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Bank Streetscape enhancements part of total package beginning this fall

By Joanne Beck
bus at crosswalk
Still photo taken from a video by The Bataivan about the crosswalk on Bank Street between Main Street and Washington Avenue in Batavia

After years of talking about and studying that Bank Street crosswalk — the one that's arguably a danger zone between Main and Washington — the city has plans to address it during what’s going to be a mighty busy infrastructure time beginning in mid-fall of this year, City Manager Rachael Tabelski says.

The City of Batavia has committed more than $1 million for a project to help reduce the street’s girth and slow down traffic, Tabelski said. A good portion of that amount — $944,943 — will come from a state TAP grant. (See council's discussion about the grant HERE.)

rachael tabelski
City Manager RachaelTabelski.
FIle photo by Howard Owens.

“The Bank Street Corridor Streetscape project was approved as a Capital Project by City Council.  The City received an NYSDOT TAP grant for a $1,113,900 project to re-align curb cuts, narrow the street for traffic calming and examine pedestrian elements such as the crosswalk," Tabelski said to The Batavian Thursday. "TYLynn has been selected by the city as the project engineer."  

Police Chief Shawn Heubusch, per The Batavian’s questions, checked on crash data for the last three years, and “found zero accidents at that crosswalk and only two nearby,” he said.

“There is no way to tell if they are attributed to the crosswalk itself, though. I am thinking they are not due to their locations (one is near the intersection of Main Street, and another one is farther north),” he said Wednesday. “I do not have the ability to pull data for tickets issued specifically for that area, so I cannot get you that data specifically.

shawn heubusch
Chief Shawn Heubusch

“I do not see this crosswalk in particular to be any more or less dangerous than other crosswalks in the City,” Heubusch said. “The issue with this crosswalk is that it is a mid-block crosswalk rather than at an intersection, but it is highly visible, and most everyone that travels that street knows it is there.”

His department does not have any data that supports the crosswalk being “anymore or less dangerous than others,” the chief said. “And I don’t see any others to be a large concern either.”

“I will say that we find, when responding to car/pedestrian accidents in general, that it is a mixed bag of who is at fault. Sometimes it is the pedestrian and sometimes the operator of the motor vehicle,” he said. “I do strongly support removing this particular crosswalk as it is a mid-block crosswalk, but in reality, there is no uptick in accidents caused by it, and if removed, people will cross the street there anyways.”

It's a popular location for crossing the street from the city parking lot, given the locations of the YMCA, the Jerome apartment complex, GO ART! and the Senior Center. 

The city is not the only entity interested in taking action to tighten up the safety along that section of Bank Street. A county Walkability Task Force has been discussing various areas to focus on, and it seems as though the crosswalk — which is directly in front of the Senior Center — is cause for that group’s concern as well.

The task force is planning to have one or more pop-up demonstrations for being safe at this or other crosswalks later this summer. The county’s Public Health Department received a $10,000 grant as part of a Walkability Virtual Academy program to improve, as the name implies, an area’s walkability via safety for pedestrians to do so.

In addition to the TAP grant and related work done for the streetscape, the city also received a water grant of $334,000 from the Northern Border Regional Commission. This funding is for a $418,000 project to replace the 6-inch waterline between Washington Avenue and Main Street with an 8-inch line. 

The water project is expected to start at the same time as construction for the police station, Tabelski said. These projects have been discussed and approved during prior council meetings. 

“Currently, the police station has achieved 100 percent design, and we are reviewing the final bid packages,” Tabelski said. "We have a goal to be out to bid in June, with construction starting mid-fall 2023 or early spring 2024. There will be a tremendous amount of construction activity on Bank Street with the infrastructure improvements and new (police) facility in 2024 and 2025.  

 “All of the projects will be coordinated, and the engineering teams will be communicating,” she said. “We hope to keep both lanes of traffic on Bank flowing as much as possible throughout the duration of construction.”

Five Le Roy seniors recognized for continuing their music education after graduation

By Howard B. Owens
le roy music students recognition
Jeffrey Fisher, one of the music teachers at Le Roy Central Schools, talks about music education while five graduating seniors who are entering college music programs look on. The students are Jackson Cain, Alexiana Clarke, Connor McGee, Evan Williams, and Nathan Yauchzee.
Photo by Howard Owens.

A lot of students pour through a school district's music program, but only a few of them put in the effort, show dedication and develop the skills necessary to carry on with their music education after graduation.

It's incredibly rewarding when a student follows that path, said Matthew Nordhausen, who teaches 5th and 6th-grade band in the Le Roy Central School District as well as serves as the district's primary percussion instructor.

"We obviously feel some pride in being able to help them build those skills to pass the auditions," Nordhausen said. "It's also incredibly rewarding, in about four years from now, when they graduate, and they go out into the workforce -- especially those that go into music education, because chances are, they'll come back to this area, and they might end up being our colleagues."

That's happened, he said.  Nordhausen said he's been teaching long enough -- 20 years -- now that he has former students teaching in Batavia and Monroe County.

On Thursday, Le Roy recognized five graduating seniors who are continuing their music education.

They are:

  • Jackson Cain, SUNY Fredonia for Music Education
  • Alexiana Clarke, SUNY Fredonia for Music Education
  • Connor McGee, SUNY Fredonia for Music Education
  • Evan Williams, Point Park for Music Theater
  • Nathan Yauchzee, SUNY Potsdam Crane School of Music for Music Business

Le Roy has a reputation in the region for quality music education, and Nordhausen said that comes down to the support the district gives to the Music Department and their ability to hire dedicated and talented teachers.

"The five of us --  Miss (Tasha) Dotts, Miss (Jessa) Dechant,  myself, Mr. (Jeffrey) Fisher, and Miss (Jackie) McLean -- we do work tirelessly for these kids, it's a 24/7 life, not a job. We're helping the kids before school, after school, anything they need, we're always accessible."

The district has helped ensure teachers hired are also qualified on instruments to provide individual instructions, and that is something, Nordhausen said, that many districts can't offer.

"It allows somebody like myself, who is primarily at the elementary school, to still be able to come up here (the high school) and teach my primary instrument, percussion, which allows our kids to get private instruction all the way through their senior year. That level of instruction is just unheard of. In another school district, you're going to have to seek out outside-of-school private lessons, but these kids are getting specific instruction on percussion for me and brass from Miss Dechant and woodwinds from Miss Dotts." 

Nordhausen is obviously enthusiastic about music education, and he encourages parents to get their children involved in music -- or any of the arts -- even if the parents have no background in music or art on their own.

Music is forever, he noted.

"Whether you have a musical family quote unquote or not, if you find a love of anything, whether that be music or art, then you should follow that passion through," Nordhausen said. "If you get involved in a great school district and a great program and a supportive one then you're going to be able to build those skills. I've often said, of myself, I am not the most talented musician, but I will be one of the hardest working ones. My colleagues are both talented and hardworking. And you can certainly overcome a quote-unquote a lack of talent if you're willing to put in the time and the effort."

le roy music students
Photo by Howard Owens

GC Fair organizers promise more to come this year after record 2022

By Joanne Beck
norm pimm
Norm Pimm presenting the annual fair report, and Legislator Gordon Dibble to his right.
Photo by Joanne Beck.

Record attendance of 70,000 people, the best year in recent history for vendors, the best midway year, and an increase in 4-H participants up from 35 two years ago to 165.

That upbeat news was in Norm Pimm’s 2022 annual fair report for Genesee County legislators; however, this year’s county fair is only expected to be bigger, better, and livelier than ever, the spokesman for Genesee County Agricultural Society said.

“People love our fairgrounds, they love our set-up,” Pimm said during this week’s Human Services meeting. “We have one of the top animal exhibits, at least one of the top three in New York State. That’s what the fair’s all about.”

The fair’s veterinarian went to check on the animals and “couldn’t believe how many we had,” Pimm said.

Ready for the numbers? There were:

  • 81 Dairy Cattle
  • 80 Goats
  • 48 Beef
  • 80 Swine
  • 65 Sheep
  • 204 Horses
  • 90 Rabbits
  • 155 Poultry
  • 18 Cavies

The Empire Classic Youth Sheep Show had 55 participants and 270 entries; the Genesee County Open Beef Show had 75 participants and 190 entries; Genesee County Open Swine Show had 50 participants and 160 entries; Draft Horse Show had 12 six-horse hitch teams from all over the country, the second largest show in the state.

So, what’s coming this summer? Some of it is new, and other features are bringing back or adding to old favorites, he said, such as more remote-control race cars, which will be free for kids, Pimm said. They were “a huge hit last year,” and will be locally sponsored by businesses.

There will be three kids’ days, with entertainment and midway discounts; nightly entertainment throughout the week; a petting zoo; two nights of fireworks; karaoke; the demolition derby and figure eight racing.

The Ag Society continues to invest proceeds into the fairgrounds, including $250,000 of mostly grant funds for electrical and sound upgrades — a work still in progress; upgrades of new siding, roof and furnace to the Kennedy Building; another construction/remodel project in the works for a new Agriculture Education Building; and upgraded wastewater/drainage.

The nonprofit is not dependent and focused merely on the fair and grounds, Pimm said, but also on additional events:

  • Six large horse shows booked for this year
  • Stockyard Classic Show Series
  • Food Truck Rodeo
  • A state Junior Beef Producers Show in April

“New, beginning in May … Memorial Day weekend … we’ll have a Stockyard Classic beef/sheep/swine and beef cattle series,” he said. “We’re doing a lot outside of the fair as well, to keep bringing money back to the fair.”

The Human Services Committee approved a resolution for the county to give $11,000 to the Genesee County Agricultural Society, to be used for 4-H judging and premium expenses, fair operations and related costs associated with the 2023 Genesee County Fair.

A resolution will be passed on to the next committee and eventually to the county Legislature for final vote. Funding has fluctuated over the years, with the highest level at $25,000, when the Society requested additional funding to make fair enhancements in 1999 to 2001; and zero funding in 2020 when the Society did not seek funding due to COVID-19.

This year's fair is set for July 22-29. To keep up-to-date on all of the fair events and the main page countdown clock, go to GC Fair. As it stands, there are 77 days, three hours, 11 minutes and nine seconds, no, eight, seven, six ...

Van strikes tree off Thruway in Pembroke

By Howard B. Owens

A van has reportedly left the roadway and struck a tree in the area of mile marker 404.6 in the eastbound lane of the Thruway.

Unknown injuries.

Pembroke Fire, Indian Falls FIre, and Mercy EMS dispatched.

UPDATE 1:50 a.m.: No injuries. 

Batavia Kiwanis recognizes outstanding service in criminal justice

By Howard B. Owens
Jason Ivison law day award
Det. Jason Ivision, Chief Shawn Heubusch, and Kiwanian Dave Rumsey after Batavia PD's Ivison received a Criminal Justice Award from the Batavia Kiwanis Club at the club's annual Law Day Luncheon at Batavia Country Club.
Photo by Howard Owens.

At Thursday's recognition luncheon held at Batavia Country Club, the Kiwanis Club of Batavia announced recipients of the 2023 Criminal Justice Awards. 

 The Kiwanis Club of Batavia Criminal Justice Award is presented to a member or members of the community, law enforcement, or a criminal justice agency serving the citizens of Genesee County whose exceptional career achievements and conscientiousness to citizenship have demonstrated a spirit of selfless public service or demonstrated an act of exceptional valor or heroism.

 The 2023 Award Recipients are:

Eric Andre award
Dave Rumsey, Sheriff William Sheron, Investigator Erik Andre, Kiwanis President Peter Guppenberger, Chief Deputy Joseph Graff, and Undersheriff Brad Mazur.
Photo By Howard Owens.

Investigator Erik B. Andre, Genesee County Sheriff’s Office  
Investigator Erik B. Andre began his career with the Genesee County Sheriff's Office in November of 2017, when he was hired as a Deputy Sheriff.  He brought with him prior law enforcement experience as he had previously worked as a Police Officer for the Village of Attica Police Department.  Investigator Andre's work ethic and law enforcement knowledge were quickly evident and led to his selection as a Field Training Officer.  Investigator Andre continued to perform his duties as a Deputy Sheriff to the highest standard, and in January 2022, he was promoted to the rank of Investigator.

Investigator Andre presents a calm demeanor and is a consistent example of professionalism.  Investigator Andre is a member of the Crisis Negotiator Team, where his ability to remain composed in high-stress situations is a valued resource.  Investigator Andre goes beyond the call of duty and shows a true commitment to the community.  Among his investigative duties, Investigator Andre has proactively developed and pursued several investigations involving retail theft crimes, which have led to arrests and successful prosecutions.  He takes pride in his work, he is an advocate for crime victims, and strives for an equitable outcome in his investigations.  In addition to his investigative responsibilities, Investigator Andre acts as a departmental Firearms Instructor and an Electronic Control Device Instructor.  He has been the recipient of a Sheriff’s Office Meritorious Service Award and a Commendation.  Investigator Andre was nominated for this award by Sheriff William A. Sheron Jr. and Chief Deputy Joseph Graff.

Spencer criminal justice award
Sheron, Rumsey, Guppenberger, Senior DIspatcher Jown Spencer, Mazur and Frank Riccobono, director of emergency communications.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Senior Emergency Services Dispatcher John W. Spencer 
Senior Emergency Services Dispatcher John W. Spencer has been a member of the Genesee County Sheriff's Office since 2007.  For the past six years, John has supervised the afternoon shift of the Emergency Services Dispatch Center, a shift that receives a high-call volume and regularly deals with crisis situations.  Senior Dispatcher Spencer's experience and knowledge are recognized during these high-stress calls for service.  He makes sure the appropriate equipment and personnel are notified and dispatched, which is a valuable asset to first responders. 

John has been the recipient of a Sheriff's Office Meritorious Service Award recognizing his excellent leadership and guidance for dispatchers, especially newer dispatchers. John has also received five Sheriff's Office Commendations which has proven his professionalism, compassion, and dedication to the citizens of Genesee County and Emergency Services.  Senior Emergency Services Dispatcher John W. Spencer was nominated for this award by Sheriff William A. Sheron, Jr. and Undersheriff Bradley D. Mazur.

Officer Jason Ivison, City of Batavia Police Department 
Police Officer Jason Ivison (top photo) has been employed by the City of Batavia for over 12 years.  He has excelled as an officer on road patrol where he served as one of the department’s primary Field Training Officers and was then promoted to Detective in 2019.  Since that time, Detective Ivison has developed into a key member of the Detective Bureau.  Detective Ivison has worked many high-profile investigations which have led to numerous arrests. Detective Ivison is known for completing thorough casework, which ultimately contributes to successful prosecutions in court.  Through his work, Detective Ivison has shown he is committed to seeking justice on behalf of the victims in his cases.  In addition to working his caseload, Detective Ivison also manages the City of Batavia's Sex Offender Registry.  Detective Ivison should be commended for his superior performance on behalf of the City of Batavia Police Department and the community in which he serves. Officer Davis was nominated for this award by City of Batavia Police Chief Shawn Heubusch.

Trooper Mader
Guppenberger, Rumsey, Trooper Bradley Maderer, Lt. Colin Sweeney.
Photo by Howard Owens

Trooper Bradley Maderer, New York State Police 
On December 23, 2022, during the harshest conditions of Winter Storm Elliott, Trooper Bradley Maderer, along with Probationary Trooper Sean Ogden, responded to Judge Rd (SR 63) in the Town of Alabama for at least 25 occupied, disabled vehicles, both in and off the roadway.  Time was a factor as plows were unable to clear the roadway, and some vehicles' gas levels were getting low.  Trooper Maderer located a resident who allowed their heated garage to be used as a temporary shelter.  Unable to effectively navigate the scene with his patrol vehicle, Trooper Maderer and Probationary Trooper Ogden patrolled on foot, checking the occupants of each vehicle. While experiencing below-freezing temperatures, extreme wind and snowfall, the Troopers guided the disabled vehicle occupants to the makeshift warming shelter or checked on them periodically if they wished to remain in their vehicles. Trooper Maderer remained on scene throughout the night at the shelter to ensure the safety of all citizens.  Trooper Maderer’s relentless effort undoubtedly saved lives, and he should be commended for his actions.  He played an integral part in the NYS Police response and was a big reason why there were no fatalities in Genesee County during Winter Storm Elliott.  Trooper Maderer was nominated for this award by New York State Police Zone Sergeant Benjamin Fasano.   

Deputy County Attorney Paula Campbell
Deputy County Attorney Paula Campbell’s dedication, professionalism, and knowledge of the law makes her a true asset to Genesee County.  She is always willing to educate others about the law, including employees, school officials, workers at the Child Advocacy Center, etc.  Ms. Campbell visited all the school districts in Genesee County to explain to staff the education requirements for abuse and neglect cases.  She also educated school staff on PINS/JD requirements, Raise the Age and other laws.  Recently, Ms. Campbell was made a supervisor within her department.  She is professional, empathetic and is always available after hours for situations that arise.  Paula Campbell was nominated for this award by Genesee County Department of Social Services Child Protection Supervisor Sandy Wojtaszczyk.

Charles L. Mancuso Mock Trial Award
The “Charles L. Mancuso Award” was presented to the members of the LeRoy High School Mock Trial Team as winners of the 2023 GLOW (Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, and Wyoming Counties) District Competition in the New York State Bar Association High School Mock Trial Tournament.  The award reads “Dedicated to the Memory of an Outstanding Attorney-Citizen”, Mr. Mancuso, a Batavia lawyer, served as coordinator of the local competition until his untimely death 16 years ago.  

The LeRoy High School team members honored at the luncheon include Jacqueline Arneth, Elaina Blake, Addison Burnside, Matthew Covert, Michael Covert, Katelynn Everett, Simeon Fisher, Andrew Greene, Meredith Ianni, Allie Ingles, Lyla Jones, Zachary Kirby, Maureen Klaiber, Ethan LaBabara, Daniel Mark, Molly Osterman, Anina Pabros, Emily Rigdon, Jack Tonzi, Carolyn Wujcik, Gabriella Zitz, Teacher-Coach Taylor Netchke.  The coordinator of the local Mock Trial Program, Kristie DeFreze, presented the award.

Note: Our apologies to Paula Campbell, and the Le Roy Mock Trial team. Because of a photographer's error, we don't have pictures of Campbell or the team.

Corey the Dribbler steals the show on Reading Night at Jackson Primary

By Howard B. Owens
corey the dribbler
Corey the Dribbler introduces himself to the students at Jackson Primary on Reading Night with some ball spins and flips.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Storytime, games, crafts, and hot dogs were all part of the fun of Jackson Primary Reading Night on Wednesday evening, but the highlight of the night for hundreds of clapping, laughing, and screaming school children was Corey The Dribbler.

Corey The Dribbler (Corey Rich) is a former Harlem Globetrotter and eight-time Guinness World Record holder.  After getting the attention of the children with his spectacular ball-handling skills, he shared a positive message about how the students can reach their goals and treat others with respect.

Photos by Howard Owens.

corey the dribbler
Jackson School
jackson primary
Jackson Primary
jackson primary
jason smith jackson primary
corey the dribbler
corey the dribbler
corey the dribbler


Down early, Batavia bounces back to remain undefeated in Flag Football

By Steve Ognibene
Line of scrimmage makes a move. Photo by Steve Ognibene

The Batavia Lady Devils Flag football team picked up a big win at home last evening at Van Detta Stadium with a 16-6 victory over Eastridge to remain undefeated at 3-0 in its inaugural season.

Eastridge scored early in the opening half to lead 6-0.  Batavia answered back late in the half when quarterback Julia Clark passed to Nicole Doeringer for a 14-yard touchdown.  Clark scored the extra point on a 3-yard run.

From that point on, the Blue Devils' defense was stout.

"That was the first time all year that a team came out in the opening drive and scored on us," said Defensive Coordinator Aaron Fix. "We haven't been in that position before. And I was really proud of how all the girls stayed composed. They got after it after that, and I thought our aggressiveness, upfront with our two girls that we brought a lot of pressure with, they did a phenomenal job. And our safeties did a great job staying back playing that pass. So it was really a great defensive team effort tonight."

At halftime, Batavia led 7-6. 

After a mistake by Eastridge, when an offense was flagged for holding in the end zone, Batavia added two points on the safety, making it 9-6.

"That was a huge play for us," Head Coach Ben Bucholtz said. "When you get those defensive points, it's a bonus. Our girls were relentless on the defensive side of the ball. That was just an effort play (The player who committed the penalty) had no choice but to hold her or to give up a sack. So either way, it was gonna be a safety. It gave us a lot of confidence coming back out, being able to turn the football around and burn some clock and then punch another one in to seal the win."

Senior Tiarah Banks picked off a pass with three minutes left in the game.  

On the next play, Julia Clark scored on a 39-yard touchdown run, and the extra point attempt was good.  

And the 16-6 score held the rest of the game.

Sophomore Kylee Brennan led the team with nine tackles, and Jamin Macdonald had five tackles.  Julia Clark had 131 yards on the night in passing and running.

The team is 3-0 but there's still the rest of the season to play, Bucholtz noted.

"We have a ton of things to clean up. I mean, these girls are learning every day," Bucholtz said. "We made a lot of mistakes today. To come out on top is a testament to how hard they're working. We're still learning. They're learning, learning, learning. This is the first year of it, so these girls are put on their thinking caps when they get to practice, and they really, really enjoy it."

Batavia Lady Devils' next game is on May 16, at home versus Rochester Academy Charter School, game time 7 p.m.

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Photos by Steve Ognibene.

Jamin MacDonald and Tiarah banks applying pressure on Eastridge. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Ella Radley moving the ball up the field. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Kylee Brennan making one of nine tackles on the night. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Julia Clark on the move to the goal line. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Celebration after first touchdown. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Nicole Doeringer scores Batavia's first touchdown. Photo by Steve Ognibene
The Blue Zoo on hand supporting the girls.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Batavia squad sharing excitment after touchdown to regain the lead in first half.  Photo by Steve Ognibene

Lottery drawing selects 55 tenants for Ellicott Station, Savarino says

By Joanne Beck
Ellicott Station project w/ Savarino sign
File photo. The Ellicott Station apartment during construction this winter. 
Photo by Howard Owens.

Tuesday’s lottery drawing was the next step in the process of filling Ellicott Station with tenants, the new housing complex in downtown Batavia.

The drawing happened in Savarino Companies’ Buffalo office, and The Batavian followed up with company President/CEO Sam Savarino for details about how it went.

More specifically, we asked how many people were chosen, and how many were singles and families, the income levels and if they were all employed, as Savarino had expressed they would be during a prior interview.

He was not sure what information would be “proper to divulge” about the 55 tenants chosen by lottery and on a waitlist, Savarino said Friday.

“So I have to politely decline your request at this time. It was announced at the event that there would be follow-up for qualifying/vetting pursuant to guidelines,” he said. “It was evident that nearly all 55 identified currently reside in Batavia or (in the) immediate environment.”

The lottery was part of an application and selection process for the new one- and two-bedroom housing complex on Ellicott Street. 

According to the application guidelines, income qualifications meet very low levels that, in some cases, are too high for minimum wage earners, making it seem likely that at least some applicants will fall within Section 8 parameters.

City of Batavia management and City Council members sent a letter to Housing and Community Renewal for reconsideration of current income levels set for Ellicott Station, so that higher salary earners (per the median area income) could be eligible to apply for apartments.

Both sides have talked, Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr. said, but no other details have been disclosed. City Manager Rachael Tabelski has not responded to requests for updates related to the issue.

File Photo of Ellicott Station in an earlier phase of construction, by Howard Owens.

Photo: Star Wars Day at Foxprowl Collectables

By Howard B. Owens
mandalorian may 4 foxprowl star wars

How did you celebrate May 4th, aka, Star Wars Day?  At Foxprowl Collectables on Ellicott Street in Batavia, they celebrated with a visit from The Mandalorian and his fans.

GC Sheriff's Office Jail graduates four from basic corrections academy

By Press Release
GCSO graduate
From left to right:  Correction Officers Zachary J. Tacy, Wyatt J. Sando, Christopher A. Bauer-Smith, Katherine M. Stearns and Jail Superintendent William A. Zipfel

Press Release:

Genesee County Sheriff William A. Sheron Jr. announces the graduation of Correction Officers Zachary J. Tacy, Wyatt J. Sando, Christopher A. Bauer-Smith, and Katherine M. Stearns. At the top of the class were C.O. Tacy for academics and C.O. Sando for Top Gun. 

These Correction Officers recently graduated on April 27, 2023, from the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Officer/Peace Officer Academy. The 247-hour course included training in effective communications, essential services, use of force, NYS Penal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Inmate Transportation, Firearms, Pepper Spray, Taser and Defensive Tactics, and other topics pertaining to corrections. 

“Congratulations to Correction Officers Tacy, Sando, Bauer-Smith and Stearns. We look forward to your future in Corrections at the Genesee County Jail,” stated Sheriff William A. Sheron Jr.

Submitted photo.

Hawley denounces budget measure that reduces rural counties' voices at Batavia Downs

By Press Release

Press Release:

Steve Hawley

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C - Batavia) slammed the Majority’s budget proposal that included a limit on the voting power of rural and suburban communities in Western New York. Since its inception, the 15 Counties, and the Cities of Buffalo and Rochester, have had equal votes on the Board of Directors of the Western Regional Off-the-Track Corporation. The budget bill, which passed the Assembly yesterday, diminishes the equal footing of all board members in the region by placing greater voting power on the counties home to cities compared to rural counties. Hawley is frustrated that rural and suburban New York has once again had their power diminished.

“It’s interesting how we, in Western New York, lament the influence of New York City on the rest of the state yet are called ‘conspiratorial’ for comparing the situation to ‘Big Brother,’” Hawley said. “Yet yesterday, that Big Brother philosophy made its way into our state budget, and the impact will be immediately felt as more populated areas may significantly overpower our rural suburban communities. It upends what was once a fair and equal process.”

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens.

Congresswoman Tenney introduces legislation to lower healthcare costs

By Press Release

Press Release:

Claudia Tenney

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), a member of the Ways and Means Committee, joined her colleagues in reintroducing H.R. 3029, the Primary Care Enhancement Act. This bipartisan legislation is designed to expand access to direct primary care (DPC).

Additional co-leads include Representatives Lloyd Smucker (R-PA), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), and Brad Schneider (D-IL).

The legislation would clarify provisions of the Internal Revenue Code to enable individuals with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to use those funds to access DPC. This healthcare delivery model provides essential high-quality primary care at a lower cost for individuals of all ages and incomes across the United States.

“Direct Primary Care (DPC) is an innovative monthly membership-based payment plan that helps reduce health care costs while providing high-quality primary care to patients,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “DPC is a popular option for upstate New Yorkers and promotes a strong and trusting relationship between patients and their health care providers. The bipartisan Primary Care Enhancement Act removes the tax barrier that inhibits patients with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) from reaping the benefits of DPC. I will always be a champion for legislation that promotes health care flexibility and affordability.”

“I am proud to collaborate with my colleagues on the Ways & Means Committee to introduce this bipartisan legislation to expand access to affordable primary care. As a former business owner that provided health insurance for over 150 employees, I know that innovative care delivery models like direct primary care put patients in charge of their health, improve outcomes, and reduce costs for businesses and employees. Unfortunately, the Internal Revenue Service’s interpretation of current tax law prevents individuals with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) from accessing direct primary care, even when their colleagues without HSAs can do so. I am thankful for my colleagues’ support of this bipartisan legislation to expand access to direct primary care,” said Congressman Smucker.


  • DPC is a healthcare delivery model that reduces costs and improves access to primary care. Employers report up to 20% savings on the total cost of care for their employees by providing better health care up front in the primary care setting, reducing unnecessary hospital and specialty care, and drastically reducing administrative expenses.
  • More than twenty states have passed laws defining DPC care as a medical service and not a health insurance plan. Likewise, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) rules on Essential Health Benefits clearly state that DPC arrangements are medical services, not health insurance.
  • Currently, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) prohibits individuals with HSAs from funding their accounts if they have a DPC arrangement. Furthermore, individuals cannot use their existing HSA dollars to pay for the monthly or annual DPC fees as qualified medical expenses.

Primary Care Enhancement Act:

  • The Primary Care Enhancement Act clarifies two provisions in the Internal Revenue Code that currently treat these innovative payment arrangements for employees and individuals as health insurance rather than medical services. The bill would allow patients using DPC to contribute to their HSAs and use HSA funds to pay for direct primary care fees.
  • The Primary Care Enhancement Act has twice been favorably reported out of the Ways & Means Committee with bipartisan support in prior Congresses.
  • Senate companion legislation, S.628, is sponsored by Sens. Bill Cassidy, Jeanne Shaheen, Tim Scott, and Mark Kelly.

Photo: File photo Claudia Tenney by Howard Owens

Mr. Batavia raises more than $5K for charities

By Joanne Beck
Mr. Batavia
Brendan Burgess with his check for Volunteers For Animals members
Photo by Howard Owens

This year's Mr. Batavia, Brendan Burgess raised $2,566.50 for his charity of choice, Volunteers For Animals, during the 2023 annual Mr. Batavia competition at Batavia High School.

In a fierce contest, second place had not one but two winners -- Fabian Vazquez, whose charity of Golisano's Children's Hospital received $1,283.25, below, and Cooper Fix raised $1,283.25 for 
his charity of choice, the Ricky Palermo Foundation.

Ten seniors from BHS competed for the title of “Mr. Batavia” at the 10th annual competition in April, showing off their talents on stage for a panel of judges to choose the top three winners.

Students competed in multiple rounds of the event, and donations raised from ticket sales and direct donations were given to those top three winners’ charities. Since 2013, the annual event has raised more than $37,000 for local organizations.  

cooper fix
Cooper Fix and Ricky Ricky Palermo
Photo by Howard Owens
mr. batavia
Fabian Vazquez with his check for Golisano's Children's Hospital
Photo by Howard Owens
mr. batavia
Ricky Palermo and friends. 
Photo by Howard Owens.

Wings Over Batavia in good shape so far, volunteers and sponsorships sought

By Joanne Beck
Pete Zeiliff
Pete Zeliff. 
Photo by Howard Owens

Daredevil pilots and acrobatic performers up in the air, fireworks, a love for community, beef on weck, kids and even bumpers in a bowling alley.

Committee members for the Wings Over Batavia Air Show had no problems connecting all of those things as symbols and reasons for bringing an air show back to Genesee County Airport during a presentation to potential sponsors Thursday at Pete Zeliff’s hangar on Saile Drive.

“So Pete used the word community a couple of times in there, and that’s what really these air shows are all about, community; it really is a community event,” air show veteran and consultant Dennis Dunbar said to a group of about 50 people. “When I go bowling I ask for those bumpers to go in the gutters, and I’m kinda like those bumpers because I’m just trying to help the local community keep the ball going down the alley straight. And it really is a community event put on by all the work of the volunteers and everybody here is local that’s doing it. so I’ve never really compared myself to bumpers in a bowling alley. That’s actually pretty good.”

With Dunbar’s guidance and a committee led by 14 chairpersons overseeing the various components of this event, from traffic control and concessions to security, marketing, sponsorships and performance acts, Zeliff feels good about the progress being made, he said.

He and a handful of committee members went to a series of related trainings in Las Vegas, and brought back useful details about orchestrating the event that's set for Labor Day weekend, they said.

County Highway Superintendent Tim Hens said that his primary goal was to “protect the county.” He sought out information related to security and liability issues to ensure that Genesee County would be on safe legal ground throughout the show.

He also mentioned the “three Ts,” though the committee added a fourth one, that have become a crucial and practical focus. Committee member Eve Hens, Tim’s wife, also attended the training, and spoke in more detail about the four “Ts” to make the airshow a “safe, enjoyable event.”

Traffic — it’s important to control traffic and keep it moving so that visitors are not stuck in a line waiting to park.

Trash — nobody wants it flying around mucking up the grounds.

Toilets — have plenty of them and easy to locate, but not disrupting a nice visual.

Tickets —they should be accessible and easy to purchase.

Mundane, perhaps, but all part of a successful event, per those training seminars. 

Eve Hens emphasized these details to potential sponsors being asked to consider donation levels of $1,000 to $50,000. There were brochures with perks listed for certain levels, such as free tickets, sponsor promotions, plane rides with an air show performer, and an exclusive chalet for guests.

And everyone will look up and what will they see? Matt Younkin Beech 18, P-51 Demo Team Mad Max and Little Witch, Jim Peitz One-of-a-Kind Bonanza, USAF A-10 Thunderbolt II Demo Team, to name a few. 

Dunbar described it, beginning in the daytime and going through twilight hours and into the night, the action culminating with a big pyromusical, he said. That’s a fireworks display choreographed to music.

“You're gonna see things in the show that most of you haven't seen before. We have, like Pete mentioned, some of the best performers in the business as far as entertainment goes. These are the folks that practice and make a living out of this. They're as safe as we can get in this business. And that's important to us, too. We have this show, we want to inspire folks,” Dunbar said. When I went to my first air show, I was 10 years old. I had an uncle who flew in World War Two, but he never talked about it. So I had no aviation in my family. And I went to my first air show, and I was so inspired by what I saw, that I knew right then I wanted to be a pilot and I wanted to put on air shows.”

One truth he has discovered is that, while it’s hard to find true heroes nowadays, because celebrities and sports stars “have a tendency to let us down,” the air show people are different, he said.

“The folks you are going to meet at the air show, and your kids are going to meet, the kids in the community you're going to meet here, they are true heroes that are great role models and folks that aren't going to let those kids down and they're going to set those kinds of lasting memories and maybe spark that passion in them, and that's going to take them places in the future. So maybe one day they can compare themselves to bowling alley bumpers,” he said. “I think you're gonna find yourself being more than just sponsors, you're going to take ownership in this event and you're going to feel part of something special. You're part of a team that's really bringing something back to the community. And that's something to be proud of.”

For Zeliff, his inspiration — or, rather, aspiration — to bring back the air show is “the kids,” he said. He enjoys seeing the expression on kids’ faces when they see and get to go inside of a plane, and how planes have impacted many of their lives later on after attending his youth airplane camp.

Founded several years ago, the camp takes only 10 kids a year and fills up nearly as fast as it takes to open up enrollment. This year he has added an essay portion to the application, Zeliff said. Participants have come from all over the country, and the camp has produced several military pilots.

Those lessons have proven to kids that something so seemingly out of their grasp was attainable: they can learn to fly, he said.

Zeliff wasn’t one of those kids. Although his personal experience hasn’t been one of nostalgia from his own childhood, Zeliff said that’s his primary inspiration.

He was only prompted to fly once he found himself traveling so much for work, he said. That was in the early 2000s, and he has been airborne ever since. Zeliff attended various air show-related training sessions in Las Vegas and his focus was on the big picture. He knew about air shows, but had never put one on from start to finish.

He had to learn all the ins and outs of obtaining performers, and especially — what spectators want.

“They come for one reason and one reason only,” he said. “They want to be entertained.”

In those humble beginnings when he thought,”what’s the big deal, we’ll just put on an air show,” he had much to learn, he admitted. There are several components to it, from traffic control and security to seating, restrooms, concession stands, sponsorship amenities and every possible detail in between.

There will be some varieties of typical carnival foods, such as hotdogs and hamburgers, plus local fare, perhaps beef on weck, and other concessions, plus beverages and some of them on tap.

The projected budget goal for Wings Over Batavia Air Show is $600,000, with $100,000 raised to date, Zeliff said. He believes this is going to be a huge event in the entertainment sense, and also in its impact for the community.

There are some 200 volunteers signed up to help, and the committee could use 200 more, he said. 

The two-day air extravaganza is expected to draw 10,000 to 20,000 people to Genesee County.

For more information, go to Wings Over Batavia.  


Wings over Batavia
Photo by Howard Owens
wingsover batavia
                      Dennis Dunbar                         Photo by Howard Owens


Eve Hens Wings Over Batavia
Eve Hens 
Photo by Howard Owens
wings over batavia
Photo by Howard Owens
wings over batavia
          Doreen Hillard and Pete Zeliff  
 Photo By Howard Owens

GCC student Brittny Benjamin to receive Virginia Carr Mumford scholarship May 9

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Batavia Society of Artists is having its Spring Art Show at Richmond Memorial Library's Gallery Room, 19 Ross St., for the month of May.  

The FREE Opening Reception with light refreshments will be Tuesday, May 9 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The Judge for the show is artist Lori Longhany.  

At 7 p.m. we will be presenting the Virginia Carr Mumford Art Scholarship to GCC student Brittny Benjamin. Brittny will also have her artwork on display.  

This event is open to the Public and everyone is invited!

The reviews are in: Readers love The Batavian and Early Access Pass

By Howard B. Owens

We've been receiving praise on multiple fronts for the introduction of Early Access Pass, our new program that gives readers the ability to support our local journalism in exchange for early access to original, bylined news stories.

Here's what readers have been telling us:

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With yesterday's announcement of the 15th Anniversary (Congratulations, btw....) and unveiling a creative yet gentle way to entice people to subscribe, it made sense to do our part. We've always appreciated the site not forcing subscriptions like most other outlets do, because:

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