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BCSD taxpayers can expect a 1 percent increase in the 2023-24 budget; 3 buses on the shopping list

By Joanne Beck

City school taxes are expected to go up again this year.

School officials and board members seemed relieved that the increase was brought down from over 3 percent to a 1 percent increase, but it still potentially means an extra $22 a year in property taxes on a home assessed at $125,000.

The Batavia school board approved the proposed 2023-24 budget of $58.9 million with a tax levy of $19,888,991 during its meeting earlier this week. That levy is below the tax cap limit, and the budget is $4.1 million more than the 2022-23 budget, or 7.6 percent.

The Batavian asked Superintendent Jason Smith why the district has an increase at all, given nearly $4 million of additional revenues and recouping state Foundation aid after its absence the last couple of years.

“For context, our allowable tax cap is 8.42 percent, and the preliminary budget presented last week had just over a 3 percent levy increase.  Based on board feedback, the proposed levy has now been reduced to just over 1 percent.  There were a few factors driving this decision.  First, this budget calls for the addition of three school buses from our transportation contractor, which, if drivers can be hired, will reduce the time for our students (to be) on buses, which has been a source of community and family concerns and one which we have listened to,” Smith said.  “Second, our transportation contract will not be renewed at the end of next year, which means the entire contract is up for renewal and is subject to price increases.  We also fully expect the state mandate of electric buses and the related costs with this requirement to be passed down to districts by our future transportation contractor, further increasing costs. The district needs to plan carefully both now and for the future for these increased costs.”

“Additionally, we expect our tax cap for the 2024-25 budget to be negative, which would yield a tax decrease and reduced revenue, and the board and I are not interested in asking our voters to override the tax cap, which would require a 60 percent approval of voters, as opposed to a simple majority,” he said. “Seeking a just over 1 percent levy increase for the 23-24 budget will provide revenue for both the current and future needs of the district.

During this week’s board meeting, Rozanski brought up the option of leaving one or more of the six buses in the budget or removing them. He cut out three to show the cost savings and explained their need to the district. They would be helpful to alleviate some overcrowding on the current buses and, as Smith said, reduce the amount of time that students are on buses to and from school.

Board member Jennifer Lendvay questioned the validity of buying the buses if there aren’t drivers available for them, as Rozanski also indicated. As with employee shortages elsewhere, drivers have been difficult to find as well, he said. There were six buses in the initial budget, and three have been cut out for a reduction of $281,268.

The group ended up voting to accept the budget, which will be presented during a public hearing at 6 p.m. May 8 in the Superintendent’s Conference Room at BHS, 260 State St., Batavia.  District residents will then be able to vote on the budget, three propositions, and two board candidate seats up for election from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 16 at your designated polling site.

A 1 percent tax levy increase was made by cutting $427,746 from the preliminary levy of $20,316,737 through attrition of not replacing four retirements (saving $209,478) and the reduction of three bus purchases, for a total levy of $19,888,991.

Personnel expenses are to increase by $736,084 from last year to $20,845,750, and teacher support is to increase by $587,644 to $7,049,255. According to 2022 data, the average teacher salary is $61,263, plus benefits.

Total contractual costs (general support and teaching, operations/maintenance, interscholastic athletic) are slated to increase by $1 million, for a total of 5,481,864; debt service payments are going up by $781,547; and Rozanski also put 8 percent inflationary costs on the hook for overall increases. Total salaries for the district for 2023-24 are $27,894,975.

“So these 8 percent numbers are big numbers, but they’ve been pretty consistent,” he said. “We also had three to six STA extra buses in the first draft of the budget, to go back to pre-COVID levels where Jackson buses were just servicing Jackson students, and John Kennedy buses, John Kennedy students, all contingent upon their drivers being available. We’re still in trouble, we still struggle to find drivers, not only with STA but our other contractors. So this is an area that was looked at as a possible reduction. So we took out three buses and what's presented tonight, buses and monitors, each cost about $70-some thousand.”

The third proposition of the May vote is to establish a capital improvement reserve fund for the purpose of financing in whole or in part the “acquisition, construction, reconstruction, expansion, renovation, alteration, and improvement of building, facilities, sites and real property” by the district for not greater than $10 million.

“This budget also addresses smart and conservative financial planning for future capital construction and maintenance needs for all of our buildings, Smith said. “Finally, and most importantly, this budget preserves our academic and extra-curricular programs.”

File photo of Student Transportation of America, the bus company serving Batavia City School District, by Howard Owens.

Photos: 14th Annual GLOW Tech Wars at GCC

By Joanne Beck

For the 14th year, middle and high school students from districts across Genesee, Livingston, Orleans and Wyoming counties got together in the name of technology to be part of the annual GLOW Region Tech Wars Thursday at Genesee Community College in Batavia.

Student competitors chose from nearly 30 available competitions to test their skills and showcase the results of basic but extremely intricate and innovative technology.

Well worn favorites were brought back, including Battlebot Soccer, Bridge, CO2 Cars, Logo Design Sculpture, Onsite CAD Drawing and Reverse Engineering CAD, Skimmer Cars, Sumo Bots, Tractor Pull and Trebuchet, and Lumber Labyrinth.

The 2023 event also introduced the Mini-Bot competition and brought back Skimmer Cars and Technical Drawing for the middle schoolers as well as other legacy events such as Catapult, Paper Airplane, Rube Goldberg, and Sculpture.

The Mystery Event was brought back by popular demand, allowing students to be creative and use their skills in an “on-demand” timed situation.

STEAM Jam for students in grades three through five allowed them to explore mind-stimulating activities in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics.

Tech Wars is among several dynamic programs giving students the opportunity to learn hands-on, often in business settings, and with industry professionals, organizers said. The ACE Program’s Career Pathways is committed to helping students explore career options and make a smooth transition from high school to further education and/or a career.

For more information about the various career exploration and dual enrollment opportunities and ACE-supported events at GCC, contact Ann Valento, GCC director of ACE programs at 585-343-0055, Ext. 6316 or

The complete schedule of events can be found here.  Final results are not yet posted.

Top photo is the SUMO Bot Alexander Team

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Photos by Steve Ognibene

No tax levy increase expected for Oakfield-Alabama School District

By Heather Norton

The full budget model presented to the Oakfield-Alabama Board of Education this week includes an expected zero percent tax levy increase for the 2023-24 budget year. 

O-A Business Administrator Christine Griffin submitted the zero-percent number on March 1, which is in compliance with the state's tax levy cap on growth.

“And your average has been .89% over the life of the tax cap legislation,” Griffin explained. “I think you’ve done your due diligence as board members to present fiscally responsible, tax-friendly budgets to your community.” 

Griffin also reported that the state legislative budget is due April 1, when the district will see final numbers on state aid. There has been word that both the New York Senate and Assembly are proposing additional funding to support universal school breakfast and lunch. 

Total expenditures are expected to be $24,094,600.

The projected levy, including adjustments, such as Payments In Lieu of Taxes (PILOTs), is $5,947,473.

After the legislative funding is released, the O-A BOE will hear a final budget report at their April meeting, adopt a 2023-24 budget, and approve the property tax report card. There will be a May 9 budget hearing, and then the board will vote on the budget at the May BOE meeting. 

O-A technology gets passing grade, telecommunications rooms need improvement

By Heather Norton

Telecommunications rooms in the Oakfield-Alabama School District received the worst grade among technology systems sections, according to the recent Technology Conditions Survey conducted for the district. The O-A Board of Education heard the TCS presentation at this month’s regular board meeting.

Overall, the survey prepared by consultants with Archi-Technology, graded O-A technology a 3.2 out of 4, a score that is “pretty good, all things considered,” according to said Mark Cazer, Project Manager at Archi-Technology.

The top grades in the survey went to student devices, teacher technology, and security systems. 

“Generally, most of the problems in all of the districts we have seen is going to be in those telecommunication rooms,” Cazer said.

The comprehensive survey looks at everything technology related, including network connectivity, security systems, communication systems, instructional technology, computing devices, and software subscriptions. The telecommunications rooms are graded as part of the survey of technology infrastructure - cables, pathways, and spaces. 

Cazer reported that most of the telecommunications rooms in the district need either to be relocated or upgraded to meet industry standards for size and accessibility, water threats, security, equipment grounding, and cable management. “TR fixes can be expensive,” Cazer said, citing one estimate of $500,000 for one of the TR fix recommendations. “Typically, you build it into a capital improvement plan.” 

Cazer then explained the final part of the report, which is a 10-year “road map” that shows how the technology upgrades and maintenance can be prioritized and funded over in the coming decade.


Victim in pedestrian accident in Alabama identified

By Howard B. Owens

A 44-year-old man was killed in Alabama on Wednesday night after he was struck by a vehicle while in the roadway on Route 63, according to a Sheriff's Office news release.

The victim is identified as Richard Alan Jones, area of residence not disclosed. 

Jones, who was apparently crossing the roadway at 8:19 p.m., was struck by a vehicle driven by 67-year-old Vidal Chavez of North Main Street, Elba.  Chavez was westbound on Route 63.

A Genesee County Coroner pronounced Jones dead at the scene.

The Sheriff's Office Crash Management Team is investigating the accident and the investigation is still open.

Assisting at the scene were the Alabama Volunteer Fire Department, Mercy EMS, and State Police.

Previously: Accident reported on Route 77 at Judge Road in Alabama


Accident reported at North and Bank, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

A two-car accident is reported at North Street and Bank Street, Batavia.

A police officer, first on scene, reports all occupants out of the vehicles and walking.

City Fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

UPDATE 2:38 p.m.: No injuries.

WROTB officials considering expansion of Hotel at Batavia Downs, approve 34 Rush renovations

By Mike Pettinella

Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp. officials are exploring an expansion of the Hotel at Batavia Downs, the 84-bed luxury inn that the public benefit company purchased from ADK Hospitality LLC of Buffalo in mid-2021.

“We’re taking a hard look to determine if we are going to do it, if it’s the right time and if the cost is right. We’re taking a cautious approach to make sure that it is something that we really need to do,” said Scott Kiedrowski, WROTB vice president/operations, following today’s board of directors meeting.

Kiedrowski and director Edward Morgan, chairperson of the Batavia Downs Operations Committee, reported on a meeting with David Hart, president of Hart Hotels, which runs the facility.

“Mr. Hart, along with Rick Likus (hotel general manager), spoke to the board about the operation is 2022, which was the first full year of ownership by Western Regional,” Kiedrowski said. “Our numbers are significantly headed in the right direction – very robust.

“The rooms are sold out on a regular basis; we have a lot of traffic coming, so we’re very pleased with the financials and his (Hart’s) report to the board of directors on just how well the hotel is doing.”

Kiedrowski said that expansion, if and when it was approved, would likely add to the north end of the existing hotel.

“We’re trying to see if the lobby should move and the extent of the expansion,” he said, mentioning that 42 more rooms are being considered.

Board Chair Richard Bianchi said he will select three directors to serve on a committee with senior management and hotel staff to look into expanding the hotel.

WROTB directors voted for the $8 million purchase in February 2021.

At the time, Chief Financial Officer Jacquelyne Leach said the corporation would be able to utilize 20-year tax-exempt bonds to project a savings of $600,000 while bundling the refinancing of a balloon payment due in October 2023 with the hotel purchase expenditure.

In November 2016, Batavia Downs Gaming and members of ADK Hospitality LLC, the hotel ownership team, cut the ribbon on the hotel. ADK Hospitality bought land from WROTB in March 2015 and invested $7.5 million to build the facility.

In other developments, directors:

  • Approved a resolution to install floor and wall base at the 34 Rush restaurant/bar, contracting with WNY Tile & Sone Corp. of North Tonawanda for an amount not to exceed $19,139.

The expense will be covered by a portion of a $1.2 million insurance settlement stemming from a flood on the second floor when a pipe burst in September 2022, Kiedrowski said.

“The water did leak downstairs into 34 Rush, and there is a lot of remodeling going on in that area so we decided to replace the floor that did receive some of that water,” he said. “We are expanding the kitchen, which is just a normal course of business to make it bigger. So, while doing that we figured we would also take care of the floor.”

  • Approved the purchase of a recreational trailer for use by performers during the Rockin’ The Downs Concert Series from Elizabeth Marino of Florida for $29,000.

Kiedrowski said a concert promoter informed management that the 2014 Forest River Salem Villa destination trailer would be available for purchase, thus fulfilling a need that previously was supplied at no charge by local companies.

“It’s for the performers to use right off stage,” he said. “It is well maintained. Now we have two of them and they are used for the acts.”

The board also approved paying up to $325,000 for the various bands and performers this summer. The eight-week concert series kicks off on June 23 with the Almost Queen tribute band.

Photo: 2016 file photo by Howard Owens

Committee chair implores Batavia Downs Gaming leadership to address outdoor smoking area

By Mike Pettinella

The chairperson of the Batavia Downs Operations Committee this morning urged the Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp. board of directors and senior management to take a proactive approach toward the placement of an outdoor smoking area at the Park Road establishment.

Edward Morgan (photo at right), who represents Orleans County on the 17-member board, said the powers-that-be at Batavia Downs Gaming “need to move ahead” in case the smoking waiver now in force is terminated.

Currently, Batavia Downs Gaming has an indoor enclosed smoking room only.

“The two-year waiver could be gone any day,” Morgan said at today’s board meeting. “We need to be prepared, even if it’s just a small heated outside area with no machines in it.”

Morgan said he visited the Del Lago Resort & Casino in Waterloo recently to check out its smoking accommodations. He reported that a 50- by 150-foot area, featuring about 150 gaming machines, has been installed outside – “exposed to all the elements."

“From the looks of it, people seem to use it to smoke and then go back inside to play,” he said, adding that he saw about a dozen people in the area during his midweek midday stop.

Morgan pointed to Batavia Downs Gaming surveys that reveal “how important it is to some of our patrons to be able to smoke at a machine.”

Scott Kiedrowski, vice president/operations, said that although a tri-county commission has approved a waiver for another two years, “there’s always a fear that something might change in the health department regulations or state regulations and we could lose our smoking designation.”

“A lot of casinos in the area and throughout New York and other states might have some stringent smoking requirements,” he said. “They have some outdoor areas, called smoke gardens, if you will, that are heated and covered with games outside … to have the ability to have smoking on the property but not inside the building.”

Morgan said it would be prudent for the board and management to start looking at options, including the location of an outdoor smoking area.

“Even if it was outdoors and heated, with no machines,” he reiterated.

Law and Order: Woman from Rochester with several prior bench warrants, arrested again

By Howard B. Owens

Jessica L. Holtz, 39, of Austin Street, Rochester, was arrested on two bench warrants out of City Court. The first bench warrant stems from a petit larceny charge at Kwik Fill, 99 Jackson St., on Nov. 18, 2021. She was issued an appearance ticket at the time of her arrest on Nov. 27, 2021. She was subsequently arrested for alleged failure to appear on Feb. 2, 2022. She was arraigned in City Court and released. She was subsequently arrested on May 1 for alleged failure to appear. She was arrested again on Jan. 29 for alleged failure to appear and arraigned in Centralized Arraignment Court, release status unknown.   The second warrant stems from a petit larceny from a church on South Swan Street on Nov. 27, 2021. She was arrested on a warrant on Feb. 2, 2022, arraigned in City Court and released. She was arrested on May 1 and on Jan. 29 for alleged failure to appear on that charge. She was again arrested on March 11 on both warrants. She was arraigned in Centralized Arraignment Court. Her release status is unknown.

Alexandro Rodriguez, 26,  of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt 1st. Rodriguez allegedly violated an order of protection during a disturbance at a location on East Main Street on March 9 at an undisclosed time. He was arraigned in City Court on his own recognizance.

James N. Laurich, 37, of Buffalo Road, East Aurora, is charged with DWI, aggravated unlicensed operation 3rd, unlicensed driver, and open alcohol container in a motor vehicle. Laurich was arrested by Officer John Gombos on March 11 following an investigation into a disturbance at an undisclosed location and an undisclosed time. Laurich was stopped on Washington Avenue. He allegedly failed a field sobriety test. He was processed at Batavia PD and issued traffic tickets.

Carolyn L. Kurek, 80, of State Street, Batavia, is charged with harassment 2nd. Kurek is accused of shoving another person during a disturbance on State Street at an undisclosed time on March 10. She was issued an appearance ticket.

Shawn Lewis Anderson, 42, of Linwood Road, Le Roy, is charged with DWI, unregistered motor vehicle, unlicensed operation, uninspected motor vehicle, and moving from lane unsafely.  Anderson was arrested following an investigation by Deputy Travis Demuth into a single-vehicle rollover accident on Linwood Road at 1:51 p.m. on March 14. Anderson was issued traffic tickets.

Steven Andrew Wasielewski, 39, of Phelps Road, Pembroke, is charged with criminal contempt 1st and assault 3rd. Wasielewski is accused of violating an order of protection and hitting another person, causing an injury at 10:07 p.m. on March 19 at a location on Phelps Road in Pembroke. His release status was not provided.

Mark Samuel Robbins, 41, of South Lake Avenue, Bergen, is charged with two counts of harassment 2nd.  Robbins is accused of shoving one person and striking another during a disturbance reported at 9:44 p.m. on March 16 at a location on South Lake Avenue, Bergen.  Robbins was issued an appearance ticket.

Grand Jury Report: Man accused of possessing gun on school grounds in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Delonta R. Curry is indicted on counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree, a Class C violent felony, and criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds, a Class E felony. Curry is accused of possessing a weapon on school grounds in the City of Batavia on Feb. 22 with the intent to use the weapon against another person.

James J. Santiago Jr., is indicted on one count of failure to register a change of address as a sex offender, a Class E felony. Santiago is accused of failure to notify the NYS Division of Criminal Justice of a change of address within the required 10 days for a registered sex offender in July.

Isaac C. King is indicted on counts of criminal contempt in the first degree, a Class E felony and aggravated family offense, a Class E felony. King is accused of making repeated phone calls to a victim in violation of a court order in December in the Town of Pembroke.

Jarrod K. Fotathis is indicted on counts of grand larceny in the fourth degree, a Class E felony, conspiracy in the fifth degree, a Class A misdemeanor, criminal possession of stolen property in the fourth degree, a Class E felony, petit larceny, a Class A misdemeanor, and unlawful possession of personal identification in the third degree., a Class A misdemeanor. Fotathis is accused of stealing a credit card in the City of Batavia on Sept. 2. He is also accused of stealing cash from the same victim. In a second indictment, Fotathis is indicted on counts of identity theft in the second degree, a Class E felony and petit larceny, a Class A misdemeanor. Sometime on Feb. 3 or Feb. 4, Fotathis allegedly used a person's identity of a second victim to make purchases of $670.77 using that person's debit card. He also allegedly stole an Amazon Fire Stick. 

Jeffrey A. Hewitt is indicted on counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree, a Class D felony, aggravated unlicensed operation in the first degree, a Class E felony, criminal possession of a controlled substance in the seventh degree, a Class A misdemeanor, and driving while ability impaired by drugs. On Sept. 25, Hewitt was allegedly found in possession of a metal knuckle knife. On that date, he was allegedly driving a 2009 Infinity while his driving privileges were suspended or revoked. He was allegedly found in possession of cocaine. 

Rufus G. Johnson is indicted on a count of burglary in the third degree, a Class D felony, and two counts of petit larceny, a Class A misdemeanor. Johnson is accused of entering Walmart at 4133 Veterans Memorial Drive on Oct. 8 with the intent to commit a crime inside the building. He is accused of stealing property while inside the store.

Johnnie M. Waston is indicted on a count of criminal mischief in the third degree, a Class E felony. Waston is accused of damaging the windshield of a 2017 Nissan Murano belonging to another person on July 21.

Jason S. Neth is indicted on counts of unlawful imprisonment in the first degree, a Class E felony, and leaving the scene of an incident without reporting, a Class E felony.  Neth is accused of restraining a person under circumstances that exposed the person to risk of serious physical injury in the Town of Darien on June 11. He is accused of operating a motor vehicle and having caused serious physical injury to another person and leaving the scene.

Student art display included in Botts-Fiorito American Legion open house on Saturday

By Press Release

Press release:

The American Legion Auxiliary will be displaying artwork by Wolcott Street School 4th through 6th graders during the Botts-Fiorito American Legion Post #576 open house.

It will be the kick off to our Poppy Program and the center of the auxiliary's outreach to the public to see what the Legion has to offer.

The posters will be on display at the Legion from March 25 until Memorial Day.

Applications available for Interagency Council $1K scholarships

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County Interagency Council is pleased to announce that we will be offering a $1,000.00 scholarship for the Fall 2023 semester.  Those eligible will be High School Seniors living in and attending high school in Genesee County, in good academic standing, and majoring in Human Services, Social Work, Sociology or Psychology ONLY. 

Because the goal of this scholarship is to support those students who have a strong drive to contribute to the field of Human Services, special consideration will be given to those students who have already demonstrated a commitment to the field through their employment, volunteer, academic, and/or extracurricular pursuits. 

The deadline for applications is Friday, May 5.  The awardee will be notified by June 1. The award will either be presented at our June 21 picnic meeting, or the check will be mailed directly to the individual if the in-person meeting does not occur.


GLOW Y swim team competes in state championships, Reilly Davis wins title

By Press Release

Press release:

Twelve members of the GLOW YMCA Riptide Swim Team competed in the New York State YMCA Swimming Championships at the Burt Flickinger Aquatic Center in Buffalo on March 18 and 19.  For seven of these members, it was their first time competing on a swim team this season.  All members experienced significant time drops throughout the meet.

Award recipients include Lily Bellamy, 14th in the 50 Back; Tori Davis, 6th in the 50 Back and 12th in the 200 Free; Wyatt Fisher, 7th in the 50 Fly, 8th in the 100 IM, and 10th in the 50 Breast; Caleb Henning, 16th in the 500 Free; and Anna Pritchett, 16th in the 50 Free and 16th in the 100 Free.

Reilly Davis took home the NYS Championship in the 8u 25 Breast.  She also placed 2nd in the 100 IM, 3rd in the 100 Free, 3rd in the 50 Free, and 3rd in the 25 Free.

The 10u relay team of Sarah Pritchett, Reilly Davis, Lily Bellamy, and Matilda Nevinger took home 5th place in the 200 Free Relay and 6th place in the 200 Free Relay.  All of these members were new to the YMCA swim team this season.

The entire GLOW YMCA Riptide Swim Team had an amazing season.  They are looking for new members to join them next year. The Riptide swim team is coached by Jennifer Pritchett and Emily Hirsch.

Submitted photos.

Reilly Davis

Accident reported on Route 77 at Judge Road in Alabama

By Howard B. Owens

An accident is reported at Judge and Alleghany roads in Alabama.

A person is reportedly down in the roadway.

Alabama Fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

UPDATE 8:23 p.m.: This may be a car vs. pedestrian accident.  Dispatchers are checking on the availability of Mercy Flight.

UPDATE 8:28 p.m.: Traffic being shut down on Route 77.

UPDATE 10:47 p.m.: This was a fatal accident.  The family has been notified. The Sheriff's Office is handling the investigation.  The Crash Management Team is on scene. The accident is under investigation, and there no further information is available just yet. The name of the victim will be released later. 

Hawley speaks out against Hochul's 'housing compact' plan for muncipalities

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C -Batavia) joined fellow Assembly Republican colleagues today to stand against the governor’s proposed housing compact plan, which would force urban building in otherwise non-urban environments like suburban communities and rural farmlands. Local governments would be unable to stop any zoning law oversteps in this proposal. Hawley finds the proposal outrageous.

“This state government’s solution to everything is to treat a problem with a broad brushstroke, which has led to many other problems being born,” Hawley said. “This housing compact proposal is another instance of a state government enforcing its will on localities whether they like it or not. It will undoubtedly lead to further problems like overcrowded schools, accelerated strains on local roads and bridges and the overtaking of land that could be dedicated to farming or small enterprise.”

Haxton Library offers weekly storytime program for preschoolers

By Press Release

Press Release:

Preschoolers from 2 to 5 years of age are invited to a morning of activities, stories, rhymes, songs, and a craft each week at the Haxton Memorial Library, 3 North Pearl Street in Oakfield. Preschool Storytime takes place Monday mornings at 10:30 a.m. in the Children’s Room.

The Haxton Library’s talented Mrs. J. fills Storytime with fun for preschoolers with each program centered around a theme like holidays, animals, colors, pets, seasons, or special events. The colorful Children’s Room at the library is the perfect setting, and it invites the children to explore the other activities and materials available at the library. 

In addition to Preschool Storytime, the Haxton Memorial Library also has Baby Storytime that is held on Saturdays at 10 a.m. Babies from 0 to 24 months are invited to share rhymes, songs and simple board books, followed by playtime. While Baby Storytime is designed for infants and toddlers, older children are always welcome to attend as well.

“Our Storytime programs are great favorites because they engage the children with activities and songs,” says Kim Gibson, Director at the Haxton Library. “We love to have our preschoolers and their families explore and enjoy the materials, books and programs that we offer at the Haxton.”

For more information about Preschool Storytime, Baby Storytime, or any of the programs at the Haxton Memorial Library, please call 585-948-9900.

The Haxton Memorial Library located at 3 North Pearl St., Oakfield, provides residents with a variety of programs, events and materials that are listed on the library’s website.

GC Legislature honors a dispatcher, a friend; fundraiser to help family

By Joanne Beck

As the community was still mourning the loss of Genesee County Sheriff's dispatcher Andrew Merkel, Legislature Chairwoman Rochelle Stein read some words in his memory during the Legislature meeting Wednesday evening.

Emergency Services Dispatcher Andrew K. Merkel unexpectedly passed away at the age of 38 on Tuesday, March 21, 2023.

He served the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office since October 1, 2011. In addition to his regular duties as an Emergency Services Dispatcher, he was a Communications Training Officer and a board member of the Genesee County Sheriffs Employee Association.

Andy, as he was more popularly known, was also a former employee of Mercy EMS from 2009 to 2015 as an EMT, an Oakfield baseball coach and mentor and a longstanding member of the Alabama Fire Department.

Outside of serving his community, he spent his time operating Wings Cupped Retriever Services, his dog training company, which specialized in obedience, retriever and gun dog training. He also enjoyed duck hunting and the outdoors.

"On top of all that, he was a family man and a great friend," Stein said. "He loved spending time with his wife and three young children, and talking about their escapades. He contributed valuable guidance and tremendous support over many years to anyone who crossed his path."

A GoFundMe has been organized by members of the Genesee County Sheriffs Association. All money raised will be given directly to Andrew Merkel's family, Stein said.

For more information, go to for the Merkel Family Donation Fund. Or feel free to donate by mail to GCSEA, PO Box 46, Batavia, NY, 14021.

Video Sponsor
.pane-node-body img {background: none !important; border: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: unset !important; padding-left: 1px !important }

Video: Andy Merkel featured in a video about the Retriever Hunting Challenge.

Top photo: By Howard Owens. Andy Merkel at Little League opening day in Oakfield in 2017. Inset photo, submitted. 

Jerome Foundation announces William F. Brown Jr. scholarship

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Jerome Foundation is sponsoring the William F. Brown Jr. Scholarship. The award is given in memory of the late William F. Brown Jr., noted author, broadcaster, and journalist who contributed greatly to the quality of life in Genesee County through his writing and as a member of numerous community and civic organizations.

An annual $1,000 scholarship for four years for a total of $4,000 will be given to a deserving Senior graduating from a Genesee County School whose intention is to pursue a career in the field of journalism, marketing, communication or public relations (in print, radio, television or digital media).

Applications for the scholarship have been sent to area High School Counselors or can be found at Applications are due May 8,2023 and can be mailed to The Jerome Foundation, P.O. Box 249, Batavia, NY, 14021.

If further information is needed, contact Chris Fix at or 585-356-3419.

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