NOTE: This is the fifth of seven stories The Batavian will publish today and tomorrow (Friday and Saturday) about this year's Chamber of Commerce award winners. The awards will be presented on Saturday evening at Batavia Downs. Tickets are still available for the event.
When Mickey Charters was pursuing her bachelor’s at Brockport State College, a professor said something she never forgot: you give back to the community.
“That always stuck with me. As a child or in high school I never volunteered, but in college, yes. Once you give back, it’s so easy, it’s a flow you just go along with it,” she said during an interview with The Batavian. “It started out with that, working with people with dementia.”
Charters, who lived in Brockport before moving to Bergen 24 years ago, has certainly latched onto that ideology. Describing herself as a “late bloomer,” she earned her degree in therapeutic recreation one class at a time after her children were in high school and took her first job in a nursing home working with people with dementia.
She has since devoted her skills of calm restraint — required to do this type of compassionate endeavor — whether it was helping to take care of her uncle, working or volunteering in the field, including at Office for the Aging, Alzheimer’s Association, Crossroads House and a grassroots respite program based at Batavia First Presbyterian Church.
It is that dedicated background and ongoing community service that has earned Charters the county’s Chamber of Commerce Geneseean of the Year Award. While she feels a bit shy and humbled by the attention, Charters is finding that “it actually feels good.”
“You know, all my friends are just really, really happy, and I'm happy to see them happy,” she said. “And I know I do a lot of work for my respite program, but I don't call that work. I just call it the love for people. That's how I enjoy that.”
It may not be a surprise that Charters is an animal lover, citing the beloved creatures — especially dogs and cats — for keeping her grounded. “I love taking care of them,” she said, as one answer to what she likes to do for fun. Dog-sitting happened to include the white Pyrenees in her charge this particular day. Add to that going for drives and weekend jaunts with husband Jamie, who is the other half of what she feels is still a “newlywed” couple.
They met at Crossroads House, where Jamie had been volunteering. Charters was volunteering for Visiting Nurses Association and followed a woman who went to Crossroads as the next chapter of her journey. The nonprofit’s founder, Kathy Panepento, asked Charters if she’d like to be a regular at the house, and she accepted.
To this day, she and Jamie have a “date night,” volunteering there on Saturdays, visiting with residents, reading to them, combing their hair, polishing their nails, and chatting with family members.
“I would probably say, make them feel special. They're getting ready for their next journey,” she said. “We want them to look nice. We want them to smell nice. We want them to feel comfortable.”
They’ve been having that traditional date for at least 13 years and were married nine years ago.
What keeps you going when encountering people going through challenging times as dementia, Alzheimer’s and facing that next chapter? “Most definitely my faith. I think you have to have some type of faith, whether it’s God or out in the woods. You have to have something,” she said. “You can’t just go from one person passing away to another person passing away. You have to clear your mind. I think you have to do that. But you can clear it any way that makes you comfortable. Some people like to just walk out in the woods. I like to do that in the spring and summer. I don’t like to do it during the winter … I just, I’ll sit and not really meditate, but I can just think, as in meditation, to clear my mind.”
As for the respite program, the one she operates is one of four in Genesee County, with others at St. James Episcopal Church in Batavia and at sites in Corfu and Le Roy. The program offers caregivers an opportunity to take a break while their loved ones are cared for by trained volunteers from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. once a month.
The routine includes social time with coffee, tea, juice and cookies; a craft; a hot meal for lunch; an exercise session; a game of Bingo; and a music sing-a-long. Charters aims to keep it routine so as not to disrupt the pattern for guest attendees. They need to be mobile and able to use a restroom, and volunteers do not administer medications, she said.
Yes, even while talking about this award, Charters wanted to promote this program. She and others hope to spread the word and help more caregivers to get a break in their own routines to go shopping, run errands, make doctor appointments and take care of things they may not be able to otherwise.
Aside from that positive aspect, Charters is also happy to share that this program “costs nothing” to participants. And she has a whopping 16 volunteers ready and able to be there when needed.
Why has this population drawn you in? “They are people too, and a lot of people didn’t know how to communicate with them,” she said. “And you just had to have patience and perseverance with them and shoe that you are the kind person and help them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it didn’t, but it was easy to change their thought process because it goes so fast, and they know that you’re a kind person, inside their heart, they know.”
So does Genesee County.
For more information about the respite program, call 585-343-0505.
NOTE: This is the fourth of seven stories The Batavian will publish today and tomorrow (Friday and Saturday) about this year's Chamber of Commerce award winners. The awards will be presented on Saturday evening at Batavia Downs. Tickets are still available for the event.
A talk with Peggy Marone, longtime director of Leadership Genesee, first meant a history lesson of her parents’ impressive local civic and professional lives: dad was chief pharmacist, the only one, at the former Genesee Memorial Hospital, and mom was a teacher of grades four and six at St. Anthony’s and became the hospital’s medical librarian.
Her mom, the late Esther Marone, was instrumental in the founding of Literacy Volunteers in Genesee County — by now, one may wonder what any of that has to do with Peggy’s recent accolade from the county’s Chamber of Commerce. While these people certainly served as role models and inspiration for her, they also delayed the inevitable for the modest leader, preferring to give credit to others than to herself.
"I knew that a very important value for me was fair and equitable. I put those two words together because it's really something that, it's been a touchstone of mine for a long, long time,” she said during an interview with The Batavian, sharing that’s in part how her folks influenced her. “When people aren't treated fairly or equitably, it really rubs me wrong. So I knew I wanted to do something along those lines.”
There will be no evading the limelight during the Wolcott “Jay” Humphrey III Excellence in Community Leadership Award presentation on Saturday during this year’s 53rd annual Chamber Awards Ceremony at Batavia Downs.
Named after Humphrey, who was president of the former Wyoming County Bank, this award exemplifies how he was extremely involved in the community as a volunteer who encouraged his employees to develop a commitment to volunteerism and community. He was a visionary who could see the big picture and made real improvements to his passionate beliefs, chamber staff said.
Marone remembers when she met him, albeit for how briefly they knew each other.
“He was pretty instrumental in getting Leadership Genesee going,” she said. “The next day, he died. I served on the Humphrey Symposium Committee for one or two years.”
After high school, Marone went on to St. Bonaventure for psychology (if for no better reason than because a guy she was dating was a psych major, she said), and it would seem as though all of those courses paid off in how she relates to people.
She got into Human Resources “by accident” and discovered how, in lieu of being the big boss talking to a group from the front of the room, she wanted to “draw out of people” their personalities, thoughts, and gifts.
“I learned how to get the best out of people,” she said.
Marone had a string of jobs, opening up hotels, finessing her organization skills, working in Human Resources for Chapin and at Marriott in Amherst.
“Whatever I was doing, I was learning. It was as if the stars aligned,” she said of the offer to take on Leadership Genesee. “I tell people all the time I've looked at everything I've done, I may not have gone after a job specifically because I thought, Oh, that's it. That's the one I want. Except this one. This was the one that I knew was what my life had been preparing me for.”
Was there a learning curve, or did you take the ball and run with it? “That's a good question because when I started, my marching orders were to run it like my own business. There was really no template. What I started off doing was spending time with the other leadership programs, leadership Buffalo, Rochester, Niagara, and I would go and spend a day with them on their day session and watch what they did. What did their agenda look like, how did they interface with their participants? How do you keep your alumni involved? I just went and asked tons of questions of everybody,” she said. “And then when the first class graduated, I interviewed every single one of them, and I asked them how the year went for them. What were the hits, what were the misses? How did it affect you personally, and where do you think we should go with this?
"So I knew I had to develop an organization. So I had committees from the first class and design teams, and we would write learning outcomes and goals and action plans," she said. "And so we kept ourselves really on track to create things for the next year. So we recruited a class. You know, we just did one thing after another, left, right, left, right is what we did.”
She tried to glean the best advice from leadership directors in those neighboring counties, while staying true to what Genesee County needed. Those groups had memberships of up to 90, which Marone deemed too large to be valuable for each participant, so class size was kept to 30.
As she likes to say: “left, right, left, right.” Just put one foot in front of the other and keep going.
Talk about trial by fire — Marone began the day before 9/11. Not only was that a frightening and confusing time for folks, but also a difficult period to begin a fundraising program and rally people’s motivation.
“I had to double my efforts and ask people not to give up on us,” she said at her second-floor office. “I was always recruiting. I've recruited out this window, because we had some guys working out here. One of them had been an alum. His brother was out here with him. I opened the window. I said, 'Who is this?' That's my brother Pork. Pork, when are you gonna do Leadership Genesee, your brother went through Leadership Genesee, when are you? And he did.”
Those dreadful Covid days were the most rough and tumble of them all, she said, but they continued on — left, right, left, right — having Zoom sessions with “wear a funny hat” day and other silly things to keep morale up and for a laugh, she said.
Primary goals are to encourage their leader within and recognize their own value system, she said. Attendance dipped during the pandemic, and it’s already back up to steady numbers of 25 to 30 per class.
What has been key to the success of the program? “All the alumni,” she said. “So we pretty much get new alumni that join committees or stay on or participate. It’s a core group that enjoys what they’re doing.”
As for her values, those terms “fair and equitable” have been a touchstone to guide her path. That’s what instantly drew her to become a “Star Trek” fan in college, watching episodes in the skeller with a beer after dinner.
“Because of the diversity and inclusiveness,” she said, her back to her computer’s Trekkie screen saver. “They were so brave to do that in (the 1970s). It was awesome. I really like people. I really do, and I care very much about them. I care very much about, you know, how people view themselves. I always want them to feel good about themselves.”
Leadership is a year-long class that provides people with opportunities to network, volunteer, and learn about the county and its offerings while encouraging each individual’s leader within.
“And the biggest thing is … what is your value system and how do you live the values that you have?” she said. “I don't think people think about their value system either, but that's my organizational development kind of mind and HR mind that I encourage people to do that.”
There are 627 graduates so far, and each class is framed and hung on Marone’s office wall, and hand-decorated beads, strung together and sitting in a bowl on her desk, represent each of those class members that represent a success story.
What do you get out of this? “Oh my gosh. A real sense of accomplishment. I mean, if I can affect one person's outlook on themselves to be more positive, to help them, you know, help connect dots for them, I mean, that's awesome. It’s really about them,” she said. “And for the community, I want to see Genesee County be in a better place as much as possible, so it keeps going for the generations to come.”
She lives with her daughter Nikole Marone in Batavia and also works part-time as a business manager at St. Joseph’s Regional School.
NOTE: This is the third of seven stories The Batavian will publish today and tomorrow (Friday and Saturday) about this year's Chamber of Commerce award winners. The awards will be presented on Saturday evening at Batavia Downs. Tickets are still available for the event.
The secret to success isn't complicated, the way Jeff Heubusch explains it: Offer people a good product at a fair price with a friendly smile, and they will keep coming back.
That's what he and his crew at Southside Deli have done for more than 35 years.
His assistant manager, Denny Schultz, who has worked at Southside for 24 years, explained it best.
"He's consistent," Schultz said. "He's here all the time. He lives at the store. If anyone comes in from the community, they know how hard he works. He's compassionate for his customers. He's instilled it in me, as well. You want every customer to feel welcome and special. You learn their names. You get a good rapport with returning customers."
It's that commitment and that success that led to Southside Deli being named Genesee County's Small Business of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce.
Heubusch said the award is a big honor that recognizes the reputation Southside has gained in the community.
"This side of town has always had a bad rap kind of reputation in the community, and I don't see that. I see compassion. I see humble people who just need to be accepted," Heubusch said. "It's definitely changed over the years, but for the better."
The store, as any regular knows, represents Batavia's diversity. Every segment of Batavia's community visits the store daily, either for a sub, snacks, drinks, or some essential grocery item.
That wasn't an aspect of the business Heubusch necessarily anticipated when he bought the location more than three decades ago but it's a big part of what he enjoys about the business.
"I think over the years, it has become a passion. It's something you have to grow into," Heubusch said. "When I came into this business, I didn't know much. Everything was trial and error. You listen to your customers and get their needs, get them in here, and give them a fair price. It's and they come back. People don't want just a deli; it's a place you can go to, and everybody's happy. It's just a great atmosphere. And we developed that over the years, and I got great help here. They're compassionate, they care."
As a young man, Heubusch spent 12 years working in a salt mine. He only quit when a mining accident nearly took his life.
His year-long recuperation gave him time to reflect and reassess what he wanted to do with his life.
Heubusch, the son of a miner, purchased Southside Deli two years before the accident. He kept his mining job even as he tried to build the deli business. Digging out the salt of the earth so motorists could drive on de-iced asphalt offered Heubusch a sense of security not available to entrepreneurs. He didn't want to give up that steady paycheck and good benefits while trying to build his own business.
While convalescing, Heubusch said to himself, "Am I going to lay on this couch the rest of my life and live on comp or Social Security disability?"
"Once I was able to get around and be productive, that's when I said, really, 'it's all or nothing.' "
Born in Wyoming County, Heubusch graduated from Warsaw High School in 1977. He was 17 and couldn't get a job, so he went to work in his mother's upholstery business.
When he turned 18, he got his first job in a salt mine.
He was laid off, rehired, laid off and rehired again a couple of times over the next few years. During that time, he also worked for U.S. Gypsum and Le Roy Machine.
He bought a house in Batavia, and when he started working in the mine again, his daily commute took him down Ellicott Street.
Every day, he would drive past Southside Deli (Heubusch kept the name from the previous owner; In the 19th Century, it was Ebling Meat Market and the location has always been some sort of market).
On the second floor of the building is a balcony. As he drove by each day, Heubusch would see a for sale sign hanging from the balcony rail.
That got his mind working.
"I'd see it and think to myself, 'Man, I'd love to work for myself.' I kept seeing that, fueling my idea of what I would do if I owned that."
There's a reason working in a salt mine is a metaphor in our culture's lexicon for arduous work. It's hard labor.
In flush times, Heubusch worked 10 to 12-hour days, seven days a week.
"There were days I never saw daylight."
One day, finally, he called a realtor and got the ball rolling.
Escrow closed Aug. 10, 1989. Heubusch opened Southside Deli for the first time under his ownership four days later.
Besides figuring out the deli business and making a great meal, Heubusch learned how to hire the right help, people who naturally walk in with good attitudes and friendly smiles.
"I've got my hardcore of people, but people graduate from high school, they go to college, they move out of the area, they get married, but for the most part, I've got a very good core of employees that actually help the newbies," Heubusch said. "All my employees who have ever left said this was like their favorite job. They were young, and they would learn. They would become more social. They would learn the aspects of how business works and be able to talk to people, and it was a very, very great learning experience for them, and they moved on. I've got people who worked here who are now doctors and lawyers."
Schultz said he and the rest of the Southside crew are proud to see the deli get recognition from the Chamber.
"It's huge, especially for him, you know, but for us too, especially a lot of us long-standing people," Schultz said. "It's almost like validation of just how hard he's worked, and we've worked to be a successful business. We're Team Deli."
Tom, Tracy, Spencer, and Michael Gadd. Photo by Howard Owens.
NOTE: This is the second of seven stories The Batavian will publish today and tomorrow (Friday and Saturday) about this year's Chamber of Commerce award winners. The awards will be presented on Saturday evening at Batavia Downs. There are tickets still available to the event.
In every sense of the term, Alexander Equipment, 3266 Buffalo St., Alexander, is a family business.
"The only problem with our industry is that it's gotten where all these big companies have gotten bigger, and people are just numbers," said Tom Gadd, second-generation co-owner. "They've lost their touch. I mean, it's really just like texting. I don't get into texting. I'd rather talk to somebody. You know, it's just because it's my age, but people like to deal with people, and people don't realize it anymore. Everybody's not just a number. I mean, I know some of these bigger companies employees that are there, they're like, 'We're just numbers there. We're a spot to fill it.’ I mean, it's just they lose that closeness, I guess. So, maybe you've seen it in your business, I don't know, but it's just nice when it's smaller and people know everybody a little bit better."
Gadd's parents, with the support of their parents, purchased Alexander Garage in 1972. Gadd and his brothers grew up in the business. Today, the business is run by Tom, his wife Tracy, and sons Spencer and Michael (Tom and Tracy also have two adult daughters, Taylor and Emily).
Spencer and Michael also grew up in the business and came back to it after graduating from college. Michael has a degree in engineering, and Spencer has an MBA.
“The boys are coming in. They've got different ideas and are much better with technology," Tracy said. "Their whole generation is good with advertising on Instagram and all of those things, and they're much better with new ideas of how to do things. But I feel like we have a pretty good mix as far as hanging on to our core values and what grandma and grandpa instilled in mom and dad and instilled in their boys, and still being able to move forward."
That attention to core values and changing with the times is among the reasons Alexander Equipment will be honored by the Chamber of Commerce on Saturday as the Agricultural Business of the Year.
Coming out of high school, Tom Gadd wasn't focused on joining the family business. He became a paramedic, a career path he enjoyed (and continued as a volunteer with the Alexander Fire Department), but 10 years into his career, his mother was diagnosed with cancer. That drew both Tom and Tracy into the business as Tom's parents stepped back.
That was in 1995. They've been running the business since.
"This wasn't the route that I was anticipating, but when mom got sick and they needed somebody, we would kind of come in and help out," Tracy said. "I did it after hours for a while, and then she decided that she probably wasn't going to come back, so I started working full time."
Tracy said Tom's grandparents always had a farm in Pembroke, and his mom grew up on the farm.
"I think they wanted to try something business-wise, a little different than farming," Tracy said. "Grandma and Grandpa, I don't think, were real involved in the day-to-day stuff. They were kind of like a silent partner. I would say Mom and Dad kind of took it and flew with it."
In the early days, Alexander Equipment was a Chalmers dealer with a focus on agriculture. Parts and repairs have always been part of the business, as well. While farmers still remain an important customer base, the residential side of the business has grown over the years, especially with Alexander Equipment carrying Kubota products.
At Alexander Equipment, employees are also part of the family.
There's Kenny, for example, in the parts department. "He's been here forever, so he's like a brother," Tom said. "A couple of his kids are Goddaughters."
For years, Alexander Equipment has had a good relationship with the high school, and some students have come to work for the shop, including one kid, now 16, who has been working there for two years.
"He's a really good kid," Tracy said.
"We have another woman who, as a young lady, helped here. She's my age, but she was in our wedding," Tracy said. "She worked here when we got married then left for a while, was raising her family, and has since come back. She works just part-time, but she knows everyone. She knows the business. She does real estate on the side. Two of their girls are our Godchildren. So it really is very family-oriented."
Tracy noted that the family feeling creates a better atmosphere for customers.
"We've got a lot of customers who have been here for a long time, and that's what we try to get when people come in. We want them to feel like they're walking into some place they know and can be comfortable at. And obviously, that's family."
The Chamber Award caught the Gadds by surprise, Tracy said.
"It was completely unexpected. We didn't know that we'd been nominated or anything else," Tracy said. "It's heartwarming. It's a little bit humbling just to know that people think of us that way and think that we're an example, I would say, or that we're good people -- it's hard to put in words. It's overwhelming, a little bit, you know. It makes you feel like you have a responsibility to do better."
NOTE: This is the first of seven stories The Batavian will publish today and tomorrow (Friday and Saturday) about this year's Chamber of Commerce award winners. The awards will be presented on Saturday evening at Batavia Downs. There are tickets still available to the event.
In just a handful of years, Kate Willson has established herself as a beauty entrepreneur to be reckoned with.
She has taken one business and added another a half mile down Main Street, creating hair, spa, and shopping experiences for her customers and employment for a dozen talented people in downtown Batavia.
Then again, Willson has been no stranger to the concept of putting in the effort for the rewards.
“Growing up in a blue-collar family, hard work was always modeled to me. From the moment I got my working papers, I was on a mission to work hard and earn my own money. I was always the friend that missed events or arrived late because I valued work,” she said. “To this day, I'm grateful that I was shown what it was like to work hard. From my mom to past employers, I saw women creating income and having fun doing it. I'm grateful to say my entrepreneurial spirit has always been second nature, and my businesses are a labor of love. I love getting to serve this community with amazing beauty services.”
And serve she has, with Meraki Beauty, and her more recent venture that opened in July 2024, The Beauty Lounge by Meraki. Both endeavors have earned her an impressive nod with the Chamber of Commerce’s Entrepreneurial Business of the Year Award. The chamber awards dinner is on Saturday at Batavia Downs.
According to her website, "Meraki" means “to put love, creativity and soul into everything you do.” That has been Willson’s objective with her hair salon and then the spa and boutique, which she wanted to complement the next-door neighbor of Charles Men’s Shop.
In addition to offering luxury spa services, the space has been opened up in front for a reception area and half of it is a boutique for clothing, with another portion dedicated to an assortment of pampering products such as candles, body whips and butters, delicate chains with charms and jewelry with essential oil sprays from local vendors, plus a jewelry station.
Her current philosophy is to “follow your heart and do what feels right,” she said.
“I follow that in life and in business; I believe we are all different, and we have to pivot when we feel called,” she said. “That is how all my businesses and my life have been created — following the little ideas and keeping my mind open.”
She had an open mind when first opening The Beauty Lounge, as she opted to accommodate many disgruntled customers left holding gift cards purchased from the former business that abruptly closed after the holidays. She offered a 50% value for the gift cards that were not purchased from her business. As one nomination form stated, “She is open, honest, she is loyal to her customers and will go out of her way to make you feel special and she has taught the other employees at her salon to be the same way.”
She chose the beauty industry because of her love for “building up other women.”
“Whether that’s my team or those that come to experience Meraki Beauty and The Beauty Lounge. Through my businesses in the beauty industry, I’m able to bring the community a place where women can go to feel welcome and leave feeling fully recharged and beautiful from the inside out,” she said. “That’s my favorite part of it; the amazing relationships that I have with my team and with our clients.”
Not that running your own business doesn’t have its challenges, she said. That have been many when it came to growing the first and second versions of Meraki. Launching the spa and boutique proved to be very demanding of her time, and Willson has been learning “the art of delegation” more each day, she said.
“It can be hard at first, and there have been so many skills I’ve had to learn that don’t come naturally to me. However, once you take the time as a leader to learn that each person on your team has unique strengths, knowing which tasks to pass on to others eventually becomes second nature,” she said. “Asking for help from people wiser than myself has been incredibly helpful in growing the businesses. My mom and many of my past employers have shaped me into who I am today. I am also incredibly blessed to have amazing women who sit in my chair each day, and I’m honored to draw so much wisdom from them.
“As a leader, my hope is that I'm able to help all of my employees create beautiful lives, a great work-life balance, and build a solid group of women who support each other,” she said. “Very recently, my family had a traumatic loss of a loved one, and it's never been more apparent to me how solid my team is, how much they care for each other and for me so well. This award was truly earned by every team member within our walls. They inspire me each day to keep putting in the work.”
Because it does take that hard work and doesn’t just happen by accident, she said, her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is to “know what you’re getting into before you jump in.” Do the research, talk to others who achieved the goals you’re after, start small, grow your confidence and skills and pivot as opportunities present themselves.
From the way she talks about her staff and husband, Willson also seems to have a strong support system, and she credits them all for part of her success. As she has been embraced as a positive role model for young women in her salon and for being an astute businesswoman, Willson recognizes the strength of her “amazing” workmates and life partner — her husband, who is “always down for my next idea.”
“My husband and I love bringing these elevated experiences to our local area, so I definitely could see more in time, but right now, my joke to him is that the next business is his idea and his baby because this girl is busy,” she said.
Byron Brown, President and CEO of Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp. Photo by Howard Owens.
When board members of the Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corporation walked into the meeting room at Batavia Downs on Thursday morning, they found at their assigned seats a bit of a surprise.
There was a 13-page book containing 10 proposals to reform policies for the organization.
The booklet, said CEO Byron Brown, was the result of two months of work with his executive staff to identify areas of concern and propose suggestions for policy changes.
"We have been looking at concerns that have been expressed about the operation of Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corporation since I've been here as CEO," Brown said after a closed session meeting where most of his proposals were approved by the board. "We've done a top-to-bottom review so we can be more transparent as an organization, to look at ways to reduce expenses in the organization and drive greater profitability, and the reforms are around those items."
For the past few years, the OTB has been beset by a number of controversies, including how free tickets to sporting events are distributed, executive compensation and buyouts, health insurance, travel expenses, and management participation in tip distribution.
The policy changes also address some less public issues, such as how raises are handled and the distribution of free play cards and gift cards.
Brown thinks if his new policies had been in place years ago, some of the public controversies could have been avoided.
"I have worked very closely with the board and the staff," Brown said. "The board was very open to looking at these issues and felt very positive that these reforms and these new policies will really strengthen the operation of Western Regional Off-track Betting Corporation."
The booklet also contained a bullet-point list of some of the reforms Brown has already initiated as the corporation's new CEO, such as tighter controls on how requests for sponsorships by area charities are handled and monthly reporting on advertising spending for broadcast.
Erie County rep pleased with reservations The policy revisions were welcomed by Tim Callan, the Erie County representative on the board who has been perhaps the most persistent voice seeking reform since the board was reconstituted by the state Legislature more than a year ago.
"I'm very pleased with what Byron has done here," Callan said. "A couple of the items in the reform agenda -- about travel and changing the travel policy to get some things back under control there, changing and updating the procurement policy -- these were things that throughout last year I had been raising questions about. The sponsorship program, where the corporation gives sponsorships and donations to various groups, I've been raising a lot of questions about that. So to see that those three areas are being addressed by the new management team, I'm very happy to see that."
Callan, ever a stickler for details, does have concerns about how the reform package was brought to the board, and in the closed-door discussion (which he is also concerned about), he objected to two proposed policy proposals, which the board ultimately did not support.
Brown proposed reducing the cost of employee contract buyouts.
Some employees, including top executives, have contracts that stipulate how much severance they will receive if the contract is terminated early.
In July 2024, the board of directors approved a buyout of former CEO Henry Wojtaszek's contract equal to one year salary, or $299,000. Outgoing CFO Jackie Leach's buyout was half her annual salary, or $122,000, and operations manager William White received $87,000.
Brown's report says that a review of contracts found there is no standard severance pay and benefits package for employees under contract. One employee, not named, has reached a settlement that allows that employee to work from home until November, earning until that time $174,907.
Brown recommended capping severance to four months' salary. The board tabled the proposal and called for research on standard procedures in the gaming industry.
Callan said he opposes providing OTB employees with any severance pay, even though the practice is common in corporate America.
He said WROTB is not a private company. It's a public benefit corporation with a mission of generating revenue for the state and the 17 municipalities that control the corporation. As a quasi-state agency, employees are part of the state's generous pension system.
"That's something you folks in the private sector are not getting," Callan said. "You guys have to have 401(k)s, and Roth IRAs or whatever you do to help provide for yourselves in retirement. Well, folks here have that state pension ability separate from whatever saving they do on their own. So it's not an apples and oranges comparison for me to say, a private casino where, you know, they're not going to get a pension, and it's a private entity."
Wrapped into the contract buyout policy proposal was a proposal to address inequality in health insurance coverage for non-union employees.
Non-union employees hired before 2012 pay only 5% of their insurance premiums. Those hired after Jan. 1, 2012 pay 72% for a family plan (single plans remain 5%).
There are 38 employees who were hired before 2012 and 72 hired after the change policy.
In an interview, Callan disclosed that the monthly premiums for Batavia Downs employees are significantly higher than typical for group insurance policies.
Human Resources Director Danielle Fleming later confirmed that a family health insurance plan is $3,325 monthly. The employee contribution, if hired after Jan. 1, 2012, is 72 percent, or $2,394.
Brown's proposal, which has not yet been approved, is to find a way to close the gap between the two groups of employees and set the employee-share of future management hires at 20%. Currently, seven members of management staff pay a 20% share of their premiums.
"It's obviously incredibly expensive for the employee. It's obviously also incredibly expensive for the corporation, where the corporation to bear the expense," Callan said. "I loudly expressed my objection to that in the executive session and said that I would not vote for it. And I thought that needed further discussion. When we have members of the management team make $190,000 or more, and persons in the mid-$100,000s, to send a message and say to them and say, "Okay, you only have to pay 20% of the cost of health insurance,' but somebody here that makes $17.50 an hour has to pay 72%, that, to me, is not right, and so the management team, after some members of the board objected and raised questions on that, agreed to pull it back, and I think we're gonna have some further discussions on that topic next month."
Callan said that while overall, he is pleased with the policy changes, especially since several of them are responsive to issues he's raised over the past 13 months, he thought it was a violation of the open meeting law not to have the agenda explicitly state that the board would do more on Thursday than engage only in a general policy discussion, but actually have written policy changes to consider and vote on.
He also said it could be a violation of the open meeting law to have most of the discussion in closed session.
Asked about the exemption used under the state's Open Meeting Law, Brown said it was a personnel matter.
"There were a number of personnel items that were discussed, so that was the reason why the board went into executive session in that particular discussion, where we were discussing salaries, benefits for specific individuals," Brown said.
Callan said the only policy item that addressed specific people was the health insurance discussion, which involved seven individuals. Otherwise, the rest of the policy discussion did not touch on specific individuals. In his view, the policy discussion should have occurred in open session.
"We have a lot of discussions in committees, including an executive session, a lot of which I don't think should be an executive session under the law, but that's another story you and I have spoken about before," Callan said. "I don't think, in hindsight, it should have been an Executive Session."
Accountability and profitability Among the policies highlighted by Brown in an interview were changes to how sports tickets are distributed and whether the OTB will continue to purchase a suite and tickets to Buffalo Bills games after the coming season.
When the Bills move into the stadium, it appears the cost of the suite will double, raising the annual cost to $200,000, which may not have the return on investment the OTB seeks.
Brown said Batavia Downs is negotiating with the Bills organization.
"We're looking at tightening the ticket policy, making sure that when we do provide tickets and benefits, those are going to our customers, and they're going to our customers in a way that generates more business for the corporation," Brown said. "We're looking at travel policy to tighten our policies on what we spend when people have to travel for business purposes, going to conferences, going to training. All of those things, I think, would have eliminated some of the issues that the corporation has faced in the past."
The ultimate goal, Brown said, is a corporation that is more efficient and more profitable.
"The agenda is about going forward, looking at issues with the board, with the staff, that we saw as concerns, things that we felt could be improved, ways that we could increase transparency, that we could increase profitability, reduce expenses," Brown said. "So, going forward, this will make the corporation stronger. This is a place where people love to come and, after expenses, generates over $90 million a year. We want to continue to produce that kind of revenue and grow the revenue."
The policy changes approved by the OTB board of directors:
Merit Raises: Over the past three years, 102 OTB employees have received merit raises for a total cost of $392,166. Merit raises are supposed to be approved by the board's personnel committee. There is no documentation indicating these raises were approved by the personnel committee. There were 22 raises in 2022, 50 in 2023, 28 in 2024. The average per year is $130,722. The new policy would budget $100,000 for merit raises. Department heads would recommend merit raises, and if approved by the CEO, the request would go to the personnel committee for approval. All raises would need to be submitted by July 1 of each year. One issue this policy will address is the appearance of favoritism. Five employees received merit raises in each of the past three years.
Video Record Board Meetings: Video recording all board meetings would be inexpensive and easy to accomplish, and multiple "good government" groups recommend it. Some of the municipalities represented on the OTB board are more than a two-hour drive from Batavia, making board attendance difficult for some interested parties. Recordings would be posted on the OTB website within 24 hours of the meeting.
Renewal of Buffalo Bills Suite: The current contract for the suite expires after the the coming season. The suite is considered a great marketing tool for Batavia Downs. The casino conducts drawings for tickets and also provides tickets to high rollers. However, the cost for suite in the new stadium will nearly double. During the past season, OTB paid $114,205 for 16 tickets per game. A new 12-person suite would cost $200,000 per year, with price increases of 5% per season. The return on investment would be low. The cost outweighs the benefits. OTB will try to negotiate a lower price suite.
Travel Policy: WROTB has been criticized for "extravagant" travel. While the spending on travel for some executives exceeded state limits, and a public benefit corporation, WROTB, is exempt from those caps. The comptroller recommends OTB implement and enforce policies that are reasonable. The new policy would require a form to be completed that lists all anticipated expenses for both in-state and out-of-state travel. For in-state travel, the CEO would review and potentially approve the travel. For out-of-state travel, if the CEO recommends approval, the board of directors would be asked to approve the travel.
Transparency of Procurement: For procurement of goods and services, currently, no quotes are required for costs less than $5,000, for $5,000 to $10,000, documented verbal quotes from at least two vendors, for $10,000 to $15,000, written quotes from at least two vendors, and for more than $15,000 public bidding that is subject to board approval. There are also policies dealing with sole-source procurement and single-source procurement. The new policy would require bidding on services and purchases of $15,000 (which is less than the requirement of municipal law). The reform also recommends a written policy for procuring goods an services that would clarify the difference and use of sole source and single source vendors.
Job Postings: An average of 73 jobs are posted annually, and most are posted internally. Jobs are posted on bulletin boards and if external candidates are sought, on social media. Under the reform, the process for applying through the OTB's website will be improved and all publicly advertised positions will be consistently posted on social media with a link to the Batavia Downs application page.
Tipping Policy: Batavia Downs does not currently have a tip-pooling policy, which can lead to operational, legal, and employee-related issues. The approved reform is to write a uniform tipping policy for the facility, including who is eligible to receive a portion of the tip pool, as well as policy for distribution and reporting tips for tax purposes. Supervisors will no longer receive a portion of the mandatory 20 percent tip for booked events.
Free Play Policy: The new policy will standardize free play coupons that an authorized person will sign. Upon redemption, a note will be made in the computer on who authorized the free play. This will assist in auditing free play. After March 15, only free play coupons created under the new policy will be honored.
Gift Card Tracking: Grocery and gas gift cards are used as an incentive for booking hotel rooms. In 2024, Batavia Downs purchased $160,000 in gift card, at $20 each. The gift cards were tabulated into the cost of rooms, so there was no additional cost to the corporation. Other gift cards can sometimes provided to the hotel for hotel packages or requested by officers or department heads to reward staff members for work done above and beyond their duties. Gift cards are logged but there is no standard approval process. Under the new policy, officers and department heads will complete a request form that will require approval by the chief administrative officer. A record will be maintained of gift cards requested by officers and department heads for future auditing purposes.
Jason Ostrowski dazzled and electrified a near-capacity crowd at Batavia Downs on Thursday night, playing the best songs of two iconic rock and roll piano players, singers, and songwriters, Elton John and Billy Joel.
BND United bench excited from the third goal scored in the first period. Photo by Steve Ognibene
In the quest to go to the Section V hockey finals two years in row is not an easy task. #2 seed BND United did this last evening at The McCarthy by a score of 5-3 over #3 seed Webster Schroeder.
Batavia Notre Dame United beat Webster Schroeder 5-3 on Saturday in the Section V hockey semifinals.
United, the #2 seed in the tournament, scored three goals in the first five minutes.
Chase Cummings scored on the power play; then Chase added another goal after Sam Pies shot one near the faceoff dot deep in Webster Schroeder's zone.
Webster Schroeder scored two quick goals before the period ended.
Both teams battled back and forth in the second period, and United caught themselves on a penalty with two minutes left in the second.
Down by one man, Jameson Motyka found himself on a breakaway to score a short-handed goal past goalie Connelly Springer to lift United ahead 4-2 after 2.
In the last period, United’s Chase Cummings scored his third goal for a hat trick at 20 seconds in to extend the lead by three, 5-2. Schroeder answered to score four minutes later to make it 5-3.
The win gives United a shot at winning back-to-back Section V titles, which Coach Marc Staley said has been the goal since the first face-off of the season.
"It's hard to go back to back. It's hard to coach a team the year after you win everything," Staley said. "And you know, we went through some months. We went through some learning curves earlier this year. We had to realize you don't have the (Ivan) Milovidov off on the bench and the (Joe) DiRisio on the bench and (Noah) Whitcomb and all those great players, right? So it's like, we got other guys who can step up. It took us some time, but you can see right now, I think, seven, zero and one over our last eight games. We're moving in peak, and I think, at the right time. So it's exciting, I mean, to be back with a chance to bring home another championship."
Point totals for BND United:
Chase Cummings, 3 goals
Jameson Motyka, 1 goal, 2 assists
Sam Pies 1 goal, 1 assist
Brady Johnson, 2 assists
Jake Hutchins, 1 assist
Rhys Tanner stopped 40 of 43 shots on net
#2 seed BND United plays #1 Victor at RIT on Monday March 3rd at 730pm for the Section V Class B Championship
"A nice way to start sectionals," said Coach Jeff Schlagenhauf. "The girls got off to a great start and never looked back. All 13 players got involved and played well."
The Hornets, the #5 seed, take on #4 Arkport-Canaseraga at 2 p.m. on Saturday at Canaseraga for the quarterfinal game.
Coach Vinny Falleti and Sofia Folleti. Submitted photo.
Sofia Falleti set a new school record for Notre Dame on Wednesday night, scoring 46 points against Hinsdale as the Lady Irish picked up a first-round sectional win 88-12.
She also had 11 rebounds.
Ali Haitz set the previous record in 2001 with 42 points in a game.'
Shirley Thompson scored 14 points and had 11 steals. Gianna Falleti scored 8 points, and Harper Ferris, 8 points.
The HomeCare & Hospice Foundation invites community members to brighten lives while supporting compassionate hospice care through its 31st Annual Spring Bouquet Sale. With more than 10 pop-up locations across Allegany, Cattaraugus, Genesee, and Wyoming counties, this beloved fundraiser directly benefits terminally ill patients and their families.
Each pop-up location will offer vibrant 9- and 18-stem bouquets as well as Oliver’s Chocolate candy bars, making it easy to bring joy to a loved one while supporting a meaningful cause.
Bouquets serving Allegany and Cattaraugus counties are locally crafted by Mandy’s Flowers of Olean, while those in Genesee and Wyoming counties are created by Beverly’s Flowers and Gifts of Batavia.
Prices are $15 for a 9-stem bouquet, $25 for an 18-stem bouquet, and $2 per candy bar. Every purchase helps provide vital hospice services, ensuring comfort and care for those in need.
“Each bouquet represents more than just flowers—it’s a symbol of hope, support, and the kindness that makes our communities stronger,” said Melissa Sullivan, Chief Executive Officer of HomeCare & Hospice. “By purchasing a bouquet, you are directly contributing to compassionate end-of-life care for those who need it most.”
New this year, the Foundation has partnered with Crosby’s Convenience Stores to expand the reach of this important fundraiser.
Rob Augustine, Crosby’s Director of Sales and Merchandising, shared his enthusiasm for the initiative, stating, “Crosby’s is proud to support HomeCare & Hospice by hosting pop-up locations at our stores in Corfu, Friendship, Hinsdale, and Perry. We are excited to help spread smiles throughout our communities.”
In addition to the pop-up sales, St. Bonaventure University’s men’s basketball game will host a bouquet pop-up location near the bookstore at the Reilly Center on March 5, allowing fans to support hospice care while cheering on the Bonnies.
Pop-Up Sale Locations & Dates:
Monday, March 3
Jones Memorial Hospital (10 a.m. – 1 p.m.)
Olean Food Barn (10 a.m. – 4 p.m.)
Olean Walmart (10 a.m. – 4 p.m.)
Olean General Hospital (10 a.m. – 4 p.m.)
Olean YMCA (9 a.m. – 12 p.m.)
Crosby’s Hinsdale
Crosby’s Friendship
Tuesday, March 4
Olean Food Barn (10 a.m. – 4 p.m.)
Olean Walmart (10 a.m. – 4 p.m.)
Olean General Hospital (10 a.m. – 4 p.m.)
Olean YMCA (9 a.m. – 12 p.m.)
Crosby’s Hinsdale
Crosby’s Friendship
Wednesday, March 5
St. Bonaventure Reilly Center (6 – 8:30 p.m.)
Crosby’s Hinsdale
Crosby’s Friendship
Crosby’s Corfu
Crosby’s Perry
Thursday, March 6
Crosby’s Corfu
Crosby’s Perry
Wyoming County Community Health System (10 a.m. – 2 p.m.)
United Memorial Medical Center (10 a.m. – 2 p.m.)
Friday, March 7
Crosby’s Corfu
Crosby’s Perry
Wyoming County Community Health System (10 a.m. – 2 p.m.)
“The Spring Bouquet Sale is a beautiful way to honor loved ones while ensuring that hospice care remains available to all who need it,” added Sullivan. “We are grateful for the ongoinggenerosity of our communities and look forward to seeing many friendly faces at our pop-up locations.”
For more information, please contact HomeCare & Hospice at 716-372-2106 or visit
Molly Vendura, left, and Charlotte Brett give a presentation of a proposed town park in Batavia Wednesday evening at Batavia Town Hall. Photo by Joanne Beck
A hero-themed park as an ode to first responders, with each a veterans and first responders memorial, boardwalk, lookout point, picnic shelter, gazebo, interpretive art panels, asphalt parking lot, and much more is on the books for construction within the next year or two as officials seek funding, says Molly Vendura of Landscape Architecture and Charlotte Brett of New York Green.
The women presented the plan as representatives of a multi-agency committee consisting of the town and city of Batavia, Genesee County Chamber of Commerce, Planning and Parks departments, Sheriff’s Office, Homeland Security, Veteran’s Affairs, and U.S. Department of Immigration.
“So the construction plan will be ready by the end of May, and then we really just need to, we'll have cost estimates at that point. We'll be applying for grants. And it would be great if we could get a grant in the next year and then construct it in the next year,” Brett said during an information meeting Wednesday at Batavia Town Hall. “But it really depends on how quickly the town can secure funding. It’s likely to be a year or two.”
New York Green received funding from the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Legacy Funds administered by the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo for the design of a proposed new public park on a property owned by the town of Batavia and located on Park Road in the city of Batavia.
The initial phases have taken place since last summer, from a geographic survey and preliminary concepts, comments from town officials for revisions, and finally, a “buffet” of various options for the Army Corps of Engineers to work with for a final plan, Vendura said.
The park would be in a large area encompassing a pond and wetlands in the northwest corner of the property along Park Road and Veterans Memorial Drive, backing up to the VA.
There would also be two EV charging stations for vehicles, and chargers for electric bikes and scooters, a landscape plant bed to shield visitors from the farthest northwest corner traffic and wind, a monument sign, gated access at the adjacent VA Hospital and Monsignor Apartments, a kayak launch, benches and vegetation to serve as a buffer for the flocks of geese that are regular visitors to the area.
The Batavian asked Vendura how the construction and creation of this park might disrupt those geese and other wildlife, such as rabbits and deer, in the area. The establishment of wetlands serves as some protection, she said.
“Because we are in a wetland area, we have to be very careful to minimize disturbance to the existing vegetation and soils,” she said. “So just by nature of that, the disruption from the construction of this park will be as minimal as possible because we're required to by the DEC when we do work in a wetland."
So, even laying down a 19-spot asphalt parking lot won’t disturb nature?
“Regarding that parking lot area, that actually used to be where the road cut through the property, so the town took out the road and just put some soil and grass seed on top of it right now, but under that is already existing sub base from the old road, so we're not actually disturbing pristine ground to put in the parking lot,” she said, answering if any trees would be removed with the underbrush. “It’ll be if there’s dead trees, not living trees, it might be more of like shrubby material, and typically it’s invasive shrubs like buckthorn and honeysuckle. So we would be actually improving the environment for native pollinators and birds by removing the invasive species, the shrubs, but also be opening the view for security reasons and safety.”
Rick Iannello, one of the half-dozen residents who attended the meeting, was interested in fishing. He has seen programs offered to kids in other areas and has enjoyed watching the youth here get a chance to throw a line in when possible.
“One of the things I think is really heartening is when you go over to DeWitt Park, you see a lot of young kids fishing. I think it's terrific, you see these kids are out there casting a line or doing whatever. But it's awful nice to see that,” he said. “And along with that would be the thought that if you perhaps had an area that was set aside for kids to fish and to learn how to fish. You could go back to the Ralph C. Wilson Foundation on their youth initiative and see if there would be the ability of them to kick in some additional funds for something like that."
Wilson Legacy Funds were established to provide support to four areas that were important to Mr. Wilson: caregivers, community assets, design and access, and youth sports. Vendura and Brett were take notes about the fishing idea.
Barbie Starowitz of Elba wanted to know why a dog park couldn’t be part of the plan, especially given that the VA has therapy dogs, she said. While the wetlands protect nature in some ways, they fall under state and federal regulation and would not be suitable for a dog park, Vendura said. And that section of the town space would have to be fenced off, which is not part of the overall project, she said.
Batavia Town Supervisor Greg Post said that the town owns property that is “developable and is willing to work with whatever collaborative agencies want to assist us in supporting that.”
“What we're looking for is a viable partner to assist with the collaboration for the funding of the initial design and the cost of maintenance for that specific sector, that community that would be benefited by that,” he said. “My board members can confirm that we've had a number of discussions and have the means to assist any agency that wants to come in, or an organization or club that wants to start that.”
As for the town park that is on the table, organizers are inviting people to submit a name for it and will be seeking funding sources before it can begin. Post is not concerned about raising the $2 million to $3.5 million he estimated it would take, he said.
“We're very persistent, and we're looking for enough partnership that I do not think that this will be an issue,” he said. “I think any recreational opportunity that services our veterans and all of those community visitors, as well as our children and grandchildren, is a good thing. We're very pleased that we've had the support of all of our regional partners, and we're very grateful for the Wilson Foundation for supporting our design. And much appreciate all the Partnership for it, and we're committed to seeing this thing done sooner than later.”
Any questions or name suggestions may be emailed to Post advises to send them “sooner than later.”
Barbie Starowitz and Rick Iannello Photo by Joanne Beck
Dave Hawes, front center, said he liked the idea of a proposed town park during Wednesday's presentation at Batavia Town Hall. Town Supervisor Greg Post contributed from the far right seat. Photo by Joanne Beck
BHS Production Club members prepare for a three-day debut of "Newsies" at the high school. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Batavia High School Production Club’s musical, set to debut for three days this weekend, is quite relevant to current events, Director Caryn Wood says, but she and her cast didn’t really intend it to be.
It just so happens that they all love “Newsies,” and Wood grew up a massive fan of the original movie in 1992.
Based on the real-life Newsboy Strike of 1899, this Disney musical tells the story of Jack Kelly, a rebellious newsboy who dreams of a life as an artist away from the big city. After publishing giant Joseph Pulitzer raises newspaper prices at the newsboys’ expense, Kelly and his fellow newsies take action. With help from the beautiful female reporter Katherine Plumber, all of New York City soon recognizes the power of “the little man.”
“I knew every word of every song as a kid. The Broadway musical keeps all the original music and adds even more,” she said to The Batavian. “It’s a show that I have wanted to do for a long time and hadn’t felt the time was right yet. This show was selected after the students themselves really campaigned for it.”
Campaigned, you ask? Her students would stand outside Wood’s office door singing the show’s songs, and make tiny replica newspapers and slide them underneath her door. They would stick post-it notes on her door and deliver fortune cookie messages, only about “Newsies” instead of love or fortune.
“Gentle nudges, we will say. I had narrowed a list down of my top three show choices and polled the students. ‘Newsies’ was most everyone’s first or second choice,” she said. “Timing is everything. I was already interested in doing it and the kids were overwhelmingly in favor of it. And so here we are.”
The show is set for 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday at BHS, 260 State St., Batavia.
How can it not be relevant, though, she asked, with songs and lyrics like:
"Now is the time to seize the day"
"Give life's little guys some ink and when it dries, just watch what happens"
"One for all and all for one"
"Courage can not erase our fears, courage is when we face our fears"
“We're watching a group of young people actively organize a strike on stage, and having said that, though, there's plenty of fun and comedy too. This production is powerful, moving, funny, and extremely engaging,” she said. “I think, though, that maybe themes in this show reflect a recurring theme throughout history, highlighting the need to rise up against corruption and oppression and that coming together in support of a just cause can affect positive change. Honestly, when isn't that relevant?”
Spectators have described rehearsals as dynamic and passionate, high-spirited and heartwarming. Wood said that people can look out for high energy dance numbers, “beautiful and powerful” vocals, and exceptional acting.
“And more than anything, a group of high school performers (cast, crew, and musicians) who are giving their all, and who believe in what they can achieve together,” she said. “Every person will find something to like about this show; it's truly wonderful.”
Tickets can be purchased online for $10.50 here or at the door $10/$12.
Batavia's Gavin White goes for two points. Photo by Steve Ognibene
The Blue Devils, ranked #4 in Class A in Boys Basketball, picked up a first round sectional win at home on Tuesday, beating #12 ranked School of the Arts 51-45.
Scoring for Batavia:
Gavin White, 25 points
Isaac Varland, 10 points
Brady Mazur, 5 points
Casey Mazur, 5 points
Batavia faces #5 ranked Pittsford-Sutherland at home at 5:30 p.m. on Friday.
NOW HIRING seasonal agribusiness positions. CDL A & B Drivers to deliver bulk crop nutrients. Potential long-term opportunities. Great for retirees! GENERAL LABOR positions. Daily variety of indoor/outdoor responsibilities. Loader experience a plus. SIGN-ON BONUS and plenty of OT during spring/summer months. Apply in person at: 8610 Route 237, Stafford, NY