During Monday's baseball game at Dwyer Stadium, two fans had wallets stolen from their cars after the windows of the cars were smashed open.
Credit cards from the stolen wallets were later used at local businesses. This has led Batavia police investigators to identify a person of interest in the case.
The public is being asked to help identify the person.
The crime may be linked to similar thefts under investigation by the Sheriff's Office.
To assist in identifying the subject in the photos, contact Officer Austin Davis at 585-345-6350, the Batavia Police Department's confidential tip line at (585)345-6370.
Boy Scout Troop 6650 trailered canoes and kayaks to Glenwood Lake in Medina on June 11. Boy Scout leader Jeremy Green, a certified canoe expedition guide, led the group after discussing water safety & first aid, canoe handling, and confirming that strict BSA guidelines were met for all equipment and PFD's.
Fourteen Scouts and leaders paddled their way from the lake's boat launch to the falls and back again. It was the perfect day to wrap up another year of Scouting.
Troop 6650 begins the new Scout season this Fall at the Alexander Fireman's Rec Hall on Route 98 at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, September 12. Anyone wanting more information about the Scouting program can contact the Western NY Scout Council at (716) 891-4073.
2023 Allan Davis Memorial Apple award recipient Jay Wolcott
Byron-Bergen Teacher Jay Wolcott received the 2023 Allan Davis Memorial Apple Award On Friday, May 5 at the Terry Hills Country Club. Award recipients are chosen by the Genesee County Business Education Alliance Board of Directors.
“Mr. Wolcott’s years of hard work and dedication to promoting technology and industry with students and involvement in the GV BOCES Tech Teacher Cohort Group and GLOW Tech Wars makes him the perfect recipient of this honor,” said Genesee County Business/Education Alliance Director Karyn Winters.
Wolcott has taught Technology at Byron-Bergen for 21 years. In addition to teaching technology, he is the Steppin' Up Club and Technology Club advisor.
“Jay is an incredible educator and role model for our students,” said Byron-Bergen Superintendent Pat McGee. “He is also a valuable mentor for other teachers, and it is my privilege to call him a friend and colleague. Congratulations, Jay.”
“I was very honored to be recognized for the work I do for my students and for fellow Technology teachers in the region,” said Wolcott. “I feel it is so important that students see the many opportunities for careers in our area. Karyn Winters at BEA is a great asset for any teacher to help gain access to local companies. Best of all, my wife, daughter, son, and grandson were present at the ceremony to hear the humble introduction speech by Karyn.”
Catcher Zach Kasperowicz carries the Muckdog's mascot Dewey on his shoulders to greet members of the home team as they walk to the dugout before Monday's game while batboy Kegan Fisher snaps a photo.. Photo by Howard Owens.
The Batavia Muckdogs battled back on Monday from a three-run first-inning deficit to beat Newark at Dwyer Stadium 6-5 behind the 3-3, four RBI performance of catcher Adam Agresti.
Garrett Beaver worked a scoreless eight to pick up the win, and Trey Bacon retired all three batters he faced in the ninth, fanning Pilots to pick up his fifth save.
Starter Tyler Henshaw surrendered four runs over three innings, giving up six hits and two walks. He struck out three.
Ryan Kinney pitched four innings, walked one and collected seven strikeouts.
At 8-5, the Muckdogs are in third place in the Perfect Game Collegiate Baseball League's Western Division, a half-game behind Niagara and Elmira.
Reported attendance: 1,432
The next home game is June 22 against Jamestown.
Photos by Howard Owens. For more and to purchase prints, click here.
Newark's Frankie DiMartino was caught in a run-down involving third baseman Giuseppe Arcuri for the third out of the first inning. Photo by Howard Owens.
Left fielder Rashad Robinson Photo by Howard Owens.
Giuseppe Arcuri squares to bunt before taking the pitch. Photo by Howard Owens.
Members of the KMS Dance Team. Photo by Howard Owens.
Starter Tyler Henshaw Photo by Howard Owens.
James Aselta Photo by Howard Owens
Giuseppe Arcuri with a base hit in the third.base hit Photo by Howard Owens.
Henry Daniels with a groundout in the fourth. Photo by Howard Owens.
Giuseppe Arcuri scores the Giuseppe Arcuri run in the fifth after a base loaded double Adam Agresti doubled to drive in three runs and give the Muckdogs the lead, 5-4. Photo by Howard Owens
Before the bottom of the fifth, children 12-and-under attending the game run around the infield. Photo by Howard Owens.
Genesee county health has scheduled its anti-rabies clinics.
There is no charge for the vaccine, but voluntary donations are accepted. Animals must be at least 3 months old. Each animal must be leashed or crated and accompanied by an adult who can control the animal at all times. Limit 4 pets per car. Anti-rabies immunization clinics are as follows:
Genesee County Clinics at the Genesee County Fairgrounds (5056 East Main Street, Batavia):
Thursday, August 10th, from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 12th, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
For more information on GO Health’s programs and services, visit GOHealthNY.org. You can also contact the health department at 585-344-2580 x5555 or Health@co.genesee.ny.us
Batavia Concert Band opening 2021 File photo by Howard Owens.
Press release:
The Batavia Concert Band will be returning for its 99th season of public concerts in Batavia’s Centennial Park (the rain venue is the Stuart Steiner Theatre at Genesee Community College).
Concerts will be held on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on June 28, July 5, July 12, July 19, July 26, Aug. 2, and Aug. 9. Light refreshments will be available for purchase, including freshly popped popcorn–an audience favorite!
The Batavia Concert Band’s repertoire has something for everyone: marches, Big Band and swing numbers, popular songs from musicals and movies, rock favorites, classical adaptations, and everything in between.
The Band consists of 45-55 brass, woodwind, and percussion players ranging from talented high school students to 60-year veterans. Many have professional experience, and others are advanced amateur musicians, but one thing is for sure -- all love to play!
Returning for his tenth season as conductor is John Bailey, Instrumental Music teacher at Pembroke Central School District and the organization is under the leadership of General Manager Jason Smith, along with a talented group of officers and a dedicated Board, led by Board President Dan Fischer The July 12 concert will be conducted by Batavia native and resident Joshua Pacino, current band director at Batavia’s Notre Dame High School. The Albion High School band director, Mike Thaine, will conduct the July 26th concert.
Founded in the early 1920s, the Batavia Concert Band has brought musical pleasure to the region every year except during World War II and in 2020 during COVID.
This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by GO ART!
Concerts are also currently supported and funded in part by Platinum Sponsors Genesee Community College, Brighton Securities, Farm Credit East, and WBTA, as well as local businesses, program advertisers, service organizations, and individual patrons. Individuals or businesses interested in supporting the Band should contact a band member at any concert.
The Batavia Concert Band is also excited to announce the return of radio station WBTA (AM 1490 / FM 100.1) as the Official Media Sponsor for our 2023 summer concert series! Be on the lookout for appearances by band members on WBTA’s “Main & Center” program, where we will go into some depth about the band’s makeup and its history. Also, be listening for weekly radio ads promoting the musical selections for the upcoming concerts and announcing our weekly sponsors.
For information, please visit our Facebook page and www.bataviaconcertband.net to learn more about the Band and our sponsors, and “we will see you in the park!”
Next to the headstone marker of Adeline “Addy” Barbara in the Historic Batavia Cemetery Monday morning, Annette Daniels Taylor sings while accompanied by Ted Caning on steel drum, both part of the GLOW Creatives through GO ART!, with Rev. Shiela Campbell McCullough, pastor of Bethany Presbyterian Church. Photo by Howard Owens.
Performing artist Annette Daniels Taylor had planned to review the life that Adeline “Addy” Barbara most likely endured for her 46 years in captivity as a slave in Batavia, but that wasn’t the focus of Monday morning's Juneteenth memorial service, so she turned to a poem titled “Dreaming.”
The piece journeyed back into memories of tall trees, running barefoot, glistening cocoa-brown skin under the hot sun, smiling teeth, beautiful souls, and dancing with one another.
“We danced to drums of waterfalls, drums of hoofbeats, drums of heartbeats, drums of rain storms, drums of drought, drums of baby's breath, drums of aching souls, drums of flying feet, drums of running legs,” Taylor said at the Historic Batavia Cemetery. “Drums without shame, drums without whips, drums without cuffs, drums without ropes, drums without branding irons, I still hear them beating, but only in my dreams, dreams of freedom.”
Addy’s last name was Barbara, though she belonged to the Rev. Lucius Smith, an Episcopal priest who owned her as a member of his family. She was a slave from the tender age of four until she died in 1857 at age 50. The memorial service was to honor and dignify her life for those 46 years in between.
The Rev. Shiela Campbell McCullough performed a memorial service and dramatic reading, proclaiming Addy “free at last.” Way down yonder, in the graveyard walk, I’m gonna meet with my God, and we’re gonna have a talk, she said. “I’m free at last, I’m free at last.”
“Thank God almighty, I’m free at last. And in the words of Harriet Tubman, I’d rather be dead and in the grave than be a slave,” McCullough boldly said in Addy’s spirit. “I’m free at last.”
“Her marker reads Addy for 46 years, the faithful colored servant of the Reverend Lucius Smith and family, died Jan. 28, 1857 … This means that Addy began her burden for the Smith family at the age of four; this is Lucius Smith's marker, very symbolic, as you can see, even in death — even in death — her slave master overlooks her,” McCullough said. “The word servant and this X on her marker, connotes the idea that Addy had a choice. The word servant is an exchange of a kind or pleasant word that is being substituted for an explicit or offensive word. In this context, the use of the word servant camouflages the truth that Addy was indeed a slave. She was the slave of the Episcopal priest, Reverend Lucius Smith. And she was burdened with the lifelong responsibility of sacrificing her own humanity for the benefit of another person.
“The word servant downplays the psychological burden of surrendering one's humanity. So today, as a community, we gather, acknowledging the truth of Addy’s condition. Addy was not a servant, she was a slave,” McCullough said. “We join hands and hearts today to remove the veneer and allow the truth to take its rightful place. Addy was a slave.”
Batavia’s St. James Episcopal and First Presbyterian churches had established plots in the cemetery since 1823, which is why Lucius Smith and his family were buried there. The Rev. Deacon Diana Leiker spoke on behalf of St. James to assure folks that the Episcopal Church is righting those wrongs of the past.
“The church as a whole is working very, very hard with our black brothers and sisters to learn more, to be open to what we did, to help people to heal. We are recognizing all of the despicable, tragic things that were done on behalf of the church or with the church being complicit in letting things happen,” Leiker said. “So we just want you to know that this is wonderful. We had no idea that Lucius Smith owned someone. So we're really thankful that this was being brought to light. And we just want you to know we are doing a lot of hard work nationally.”
Rev. Roula Alkhouri, of Batavia First Presbyterian Church, was one of the organizers of the special Juneteenth event. It came about from McCullough’s pain that bubbled up after learning about Addy. It raised questions of how to move on yet not ignore an important piece of the past.
“What do we do with this pain? What do we do with this history? And so we've been talking and praying and thinking, and so that's kind of like, okay, Juneteenth is coming up, can we celebrate her humanity? Can we look at the story and reclaim it in a different way? And so that's what brought it together for us,” Alkhouri said. “And then we talked, we connected with (Batavia Cemetery Association President) Sharon Burkel, and said, Can we do this? And she said, Absolutely.
“I feel like always, whenever we bring up the hard parts of our lives or our history, it brings healing. You know, it's like, people don't want to talk about the painful stuff. But if you don't, you'd never heal," Alkhouri said. "And if you don't honor the lives of people who suffered, then it gets repeated in different forms. But it does, always, I mean, you see it in families the same way, not just the nation. So we're hoping to be part of that healing for the nation.”
A monetary gift will be used to add another inscription on Addy’s headstone. This will help to tell “a different side of the story and reclaim her humanity and her being created in the image of God,” Alkhouri said.
Rev. Shiela Campbell McCullough, pastor of Bethany Presbyterian Church. Photo by Howard Owens.
Rev. William Wilkinson Photo by Howard Owens.
In the foreground, the gravestone of Episcopal priest Rev. Lucius Smith, which towers over the grave marker of his former slave, Adeline “Addy” Barbara. Photo by Howard Owens.
Rev. Roula Alkhouri, Batavia First Presbyterian Church Photo by Howard Owens.
Sheila Holley. Photo by Howard Owens.
Diana Leiker and Diane Cox, deacons at St. James Episcopal Church. Photo by Howard Owens.
Mike Stuart. Photo by Howard Owens.
After the ceremony, Linda Conway studies the headstone of Adeline “Addy” Barbara. Photo by Howard Owens.
Luke Bryan headlined Darien Lake on Friday. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Luke Bryan headlined Darien Lake on Friday, joined by supporting acts, in front of 20,000 fans.
The pop-country music superstar played for nearly two hours, running through hits such as, "Kick the Dust Up," "Country On," and "Country Girl (Shake It on Me)."
Virginian Alana Springsteen led off the night, warming up the crowd with a 20-minute set. She is no relation to Bruce Springsteen, although her dad and brother are also in the music industry.
Chayce Beckham performed second, featuring his popular songs "Tell Me Twice" and "Keeping Me Up All Night."
Southern Alabama native Tyler Braden rounded out the openers with his tracks "What Do They Know," "Neon Grave," and "Ways to Miss You."
Photos by Steve Ognibene
Tyler Braden at Darien lake, third opener. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Chayce Beckham, Darien lake, second opener. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Alana Springsteen, Darien Lake's first opener. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Darien fire and ambulance companies are requested to the Fargo Road railroad crossing for the reported derailment, and no injuries have been reported.
No Mercy ambulance is available.
Colby Road crossing is not blocked.
UPDATE 1:55 p.m.: A train with about 60 cars derailed at Countyline Road due to an apparent equipment failure, according to Darien First Assistant Chief Mark Starczewski. At least four cars came off the tracks with no injuries and no hazardous materials involved. Most of the cars were empty.
Fargo and Countyline roads are closed. Both east and west tracks are closed, and this line is also used by Amtrak. No ETA for when the roads and track will reopen.
After sweeping the Auburn Doubledays in a double header at home on Friday, the Batavia Muckdogs split a twin bill at Falcon Field in Auburn on Saturday.
The Muckdogs took the first game 3-1, and lost the second game 3-0.
Batavia is now 7-4 on the season.
Jack Keeler went six innings giving up on earned run to pick up the win, his first W of the season.
Trey Bacon pitched a scoreless seventh for his fourth save.
Anthony Calabro hit a triple, his one hit of the game, scored a run and picked up an RBI.
In the second game, Preston Prince, from Hilton, lasted four innings, giving up three runs, two earned, and only two hits, but yielded four walks. He struck out three. He was tagged with his first loss in three appearances.
The Muckdogs are back home on Monday to play Newark. Game time is 6:35 p.m.
For the 42nd time on Sunday, the Batavia Rotary Club hosted its Father's Day Fly-In Breakest at the Genesee County Airport and Rotary Club President John McGowan said the breakfast is more than just a fundraiser.
"It's a great way to give back to the community, and the community really appreciates us hosting this on Father's Day," McGowan said.
Rotary volunteers typically serve from 1,200 to 1,400 people each Father's Day.
This year's Fly-In chairs were Paul Marchese and Mark Schneider.
"They just they give endless hours to help coordinate this," McGowan said.
Kimberly Tomasik out in front of the field at the start of the Batavia Downs Jackpot 5K Photo by Howard Owens.
In the inaugural Batavia Downs Jackpot 5K, Kimberly Tomasik, age 30, ran away from the field for a wire-to-wire win at 18:02.
Matt Oberst, 42, was the top male runner at 19:03.
Third place overall and second among the women was Kimberly Mills, 32, at 20:12.
Marie David, 52, was third among the women at 24:08.
Jacob Seppe-Shultz, 31, was second among the men at 21:27, and Kevin Sheehan, 61, was third among the men at 21:44.
The course opened with a lap around the race track, exited Batavia Downs onto Park Road to Richmond, and back to Batavia Downs, finishing with another lap around the track. The length of the 5K race was not certified.
Proceeds from the race benefit WNY Heroes, an organization that services area veterans.
Kimberly Tomasik finishes well in front of the field. Photo by Howard Owens
Matt Oberst finishing the race. Photo by Howard Owens.
Members of the Genesee County Militia were outside the Holland Land Office Museum on Saturday as part of the New York Pathways Through History program. From left, Mike Gates, Brian Seward, John Wingate, Joe Bucolo, and John Della Penna. Photo by Howard Owens.
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