Photo by Alison Lang, on Goodman Road, Alexander, who noticed the juxtaposition of dense smoke hanging over Genesee County from Canadian wildfires and beef cattle in a field.
One of the oldest wood structures in Batavia, built in 1809, stands at 4 Mix Place, and owner Ed Smart wants to restore the residence to its "glory" and operate his architectural firm out of it as well. Photo by Howard Owens.
When Ed Smart initially saw his prospective new abode at 4 Mix Place, there was an obvious misgiving about the place.
“The first time I walked through it, it was raining inside the building,” he said during an interview with The Batavian Wednesday. “We appreciate beautiful buildings, so I'd love to see this thing restored to its glory and then some. It's just a beautiful piece of property. And, you know, over the time that I have owned it, I've invested in it, even without being able to use it, until I know I can use it for the use I want.”
And what he wants, which he has officially requested as smartDESIGN Architecture with a letter to the city, is to move his architectural company into the premises that are zoned residential 1A and obtain a zoning code update to amend that to residential 3 to allow for professional offices in that section of the city.
Smart is requesting to amend a section in the zoning code to read “offices for attorneys, physicians, dentists, another similar professional, not exceeding four offices in a single structure.” The current code does not include “and other similar professionals” in that section.
City Manager Rachael Tabelski recommended to City Council this week that if the group opted to grant the request, it may also want to consider including 1 Mix, a single-family residence, and 3 Mix, a two-building, eight-unit apartment building, to bring them into the R-3 district for zoning compliance.
Smart wants to bring his staff of about 11 people plus himself — give or take, depending on business needs at any given moment — and set up shop at the Mix Place site.
Photo by Howard Owens.
Formerly a residence with ample grounds and gardens, trees and smaller buildings, the site was built in 1809 by Ebenezer Mix, and has been a single-family residence and fixture for decades, until the last several years, when left unoccupied it has been vandalized, heavily damaged, and then discovered by Smart. It failed to sell at an auction before he made an offer and purchased it about two years ago, he said.
“I fixed quite a few things that needed attention. There were thieves and vandals that got in there and stole the copper, and they left a big hole in the roof where they ripped the vent stack out of the roof water had just been dumped in there, and it completely destroyed two rooms, and it partially destroyed a couple of others.
"So I fixed the roof, it was all hot water heat before, which of course, was covered, so I got some heat in there and then also ran dehumidifiers around the clock for months, actually. So then dried it out. And so it's been warm and dry,” he said. “And, then also, we've done some maintenance around the property. So, again, just trying to be a good neighbor, before we can get in there, we took out a whole lot of dead trees, where limbs were falling and things like that, but maintaining the attractive trees that are in there, with no intention of clear-cutting like that it’s too beautiful of a yard. We recently put a roof on the shed … and are working on a roof now for the little gazebo in the back, which is a beautiful little building, so I keep trying to keep things neat over there.”
He sent out a letter to the surrounding neighborhoods earlier this month to introduce himself and his intentions and to invite residents the opportunity to call or email him with questions, comments and concerns. To date, he has only heard positive feedback, he said.
SmartDESIGN does not get a lot of in-person visitors, he said, and oftentimes staff is off-site to tend to customer needs, so he does not expect there to be an issue with traffic. One employee works in Arizona, two others in Central New York that commute one day per week, and remote work is encouraged, he said. The company has been located on Harvester Avenue in Batavia for 19 years.
His firm “delivers architectural and design services throughout the United States,” he said in his application. “On an average day, there will be five to seven people in the office. With a full office, parking for 10 vehicles would be necessary and can be accommodated at the property.
His intent is to maintain the historic character of the building, he said, including “all roofs, windows, doors, siding and shutters” that will be repaired, and “the entire building will be painted with a “historically-appropriate color palette.”
Despite that first glimpse of a raining interior, why here? “So when I made the decision that I was going to start looking, (4 Mix Place) popped up on our radar, and we went and took a look … nobody else really had the will to take this project on. There's certainly people that have the finances, but those people didn't have the will. So this is something where I really, really liked this building, I really liked that spot in the city. I think our use is a good fit for the community, and I think we can bring that building back to its past glory,” Smart said. “I would like to have a community opening next year to celebrate our 20th anniversary. We would love to celebrate it in that building.
“One of the things I’d like to emphasize is that anything that we do in that space isn’t anything that couldn’t be undone in the future. This house has been there for 200 years, and it’s going to have a life after me, but it will be my final home and will be here for the life of my business.”
Smart encourages neighborhood residents to contact him with comments at (585) 345-4067, Ext. 112 or by email at
City Council is expected to vote on his request, which may include being forwarded to the city’s Planning & Development Committee, during its next meeting on July 10.
Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) was appointed by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy to serve on the Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group. The Inter-Parliamentary Group consists of a coalition of elected leaders from both Canada and the U.S. who are dedicated to promoting dialogue on policy issues of shared interest.
They engage in bilateral discussions on issues such as trade, border management, Great Lakes, security, and economic opportunity, aiming to enhance cooperation and foster mutual benefits
"I am honored and grateful to have been named to serve on the Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “Canada and the United States are interconnected through shared values, economic ties, and commitment to democratic principles. I look forward to working alongside my fellow members to address key issues impacting our bilateral relationship, including trade, security, environmental concerns, and cultural exchange. I remain committed to fostering an open dialogue, collaboration, and cooperation with our Canadian counterparts.”
“I am proud to appoint Congresswoman Claudia Tenney to serve on the Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group," said Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy. "As a representative of New York's 24th district, which shares a border with Canada, Claudia has worked to uphold the USMCA and promote mutually beneficial trade between our two countries. And as a leader in the Northern Border Security Caucus, she has fought to crack down on human and drug trafficking along the northern border. I have no doubt that Claudia's principled leadership and experience will be invaluable in further strengthening the relationship between the United States and Canada.”
Reps. Bill Huzienga (R-MI), Jack Bergman (R-MI), Pete Stauber (R-MN), Brad Finstad (R-MN) and Nick Langworthy (R-NY) were also appointed to serve as members of the group.
NOW BACK IN STOCK at the Holland Land Office Museum Gift Shop; signed copies of David Reilly's Small Town Talk: Growing up in Batavia in the 1950s and 1960s. Be sure to stop in and grab your copy today - just $25 per book.
Hollwedel Memorial Library is hosting a professional summer reading magic show, open to the community, on Monday, July 10 at 6 p.m., at the Hollwedel Memorial Library, located at 5 Woodrow Drive, Pavilion.
The show, titled “Yes I Can” is being used as part of the library’s efforts to encourage children to read more during the summer. Admission is free, seating availability permitting.
The magic show, presented by professional magician Cris Johnson, will feature music, age-appropriate humor, fun magic, audience participation, and more. The show is intended for children ages 4-12 and any fun-loving adults.
“This particular magic show is something different – it was designed to promote our summer reading program theme of "All Together Now’,” Library Director Josselyn Borowiec explains. “Cris Johnson comes dressed in a fun costume, and the show will feature magic themed around different aspects of togetherness, a strong pro-reading, a fun FREE magic trick for every child who attends, an amazing effect where several kids help with a magic jigsaw puzzle, and more!”
Why did magician Cris Johnson go to the trouble of creating an entire show around the 2023 Summer Reading Program theme? “I’ve been creating and presenting themed shows to libraries and schools across North America for nearly 20 years and it’s a passion of mine,” Cris explains. “With budget cuts increasing all the time, we as a community really need to support our local libraries, encourage children to read more, watch less TV, and protect our children’s future.”
Pictured: Lilly Liles (left) and Tammy Wells (right)
Press Release:
When Tammy Wells, Vice President of Byron Ladies Auxiliary heard about a local girl needing some help, she shared Lilly Liles’ story at the May meeting. It was decided at that meeting that Lilly and her family would be the recipient of the Memorial Day’s 50/50 drawing. In addition, a jar was also set out to collect any additional donations to Lilly and her family that day.
Lilly Liles, is the daughter of Nicole Kulzer and Bradley Liles. Lilly has been slowly losing her hearing since she was a young girl. Lilly, age 21, now has profound hearing loss bilaterally (both ears). With such severe hearing loss, Lilly is not able to hear a phone ring, someone calling her name, or a smoke alarm.
Her parents needed to find a way to keep her safe, especially when she is alone. Luckily the family learned of an organization that provides service dogs to folks like their daughter, Canine Companions.
Lilly and her family received a lengthy application with many questions that serve to see how and if a service dog and Lilly will be a good fit. The family completed the required documentation and on March 30 Lilly was accepted into their program.
With the initial first steps completed Lilly and her family learned that for Lilly to receive a service dog, she must travel with her family to Orlando, FL, and remain there for two weeks of intense team training.
Once there she will train with multiple hearing dogs. At training, Lilly will learn the skills to handle and control her service dog, correct his/her behavior, and how to provide quality care to her dog.
Although Lilly will not have to pay for her dog, she and her family will be responsible for covering the cost of transportation to and from Orlando, food for the 2-week period, and field trip costs. Fortunately, the organization has complimentary housing for the family.
When Lilly finally receives her service dog she and her family will also have many new expenses such as food, vet care, recertifications, inspections, and follow-up visits with Canine Companions. However, Lilly’s service dog will be able to assist her not only at home but also at school and work and she can finally be safe being alone, which will give her much more independence.
The New York State Department of Health recommends that with the reduced air quality, everyone should limit his or her outdoor activities to reduce exposure. Masks will be available to the public at the following locations in Genesee and Orleans Counties during normal business hours while supplies last.
Genesee County- Business Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Emergency Management Office, 7690 State Street Road, Batavia
County Building 2, 3837 West Main Street Road, Batavia
Old Courthouse, 7 Main Street, Batavia
Office for the Aging, 2 Bank Street, Batavia
Orleans County- Business Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Orleans County Administration Building, 14016 Route 31 West, Albion
The New York State Department of Health provides the following tips to stay safe:
Limit time outdoors
Keep windows and doors closed
Avoid strenuous activities outdoors, especially for those with asthma, allergies, and other respiratory health issues
Avoid prolonged exposure outdoors, especially for those with health vulnerabilities, such as cardiovascular disease or lung disease, and those who are pregnant
For those that must be outside for a prolonged period of time, wear a tight fitting mask
Exposure to reduced air quality can pose negative health risks, including:
Irritation to eyes, nose, or throat
Runny nose
Shortness of breath
Individuals with symptoms or related health concerns should contact their healthcare provider.
Join the Richmond Memorial Library for summer reading programs for all ages with the theme of “All Together Now”! Visit to see all of the upcoming events for the summer. Summer Reading Programs are sponsored by the Friends of Richmond Memorial Library.
Children’s Summer Reading Program (June 26 - August 4, ages birth - 12)
This year’s children’s program includes:
The Read & Bead reading challenge.
Family Fun Fridays at 2 p.m. (beginning June 30).
Monday Story Time at 10 a.m. for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.
Music and Movement on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. for ages 0 - 4 (please register in advance).
Summer Play Café on Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Lunch Bunch on Thursdays at 12 p.m. for ages 6 and up who enjoy a longer story.
NEW! Agriculture Wednesdays at 3 p.m., Celina Bartz from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County will be here to teach us something about agriculture.
Teen Summer Reading program (June 26 - August 19, ages 13 - 17)
Summer reading programming for teens aged 13-17 at the library includes:
Classes by Mandy Humphrey of Art of Mandy
Tween Walk & Talk
Resin Summer Camp
Craft Classes
And more!
Sign up online or in the Teen Corner for Teen Summer Reading BINGO – complete 25 challenges like “Watch a documentary” or “Read a funny book” for a chance to win weekly prizes and a grand prize!
Adult Summer Reading Program (June 26 - August 19, ages 18 and up)
Adults are invited to participate in RML’s Adult Summer Reading BINGO Challenge! Complete library and reading challenges for a chance to win weekly and grand prizes. Participants in the adult summer reading challenge must have a valid library card in the NIOGA system to play for prizes. Register at the reference desk or at beginning June 26. Complete rules and information will be provided with registration and a sample BINGO board will be on display at the library.
The three grand prizes are:
A book lover’s basket stuffed with bookish goodies valued over $100
A Kindle Paperwhite eReader
A $50 gift certificate to Lift Bridge Books in Brockport.
Weekly prizes include gift certificates from local businesses!
Challenges range from “read a book about friendship” to “watch a film adapted from a book or play” to “attend a library program.” Programs planned for this summer include book discussions, the Richmond Reads title reveal, craft classes, bookish trivia, concerts, film screenings, an author visit and more! Visit the library or for more information about programs.
For information about library programs, visit, call 585-343-9550, or stop by the library at 19 Ross St, Batavia. The library is open Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Summer Reading is sponsored by the Friends of Richmond Memorial Library.
Center Street Smokehouse is in line for some grant funding to help with exterior brick work and revamp the outdoor deck that faces Jackson Square in downtown Batavia. Photo by Joanne Beck.
A downtown building is in line for $20,000 worth of improvements to its brick exterior and upper back deck if City Council approves the grant request from building owner Cregg Paul.
The money will be in the form of a grant made available through an amended Revolving Loan Fund agreement that was revised in 2019. The revised policy seeks to have private building owners make lasting public and/or facade improvements within the city.
So back in 2019, City Council approved a policy to allow funding from the revolving loan fund to be split out and used for grant funds, specifically for building improvements only. So these grant funds are not for businesses. They're specific to buildings and infrastructure,” City Manager Rachael Tabelski said during City Council’s conference meeting Monday at City Hall. Off the top of my head, I believe there have been eight or nine grant funds awarded, the first one being Guy Clark at Cedar Street (Rentals), who built that new building to house some of his equipment, and I know other recipients have been, Casey Law Firm, I believe Matt Gray, (Gregory Hallock at) GO ART! has as well.
“And they've all been very successful in completing projects here in the city. The latest application is from the Center Street Smokehouse. They have deteriorating brick on their building that they need to repoint; they've needed that for awhile. They have some roof repairs that need to be completed. And they want to redo their second-floor patio facing into Jackson Square to freshen that up and make it look as nice as Matt’s patio. So I'm bringing that for you for your consideration.”
Building owners may request funds for building improvements that have a visual impact and facade work for rehabilitation or new builds, she said in a previous memo to City Council. “The grant of 40 percent of the total cost of the project will be considered, and the amount will be capped at $20,000,” she said.
The request has been approved by the Batavia Development Corp., and the funding will be matched with private funds from Center Street Smokehouse Inc. to renovate the exterior bar and restaurant abutting Jackson Square and to make necessary improvements to the facade and roof of the building.
An investment total for this phase is $50,000. BDC has recommended the grant with a score of 73.2 out of 100, based on “economic development and strategic goal alignment.” Tabelski therefore has recommended that council approve the request of $20,000 for the Center Street establishment.
A resolution will be up for vote during council’s business meeting on July 10.
Beverly's Floral & Gifts will "hopefully" move into its new home at 228 West Main St., Batavia later this summer after extensive rehabilitation of the former Roxy's Music store, owner Russ Fitzgibbon says. He pointed out the irony that his move will land him next door to the current Burger King that is seeking to move to his current location at the corner of West Main and South Lyon streets. Photo by Howard Owens.
While news of a potentially larger, relocated Burger King created some online responses from supporters of the businesses the fast-food restaurant would replace, one of those sites has been quietly working on its own new establishment.
Beverly’s Floral & Gifts will be moving into the former Roxy’s Music store at 228 West Main St., Batavia, hopefully, before the end of summer, owner Russ Fitzgibbon says.
“I bought it a year ago and have been rehabbing the place,” Fitzgibbon told The Batavian on Tuesday. “I have to put in about another month of work, and will be go-ready.”
He hasn’t been pleased with some of the online comments regarding Burger King’s plans to purchase and demolish the current Beverly’s building and adjacent one housing Batavia Restaurant Supply, plus two more along South Lyon Street. It has been well known for some time now, he said, that BRS owner Mike Charvella has been trying to sell the site at 301-305 West Main St.
“But nobody wanted to pay what he wanted to get for it,” Fitzgibbon said. “It’s not a surprise to anyone here. To say that a business is getting forced out … I like him, he’s always been straightforward with me. He’s been very clear.
“There’s zero surprise in any of this. Once he turned 70 or 75, he offered to sell to me or (to store managers). He can do whatever he wants to do with his business.”
Fitzgibbon has already completed some "massive construction" on his new place, he said. He couldn’t help but point out the bit of irony in his move: he will be next door to the current Burger King that is requesting a special use permit by relocating to his current stomping ground at the corner of West Main and South Lyon streets.
UPDATED 6/26/23: Stacey Schrader, who owns Batavia Restaurant Supply with partner Nate Charvella, wants to make it clear that, although the building at 301-305 West Main St. has been sold, the business will remain.
"We're staying in business," she said Wednesday. "We are in the process of finding a new location."
The Michael Napoleone Memorial Foundation Night will be held at the Batavia Muckdogs game on July 3 at 6:30 p.m. It will be an evening of friends, family, fun, and fireworks while we raise awareness about the Foundation and its mission. We will have raffles, 50/50, and activities for the kids. We invite the community to come celebrate with us and share in the fun.
We will be sharing our love of red, white, and blue for our country and purple as the color of the Napoleone Foundation. See you at the ballpark!
For more information on the Michael Napoleone Memorial Foundation or to donate, visit
Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) raised serious concerns following the release of a congressional letter calling for snapback sanctions on Iran only after the rogue regime enriches uranium beyond 90 percent, which would be at least 24 times the limit allowed under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). In her statement, Tenney argues this would be too little, too late, and that snapback should be triggered immediately in response to Iran’s persistent non-compliance with its commitments.
“Signaling to the Islamic Republic of Iran that it should only face consequences for its reckless nuclear extortion if it reaches the dangerous threshold of 90 percent weapons-grade nuclear enrichment is deeply concerning,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “Iran is already enriching uranium at 24 times the limit allowed by the JCPOA – the time for action is now, not after Iran blows past the critical benchmark of achieving weapons-grade enriched uranium. Threatening snapback only after Iran reaches the 90 percent threshold also creates a new and dangerous standard that Iranian enrichment up to 89.9 percent is somehow acceptable. Let me be clear: it is absolutely not acceptable. We need to stop moving the goalposts and start increasing the pressure. The time for snapback is now.”
Tenney recently led a bipartisan letter with Representative Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) encouraging the leaders of the United Kingdom, France, and Germany (E3) to initiate snapback sanctions on Iran under United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2231. Tenney also published an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post condemning any attempts to wait until Iran enriches to 90 percent to initiate snapback sanctions.
2023 Indian Falls Road, Corfu. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY JULY 1st from 11am-1pm. Truly the most warm and inviting country home you will see! Immaculately kept, this property has all quality upgrades and is no flip! All Anderson windows, radiant in floor heat (you will fall in love again this winter), upgraded 200 amp electrical service, fully gutted/remodeled kitchen with gorgeous tongue and groove ceiling and large pantry room with laundry is just the start! Inviting country kitchen has small breakfast nook as well as dining area for larger gatherings. Cozy wood burning stove and half bath downstairs for your guests makes, this place great for entertaining as well as large family room with Cathedral ceiling and beautiful windows that lead out to wrap around deck with views of the prettiest backgrounds! Inviting 1st floor bedroom suite with closet everyone will be jealous of and newly renovated large&bright private bath that leads to its own deck with hot tub! A 2 bay shop built in 2016 with xtra tall covered carport ready for RV, gorgeous gardens, fruit trees and grapevines and fire pit area with charming waterfall makes this property a true homestead! Offers due July 5 @ 4:00.
On Friday, June 23, the Byron-Bergen Class of 2023 crossed the stage at Roberts Wesleyan’s Hale Auditorium and into the next chapter of their lives. Amidst the cheers of their friends and families, the graduates were recognized for their years of hard work and welcomed to the ranks of proud Byron-Bergen alumni. Although the graduates were not promised an easy ride, the mantra that echoed through the auditorium was “perseverance”.
A traditional rendition of “Pomp and Circumstance” by Edward Elgar, performed by the Byron-Bergen High School Concert Band under the direction of High School Music Teacher Kevin Bleiler, provided the ambiance for the practical but optimistic ceremony. Jr./Sr. High School Principal Ashley John Grillo welcomed family, friends, and faculty present at the ceremony.
“You are a big part of the success we celebrate today,” said Grillo. Grillo enumerated some of the many accomplishments to which the seniors contributed including varsity athletic championships, the show-stopping spring musical “Hairspray”, and notable achievements for academic teams and clubs. Grillo then encouraged the graduates to take risks and never stop striving for their goals. “Move on to what is next. Choose your adventure. Don't be afraid to fail.”
Byron-Bergen Superintendent Pat McGee took to the stage with a personal message for each student. “I have known you for four years as principal and two years as superintendent,” said McGee. “I will miss your honest feedback, side conversations, and informal hallway check-ins. You will be missed.”
He then recited a poem by American author Shel Silverstein:
Listen to the Mustn’ts, listen to Don’t. Listen to the Shouldn'ts, the Impossibles, the Won'ts. Listen to the Never Haves, then listen close to me. Anything can happen, child, Anything can be.
This sentiment was reinforced by Salutatorian Zoey Shepard. “I didn’t want to talk about COVID today,” said Shepard. “We are collectively a pretty challenging class, but the pandemic made us stronger.” She went on to tell her classmates to make sure they are happy and to work hard, have fun, and always stand tall.
The graduating members of the Singing Silhouettes, under the direction of High School Music Teacher Joseph Paris, performed “Vienna” by Billy Joel. The arrangement featured a series of short duets allowing each member to shine. “But you know that when the truth is told, that you can get what you want or you can just get old,” sang the young musicians, with the dedication of those ready to work for their goals.
Then, invoking the iconic lyrics of American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, Valedictorian Kendall Phillips said, “Everyone is unique. Everyone has their quirks. ‘Haters gonna hate’ but we have a wonderful support system back home.”
“Being kind is so important,” said Phillips. “It’s such a simple thing, but a powerful thing. It can change the course of someone's day or even life.”
The diplomas were conferred by Board of Education President Debra List and the Class of 2023 tossed their mortarboards into the air. The collective congregation rallied around the graduates and, for that moment, blocked out the Mustn’t and the Don’t, the Impossibles and Won’ts.
The graduates move on from high school knowing that they have weathered personal and global challenges and they are ready for what comes next. Haters gonna hate, but anything can happen. Anything can be.
NOW HIRING seasonal agribusiness positions. CDL A & B Drivers to deliver bulk crop nutrients. Potential long-term opportunities. Great for retirees! GENERAL LABOR positions. Daily variety of indoor/outdoor responsibilities. Loader experience a plus. SIGN-ON BONUS and plenty of OT during spring/summer months. Apply in person at: 8610 Route 237, Stafford, NY