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Team from Wyoming wins Six-Horse Hitch Classic Series competition at fairgrounds

By Joanne Beck
six hitch horse competition at Genesee County Fair
The winner of the 2023 North American 6 Horse Hitch Classic Series at the Genesee County Fairgrounds on Friday, a pre-fair event, was Red Oaks Farm from Kahnawake, Quebec, Canada. The team was driven by Bud Miller.
Photo by Howard Owens.

The Genesee County Fair hosted the 2023 North American Six-Horse Hitch Classic Series Competition, featuring 11 teams from across the country. The series was a preview treat at the fairgrounds, and another show is scheduled for 12:30 p.m. Saturday at the horse arena.

Also see: Organizers work all day, night to prepare for GC Fair kick-off

six hitch horse competition at Genesee County Fair
The six-hitch team from Red Oaks Farm takes a victory lap in the horse arena at the Genesee County Fairgrounds.
Photo by Howard Owens.
six hitch horse competition at Genesee County Fair
Driver Bud Miller from Red Oak Farm in Kahnawake, Quebec, Canada.
Photo by Howard Owens
six hitch horse competition at Genesee County Fair
Second Place, Jackson Fork Ranch, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, driving by Ross Honsberger.
Photo by Howard Owens.
six hitch horse competition at Genesee County Fair
Ross Honsberger, driver of the second-place team, was joined for a ride around the arena by Chelsea Lippert, a fair volunteer.
Photo by Howard Owens.
six hitch horse competition at Genesee County Fair
The third-place team was from Livonia, Stoney Hill Farm, driven by Kyle Picaro.
Photo by Howard Owens.
six hitch horse competition at Genesee County Fair
Photo by Howard Owens.
six hitch horse competition at Genesee County Fair
Photo by Howard Owens.

Sponsored Post: Saturday at The Genesee County Fair; Drive your tractor to the fair & kids day

By Lisa Ace
Genesee County Fair

Saturday, July 22nd – DRIVE YOUR TRACTOR TO THE FAIR DAY/ Kids Day—Fair Opens @ 9 am

  • 8:00 AM Stockyard Classic Sheep Showmanship, Breeding Sheep Show & Market Lamb Show
  • 11:00 AM Hog Showmanship Show #2 Breeding Gilt & Market Hog
  • 12:00 PM Stockyard Classic Goat Showmanship, Breeding Doe And Market Goat Show
  • 4:00 PM Sheep Showmanship Show #2, Breeding Sheep & Market Lamb
  • 8:30 AM - Open Halter Draft Show (Horse Arena)
  • 10 AM – Exhibition Halls & Buildings Open
  • 12:00 PM - 4 PM  Faith at the Fair   (Entertainment Tent)
  • 12:30 PM—Open Class 6 Horse Hitch Classic  (Horse Arena)
  • 1 PM – 10 PM—Midway Opens,  Kids 16 & Under Ride for $15/wristband from 1 PM—5PM
  • 5 PM – 10 PM – Midway Open @ Regular Rates
  • 7 to 10PM—BB Dang (Entertainment Tent)
  • 10 PM – Exhibit Halls & Buildings Close

Daily at the Fair:

  • Air Sculpture (Balloon Display Build All Day Every Day and Balloon Demonstrations 12pm & 4:45pm) (All Day Every Day)
  • Pig Racing – Show Schedule (SAT 4pm, 6pm & 8pm; SUN 4pm, 6pm & 8pm; MON 4pm, 6pm & 8pm; TUES 4pm, 6pm & 8pm; WED 2pm, 4pm, 6pm & 8pm; THURS 4pm, 6pm & 8pm; FRI 2pm, 4pm, 6pm & 8pm; SAT 2pm, 4pm, 6pm & 8pm)
  • Niagara Down Under (All Day Every Day)
  • Wings on Wheels (All Day Every Day)
  • Pony Rides (All Day Every Day)
  • Chain Saw Carver (All Day Every Day)
  • Fame Racing – Radio Controlled Car Racing (SAT 3pm, 5pm & 7pm; SUN 3pm, 5pm & 7pm; MON 3pm, 5pm & 7pm; TUES 3pm, 5pm & 7pm; WED 1pm, 3pm, 5pm & 7pm; THURS 3pm, 5pm & 7pm; FRI 1pm, 3pm, 5pm & 7pm; SAT 1pm, 3pm, 5pm & 7pm)
  • CLICK HERE FOR 4-H Daily Schedule  

Events & times on the schedule and this website are subject to change. Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with changes.

Click here to see each day's schedule.

Byron-Bergen Teacher Joins Great Lakes Research Voyage

By Press Release
Participants on Lake Guardian research voyage.
Pete Spence is 5th from right.

Press Release:

On July 6, Byron-Bergen Secondary Science Teacher Pete Spence boarded the U.S. EPA Lake Guardian for a seven-day voyage to conduct research on Lake Ontario. Spence was one of 15 participating teachers taking part in the annual expedition which collected data in several locations looking at algae, zooplankton, and benthic organisms.

“I was interested in doing research on the Great Lakes, so I applied and was accepted,” said Spence. He requested and was assigned to the team examining differences in zooplankton populations from the east to the west end of the lake. “We also used acoustic (sonar) techniques to locate migratory shrimp species that stay on the bottom of the lake during the day and move toward the surface at night.”

Spence also assisted in research teams collecting blue-green algae levels at depths up to 40 meters and quagga mussel populations from 60 to 120 meters deep. The Lake Guardian docked in Youngstown and the participants toured the Niagara Falls gorge, an experience which many of the out-of-state teachers had never had. They then set out to collect a series of samples starting from the Welland Canal and crossing the lake to Toronto.

During one memorable experiment, the crew submerged Styrofoam cups in one of the deepest parts of Lake Ontario to observe how pressure impacts volume. The water pressure compressed them to approximately half of their original size. “I plan to have my students write their names on Styrofoam cups which I will send to the EPA for this experiment,” said Spence. “After they have been submerged in Lake Superior and returned to us, the students can measure the changes.”

Seven days after setting out on Lake Ontario, the crew disembarked at Port Rochester on July 12. “One of the things that I’m bringing back to Byron-Bergen is using the Great Lakes in my Environmental AP class,” said Spence. “The Great Lakes have always been of interest to me, being that we live so near them, I think it’s a great opportunity for students to see the bigger picture.”

Spence examines map with researchers
Spence and colleagues collect samples, Pete Spence is on right.
Lake Guardian research participants, Pete Spence is back right 

United Way hosts summer serenade with Genesee Symphony Orchestra

By Press Release
File photo from 2018 of Summer Serenade rehearsal.

Press Release:

United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes will once again present, Summer Serenade, featuring the Genesee Symphony Orchestra.

The Serenade will take place on Saturday, September 9, at Terry Hills Golf Course and Banquet Facility, beginning at 5 p.m. The event will feature hearty hors d’oeuvres, a concert by the Genesee Symphony Orchestra, and desserts. A cash bar will be available. 

Proceeds from the event will benefit the Genesee Symphony Orchestra and United Way’s Backpack Program in Genesee County.

United Way’s Backpack Program provides easy-to-make meals for school-aged children in need throughout Genesee County. Currently, the program is supplying over 700 monthly meals to children throughout four school districts.

The Genesee Symphony Orchestra is a dynamic, regional orchestra that presents an ambitious portfolio of concerts for the enrichment of our community through high-quality performances, educational opportunities, guest artists, and partnerships.

Tickets for the Serenade are $50 and can be purchased through any Genesee Symphony Orchestra Board Member, Lawley Insurance in Batavia, or online at

The Batavian's guitar contest inspired by the area's community of music artists, today's opportunities for young musicians

By Joanne Beck
Remote video URL

It was as if we arranged the tribute band The Eaglez to perform at Genesee County Fair during The Batavian’s debut, along with WBTA, for the first-time official Media Center at the Fair this coming week.

Along with the Media Center’s booth, The Batavian is sponsoring an eagle drawing contest, with the first prize being Harley Benton BigTone Trem guitar for some lucky artist aged 17 or under. The guitar for the winning eagle drawing (randomly selected from among staff favorites) will be presented during The Eaglez concert on Thursday (July 27) night!

This will now be the third such guitar giveaway sponsored by The  Batavian, and it might seem like a completely incongruous thing for an online media company to do, right? A news site giving away a musical instrument? Shouldn't we give away a typewriter or a camera?

Well, first, let’s explain the eagle-drawing contest.

An eagle is the primary essence of The Batavian’s logo, borrowed from the Upton Monument, which sits at the intersection of routes 5 and 63 in downtown Batavia. Publisher Howard Owens wanted to capture that symbol along with the name of this city he now holds dear after setting down roots more than 15 years ago.

“The Upton Monument is our community's most important and significant landmark, and the eagle that sits atop of it represents independence and courage, two characteristics of good news organizations,” Owens said.  "When planning our new logo, the eagle seems a natural way to represent our commitment to the community and to fearless and honest journalism."

The guitar contests are something Owens said he wanted to do to give back to the community to promote an appreciation for the magic and beauty of music among its youth.

Owens has been a music fan from his most formative years growing up in California, listening to The Beatles, the Beach Boys, and Elvis. He had musical ambitions early on, but his parents couldn't afford the investment in music lessons and instruments, and by the time he did get a cheap, almost unplayable guitar, there was nobody in his family or neighborhood to help him develop his skills.  

"The world of music is so different today than when I was young -- there are guitars available that play and sound great, stay in tune, and are well made that are affordable," Owens said. "The online resources for players of all skill levels, from the first-day beginner to the advanced player, just didn't exist for most of my life. I get excited when I think about the musical opportunities available to kids today, and I want to help point them in the right direction."

No, not everyone is going to be a rock star, Owens admits, but he is aware of how many local musicians there are who have humbly started out on a family keyboard, a hand-me-down guitar or a used set of drums, who continue to gig today, or have found other avenues for careers and secondary incomes in music, or just continue to play for their own enjoyment.

“Batavia, Genesee County, the GLOW region is bursting with musical talent," Owens said. "I'm inspired by so many people, from Bill McDonald and Justin Williams to Tom Ryan, Daniel King, Ray Williams, Steve Kruppner, Dylan DeSmit, Michael Murray, Alex Feig, and the whole Del Plato family, among so many others, that I want to see that local musical tradition continue. Paul Draper shared with The Batavian recently how his musical career began with an inexpensive keyboard, and he's become one of the region's top gigging performers. It's great to see so much talent in our community, and I think we, as a community, can develop more young talent."

For the first two contests, The Batavian set up a booth for a one-day event and gave away an acoustic guitar and a knockoff of a Fender Telecaster.  Since the fair is a bigger, multiday event, Owens said he wanted to find a guitar that would really grab people's attention and get kids excited about the possibility of winning a quality musical instrument.  He figured an archtop guitar would fit the bill, and was excited when he found the Harley Benton BigTone Trem in white.

The guitar, he explained, is patterned after a Gretsch White Falcon, which among guitar enthusiasts is an iconic instrument. A new White Falcon costs thousands of dollars.  The Harley Benton guitar is a fraction of the cost, and Harley Benton is considered one of the world's best budget-line guitar companies.

Steve Kruppner, an accomplished solo performer and guitarist for The Bluesway Band, played it on Wednesday and said he's impressed by it (see video above).

"This is extremely well built," Kruppner said during his test drive of the guitar. "Like I said, I learned guitar on what was probably an Italian-made copy of a Fender Strat. It was just a complete piece of junk. It was unplayable.  The strings were this far off the neck and they wouldn't tune. But this guitar is really sweet. I wouldn't mind having one myself just to have at home right now."

Kruppner admired the tuners, neck, solid build of the guitar, its Bigsby-style tremolo, white finish, gold trim and clean sound of the pickups.  The guitar is both a great lead instrument and a great strummer, like an acoustic guitar, he said.

"I tell you what, if I was 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old and I got this guitar, I'd be thrilled," Kruppner said. "This is a far better guitar than what I learned on, I can tell you."

To enter the contest, visit the Genesee County Fair, go to the Exhibit Hall, find the Official Genesee County Fair Media Center, where both The Batavian and WBTA will be set up with booths, and ask for an entry form.  While at the booth, draw your best version of an eagle (entries must be drawn at the booth or nearby). The Batavian staff will select their favorite drawings to be entered into a random drawing.  To enter, you must agree to return to the fair on Thursday night for the Eaglez concert (a free pass will be provided to the winner's family) where you will receive the guitar on stage during the concert.

For adults, there is also an eagle drawing contest, and the prize is a $100 gift certificate from the original Red Osier Landmark Restaurant. The winner will be asked to return to the fair at an agreed-upon appointment time for a promotional photo and to receive the gift certificate.

The People's Choice award is a harmonica.  The Batavian staff will pick its 20 favorite drawings from all the entries, and visitors to the Media Center on Thursday and Friday will vote for their favorite of the 20 selected. The winner will be asked to return to the fair on Saturday for a photo-op and to receive the harmonica.

Steve Kruppner and The Bluesways Band perform at 7 p.m. on Friday in Jackson Square as part of the Business Improvement District's weekly concert series.

Sponsored Post: The Genesee County Fair begins today

By Lisa Ace
Genesee County Fair 23, header

Friday, July 21st—North American 6 Horse Hitch Classic Series.  ($5 carload entry Friday, 7/22 only)

  • 11 AM—Draft Horse Hitch Show (Horse Arena) 
Unicorn, Ladies Cart & North American Classic Youth Cart
  • 3:00 PM Stockyard Classic Hog Showmanship, Breeding Gilt & Market Hog
  • 4:30 PM—Draft Farm Team Show (Horse Arena)
  • 5:30 PM—North American 6 Horse Hitch Classic Class  (Horse Arena)

Daily at the Fair:

  • Air Sculpture (Balloon Display Build, All Day Every Day and Balloon Demonstrations 12pm & 4:45pm) (All Day Every Day)
  • Pig Racing – Show Schedule (SAT 4pm, 6pm & 8pm; SUN 4pm, 6pm & 8pm; MON 4pm, 6pm & 8pm; TUES 4pm, 6pm & 8pm; WED 2pm, 4pm, 6pm & 8pm; THURS 4pm, 6pm & 8pm; FRI 2pm, 4pm, 6pm & 8pm; SAT 2pm, 4pm, 6pm & 8pm)
  • Niagara Down Under (All Day Every Day)
  • Wings on Wheels (All Day Every Day)
  • Pony Rides (All Day Every Day)
  • Chain Saw Carver (All Day Every Day)
  • Fame Racing – Radio Controlled Car Racing (SAT 3pm, 5pm & 7pm; SUN 3pm, 5pm & 7pm; MON 3pm, 5pm & 7pm; TUES 3pm, 5pm & 7pm; WED 1pm, 3pm, 5pm & 7pm; THURS 3pm, 5pm & 7pm; FRI 1pm, 3pm, 5pm & 7pm; SAT 1pm, 3pm, 5pm & 7pm)
  • CLICK HERE FOR 4-H Daily Schedule  

Events & times on the schedule and this website are subject to change. Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with changes. Click here to see each day's schedule.

Millie Tomidy-Pepper announces retirement from YWCA

By Press Release

Press Release:

Submitted photo of 
Millie Tomidy-Pepper

The YWCA of Genesee County Board of Directors is announcing that Executive Director, Millie Tomidy-Pepper will be retiring from her position on Sept. 30. Board of Directors President Christi Waldron says the board has formed a search committee and is actively working towards finding Millie’s successor to facilitate a smooth leadership transition.

Waldron says, “For over five years, Millie has truly embodied the mission of the YWCA of Genesee County. She works diligently alongside staff and board members to ensure our programs reach as many community members as possible. It will be extremely difficult to say goodbye, but the board and I are dedicated to finding the right person to fill her shoes.”

“Millie’s integrity is unquestioned and apparent. It is because of her integrity that the YWCA is respected by both our community/funding partners and by our contributors. She sets the example for board members and staff alike,” says former board treasurer, Linda Rost.

“I have always been passionate about the mission of the YWCA and the work we do, so the decision to move on has been an extremely difficult one. However, I leave knowing that the agency is fiscally strong with excellent programming, dedicated staff, and a board of directors that will continue to move the agency forward. We have worked diligently alongside a very supportive community, and I know that will continue. It has truly been an honor and privilege to lead this historical agency and I am very proud of all that we have accomplished together,” said Millie Tomidy-Pepper.

Millie was hired as Executive Director of the YWCA of Genesee County in 2018. She quickly realized that organizational restructuring was needed to ensure the future of the YWCA and the programs and services it offers to the community.

She brought on all new board members, and together they embarked on a strategic assessment of the organization, which included evaluating programmatic impact and fiscal sustainability.

Building ownership was also evaluated and eventually, a decision was made to sell the YWCA building to Three Little Birds Pediatric Office, a woman-owned business, operated by Dr. Emily Fraser-Branche. The YWCA was able to remain in the building it called home for over 50 years by renting office space from Fraser-Branche. It has been a win-win for all involved!

Simultaneously, Millie focused on the internal infrastructure. A Grant Manager was hired and when additional grant funding was secured, new office computers and replacing the 25-year-old server was top on the list. The main office, domestic violence (DV) offices, and common areas were renovated to be welcoming to clients and customers. 

The extremely popular, “My Sister’s Closet” boutique that provides affordable women’s clothing to DV survivors and the community was relocated within the building and renovated to make a more enjoyable shopping experience for all.

Human Resource Services, Technical Support and Accounting Consulting Services were added to support agency operations. A Bilingual DV Outreach Coordinator position and a Safe House Case Manager position were added to complement the Domestic Violence Program and services we offer. 

The Safe House, which houses survivors of Domestic Violence was renovated initially through a partnership with the Rotary Club of Batavia and thereafter through grant funding and community support. The house provides safety and comfort to families fleeing domestic abuse.

Critical to the mission of the YWCA, under Millie’s tenure, multiple social justice initiatives and programs took place. The YWCA was the host agency for the first Juneteenth Celebration in Batavia, organized by Just Kings, the YWCA hosted yearly Stand Against Racism events, participated in the March for Our Lives event, and hosted “White Fragility”, a workshop to address systemic racism.

Millie also assisted in organizing the first Women’s March in Genesee County, revived a yearly award for local women, renaming the event, “Women of Inspiration”, and honored our founding mothers on the 110-year Anniversary of the YWCA with a Gala Celebration.

Through all this, there was a pandemic and the YWCA’s Domestic Violence Program was critical for the safety of victims during this unprecedented time. Under Millie’s leadership, services continued to be delivered uninterrupted and staff (essential workers) found innovative ways to reach out to individuals in need throughout the pandemic. 

“The staff and community have been critical to the mission of the YWCA and the services we provide. We could not do what we do without them,” says Waldron.

The Board of Directors is currently seeking candidates for the Executive Director Position. Candidates should possess strong fundraising and financial management skills, have the ability to build strong partnerships both internally and externally, and most importantly; live the YWCA mission of eliminating racism, empowering women, and promote peace, justice, and dignity for all. 

Qualified candidates can submit their cover letter, resume, and three professional references to Board President, Christi Waldron, at for priority consideration by Monday, August 7. To view the job description, please visit

Sponsored Post: The Batavian's Guitar-Giveaway Contest at the Genesee County Fair

By Lisa Ace
the Batavian guitar contest


  • All eagles must be drawn at The Batavian’s booth during the fair.
  • All entry forms must be complete and signed by a parent/guardian if under 17.
  • Those entering for the guitar must be able to return for the prize during The Eaglez concert at 7 p.m. July 27 for a presentation/photo opportunity.
  • All prizes will be presented along with a photo for promotional purposes.
  • Winning entries will be randomly selected from among staff favorites, except for People’s Choice, will be selected by fair attendees from among the Top 20 staff favorites.
  • No purchase necessary to win.

The 17 and under winner of the guitar will be contacted via phone by noon on Thursday, July 27. The winner does not have to be present to win during the actual drawing but MUST be able to come back for The Eaglez concert that evening on Thursday, July 27 at 7 p.m. to accept the guitar prize. There will be a photo opportunity on stage with The Eaglez, and the winning recipient for promotional (marketing and media) purposes for The Batavian.  You will receive a complimentary entry to return to the fair for that day. 

All entries must be drawn at The Batavian’s booth. All entries will be reviewed by The Batavian staff, and the winning drawing will be randomly selected from among the top favorites.  Criteria include quality and creativity.

The winner of People’s Choice harmonica will be notified via phone and/or email on Friday, July 28. All entries must be drawn at The Batavian’s booth by the end of the day on Wednesday, July 26. Top 20 staff favorites will be on display Thursday and Friday. The winner will be chosen by voting of fair attendees and announced on Friday, July 28, with prize presentation and a photo taken on Saturday, July 29 at the fair. 

The winner of 18 and older Red Osier gift certificate will be notified via phone and/or email on Thursday, July, 27. Criteria and selection are the same as the 17 and under prize. The winner will receive the gift certificate and have a photo taken by Saturday, July 29. To win, you must agree to come back to the fair to receive the gift certificate and have your photo taken for publication in The Batavian.

No purchase necessary to win. This contest has been made possible with special thanks to The Batavian for sponsoring the guitar and harmonica prizes and to The Red Osier Landmark Restaurant for the gift certificate.

Baseball stars and famous furniture men, all eventually get their own bobblehead

By Howard B. Owens
phil pies bobblehead
Phil Pies inside Max Pies Furniture on South Jackson Street in Batavia with a bobblehead in his likeness, created as a fundraiser for Crossroads House.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Every celebrity, even local ones, deserves a bobblehead, and now Phil Pies, Batavia's "Furniture Man," has one.

The collectible was the idea of long-time Max Pies Furniture employee Peggy Cancelmi, who was looking for a way the 118-year-old retail store at 400 South Jackson St., Batavia, could support Crossroads House.

"I was also trying to think of a way I could torture Phil, so I worked with Tom Brown at AdStuff productions, and we came up with the bobblehead," Cancelmi said. "We went through three designs and settled on Phil in his famous khakis and his famous blue sweater, and I think it looks just like him."

The bobblehead wasn't a surprise to Phil. He knew what Peggy was working on but didn't really expect to ever see one.

"When they came, he couldn't believe it.  For the first time, he was speechless."

Now that the bobbleheads are in, Phil is clearly proud of them.

"I think it's wonderful. I think it's great," he said. "Why not? The money goes to Crossroads. That's the main thing. I never thought I'd see it (his face on a bobblehead), never in my whole life, but it's for a good cause."

Cancelmi ordered 200 Phil Pies bobbleheads, and they are for sale exclusively in Max Pies for $20 each, with proceeds benefitting Crossroads House.

phil pies bobblehead
The Phil Pies bobblehead with Peggy Cancelmi in the background.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Photos: Horses arrive at Genesee County Fairgrounds for North American 6 Horse Hitch Classic Series

By Howard B. Owens
North American 6 Horse Hitch Classic Series
Trump enjoys a drink of water from the hose offered by handler Dave Bontrager, from Indiana, after his arrival at the Genesee County Fairgrounds on Thursday.
Photo by Howard Owens.

The North American 6 Horse Hitch Classic Series has become a popular pre-fair event at the Genesee County Fairgrounds each year and the teams competing this year arrived in Batavia on Thursday.

Schedule of events for Friday:

  • 11 a.m, Draft Horse Hitch Show (Horse Arena), Unicorn, Ladies Cart & North American Classic Youth Cart
  • 4:30 p.m., Draft Farm Team Show (Horse Arena)
  • 5:30 p.m.—North American 6 Horse Hitch Classic Class  (Horse Arena)

Also at the fairgrounds on Friday, Stockyard Classic Hog Showmanship, Breeding Gilt & Market Hog show, starting at 3 p.m.

For Friday only, the cost to enter the fairgrounds is $5 per carload.

For daily fair schedules, check The Batavian each morning, and when you visit the fair, stop by the Media Center in the Exhibit Hall to meet the staff of The Batavian and WBTA.  You can enter The Batavian's eagle drawing contest and sign up for Early Access Pass at a special fair-special discount.

North American 6 Horse Hitch Classic Series
Conn gets a good wash at the Genesee County Fairgrounds after his arrival on Thursday with Sam Monhney and Sarah Brockhoff, both of Dayton, Pa.
Photo by Howard Owens.
North American 6 Horse Hitch Classic Series
Photo by Howard Owens.
North American 6 Horse Hitch Classic Series
Photo by Howard Owens.

Nearly $4M of construction projects on the horizon, going to Legislature for vote

By Joanne Beck
GC airport
File photo of Genesee County airport, on tap for a new equipment storage building.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Bridge, airport and building projects of nearly $4 million are headed for Genesee County Legislature’s vote next week after county legislators from the Ways & Means Committee agreed Wednesday to design and construction costs for the work.

The committee approved design costs of $240,000 for the Richley Road over Murder Creek bridge in the Town of Darien. This bridge replacement has a balance of $1,508,000, with the largest amount to still be paid by taxpayers but spread out with 80 percent federal, 15 percent state and 5 percent local aid. 

For the Fisher Road over Oak Orchard Creek bridge in the Town of Oakfield, the committee approved an amount of $1,770,200, to be funded with 80 percent federal aid, 15 percent state aid and a 5 percent match from local 1 percent sales tax.

If approved by the Legislature, it will also direct the county treasurer to establish a capital project and $88,510 to come from 1 percent sales tax of the county, along with $1,416,160 of federal aid and $265,530 in state aid for the total expense.

Other projects on the horizon include construction of an airport equipment storage building, which was put on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic due to sales tax concerns.

County Highway Superintendent Tim Hens had been unsuccessful in obtaining a state aviation grant for the capital project construction at the Saile Drive airport, he said. However, Assemblyman Steve Hawley’s office secured a state Department of Transportation grant for $150,000, Hens said.

He asked that the original design amount of $125,000 from 1 percent sales tax be increased by the additional $150,000 state grant for a total available budget of $275,000 for the project design. 

The committee agreed. It also approved a recommendation to award a bid not to exceed $248,350 to Kircher Construction, Inc. of Mount Morris for replacement of the roof and siding of the county’s Interpretive Center at Genesee County Park & Forest.

All of these measures will be passed on to the Legislature for final vote at 5:30 p.m. July 26 in the Old County Courthouse.

Youth Bureau accepting applications for GC Youth Lead program; deadline Sept. 1

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Genesee County Youth Bureau is seeking applicants for the Genesee Youth Lead Program. Applicants should be a Genesee County high school student entering their freshman through senior year. 

The deadline to apply is Sept. 1.

The eight-month program is focused on developing leadership skills within an individual through each specific session and through hands on experience.  Each session will have a different focus on our community and leadership.

The Youth Lead Program will take place at GVEP BOCES beginning Oct. 11 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and will be held once a month on the second Wednesdays of each month except for March due to a leadership event planned.

The program dates are: Oct. 11, Nov. 8, Dec. 13, Jan. 10, Feb. 7, March 19, April 10, and May 8.

Youth that complete the program are encouraged to use the skills and information gained through their experience to support the communities in which they live.

The selection process will be done through an application and interview process by the staff. The class size is limited.

The program will cost $75 for each student. If there is an economic hardship please contact the Genesee County Youth Bureau.

Applications for the program can be found at

Please contact the Genesee County Youth Bureau with questions at (585)344-3960 or at

Photos: Justin Williams solo acoustic at Batavia's Original

By Howard B. Owens

Le Roy resident Justin Williams performs his solo acoustic set at Batavia's Original Pizza on Wednesday evening.

Batavia's Original hosts live music on its patio every Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. during the summer.

Photos by Howard Owens.


Muckdogs stage dramatic comeback to stay in the hunt for division crown

By Howard B. Owens
Batavia's Ty Woods delivers a pitch to Jamestown's Zack Kent in the fourth inning, who was attempting to reach base with a bunt.
Photo by Howard Owens.

A four-run ninth inning brought the Batavia Muckdogs back from a 6-2 deficit against division rival the Jamestown Tarp Skunks before the home team won in dramatic fashion, 7-6 in the bottom of the 10th inning.

In the ninth, Trey Bacon opened with a walk, followed by a Sean Ladd single. 

After Justin Espinal lined into a double play, Josh Leadem walked. Lucas singled to load the bases. 

With the bases juiced, one of Batavia's hitting stars of 2023, Giuseppe Arcuri, doubled, driving in Bacon and Leadem.

Lopez and Arcuri scored on a single by the team's leading hitter, Adam Agresti, to tie the score.

In the 10th, the Muckdogs started with Christian Bernadini on second base. The Tarp Skunks gave Brice Mortillaro an intentional walk. Matt DeStefano drew a walk, and then Bernardini scored the winning run on a wild pitch.

Bacon pitched the 10th inning and was credited with the win, walking one and striking out two. Bacon's season ERA remains 0.00.

Julian Pichardo pitched the first third of an inning, giving up one walk and one run. Ty Woods came on in the third and tossed seven innings, giving up five hits and two runs while striking out six. Woods, from Alexander and a GCC student, has a 2.41 ERA on the season.

Lopez was 2-5 with a run scored. Agresti, now hitting .341, was 2-3 with two walks and two RBIs. Arcuri, now hitting .316, was 1-4 with a walk and two runs scored. DeStefano, hitting .283 on the season, was 204 with a walk.

The Muckdogs are now 22-12 with about a week left in the season, a half-game out of first place in the PGCBL Western Division. Elmira leads the division at 22-12. Jamestown is in third at 19-13, two games out of first, and a 3.5 games out of first is Niagara Power at 18-15.

The Muckdogs fell out of first place with a loss to Jamestown on Tuesday, 7-3.

Next up, Newark (9-22) at home on Friday at 6:35 p.m.

The Tarp Skunk's Kieran Gagnon attempts a bunt in the fourth inning.
Photo by Howard Owens.
Lucas Lopez singled in the third inning.
Photo by Howard Owens.
Giuseppe Arcuri avoids an inside pitch in the third inning.
Photo by Howard Owens.
Lucas Lopez fields a routine grounder in the fourth inning.
Photo by Howard Owens.
The Alexander Firemen's Band provided between-inning entertainment on Wednesday.
Photo by Howard Owens.
Alexander's Ty Woods on the mound in the fifth inning.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Photos: Batavia Concert Band Cadets return to live performance at Centennial Park

By Howard B. Owens
batavia concert band cadets 2023

After a couple of years' absence, the result of COVID-19 disruptions, the Batavia Concert Band's Cadets Band returned to a concert band's Centennial Park performance on Wednesday.

The cadets are elementary and middle school music students from Genesee and Orleans counties, directed by Lindsey Fix, a music teacher in Albion.

The cadets performed two numbers before intermission and then joined the concert band for a number later in the show.

"They're part of the concert band," said Jason Smith. "They rehearse. They practiced last night. They're a junior concert band, so to speak."

The cadets will join the Batavia Concert Band for a concert in the park again later this summer.

Through the summer months, the Batavia Concert Band performs each Wednesday evening, starting at 7 p.m. in Centennial Park.

Photos by Howard Owens.

batavia concert band cadets 2023
batavia concert band cadets 2023
batavia concert band cadets 2023
batavia concert band cadets 2023
batavia concert band cadets 2023
On the second piece of the evening, written for flugelhorn, Brandon Luce was the featured soloist, 
Photo by Howard Owens.

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