What may be the last activity on the property of Ellicott Station for awhile, the construction trailer gets loaded up and hauled away in late August. Photo by Howard Owens.
There are “several interested developers” working with Sam Savarino, president of the now-defunct Savarino Companies, after he announced closing about a month ago, City Manager Rachael Tabelski says.
In response to a request for an update, Tabelski said Tuesday that Savarino and banking institutions have been involved in talks with those developers, though she did not have or divulge anything “official.”
“As of last week, the construction leading bank confirmed there were no liens on the project, meaning (subcontractors) were paid up to that point,” she said.
When asked about the role of the state Office of Homes and Community Renewal, the agency that granted Savarino $5.7 million of low-income housing tax credits for the project, Tabelski said that “HCR is actively working with any/all developers interested in the project and has promised flexibility in their approach with AMI’s, etc.”
The city had hoped to negotiate the current AMI — area median income level — that had been set at a low to very low versus a higher workforce level, and it appears that it will fall to the next developer to take on that task.
Areas of concern for any construction project would include preserving the structural integrity so that nothing deteriorates or is damaged during the pause in work, and Tabelski said that “the City would like to see the investment winterized first and foremost and remain secured while the project is unwound.”
Savarino Companies celebrated a groundbreaking last year, and chose tenants for the 50 Ellicott St. site in May. It was to open up 55 homes between December of this year and February 2024.
Later this year, Savarino announced financial difficulties stemming from a deal gone wrong at Alfred State College, and shut down operations of his Savarino Companies, with the stipulation that Savarino Management would remain open. He did not contact city officials about the announcement or provide details about what that would mean for Ellicott Station, Tabelski said. Since then, the construction trailer was seen getting hauled off the property.
Since the project is not merely a privately funded one, and involves county and state funding, the process will likely start over with a new developer, which will also likely delay the entire timeline. It’s not up to the city as to who and how it proceeds from here.
“We do not have a say as to who the developer will be to take on the project; it’s a private transaction,” Tabelski said. “This is a complex project and complex situation, and whoever takes on the project will need to be a seasoned and skilled developer who can make the project and finances work. The City remains encouraged by the interest.”
There's a $50 reward for the safe return of this very sweet cat named Princess, an 11-year-old who went missing recently from her family's Raymond Avenue area home in Batavia.
Princess was adopted from a family member about a month ago and is not very familiar with the area, and does not like dogs or unfamiliar cats. She is fixed and is not wearing a collar. She began missing last Thursday night.
If you see her or know anything about her whereabouts, please call 585-297-9080.
File photo of City Councilman-at-large Bob Bialkowski, center, in Council Chambers at City Hall. Photo by Joanne Beck
For the second time on Monday, Bob Bialkowski took the opportunity to not only acknowledge the sacrifices of others given on Sept. 11 22 years ago, but to also pray that those first responders “inspire us to live bravely and courageously and to selflessly protect others in need.”
The City Councilman-at-large gave the opening prayer for the group’s monthly conference session Monday at City Hall. It was the only acknowledgment of 9/11 during the brief meeting, though it was followed by the pledge of allegiance, a longstanding city tradition.
He and other speakers emphasized the need for such memorials as key to preserving the history of 9/11 and the bravery displayed by countless first responders, fire and police personnel, military members, and ordinary citizens who rallied on an airplane to help divert further disaster.
As a prelude to the council meeting, Bialkowski’s words seemed contradictory to a time when many questioned the presence of outsiders on American soil.
“May we look to those who opened up their homes to the stranded and displaced that day to stir us to be more hospitable,” he said. “Having seen the face of evil and darkness, may we be steadfast and faithful, pursuing you as our perpetual light.”
The Town of Batavia was awarded a $730,000 Green Innovation Grant from the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation for a water meter replacement project that will occur at various locations throughout the Town of Batavia beginning the week of September 17, 2023.
This project will replace older water meters with new advanced metering infrastructure technology water meters which will increase water-use efficiency, reduce operational costs, and promote sustainable green infrastructure practices.
Residents and businesses with water meters that are required to be replaced will receive letters in the mail detailing what to expect and how to schedule your water meter replacement appointment.
In preparation for this project, the Town of Batavia Water Department will be locating and operating water curb-stop boxes near the road with blue flags at those locations. The Town kindly asks residents to leave the blue flags in place until the Town removes them.
For more information on this project, please visit the Town of Batavia’s website, or contact the Town’s Water Department by calling 585-343-1729, then select option 5.
Randy Starr, a fifth-generation family farmer, bailing hay on his farm in Pavlion in 2011. Photo by Howard Owens.
J. Randolf "Randy" Starr, 73, a fifth-generation farmer in Pavilion with an affection for running his family farm in some old-time ways, using older equipment, passed away on Sunday.
The Batavian wrote about Starr in 2011, and he explained his preference for older equipment (not that he rejected everything new) and taking a common-sense approach to farming.
"I always thought the old-timers knew what they were doing, Starr said. "Work hard, keep your nose clean, and you’ll be all right. This is just the way we go. It’s the way we do it. I wouldn’t recommend it to anybody else in the world, but it seems to work for us all right.”
Starr was born in Batavia in 1949, the son of George and Isabelle Rudgers Starr.
The Starr Farm on Starr Road in Pavilion celebrated its 200th anniversary in 2018.
The farm was started by Noah Starr, Randy's great-great-great grandfather, a Dutch immigrant who bought 270 acres in Pavilion from the Holland Land Office in 1818. He built a log cabin on the property when he first settled it. His son started construction on the first part of the current Starr home in 1890.
Randy was born to be a farmer.
After graduating from Pavilion High School, as did his wife, Cindy, he attended Alfred College in order to earn a degree in agriculture.
"For some foolish reason, I wanted to be a farmer all my life, and now here I am." Starr said in 2011. "I’m 61 years old. Was that the right move or not? Who knows?"
At the time of the article in 2011, Starr farmed 125 acres, growing wheat, barley, hay, oats and black beans. He also raised about 80 head of cattle.
Starr said he found the older equipment less of a hassle than a lot of modern equipment farmers use.
"My tractor breaks down, and their tractor breaks down; theirs is maybe a $50,000 fix, and mine is a piece of baling wire and something I can keep it going with."
He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Cindy Wellman Starr; his children, Christopher Starr and Sarah (Timothy) Kingdon; grandchildren, Evan and Collin Kingdon; sisters-in-law, Debbie Starr, Ann (Duane) Stehlar; special friends, Judd (Janet) Ewell, along with many nieces, nephews and dear friends.
Flags representing the shape of the Twin Towers in NYC adorn the front lawn of the Batavia VA Medical Center, which served as the site for a 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony Monday. Photo by Steve Ognibene
While many people went about their usual routines Monday, there were events happening across the country, including in Genesee County, to acknowledge and memorialize the date of Sept. 11 that has become so sacred to Americans.
And veteran John McCune attended one such ceremony, believing it is something to appreciate.
“There's nothing more important and special than the ceremonies that should take place across the country for each and every school child coming up so that they can remember and absolutely understand the impact that it had on our nation,” McCune said while at the Batavia VA Medical Center flagpole during a 9/11 ceremony. “How we were all, as Americans, were drawn together based on the fact that it was a need, and they followed up with that need for those heroes that lost their lives in those buildings, attempting to save those from the building fires and eventually lost their lives by the buildings toppling down on them.”
McCune was a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army, having served eight years. He believes that participating in such events is a “must-do” every year, “especially for our younger generation that’s up and coming so that they too will know and have the knowledge of the events that took more than 3,000 lives in New York City.”
The driveway into the VA was lined with people for the ceremony, and the front lawn was adorned with U.S. flags to represent the shape of the Twin Towers.
Lest anyone forget, from 911memorial.org: on Sept. 11, 2001, 19 terrorists associated with al-Qaeda, an Islamist extremist group, hijacked four commercial airplanes scheduled to fly from the East Coast to California.
In a coordinated attack that turned the planes into weapons, the terrorists intentionally flew two of the planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, a global business complex in New York City, causing the towers to collapse. They also flew a third plane into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense, in Arlington, Va.
Passengers and crew members on the fourth plane launched a counterattack, forcing the hijacker pilot—who was flying the airplane toward Washington, D.C.—to crash the plane into a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, near the town of Shanksville.
The 9/11 attacks killed 2,977 people. This was the single largest loss of life resulting from a foreign attack on American soil. The attacks caused the deaths of 441 first responders, the greatest loss of emergency responders on a single day in American history.
McCune commended state Senator George Borrello, who represents the 57th senate district, for also being at the ceremony, and for being “genuine” with his heartfelt remarks.
The Batavia VA federal facility was first on his to-do list for the day, Borrello said.
“It ties everything together — the sacrifices that had been made, literally for centuries by our military, with the attack on our nation, and the sacrifices that were made that day by people who just were going to work and not realizing that they were going to be part of what would be the war on terror,” he said.
So for him, it just seemed like the ideal opportunity to remind everyone of that sacrifice, he said, while at the VA, where veterans who served their country reside and receive services and treatment.
Those veterans, and Sept. 11, truly changed this nation, Borrello said.
“My fear is that our children are understanding that and understanding that the threat is still there, but the diligence is still required. And I have a lot of concerns about how the narrative has been twisted against our law enforcement,first responders and military, that they are no longer the heroes, the ones that are on the watch, guarding us, but they have somehow been, it has been twisted to them being the enemy,” he said. “And that’s what I spoke about today, because I look at someone who might be 25 - 30 years old who may have no memory of 9/11, but is now being told that somehow the police are racist, and this and that, and all these other negative things that are said about law enforcement, when the fact is, that it didn’t matter: race, creed, color, we were united, that the politics stopped at the water’s edge, that we all bleed the same color.
And that is what makes America great, is that diversity and the unity in that diversity.”
As a representative of the City of Batavia, Councilman-at-Large Bob Bialkowski praised the VA Medical Center, staffed by a “superb group of dedicated professionals and caring volunteers.”
The U.S. Army Aviation Reserves veteran turned to that fateful day, when a “vile act of terror was a stain on the heart to all of us.”
“Our country is hated by half of the world because we are free people. Freedom is the enemy of evil. And the evil people of the world will always be plotting against us to enslave us to their will. We are Americans, and history shows that we're the greatest protectors of freedom in the world,” Bialkowski said. “Today, let us remember all those brave and heroic Americans who lost their lives on 9/11, 2001. Service members, police, firefighters, medical and ordinary citizens. All Americans, first and foremost.
“In closing, the entrance to the main entrance going up the stairs, there's a garden, and there's figurines representing each member of each armed force. They’re all standing there saluting. They're looking down at the grass, and I'll picture 3,000 people on the lawn, where each flag is, picture a person standing there,” he said. “So on the way out, please remember this. We will never forget, and must always remain vigilant and fight evil. We are all Americans.”
NYS Senator George Borrello Photo by Steve Ognibene
Photo by Steve Ognibene
State Senator George Borrello addresses spectators and veterans during the 9/11 ceremony Monday at the VA Medical Center in Batavia. Photo by Steve Ognibene
City Councilman-at-large Bob Bialkowski reminds folks to "remain vigilant and fight evil" during 9/11 ceremony Monday. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Photo by Steve Ognibene
NYS Senator George Borrello speaks to U.S. Army veteran John McCune at 9/11 remembrance ceremony Monday at the VA Medical Center in Batavia. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Flags representing the shape of the Twin Towers have been placed on the grounds of the VA Medical Center in Batavia. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Photo of Bergen Business & Civil Association members with Principal Loftus, courtesy of Gretchen Spittler.
Press Release:
The week of August 28th started and ended with gratitude and generosity as Byron-Bergen Elementary School accepted donations of school supplies from two local organizations. On Tuesday, representatives from the Bergen Business and Civic Association (BBCA) delivered storage bins of supplies ranging from highlighters and headphones to tissues and cleaning supplies. On Thursday, the Brockport Elks Lodge #2110 delivered new backpacks, filled with folders, notebooks, pencils, pens, and tissues, all packed and ready for the first day of school.
“I’m overwhelmed by the support the BBCA and the Elks Lodge have shown our community,” said Elementary Principal Kristin Loftus. “All of these supplies go directly to our students and classrooms. We are so grateful to receive such an outpouring of generosity.”
The Bergen Business and Civic Association, founded in 1896, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the growth and enrichment of local businesses and residents within our community. This is the first year they collected school supplies to donate. BBCA member Nicky Russell came up with the idea. “We were feeling there were families who could use a little extra help, and here we are.”
It is an annual community service project for the Brockport Elks Lodge #2110 to donate school supplies, though this is the first year that Byron-Bergen has been the recipient. Every year the Elkettes, the women’s auxiliary group within the lodge, collect school supplies and monetary donations which they use to fill backpacks with standard back-to-school needs. “Every year I put out a box for donations,” said lodge member and Elkette Linda Woodworth. “People want to help the kids.”
All of the donated school supplies will be distributed directly to families or to Byron-Bergen Elementary School teachers for use in their classrooms.
Photo of Brockport Elks Lodge #1220 members with Principal Loftus, courtesy of Michelle MacKenzie.
Join us on Friday, September 29, and Thursday, October 19 at 7 p.m. as Connie Boyd shares the spooky, sinister, and weird documented stories from the West Side of Batavia's past. Come and listen to tales of murder, ghosts, body-snatching hangings, and abandoned cemeteries.
This presentation is the same as our Ghost Walk, perfect for those who don't want to or aren't able to go on our guided Ghost Walks. Tickets are $5/$3 for museum members. If you would like to attend please contact the museum at 585-343-4727.
“This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by GO ART!”
Please join the Holland Land Office Museum for a West Side Ghost Walk on Fridays in October. The walks led by Connie Boyd will take place on October 6, 13, 20, and 27 at 7 p.m. We will also be adding second walks beginning at 7:30 on October 6, 13, and 20.
Take a walk on the west side and hear tales of murders, hangings, grave robbing, ghosts, and other eerie happenings from Batavia's past. Hear stories of Joseph Ellicott, E. N. Rowell, and other famous and infamous Batavians.
Admission is $15.00 or $10.00 for museum members and reservations are required with purchase. Tours are limited to 20 people each. The tour begins and ends at the museum and is approximately 1 1/2 to two hours in length.
For tickets or more information, please call (585) 343-4727, email at hollandlandoffice@gmail.com, or stop by at 131 W. Main St. Batavia.
Submitted photo of David and Mary at 2011 Halloween Dance.
Press Release:
Byron Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary is very happy to announce that thanks to Morgan Leaton, our treasurer, and her mom, Debra Leaton along with other members of the Byron Fire Department, the Genesee County Dances for Adults with Developmental Disabilities that ended in 2016 are coming back to the Byron Fire Hall at 6467 Townline Road (Rt. 262), Byron.
Pat Iamon first organized the dances in 2002 and the dances continued for 14 years until her retirement as she lives in FL half the year. However, she will be helping Morgan and other volunteers get the dances up and running.
The first dance will be a Halloween Dance on Thursday, October 19, almost exactly 7 years from the date of the last dance. The dances are from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Folks are encouraged to wear their costumes and prepare for a fun-filled evening!
Unfortunately, Tom Mazerbo our fun-loving DJ passed away several years ago, but Uncle Joe, who was the photographer for many years, will now be acting as DJ. He will queue up some great dance tunes for the evening.
There will be a $5 cover charge (no charge for staff/parents/chaperones). Snacks and beverages will be available. We are asking each staff/parent/chaperone to sign in with their name and the names of the consumers they are bringing as they enter. Individual and group receipts will be available. Proper staffing is required!
The date for November’s dance has not been finalized yet but will be announced at the Halloween Dance. Iamon said, “I’m so happy that Morgan and her mom decided to head up this much-loved, multi-agency community event and I’m looking forward to seeing many familiar faces!”
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help please email Pat Iamon at: piamon@gmail.com.
Both teams scored all their points in the first half.
Jay Antinore was 7-19 passing for 111 yards with one TD reception. Gabe Castro gained 49 yards on the ground on 14 carries. Jaden Sherwood scored a TD on four receptions for 73 yards.
Oakfield-Alabama/Elba dominated York/Pavilion on Saturday for a 41-6 win in football.
Bodie Hyde ran 17 times for 219 yards and three touchdowns. On defense, he had eight tackles.
Shaun Alexander rushed for 42 yards on five carries and scored a TD.
Avery Watterson rushed 10 times for 102 yards and scored a TD. He had an interception on defense.
Gavin Armbrewter tossed a 15-yard pass to Carson Warner for a score.
Junior RB Jack Cianfrini - 5 Rushes, 65 Yards
On defense:
Ashton Bezon - nine tackles, four for a loss
Angelo Penna - seven tackles, two for a loss
Austin Pangrazio - six tackles, two for a loss
"Total team effort on all three sides of the ball from our squad today," said Head Coach Tyler Winter. "We were thankful York/Pavilion presented moments of adversity throughout the game, as we are still looking to see what we are going to do as a team when those moments happen."
Campers at Lei Ti Recreation Resort raised $9,283 for group serving veterans. From left are Sheila Hollwedel (Lei Ti owner), Val Rosehart, Gerald Sekuterski, Lauren Coe representing One Soldier at a Time, Elizabeth Skokowski, and Joe Bellardo. Submitted Photo
Press release:
Campers at Lei Ti Campground in Bethany held their annual auction fundraiser on Sept. 2 in support of One Soldier at a Time, and on Saturday, presented a check for $9,283 to Lauren Coe.
Coe said One Soldier at a time runs three primary programs. One provides gifts for wives and mothers of military members deployed overseas for Christmas, Valentine's and Mother's Day. Another provides care packages for soldiers on deployment. The third, which this donation benefits, assists veterans who are homeless, impoverished, in PTSD housing or in similar hardships with care products to take care of them from head to toe, from hair-care products to socks and shirts and ties, and for veterans who have passed, suits "so they can be buried with dignity."
Notre Dame will host our 2nd annual 5K Run on September 30. This will coincide with our ND’s Homecoming Football game vs. Geneseo/MM at 1 p.m. Alumni are welcome!
There will be a kid’s fun run starting at 10 a.m., with the 5K Run/Walk following at 11 a.m. Food and ice cream trucks will be available after the run.
The Elba Onion Queen Crowning ceremony will begin at 5 p.m. Saturday, September 23 at Elba Park. A short "caravan" will take the four contestants down Main Street, ending at the park for the Queen's crowning.
Adison Norton
Adison Norton is the daughter of Chirs and Sarah Norton and has a younger brother and sister. She is involved in volleyball, basketball, and softball. Adison participates in Multicultural Club, Yearbook Club, Student Athletic Association, and Pageturners at school. She has been the Treasurer of her class since Freshman year. She has also participated in the 4H Dairy Club for nine years. Adison enjoys reading and spending time with her family and friends. After graduation, Adison plans to attend a four-year school to study journalism and communications and pursue a career in sports journalism.
Emma Pangrazio
Emma Pangrazio is the daughter of Scott and Gail Pangrazio. She lives in Elba with her parents and brother David. She has participated in volleyball, JV softball and danced with Center Stage for 13 years. Emma has held the title of class President for several years. She is also involved in Student Council, Multicultural Club, National Honor Society and has been a high honor student. Her hobbies include reading, cooking, and spending time with family while traveling to different racetracks to cheer on her brother as he races. Emma would like to pursue becoming a professional photographer.
Halie Scouten
Halie Scouten is the daughter of Joseph and Nicole Scouten and has four brothers and two sisters, Owen, Caleb, Kyle, Liam, Morgan and Maddy. She is a part of National Honor Society, Student Athletic Assocation, Student Counsel, and has been a class officer. Halie also plays volleyball and basketball. She enjoys hiking, exploring new places, fishing, crafts, vacations with family, working at Starbucks, hanging out with her little brother, and shopping with her best friend. After high school Halie plans to attend college to study physical education and coaching while playing collegiate volleyball.
Madison Thompson
Madison Thompson is the daughter of Jeremy and Kim Thompson. She has participated in soccer and softball. Madison is also a member of Student Athletic Association, National Honor Society, and Multicultural Club. Outside of school she enjoys cooking, baking, photography, water sports, fishing and four wheeling. Madison is considering going into the field of business or becoming a radiologist/sonographer after graduation.
UR Medicine Imaging care is now available at UR Medicine’s Batavia Medical Campus, and a community open house will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 12. The event will be held at 7995 Call Parkway.
Services include CT scans and walk-in X-rays, and ultrasound imaging will be available beginning this winter. The practice is open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.
The new UR Medicine Medical Campus, which opened in May 2022, is also home to adult and pediatric allergy and immunology, neurosurgery, otolaryngology and audiology, oncology, urology clinics, and a primary care practice. Adding imaging services along with the specialty clinics brings comprehensive care into one convenient location for residents of Genesee, Wyoming, and Orleans counties.
Submitted photo of John Kinsella proudly displays a check for $50,000 he received from the Batavia Rotary Club in the 2023 fundraiser. Pictured with him are, from left, then club President John McGowan, Laurie Mastin, and Lisa Ormsbee, event chairs, and Mike Hodgins, chairman of the club's Scholarship Committee that awards $18,000 in college scholarships annually to area students.
Press Release:
The major fundraiser for the Batavia Rotary Club is underway, and once again a Corvette or $50,000 is the prize.
The first winner was announced on September 5 since an early bird component has been added. Early bird prizes are $500 each and will be drawn the first Tuesday of the month now through January. Early bird winners' tickets will be placed back into the drawing for the grand prize.
"This is the major fundraiser that allows our club to make so many contributions to the community, such as $18,000 in college scholarships to area students each year," said President Susie Ott.
Rotary is also contributing $250,000 toward the Healthy Living Campus under construction on Main Street, a joint project for the YMCA and United Memorial Medical Center.
Most recently, Rotary offered a $150,000 matching pledge for the renovation of the local hospital's Intensive Care Unit, Ott said. Rotary's motto is Service Above Self, she explained. Rotarians actively engage in projects to improve the local community. All proceeds from this fundraiser go toward community service projects.
"Fundraisers like this Corvette event are critical for helping us help others," said Lisa Ormsbee, who co-chairs the event with Laurie Mastin.
The winner may choose between a 2024 Corvette made available through Joe Basil Chevrolet or $50,000. In addition to the grand prize, there are 10 additional prizes of $500 each, Mastin explained. The early bird winners will be drawn monthly, then five $500 winners will be selected the night of the grand prize drawing on Jan. 19, and will be live on Facebook.
"Your odds of being an early bird winner are great because fewer tickets will have been sold early on," she observed. "So we encourage folks to go online and buy early."
Persons interested in purchasing tickets may go to www.bataviarotaryraffle.com or contact any Rotarian. Only 4,500 tickets are sold. For more information, go to www.bataviarotary.com
NOW HIRING seasonal agribusiness positions. CDL A & B Drivers to deliver bulk crop nutrients. Potential long-term opportunities. Great for retirees! GENERAL LABOR positions. Daily variety of indoor/outdoor responsibilities. Loader experience a plus. SIGN-ON BONUS and plenty of OT during spring/summer months. Apply in person at: 8610 Route 237, Stafford, NY www.cecrocker.com