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Historic police photo from McDonald's donated to Le Roy PD

By Howard B. Owens

Louis Buono, left, owner of the McDonald's franchise in Le Roy, is remodeling his store and in the new design there won't be room for the historical photographs he had on display before.

Most of the photos are going to the Le Roy Historial Society, but one, of Le Roy police officers with a patrol car and motorcycles, has been donated to Le Roy PD for display inside the station in the Village Hall. Accepting the donation is Officer Greg Kellogg.

'The Rhythms of Nature' on display at GO ART!

By Howard B. Owens

Artist Christopher McGee was at GO ART! on Thursday evening for the opening of his show, "The Rhythms of Nature."

Born in Jamestown, the Clarence-based artist said this is the first time he's had a show for this series of paintings.

He began the series in 2008 while observing landscapes while on road trips throughout Western New York. 

He said, "My experience playing drums in experimental and improvisational noise bands helped me to visually express some of the more mercurial, unpredictable elements in the universe: earthquakes, meteor showers, supernovas, and black holes."

The show runs through Dec. 8.

GO ART! has two other shows on display as well:

  • The Batavia Photography Club has photos on display by members through Dec. 8.
  • The Traveling Ghost by Ryan Gustman is on display until Nov. 3. Gustman was diagnosed with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder and ADHD early in his life. He specializes in photographing abandoned buildings.

Batavia Players host annual fundraising concert tonight at Harvester 56

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia Players hosts its annual fundraising concert at 7:30 tonight at Harvester 56 Theater.

The cast perfoms a variety of show tunes in their production of "Stories, Songs & Just a Touch of Sin."

Tickets are $20 at the door.

Photos submitted by Pat Burk.

Kaylee Dehlinger (Center) with Jocelyn Coburn and Kathryn Fitzpatrick singing "It Won't Be Long" from "Across The Universe."

Jacqueline Morrison, Tiffany Keicher, Kristin Gelia, and Alix Young singing "I'm A Woman" from "Smokey Joe's Cafe."

Alexander advances in sectionals with 25-12 win over Red Jacket

By Howard B. Owens

Alexander put on another impressive offensive performance Friday night to advance in the Class D sectional playoffs with a 25-12 win over Red Jacket.

Chris McClinic was back after suffering a leg injury two games ago and gained 81 yards on 12 carries. He scored one TD. Ty Woods scored a TD on three carries for 35 yards. He also have five receptions for 62 yards and a TD. QB Dylan Busch was 10-16 passing for 117 yards and TD with one interception. Hayden Walton also scored a touchdown.

On defense, Jake Jasen had 18 tackles, a sack, and a fumble recovery. Walton had 10 tackles. Terrez Smith had four tackles and an interception.

"I give a lot of credit to the Red Jacket staff and players for putting together a very good game plan and going out and executing it," said Alexander Coach Tim Sawyer. "They are very big and tough up front and they chewed up the clock at times in this game.

"We were pushed tonight. I'm proud that my kids and staff didn't blink. We stayed within our own game plan and won the game by 2 scores. But for an 8 seed to come out and fight like that, I give them a lot of credit."

Photos by Steve Ognibene.

Piegza says he's attracting an increasing number of pro-Trump voters

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Pro-Trump Reform Party candidate Larry Piegza states that he is gaining a larger and larger portion of the pro-Trump voters.

"Our methodology for tracking this is simple," Piegza said, "we did a phone survey of every single Republican, Conservative and Independent that voted in a mid-term election. They explained that I am pro-Trump, pro-Second Amendment and pro-life. We then asked the voter if they would consider voting for me, the third-party candidate over Chris Collins. 

"The results were staggering. Of the people expecting to vote for a Republican this year, 73 percent stated that they would prefer to vote for me. This was validated by a follow-up poll that I showed to Howard Owens at The Batavian.

Mathematician Richard Ford reviewed the statistics and said, “The size of this sample is large enough to make the survey is significant, and close to the sentiments of the entire population from which the sample was taken. It indicates that when a Conservative voter learns that they have an acceptable alternative to Collins, the majority of them will choose the alternative."

While the 73 percent is not consistent with outside polling, the timing of published polls show that Piegza's popularity is definitely growing.  Many forecasters didn't list Piegza's vote total in August due to the fact that it wasn't statistically significant. had Piegza's numbers between 2-3 percent in September. In October, the McMurray campaign notes that 6 percent of the voters indicate they plan to vote for Piegza.

“You’ve got to consider that McMurray’s polling data might have been conducted earlier, they might be polling non-voters’ sentiment, and they obviously included the Democrats in the data,” Ford said. “Taking all of these factors into account, McMurray’s data validates the fact that pro-Trump voters are leaving Collins when they learn of Piegza.”

Another difference in predicted votes can be attributed to the fact that national websites include factors like campaign staff and available funds to inform their calculations.

"But this race is like no other," Ford said, "Collins wasn’t running six weeks ago. Piegza now has five times the available funds ($230,000) he did in his June filing. If Piegza and McMurray debate without Collins, Collins could easily find that he's the third-place candidate."

Whatever the actual polling results show, Piegza likes his chances.

"The people who are voting for me are never going to vote for Collins because many of them believe he will be serving jail time," Piegza said. "I already have enough support to cause Chris Collins to lose.

"Each day more and more people are thanking me that they can cast an ethical vote. Few people in the district want a Democrat to win, so if Chris Collins actually cared for our district, he should be telling people to vote for me.”

Class B Quarter Final, Batavia 51 Newark 14

By James Burns

Now that the Sec V playoffs are starting to get real, the question becomes how real are the Batavia Blue Devils? If anyone had any doubt the Blue Devils gave them their answer in 26 seconds. After just a couple of plays, and barely any time off of the clock, Batavia led Newark 7 to 0.  

Newark then was unable to get anything going on their possession and had to punt. Ethan Biscaro fielded the punt, fumbled it, recovered his own fumble, then ran 78 yards for a TD punt return. Batavia led 14 to 0 and they were only two minutes into the game. 

Batavia’s defense dominated Newark’s offense again on their next set of downs and Newark was forced to punt. Batavia had an unforced turnover on the next possession and Newark recovered the ball. Newark was able to capitalize and scored a TD. Batavia 14 Newark 6.  

That was as close as Newark would ever come to mounting any real threat to Batavia. Batavia scored on their next few possessions. Even by going for it on a 4thand 6. Batavia continued to drive the field and score almost at will. The first quarter ended with Batavia leading 28 to 6.

The rest of the game was all Batavia. They led at the half by 42 to 6. The Batavia defense would not let Newark into the game and put some points up on the board themselves’ with a safety in the third quarter

After a lot of substitutions by Batavia, Newark put up the only points of the fourth quarter scoring 8. Final Score Batavia 51, Newark 14.

Immigration judge hears testimony in asylum hearing for Abigail Hernandez

By Howard B. Owens

The family of Abigail Hernandez, the special-needs former East Rochester High School student accused of making a terroristic threat and now being held at the Buffalo Federal Detention Facility in Batavia, will have to wait at least two more weeks before learning whether she will be deported.

After more than three hours of motions by attorneys and testimony by Hernandez and her stepfather yesterday, the case was not completed, and Immigration Judge Steve Connelly had other items on his calendar for the afternoon, so he scheduled closing arguments for 9 a.m., Nov. 2.

Hernandez was arrested and charged last year after creating a fake Facebook account, under the name Martin Doll, and then posting a threat to shoot fellow students at East Rochester with a shotgun.

She was brought here illegally at age 3

The 21-year-old who was brought into the country without documentation when she was 3 years old was originally charged with a felony count of making a terroristic threat. She reached a plea deal in the case and her family hoped a guilty plea to a misdemeanor charge of filing a false report would save her from deportation but ICE officers were in court the day she entered her guilty plea and took her into custody with the intent to deport her.

Dressed in the blue uniform of the detention facility that designates her as a low-level offender, Hernandez, or Abi as her family calls her, told Connelly she didn't need a Spanish language interpreter to understand the proceedings. She did struggle at times to comprehend what she heard or the questions asked but not because of any language barrier. Her stepfather testified later in the morning the doctors had told the family she had the cognitive ability of an 8-year-old.

Immigration attorney Hannah Vickner Hough has filed a petition for asylum in the United States, according to her statements in court yesterday, based on her client's intellectual disability. Hough contends that Hernandez has no family in Mexico who can properly care for her, that she has no knowledge of life in Mexico, that Mexico has inadequate community-based services to see to her needs, and that Hernandez would be victimized in Mexico.

Her stepfather, Flores Moya, testified  -- in testimony often interrupted by sobbing -- that he feared Mexican gang members would turn his daughter into a prostitute or kill her if she returned to Mexico.

U.S. attorney argues asylum application should be dismissed

The government's attorney, who refused to give his name to reporters, tried to argue that the asylum application should be dismissed outright because Hernandez was time-barred from filing for asylum and that her arrest was for a serious crime.

Connelly ruled against the motion because there is no time limit on an asylum application in a case involving potential torture, and while the government can make the case that the underlying events of her guilty plea involved a serious allegation, she only admitted to a misdemeanor charge.

The hearing opened with Connelly asking Hernandez if she understood the difference between the truth and a lie. Hernandez sat silent for a long time and then said she didn't understand the question. He tried to rephrase it, and Hernandez said she didn't understand. Then he held up a pad of yellow sticky notes and said asked if she knew her colors. She did she said, and she said, "that's yellow."  

He asked her, "If I told you it was red would I be telling the truth or lying."

"Lying," she said.

Hernandez answered questions from her attorney with Connelly jumping in with questions of his own on occasion. She said she knew her grandmother brought her from Mexico to New York City when she was 3 or 4 but she didn't know how she got there.

Her family moved to Rochester when she was 7.

Both her mother and her father -- actually, stepfather -- were in the country legally and she said she had seen her mother's green card.

She didn't know if anybody had filed a petition for her to be in the country legally prior to her DACA application. She was accepted into the DACA program but her status was revoked once removal proceedings commenced.

Her grandmother returned to Mexico and lives there now, but Hernandez saw her grandmother in November 2017 in Rochester (Moya would later testify that her grandmother visited the United States on a 25-day visa in November and December of 2017).

She said she couldn't live with her grandmother because her grandmother, at 85, can't take care of her, that she can barely take care of herself. She said she doesn't know where her grandmother lives or where her aunt and uncle live in Mexico.

When asked what kind of help she might need if she lived in Mexico, she said she didn't know.

Her abilities are very limited

She has never learned to drive and has never had a bank account.

Hough asked her if she knew how to prepare meals herself. She said her mother tried to teach her to make pancakes.

Connelly asked if she knew how to make pancakes. Hernandez said she did not know how to make pancakes. Connelly asked her if she knew how to make anything. She said she did not.

"Do you know how to make eggs?"

"Yes," Hernandez said.

"What kind of eggs do you know how to make?"

Hernandez, who wore her long dark hair, with blonde streaks, in braids, tried hiding her face.

"Don't be shy," Connelly said.

"Mexican eggs."

"How do you make Mexican eggs?"

After a long silence, Hernandez said, "I don't know."

Hernandez sometimes babysits her 3-year-old sister and knows not to let her climb on the table because she might fall and hurt herself.

She's had volunteer jobs in the cafeteria at school and a local hospital washing dishes and taking out the trash but has never earned a paycheck.

After her arrest she was prescribed medicine to help her cope with her anxiety because otherwise, she throws up when she is with her attorney or in front of a judge.

The government attorney asked Hernandez several questions during cross-examination about her interaction with Rochester PD, which led to her arrest. Connelly allowed the line of questioning because the government is trying to establish that while Hernandez was convicted of only a misdemeanor, her actual crime was serious.

Though convicted on misdemeanor, crime was serious

He asked if Hernandez created a fake account by herself using the name "Martin Doll." She said she did. She didn't know why she picked that name. She also has a Facebook account under her own name. She testified she knows how to make and accept friend requests, make posts, and send messages.

She couldn't remember being asked certain questions or didn't remember certain answers in her interview with police, which related to possible statements about half the kids in school being mean to her, that she said she understood why the Parkland, Fla., shooter did what he did, and that she wanted to hurt one particular person at school.

She didn't remember telling police she wanted to cause fear among her fellow students at East Rochester.

She said she doesn't know why she wrote, "I'm coming tomorrow. I'm going to shoot all of you bitches."

She was accused of posting that comment on the Martin Doll account under a picture of East Rochester students.

When the attorney switched to questions about Hernandez obtaining her DACA status, Connelly jumped in with his own questions.

He wanted to know if she thought DACA was a good thing for her. She said it was. He asked why? She said, "so I can have a job and go to school or college." He asked if there was any other reason it was good. She said, "I don't know."

Moya, 55, then took the stand. He spoke in Spanish. The court provided an interpreter.

He said he was a legal resident of the United States for 30 years and came from the Dominican Republic. He met his wife, Abigail's mother, while working as a taxi cab driver in New York City. They lived in the Bronx and were only married eight years ago.

He is close to obtaining citizenship, he said.

Abi needs a lot of help, family fears criminals in Mexico

When he was first with his wife, he learned of Abigail's situation, both her cognitive disability and a problem with an eye that wouldn't open properly. He had seen pictures of her before he ever met her.

To help his wife, he said he paid for a "coyote" (an immigrant smuggler) to help Abigail and her grandmother cross the border illegally when Abigail was 3 years old.

He said his wife's mother, besides being elderly, has diabetes. He's not really sure how she is managing to care for herself. Her house, he said, is dilapidated and he's been sending her money to repair it. He said Abigail's uncle is an alcoholic living in Mexico City and her aunt is a single mother with four small children. He said neither could adequately care for Abigail.

He said besides school and school activities, Abigail rarely leaves the house. She likes to play video games and watch wrestling on TV.  She has friends but never socializes with them. She's afraid to leave the house on her own, even to walk to the store and get her father a soda. 

He would like her to learn to do even these little things "so she can be a normal person," he said, but that he also fears she wouldn't fair well on her own outside the house.

"She will probably never be out alone because she's not like the other girls," Moya said. "She doesn't know what the other girls know or about life on the streets like the other girls."

In Mexico, he said, things are even much worse.

"A lot of criminals turn women into prostitutes," he said. "She would allow it because she doesn't know about these things and many, many, many women are killed daily. She would not really live long in Mexico especially with the problems she has."

Hough asked Moya if he had thought of moving to Mexico if his daughter was deported. This was one of the points where he started to cry. He said he had.

It would be a difficult decision, he said.

"I have a good job with the transportation authority," he said. "I have benefits, a retirement. I own a home."

The government attorney pressed Moya on his own recent arrest. He wanted Moya to admit to an arrest for petit larceny. Moya was more interested in defending his actions.

He said he wasn't arrested but just given an appearance ticket. He said he had been in a store and took the price tag off of one doll and put it on another, not knowing there was a $1 price difference between the dolls.

"I make $500 a week," he said, "why would I steal one dollar?"

He said he did own a shotgun but that Abigail didn't have access to it. It was locked in the basement of another resident and he didn't have shotgun shells for it. He said he bought so his wife could protect herself merely by brandishing it if any bad people came to her door.

Both attorneys expect to make closing arguments Nov. 2 but Connelly left the record open in case either attorney decides in the interim to present other exhibits or call additional witnesses.

Batavia schools foundation announces new Apple Award

By Billie Owens

The Batavia City School District Foundation is excited to announce the Foundation Apple Award.

The Foundation Apple Award will be given by a member of the school and/or local community to a Batavia City School District employee or volunteer. In the opinion of those giving the honor of this distinction, the awardee has gone above and beyond in their role and is being recognized by one or more people for these accomplishments.

Local artist, Mark Jensen, will be making each individual resin apple -- none will be exactly the same.

If you are interested in purchasing a Foundation Apple Award, your $75 check may be made payable to the BCSD Foundation Inc. (260 State St., Batavia NY 14020 att: Allison Chua).

Here's a YouTube video of Jensen making an Apple Award:

'Spirit and Skivvies' event is Nov. 4 at Byron Fire Hall

By Billie Owens

Photo: Dawn Anderson, left, with Wendy and Tony Frongetta.

Submitted photo and press release:

On Sunday, Nov. 4th, starting at noon at the Byron Fire Hall the fourth annual Spirit and Skivvies event will be held.

Byron Fire Hall is located at Byron Fire Hall, 6357 E. Main St., Byron.

This unique event was started three years ago by Wendy and Tony Frongetta, in memory of their good friend, Mikel Anderson. Mikel passed away in 2015 of an accidental drug overdose. Although Mikel struggled with addiction, he was in recovery and dedicated his life to helping others and those who helped him.

Wendy, who knew and loved Mikel wanted to do something in his name to continue his helping spirit by helping those battling addiction, many who are homeless. Wendy approached the shelter that Mikel loved in Lockport and asked them how she might help others struggling with the same issues that plagued her friend.

In doing so she learned that the first thing that happens when someone enters a shelter is that they are asked to shower and are given new clothes. In every instance their undergarments are tossed out. She learned that most shelters had donated clothes, but were always in need of new undergarments.

The Frongettas contacted their many friends, who contacted their friends who gathered at their Byron home for a party of giving. The result was overflowing baskets of socks, undershirts, bras and skivvies in every color and size that Wendy happily donated to area shelters.

The Frongettas’ good deed has gathered momentum over the past three years and other folks, organizations and businesses have jumped in to help. Mikel Anderson’s mother, Dawn, joined the Frongettas helping establish the annual “Skivvies” event.

The Byron Fire Hall donated the space, the Original Red Osier Landmark Restaurant in Stafford has made the event even more of a party by generously donating many of the needed party items including the great food, and wine.

Local individuals, businesses and organizations have jumped onboard with donations of money, music, artistic abilities all for this wonderful cause.

Genesee County’s many outreach programs and shelters are now the main recipients of the “Skivvies” donations. Agencies including WNY Veterans Outreach, Genesee & Orleans Community Action, Hope Haven, Eagle Star Veteran’s Home, and GCASA will directly benefit by this year’s donations.

In appreciation GCASA’s mobile recovery van will be stopping by the event so folks can see firsthand one of the many ways the agency assists those seeking recovery from addiction.

Saturday's Candlelight Ghost Walk in Historic Batavia Cemetery is a sellout

By Billie Owens

Tomorrow night's Candlelight Ghost Walk in Historic Batavia Cemetery is sold out.

Organizers say they even added an extra hour to the event, which requires reservations, but it still sold out.

Organizers are excited about the ghost walk's popularity and hope for a good turnout next year, too.

Proceeds go for cemetery upkeep.

File photos.

South Street Road paving to begin Monday

By Billie Owens

Public Notice

Please be advised that the Genesee County Highway Department will be paving South Street Road from Route 20 to the County line beginning Monday, Oct. 22. 

The road will be closed for thru traffic. Local traffic, including school buses and emergency vehicles, will still have access to the roadway during paving.

Sponsored Post: 8009 Bank St. Rd. - Just reduced, move in ready

By Lisa Ace

Owner says SELL this solid 5 bedroom,3 full bath home in move in condition! You cant find to many like this! This well laid out spacious home has something for everybody - a newly redone and pretty kitchen with granite countertops, large dining area for friends and family, 5 good sized bedrooms well spaced out to give everyone privacy. Three FULL baths-you can never have enough seats! When you walk in you are welcomed into awesome foyer/sitting room with beautiful wet bar and fireplace with vaulted ceiling leading to 2 loft style bedrooms-perfect for guests or his and her offices! All mechanical updates are in good working order and all appliances included! Located in the town with 1.5 acres and minutes from thruway for easy commutes to everywhere! Call Lynn Bezon to see this listing or click here for more information.

Food processing degree from GCC could help boost your career

By Billie Owens

Press release:

When a career needs a boost -- community colleges are the best place for a dedicated employee and a desirable company to meet and develop a plan of action that satisfies the interests of both.

Such was case with Andy Willits who began working in an entry level position at LiDestri Food and Drink in Fairport when he was just 19 years old. After 13 years of service, he liked his job and his company, but he desired greater responsibility and a fresh challenge. 

With the support of the management team at LiDestri, Andy began researching career advancement paths and quickly discovered that in order to get where we wanted to be, he would need a college degree.

"GCC was the only community college in Western New York to offer degrees in food processing. I found the two-year degree specifically focused on food manufacturing and it offered a flexible schedule, it was perfect," Willits said.

In January 2018, after just two years at GCC, he earned a Food Processing Technology A.A.S. degree.

"Earning the degree gave me a lot of personal satisfaction; it was a challenge to manage a full-time job, school and making sure I had enough time for my family," Willits said. "Completing the program gave me a real sense of accomplishment."

He balanced the demands of work, home and school by taking advantage of GCC's robust online learning opportunities. He was able to complete 50 percent of Food Processing Technology A.A.S. without having to step foot on campus!

During his last semester at GCC, Willits was able to apply the experiences gained at his current job to meet the requirements of the program's semester-long internship placement through the use of GCC's Credit for Prior Learning opportunity.

"Having (GCC's) satellite campuses really helped with flexibility and managing my life inside of school and my family," Willits said.

He also encouraged other returning college students to "ask about credit for prior learning. There are a lot of ways to make GCC fit into your life really well. Pairing my degree with my years of job experience has really opened up what opportunities I'm able to pursue."

GCC recently received a highly sought-after State University of New York (SUNY) needs grant and completed significant upgrades to student laboratories and equipment to provide the most up-to-date learning experiences.

GCC's FPT program was designed not only to prepare students to enter the workforce immediately, but to position them perfectly for a seamless transfer into a four-year degree program at any number of institutions both within and outside of the SUNY system.

GCC currently has transfer agreements in place with SUNY Cobleskill, Cornell University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences and many more. GCC's transfer pathways programs help you plan your coursework to maximize your time in college. Learn more about transfer pathways at

Attend GCC's Open House Monday, Nov. 12, between 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. to meet professors and instructors, explore the campus, get help with financial aid and see exactly why so many individuals choose GCC. Details on the Food Processing Technology program are available at

Law and Order: Batavia woman accused of providing false info at jail charged with 20 felonies

By Billie Owens

Haley M. Merrill, 26, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with: 10 felony counts of second-degree forgery; 10 felony counts of first-degree offering a false instrument for filing; and 10 Class A misdemeanor counts of second-degree criminal impersonation. On Oct. 13, Merrill was arrested in the Town of Alexander on charges of criminal possession of stolen property in the fourth degree and criminal possession of stolen property in the fifth degree. Upon entering GC Jail, it is alleged that Merrill provided false information -- a false identity -- in an attempt to benefit herself. On Oct. 16, she was arrested and arraigned on charges pertaining to false identification and then jailed without bail. She was due back in Batavia City Court on Oct. 17. The case was investigated by Deputy Ryan M. DeLong and Senior Correction Officer Matthew Burgett, assisted by Deputy M. Lute, Deputy K. McCarthy, Deputy K. Forsyth and Deputy J. McClellan.

Ryan Matthew Norton, 44, of Bloomingdale Road, Alabama, is charged with aggravated DWI, and DWI. At 11:20 p.m. on Oct. 14 on Alleghany Road, Alabama, deputies responded to the report of a motor-vehicle accident in the Town of Alabama. They located a vehicle with heavy front and side damage. Deputy Ryan Young located the operator walking away from the vehicle. Following an investigation, it is alleged that Norton was driving while intoxicated and his blood alcohol level was above .18 percent. It was determined that Norton allegedly struck a parked car in Orleans County before being stopped in Genesee County. He is due in Alabama Town Court on Nov. 14 to answer the charges. Deputy Young was assisted by Deputy Andrew Mullen in this case.

Eric Charles Dockstader, 34, of Council House Road, Tonawanda Indian Reservation, is charged with second-degree criminal contempt. On Oct. 13 at about 2:48 p.m., deputies responded to Meadville Road in the Town of Alabama for a report of a violation of a court order of protection. Dockstader was subsequently arrested. He was issued an appearance ticket and is due in Town of Alabama Court on Nov. 1. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Erik Andre.

John J. Saddler, 31, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with violating an order of protection. Saddler was arrested at 9 p.m. on Oct. 14 on Watson Street in Batavia and arraigned in Batavia City Court on the charge. He was jailed on $2,500 cash bail or $5,000 bond. The defendant is due in court Oct. 23 to answer the charge. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Stephen Quider, assisted by Officer Jason Davis.

Todd J. Pangrazio, 42, of Pleasant View Drive, Lancaster, is charged with failure to appear in court after an appearance ticket was served. He was served with an appearance ticket after failing to go to court after being issued a ticket following a traffic stop in March 4 in the City of Batavia. He was arraigned on Oct. 17 and jailed on $1,000 cash or bond. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Kyle Krtanik, assisted by Officer Chad Richards.

Doggone fun: Inaugural 'Puppy Paw-rade & Costume Contest' at Darien Lake is tomorrow

By Billie Owens

Note: This event was originally set for Oct. 6 but was rescheduled due to inclement weather.

From the simple to the sublime, whether kitschy and corny, or clever and crafty, expect a wide range of getups at the inaugural "Puppy Paw-rade & Costume Contest" at Darien Lake Theme Park on Saturday, Oct. 20.

Time is 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Registration is $15 at the door. Additional tickets for family members and friends will be available for $20 each. 

Registration fees for this event, offered in conjunction with Volunteers for Animals, will be donated to the Genesee County Animal Shelter and the SPCA of Erie County.

Registration/check-in begins at 11; paw-rade starts at noon at the Gazebo Stage; costume contest winners announced at 1 o'clock at Pavilion 12.

All humans and canines welcome. All dogs MUST have proof of vaccination for rabies and distemper.

Participants will get free admission to the park for the dog and owner -- plus one free return admission for Fright Fest. There's also a free "wag bag" for participants.

The flier says "pup-arazzi photo opportunities" will be plentiful.

Pet vendors will be there, too, including Silver Lining for Pit Bulls, Pet Rescue Rx, Open Arms Rescue, Furry Friends Holistic Pet Spa and Purely Pets will be on site with giveaways and information. Plus, local dogs up for adoption will be available to meet and greet.

Prizes, including 2019 Season Passes, will be given for:

  • Most Creative Costume
  • Cutest
  • Funniest

Don't be shy! Dress to the nines and strut your stuff with your furry bestie!

For more information, visit

A downloadable registration form is available at the website above, which can be printed, completed and brought with you to facilitate registration at the door.

Here are the rules and restrictions:

  • Do NOT leave dog(s) in vehicles;
  • You are responsible for cleaning up after your dog;
  • Dogs cannot be tied up or left alone at anytime;
  • Dogs must be on a leash at all times;
  • All dogs must be out of the park by 2 p.m.

The theme park is located at 9993 Alleghany Road (Route 77) in Darien Center.

Batavia's Original replacing 30-year-old booths from Pontillo's and many long-time customers eager to buy them

By Howard B. Owens

People are lining up to buy a bit of Pontillo's history -- the custom-made, red, white and green booth seats that were first installed in the restaurant 30 years ago.

Batavia's Original owner Kathy Ferrara announced her plans to sell the booth seats and she immediately received several requests from would-be purchasers. She hasn't made any commitments yet. She's waiting for the replacement booths, which will be all black, to come in next week.

"I didn’t realize it would be such a big deal to people," Ferrara said.

A number of people expressed concern that she was selling Sam and Betty's booth, the one they always sat in, but it's not for sale and will stay in the restaurant, she said.

She's only selling the ones in the larger dining room. She said she remembers when that dining room opened. She had just started working as a server for Pontillo's and the new booths were installed before even the rest of the trim of the room was completed.

Open call for entries to juried show 'Art of the Town' highlighting artists with disabilities

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Organizers are making an open call for entries to "Art of the Town," a FREE public art exhibition at the Moon Java Café at 56 Harvester Ave., south of McKinley Avenue in Batavia.

There will be an opening reception from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 7.

The evening reception will showcase two-dimensional work.

The reception at Moon Java Café is in support of the ARTiculations Ability Exhibition Program, which regularly exhibits work by artists who are disabled at the Independent Living Center in Batavia.

Art of the Town sponsors include University Heights Arts Association, Independent Living of the Genesee Region and Moon Java Café. This unique opportunity highlights artwork from artists with disabilities.

This a juried competition and will include a cash prize for People’s Choice and Best of the Show. There are no fees to participate.

Exhibitors are welcome to offer their work for sale; or not. Those interested in offering their works, or seeking other information on submission guidelines, should call Cathy DeMare at (585) 815-8501, ext. 400.

For more than two years, ILGR has been “art partnering” with the UHAA, a group of artists in North Buffalo with a commitment to community that places art in businesses and nonprofits through an established ARTpartnering program.

The organizers are pleased to note that their exhibitions have “mapped” into UHAA’s system by placing a plaque at ILGR with a Quick Response (QR) code scatter bar graph that can bring up information about it when scanned by your smart phone.

The Moon Java Café is one of several businesses and artistic enterprises that operate in the Batavia Industrial Center, a mixed-use facility made from the former Massey-Ferguson farm equipment factory, which was the world's first business incubator program.

Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) is a member of the Western New York Independent Living Inc. family of agencies that offers an expanding array of services to aid individuals with disabilities to take control of their own lives.

Reminder: Women in Small Business to be celebrated Oct. 25 at Moon Java Cafe, come learn their secrets

By Billie Owens
Press release:
October is Women's Small Business Month.
Please join the Mancuso Business Development Group as we celebrate some of our Women in Small Business on Thursday, Oct. 25 at Moon Java Cafe.
The evening will feature: Renee Smart from Moon Java Cafe; Lori Trader from Le Roy’s No Finer Diner and No Better Bed & Breakfast; Judy Hysek from Eden Café and Bakeshop in Batavia; and Kimberly Argenta, who is celebrating her 10th anniversary with Art Ah La Carte in Batavia.
Come learn about the experience of these women as they each took their small business from concept to reality, and maybe find out how you, too, might become a successful woman in small business.
The event begins at 5:30 p.m.
Moon Java Café is located at 56 Harvester Ave., Batavia.
Please RSVP to or 585-343-2800 by Oct. 23.
Thank you to all successful women entrepreneurs!

Dedication of GO ART! Tavern 2.0.1

By James Burns

Thursday evening saw past presidents and members of The Batavia Club honored for their donation of, what is now, Seymour Place. The building at Main and Bank streets downtown was formerly the home of the men's social club and was built as a bank in 1831.

The Batavia Club sold the building to GO ART! for $1.

Gregory Hallock, executive director, of GO ART! has always been very thankful to the club for its generosity.

“If you look around GO ART!, you will see that almost everything here has a plaque thanking someone for a donation," Hallock said. "But there is no mention of the people that actually gave us the building.”

That changed on Thursday when the bar, now called Tavern 2.0.1 after the address of the building at 201 Main St., was dedicated to The Batavia Club.

Fittingly, a plaque now hangs over the bar, which is more than a century old, dedicating it to The Batavia Club. The old club plaque listing all the past presidents was moved to a prominent location in the bar as well.  

Last spring, Hallock also added a permanent exhibit that is an homage to the artwork that used to adorn the walls when it was the men’s club. If you want to see that collection, ask Hallock for a tour on your next visit. 

Forum Players present modern adaptation of ancient Greek tragedy

By Howard B. Owens

The Genesee Community College Forum Players present "Bakkhai" in performances tonight and Sunday at the Stuart Steiner Theatre on the GCC Batavia campus.

The play is an adaptation by Anne Carson of “The Bacchae” by the Greek philosopher Euripedes, written more than 2,400 years ago. It's a story of based on the Greek myth of King Pentheus of Thebes and his mother, Agave, who are punished by Dionysus, the god of wine, madness, fertility, and religious ecstasy.

The play contains adult subject matter.

Tonight's performance is at 7:30 and Sunday's show is at 2 p.m.

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
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AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
Tags: Jobs offered
City of Batavia, NY Parking/Recycling Enforcement Officer. Salary Range $44,271-$53,881. The City of Batavia is accepting applications for a full-time Parking/Recycling Enforcement Officer. This will be a provisional appointment contingent upon the successful scoring on a Civil Service exam. The position is responsible for the enforcement of the City of Batavia Municipal Law on Traffic/Vehicles, Trash and Recycling, and Dog Control. Candidates must have working knowledge of the geography of the City and the location of the prominent parking areas therein; working knowledge of the procedure and regulations of all standing traffic laws and ordinances and enforcement of same; working knowledge of the procedures and regulations of solid waste, refuse, garbage, recycling ordinances and enforcement of same; the ability to deal effectively with the public; ability to keep records; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the job; ability to assist in all aspects of dog control ordinances. Applicants must have a minimum of a high school diploma or appropriate equivalency diploma by the New York State Department of Education and possess a New York State Driver’s License. Civil Service employment applications may be downloaded from the Genesee County website: or obtained in the Human Resources Department, City Hall, One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020. Please submit completed applications to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk via e-mail: by October 21, 2024. Background check and physical/drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO
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