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Commerce, Federal Drive, and Treadeasy Avenue to have road delays Oct. 11-12

By Press Release

Press Release:

Commerce Drive and Federal Drive will be paved on October 11 and 12 between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Paving will begin on Commerce Drive and Federal Drive. Once work is complete paving operations will move to Treadeasy Avenue (a portion of roadway between railroad tracks near Summit Lubricants TO city-line).

All efforts will be made to maintain access to and from the properties. Properties will experience delays in access while paving through driveways. 

Motorists will experience changing traffic patterns including one-way movements, temporary closures, and flagging operations as the paving project progresses. All efforts will be made to get motorists to and from their destination with minimum delay.

This work is weather-dependent. If work is delayed it will be rescheduled for the next available date. 

If there are any questions concerning this work, please, contact The Town of Batavia – Highway Department at (585) 343-1729 Extension 218. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

Two car accident with injuries reported in Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

A two-car accident with injuries is reported at Lake Street Road and Vallance Road in Le Roy.

Injuries are reported.

Le Roy Fire and Le Roy Ambulance dispatched. A second ambulance is requested to the scene.

Special day of blessings reaps few takers, serves its purpose

By Joanne Beck
Rev. Cathy Dempesy-Sims, Louie, Miss Maudie
The Rev. Cathy Dempesy-Sims, with Miss Maudie in front and Louie peeking out from behind, wasn't as busy as she'd hoped for an animal blessings event she hosted at St. James Episcopal Church Wednesday evening. A couple of canines showed up with their humans on the day (Oct. 4) made special by the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
Photo by Joanne Beck

Walk into the Rev. Cathy Dempesy-Sims’ office, and it becomes quickly evident why she would embrace an animal blessing event at St. James Episcopal Church.

Yes, perhaps she has a deeply embedded love of God’s creatures, so it would make sense that the church leader hosted the event Wednesday to provide comfort to those with pets and offer a memorial service for the ones that have died.

But to see her terrier Louie and pit bull-border collie mix Miss Maudie running around with balls and rubber bones amidst their comfy-looking pet beds — even one perched along the window cat-style — and jewel-toned metallic bowls (not two but three, because, you know, they may need treats), you know she means business.

“Pets are members of our family, and God, at the creation of humankind, told us to care for all of God’s creatures— we were even told to name all the animals (Genesis),” she said. “So I believe that God loves our pets and especially loves the bond between human and animal; it’s a sacred bond.” 

Unfortunately, only two humans came out to the blessing, each with a canine. Dempesy-Sims thought that maybe the sun-filled day and hot temperature kept people occupied doing other things. 

The blessing has been done on the weekend before, but she thought they would try it on the actual date of Oct. 4 this year, in honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, known for his care of all creatures.

As it was, Duke, a German shepherd-labrador retriever mix, and Bella, a pit bull-hound mix who had just been rescued and was in need of healing prayers to recover from worms, showed up. 

The blessing invoked a prayer, a reading from Genesis about it not being good for man to be alone, prompting God to make him a helper as his partner:

“So out of the ground the Lord God formed every animal of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.”

Participants were asked to care for their pets by feeding them, seeking out medical attention when needed, providing shelter from the weather, and protecting them in good times and bad, and continuing to love them and all creation as God continues to love the pet’s caretaker. 

Duke and Bella each received the blessing of St. Francis and God by name as a loyal companion.

Both of the reverend’s dogs are rescues, Louie from Buffalo Animal Shelter and Miss Maudie — she names all of her dogs after characters in “To Kill a Mockingbird” — came from a rescue in Dunkirk. 

“I rescue dogs (and previously donkeys and goats) because every being —human and animal — deserves a second chance at happiness,” Dempesy-Sims said. “Every time I rescue an animal, I ask myself, who rescued whom? My dogs have always rescued me more than I, them!” 

Silos 'will be coming down' after final redesign approvals, city manager says

By Joanne Beck
City Centre entryway on Main Street
A design rendering of Batavia City Centre's entrance from Main Street, courtesy of City of Batavia.

After what has seemed like a lengthy ordeal, a set of new, downscaled, and more affordable designs for the City Centre entryways have finally come back for final approval, City Manager Rachael Tabelski says.

This project has been time-consuming, especially since prior bids have been too high for the city’s allowance, and redesigns have had to incorporate different elements to adjust the price.

“Because the first round of designs came in way over budget. We didn't have to bid this out to realize we were over budget. We use a cost service company that kind of costs out your design and says, oh, this is what we think it'll cost, and it was higher than it needed to be,” she said to The Batavian Tuesday. “So we had to scale back a little bit on the design side, but we think we'll have a really nice project, and those silos will be coming down. 

“And we're going to be asking council to award those Tuesday.  It's going to be on a special conference, and then, hopefully, the business meeting (agenda).”

The four silos are separate tubed sections within each of the entryways of Batavia City Centre. They have been leaking and getting moldy, and city officials have wanted to change them out for quite some time.

They hit a snag when prior bids came in beyond their budget, and designs had to go back for revamping to reduce the scope and price tag. The city has set aside $1 million of grant money for the project.

City Council’s business meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10 at City Hall. 

In rare move, county legislators vote no to $100K request for motel purchase

By Joanne Beck

In less than a minute Wednesday, four Genesee County legislators did something that is rarely done during a committee meeting, likely ending the current plans of UConnectCare to purchase property on the outskirts of the county and convert it to transitional housing.

The legislators, led by Gary Maha, voted no to support UConnectCare CEO John Bennett’s request for $100,000 to purchase The Attican motel on Route 98.

Bennett’s agency was prepared to offer $800,000 for the property.

Gary Maha
Genesee County Legislator Gary Maha
Photo from county website

“I'm concerned with regards to this resolution. One is the assessment -- (the assistant county treasurer) checked on that for real property tax purposes. His property is assessed at $293,000. And yet the purchase price was three times as much as the assessment. Even with the adjustments, it's going to be assessed around $300,000. I have a concern with that,” Maha said during the Ways & Means session at the old County Courthouse. “And I know several residents in the area are concerned about the clientele presiding in that hotel, there’s children living in that area that back up the motel, and there’s an elementary school not too far down the road from that location, so I’m going to vote no to this resolution.”

Bennett had made the pitch during Monday’s Human Services meeting, and that committee passed along the resolution to Wednesday’s Ways & Means Committee for further consideration after Legislator Marianne Clattenburg spoke against the idea.

Among her concerns were the purchase offer of $800,000 for a property that was said on Monday to be assessed for $297,000, and would become nonprofit real estate to be taken off the tax rolls. She also questioned the value of the project and plan to turn yet another building into housing for people struggling with addiction, she said. 

UConnectCare, formerly Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, has other residential sites, and the agency doesn't seem to be gaining any ground with long-term successes, she said. 

While the majority of these resolutions typically get a yes from every legislator sitting on a committee before it goes to the full county Legislature for a final vote, this one was stopped in its tracks. 

Fellow committee members, legislators Gregg Torrey, John Deleo and Committee Chairwoman Clattenburg also voted no to the resolution for the same reasons as those stated by Maha, they said. That halts it from going any further. 

On Monday, Bennett said that if he did not receive the $100,000, that he would not pursue the plan to buy the building. He has $700,000 in funding now but wanted to get the county’s support, he said. 

Earlier Wednesday, Attica Village Mayor Nathan Montford said that he had felt a bit “blindsided” by the prospective motel purchase since he learned of it via social media and not directly from GCASA officials, he said.

“I wish I had found out from them first,” he said to The Batavian. 

 The Attican “gets utilized for a multitude of events,”  he said.  “I’d like to see it kept the way it is.” 

He didn’t want to comment too much before discussing the matter with Bennett, who apparently reached out to Montford after the initial meeting with county officials went public. Montford believed that they would be talking on Thursday afternoon. 

“There was some backlash,” Montford said, from both residents and businesses bringing forth more questions about the venture. “I have more questions. It’s worrisome when something like this gets brought to  us.”

One concern he has is that “I don’t believe our village has the resources” for the proposed planned use of the motel, he said.

Of course, with the resolution defeated, it all may be moot now. The Batavian reached out to Bennett after the meeting for response to Wednesday’s vote and asked about his plans for transitional housing and/or other types of programs and services. 

Sponsored Post: Reliant Real Estate wants to help you get started

By Lisa Ace
Reliant Real Estate

194 Washington Avenue, Batavia. Looking for a professional business setting? Look no further-this is a great space and offers so much exposure in an area that is revamping and expanding! This space offers a large reception/office, waiting area, 4 private offices and 2 baths. There is also an enclosed foyer and one office has its own entrance door for possibility of sublet. Great opportunity and also possible landlord open to discussions. Cal Reliant Real Estate today, call 585-344-HOME (4663).

Man reportedly dragged by car in Corfu

By Howard B. Owens

A man reportedly sustained abrasions and a possible dislocated shoulder after being dragged by a vehicle in Corfu.

The vehicle is reportedly heading east and Batavia patrols have been notified.  The driver is described as a darker-skinned Middle Eastern man.

Corfu Fire and Mercy EMS dispatched to Route 77 and Route 33. Law enforcement is on scene.

Batavia volleyball teams raise $2,200 for Genesee Cancer Assistance

By Howard B. Owens
volleyball pink game batavia high school

For the  second year on Tuesday, Batavia High School's volleyball teams, varsity and JV, hosted a "pink game" to raise money in support of Genesee Cancer Assistance.

The teams raised $2,200.

Statement provided by Sarah Gahagan:

Nick Grasso graciously accepted this donation on behalf of Genesee Cancer Assistance.  He reminded all spectators of how important it is to help out locally whenever possible. He reminded the spectators how expensive travel, treatment and other things people battling this disease need on a daily basis and how grateful our local recipients are to have events like this in their honor.

We would like to thank all of our local sponsors for donating baskets to support our team. 

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Photos by Steve Ognibene

batavia hs pink game volleyball
batavia hs pink game volleyball
batavia hs pink game volleyball
batavia hs pink game volleyball
batavia hs pink game volleyball
batavia hs pink game volleyball


Batavia Downs presents $23K to Breast Cancer Coalition, raised from event at track

By Howard B. Owens
batavia downs breast cancer
Photo by Howard Owens.

Press release:

Western Regional Off Track Betting (WROTB) President and CEO Henry Wojtaszek presented representatives from the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester (BCCR) with a check for $23,000 to help those who been affected by breast or gynecologic cancer.

On Aug. 18, a dinner and night at the races fundraiser with raffles to benefit the BCCR was held inside the Batavia Downs Clubhouse.   Businesses and donors located in Western NY sponsored several races that night.  Some monies came from the local harness racing community as some owners, trainers and drivers donated all or a portion of their earnings from the night to the BCCR.  Through the dinner, donations, raffles and auctions for items, the event raised $23,000

“We are honored to once again host this event that raises awareness and funds for the BCCR,” Wojtaszek said. “Their efforts fund research and do so much more.  The BCCR holds educational and support events to help raise awareness. They work hard to make sure that members of the community can come together to learn and receive support.   The BCCR advocates for legislation at the local, state, and national levels to help further along funding in the search for a cure.  This year the event held onsite was a success due to the continued hard work of their staff and ours.”

"On behalf of the Breast Cancer Coalition, we are deeply grateful for the astonishing effort Batavia Downs shows year after year. Of course, we appreciate all gifts to our organization, but it is particularly gratifying to have their support because they have never wavered,” said Holly Anderson, President and Executive Director of the Breast Cancer Coalition. “They connect with us well beyond October’s “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” and refer friends and family to our programs throughout the year. Moreover, they understand how difficult it is for a community-based organization to raise the critical funds necessary to offer our outstanding programs and services to grateful survivors across Central and Western New York. We can continue to serve our community because of Batavia Downs’ steadfast and ongoing partnership.”

batavia downs breast cancer
Photo by Howard Owens

Photo: Workers stop by Ellicott Station project

By Howard B. Owens
ellicott station work
Photo by Howard Owens

Three trucks were spotted at about 10 a.m. on Wednesday morning at the Ellicott Station construction project, which has stalled after developer Savarino Companies announced it was going out of business six weeks ago.

A supervisor said a work crew was on the roof completing a project. He said the work was being done because it needed to be completed and not in response to building code citations issued by the city, which The Batavian first reported about this morning.

At 11 a.m., the workers were seen departing the construction site.

There's also recently been some weed removal on the property.

Three college students accused of beating classmate over alleged Facebook messages

By Howard B. Owens
Diantha Danish Diarha Quandt

After one resident of College Village in Batavia accused another resident Sept. 24 of sending a message via Facebook to her aunt, she and two other young women allegedly jumped the female victim.

The victim reported sustaining a head injury and bruised ribs.

The three suspects were all charged with assault in the second degree.

Indya Denira Ford

According to a deposition provided Deputy Jonathan Dimmig, who investigated the case with Deputy Nicholas Chamoun, the victim was in her dorm room at 8:05 p.m. on Sept. 24 when her roommate told her somebody was at the front door to see her.

According to police documents, the three women at the door were Diantha Danish Diarha Quandt, 19, whom the victim said she only knows as "DiDi," and Indya Denira Ford, 22, and Evedshardeny Sealliah Domacasse, 18.

All three were charged following an investigation and all three reportedly reside at College Village.

Ford claims the victim started the fight and that she and Domacasse tried to break it up.

Evedshardeny Sealliah Domacasse

The victim told Dimmig that she stepped outside, at the request of Quandt, to talk.  She said her statement, "DiDi kept asking me if I sent something to her aunt through Facebook. I told her no and that I didn't understand her."

At that point, the victim's roommate came out of the dorm room and the victim said she told her roommate that everything was fine and she could go back in side.

"The girls kept asking me if I sent DiDi's aunt messages, which denied," the victim stated. 

A third person reportedly told DiDi that the victim had contacted her aunt and Quandt got that person on a speaker phone and that person stated the victim did contact Quandt's aunt.

Quandt then, according to the statement, set her phone and other items on the window sill near where they were standing.

"I put my hands in my head," she said. "While I had my head in my hands, I was able to see DiDi raise her arm as though she was going to hit me.  I then felt something hit the back of my head repeatedly. When I felt the first hit, I dropped to my knees and shielded my head and neck. I felt multiple people kicking me and pulling my hair. I stayed quiet and didn't fight back.  I began to feel dizzy and then (the roommate) came back out and began to push the girls off me."

She continued, "All three girls began laughing and kicking my phone and other property."

That night, she went to ER at UMMC to get evaluated for a continuous headache, dizziness, and nausea. 

She was told she sustained a closed head injury and bruised ribs. 

After she returned home, she tried to sleep in a temporary dorm room but when she laid down, she realized she couldn't lay her head on her left side due to pain in her left ear and neck. 

"The following day, my body felt sore all over. I still had a headache, and I was still suffering from nausea and dizziness," she wrote.

According to police documents, Ford told Dimmig that she and her friends were playing Uno when "DiDi" looked at her phone and started crying and ran out the door. She and Domacasse followed her, according to the statement. She said they tried to calm her down. 

"She just kept saying, 'I wanna have a conversation with her,'" according to the document.

Ford reportedly told Dimmig that Quandt and the victim were talking and that for "30 seconds I was froze," and then, the victim, she said, jumped at Quandt. 

"In a blink of an eye, they were fighting."

She claimed that she and Domacasse tried to break up the fight.

Quandt, Domacasse, and Ford were arrested the following day. All three were arraigned and ordered held on bail.

Annular eclipse viewing at Richmond Memorial Library

By Press Release

Press Release:

Join Richmond Memorial Library staff from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 14 to watch the partial Annular Eclipse! We will have our Sun Spotter telescope available for viewing, and science stations to learn about citizen science and how you can help record data for NASA. 

The event will include lawn games and Genny the Cow from the Chamber of Commerce will be on hand for pictures. Each registered participant will receive a free pair of eclipse glasses, too!

An Annular Eclipse occurs when the Moon obscures all but an outer ring of the Sun. For this reason, glasses must always be worn for viewing, even in areas that are in the direct path. 

GeneSEEtheEclipse commemorative ISO-certified-safe eclipse glasses will be given to each participant. When you look up, do NOT remove eye protection at any point. The moon will partially cover the sun. Looking directly at the sun can cause serious damage to your eyesight or blindness.

This event is free to attend, but please register at Richmond Memorial Library is located at 19 Ross Street in the City of Batavia.

Arc GLOW DSP wins state DSP award Joy Bookmiller’s passion is helping others.

By Press Release
Submitted photo of Joy Bookmiller (right) and Joe (left).

Press Release:

For the past 31 years, the Corfu resident has been working as a direct service professional (DSP) at Arc GLOW’s Day Habilitation Center in Elba. 

She helps each individual in her room with their daily person-centered goals. Bookmiller explores every chance to take individuals she supports out for community-based activities, and on nice weather days she maximizes every opportunity to help individuals to enjoy the extensive outdoor space at Elba Day Hab.

“When spending time at the site in Elba, Joy immediately stood out as one of the DSPs who truly took their role to support individuals seriously,” said Kelly Anstey, senior director of Day and Employment Services at Arc GLOW. 

“A coworker pointed out to me how Joy made every person feel as included in as many activities as possible how she always went the extra mile. I could see this,” Anstey continued. “She presented at once as very serious, but also compassionate and very passionate about serving people.”

It is little wonder then that Bookmiller has been selected as one of the four recipients of The Arc New York’s 2023 Thomas A. Maul Direct Support Professional Excellence Award. This is an annual award that recognizes a DSP who consistently demonstrates excellence, creativity, and commitment to providing support to people who have intellectual and other developmental disabilities.

Bookmiller works at Elba Day Habilitation, a program site certified to serve up to 100 individuals. Many of the individuals have relatively high support needs, including personal care, eating, navigating Elba and community sites, and extensive physical support needs.

“While some staff might have had difficultly in such a challenging daily environment, Joy was a dynamo of positive energy and care. She took everyone into her aura of love and activities, providing each individual a variety of different opportunities and experiences,” Anthony Lewandowski, retired Day Habilitation director shared in a letter of recommendation.

Sherri Raab, Day Habilitation director at Elba, said in her nomination Bookmiller has a strong connection to the individuals she works with. Raab gave the example is Bookmiller’s ability to use manual sign or specific signing for an individual who has become very comfortable with communicating with her. This individual has been learning more signing via working with Bookmiller and his speech pathologist and has expanded on his signing vocabulary.

“As she role models for other staff, her compassion and thoroughness shines through,” Raab said. “She
demonstrates that she loves what she does and that she wants that for her coworkers as well. Joy doesn’t just show by example, she also takes the extra time with new staff to really explain the importance of reading any necessary materials thoroughly, taking individuals’ personal goals into consideration and all around demonstrates an adherence to the core compentencies.” 

Bookmiller will be receiving the award Oct. 27 at the Crowne Plaza Desmond Hotel in Latham.

Submitted photo of Joy Bookmiller (right) and Joe (left).

GC Health hosts radon training November 15

By Press Release

Press Release:

Both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) have identified Genesee County as having a high average indoor radon screening level greater than 4 pCi/L (pico curies per liter). 

Radon can build up to dangerous levels in your home, which can occur in new homes or older homes. 

“Radon can enter your home through cracks in the foundation, cracks in basement walls, holes, joints, dirt floors, sump pump holes, suspended floors, and in the well-water supply,” stated Darren Brodie, Environmental Health Director for Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health). 

“Any house that has contact with the ground has the potential for radon to enter the home. That is why training contractors and code enforcement officers about the risk of radon is important.” 

On Wednesday, Nov. 15 from 1 - 4 p.m., the Genesee County Health Department will be hosting George Schambach, the Vice President of the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologies, Inc., and President/Owner of Professional Home Inspection Service to implement a training for all contractors and code enforcement officers. 

This training will be held at the Genesee County Emergency Management Office on 7690 State Street Road, Batavia.

Topics will include: 

  • Radon Measurement
  • Radon Mitigation
  • Radon Abatement
  • Health Risks of Radon to Construction Personnel

This training is free of charge. Any Contractor or Code Enforcement Officer interested in attending can contact Allysa Pascoe at 585-344-2580 x5508 to register. For more information on radon or other GO Health programs and services, visit

Arc GLOW seeking donations for fall basket raffle

By Press Release

Press Release:

Arc GLOW will be holding its annual Arc GLOW Fall Basket Raffle on Nov. 10 and 11.

Currently, Arc GLOW is seeking theme basket and gift card donations, with a starting value of $25. They can be dropped off at Arc GLOW Community Center, located at 38 Woodrow Road in Batavia, Arc GLOW’s Genesee County administrative office at 64 Walnut St. in Batavia, or at Arc GLOW’s headquarters at 18 Main St. in Mt. Morris.

Funds raised from the basket raffle help support Arc GLOW’s programs and services for children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families across the agency’s four-county service area.

The basket raffle will be held at the Arc GLOW Community Center on November 10 from 4 - 6 p.m. and November 11 from 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. with drawings immediately following.

For questions, please contact Tracey Jones at or (585) 343-1123 ext. 1735.

Batavia city fire department testing fire hydrants October 5

By Press Release

Press Release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department will be flow-testing fire hydrants on Thursday, Oct. 5 from approximately 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This will affect the entire city. Homes and businesses nearby will be affected.  These tests may result in a temporary discoloration of water in that area.  As in the past, please do not attempt to wash any clothing if your water appears discolored.  If you do experience a discoloration of your water, run cold water for about 5 minutes or until clear.

This annual testing is essential to maintain the community class III Insurance Services Office (ISO) public protection classification and to assure that fire hydrants are operating efficiently for fire protection purposes. Along with maintaining the fire rating, the test monitors the health of the city's water system, identifies weak areas in the system, and removes material that settles in the water lines. Checking each hydrant improves fire department personnel's knowledge of the hydrant locations.

If you have any questions or should notice a hydrant in need of repair, please contact the fire department at 585-345-6375.

GCEDC board to consider $15 million apartment complex in Pembroke

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) board of directors will consider an initial resolution for Country Side Apartments LLC’s proposed four 24-unit market rate apartment buildings at its board meeting on Thursday, October 5. The project’s capital investment is estimated at $15 million and would be located in the town of Pembroke.

The project is requesting assistance from the GCEDC with a sales tax exemption estimated at $739,200, a property tax abatement estimated at $2,020,688 based on the incremental increase in assessed value via a fixed 60% 20-year PILOT (Housing PILOT for 20+ market-rate units), and a mortgage tax exemption estimated at $130,000.

Each building will have eight 1-bedroom and 16 2-bedroom units, totaling 96 units throughout the complex. The project aligns with the Genesee County Economic Development Center's recognized need for housing availability.

The fiscal impacts on local benefits total $10,032,176 ($8,705,683 in temporary and ongoing payroll and $1,326,493 to the public in tax revenues). For every $1 of public benefit, the company is investing $5 into the local economy.

If the project application is accepted, a public hearing will be scheduled on the proposed project agreement in the town of Pembroke.

The October 5, GCEDC board meeting will be held at 4 p.m. at the MedTech Center’s Innovation Zone, 99 MedTech Drive, Batavia. Meeting materials and links to a live stream/on-demand recording of the meeting is available at

Previously: Shadow of Ellicott Station throws shade on apartment plan for Pembroke, developer promises no low-income housing

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