First year for new visitors specialist at Iroquois Wildlife Refuge sees 538% increase in guests

When Logan Sauer learned there was an opening at the Iroquois Wildlife Refuge on Casey Road, he jumped at the chance to apply.
Sauer, 27, who grew up in Virginia, was working as a visitors services specialist for the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge in the Twin Cities and was anxious to return to the northeast.
He started his new position with the Iroquois Wildlife Refuge in January 2023 and has since seen the refuge break records for attendance and participation in the program.
Sauer's duties as a visitors specialist are a little different than those of the refuge manager.
Tom Roster has been the refuge manager for 25 years.
The manager oversees the refuge's day-to-day operations, while Sauer works with the public and creates programs to attract visitors.
“I’m essentially a ‘people person,’” Sauer said.
Sauer has revamped much of the programming and opened the refuge to visitors every Saturday, as opposed to only four Saturdays a year before he came there.
“As a result, we’ve seen a high uptake in visitation and public programming,” Sauer said.
In 2022, the year before Sauer arrived at Iroquois, 857 people participated in programs, but the first year Sauer was here, that number jumped to 5,470, or a 538% increase. Likewise, visitation rose from 1,619 in 2022 to 2,549 (a 58 percent increase) in 2023.
One of the most popular new events was a Full Moon Luminary Night Hike, during which the Headquarters’ Trail was lined with ice lanterns, and hot chocolate was provided in the Welcome Center afterward.
“Four hundred and thirty people attended that and want to do it again,” Sauer said.
A Warbler Walk at Swallow Hollow on Knowlesville Road on Saturday, led by photographer and Buffalo State professor Ruth Goldman, sold out
Sauer, who also happens to be an artist, has incorporated art into events at the refuge.
“We started painting classes, free of charge,” he said. “People come here to bird and fish, and now they can paint what they see.”
Sauer said the Spring Spectacular, the biggest event of the year, is next Saturday (May 11). His goal is to have 1,000 visitors, and 800 have already signed up.
“We will highlight the interaction of nature, culture and arts,” he said.
Thirty exhibitors are expected, along with raptors, food vendors and special art projects by Friends of Iroquois Wildlife Refuge, funded by Go Art!
May programming will also include a beginner nature photography course at the Visitor's Center from 9 a.m. to noon on May 18. Pre-registration is required.
On May 25, seed ball and paper making will take place between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Participants can drop in any time, and materials will be provided.
The popular Family Fishing Day, scheduled for June 8, will feature a day of free fishing and aquatic education with the Lower Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office. Families are invited to drop in any time between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at Ringneck Marsh off Oak Orchard Ridge Road. No permits are required, and all supplies will be furnished at no cost. Staff will be on hand to assist. Registration is requested.
More details on programs can be found on their Facebook page. To pre-register for programs, e-mail Sauer at or call (612) 759-8662 and leave a message.
Sauer added he didn’t know much about Western New York when he came here and didn’t think he’d like it.
“But I’m happy to be here, and I don’t plan to leave any time soon,” he said.
He said he is always open to new ideas and welcomes suggestions.