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Profile: Nate McMurray, Democratic capitalist, bucking the trend of his party

By Howard B. Owens

If you take Nate McMurray at his word, he often sounds a lot more like a conservative, or even a populist, than the progressive he sometimes claims to be.

He says, for example, that he's a capitalist. He believes in an American work ethic. He worries about deficit spending. He's concerned about any increase in middle-class taxes. He decries over-regulation of business. He's a gun owner who says a homeowner has a right to use a firearm to defend himself and his household. He lists Ronald Reagan as one of his childhood heroes.

On the populist side, he says Donald Trump is right about some things -- he's right about unfair trade deals and he's right that much of America has been hurt by recent economic policies and that the system has become fundamentally unfair to working Americans.

If McMurray goes to Washington, he promises to be his own man. He won't be beholden to Nancy Pelosi and he won't owe anything to any special interests.

"I am not controlled by anybody, especially not Nancy Pelosi," McMurray said Monday night during a meeting with about 50 undecided voters at Noblehurst Farms in Pavilion. "I have no relationship with her whatsoever. ... I don’t know anything about Nancy Pelosi. I’m going to go (to Washington) and I’m going to be an independent voice. If Nancy Pelosi is right about something, I’m going to say that’s right. If she’s wrong, I’m going to say that’s wrong."

Rise from underdog to legitimate challenger

When Nate McMurray announced his intention to run for Congress in New York's 27th District, he wasn't even the favorite among the five others expected to vie for the seat. Once he emerged after a few weeks as the lone Democrat still interested in running, Gov. Andrew Cuomo tried putting pressure on Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul to drop her bid for reelection and run against Rep. Chris Collins, whom she lost to in 2012. Hochul refused to switch races and has since endorsed McMurray.

Early on, McMurray adopted the hashtag on social media "#NateWillWin" but remained at best a long shot as July dragged into August. Even though ethics questions hung on Collins like bright red lights on a Christmas tree, the GOP said Collins was their man. His credentials included a first-in-Congress endorsement of Donald J. Trump in 2016 and a $1.4 million war chest. Loyalty to Trump in the 27th runs deep (the president's approval rating is 62 percent, twenty points higher than the rest of the nation) and Collins has never wavered from his support for the sometimes embattled president.

The incumbent seemed invincible.

That all changed when the multimillionaire businessman was arrested Aug. 8 and charged with securities fraud, wire fraud, and lying to the FBI, in connection with a series of stock trades his son Cameron and others made in June 2017 after Collins learned that a critical drug trial had failed for Innate Therapeutics.

Collins is accused of illegally providing confidential information about the drug trial's failure to his son during a phone call Collins placed from the lawn of the White House.

Since then, Collins has said he was running for reelection, then not running for reelection, and then was back in the race. In the intervening weeks, he has largely avoided the public and reporters while dumping campaign funds into TV commercials that portray McMurray as a Pelosi-backed extremist out to destroy the presidency, destroy the economy, and take away your guns.

None of that is true, McMurray told the crowd at Monday night's meeting.

"Every independent news outlet that has looked into these things is saying the advertisements are false," McMurray said. "The fliers are false. The advertisements are false. If the stuff (Collins) is saying is so true, he would have the guts to stand on stage and say it to my face."

McMurray has worked hard. The criminal charges have hurt Collins. While Trump supporters are steadfastly behind their man, other members of the GOP are expressing doubt and the race has tipped from a sure thing for Collins to a toss-up, according to a recent Siena poll.

Contrasting backgrounds, different messages

McMurray, a barrel-chested, 6'3" former high school bodybuilder,  makes much of his working-class background, both to burnish his populist image (though he said he never thought of himself as a populist until asked about it) and to contrast his upbringing to that of Collins.

McMurray was born in Tonawanda. His father was a proud union member, a painter, and McMurray said the chemicals in the paint at the time were more dangerous. His father died of cancer at age 39, leaving his 35-year-old wife to raise McMurray and his six siblings on her own.

He said finances were a struggle. He worked his way through Erie County Community College. He studied hard and became a Fulbright Scholar and earned his law degree and passed the bar. He's been a corporate attorney most of his adult life, most recently with Delaware North in Buffalo. He is currently the supervisor in the Town of Grand Island.

Collins, in McMurray's narrative, grew up in privilege. Where McMurray is a working-class Western New Yorker, Collins is the son of a well-to-do business executive, able to attend a four-year university in North Carolina. Where McMurray made his own way, Collins benefitted from his family's wealth. Where McMurray played by the rules, Collins thinks the rules don't apply to him.

"If we win this seat, we don’t just win for Western New York," McMurray said Monday night. "We send a message to this entire country that a guy who started at a community college, who worked every day, worked his way through law school, is able to beat maybe the richest and perhaps the most corrupt man in Congress."

McMurray also thinks his background and his attitudes, especially his full-throated support for capitalism and his support of Second Amendment rights, puts him in conflict with the mainstream of the contemporary Democratic Party.

"I do not want to run to impeach President Trump," McMurray said during an interview with The Batavian early this month at WBTA's studio. "I don't support the SAFE Act. I mean there are things about me that most Democrats when they hear me, they cringe. The reason why I'm a Democrat however is I think we need some fairness in our society.

"I think some things got out of whack. I think we need to fight for working people again. I want to restore the Democratic Party -- not of Nancy Pelosi, but the Democratic Party of my dad, who wore a union jacket with pride and believed in labor and believed in working families, and that's who I am and that's what I'm fighting for."

In our interview, we talked about issues and policy. McMurray said it was the first time a reporter had sat down and talked to him in depth about what he really believes and not just the horse race angle of a political campaign.

The economy & trade, capitalism vs. socialism

We spent most of the time talking about economics: the nature of capitalism, the threat of socialism, and Trump's trade policies.

"I want to save capitalism from where we are," McMurray said. "I think capitalism is in danger. I think we're moving towards oligarchy. I think we're moving toward a society where a few people have all the power and control the democracy and control the vote and control the propaganda that we see every day about who to vote for.

"I can see that in my own race. We have potlucks and picnics where it is very successful it seems but unless you're going into that corporate till and getting those $50,000 dollar checks, it's almost impossible to compete."

McMurray defends capitalism from a populist viewpoint.

"Right now, those rules are dominated by a clique of corporations and powerful elites," McMurray said. "It makes sense. Think about it. Why would a major corporation hire lawyers? I'm one of those lawyers they've hired in the past. Why would they hire lobbyists to shape and manipulate laws to their benefit?

"Everything from labor standards to environmental laws to everything else. They're passing the risks on to us. A congressperson is supposed to be in there making sure those laws are also fair to help people who don't have that power, not the lobbyists. We're supposed to be an advocate for regular people."

Big Pharma, economic elites and the forgotten

It's the crony capitalist controlling the system, McMurray said. The problem is perhaps most acute, in his view, in the pharmaceutical industry.

"We have to shorten (drug patents)," McMurray said. "They're almost indefinite right now so they can rake everybody over the coals. That's why we got people in Batavia driving to Canada to get medicine because we pay more than any (other country). So that's what I'm talking about. They say why aren't you a capitalist? Yeah, I'm capitalist but we have to have a capitalistic system that makes sure all stakeholders are considered and not just ones with the money to buy lawyers they can make the laws for them."

It's this sort of populist resentment of the economic elite setting the rules to benefit themselves that fires up Donald Trump's base, McMurray said, and they're right.

At 43, married for 20 years, with two sons, Moses, 10, and Luke, 7, McMurray says he wants to represent the working families of Western New York, not corporate interests. 

"I also believe that the message of President Trump is a strong message," McMurray said. "People have been forgotten in this country. Now I don't agree with his answers but I agree with that message. I believe that we have to remember there's a forgotten America. We can see that in the 27th District. Look at our population decline. Look at how things have gone downhill for so many people. We need someone to advocate for them.

"We know who is advocating for the big corporations," McMurray added. "I'm not taking any corporate money. I've denied corporate money. Look at my background as a business person. That money is accessible to me and it's been painful. It's tested my values not to take that money but we're doing everything to try to run this the way the Founding Fathers intended, from a grassroots perspective."

Trade creates opportunities for Americans

On one hand, McMurray says he shares Trump's views that the United States has gotten itself trapped in unfair trade deals based on naive and utopian views of the world. On the other, when pressed, he acknowledges NAFTA has benefitted the United States and that KORUS (the free-trade agreement with South Korea) has opened up a new market for U.S. companies (in one of his corporate jobs, McMurray helped U.S. companies find customers in South Korea, helping to create jobs in the United States, which is the exact opposite of what Collins claims in one of his campaign commercials).

The United States needs trade, McMurray said, to create opportunities for America's farmers and manufacturers.

"The biggest populations are in Asia," McMurray said. "They're in India and China. Those are growing economies where people are hungry for new items. Listen, I'm someone who has been over there for awhile. They would kill for our Fords or a nice big truck. Many Chinese guys would love to drive a brand new F-150.

"We've got to make sure they have access to it. You know many people in China would love clean milk from Batavia or clean yogurt from Batavia. To put up a wall and say we're not going to sell to these people, that's lunacy."

Again, while saying he agrees with Trump on trade, he opposes tariffs. It's hard, after all, to call yourself a capitalist and support tariffs.

"I think tariffs are bad," McMurray said. "I think that it depends on the situation. I mean a tariff is a tax, essentially. It's a tax on whatever business is being poked. Right now it's a tax on soybean farmers. (It's a tax on consumers, The Batavian interjects) Yes, it's a tax. I mean they call it a tariff but a tariff is a tax. Go back and look at our history. Go back to the Boston Tea Party. A tariff is a tax. So in principle, I'm against it."

Regarding McMurray's economic populism, in our interview, we raised the issue that much of the resentment expressed by many Americans about their economic status is driven by political rhetoric. The left in particular, for a decade or more, has decried wage inequality and wage stagnation. The message has stuck even though it doesn't fully account for how every American at every level of society is actually better off than 10, 20, even 30 years ago.

Some inequality is needed to power the American Dream. It's what drives entrepreneurs to create new things and new jobs. Complaints about wage stagnation ignore the fact that overall compensation has continued to rise, driven mainly by employers paying ever-increasing health care costs (costs that eat up potential raises), and that consumer purchasing power has increased decade by decade (see this chart from

McMurray replied that he worries that the sense of resentment people feel when the boss makes so much more than they do is an overall threat to the survival of capitalism. That perception, whether based on reality or not, needs to be addressed, he said.

"There is definitely some truth that capitalism over time is consistently (better)," McMurray said. "This is why I'm a capitalist. It consistently improves the lives of people. It consistently does so. I think if you're making the long-term argument things have gotten better over time for a lot of people. It certainly has, but I think there's also the truth that on the top what they have is getting larger and larger. And I think that's a threat to the overall system."

In 2018, McMurray finds himself in a Democratic Party that is unlike the Democratic Party of his father. The socialists are surging. Bernie Sanders remains popular and a possible  2020 presidential contender. In New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a congressional candidate, Julia Salazar, a State Senate candidate, are avowed socialists Ten more self-identified socialists across the nation have won state house races, while more than 50 percent of Democrats polled say they've lost faith in capitalism. The Democratic Socialists of American, whose adherents include Ocasio-Cortez and Salazar, now has more than 50,000 members, up from 7,000 less than two years ago.

Given a chance to talk to socialists in his midst, McMurray says he would tell them how misguided they are in their support of socialism, which has cost countless millions their lives over the past 100 years and has led to economic ruin everywhere it's been tried. He said the idea that capitalism is inherently evil is extremely dangerous.

"(To) the people who want to embrace socialism, I would ask them to look at our history and see the failures of the last 100 years in the world and the many, many people who died from these experiments," McMurray said. "You have to be very cautious about trying to use these social experiments to fix all the -- there's no magic wand to fix all the world's problems. Human beings, there are many challenges to human life. There are things we can do better, but I would ask them to remember how great our success as a country has been for the last hundred years."

Opposes 'unwinnable wars'

On foreign policy, Donald Trump campaigned as a non-interventionist. He's governed like a neo-conservative. If elected, McMurray said he would oppose unwinnable wars.

"Well, obviously, we don't we don't use U.S. troops unless we're sure about what we're doing and we have a clear goal," McMurray said. "I would never send my children to war, to death, to violence without having a clear goal and a clear understanding what we're trying to achieve. I think what we are not the world's police. I think that's a mistake. "

If elected, McMurray said it will not be his goal to impeach Donald Trump but he does think Congress needs to reassert its rightful place in our system of checks and balances and reclaim some of its power from the executive branch, though he pivoted in his answer to a state issue, the SAFE Act, to illustrate how unchecked power causes people to distrust government.

"We're creeping towards the unintentional destruction of our of our separation of powers system," McMurray said. "I think the way the executive order has been used by past presidents, like President Obama, has been gratuitous and wrong. I think the way we force -- listen, when people feel they're forced to do something or it's not done through the proper process or system they get angry. They get apathetic. That's why people hate the SAFE Act, more than anything else, because they feel it was forced upon them in an undemocratic way. They are angry about that. I agree with that. They should be angry about it."

Guns and the Second Amendment

On guns, McMurray supports the Second Amendment, though he won't side, he said, with the absolutists on the left or the right of the issue.

"I believe the extreme positions on both sides are wrong," McMurray said. "I believe in universal background checks. We have to look at certain weapons and who gets to hold them and how they get to hold them but I can promise you, I will not take action without listening to the 2A groups that oppose me now. I will talk to these guys. I will listen to them because there are a lot of experts. I am amazed at the amount of detail and research that has been done on this issue and I believe in the Second Amendment."

The gun issue in this campaign came up in a unique way a couple of weeks ago when Grand Island Republican Councilman Michael Madigan complained to local media that McMurray threatened him. He produced a recording where McMurray said, “I think you’re sick. I think you really are. I have a gun. Don’t come to my house.”

Rather than defend McMurray's Second Amendment rights, the Collins campaign used it as an opportunity to attack him, according to a statement released to the Buffalo News.

“This obnoxious and borderline violent behavior displayed by Nate McMurray is nothing out of the ordinary,” said Collins campaign spokeswoman Natalie Baldassarre. “Whether it be his off-putting comments on social media or his unprofessional conduct during town meetings, it’s clear Nate needs to learn how to keep his emotions in check. This audio is deeply disturbing and further shows Nate is unhinged.”

After Monday night's event, McMurray defended his reminder to Madigan that he owned a gun. The right to defend yourself, your family, and your home is a fundamental right most NY-27 residents support, he said. He's surprised the Collins campaign would attack him over it.

"This is a guy (Madigan) who digs through my garbage and hides in the bushes," McMurray said. "I told him, you come near my house again, I’m going to defend my family. I would say it 100 times. It’s the way I believe."

The NRA has given McMurray an F rating. On Twitter yesterday, McMurray complained that the NRA has no voting record on which to judge him and didn't even bother to ask him a single question about gun rights.

He called the NRA "corporate hacks."

The attack on his position on guns by Collins, he said, is just another way Collins lies about him.

"Some people on the other side (the left) say I’m way too pro-gun, so I think I’m OK," McMurray said. "I want reasonable steps like universal background checks but I would never do anything to take away the Second Amendment."

New York voters have been disappointed a couple of times by Democrats who campaigned with conservative and populist themes only to transform into standard-issue progressive Democrats once they obtained statewide office (Kathy Hochul, Kirsten Gillibrand), so you will have to decide for yourself whether to take McMurray at his word when he espouses conservative values.  

For McMurray's part, he says he wouldn't be where he is, living in Grand Island, serving as town supervisor, if he wasn't at least a little red.

"We have a very red town and we're proud of that," McMurray said. "We're proud of what that means. We believe in conservatism from a traditional perspective, which means you hold onto your traditions and your values and you hold them as important because they're valuable to you. They define who you are as a community. In that sense, I would call myself also a conservative.

"I mean, again, I grew up as an Eagle Scout. I grew up in a very very Christian household. I grew up reading very conservative authors. I grew up respecting and loving Ronald Reagan, like any kid in the '80s. That's who I am and I think we need to get away from this paradigm of Republicans versus Democrats. First and foremost we're Americans and Americans do not want to be taken advantage of by people like Mr. Collins."

Le Roy Fire District completes 2019 Budget preparation

By Billie Owens

Press release from Jerry Diskin:

The Board of Commissioners of the Le Roy Fire District has concluded its budget review and has developed the Proposed Budget for 2019.

Through redistribution of funds within budget lines, the District was able to work within the guidelines, bringing the proposed budget in under the NYS 2-percent tax cap.

The Proposed Budget of 2019 was adopted Oct. 23, prior to the deadline of Nov. 4, as specified under NY State Law.

This year’s budget reflects a reduction in the tax rate of 5 cents, from $1.63 down to $1.57 per $1,000 of assessed valuation.

Specifics of this year’s budget include Workman’s Compensation Insurance cost that will exceed $58,000. In 2017, the Fire District saw an increase in this cost by over $44,000. Workers' compensation insurance cost increased from  $7,800 in 2016 to more than $52,000 in 2017. This was as a result of a “reevaluation” of rates by Genesee County’s Self Insured Workman’s Compensation Insurance.

As a result of this increase the Fire District has had to reduce the budget for other necessary expenditures to cover this additional cost.

In addition, beginning in January, the District will be required by law to provide “Firefighter Cancer Coverage” insurance that will cover all interior firefighters, in addition to firefighters of record from 2013 to date. The projected costs are estimated at $140 per firefighter per year. The total impact will amount to approximately $5,000 to 6,000 in additional unfunded mandates involving insurance costs in the 2019 budget.

Another area of cost increase is in firefighter personal protective equipment specifically “turnout gear,” which includes, coat, bunker pants, helmet, gloves, hood and boots. This year an effort was made to obtain $40,000 for 10 “sets” through the American Fire Grant. The application was unsuccessful as the Grant programs have been significantly reduced in both numbers and dollars. This same Grant request is being resubmitted this month.

This budget reflects significant increases in apparatus and equipment maintenance costs and upgrades due mainly to the increasing age and complexity of the apparatus.

The Public Hearing on the 2019 Budget was held on Tuesday, Oct. 16, at the District Conference Room. The budget approval vote was held on Tuesday, Oct. 23, during the regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Le Roy Fire District.

WNY Pediatric Endocrinology opens its Batavia office Monday

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

We are pleased to announce the opening of WNY Pediatric Endocrinology at 7 Evans St., Batavia, on Monday, Oct. 29. (The practice is in the historic round brick building formerly occupied by Dr. Anna Lamb and staff.)

Our doctors are both certified by the American Academy of Pediatrics in Pediatric Endocrinology and have more than 10 years experience treating patients.

The doctors will be treating the following conditions:

  • Growth concerns;
  • Short stature;
  • Abnormal weight gain;
  • Early or delayed puberty;
  • Pituitary dysregulation;
  • Thyroid concerns;
  • Bone health;
  • Lipid concerns;
  • Adrenal disorders;
  • PCOS and other menstrual irregularities.

The office will be open Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please call (585) 201-7112 to schedule an appointment and we’ll be happy to address your concerns! 

You can also check us out on our website at We look forward to serving the local community.

Nadezhda (Nadia) Danilovich, MD, (left in photo) graduated from Gomel State Medial Institute in Belarus and completed her residency and fellowship at Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo. She is a member of the American Board of Pediatrics and the American Board of Pediatric Endocrinology.

Shannon Fournter, MD(right in photo) graduated from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine and completed her residency at Children’s Hospital of Buffalo and her fellowship at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She is a member of the American Board of Pediatrics and the American Board of Pediatric Endocrinology.

City leaf collection is Oct. 29 through Nov. 30

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Citywide leaf collection will begin Oct. 29 and will continue until Nov. 30.

Residents of the following streets can rake leaves to the parkway, but do not place in the street; these streets are Clinton Street, Oak Street, Main Street (including East and West Main Street), Pearl Street, South Main Street (between Oak Street and Walnut Street),Walnut Street, Richmond Ave (between Oak Street and Prospect Avenue). If your street has a route number (i.e. Route 5, Route 33, Route 63 and Route 98), then please keep leaves out of the roadway.

All other streets are asked to rake leaves close to the curb line, taking care not to block storm drainage structures/catch basins or not to block travel-way of streets.

Leaf operations typically have one crew on the Northside working from Grandview Terrace moving west, north of Main Street, and a second crew on the Southside beginning on River Street moving East in areas South of Main Street. A third crew will work using a vacuum along main roads and numbered routes. It takes about two weeks to go through the entire city.

Any resident with leaves can also bring them to the yard waste station until it closes for the season on Dec. 8. Beginning Nov. 5, the Yard Waste Station hours will be adjusted to 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. The Yard Waste Station is closed on Thursday, Nov. 22, for Thanksgiving.

Important Information About Leaf Collection:

  • Leaf piles must be clear of sticks and other debris;
  • Leaf piles must be clear of all animal waste – if animal waste is found in the piles, they will not be picked up;
  • Grass clippings, flower pottings, branches, pumpkins cannot be picked up and residents may bring those items to the Yard Waste Station on Law Street (which will be open through Dec. 8);
  • Leaves should not block traffic;
  • Leaves should not be piled near intersection corners. This causes sight issues for motorists/bicyclists/pedestrians;
  • Keep leaf piles clear of drainage ways and catch basins. Blocked drainage leads to localized flooding;
  • Leaves should not be piled around mailboxes, power poles, fences, fire hydrants or other obstacles.  Do not park on leaf piles. The heat from a vehicle exhaust system could start a fire;
  • Do not wait to get your leaves out. We will normally collect leaves twice within the month of leaf collection;
  • If it is snowing, we plow first. If it continues to snow, then leaf operations will be suspended;
  • There is no leaf pickup in the spring.

Bureau of Maintenance, 147 Walnut St., Batavia

Phone: 585-345-6400, Opt. 1

Fax: 585-343-6199

Pink Hatters & Friends Night Out is tomorrow at Batavia Downs

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Cancer Services Program of Genesee, Orleans, Wyoming and Niagara Counties along with United Memorial Medical Center are proud to once again host the annual Pink Hatters & Friends Night Out.  

In recent years, this special event has expanded beyond breast cancer awareness month to recognize and inspire those affected by all types of cancer.  An evening of education, personal stories, and entertainment is set to lift the spirits of those battling cancer, honor the survivors, and pay tribute to those we have lost.

When: Thursday, Oct. 25

Where: Batavia Downs -- 8315 Park Road, Batavia


4 p.m. -- Doors open

6 p.m. -- Buffet dinner 

7 p.m. -- Program begins

CPA: City of Batavia's finances in fine shape due to 'conservative approach'

By Mike Pettinella

A “conservative approach” to budgeting and spending enabled the City of Batavia to maintain a strong financial position for the 2017-18 fiscal year, according to the accountant who presented the municipality’s audit report at Monday night’s City Council meeting.

“The City has taken a conservative approach, especially with sales tax (projections) and a conservative approach to watching costs and monitoring those costs,” said Laura Landers, CPA, of Freed Maxick. “This has led to the excess (surplus) that we see in operations.”

Landers reported that the City’s general fund showed $16,014,615 in revenues versus $15,731,077 in expenditures for a surplus of $283,538 for the fiscal year that ended on March 31.

“Over the past 10 years, (when looking at) actual revenues versus budgeted revenues, the City has fared well,” she said. “And actual expenditures have been less than budgeted expenditures (as well).”

She noted that sales tax and VLT (Video Lottery Terminal) money from Batavia Downs Gaming “increased slightly” in 2017-18, with a spike in gas prices helping to boost sales tax revenue.

Landers said the City has $4.5 million in restricted funds – earmarked for insurance, capital projects, employee benefits, retirement, Dwyer Stadium – and $1.7 million in unassigned funds.

“Council can utilize the unassigned funds for unanticipated expenditures or to balance next year’s budget,” she explained. “It is a tool that you can use during the budget process. ‘Do we have projects?’ So, you don’t have to dip into reserves.”

The report also revealed $339,450 in “committed funds” for use on the City’s Master Plan, Ellicott Trail Project, Creek Park and (now dormant) Vibrant Batavia.

All told, the total fund balance for 2017-18 was at $7,388, 913.

Landers also reported that the water fund showed total assets of $10.2 million, with an $880,000 surplus – “which means that rates are at levels which have supported operations” – and that the sewer fund has $32.1 million in assets, including $8.8 million in cash.

Concluding, she said that, once again, the firm "did not note any material weaknesses or significant deficiencies in the operations of the City to report to City Council as a result of our audit procedures."

Two-car accident reported on Route 19, Bergen

By Howard B. Owens

A two-car accident with unknown injuries is reported at 8132 Buffalo Road, in front of the 7-Eleven, in Bergen.

Bergen fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

UPDATE 5:26 p.m.: Minor injuries.

Police looking for person who broke into Chesley's Auto Service

By Howard B. Owens

An unidentified individual broke into Chesley's Auto Service & Tire two nights ago and removed items from the business, according to Batavia PD.

Investigators are asking the public's assistance in identifying the individual.

The person who broke in approached Chesley's through the parking lot of a neighboring business, smashed a window out at Chesley's and entered the building.

What items were removed is not being released at this time.

Anyone with information in reference to the case may contact Detective Thad Mart at 585-345-6372 or the Batavia Police Department at 585-345-6350, the confidential tip line at 585-345-6370.

Reception to be held Nov. 15 to meet new Cornell Extension executive director

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County will host a reception to meet the newly appointed Executive Director, Christopher Crawford, immediately prior to the organization’s annual meeting. 

The event will be held on Thursday, Nov. 15, at 5:30 p.m. at Terry Hills Restaurant, 5122 Clinton Street Road, Batavia. There is no cost to attend.

Cornell Cooperative Extension friends, volunteers and members of the community are welcome to attend.

Please RSVP by Nov. 9 to Yvonne: or 585-343-3040, ext. 123.

Read about the new executive director here.

Three Batavia Bulldawg teams to play Saturday in NOFA Championship Games

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Batavia Bulldawgs Youth Football and Cheer program is excited to announce that three Bulldawg teams have made it to the Niagara Orleans Football Association (NOFA) 2018 Championship Games. Games will be played this Saturday, Oct. 27, at Veterans Memorial Baseball Park in Medina.

The Bulldawgs Mini Division (8-9 year olds) finished its regular season undefeated with a record of 9-0. This past Saturday they defeated the #4 seeded Tri Town Trojans 19-0 in the playoff round to advance to the championship.

The Mini Bulldawgs are the #1 seed with a 10-0 record and will face the #2 seed Newfane with a record of 9-1.

The Bulldawgs are coached by Head Coach Jed Davis, assisted by Frank Gioia, Scott Lazarony, and Bobby Darch. The Mini game will kick off at 11 a.m.

The JV Bulldawgs (10-11 year olds) finished with an impressive 7-2 regular season record to earn the #4 seed in the playoffs.

After successfully beating the #1 ranked Albion Purple Eagles this past Saturday with a 20-6 win, they will face the Holly Hawks who are ranked #3 with a 9-1 record entering the championship round.

The JV Bulldawgs are coached by Head Coach Brian Mruczek, assisted by Aaron Fix, Justin Smith, Kenny Griffin, and Al White. The JV championship game will kick off at 1 p.m. on Saturday.

Also finishing with an undefeated regular season of 9-0 the Varsity Bulldawgs entered into the playoff contest as the #1 seed against the #4 Albion Purple Eagles. Playing through the cold and rain this past Saturday, the Bulldawgs capped off a 34-0 win against Albion to make it to the Championship Game against the #2 seed Tri Town Trojans.

Tri Town has a record of 9-1 with their only loss being against the Bulldawgs in regular season play. The Varsity Bulldawgs are coached by Head Coach John Marucci, assisted by Jerry Smith, Eddie Woods, Michael Almekinder, Chez Rolle, along with junior coaches Evan Cummings and Kaiden Marucci. The Varsity Championship game is scheduled to kick off at 3 p.m.

The Bulldawgs would like to invite any and all of the Batavia community to come out and support these amazing young athletes on their championship quest. Come join the CheerDawg cheerleaders as they lead the Bulldawg fans and supporters in the stands.

Games times again are 11 a.m. (Mini), 1 p.m. (JV), and 3 p.m. (Varsity) this Saturday at "Medina Vets Park," located at 335 W. Oak Orchard St., Medina.

City resident accused of threatening to shoot cops in case of starving, neglected pup

By Billie Owens

A 23-year-old City of Batavia man suspected of starving and neglecting a puppy found by a Good Samaritan in Stafford on Oct. 4 has been arrested.

Brandon Joseph Welch was arrested in the afternoon on Oct. 18 at his residence, 679 E. Main St., apt. 4H, and jailed without bail for allegedly making a terroristic threat to police, among other charges.

Batavia police executed a search warrant at his apartment in connection with the animal abuse case of a pup Volunteers for Animals at the shelter dubbed "Opal." That animal is now in foster care.

According to Batavia Police Det. Eric Hill, police got the warrant after receiving a tip from a witness.

Welch initially told police that he had found the puppy, a fawn-and-white colored female weighing only 9.2 pounds when rescued. The dog was not able to stand on its own and was covered in urine and feces, and was severely dehydrated and malnourished.

The police investigation determined Welch was "supposed to be caring for the dog," Hill said.

Welch said "he was going to shoot the next police officer who came to his apartment," Hill said, and police recovered firearms in Welch's possession.

Welch is charged with making a terroristic threat, which is a Class D felony, as well as falsely reporting an incident in the third degree (for claiming he found the animal); torturing/injuring/not feeding an animal; and owning/harboring an unlicensed dog.

He was arraigned the same afternoon, last Thursday, and is due in Batavia City Court tomorrow, at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 24.

The case was investigated by Batavia Police Officer Stephen Quider, assisted by Officer Jason Davis.

Opal, meanwhile, is looking like a different creature since she's been in foster care and received veterinary care and some decent nutrition. The pictures below -- sitting up smart and standing up strong on all fours, -- were sent to us yesterday by Volunteers for Animals. (Love those ears! Note the wagging tail!)

Law and Order: Oakfield man accused of failing to provide dogs with shelter, physical care

By Billie Owens

John Wesley Mitchell Jr., 44, (above photo) of South Main Street in Oakfield, is charged with failure to provide sustenance. He was arrested at his residence on Oct. 19 on three counts of failure to provide sustenance, a misdemeanor under Section 353 of the state Agriculture and Markets Law. It is alleged that Mitchell deprived two canines of appropriate housing. It is also alleged that Mitchell deprived one of the canines of physical care. Mitchell was issued appearance tickets returnable to the Town of Oakfield Court. He is due there at 6 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 5. The case was investigated by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Travis DeMuth.

Richard Anthony Dekenipp, 50, of Fayette Street, Palmyra, is charged with petit larceny. Following a larceny investigation at a business on Ledge Road in the Tonawanda Indian Reservation, Dekenipp was arrested at 4:28 p.m. on Oct. 19. He allegedly stole a carton of Seneca Menthol cigarettes at 3:43 p.m. on Oct. 14 by passing all points of purchase without paying. He was released after being issued an appearance ticket for Town of Alabama Court, where he is due on Nov. 7. The case was investigated by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Kyle Krzemien, assisted by Deputy Erik Andre.

McMurray releases anti-corruption plan

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Nate McMurray, the Democratic and Working Families Party candidate in New York’s 27th Congressional District, today released his multi-point Clean up Corruption Plan to crack down on corruption in Washington, D.C.
Corruption on both sides of the aisle is all too familiar to the people of Western New York, from Chris Collins’ recent indictment for insider trading and lying to the FBI, to the guilty pleas of former Erie Democratic Chair Steve Pigeon.
“Elected officials should work on behalf of the people they represent and no one else -- not corporate boards, not special interests, their constituents. It’s that simple,” McMurray said. “We know the consequences of a man like Mr. Collins all too well in this region: their greed robs us as taxpayers and their betrayal undermines our faith in democracy. It is the antithesis of public service. In Congress, I will fight for this to limit special interests’ influence on our leaders and elections. We deserve better.”
McMurray’s “Clean up Corruption Plan” is outlined below:

  • Enact far stricter limits on political contributions from special interests, lobbyists and wealthy special interests. McMurray has voluntarily imposed  a ban on corporate PAC money for his campaign, but this should be the law for all candidates;
  • Prohibit members of Congress from sitting on for-profit corporate boards;
  • Pass tougher campaign finance laws and more transparent disclosures of outside political spending;
  • Overturn the disastrous Citizens United decision, which opened the floodgates for unlimited, untraceable spending in our elections.

McMurray has been a consistent voice for good government throughout the campaign. He has refused to accept corporate PAC money and has been endorsed by End Citizens United, a group dedicated to getting Big Money out of politics.
McMurray has funded his campaign the right way: 5,700 different people contributed to McMurray’s campaign in the last three months; more than 4,600 of them gave $50 or less. In fact, the average donation was under $70.

City police chief: Making Thorpe a one-way street should alleviate traffic concerns

By Mike Pettinella

City of Batavia leaders believe they have come up with one way to address the traffic safety concerns on the Southside streets of Watson, Thorpe and Maple: Turn Thorpe Street into a one-way street.

Police Chief Shawn Heubusch, in coordination with Director of Public Works Matt Worth and Maintenance Superintendent Ray Tourt, asked City Council to approve a recommendation to allow motorists to travel southbound only on Thorpe Street between Watson and Maple.

Council, during tonight’s Conference Meeting (a Special Business meeting followed), decided to move the suggestion forward to its next Business Meeting on Nov. 13.

If the board votes in favor of the modification, a public hearing on a change in the municipal code would be scheduled.

Over the past year or so, residents of those streets have petitioned City Council to do something about cars not stopping at the Thorpe/Watson intersection, which already is hampered by limited sight lines. Residents had asked for the placement of a stop sign on Watson Street headed eastbound at the intersection of Thorpe Street.

Heubusch said that a traffic study did not warrant a stop sign or other traffic control device, plus there wasn’t enough space to properly erect a stop sign.

“So in order to alleviate that issue, we suggested creating a one-way street – making Thorpe a one-way street,” he said. “It is a southbound street only now (per the recommendation), coming from Watson to Maple.

“We hope that will alleviate the issue with that sight line and visibility issue, because you will no longer have cars northbound on Thorpe Street looking to turn west onto Watson, or east onto Watson for that matter, because they will no longer be allowed to go that way.”

City officials also are recommending that parking be allowed on the west side of Thorpe Street between Watson and Maple, and leaving the portion of Thorpe Street north of Watson as a two-way street with a stop sign and a parking ban on both sides.

Heubusch said that if these changes don’t work, they will explore other options.

In other action last night, Council:

-- Voted to approve an amended sales tax agreement with Genesee County that extends the current pact for one more year, through Dec. 31, 2019.  As it stands now, the City receives 16 percent of the sales tax revenue, compared to the county’s 50 percent and the towns sharing the remaining 34 percent.

A new 40-year agreement which changes the terms is on hold due to objections by the State Comptroller’s Office, which is calling for “special legislation” by the State Legislature to vote on the contract.

-- Voted to schedule a public hearing at 7 p.m. Nov. 13 on an ordinance to amend the zoning map of the City of Batavia per a request by City Church to change parcels at the former St. Anthony’s School/Church campus from R-3 Resident to C-3 Commercial.

As reported previously, City Church leaders are hoping to offer commercial activities such as a dance school, art school and community education classes at the site and they have been working with the City to house the Batavia Youth Bureau, with the idea of renaming it Teen City.

Council also agreed to taking on lead agency designation in a mandated State Environmental Quality Review of the six parcels on Liberty Street and Central Avenue.

 -- Voted to reject bids from two companies for the replacement of two areas of flat roofs and four entry silos at the City Centre due to the fact that the bids came in 25 to 30 percent over the estimated cost (about $150,000) of the project.

Instead, Council is going with Worth’s recommendation for DPW to perform some remedial work on the roof and silos, and then rebid the work to start in the spring as part of a larger project.

Council members Rose Mary Christian and John Canale questioned whether the DPW’s work – estimated at $4,000 – would eliminate the need for all the buckets in the concourse. Worth said he couldn’t ensure that all leaks will be stopped, but said it “will get us through the winter.”

-- Accepted a STOP-DWI grant for $4,576 for a detail that starts this month, and voted to amend the City’s personnel policy manual to adopt the state’s sexual harassment policy, which calls for all employees to be trained by Oct. 9, 2019.

After alleged threats, ERT used to take two men into custody on Lewiston Road

By Howard B. Owens

As a matter of precaution, the county's Emergency Response Team was called to a residence on Lewiston Road in the Town of Batavia early this morning to help arrest two men who were accused of threatening another person in the Town of Alabama earlier in the morning.

The incident meant Route 63 was closed to all traffic, and residents in the area were told to shelter in place, from about 5:30 a.m. until 10 a.m.

Taken into custody were Kevin M. Fossum, 52, and Charles L. Beach, 50. Both were charged with aggravated harassment, 2nd, and menacing, 2nd.

Fossum is the primary resident at the house where he was arrested, and Beach is apparently a friend and a roommate.

Fossum is accused of threatening a person over the phone at about 2:30 a.m. and then a short time later showing up at that person's home in Alabama with Beach and making specific threats against that person. That person claims Fossum possessed a firearm during the confrontation.

Since that subject knew Fossum, deputies responded to his residence on Lewiston Road. They approached with caution because of the possible presence of a firearm. 

When deputies did not make contact with the men inside, even though Fossum's car was in the driveway, ERT was dispatched.

Sgt. Andrew Hale said Fossum has become known to deputies recently because of other calls to his residence. He is a retired Army Ranger and a black belt.

"He has serious credentials," Hale said.

Hale said that because of the possibility of a firearm, Fossum's recent behavior, and Fossum's background, ERT and extra officers were called in as a matter of caution, not that an actual threat was made against officers or a more serious immediate conflict.

At some point, while the incident progressed, Fossum, apparently unaware of the police presence, got in his vehicle with an apparent intent to leave the residence. At that point, he was taken into custody.

Officers were unable, however, to make contact with Beach. They were unsure of what Beach was doing inside the house. He could very well have been sleeping, Hale said.

Eventually, officers made contact and Beach exited without incident and was taken into custody.

A search warrant was obtained, and the house, yard, and car were searched. No weapons were recovered.

Neighbors told investigators, Hale said, that Fossum was not known to possess firearms.

Fossum was jailed on $7,500 bail, and bail for Beach was set at $5,000.

The Sheriff's Office was assisted by Batavia PD, ERT, the Orleans County Emergency Response Team, and the State Police.

No injuries were reported in the incident.

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