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The Missing Candidate

By Daniel Jones

I attended a candidates forum in Amherst tonight, it was well attended (I would say about 50 people or so) and featured many candidates, including those seeking to represent Genesee County in Congress and the State Senate. Here's the Rundown:

Alice Kryzan: Check

 Joe Mesi: Check

 Mike Ranzenhofer: Check

 Chris Lee: MIA

I can say that Chris Lee's absence did not play well among the crowd tonight. I overheard one woman, who said that she's a life-long Republican, say that she's voting for Kryzan because she felt that Lee didn't care about her vote enough to show up....ouch.....

 I give full credit to the rest of the candidates, even Mike Ranzenhofer (whom I've been very critical of) for at least showing up, without getting into the merits of their issues, they at least came to present themselves. Where in the world is Christopher Lee? *Crickets Chirp*


Recreation study could lead to a permanent home for youth football

By Philip Anselmo

Yesterday, we reported an initiative on the part of the Batavia City School District to pursue a jointly funded "needs assessment" that would look at whether or not the school, the city and the town should consider upgrading and expanding its recreational lands and playing fields. That study would cost $11,000. The school district would pay $5,500, and the town and the city would pay $2,750 each.

School Superintendent Margaret Puzio sent a letter to City Manager Jason Molino in the beginning of September asking him to bring the matter before Council. That matter will go before Council at its meeting tonight. A similar letter was sent to the town, which agreed to pitch in the funds for the study almost immediately.

"We heard from the town right away," said Puzio. "They are on board. They're interested. Just waiting on the city."

Where did this all come from? It turns out that the genesis of the idea came in August when Molino sat down with Puzio and a pair of representatives of Batavia's youth football program to discuss short-term and long-term options to find a home for the program that had then been asked to leave Dwyer Stadium.

Says Puzio:

"The opening conversations happened around the whole youth football issue and trying to find a home for them. The district coincidentally owns some property which we were considering whether to develop as playing fields and a recreation area. But we didn't want to do that without knowing everything that was already available. We wanted to get together with city and town and fund a needs assessment and have somebody take inventory of all the recreation areas in the city and town and see if what we currently have is adequate. Do we need more, or do we already have enough?"

Puzio also mentioned in the letter that she was hoping the city could act quickly in its decision—again, this was over a month ago—as a grant opportunity that could help fund such a recreation expansion will expire in December. She could not tell me just how much money was available, but she could say that the Local Government Efficiency Grant was "money that the state has set aside to support municipalities that work together not to duplicate services." In other words, these are funds used to support municipalities that work together to establish shared services.

There would be no more related costs for the "needs assessment," said Puzio, but if the study found that there was a need to, say, construct a new atheltic field at the school district's North Street property, more funds could be forthcoming from all parties involved.

Thanks to Margaret Puzio for getting back to us so quickly and answering all of our questions.

Batavia Muckdog Championship T-Shirts Available!

By Holland Land Office Museum

On Thursday, October 16th from 6:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. the Batavia Muckdogs will be at the Holland Land Office Museum with the New York – Penn League Championship T-Shirts.

While you’re at the Holland Land Office Museum, bring your camera and get your picture taken with the League Championship Trophy.

The t-shirts are available in black and grey and cost $18 for adult sizes small to extra large and $19 for sizes double x and larger.

Can’t make it to the Holland Land Office Museum on Thursday? The t-shirts are available at Dwyer Stadium, the Holland Land Office Museum, Red Wings Team Store at Frontier Field and on the web at

Video: Attica Prison Rebellion

By Philip Anselmo

Poking around YouTube this afternoon—doing some research on Alexander and Attica in anticipation of the next two parts of The Batavian's migration—I stumbled across this video about the Attica Prison Rebellion of 1971. In this video, the prisoners talk about what it was like on the inside leading up to the takeover and the infamous Bloody Monday massacre that resulted in the retaking of the prison by the authorities.

Three Questions: Mike Ranzenhofer

By Philip Anselmo

A few of you may remember our efforts to get all of the local candidates running for state Senate and Congress to answer three questions about Genesee County. That was well over a month ago now. We had previously heard back from Chris Lee and Alice Kryzan. We were still waiting on Joe Mesi and Mike Ranzenhofer. In all fairness, however, we were late on getting out the questions to Ranzenhofer, who only received them a few weeks ago.

Well, today Ranzenhofer got us his responses. Here they are:

What is your favorite thing to do in Genesee County?

Play golf at Terry Hills or meet friends for dinner at Bones or Red Osier.

When you meet a person who has never been to Western New York, what is the first thing you tell him or her about the region?

We have the nicest summers on earth.

What is your favorite book about Western New York?

Water For Elephants, by Sara Gruen.

Other responses to the three questions:

Oakfield-Alabama's Home Coming Week-end

By Joni Licata

Congratulations Oakfield on a great win against Pembroke on Friday night!  It was fun to watch the rivalry between 2 great football teams.  Unfortunately, the students did not get a chance to get together and celebrate their victory at their homecoming dance.  Due to a lack of chaperones, the dance was cancelled.  I find it a little disappointing that not one member of the faculty stepped up to spend 4 hours at the school on a Saturday night.   What,exactly, is homecoming without some kind of celebration? 

On the Beat: In lieu of wedding vows?

By Philip Anselmo

Asley M. Chamberlain, 22, of Oakfield, was charged with a felony county of second-degree assault early Monday morning, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Chamberlain is accused of throwing a cell phone, striking her fiance in the face, and causing an injury that required stitches. She was released and will return to court in November.

Cheryl A. Vagg, 51, of 110 Evans St., Batavia, was charged with driving while intoxicated Friday, city police said. Vagg allegedly drove into a parked car on Center Street and drove off. She was located at Ellicott and Jackson streets and found to be under the influence. She was also charged with leaving the scene of an accident.

Jason R. Armstrong, 36, of East Pembroke, was charged with second-degree criminal contempt Sunday, city police said. Armstrong is accused of harassing a resident of Chase Park in Batavia who has an order of protection out against Armstrong.

Daniel T. Henning, 28, of 432 E. Main St., Batavia, was charged with second-degree criminal contempt Sunday, city police said. Henning is accused of repeatedly telephoning an individual that holds an order of protection against him.

Jeremy M. Erle, 32, and Nicole D. Erle, 27, both of Buffalo, were charged with trespassing Saturday night when they were located on a property in Darien without the property owner's permission, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said.

Matthew R. Lemmon, 43, of Oakfield, was charged with driving while intoxicated early this morning, deputies said. Lemmon was stopped on South Pearl Street Road in the village of Oakfield. He was also ticketed with moving from the lane unsafely and inadequate exhaust.

YMCA gets grant from regional foundation

By Howard B. Owens

The YMCA of Genesee County is receiving a $7,500 grant from the Women's Foundation of Genesee Valley, according to the Democrat & Chronicle.

The grant is part of $67,000 the foundation is handing out.  It will support the YMCA's "Power Up! Project."

News roundup: Coat drive kicks off

By Philip Anselmo

The Salvation Army has begun its annual Coats for Others donation campaign, according to WBTA's Dan Fischer. Folks can drop off their unneeded winter coats at the Salvation Army Center at 529 E. Main St. Those in need can arrange to pick up coats by contacting that same office (343-6284) or by stopping by. No appointment is necessary. The campaign will run through February.

Michael Hall wonders what his father would think of today's world

By Howard B. Owens

Michael K. Hall, a Batavia resident, reminisces about his dad in the Buffalo News this morning.

My father was interested in politics but he did not have a formal party affiliation. He was more interested in the quality of the man running for president than whether he was a Democrat or Republican. I wonder what he would think of the extreme polarization within our country concerning politics and the two major parties.

I have a general idea of how he would feel about the war in Iraq. He was not a supporter of the Vietnam War, and when my brother Stuart and I were there it must have been hard on him. I think that the year I spent in Iraq would have been hard on him as well. I believe that he would be appalled at the notion one could be labeled unpatriotic if you had a different viewpoint or opinion than the one that was put out by the government supporting the war. He was also a student of history and would wonder why our country does not seem to learn from our past history in this area. He would have little sympathy for terrorists or terrorism as a means of political change. The concept of suicide bombers would boggle his mind.

Emphasis added, because that "year I spent in Iraq" is the kind of thing that could use more explanation in context. Hall is a retired superintendent of schools, so what was he doing in Iraq?  I'm curious.

City and town asked to pitch in funds to look into expanding recreation areas

By Philip Anselmo

On September 4, Batavia City School Superintendent Margaret Puzio wrote a letter to City Manager Jason Molino. It begins:

Some weeks ago, you and I were part of a larger discussion regarding expanding usable playing fields and recreation areas for Batavia residents. At that time we talked about a long term plan that might include the development of our North Street property into an official recreation area. This would be a great benefit to the school district, the city, and the town. An added advantage would be to secure funds for this development through grant funding.

Included with the letter is a proposal for a "needs assessment"—a study to see if there is a real need for a recreation expansion—that would total $11,000. The school district offers to put up $5,500 to be matched by the city and town, which would pitch in $2,750 each. It seems implied that the recreation areas would be for use by everyone, not merely school students.

This letter is included in the City Council agenda for the meeting Tuesday. There is no indication that Council has already addressed this topic, and, in fact, earlier today, City Council President Charlie Mallow said he had asked Molino to add the item to the agenda so that Council can discuss it. They have not yet had that opportunity, he said.

In the letter, Puzio writes that "we will need to act quickly" in order to qualify for the grant funding that is available. "Please let me know," she writes, "the earliest date that you would be able to consult City Council to determine their willingness to proceed with a collaborative effort for our recreation needs."

Unfortunately, the schools and city offices are closed today. We left messages with Puzio, Molino and Town Supervisor Greg Post to find out more about that meeting in August and whether or not the city and town will consider pitching in. We would also like to find out more specifics about the expansion, should the city and town get on board.

The complete letter and proposal can be downloaded as part of the meeting agenda here.

Best burger in the county goes to...

By Philip Anselmo

For those of us who know, all of the commercials on television that tout the greatness of this or that fast-food patty have got it all wrong. No Wendy's or Burger King or MacDonald's slab can hold a candle to a real, fresh ground beef burger made from scratch.

When we first began to sample the culinary bounty of Batavia back in May, I was sure that I had found the best hamburger to be found at Jackson Street Grill. It was thick, grilled and seasoned almost the way my Italian grandfather would do it: as if it were a meatball.

Then, last week, I stopped by the Alabama Hotel for lunch and ordered their half-pound burger. It, too, was thick, grilled and seasoned to perfection. Plus it came with fresh-cut french fries. Now I don't know who has got the best. Nor have I tasted all that's out there.

So I turn to you, trusted readers, to help settle this age old debate once and for all: Who's got the best burger in Genesee County? Feel free to send us your photos as proof. Because a good-tasting burger is often a good-looking one, too.

Batavia Daily News for Monday: "Outlook on the economy": Optimistic...?

By Philip Anselmo

It's all about the economy today in the Daily News. Hardworking reporter Joanne Beck logged no less than three front page stories today, all with a local look at how the current economic crisis is hitting home for folks in Batavia.

In one article, Beck chats with some downtown business owners about how they're faring "despite the recent stock market collapse." Chris Ariyaratnam, owner of the Main Street beauty salon Mane Attraction, told Beck that shoppers aren't "going to cut back."

"They're starting their Christmas shopping now," [said Ariyaratnam]. "I think they'll spend the same, but I think it will take longer. I think it's going to be OK."

Beck found much of the same mood among other downtown retailers and restaurateurs. Maybe they're not stocking as much, but their expectations of a good season are high.

In another article, "consumers" are given their turn to be optimistic despite the ongoing financial crises. Sherrity DiSanto told Beck:

"Short-term, I'm worried. But long-term, I think it will be picking itself back up. With gas prices going down and some sales, people's desire to shop will come back."

The optimism keeps on rolling in Beck's third article on the economy, in which she gets the advice of Dave Chua, a financial adviser with the Legend Group, "a retirement planning and investment company." Chua urges people to "remain still with where you are" and know that "it won't last forever." In particular, people looking for some extra cash shouldn't just dip into their retirement account. They should "explore other options."

Meanwhile, a wire story picked up from the Associated Press reads: "Debt clock out of digits." Apparently, it couldn't fit the "1" to indicate the nearly $10.2 trillion in national debt. Good news, though. We'll get a new clock in 2009 that "will be able to track debt up to a quadrillion dollars, which is a "1" followed by 15 zeros."

We encourage you to pick up a copy of the Daily News at your local newsstand. Or, better yet, subscribe at

Graham Corp. makes top ten in Forbes list of best small companies

By Philip Anselmo

Recognitions keep on coming for Batavia's Graham Corp. The vacuum and heat transfer manufacturer has climbed 100 spots on the Forbes list of the 200 Best Small Companies and cracked the top ten, landing at No. 10 and boasting a 41 percent return on equity for the past 12 months. Forbes had this to say of the company:

Graham Corp., in Batavia, N.Y., makes pumps, condensers, vacuum and heat transfer equipment for heavy industry, especially oil refineries. Revenue increased 31% last year and the backlog 40%. The domestic, Canadian and Middle East markets are booming. The 72-year-old company has branched into Suzhou, China.

Graham got a nod from Business Week earlier this year, making the list of the fastest growing small companies.

We've got a call into Graham to get some comment from the company on the recognition. We'll be sure to pass that along as it comes to us.

On the Beat: Weekend DWIs

By Philip Anselmo

Dawn M. Davis, 46, of Medina, was charged with driving while intoxicated and seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance Sunday afternoon in the K-mart parking lot in Batavia, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Davis allegedly backed into a parked car in the lot. When deputies arrived they found that she had several pills in her pocket and she was under the influence. She was also ticketed with backing unsafely.

Christine E. Garland, 36, of 8069 Kelsey Rd., Batavia, was charged with driving while intoxicated early Sunday morning in Oakfield, deputies said. She was stopped by deputies on South Pearl Street. Garland was also ticketed with moving from the lane unsafely and insufficient tail lamps.

News roundup: Council meets Tuesday

By Philip Anselmo

Not much news to report from WBTA this morning. Batavia's City Council will not meet tonight, since it is Columbus Day. They plan to convene instead Tuesday at 7:00pm at City Hall. This will be, I believe, the city's first business-only meeting. A conference meeting will be scheduled for later in the month. Only one resolution is on the agenda for Tuesday: acceptance of a $150,000 grant to replace city sidewalks.

Origin of The Batavian

By Katie Elia

I have a question. Perhaps this is mentioned somewhere on this site already. If so I apologize. How did TheBatavian develop? It's a great idea...just curious.

Genesee County Democratic Committee meet & greet

By Lorie Longhany

Please join the Genesee County Democratic Committee for an open house meet and greet this Thursday, October 16th from 5 - 7 PM at the Democratic headquarters.   The office is located at 10 City Centre (across from Sunny's). We are pleased to welcome all of our 2008 candidates -- with the exception of  the top of our ticket, Senator Barack Obama.

Alice Kryzan -26th Congressional candidate

Joe Mesi - 61st Senate candidate

Phil Jones -147th Assembly District candidate (representing the southern parts of Genesee County)

Judge John Michalek -Incumbent State Supreme Court Justice candidate

Judge Tracey Bannister -State Supreme Court Justice candidate

Judge Larry Stabell -Darien Town Justice candidate

Councilman Tom Stella -LeRoy Town Council candidate

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come by and meet the Democratic  candidates.    Refreshments will be served.

Obama/Biden lawn signs are now available beginning Monday at our office in the City Centre.  There is a great demand for signs and we will distribute first to our volunteers and folks that have come by and signed up ahead of time and then to the public on a first come first serve basis.

Genesee County Coroner

By Nicole Brady

Greetings everyone! I'm new to running for a political position, but I am currently running for Genesee County Coroner. Thank you to many people who convinced me that I would be a great coroner and talked me into running this year!  I have a lot of background that would certainly follow along with this position and help me be most efficient at this job. My qualifications include:

Assistant to the Wyoming County Coroner for Tissue Recoveries for many years

Monroe County Medical Examiners Office Internship

BA in Biological Science from SUNY Brockport

Completed various forensic seminars and conferences

I hope that you will consider voting for me on the Conservative line in November.

Thank you!

Nicole Brady

Notre Dame ready for playoffs

By Brian Hillabush

 The Notre Dame football team is ready for playoff action.

The Fighting Irish wrapped up their regular season with a 48-14 win over visiting Elba/Byron-Bergen Saturday afternoon, and were nearly perfect in doing so.

The victory clinches a home playoff game in the first round of the Class D playoffs next Saturday, where ND will either be a No. 3 or No. 4 seed.

While Saturday's results were ugly, both on the field and off of it, Notre Dame's players are ready to go. They compiled 369 rushing yards compared to Elba/Byron-Bergen's 129.

Kevin Schildwaster racked up 129 yards and two scores on just eight carries and Mike Pratt added 92 yards on 14 carries.

Greg Barr finished with 12 carries for 58 yards with a TD and Gianni Zambito had four carries for 24 yards and two scores.

The Fighting Irish didn't pass the ball in the second half because of the blowout, but Nick Bochicchio had a solid effort, going 6-of-8 for 102 yards and a touchdown. Kevin Francis had that TD and caught four passes for 69 yards.

The Lancers actually opened the game with a touchdown on a great play. Elba/B-B made the surprising switch at starting QB from Eric Kowalik - who had been the starter for the past month - to Cody Torpey, who started at the beginning of the season.

Torpey had a nice game as signal-caller and kicked off the game's scoring with a 44-yard TD strike to 6-foot-6 receiver David Garnish, who made a finger-tip catch. 

The Lancers could be looking in the senior's direction more as the regular season wraps up.

Notre Dame got a 29-yard kickoff return from Zambito for solid starting field position on its opening drive.

The 1:30 drive which started at  midfield ended up leading to a 7-7 tie midway through the opening frame when Bochicchio pitched a ball up for Francis, who jumped over a defender to haul it in before jolting a few more yards to the end zone.

After Pratt recovered an Elba/B-B fumble, Notre Dame was back in business at the Lancer 7-yard line.

Schildwaster took it in from 7-yards out for the go-ahead less than a minute after the Irish had last scored. The faked extra point led to a two-point conversion pass from Schildwaster to Greg Barr.

Schildwaster later broke off a 48-yarder to set up a Beau Richter 1-yard TD run that gave ND a 22-7 lead after the opening frame.

After an Elba/Byron-Bergen punt, Bochicchio hooked up with Francis on a 29-yard pass to set up another Schildwaster TD run, this time for 10 yards.

The Lancers failed to move the ball again and failed to convert on a fourth-and-6 at their own 44.

Bochicchio hooked up with Rick Lair on a 27-yard pass inside the 5-yard line.

Zambito scored on a 3-yard touchdown run, and this is when the game got ugly. There was a personal foul called for a late hit after Zambito - who attended Elba before transferring to ND this year - scored.

Another penalty was issued as players were nearly ejected and some of the Elba/B-B fans started getting on the officials.

It was an ugly first half for the Lancers, who had six penalties for 84 yards.

The score was 34-7 at the half.

The Fighting Irish received the second half kickoff and marched 67 yards over nearly 10 minutes, with Barr scoring on a 1-yard run. 

The score remained 41-7 through three periods of play, but an unnecessary roughness call against the Lancers on a punt play pushed them deep into their own territory with another punt on the way.

The kick made it out to the Elba/B-B 40, and Pratt took it back to the 32.

Zambito scored a few plays later on a 10-yard scamper to finish up Notre Dame's scoring.

The Lancers tacked on a late touchdown with Zach Green ripping off a 67 yard touchdown run with seven minutes left in the contest.

 Elba/Byron-Bergen falls to 1-5 and is most likely eliminated from the Section 5 Class C playoffs, and will be in Pool Play.

Notre Dame is now 4-2 and will kick off the Class D playoffs on Saturday at home.



Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
Tags: Jobs offered
AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
Tags: Jobs offered
City of Batavia, NY Parking/Recycling Enforcement Officer. Salary Range $44,271-$53,881. The City of Batavia is accepting applications for a full-time Parking/Recycling Enforcement Officer. This will be a provisional appointment contingent upon the successful scoring on a Civil Service exam. The position is responsible for the enforcement of the City of Batavia Municipal Law on Traffic/Vehicles, Trash and Recycling, and Dog Control. Candidates must have working knowledge of the geography of the City and the location of the prominent parking areas therein; working knowledge of the procedure and regulations of all standing traffic laws and ordinances and enforcement of same; working knowledge of the procedures and regulations of solid waste, refuse, garbage, recycling ordinances and enforcement of same; the ability to deal effectively with the public; ability to keep records; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the job; ability to assist in all aspects of dog control ordinances. Applicants must have a minimum of a high school diploma or appropriate equivalency diploma by the New York State Department of Education and possess a New York State Driver’s License. Civil Service employment applications may be downloaded from the Genesee County website: or obtained in the Human Resources Department, City Hall, One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020. Please submit completed applications to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk via e-mail: by October 21, 2024. Background check and physical/drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO
Tags: Jobs offered

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