Office for the Aging and Independent Living hold free six-week workshop on 'Living Well with Type II Diabetes' -- RSVP by Sept. 5
Press release:
Genesee County Office for the Aging and Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) will be holding a FREE six-week Living Well with Type II Diabetes workshop for the community, beginning on Friday, Sept. 7.
The peer-led health education program complements the health care participants may already be receiving. The purpose of the workshop is to enhance one’s skills and ability to manage one's health and maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle.
* Contributions are appreciated but are not required for participation.
The program content includes: decision making and problem-solving skills; developing and maintaining a safe, long-term physical activity program; preventing complications; dealing with anger, depression and difficult emotions; communicating effectively with family, friends and health professionals; using prescribed medication appropriately; healthy eating; blood sugar monitoring; skin and foot care; and planning for future health care.
Snacks will be provided.
The workshop takes place at The Greens of Le Roy, 1 West Ave., Le Roy, over six Fridays, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.; on Sept. 7th, 14th, 21st. 28th, Oct. 5th and 12th. Participants who complete the series will receive a great resource book and a gift card.
For individuals with disabilities or language interpretation needs, requests for reasonable accommodations should be made with at least five days’ notice. Preregistration is required by Sept. 5th. You can receive more information and sign up for the workshop by contacting The Greens of Le Roy at 585-768-2740.
Again, please be sure to RSVP if you are interested!
This program is made possible through funds from the NY State Office for the Aging, NY Connects, the Older Americans Act, the generous support of the Genesee County Legislature, and in partnership with Independent Living of the Genesee Region.
Texas songwriting great Walt Wilkins to play Saturday at Farmer's Creekside in Le Roy
Press release:
After a three-year break from touring on the East Coast, arguably one of America’s great songwriters brings his stories and melodies back to select East Coast locales this month.
At 8 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 18, Walt Wilkins will be at Farmer’s Creekside Tavern & Inn, located at 1 Main St. in the Village of Le Roy. There is a $15 cover charge at the door.
Since he was last on the East Coast, Wilkins has put out three new records:
- "Streetlight,” perhaps his most poignant solo effort to date with all new songs;
- “Watch It Shine,” a harmonic masterpiece with his Texas supergroup the Mystiqueros;
- “Live at the Rock Room: Walt Wilkins & Kevin Welch,” a touching and overdue collaboration from two master storytellers, recorded over two nights in Austin, Texas.
This eight-stop tour, will give old fans and new friends a chance to see and hear a master songwriter in intimate venues and concert houses.
About Walt Wilkins:
San Antonio, Texas-born Walt Wilkins has been called a genius, more than once, and a writer the caliber of John Steinbeck and his voice as comfortable as a pair of old blue jeans, and he is, and has, all of that.
His crafting of story-songs, hard-edged vocals to sing them and a plaintive guitar have made him a fixture of the Texas music scene (and Nashville before that). He’s put his magical touch on recordings by new and veteran artists, too many to count.
His songs have been recorded by the likes of Kenny Rogers, Kellie Pickler, Ricky Skaggs, Pat Green, Brandon Rhyder, Ty Herndon, Cory Morrow and Kevin Welch. He has recorded 12 records, some solo, some with his Texas super-group The Mystiqueros and some with his singer-songwriter wife, Tina. His latest record is a live CD with fellow Texas songwriting master Kevin Welch.
Walt Wilkins: "I am fortunate that I play my songs across a wide region that is filled with people who find comfort, enjoyment and meaning in coming out to listen to folks like myself. I am fortunate that enough they come out, generally, that I can come back to those places and play my songs again. I am lucky, I think, that I knew my calling at an early age, and at one point in my life, I took the necessary steps to follow that calling out into the world.
"I am still learning how to listen to, and stay true to the voice, and true to the work I am given. I try not to take myself too seriously, but I do try to take seriously this work; this calling. I play some nights just me and my guitar, and some nights with my talented and funny wife, Tina. And some nights with the The Mystiqueros, a living art collective, a hill country jukebox, one of the bands on the bill in honky-tonk heaven.
"I drive, I play, I sleep and dream. I have had a fair share of songs recorded by other folks, which was my dream all along, and I have played shows with heroes and real poets and the deepest of cats. But I live for the gig tonight, and tomorrow. I am fortunate... and I hope to see you down this road.”
Accident with injuries reported at Lewiston and Salt Works Road, Alabama
Two vehicle collided at Lewiston and Salt Works roads in Alabama. Injuries are reported. Alabama Fire Department and Mercy medics are responding. The location is in the northwest corner of Genesee County near the Orleans County line.
UPDATE 2:10 p.m.: One victim has a head injury.
Traffic signal changes at Main and Ellicott tying up traffic through the middle of Batavia

Work crews today are changing the traffic signal configuration at Main and Ellicott for eastbound traffic, which is creating traffic jams in both the eastbound and westbound lanes of Route 5 and Route 63. Traffic is backing up for blocks at a time.
A worker said two sets of lights over Main Street's eastbound lane are being reconfigured, a new light pole with a set of lights on it has been set up for eastbound/southbound traffic turning onto Ellicott Street, and a new traffic control box is being installed.
NY-27 Democratic leaders rail against attempts to remove Collins from ballot
Press release:
The Democratic Committee Chairs of the eight counties that make up NY-27 conferred together last night by conference call as their GOP counterparts met and failed to concoct a way to get Chris Collins off the November ballot.
After their conversation, the Democrats of the district reaffirmed that there was no legitimate way to change candidates now. Any attempt to do so would be a fraud against the voters of this district.
"Just like Chris Collins believed that rules against insider trading did not apply to him, local Republican bosses seem to think that election law doesn't apply to them when it suddenly becomes inconvenient," said Cindy Appleton, the Democratic chair of Wyoming County. "They don't get to do a do-over months after the deadline for changing the congressional ballot has passed, even if the man they insisted on being their candidate inconveniently got arrested and faces up to 150 years in jail."
The Ontario County Democratic Committee Chair John Hurley pointed out that the GOP bosses were all in for Chris Collins until a week ago, despite the fact that Collins was already under a congressional ethics investigation because of his questionable financial dealings. They ignored pointed critiques of his conduct, such as those launched by the late Rep. Louise Slaughter (NY 25), and did everything possible to smooth the path for Collins' reelection campaign.
"There were all sorts of red flags being raised about Collins, but GOP bosses didn't care," Hurley said. "They had a choice, remember. Frank Smierciak II submitted petition signatures to run in a Republican primary, and they succeeded in getting him thrown off the primary ballot to benefit Collins. They also tried to run an obvious fake Green Party candidate to split the anti-Collins vote, a move they didn't get away with."
Hurley added, "they won't get away with this move, either. They don't just get to change the ballot that was set under the rules because it now suits them. It's blatantly clear that they only care about Chris Collins' ethical issues this week because he got caught last week."
Jeremy Zellner, the Erie County Democratic chair, said that there were good reasons that the GOP hadn't yet been able to announce any way of removing Collins from the ballot.
"They're flailing," Zellner said. "There isn't a legitimate path to do what they want to do, so they keep telling us they're going to get him taken off, but they haven't been able to tell us how yet."
Zellner went on to say that there is case law that states that candidates can't simply move out of state and get off the ballot.
"It didn't work for Tom DeLay after he was indicted in 2006, and it won't work for Chris Collins when he was indicted in 2018," Zellner said.
He also noted that the town of Clarence where Collins resides has no local offices up for election this year, so that Republican bosses would have to force a current town officeholder to retire just to create a vacancy for an accused criminal -- who would be unlikely to have any real interest in serving in that smaller office -- to run for.
"And they can't just put him up for some office somewhere else," Zellner said. "He's under multiple indictments He has no interest in these other positions. It's dishonest and disgraceful."
Judith Hunter, the Livingston County chair, declared, "Nate McMurray played by the rules and will be our candidate in November. The Republicans are trying all kinds of backroom maneuvers to ditch a suddenly vulnerable candidate who has become embarrassing for them. That doesn't change the fact that he is the candidate they chose and cleared the way for.
"And it doesn't change the fact that election law is clear that the deadline for changing the federal ballot has passed. They can parade people they might desperately prefer to accused criminal Chris Collins in front of the press, but they can't ignore the law."
Photos: Opening of BSA Summer Art Show

Kevin Feary with his painting "Distance From Transit Rd.," was the winner Tuesday night at the opening of the Summer Art Show for the Batavia Society of Artists.
The show runs on the second floor of GO ART! through Oct. 5.

Kate Engle's "Badge #2," a pencil and felt pen drawing, took third place in the show. The drawing is of her great-grandfather, who was a Batavia police officer and wore Badge #2.

JL Wenrich, who could not attend the opening, placed second with "Back Yard Chickens," a pen and pencil drawing.

A pen and ink drawing by Rick Ellingham of the Swartz Hotel (the Stumblin' Inn) in Elba.
Rezoning of Liberty Street parcels, bike rack installations on City Council's plate
The Batavia City Council on Monday night voted to move several resolutions forward, including measures to rezone the St. Anthony’s Church area on Liberty Street from residential to commercial and to install bicycle racks and trash receptacles in several locations within the Downtown Business Improvement District.
A memo from Interim City Manager Matt Worth suggests that seven parcels on Liberty Street and Central Avenue surrounding the St. Anthony’s Church campus – which was purchased by City Church in 2016 – should be reclassified from R-3 to C-3 to allow for some “ancillary activities (dance school, art school, community education classes, etc.) that could be considered a business activity and a non-conforming use in an R-3 district.”
City Church, on July 19, filed a petition to rezone this campus of parcels that would annex the property into the adjacent C-3 district, thus bring the property into conformance with zoning regulations, Worth wrote.
Council’s action moves the resolution into the hands of the Genesee County Planning Board for a recommendation and then to the City Planning and Development Committee for review and to schedule a public hearing in accordance with zoning laws.
In late July, the BID sent a request to the City to install 10 bicycle racks and six trash cans at downtown locations.
A memo from Ray Tourt, superintendent of maintenance, listed the sites as follows:
Bicycle racks – Tim Hortons, Save-A-Lot, Court Street (near the former Coffee Culture); outside JCPenney/Batavia Showtime; near the Christmas Tree between the Bank of America and Tompkins Insurance; in front of Game On on Main Street; in front of Southside Deli on Ellicott Street; in front of Pok-A-Dot on Ellicott Street; in front of Bourbon & Burger Co. on Jackson Street; and in front of Glass Roots on Center Street.
The BID has four more bicycle racks that can be used as replacements when needed.
Trash receptacles – Two on East Main Street and four on Ellicott Street from Court Street to Goade Park.
Tourt said the bicycle racks are of a hoop design marked with a feet motif to go with the BID’s “Feet on the Street” promotion. The trash cans are similar to ones installed by the city in 2004.
Council also agreed to consider a pair of resolutions dealing with the Ellicott Station project coordinated by Savarino Companies of Buffalo.
One is the granting of a stormwater easement due to the fact that a major city storm sewer lies within the boundary of the project.
Worth wrote that this is a requirement of the site approval issued by the City Planning and Development Committee, and would serve as an “important legal document giving the City access for maintenance of this storm sewer in the future.”
The other focuses on the distribution of a National Grid Urban Center/Commercial District Revitalization Grant in the amount of $250,000 that has been awarded to the City to enhance the Ellicott Trail Project, which will run along the southern boundary of the Ellicott Station site.
Based on preliminary construction estimates, Savarino Companies has identified $183,477 worth of improvements (landscaping, lighting, seating, etc.) that would be reimbursed by the grant. An agreement with the City would allow Savarino to access up to the full amount of the funds provided by National Grid.
Council is expected to vote on the BID and Savarino resolutions at its Business Meeting on Sept. 10.
Langworthy vows GOP will replace Collins with candidate who supports Trump's agenda

Republicans are confident they can ensure the name of Rep. Chris Collins is not on the November general election ballot, Erie County Chairman Nick Langworthy said Tuesday night after a closed-door meeting of the eight GOP chairs in the NY-27 at Batavia Downs.
He didn't say, however, how the might get the task done. He went no further than promising that Collins, in the midst of fighting federal allegations that he engaged in insider stock trading, will cooperate with whatever method the party tries to implement.
"We have communicated back and forth through his team but I have not directly personally spoken to him," Langworthy said. "We are confident there are mechanisms in place where his name can be removed from the ballot and we can nominate a new candidate."
Collins didn't face a challenger in the June 26 primary for the NY-27 but he committed to the race at an even earlier date. Once petitions were gathered, he had until April 16 to decline the nomination and the party had until April 24 to fill the vacancy.
Three Methods to Remove Name from Ballot
That leaves three methods to remove his name from the November ballot: Disqualification by means of accepting another office, moving out of state, or death.
Collins reportedly has residential property in Florida he could declare his legal domicile and there are potentially town-level offices in Erie County with a vacancy he could fill.
Either move will almost certainly be challenged in court by the Democrats.
“The GOP chairs are in a very bad position," said Todd Aldinger, an Albany-based attorney who has researched the relevant law and served as chairman of the Erie County Charter Revision Commission and was Senator Patrick Gallivan’s legislative director.
"They will either have to rely on constitutionally dubious means to remove Collins from the ballot or will have to utilize provisions of the election law to circumvent the normal nomination procedure by nominating Collins for a manufactured vacancy, which a court may find to be void against public policy.”
In favor of the GOP effort to remove Collins is a 2008 case in the NY-26 race, which at the time included Genesee County. In the Matter of Kryzan v New York State Bd. of Elections, Jon Powers had won the Working Families Party line and Alice Kryzan was the Democratic nominee. Powers then moved out of state and after the ballot certification deadline Powers sought to have his name removed from the ballot and the WFP wanted to replace his name with Kryzan. A court ruled Power's name could be removed from the ballot and replaced by Kryzan.
That decision was later overturned because absentee voting had already started.A federal court ruled those voters who already received their ballots would be disenfranchised if Kryzan's name replaced Powers on the ballot.
The November ballot won't be certified until Sept. 13. Military ballots will go out in the mail Sept. 21. The GOP will, presumably, have until then to win any legal battle with the Democrats or they lose the fight and potentially the war.
To counter any GOP maneuver -- declaring Collins a resident of another state or appointing him to a dog catcher position in Erie County -- the Democrats might be able to counter that such a move has been made in bad faith or to circumvent the normal nomination process.
The relevant case law, however, isn't on point with this set of circumstances and has apparently not been tested before.
"We are very confident, consulting with what are some of the best election lawyers in the State of New York, that there are mechanisms in place to remove Congressman Collins from the ballot," Langworthy said.
Even before Langworthy met with the press outside of Batavia Downs, Michael Plitt, chairman of the Genesee County Democratic Committee, was texting The Batavian to decry the GOP chairman's efforts to remove Collins from the ballot.
"The GOP already picked their candidate, Chris Collins," Plitt said. "There are no do-overs. Petitions are in. Collins will be on the ballot. The GOP knew Collins had an ethics investigation."
That's a similar line of attack the Democratic nominee, Nate McMurray, is taking in tweets and news interviews.
Democrats Call for Accountability
"I think these guys should be held accountable," McMurray told The Hill. "They shouldn't be able to hit reset or take a mulligan. If they try to get him to run for another office, I will call it out for what it is: a fraud upon the United States."
While the statutory feathers fly, the eight GOP chairs of the NY-27 are moving ahead with the process of handpicking a new candidate. At one point, at least 15 people had expressed an interest in the seat but Tuesday night, Langworthy indicated the winnowing process has already begun. He said he expects there will be some more informal interviews to help determine who gets a chance to sit down with all eight county chairs and lobby for the nomination.
Those interviews will take place next week.
"We were handed the extraordinary situation that you know we're not happy to find ourselves in, but we have to work through it," Langworthy said. "We have to work together. We have to work collaboratively and we need to nominate a candidate that can succeed in all eight counties to deliver a victory in November."
The public won't be part of the committee process and voting will be weighted, which means Langworthy, representing Erie County, will have the biggest say in who potentially could appear on the R line in November.
It's a momentous selection.
Michael Caputo, a GOP political consultant, and nationally known Trump ally, told The Batavian just before news broke that Collins was withdrawing from the race, that the very future of the presidency may hinge on what happens in the NY-27.
"It may boil down to one or two seats," Caputo said. "If we lose control of the house, there will be impeachment proceedings, no doubt about it."
Erie County GOP's Questionable Candidates
Erie County, however, doesn't have a strong track record when it comes to picking representatives for the GLOW region.
Rep. Bill Paxon's career ended after he helped lead a failed attempt to oust Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House. Rep. Tom Reynolds didn't run for reelection after his name was linked to a couple of scandals in the House. Rep. Chris Lee posted a bare-chested picture of himself on Craigslist. Assemblywoman Jane Corwin lost a race generally thought to be hers to lose.
And now Chris Collins, federally indicted on counts of securities fraud, wire fraud, and lying to the FBI. Collins was allegedly the tip of a tipping tree where he provided the crucial tidbit of bad news that caused his son, and eight other associates, to dump millions of shares of Innate Immunotherapeutics Limited before the Australia-based company publicly announced its only product, a drug to treat secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, had failed its critical medical trial.
Collins said he's not guilty.
Langworthy said none of the GOP chairs have expressed any dissatisfaction with the process that has led to this string of questionable GOP candidates being foisted on GLOW.
"I think it's a matter of the party rules," Langworthy said. "I think we work collaboratively. We're working together. Many of the candidates now hail from the GLOW region, so I didn't hear any sort of problems from any of the chairs here tonight about them."
Whoever gets the pick will instantly become the front-runner in a district that tilts +22 for Republicans, and barring the winner getting caught with his shirt off or making ill-advised stock trades, he is likely being appointed to the seat for life. The Batavian asked Langworthy if a process of eight men in a room, denying both candidates and voters the normal primary process to fill a vacancy, is the right process to follow.
"I'm going to ask you, do you think we want to be in the situation right now?" Langworthy said.
The Batavian asked, "is it fair?"
"I think it's a bush league question you asked," Langworthy said.
"So you don't want to answer it."
Langworthy: 'We Don't Want to Be Here.'
Langworthy responded, "I've already addressed this. We find ourselves in an extraordinary situation. We don't want to be here. This is a sad and unfortunate time for us. We are doing the best we can with the election law as it exists at this late date."
The choice for the chairs includes inexperienced candidates, candidates who have run a race but not won, or a slate of current office holders who would be forced to vacate a ballot line creating a new legal challenge for the party.
"I'll let you all decide who you think the front-runners are," Langworthy told the gaggle of assembled reporters from throughout the region. "We have a process to maintain. We have to continue to work together.
"You know there are candidates from throughout this district that represent different portions of this district. We're all dedicated the same thing, which is finding a conservative Republican candidate that can win this district and help President Trump achieve his agenda.
A bit later Langworthy said: "We need we need a candidate that we can all get behind in eight counties (who) can be out there meeting the voters, talking about the important issues. I mean it's a very geographically diverse district.
"I mean, you have cities, you have suburban towns, you also have a lot of rural and agricultural areas, so you have a lot of different types of people who (need to) get up to speed on federal issues. Even if they're a state official, they might not understand the federal ramifications. Those are things that we have to hit the ground running on very, very quickly."
It will be such a difficult race in such a compressed time frame that Langworthy doesn't think it's the place for novices to enter.
"I personally think that this is probably not the time for a completely new candidate, someone that doesn't understand the political process or maybe hasn't been a part of an election before in a big league level," Langworthy said. "I don't think there's a lot of time for a learning curve for a first-timer that hasn't been through the process."
White House Weighs in on Selection
Langworthy also revealed that the White House is weighing in on the selection process.
"We're in consultation," Langworthy said. "Yesterday I had a meeting with the White House political director to discuss this race. We have been in discussions with the executive director of the National Republican Congressional Committee. They are very concerned about the future of the seat. They want to make sure it stays in Republican hands."
Whoever gets the nod from the eight chairs, Langworthy said he hopes to attract Trump to WNY to campaign for the candidate.
"I came from Utica yesterday where I saw President Trump come in for a Congresswoman Tenny," Langworthy said. "It's a very hot seat and I know they raised an awful lot of funds in a short window. It was only a one week lead-up to the event and there were hundreds and hundreds of people there showing their support and writing checks to support the congresswoman. I would love to see that sort of enthusiasm with a presidential visit."
Northgate church invites community to Prayer Walk a week after Tennessee driver tried to run its prayer team over
Press release:
Each Wednesday evening, a team from Northgate Free Methodist Church meet at 8160 Bank Street Road (North Campus) and walk a trail around the perimeter of the church property, praying for the community, the church and congregational needs as they walk.
The “Community Prayer Walk,” was scheduled to be open to the public this fall and is being developed by the members of the church and the youth of Northgate. It is a beautiful trail to walk, reflect, and meditate on and will soon include multiple prayer stations located along the path.
Last Wednesday, on Aug. 8, the prayer team’s lives were theatened as they were chased by a man who had intentionally driven his vehicle off of the Thruway and onto Northgate’s property. They narrowly escaped into the church, and the offender was apprehended by law enforcement.
Many within the community have offered prayer and support for our prayer team, and expressed gratitude for their protection.
In response to this unfortunate event, Northgate is inviting the community to join the prayer team as we commit this "Community Prayer Walk" to the Lord at 6 p.m. tomorrow, Aug.15th.
The walk will begin behind Northgate’s North Campus at 8160 Bank Street Road, Batavia.
For more information, please contact the church office at 343-4011.
(Editor's note: For previous coverage of the incident cited above, click here.)
Photos: GSO rehearsal for Sunday's Summer Serenade and garden party at Mercy Grove in Le Roy

- Le Roy Country Club
- Roxy's Music Store
- United Way or GSO Board Members
- Online at: serenade
(Photos by Howard Owens.)

Milling on Tracy Avenue in the city planned for Thursday
On Thursday, Aug. 16th, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tracy Avenue in the City of Batavia will have construction delays and lane reductions for cold milling of pavement. The work will be done between Washington Avenue and North Street.
All motorists that regularly use this road are asked to seek alternative routes during the operation. Residents within the area of the closure should anticipate delays, but we will do our best to accommodate getting you to and from your residence or place of business.
This work is weather dependent and subject to rescheduling if it rains.
Contact the Bureau of Maintenance and ask to speak to the Streets Supervisor or Superintendent at 345-6400, opt. 1, if you have any questions.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
Photos: Flower arranging class at Richmond Memorial Library

Ty Acquard, from Alexander, selects a flower to add to an arrangement he's building with the help of instructor Jan Goodenbery during a free flower arranging class at Richmond Memorial Library on Monday evening.
Goodenbery is a master gardener and owner of Rooted in Joy Farm in Oakfield.
Ty is proprietor of Ty's Worm's, a stand he runs at Mooch's Auto Glass in Alexander. He plans to expand his business to include flower bouquets.

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Call Dolce Panepinto at 716-852-1888 immediately. We understand how life altering a work injury can be, and we are here to help.
Reform candidate for NY-27 thinks he should get GOP nod now that Collins is out of the race
Press release:
Now that Chris Collins has withdrawn in the NY 27th District race, Larry Piegza is demanding to be considered for the Republican, Independent and Conservative Party endorsements. He has already earned the endorsement of the Reform Party in the June primary and is now looking to secure the other nominations as well.
“I’ve been trying to get support from the Republican Committees in this district since November and they won’t return my call. Even now that Chris Collins has been arrested they still won’t give me an interview. This is just another example of the corrupt, pay-for-play Republican committees not caring about their district.
“The District’s GOP establishment failed to admit that Collins was a criminal in the first place. Then also tried their failed election scam of getting the fake Green Party candidate Michael Zak on the ballot. I think it’s time that we voters demand an open process for choosing Collins’ replacement instead of letting the corrupt establishment tell us which crony we have to vote for next.
"I am only one of two candidates chosen by the fair election process and have already stated that I am willing to give up my entire congressional salary if I get elected. Instead of endorsing me, they are jumping through legal hoops to try to get their next establishment crony on the ballot. The voters don’t want a rigged election. If we are going to Make America Great Again, we have got to really drain the swamp at the district level as well," Piegza said.
Hearing provides new details in fight between Batavia athletes
In a hearing to determine whether there is reasonable cause to charge Antwan Odom with attempted assault in the first degree for cutting his teammate, classmate and neighbor Ray Leach during a fight over stolen property Aug. 4 in Batavia, Leach said their disagreement was over $60.
Court documents indicate the 18-year-old Odom said Leach accused him of stealing marijuana.
Both teenagers agreed to fight, Leach testified in the preliminary hearing, also called a felony hearing. Things got out of hand, according to his version of the story, when Odom pulled out a small, yellow pocket knife and stabbed Leach 10 times.
District Attorney Lawrence Friedman said, “It was a fairly involved situation he explained for the judge. He was the only witness.”
Odom's attorney Frank Housh said no weapon was found on his client. He said that Odom is the victim in the case.
“It was some remarkable testimony,” Housh said. “He testified that a few days before he went over to my client’s house, demanding he come out and fight him, he had sent a Facebook post telling him that he was going to end him."
City Court Judge Robert Balbick ruled there is reasonable cause to conclude that Odom committed attempted assault, 1st. The case will now be referred to the grand jury to consider an indictment.
Leach has not been cleared to play football. His stitches will be removed Monday but the Blue Devils' star running back could have nerve damage to his upper leg.
Odom, like Leach, was expected to start his senior year next month and once again be one of the key players on Batavia's football team. At the close of yesterday's hearing, his bail, set last week by Balbick at $50,000/$100,000 was reduced to $15,000 cash or $30,000 bond.
Story based on reporting by 13WHAM, The Batavian's news partner.
Teen killed by hit-and-run driver in Darien planned to become an Upstate, rural doctor

New York isn't immune. A recent survey of the state's hospitals by Healthcare Association of New York found that Upstate needs 615 more doctors.
Connor Lynskey, the 18-year-old resident of Hinckley, who was killed by a hit-and-run driver in Darien on Saturday, was well aware of Upstate's doctor shortage, which is why he decided to attend medical school and become a rural doctor.
He had already been accepted into Upstate Medical University, according to Don Lynskey, his brother-in-law. Connor Lynskey was planning to attend Siena in the fall as part of a dual-admissions program to undergrad study and medical school for students committed to becoming rural doctors. His brother, Don said, is in the third year of the same program.
In his admissions essay about his plans, Lynskey said the difficulty his sister had in getting a correct diagnosis for Type I Diabetes in Utica inspired his career choice.
"Her struggle to find a local treatment center motivates me to become a rural physician," Lynskey wrote. "Pursuing this goal, I began a shadowing program at Rome Hospital to achieve insight regarding my future job. I was able to shadow the Emergency Room, Radiology Unit, Intensive Care Unit, and Pediatrics. Each day, I attempted to absorb the knowledge presented while becoming increasingly involved in the care of patients. With my newfound knowledge, I now prepare to conquer the obstacles that await me on the road to becoming a physician."
Friday evening Lynskey attended the Jason Aldean concert at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center with friends and family. After the concert, the group walked back to their campsite at Darien Lakes State Park, taking Sumner Road. At some point, Lynskey decided to run ahead to catch up with his friend.
On the dark, hilly road, nobody in the group saw what happened next. Lynskey was hit by a car whose driver didn't stop to help or call police. When the group reached their campsite and Lynskey wasn't there, they contacted the State Park Police who notified the Sheriff's Office. Officers patrolled the area, including Sumner Road but nobody saw Lynskey or any scene of a problem.
Perhaps 30 minutes later, a woman, Jennifer L. Serrano, 48, of Charles Street, Irving, was driving on Route 77 in Darien and her car nearly struck a marked patrol car. A deputy stopped her and wound up charging her with DWI.
The next morning, Deputy Richard Schildwaster, checking Sumner Road, found debris in the roadway and when he got out of his vehicle and looked around, he found Lynskey's body in a ditch.
Serrano, who had been released on bail on the DWI charge, was identified as the suspect and was arrested in Amherst, her vehicle was seized, and she has been charged with vehicular manslaughter in the second degree and leaving the scene of a personal injury accident. She is being held on $100,000 bail or $200,000 bond.
The Batavian's news partner, 13WHAM contributed to this story.
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