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GO ART! awards state grants to multiple artists and community organizations

By Press Release

Press release:

On Sat, April 22, GO ART! announced the 2023 Statewide Community Regrant (SCR) Program Grantees at the Hoag Library in Albion.

The Statewide Community Regrant Program was developed by the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) in 1977 in response to a mandate by New York’s Legislature that there be greater local involvement in funding decisions, affecting local non-profit organizations, offering artistic or cultural services and programs, and to ensure New York State’s cultural funding reached every part of the State.  The program is funded statewide, in all 62 counties, and NYSCA funds are regranted by local arts agencies through a transparent peer panel funding process.  Through the Statewide Community Regrant Program GO ART!, NYSCA and the New York State Legislature hope to extend, upgrade and increase the arts and cultural programming in Genesee and Orleans Counties. The goal is to make state arts support available to geographically, economically, and ethnically diverse segments of the state’s population. 

Through the SCR Program, GO ART! awarded a total of $210,000 in regrant funding to 50 artists and organizations for events and programming throughout Genesee and Orleans counties.

The Statewide Community Regrant Program consists of three different grants Reach, Ripple and Spark:

REACH: The GO ART! Community Arts Grants (Reach Grants) provide seed grants to individual artists, collectives and arts organizations for projects and activities that enable Genesee and Orleans County communities to experience and engage with the performing, literary, media, and visual arts. Each year the program supports arts projects, including concerts, performances, public art, exhibitions, screenings, festivals, workshops, readings, and more. 


  • Batavia Business Improvement District - Jackson Square Concert Series - $5000
  • Batavia Concert Band - 2023 Batavia Concert Band Summer Concert Series - $3231
  • Batavia Development Corp - Murals in the Batavia City Centre - $2800
  • Batavia Players, Inc - 2023 Theater Season - $5000
  • Bergen Historical Society - Holiday Mural Panels - $4286
  • Bill & Kay McDonald - Homegrown Concert Series 2023 - $5000
  • Brian Kemp (Batavia Business Improvement District) - TableTop ArtShow - $5000
  • Byron-Bergen Public Library - Enriching lives through the Arts - $4954
  • David Burke (Warrior House of WNY) - The Goose Community Center Indoor Mural - $2500
  • Elba Betterment Committee - EBC Presents Art Around Town (Again) - $5000
  • Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden - Artistic Interpretive Panels - $5000
  • Gillam-Grant Community Center - Community Art Adventure - $4849
  • Genesee Chorale, Inc - Genesee Chorale 2023 Season - $5000
  • Genesee Symphony Orchestra - 2023 Concert Series - $5000
  • GLOW OUT! - 2023  Pride Festival - $4500
  • Haxton Memorial Library - Talented Thursdays - $5000
  • Heather Davis (St. Mark's Episcopal Church) - Opera on the Oatka - $1500
  • Holland Land Office Museum - Guest Speaker & Concert Series - $3500
  • Hollwedel Memorial Public Library - Shake on the Lake Presents William Shakespeare - $5000
  • Michelle Cryer (Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden) - Batavia Water Storage Tank Mural - $2800
  • Oakfield Betterment Committee - Oakfield Labor Daze - $5000
  • St. Mark's Episcopal Church - Music at St. Mark's - $2970
  • Thera Sanchez (Habitat for Humanity) - Batavia's Gold Mural - $3000
  • Warrior House of WNY - Learning Through Art - $5000
  • William Peterson (Batavia Players) - Everyone Has a Story - $5000
  • Woodward Memorial Library - Art All Year ­- $5000


  • Albion Merchants Association - Concerts on the Canal - $5000
  • Cobblestone Society & Museum - Cobblestone Museum Arts Series for 2023 - $5000
  • Friends of Boxwood Cemetery - Boxwood at Night - $4160
  • Hoag Library - Hoag Music Series - $5000
  • Howard Barry (Community Free Library) - Myron Holley Erie Canal Mural - $5000
  • Lee-Whedon Memorial Library - Finally Fridays! 2023 - $3200
  • Lyndonville Lions Club - I Hear the Music - $5000
  • Orleans County Historical Association – Multidisciplinary Live History Event- $5000 
  • Veronica Morgan - I was a "Hoggee" on the Erie Canal - $5000
  • Vette (Albion Merchant Association) - Albion Summer Concert -$4768
  • Village of Albion - Bridging the Village Music Series - $5000
  • Village of Holley - Concerts at the Canal - $3000
  • Yates Community Library - More than Just Books - $5000

RIPPLE: The GO ART! Individual Artist Commission (Ripple Grant) supports local, artist-initiated activity, and highlights the role of artists as important members of the community. The Commission is for artistic projects with outstanding artistic merit that work within a community setting. 


  • Eric Zwieg - Passenger: A Billion Little Pieces - Postmodern Reflections - $2500
  • David Burke - Harvester Center Hallway Mural - $2500
  • William Schutt - Connecting Hands Connecting Communities - $2500
  • Joshua Lang - On Dreams - $2500


  • Eric Weatherbee - The Humble Bard Present - $2500

SPARK: The Arts Education Program (Spark Grant) supports arts education projects for youth and/or senior learners. Emphasis is placed on the depth and quality of the creative process through which participants learn about the arts. Projects must focus on the exploration of art and the artistic process.


  • Genesee County Youth Bureau - Re:Creation (Drawings of Nature) - $3200
  • Strength in Numbers Organization Inc - Strength In Numbers Organization Youth Music Program - $5000
  • Linda Miranda Fix (Batavia Central School District) - #kindness,empathy&you mural - $5000
  • Laura Jackett (Byron-Bergen Public Library) - Art Workshops at the Libraries - $5000


  • Patricia Greene (Orleans County Chamber of Commerce) - Art Experiences for Seniors - $5000
  • Judd Sunshine (Lyndonville Central School District) - Erie Canal Songwriting Project - $3300

These grants are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.  

Photos by Tom Rivers/Orleans Hub.

Top photo: Gregory Hallock (right), executive director of the Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council greets about 75 people during an announcement on Saturday for $210,000 in grants to local arts programs. He is joined at Hoag Library in Albion by Mary Jo Whitman (left), the education and Statewide Community Regrant Program coordinator; and Jodi Fisher (center), the GO ART! administrative assistant.

GO ART! officials on Saturday presented checks for $210,000 to about 50 different artists, community organizations and municipalities to support cultural programs in 2023. The funding was presented to about 75 people at the Hoag Library in Albion.

Sara Vacin, executive director of GLOW Out, said a grant will help fund the GLOW Pride Fest on June 9 in Batavia.

Genesee County announces the first countywide Farmland Protection Workshop

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee County, in collaboration with Genesee Valley Conservancy, Western New York Land Conservancy, and Genesee Land Trust, has announced that the Agricultural & Farmland Protection Board will be accepting pre-applications from landowners interested in being considered for New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets Farmland Protection program or other state and federal farmland protection initiatives that may become available in the future.

The Farmland Protection program buys conservation easements on the State’s most productive farmland.

The program is completely voluntary, and the seller retains ownership of the land and can continue farming the property. However, the land will have permanent restrictions on commercial, residential, and industrial uses.

A workshop will be held on Tuesday, May 2, from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at Genesee County Building 2, located at 3837 W Main Street Rd, Batavia, to provide landowners with information about the program. All interested landowners must attend this workshop prior to submitting an application. If any interested landowners cannot attend, contact the County Planning at or (585) 815-7901 to inquire about making arrangements.

The State Farmland Protection Implementation Grant program reimburses farmers up to 87.5 percent of the value of the development rights on their land. Three land trusts serve Genesee County and can submit applications for this grant funding. All farmers wishing to apply to the State program must complete a reapplication with their respective land trust. Pre-applications will be evaluated by the land trust and will consider the amount of development pressure, quality of soils to be protected, and farm viability. The highest-scoring pre-application(s) will be invited to have full applications submitted to the program. These pre-applications may be used to select eligible farms for other future state and federal farmland protection programs. The Genesee County Planning Department, the Genesee Valley Conservancy, the Western New York Land Conservancy, the Genesee Land Trust, and the Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District work cooperatively to manage the pre-application phase.

The pre-application process will be open year-round for interested landowners in the County but will be reviewed annually by each Land Trust. The full application deadline to the New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets has not yet been announced, and there is no guarantee the State will release a funding opportunity this budget year. However, establishing a pipeline of interested farms is crucial to demonstrating funding needs and critical to leveraging other non-state funding. 

For more information on the New York State Farmland Protection program, visit:

Brighton Securities to host annual shred day on May 26

By Press Release

Press release:

Brighton Securities, a Batavia Financial Services firm, will hold its 12th Annual Free Shred Day on Friday, May 26, from 12 - 2 p.m.

“Our Shred Event is a service we offer our community as a great way for them to safely dispose of their bank records, credit card statements and any other sensitive documents for secure, eco-friendly destruction and disposal. We’re proud to offer this service for the 12th year and encourage our community to participate. We will have staff on hand to help our event participants decide what to dispose of and shred, what to save, and for how long certain records should be saved,” said Steve Hicks, branch manager of Brighton Securities.

A shredding truck from Shred-Text, Inc. will be standing by for contactless disposal of your old documents. We'll also have staff on hand to help you decide what to shred and what to save, as well as you will be able to monitor on-screen, your documents as they are shredded. This is a free event, and all are welcome to attend.

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens.

Jimmy Sturr coming to Batavia to spread the love for Polka

By Howard B. Owens

Not many legends play concerts in Batavia, but this Thursday, Batavia Downs will host Jimmy Sturr -- winner of 18 Grammy Awards, leader of a polka band since age 11, and musical artist who has recorded 152 records.

His first recording in 1964, in the midst of Beatlemania, was a 45 -- the A-side was a song Sturr wrote, "Hepsa Polka" -- and he's been touring and recording since, building a reputation as the King of Polka.

"I fell in love with it (Polka) at an early age," Sturr said during an interview with The Batavian. 

That won't be hard to understand once you know a bit about where he grew up.

Sturr was born in 1941 and raised in Florida, NY, and even with international success, he's never left Florida, NY.

He's perhaps as proud of his hometown as he is of Polka.

"It's funny, but Florida, New York is known as -- now don't get upset when I tell you this because I know you think your part of the state is the Onion capital of the country -- well, Florida, New York is supposedly the onion capital of the country. We grow, I guess they say, approximately 30 percent of the nation's onions."

Sturr is Irish, but Florida, NY, was 85 percent Polish when he was growing up.

"A lot of the people came over from Poland and Germany working in the black dirt, and they brought all their traditions with them, one of which was their music," Sturr said. "That's how I fell in love with the music. My high school dances all had Polka bands. The local radio station had a Polka show every day. And of course, we had those three-day Polish weddings. So you know, I just fell in love with Polka."

If you were coming of age as a musician in the 1940s and 1950s, it wasn't a bad time to fall in love with Polka.  Some of the genre's most influential musicians -- such as Frankie Yankovic, Walt Solek, Larry Chesky, and Myron Floren -- were cutting popular albums. Myron Floren became a regular on the "Lawrence Welk Show," playing a Polka segment that a young Jimmy Sturr never missed.

He quickly became a proficient musician and, by 1952, was leading his own band. In one interview, Sturr said his band was the third call band because he was so young.  If the more established bands in town were booked, Sturr got the call, which still led to plenty of performance experience and helped launch his career.

Sturr said he was also influenced by the Big Bands of the East Coast that occasionally passed through his hometown. 

"For some reason, most of the bands that came here were from New England, from Massachusetts, and some were from New Jersey and New York," Sturr said. "That's the kind of music I grew up on with bands that came from that area. I sort of molded my band in that direction. That's why we have such a big band."

And it's a good band.  There are dozens of live recordings of the Jimmy Sturr Orchestra on YouTube that demonstrate how well the band plays together, their dynamic performances, and individual musicianship.

Sturr, from early in his career, wanted to be an ambassador for Polka.

He realizes there is a bit of a stigma attached to Polka.  That it's grandma and grandpa's music, but he's seen for himself how young people can enjoy the music -- which is really party music -- as much as anybody.

"You know, once we can get them to hear the music -- just like last week in Buffalo (for a Dyngus Day celebration) -- there were a lot of people who weren't Polka fans, but they were there for the party," Sturr said. "Once they heard it, they were hooked. I had them hooked. They stayed the whole night."

Spreading the love for Polka is one reason Sturr has recorded with so many other artists who aren't usually associated with Polka, such as Arlo Guthrie, Mel Tillis, Bela Fleck, Brenda Lee, Charlie Daniels, Bobby Vinton, Porter Wagner, Ray Price, the Oak Ridge Boys, Bill Anderson, and Allison Krauss.

Willie Nelson has appeared on five Sturr LPs.

"I read a book one time on Willie Nelson, and that's how this whole thing sort of started," Sturr said. "I read that Willie Nelson started in a Polka band back in his home state of Texas. So I thought, 'Well if I ever get the opportunity to meet Willie, I'm going to ask him if he would record with me.' Well, sure enough, not long after that, I had the opportunity to perform with Willie on the same show. After the show, I snuck around and said, 'Willie, would you be interested in recording some polkas with our band?' And he said, 'I'd love to do that. And we did. That was back in around 1998."

By then, Sturr was already a big star, thanks to the Grammy Awards. 

The Recording Academy didn't get around to declaring Polka a genre worthy of its own award until 1986, when Frankie Yankovic won that first award.  The next year, Sturr won the first of his Grammys, starting a string of six consecutive Grammys for best Polka album.  He would win 12 more before the category was eliminated in 2009.  Since 2011, Polka artists have been eligible for awards in the Regional Roots Music category, but so far, no Polka act has won that award.

"If we had not won 18 Grammys, I think we would be just another, quote, polka band," Sturr said. "But the Grammys meant so much. You get to meet a lot of people, people like Willie Nelson. I mean, from that, we got to play Farm Aid. I'm sure we wouldn't be doing that If we hadn't won those Grammys."

In his effort to appeal to younger music fans, Sturr has always welcomed a variety of musicians into his band.  His current guitarist is Chris Caffery, lead guitarist for the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

"That's one reason I like to tour with Chris Caffery," Sturr said, explaining his desire to reach young fans. "He comes out with the long hair, and he does rock guitar with the horns, and it sounds quite good. It's a good mix. And, of course, the young kids all of a sudden, they're right into it. And the next song I play would probably be a Polka. And those kids are still getting into it. They'll get into the polka." 

Sturr's performance at Batavia Downs on Thursday is part of WBBZ's Polka Buzz broadcast from Batavia Downs.

Tickets are $20 and can be purchased on the Batavia Downs official tickets website,   Tickets can also be purchased at the Lucky Treasures Gift Shop. Tickets can be redeemed for $20 in Free Play on the day of the show.

The Batavian hires Kara Richenberg as publication assistant

By Howard B. Owens

For the first time in its nearly 15-year history, The Batavian has three full-time employees.

Kara Richenberg, a lifelong resident of Genesee County, is joining the staff today as a publication assistant.

Richenberg's duties will include posting press releases, managing our community calendar, and administering Deal of the Day, as well as other customer support.

"We're excited to add Kara to our team," said Publisher Howard Owens. "She has been an active part of our community throughout her life, knows the community well, and will fit well with the team we already have in place."

Already on that team are Lisa Ace, creative manager, who joined The Batavian nearly 12 years ago, and News Editor Joanne Beck, who has been in that role for about a year.

In her previous jobs, Richenberg has worked for Tops Markets, the Tonawanda Valley Federal Credit Union, and Toyota of Batavia.  She is a graduate of Pembroke High School and earned an associate's degree from Genesee Community College.

Mike and Kara Richenberg married in 2016 and welcomed their first child, a daughter, in 2020.  Her new job will allow her to work from home and care for her daughter.  The couple is currently working with the building trades team at BOCES to build a home for themselves in Corfu.

Both Mike and Kara are avid runners (Mike won the first six consecutive Arc Friends and Family 5Ks), and Kara is currently the coach of the modified tennis team at Pembroke HS.

The Batavian will market its 15th Anniversary on May 1 with the launch of an upgraded website as well as a new program that will enable readers to help us produce more community news.

Photo: Residents respond to Drug Take-Back Day, filling four boxes

By Howard B. Owens

Today was another successful Drug Take-Back Day, said Batavia PD officers this afternoon at the drop-off spot on Alva Place in Batavia.

Four boxes were filled with unwanted prescription drugs so they can be safely destroyed.  Det. Jason Ivison said Le Roy PD officers also dropped off several full boxes for disposal.

Batavia PD, the Sheriff's Office on Park Road, and the State Police on West Saile Drive, all operate drug drop-off boxes in their lobbies throughout the year.

Photo by Howard Owens. Officer Connor Borchert, Det. Jason Ivison, and Officer Peter Post.

Schumer announces Senate passage of bill to continue grants for fire departments

By Press Release

Press release:

After an all-out push launched to save federal funding for New York Fire Departments, standing with firefighters from the Capital Region to the Southern Tier, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer announced the Fire Grants and Safety Act of 2023, which would save this vital lifeline has passed the Senate.

Schumer explained the main federal firefighter funding programs - the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program and Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Program – which help hire new firefighters and purchase lifesaving equipment, are both at risk of being eliminated this year.

Schumer, who helped create these programs, said the new bill, which has now passed the Senate, would extend this funding through Fiscal Year (FY) 2030, preserving this critical funding that has delivered over $682 million to firefighters across the Empire State. 

“When our New York fire departments smelled smoke on how devastating these cuts would be, I traveled to every corner of the state standing with our firefighters to sound the alarm. Everyday our brave firefighter in Upstate New York risk their lives to keep their communities safe, and I promised to use all my clout as majority leader to hold feet to the fire and lead this bill to passage; And a promise made is now a promise kept,” said Senator Schumer. “Since the start of the AFG and SAFER programs, which I helped create, New York has received nearly $700 million in federal funding through these critical federal lifelines. That is money for new fire trucks, better equipment, and to hire more firefighters in the Upstate communities that need them most. I’m proud to have led the Fire Grants and Safety Act to passage in the Senate, and I will continue fighting tooth and nail to ensure that NY firefighters get the federal support they need to keep our communities safe for years to come.”

Schumer traveled across Upstate New York, from the Capital Region to the Southern Tier to the Hudson Valley, to sound the alarm on the potential elimination of this lifesaving federal funding for NY fire departments, promising he would not relent until the bill had passed the Senate. Schumer originally created the AFG Program in 2002, which later expanded to also include the SAFER and Emergency Response (SAFER) Program, and the Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) programs.

Schumer explained that these federal programs have been a lifeline for firefighters and have become essential to their continued operations. Fire departments, especially those in Upstate New York, often face budget shortfalls and extremely high costs that mean they cannot purchase the modern equipment they need to combat emergencies to keep firefighters safe. Schumer said that the AFG and SAFER grants have positively benefited fire departments in every corner of Upstate New York, and with the passage of the Fire Grants and Safety Act, NY firefighters will continue to receive the federal support they need to purchase lifesaving equipment and hire more firefighters throughout Upstate.

Specifically, the Fire Grants and Safety Act reauthorizes the U.S. Fire Administration, the Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program, and the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grant Program through Fiscal Year (FY) 2030. The bill also extends the sunset for both SAFER and AFG from 2024 to 2032 and increases the authorization for the U.S. Fire Administration by about $20 million, while maintaining the authorized funding level for SAFER and AFG at $750 million, each.

The senator is now calling on the House of Representatives to quickly take up the legislation he led to passage in the Senate, and to get the bill to the President’s desk ASAP to be signed into law.

Schumer said, “Now the House needs to quickly take up the Fire Grants and Safety Act and pass this vital legislation so fire departments across America can continue to receive the federal support they desperately need, and I will not stop turning up the heat until this vital legislation for our firefighters becomes law.”

Since the start of these programs in 2002, the grants have delivered nearly $700 million in federal funding to NY firefighters. Schumer said that losing this funding would be felt especially hard for firefighters across Upstate New York, who have received over $78.5 million in federal funding through these programs in just the past three years.

Schumer said that if the programs were to cease that would mean lifesaving equipment and the hundreds of New York firefighters that have been hired, or recruited in the case of volunteer departments, thanks to this funding might never have happened. For example, last year, the Troy and Saratoga Springs fire departments received nearly $8 million to hire 30 new firefighters, and in 2019, the Buffalo Fire Department received nearly $10 million to hire 50 new firefighters. Over the past few years, multiple fire departments have received millions to purchase new ladder trucks, radio systems, self-contained breathing apparatus devices, cardiac monitoring devices, and other lifesaving equipment.

Tenney supports bill she says will protect female sports

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) voted in favor of H.R. 734, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023. The legislation ensures that biological females are not forced to compete against biological men in women's competitive sports funded through Title IX.

Tenney was an original cosponsor of this legislation and introduced this bill on February 1, 2023, on behalf of the bill’s original lead sponsor, Congressman Greg Steube (R-FL). This bill passed the House by a vote of 219-203.

“On National Girls and Women in Sports Day this February, I walked up the Capitol steps alongside tremendous female athletes to introduce the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “Today, House Republicans kept yet another commitment to the American people by voting to pass this commonsense bill. Across the country, the Biden administration is allowing, even encouraging, biological men to participate in women’s sports. This is fundamentally unfair and diminishes equal opportunities for women in athletics, which we fought for decades to achieve. By passing this bill, we are protecting opportunities for female athletes to train, compete, and thrive.”

Click here to read the full text of the bill.

Brayden Smith's big day at plate, on mound, sparks O-A 28-0 win

By Howard B. Owens

Brayden Smith tossed a five-inning no-hitter and was 3-3 at the plate with three RBIs and four runs scored as part of a dominating win by Oakfield-Alabama over Holley on Friday.

The Hornets banged out 19 hits and won 28-0 to move to 7-0 on the season while Holley falls to 0-4.

Aiden Warner was 2-3 with four RBIs and five runs scored. David Schufer was 2-3 with three RBIs. Colton Yasses, 2-4, three runs scored, and Brenden Wescott 2-4.

Thirteen players collected hits for O-A.

Smith K'd 13.  Only one hitter reached base on an error.

Submitted photo.

BHS senior Brendan Burgess wins Mr. Batavia 2023

By Steve Ognibene

The Mr. Batavia event -- in its 10th year and featuring 10 contestants on Friday -- has been a great tradition at Batavia High School, said Lisa Robinson, chairperson of the annual contest. 

Not only is the event a source of local entertainment featuring Batavia High School students, but it also serves as a fundraiser for charities, mostly right here in Genesee County. 

"I am so incredibly proud and very appreciative of all past and present hostesses, contestants and committee members, as well as the amazing staff who has supported myself and everyone involved over the years.  I could not do it without them," Robinson said.

Friday's event surpassed $5,000, bringing the 10-year fundraising total to nearly $38,000.

Each contestant performed their best in different categories, such as group dance, talent, swim strut, lip-sync, tux walk, and question and answer.

Brendan Burgess will get 50 percent of proceeds to donate to his charity, Volunteers for Animals.  When they read his name, his first thoughts were "all the money for the charity for such a good cause."

"I was thinking of my fellow contestants on how much work we all put in.  My coaches, my family, on how much they all supported me through the process," Burgess said.  "I really strengthened my friendships with my close group of friends, and some I have not talked to over a couple years. It helped bond us together even more.  It’s really awesome to come together and make new friends and strengthen those connections."

There was a tie for second place.  They were Cooper Fix (Ricky Palermo Foundation) and Fabian Vasquez (Golisano’s Childrens Hospital).  They will each get 25 percent of the proceeds to donate to their charities.

Vasquez said it was a "shell-shocking, amazing feeling" to win. 

"I was really impressed with this and we all put a lot of hard work and dedication into this," he said. "I don’t feel like there (were) any flaws and we put on a really good show tonight, and I hope it’s loved for many years for those who attended."

Fix had similar positive sentiments about the experience, regardless if he won or not.

"I was so excited and happy, I didn’t expect to place. There were so many talented guys out here that it could have gone either way, so I was so excited especially to share it with one of my friends; it was a great feeling," Fix said.  "We were all friends coming into this, but we got so much closer, seeing each other every day before school, working hard with each other every day it’s like building a new family."

Other contestants and their charities were:

  • Garrett Schmidt – All Babies Cherished
  • Ifran Armstrong – Crossroads House
  • Aidan Anderson – Batavia VA
  • Aden Chua – Genesee Cancer Assistance
  • Alex Johnson – Dave McCarthy Foundation
  • Shawn Kimball – Habitat for Humanity
  • Michael Marchese – Batavia Community Schools

Judges were Michelle Gillard, Batavia Business & Professional Womens Club; Christian Yunker, Owner/Managing Member at CY Farms/Batavia Turf; Jay Gsell, retired Genesee County Manager; Carly Scott, hostess of Mr. Batavia 2015; and Jordan Fluker, winner of Mr. Batavia 2015.

Hostesses were seniors, Clara Wood, Maya Schrader and Lucy Taggart.

Photos by Steve Ognibene.

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Disgruntled pharmacy customers speak up about lag in meds, phone system

By Joanne Beck

After her first trip to the hospital for a nasty bout of bronchitis, Roberta White was issued a prescription for a steroid inhaler, which was sent to CVS on West Main Street in Batavia.

That was the first week in April.

As of Friday, April 21, she’s still waiting for it. In between that time, White has made additional trips to the hospital for treatment, and, eventually, antibiotics and prednisone, the steroid she needed in the first place, she said.

When she tried to contact CVS by phone, she could not get through to the pharmacy, even when the front store staff transferred her, she said. Already diagnosed with severe asthma, she struggled to breathe and walk very far with her bronchitis at its worst, she said, and couldn’t go to the store until her symptoms got better.

“I had been working with my doctor’s office, they'd call CVS … they weren’t filling my other prescriptions either,” White said. “Yesterday, I decided to contact CVS, and the phone system was down.”

She believes that her visits were an irritation to hospital staff, as they asked why she hadn’t gone to get her prescriptions filled. She explained that she couldn’t because she was continuously told that they were “on hold.” She called CVS corporate and said that not only did the person she spoke to have no answers, but also couldn’t get through to the Batavia pharmacy by phone.

Mary Jo Ognibene is shopping around for another pharmacy that will take her insurance. She wasn’t pleased that the Main Street, Batavia CVS took five and a half hours to fill her child’s two prescriptions, and another CVS branch didn’t answer the phone, she said.

Some online reviewers — for a cumulative rating of 2.8 — were equally unhappy. Carissa Augello said she understood that “there are staffing shortages, but holy cow.”

“I can’t even get through to talk to someone, and when it says I can leave a message, I can’t because the mailbox is full,” she wrote. “I’ve been waiting four days for my child’s prescription.”

Another online reviewer complained that she has “literally been waiting 3 months for my prescription to be filled.”

“Understand there (is) a shortage, but every time more comes in (they’re) supposedly out and say first come, first served, but been waiting 3 months,” Alicia Brenkus wrote.

White added that her mother, a diabetic, has also experienced a lag in getting her prescriptions. Her mom has received a message that her medications are in, and when she goes to pick them up, she’s told they’re not ready, White said.

Full disclosure: this reporter has experienced similar issues of prescriptions not being filled on time, not being able to get through to anyone on the phone after multiple attempts, and then after going in person to pick up scripts that were supposed to be ready, was told that they were not.

To be fair, the two employees that were behind the pharmacy counter during a more recent trip frantically worked to fill orders and do what they could in the moment. One of them explained that the lack of staff has put them two weeks behind.

A couple of signs were posted at the pharmacy counter that said there are issues with volume and staffing.

Apparently, that team has been struggling to fill its roster. The Batavian contacted CVS corporate Lead Director of External Communications Amy Thibault Thursday about the issues at the Batavia store.

“We’ve experienced an unexpected staffing issue at our West Main Street pharmacy, which has led to some delays in service, in-person and over the phone,” Thibault said. “We’re working to bring in additional pharmacy team members from neighboring CVS stores to assist, and we apologize for any delays patients may experience.”

Staffing shortage or not, meds — and lack thereof — are nothing to mess around with, White said. With her severe breathing issues, many medical conditions, including bronchitis, can become a life-and-death matter. “I could die from this,” she said.

This isn’t to say that the employees working at CVS are necessarily doing anything wrong — many are hard-working people trying to serve the needs of customers in the face of apparent staffing hardships and a dysfunctional phone system. However, customers seem to be bearing the brunt of the store’s struggles, and they shouldn’t have to wait days, weeks, and months for necessary medications.

Hopefully, Thibault’s remedy to bring in additional staff from neighboring CVS stores has already begun. Another trip to the pharmacy Friday evening found the drive-thru closed due to the staffing shortage. Adding more personnel couldn’t happen soon enough.

If you’re experiencing issues at CVS, let us know at

Photos by Howard Owens.

Still in the midst of recovering from fire, The Firing Pin hosts a Chamber After Hours

By Howard B. Owens

It's been less than four weeks since a fire in the firing range at The Firing Pin on Buffalo Road in Bergen nearly shut the business down.

But it isn't shut down.

A sign of that was owner Brandon Lewis and his staff hosting an After Hours event for the Chamber of Commerce -- an event that had been scheduled before the fire.

Lewis saw no reason to cancel it.

His 7,500 square-foot retail space and indoor firing range are gutted, but he rented a mobile firing range and converted a 500 square-foot storage area and studio into a new retail space, so the Firing Pin Remains open to take care of its customers, conduct classes, and keep everything going while he works out recovery details with his insurance carrier.

"It's been an adjustment, but we're making the most of it," Lewis said. "Obviously, if it were up to me, we'd already be half rebuilt already. But, you know, we're working within the limitations that we've got. I couldn't be more thankful for my team. You know, I couldn't imagine where we'd be without their efforts."

Previously: Three days after devastating fire, owner of The Firing Pin looking ahead

Photos by Howard Owens: Top photo, Brandon Lewis and his daughter Emmie.

Kelly Bermingham, membership director for the Chamber, with a cookie made for the chamber event featuring The Firing Pin logo.

John Huther, director for training at The Firing Pin, inside the mobile firing range.

Batavia defeats Brockport 6-1 in Boys Tennis

By Steve Ognibene

Batavia picked up their second win of the season in Boys Tennis with a 6-1 victory over Brockport on Thursday.

The deciding match for Batavia's victory was Andrew Beal and Ethan Bradley at first doubles. Beal and Bradley won 6-4, 7-6 (7-5) and took the pressure off the remaining singles matches.  Batavia is now 2-2.  

Match results (Batavia are first player(s) listed:

  • Orion Lama defeated Jason Kleehammer, 4-6, 7-6 (7-4), 7-6 (10-5)
  • Jack Pickard lost to Alex Kuhn, 2-6, 6-3, 6-2
  • Finn Halpin defeated Lucas Rodgers, 7-6(8-6), 3-6, 7-6(10-4)
  • Talyn Kennedy defeated Alex Cole, 7-5, 6-1
  • Andrew Beal/Ethan Bradley defeated Arjun Dwivedi/Noah Ryan, 6-4, 7-6(7-5)
  • Ben Stone/Luke Babcock defeated Bryce Gaylor/Jake Rookey 6-1, 6-3

One match was a forfeit.

Photos by Steve Ognibene.

Hornets remain undefeated with 13-3 win over Alexander

By Howard B. Owens

Brodie Hyde and Colton Yasses combined to strike out 12 Trojans over six innings to help lead Oakfield-Alabama to a 13-3 win over Alexander (1-2) on Thursday.

The Hornets are now 6-0 to open the season.

David Schnaufer drove in three runs for O-A, going 2-4.  He had O-A's only multi-hit game. Brayden Smith was 1-3 with three RBIs. Hyde collected a hit and two walks, scoring all three times he reached base.  Aiden Warner also scored three runs, and Brenden Wescott scored twice.

Anthony Auricchio was 1-3 for Alexander, driving in two runs.

Photos by Kristin Smith. For more game photos, click here.

Amelia McCulley named first-team All-Greater Rochester

By Howard B. Owens

Submitted photo and information.

Notre Dame's Amelia McCulley made first-team All-Greater Rochester for the 2022-23 basketball season.

McCulley, a senior, will be attending Hobart/William Smith in the fall.

The only other player from the GLOW region to make the AGR first team is Kylie Buckley, from Livonia, who will be attending Niagara in the fall.

In her senior season at Notre Dame, McCulley led Section V Girls Basketball with 88 three-point shots, which is the second most all-time in the section.  She was fourth in points per game with 24.4 and fifth in steals with 104.

In her career at Notre Dame, McCulley scored 1,449 points, which is the second-highest total in school history in Girls Basketball.

Photo from the Ronald McDonald All-Star Game. Photo by Luke Photography.


Brownfield cleanup to begin next month at Basket Place site in Batavia

By Joanne Beck

A city site known for the creation of collectible woven baskets, novelties and other manufacturing purposes will soon be a scene of environmental cleanup at the edge of Batavia.

Basket Place LLC, at 22 Clinton St., is 22.9 acres and is bordered to the north by Clinton Street (Route 33), to the south by the Erie Railroad, and to the east and west by residences. Properties south of the Erie Railroad are commercial/light industrial in nature, with some residences intermixed, according to a state Department of Environmental Conservation Fact Sheet.

The site was used to manufacture agricultural and highway equipment from the mid-1920s until the early 1990s. The current owner operates a warehousing facility for baskets and novelty items. Beginning in the late 1980s and continuing into the mid-1990s, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the NYSDEC evaluated the site.

In the late 1990s, the previous site owner, O&K Orenstein & Koppel, Inc., conducted additional investigations after the site was sold to Basket Place, LLC. The on-site and off-site remedial investigations began in 2003 when CNH Industrial Baumaschinen GmbH entered into a Voluntary Cleanup Agreement (VCA). However, the Voluntary Cleanup Program was terminated by the NYSDEC in 2018.

The cleanup activities will be performed by CNH Industrial Baumaschinen GmbH with oversight provided by the state DEC, which has determined that the Remedial Action Work Plan submitted by GHD Consulting Services, Inc. on behalf of CNH, protects public health and the environment and has approved the plan.

Remedial activities are expected to begin in May 2023 and last about five months.

The goal of the cleanup action for the site is to achieve cleanup levels that protect public health and the environment. The key components of the remedy are:

  • Excavation and off-site disposal of contaminated surface soil across the Site.
  • Treating contaminated soil and groundwater through soil mixing with injection of In-Situ (i.e., in place) Chemical Reduction.
  • Bioremediation injection into the groundwater as a barrier to treat and prevent further off-site migration of groundwater contamination.
  • Collecting and analyzing post-remedial soil and groundwater samples to evaluate the effectiveness of the remedy.
  • Importing or reuse of clean material that meets the established Soil Cleanup Objectives for use as a cover system.  Placement of a cover system, including a demarcation layer over areas of spot excavations to address contamination remaining above commercial use soil cleanup objectives.
  • Restoring the site cover where it is compromised, or placement of a 1-foot clean soil cover.

New York's Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP) encourages the voluntary cleanup of contaminated properties known as "brownfields" so that they can be reused and redeveloped. The city of Batavia and Batavia Development Corporation have Brownfield programs for remediation and redevelopment of properties, such as the former Della Penna property on Ellicott Street, and the Creek Park property behind the ice arena.

These uses include recreation, housing, business or other purposes. A brownfield site is any real property where a contaminant is present at levels exceeding the soil cleanup objectives or other health-based or environmental standards, criteria or guidance adopted by DEC that are applicable based on the reasonably anticipated use of the property, in accordance with applicable regulations, the Fact Sheet states.

Action on the privately owned Basket Place parcel is to begin in May, and that will address contamination related to the otherwise known "Ex-Eaton Site" located at 22-40 Clinton St., Batavia. Refer to the green outline in the image above.

A site-specific health and safety plan and a Community Air Monitoring Plan will be implemented during remediation activities. These plans establish procedures to protect on-site workers and residents and include required air monitoring as well as dust and odor suppression measures.

Next Steps
After the applicant completes the cleanup activities, they will prepare a Final Engineering Report and submit it to NYSDEC. This report will describe the cleanup activities completed and certify that cleanup requirements have been achieved or will be achieved.

When state DEC is satisfied that cleanup requirements have been achieved or will be achieved for the site, it will approve the Final Engineering Report. DEC will then issue a Certificate of Completion to the applicant. The applicant would be able to redevelop the site in conjunction with receiving a Certificate of Completion. In addition, the applicant would be eligible for tax credits to offset the costs of performing cleanup activities and for the redevelopment of the site.

DEC will also issue a fact sheet that describes the content of the Final Engineering Report and identify any institutional controls (for example, environmental easements) or engineering controls (for example, a site cover) necessary at the site in relation to the issuance of the Certificate of Completion, the agency stated.

In 2019, remedial investigations continued at this site under the Brownfield Cleanup Program. Additional site details, including environmental and health assessment summaries, are available on NYSDEC's Environmental Site Remediation Database (by entering the site ID, C819022) HERE

Meanwhile, cleanup efforts have been scheduled to resume this spring at the defunct Batavia Iron and Metal on Bank Street. 

To learn more, go to the Brownfield Cleanup Program

Image of map from NYSDEC.

Vehicle off the road in Byron, unknown injuries

By Howard B. Owens

A vehicle has gone off the road and into a field in the area of 6355 Cockram Road, Byron.

Unknown injuries.

Byron and South Byron fire departments dispatched.

UPDATE 10:22 p.m.: Law enforcement on scene reports a vehicle a couple of hundred yards off the roadway in the field.

UPDATE 10:29 p.m.: Mercy Medic 2 is put back in service.

UPDATE 10:54 p.m.: Byron and South Byron assignments are back in service.

Top Items on Batavia's List

NOW HIRING seasonal agribusiness positions. CDL A & B Drivers to deliver bulk crop nutrients. Potential long-term opportunities. Great for retirees! GENERAL LABOR positions. Daily variety of indoor/outdoor responsibilities. Loader experience a plus. SIGN-ON BONUS and plenty of OT during spring/summer months. Apply in person at: 8610 Route 237, Stafford, NY
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