where Cristian lived until 4 years old housed 80 kids aged birth to 18.

The adoption process was mundane — lots of paperwork and documentation — and lengthy. It took about two years for Cristian to meet his new home in Western New York. Albeit an awkward start, that process forged a family.

“We were all excited,” Houlihan said. “We were also so scared. What if he doesn’t like us?”

She had read most every book on adoption to learn the ins and outs of the process and what should and shouldn’t be done. Houlihan doesn’t recommend that to other prospective adopters; it just heightened the couple’s anxiety.

When they met Cristian, it was a bit tense, she said. They brought him back to their hotel room and showed him toys they’d brought — he loosened up and their nervousness eased.

Still, they had six more weeks in Peru as part of the process. And then, Cristian finally met his new family, home, neighborhood and community. A young man of few words, he didn’t dwell on life in the past, but on all that he hopes to accomplish moving forward.

A trip of reconnection

It was in 2018 when a friend asked if Houlihan wanted to visit Peru, and Cristian said he wanted to go back and check out his humble beginnings. They went to the orphanage, where his caretaker, Hermelinda, was still caring for children.

“It was overwhelming,” he said. “It was a lot to take in.”

His memory is scarce, the cafeteria and smell of food seemed somewhat familiar, but there was nothing on the emotional side, he said. After years of being away, he stood face-to-face with the very woman who nurtured him as an orphaned boy.

“Twenty years later, she was there. She told me about how her daughter helped take care of me,” he said.

He went back to the United States and worked to save money for a return visit, this time for eight months. It was just a “personal drive to want to get back,” he said. He helped out with plumbing, and landscaping — creating a large flower garden near the orphanage — revamping a defunct bakery, painting, purchasing new equipment and repairing what could be salvaged, buying uniforms for the children and assisting where he could.

Meeting his future
It was during this trip that he fell for Rosita. They got married in 2019 and she eventually moved to the U.S. with Cristian. Both of them had a goal to help the orphanage, and Cristian talked to his mom about doing more.


“Seeing the happiness of the youth,” he said, as Houlihan added that “they looked up to him as a brother.”

The family also established a nonprofit in 2019, Peru Outreach Project, to raise money for various needs at the orphanage. They have come a long way — building a medical clinic, assembling first aid boxes, buying Christmas presents and new playground equipment for the kids, and establishing a sewing workshop for residents to make their own towels, curtains and clothing repairs.

“They really loved the care and support,” he said. “I got to see some of the needs. (Fulfilling them) felt very rewarding; it was a satisfaction to see what I’m doing has meaning, to give them what I had. It can give them a sight that this isn’t forever.”

In 2005, the Houlihan Johnston clan grew again with the adoption of Gabriel. Meanwhile, Cristian’s work didn’t go unnoticed. A local television network was going to air a show about the orphanage’s anniversary, and Christian was there doing his work as usual. His story ended up being part of the show, and it was aired throughout Peru.

His birth family saw the show and knew it was their Cristian. He ended up meeting his birth parents and extended family.

“I didn’t hold anything negative against them,” he said. “Internally, I was very emotional.”

Their cause has continued to grow. In February, they began to rent a home — which needed much TLC of a renovated kitchen, new electric system, repainting and gardens — to house up to six Amazonian women on a path to a better life. The women go to nursing school so they can have a lucrative future careers.

While there, the occupants will learn how to grow their own produce, cook, and use management skills. They otherwise would be living in the village with no educational or career opportunities, and end up “married and having kids” as their life’s work, Houlihan said.

“This is an opportunity for her to get out and see a different perspective,” Houlihan said. “She can be self-reflective ... and give back to her family.”

Ongoing outreach
The Outreach has invested some $30,000 so far, with an ongoing $2,000 monthly rent payment for the house. There is a 10-member board with officers -- Cristian is president -- and a website to learn more. The organization is largely funded by grants from the Buffalo Quaker community and a Mennonite church in Pennsylvania, plus donations from churches and individuals. Another goal is to take more volunteers with them to Peru.

“We do eventually want to focus on … safety, security and love, and for them to envision that they can become self-sufficient,” Houlihan said.

Houlihan and Cristian are available for presentations to any group upon request. Contact them at or at P.O. Box 234, East Pembroke, NY, 14056.

Top Photo: Kathy Houlihan, Rosita, Iker and Cristian Johnston talk about their mission to assist the Aldea Infantil Virgen del Pilar orphanage in San Martin, Peru at Coffee Press in Batavia, by Joanne Beck; submitted photos of the orphanage, a sewing workshop, female nursing students studying, new playground equipment, and Cristian with his son, all in Peru; and photo above of Cristian with his son, by Joanne Beck.

Devon Wright, finally sentenced, gets near maximum prison term

By Howard B. Owens
Devon Wright

It's been more than a year since Devon Wright entered a guilty plea to weapons charges, among other crimes, but he has finally been sentenced to prison for his crimes.

Wright was released from custody after his guilty plea in November 2021 so he could be present at the birth of his first child.

Then he disappeared and evaded capture for several months.  

He then wanted to withdraw his plea and he asked for a new attorney.

Wright got the new attorney.  And then last week, he withdrew his request to withdraw his guilty plea and was sentenced to 24 years in prison.

Judge Melissa Cianfrini sentenced him to: 

  • 12 years plus five years parole on his attempted assault in the first-degree conviction;
  • Seven years, the maximum, on the criminal sexual act in the third degree with 10 years on parole;
  • 10 years on attempted criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree; and,
  • 364 days jail term on his assault in the third-degree conviction, which by law merges with the above sentences.

Because Wright failed to appear for his prior scheduled sentencing date in 2021, Wright lost the benefits of his prior plea deal and Cianfrini ordered the prison terms be run consecutively, putting Wright in prison for a determinate sentence of 24 years with 10 years following on parole.

District Attorney Kevin Finnell recommended a sentence of 20 to 29 years (29 years being the maximum consecutive sentence available under the law).

Fred Rarick, Wright's new attorney, argued that while Wright failed to appear as ordered for sentencing previously, he did avoid getting arrested on new charges since his conviction, so he should be given the benefit of his prior plea agreement.

If the agreement had stood, the sentence cap would have been 10 years in prison.

Cianfrini said that Wright's pre-sentence investigation report did not look good for him. She also said his crimes were violent and that Wright's regard for human life was non-existent. 

For prior coverage of Wright, click here.

Medina's Roger Allis captures GRUSBC Senior Masters; Batavia bowlers place third, fourth

By Press Release

Press release:

Roger Allis of Medina broke into the tournament bowling winner’s circle for the first time by capturing the 17th annual Genesee Region USBC Senior Masters on Saturday at Oak Orchard Bowl in Albion.

The 60-year-old right-hander defeated Scott Shields of Batavia, 279-247, and Bob Santini of Mount Morris, 224-192, in the three-person stepladder final round to claim the $325 top prize. He also earned a free entry into the GRUSBC Scratch Memorial Tournament on Jan. 7-8 at Mancuso Bowling Center in Batavia.

Allis rolled a 683 series in the three-game qualifying round – taking the 11th spot out of the 12 bowlers who advanced – and followed that with 440 in the two-game second round and 225 in the semifinals to make it to the finals. He averaged 231 for his eight games.

Santini, who registered 701 in the qualifying round, 440 in the second round and 268 in the semis, earned $200 for placing second while Shields pocketed $150 for placing third. Shields rolled 690 in qualifying, 406 in the second round and 204 in the semis to advance.

Batavian Mike Pettinella placed fourth – averaging a tournament-high 241 for six games, including 724 in the qualifying round and 520 in the second round. His 203 in the third round fell a pin short of tying Shields and forcing a rolloff for the third and final spot.

Also reaching the semis were Dean Cadieux Jr. of Oakfield and John Beadle of Albion, who placed fifth and sixth, respectively. They and Pettinella won $100 apiece. Beadle was the high qualifier at 733 and Cadieux was second at 729. They averaged 227 and 229, respectively.

Other cashers ($70 each) were Brian Weber of Perry, Bill Logan of Albion, Rick Pernicone of Dansville, Paul Spiotta of Batavia, Fred Gravanda of Batavia and Reid Cole of Albion. Pernicone, Logan and Weber all broke the 700 mark in the qualifying round.

The tournament drew 45 entries – 28 in the 50-59 age group, 13 in the 60-69 age group and four in the 70 and over age group.

Submitted photo: Tournament director Paul Spiotta, left; Roger Allis and Bob Santini.

Le Roy school district facing unexpected expense of repairing Woodward Memorial Library elevator

By Howard B. Owens

The elevator at the Woodward Memorial Library in Le Roy is out of service, and the school district is expecting some costly repairs.

While the library operates on its own budget, the district owns the library building and is responsible for its maintenance.

Superintendent Merritt Holly gave the Board of Education a heads up at this past week's meeting and will come back at a future meeting with details on cost.

"Obviously, we will be out of compliance with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) if we don't do it," Holly said.

District Finance Director Brian Foeller explained that because the elevator is seldom used, the oil in the hydraulic system dries out.  If the elevator were used 100 times a day, everything would stay well lubricated, but with dry oil, metal rubs against metal and then shavings begin to impede movement.

The current elevator was installed in 1995 and is inspected annually -- also a significant expense -- but it hasn't been fully serviced before.

"So it comes down to -- we have to evaluate what's the most efficient way to get this done without having more issues with it but also knowing what the full cost is," Holly said.

Le Roy school board recognizes its winning fall athletes

By Howard B. Owens

The Le Roy Girls Volleyball team was honored at this past week's Le Roy Central School District board meeting for the team's Section V Class C championship.

It's the ninth straight year under Coach Sue Staba that the team has made the finals.

The Knights were 22-2 on the season.

Their second loss came in the Far West Regional Championship against Portville.

 "We can't seem to get past Portville," Staba said. "But it was definitely a huge accomplishment making it."

Staba was named the Class C coach of the year for Girls Volleyball, but she gave all the credit to her team.

"The bond that they have, the friendship they have, was -- I've coached 16 years, and it's definitely one of the best, if not the best, team that I had the privilege of coaching with their maturity, their friendship, the things they did with each other off the court," Staba said. "I mean, they're all together all the time, which I think made them play so much better on the court." 

The school's outstanding Cross Country runners also received certificates of recognition, including Aiden Soggs (pictured below).

Soggs finished in the Top 10 at sectionals for the third straight year. He's won four Cross Country patches, three individual and one team patch. He finished first in five regular season meets.

Also recognized was Charlotte Blake, who couldn't attend the meeting. She finished third in sectionals. It is her fourth consecutive Top 3 finish and the first girl in school history to win four Cross Country patches, and the second runner overall to achieve that feat.  She's the second girl in school history to win a Genesee Region championship.

Photos by Howard Owens.

Three people facing drug charges after raid on State Street residence

By Howard B. Owens

A raid at 126 State St., Batavia, has led to the arrest of three people on drug-related charges, with one of the suspects accused of dealing narcotics.

Kenneth J. Campbell, 34, of Oak Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 3rd and criminal possession of a weapon 3rd.

Also charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th are Joanna F. Larnder, 29, of Summit Street, Batavia, and Andre W. Taylor, 35, of Main Street, Albion.

Campbell was arraigned in City Court and ordered held without bail. Larnder and Taylor were released on appearance tickets.

The raid on Nov. 22 by the Emergency Response Team was in response to a warrant obtained by the Local Drug Task Force following an investigation into the sale of narcotics in Batavia.

Assisting were Batavia PD, the Sheriff's Office, City Fire, Mercy EMS, and the District Attorney's Office.

Law and Order: Batavia man accused of pawning more than $1K in stolen merchandise

By Howard B. Owens

Jamie S. Schlonski, 50, of Old Meadow Lane, Batavia, is charged with grand larceny 4th, criminal possession of stolen property 4th, and three counts of falsifying business records 1st. Schlonski is accused of stealing more than $1,000 in merchandise from Dick's Sporting Goods and pawning it at Pawn Kings, which required completing paperwork for the transaction. Schlonski was issued an appearance ticket. 

Lisa Marlene Durham, no age provided, no residence provided, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th. Durham was allegedly found in possession of fentanyl at 12:27 a.m. on June 9 at a location on East Main Street, Batavia. She was arrested on Nov. 20 and issued an appearance ticket.

Kervin John Jonathan, 28, of Council House Road, Tonawanda Indian Reservation, is charged with criminal contempt 2nd. Jonathan is accused of violating an order of protection by being at the home of a protected party at 2:14 p.m. Nov. 17. He was issued an appearance ticket.

Andrew J. Duckworth, 43, of Liberty Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance (degree not listed in press release) and criminal use of drug paraphernalia 2nd. Duckworth was arrested at 10:22 p.m. Nov. 9, by Deputy Mason Schultz at a location on Liberty Street, Batavia.  Details of the arrest were not released. he was released on an appearance ticket.

Robert P. Grimm, Jr., 56, of Batavia, is charged with aggravated DWI and other vehicle and traffic infractions. Grimm was stopped on Nov. 24 in the Town of Batavia by State Police. He allegedly failed a field sobriety test and State Police report his BAC was .18. He was issued an appearance ticket.

 Michelle S. Froebel, 44, of Alexander, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th. Froebel was arrested by State Police following a traffic stop by Warsaw Police on Genesee Street in the Village of Warsaw. She was allegedly found in possession of cocaine. She was processed at SP Warsaw and released on an appearance ticket.

Area churches working together to address local food insecurity, food drive on Dec. 4

By Press Release

Press release:

Batavians care about each other and make sure that their neighbors are safe and healthy.  This winter season, there are many people in the Batavia area that are especially vulnerable to hunger and so people are coming together to tackle the issue of food insecurity. 

Three different outreach ministries are within walking distance of each other on East Main Street in Batavia. 

Lydia's Kitchen, located in the First Baptist Church, 300 East Main St., serves home-cooked meals to anyone who stops in for a place to warm up and eat a hot, balanced lunch. Lydia and Pastor Timothy Young of  Living Waters Apostolic Ministries are the hosts and chefs of this wonderful soup kitchen.  They serve five days a week, from 10:00-12:00

The Little Food Pantry is newly located at the First Presbyterian Church. There is a refrigerator outside of the church on the Liberty Street Side of 304 East Main St. that has fresh produce, homemade dishes, canned goods and frozen foods. Anyone who is hungry or trying to make ends meet can take what they need. 

The third food ministry is A Blessing Box, located in front of St. James Episcopal Church, 405 East Main St.. This box supplies people with single-serve items and easy-to-eat food, that requires very little or no prep.

To help keep these three important services available to our neighbors, there is going to be a big food drive on Sunday, Dec. 4, from noon to 3 p.m.

Volunteers from St. Mary's and St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Churches, The First Baptist Church, The First Presbyterian Church, St. James and St. Paul's Episcopal Churches will be collecting the donations at two sites.  The main drop-off is in the Resurrection Parish parking lot, 300 East Main St., Batavia.  The second is at St. Paul's Episcopal Church on Main Street in Stafford in their parish hall.  Both drop-off sites will accept all types of fresh and packaged food from noon to 3 p.m.

We know that this generous city of neighbors will make this drive a success.

Dragons prove the obvious, Pembroke is the best eight-man football team in the state

By Howard B. Owens

The Pembroke Dragons beat Groton on Friday afternoon 38-18 at Union Ellicott HS near Binghamton to become the 2022 state champions in eight-man football.

Behind the blocking of JJ Gabbey, Octavius Martin, Jayden Mast, Madden Perry, Ben Steinberg, Chase Guzdek and Caleb Felski, Tyson Totten rushed 29 times for 276 yards and three touchdowns.

Cayden Pfazler added a rushing TD as well and a 24-yard pass to Chase Guzdek for another score.

Octavius Martin had 8 tackles, Caleb Felski had 10, Jeremy Gabbey Jr. had 12, and Chase Guzdek led the way with 14.

Coach Brandon Ricci said, "The team would like to thank Superintendent Matthew Calderon, the Board of Education, district administration, the Pembroke Teachers Federation, who led fundraising efforts, the local fire and police who provided home escorts and, of course, the fans and families who showed unconditional support all season. The Dragons are honored to represent Section V as the number one eight-man Team in New York State!"

Submitted photos.


Model Engineers host annual open house in Oakfield on Dec. 3

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee Society of Model Engineers will host the club's 20th Annual Holiday Open House on Saturday, Dec. 3, at the club's facilities located at 50 Main Street (Rte. 63), Oakfield, N.Y. 14125 (above the M&T Bank). The "FREE" event runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Stairway access only.

The club's facilities feature operating layouts in O Gauge (Lionel), HO & N. Club members will be available to answer your model railroading questions. A great family-oriented event filled with photo-ops and fun for kids of all ages.

"The Christmas holidays seem to bring back those childhood memories of a model train and miniature village around the Christmas tree," says club President Mike Bakos. "Our members are busy keeping the tradition of trains and the holidays alive. We invite you to visit and enjoy one of Genesee County's best-kept secrets."

This year's Open House will be one of the many events featured as part of Oakfield’s Christmas in the Village celebration. The Open House is just one of many activities that will be taking place in Oakfield throughout the day.

The Genesee Society of Model Engineers is located at 50 Main Street (Rte. 63), Oakfield, N.Y. (above the M&T Bank) and is open Tuesdays from 7 until 9 p.m. Business meetings are held the last Tuesday of each month. Visit Like us on Facebook. 

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens

Annual Service of Prayer & Remembrance set for Dec. 7

By Press Release

Press release:

H.E. Turner & Co., Bohm-Calarco-Smith, and Burdett & Sanford Funeral Homes proudly present their 26th Annual Service of Prayer & Remembrance at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec 7, at the First Presbyterian Church of Batavia, 300 East Main St. in Batavia.

For those who wish to participate from home, we will live stream the service as well.

“We hear from families how the service helps them through their grief, especially during this time of year," said Joshua Smith, of H.E. Turner & Co. Funeral Home. "For some of these families, it will be their first year participating in the service, which means it is their first Christmas without their loved one, and for others, they come back year after year.” 

A candle in memory of your loved one will be lit prior to the start of the service and remain that way throughout.

As always, one candle will be provided per deceased loved one and will be given to participants at the service. If you choose not to attend but would still like a candle to participate from home, please call our office to arrange a pick-up.

Call (585) 344-4295 to reserve your candle by Friday, December 2. There is no cost for a candle and all who experienced the pain of loss are welcome to participate regardless of who took care of your loved one and arranged their funeral service.

The ecumenical service will combine music, prayer, scripture reading, reading of the names of loved ones, the tolling of the bell in remembrance, and a message of hope by Reverend Dr. Roula Alkhouri.

To register the name or names for your candle, please call H.E. Turner & Co. Funeral Home at (585) 344-4295 or register online by visiting by Dec. 2.

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens

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