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GCEDC mum on whether Genesee County was in running for new Coca-Cola dairy processing plant

By Howard B. Owens
HP Hood Ag Park
The HP Hood dairy processing facility in the Genesee Valley Agri-Business Park in Batavia.
Photo by Howard Owens

There just isn't enough room in the Genesee Valley Ag Park on the east side of the Town of Batavia for a project as large as the Fairlife plant announced today in Monroe County.

The 745,000-square-foot facility will be built by Coca-Cola and create an estimated 250 jobs in the Town of Webster.  The company is expected to invest $650 million in the project.

Asked if the Genesee County Economic Development Center competed for the project, Jim Krencik, senior director of marketing and communications for GCEDC, said it is against agency policy to discuss what companies might have looked at Genesee County as a possible site location for a facility.

"The huge winners here are the dairy farmers," Krencik said. "Wherever it's located in our region, the dairy farmers are the biggest winners."

When asked a follow-up question, he said with HP Hood and Upstate Niagara Milk Cooperative operating in the park along with planned expansions, the Coca-Cola facility wouldn't fit in the park.

Asked about potential sites in Genesee County for such a facility, he said there could be, but that would depend on available infrastructure, and he reiterated the policy of not discussing negotiations with businesses.

HP Hood is the largest land owner in the Ag Park. Its current facility sits on 80 acres, and the company also owns a 22-acre parcel to the factory's north, and 30-acre and 17-acre parcels to the west. All three of those parcels are currently vacant.

The Coca-Cola project in Monroe County has echoes of another soda company's foray into the dairy business -- when Pepsi Co teamed up with the Theo Muller Group to build a Greek yogurt factory in the ag park.  Pepsi and Muller invested $206 million into the project only to close the doors less than three years later.

Pepsi sold the 363,000-square-foot plant to the Dairy Farmers of America for $60 million.

Hood purchased the plant in 2018 from DFA for $54 million. Hood immediately expanded the plant by at least another 100,000 square feet.

The other failed Greek yogurt project, the plant built by Alpina, is now a dairy processing facility for Upstate Niagara Milk Cooperative.

The big difference, perhaps, between the Pepsi and Coke projects is that Pepsi was trying to start a new business line and enter the emerging and competitive market of Greek yogurt. And the product, some critics pointed out, wasn't really Greek yogurt. Pepsi Muller found it hard to get its products on grocery store shelves. 

In Coke's case, its Fairlife brand was launched in 2012 and is widely distributed, having already hit $1 billion in sales.

According to the company's website, Fairlife is an ultra-filtered, flavored dairy drink. The process reportedly removes the lactose and much of the sugar and leaves behind more protein and calcium.

Gov. Kathy Hochul praised Coca-Cola for selecting Monroe County as the location for its new plant.

"This decision by Fairlife to expand their operations in Monroe County marks the next chapter in New York's agricultural success story," Hochul said. "New York's dairy industry serves as a crucial economic engine for our state, and this $650 million investment from Fairlife will create jobs and drive economic impact, particularly in the Finger Lakes."

Borrello introduces bill to prohibit use of fossil fuels in making green energy equipment

By Press Release
Sen. George Borrello

Press Release:

Senator George Borrello has introduced legislation that would prohibit the use of fossil fuels in the manufacture or distribution of renewable energy equipment or infrastructure, citing the ‘inherent environmental and ethical conflict’ that results from using an emission-producing energy source to manufacture ‘green’ energy sources like wind turbines, solar panels and electric cars.  

“Currently, the products cited as the solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions are manufactured, distributed and installed using fossil fuels. Coal is burned to forge steel for the foundations, towers and blades of wind turbines. Diesel-powered heavy equipment transports components, clears sites, digs foundations and assembles the structures,” said Senator Borrello. “Solar panels require the extraction of rare earth minerals and depend on coal as the primary energy source for the manufacturing process.”

“In order to produce and install renewable energy sources at the scale that will be required to power our entire state, the environmental toll from coal-fired power, diesel fuel and the mining of rare earth metals will be extensive and exists at cross-purposes with the stated goals of those advancing the climate agenda,” said Sen. Borrello. “If they truly believe that fossil fuels must be eliminated, then the state should not be financing the proliferation of structures whose manufacture, transport and installation generates produces significant emissions.”

Senator Borrello noted that even scientists who support the transition to a lower-emissions future are raising the alarm about the ecological impact of manufacturing renewable sources of energy, particularly the mining of rare earth minerals. A 2019 article in the journal, Foreign Policy, cites the toll of just one silver mine in Mexico:  

“Mexico is home to the Penasquito mine, one of the biggest silver mines in the world. Covering nearly 40 square miles, the operation is staggering in its scale: a sprawling open-pit complex ripped into the mountains, flanked by two waste dumps each a mile long, and a tailings dam full of toxic sludge held back by a wall that’s 7 miles around and as high as a 50-story skyscraper. This mine will produce 11,000 tons of silver in 10 years before its reserves, the biggest in the world, are gone.”

He also underscored the horrific human rights abuses that occur in the mining for minerals used in the manufacturing of renewables, including child and slave labor.  

“As we look for cleaner and more sustainable ways of living, we should heed the bedrock rule of medicine which is ‘first, do no harm.’ New York State should not be allowing the installation of wind turbines or solar panels whose manufacture produces the greenhouse gas emissions our laws are trying to eradicate or that involves harmful child labor. We shouldn’t be promoting a cure that is worse than the disease,” said Sen. Borrello.  

“Those who blindly call for New York to rapidly transition to renewable energy are perpetrating a shell game for political purposes, at great cost to our environment. This legislation would halt further damage as we wait for renewable technologies that can be produced sustainably, ethically and in cooperation with the goal of truly protecting our environment,” he concluded.  

BHS Class of 1973 reunion set for July 7-8

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Batavia High School Class of 1973 is observing its 50th reunion this summer and has invited graduates from earlier and later years to join the celebration.

The reunion schedule lists a meet-and-greet at 7 p.m. on July 7 at Ri-Dan’s on West Main Street Road and a dinner from 4-10 p.m. July 8 at the Batavia Downs Gaming grandstand on Park Road.

The cost of the buffet dinner, which features DJ Tommy B, is $50 per person if paid by June 1 ($60 per person after that date).

Both events are open not only to Class of 1973 graduates and guests, but also to those from the BHS classes of 1971-75.

Al those attending must complete a special form, which is available by contacting Debbie Best at 585-343-2548 or at

Health departments announce the completion of community health assessment

By Press Release

Press Release:

Genesee, Orleans, and Wyoming County Health Departments, in collaboration with Rochester Regional Health at United Memorial Medical Center, Orleans Community Health, and Wyoming County Community Health System, have announced the completion of the 2022-2024 GOW Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan.

Every three years, health departments, local hospitals and community partners come together to complete a comprehensive assessment of the community’s current health status and needs. This process includes collecting quantitative data, qualitative data, and community feedback related to health in our community. Much of the data looks beyond the traditional medical definition of health to examine the social determinants of health, such as housing, income, employment, education, and access to healthy food, all of which play an integral role in health outcomes.

“With the help from the public and our community partners, we were able to collect a total of 2,094 survey responses between March and June 2022,” stated Paul Pettit, Public Health Director for the Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments. “The Community Health Assessment compares the data trends in the GOW region and guides the selection of priority areas for the Community Health Improvement plan.”

The Community Health Improvement Plan is an interactive document that is continuously updated based on the needs of the community. It is a strategic plan for local health departments, hospitals and community partners to work on over a three-year period to address the priority areas identified in the Community Health Assessment, and to improve the community’s health. 

In the 2022-2024 GOW Community Health Improvement Plan, the community survey and community conversations helped inform some of the public health initiatives that the local health departments and hospitals will focus on in the coming years. The 2022-2024 priority areas are:

  • Prevent Chronic Disease
  • Prevent initiation of tobacco use
  • Increase cancer screening rates
  • Improve self-management skills for individuals with chronic diseases
  • Promote Well-Being and Prevent Mental and Substance Use Disorders
  • Prevent opioid overdose deaths
  • Prevent and address adverse childhood experiences

"We look forward to collaborating with community partners throughout the GOW region to address these local public health issues and improve the health of the communities we serve,” stated Laura Paolucci, Wyoming County Health Department Public Health Administrator. “By working together to address these priority areas, we can increase access to public health programs and services to meet the needs of our residents.” To access the 2022-2024 GOW Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan, visit your respective health department website. 

  • GO Health Website
  • Wyoming County Health Department

To provide comments on the GOW Community Health Assessment, complete this feedback form.

Pilot program being tested for upcoming correction officer civil service exam

By Press Release
new jail construction
File photo from January of new Genesee County Jail construction.
Photo by Howard Owens

Press Release:

Genesee County is participating in a new pilot program for the upcoming correction officer civil service exam. A new pilot program is being tested by New York State’s civil service is an online examination questionnaire that asks questions about an applicant’s education, training, and work experience instead of the usual multiple-choice written exam. 

The new exam will be used to establish a list of candidates to fill future Correction Officer vacancies once the current eligibility list is either exhausted or expired in one year (2024). Submit an examination application to Human Resources on or before 5 p.m., May 12. Approved applicants will be sent a notice containing directions to a website address to complete the Training and Experience Questionnaire. The questionnaire must be completed between June 1 and June 30. The answers from the questionnaire will be used to rate and score your test against the general requirements of the position, which will be based on training and experience gained before the filing deadline of May 12.

Minimum qualifications of Correction Officers include graduation from high school or possession of an equivalency diploma. Applicants may file for this exam if they expect to complete the educational requirement by June 30. Proof of educational requirements must be submitted no later than two months after completion. Candidate must be at least 18 years of age at the time of appointment, not the time of application to take the exam.

“Currently, there are four full-time Correction Officer vacancies that we are looking to fill and six additional positions being added (three effective July 1, and three effective October 1),” stated Sheriff William A. Sheron, Jr. “Now is the time to begin a rewarding career in law enforcement. In order to be considered for the positions, applicants must take the civil service exam. Even if you took the previous civil service exam, you will want to apply to take the new exam.”

Structure fire reported on Manhattan Avenue

By Howard B. Owens
manhattan avenue fire 2023

Flames and smoke are showing from a second floor at 39 Manhattan Ave., Batavia.

Unknown if occupied.

City Fire on scene.

UPDATE 10:12 a.m.: Fire is out.  Visually, no apparent significant damage to the structure. 

UPDATE 11:32 a.m.: The cause of the fire is under investigation, said Chief Josh Graham. Nobody was home at the time of the fire, and there were no animals present, Graham said. No injuries reported. "At approximately 9:46 this morning, we are alerted to a possible structure fire," Graham said. "Before we arrived on location, they called and updated us and said there was actual flame showing. Crews made entry and quickly extinguish it. It was a small room-and-contents fire on the second story. Right now, they're doing salvage and overhaul through the structure."

Graham praised the work of the firefighters. "We were actually given a tour at the fire station at the time. And so they were out ready to go and got here within a couple of minutes, and that speaks volumes to our ability to be able to go in there and knock these fires out before they get out of hand. They did a fantastic job today."

manhattan avenue fire 2023
manhattan avenue fire 2023
manhattan avenue fire 2023
manhattan avenue fire 2023
Batavia City Fire Chief Josh Graham.


Bowling standout Patric Donaghue to speak at Genesee Region USBC annual banquet on May 20

By Press Release

Press release:

Patric Donaghue

Batavia native Patric Donaghue, soon to be inducted into the New York State Bowling Hall of Fame, will be the guest speaker at the Genesee Region USBC Annual Banquet on May 20 at Batavia Downs Gaming on Park Road.

The banquet is set for 6 p.m. Tournament winners and association league leaders will be honored.

Donaghue, a longtime Rochester area resident, began his youth bowling career at the former Moose Lanes in Batavia, before participating in the junior program at Mancuso Lanes (now Mancuso Bowling Center). He went on to become a standout bowler in various leagues in Batavia, including the classic league.

He has won numerous tournaments, most notably as a member of the Morehead State University team in the 1977 Mountaineer Classic in West Virginia (finishing first in team, singles and all-events) and at the 1999 Empire State Games (placing first in the trio, team and mixed doubles divisions).

A member of the Professional Bowlers Association, Donaghue has achieved two top-four finishes on the PBA Senior Tour. One of his 14 300 games came in a PBA event. He also has four 800 series.

Inducted into the Rochester NY USBC Hall of Fame in 2008, Donaghue has three Rochester Senior Masters titles and is a former champion of the Brockmyre scratch singles tournament in Newark. He also placed first in a NYS USBC Senior tournament in 2018.

This season, he placed first in the Tommy Kress 60-and-Over Tour event at Mancuso Bowling Center and just competed in his 25th USBC National Tournament (where he holds a 201 average on the challenging lane conditions).

Donaghue is scheduled to be inducted into the NYS Hall of Fame on June 3 at Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona.

The reservation deadline for the banquet is May 12. For reservations, call 585-343-3736 or send an email to

City Council holds town to wastewater limits, warns of penalties

By Joanne Beck
Brett Frank

Two Town of Batavia projects — the Kings Plaza Pump Station and Force Main Upgrade —  originally planned for completion in 2020 had been put on hold due to Covid-19 and increased pricing, city officials say, pushing it out to December 2021 when additional funding was available.

During that same time, the town’s wastewater flows increased to approximately 1.2 to 1.4 million gallons per day, which exceeded the town’s current contractual limit of .85 million gallons per day, as established in the Wastewater Facility Agreement dated in February 2015, city officials said.

“So basically what you’ve got, the Town of Batavia was awarded a grant from the New York State Community Development Block Grant to upgrade the Kings Plaza pump stations and make improvements to the existing water main that connects to the city's sewer system. They are over capacity right now,” Public Works Director Brett Frank said during City Council's conference meeting Monday at City Hall. “The pump station has a maximum capacity of .54 million gallons per day (MGD), and the town would like to plan for future growth … there’s concern with their current exceedance of the contractual former limits in the full capacity of the plant, and we believe we should not yet approve a capacity of one million gallons per day. This agreement will address these concerns and proposes modifications to ensure that the town adheres to the current capacity flows of point .54 MGD.”

City Council was asked to approve a resolution of agreement between the town and city of Batavia that the town will stick with an average .54 million gallons per day, and that if it goes above that, “daily monetary penalties will be levied by the city.”

City Attorney George Van Nest said that the city has “the ability to have penalties for going over that, which it’s in there, but we haven’t stipulated what those penalties would be.”

The town is also asked to agree that a new 12-inch force main will be installed from Kings Plaza Pump Station to River and South Main streets, and that the city may inspect the project.

“The upgrades at the Kings Plaza Pump Station will include a new master sewer meter,” the resolution states.

Council members Bob Bialkowski and Eugene Jankowski Jr. said they were concerned about the town paying the penalty, “and that’s not solving our problem,” Jankowski said, “and they’re getting away cheap to cause a problem for us.”

They wondered if the town should have to do its own water treatment, and Frank said that’s already in the plan.

“We’re actually engaging in those engineering services to potentially expand the wastewater treatment plant, and that would all be at the cost of the town of the Batavia to do those engineering services,” he said.

The matter was forwarded on to a business meeting that followed, and Council approved the resolution for the city manager to execute a related state Department of Environmental Conservation BSP-5 form.

One woman's dream comes true as first one chosen for Ellicott Station

By Joanne Beck
carla ellicott station

Carla Laird can’t wait to move into her new apartment at Ellicott Station. She was the first name called during the lottery on May 2.

After having her own share of life’s struggles, all Laird wants to do is find a place that’s more affordable, safe and friendly.

“There’s a community room, so maybe I’ll get to know other people,” she said.

A resident of Batavia paying rent that’s nearly $1,000 a month, Laird felt blessed to be chosen for Ellicott Station. She drove to Buffalo and was one of only three people to show up for the drawing.

“I’ve been trying so hard for a very long time, and I’m still kinda in shock because people like me never get chosen first for anything, even in school, I never was chosen -- first out of 102 applications. I’ve been praying hard for this to happen, and finally, it did,” she said during an interview with The Batavian. “And on Monday night, I woke up at 3 a.m. from a dream or a sign that I was gonna get this apartment, and I drove all the way to Buffalo for the live lottery, and that’s when they called out number 49, and my name corresponded with it, and it was the very first number that was drawn.

“And I talked to a few of my Christian friends, and they all told me it was God answering my prayers for that apartment. So yea, I’m still in shock a little because, like I said, this doesn’t happen to someone like me. And I’m very happy.”

Laird has worked part-time jobs, as many hours as she could per disability law. She just received good news that she’s been hired as a cashier associate at a travel plaza on the Thruway, and found her letter of congratulations for the apartment in the mail on Saturday.

She needs to return an acceptance letter, and Savarino Companies will complete a background and employment check, she said. But she’s not worried about any of it, as she has a clean record and has been gainfully employed as much as possible.

Another great perk of her new home is that it accepts one small pet. Sophie, her white Shih Tzu, will be her moving-in companion.

“I chose these apartments because I’m on disability, and all my kids are grown, and I can’t afford the rent at my current place or anywhere else, because it’s very expensive. It will help me a lot because of me being on a fixed income, which is extremely low for this market we live in,” she said. “It will serve me better because it will make it more affordable for me to live in my own place, and it’s ADA accessible, and they won’t make me have to choose my small puppy over a place to live like most places do. They also won’t judge me on account of me being on disability. And it looks like it’ll be a very safe place to live.”

Her current living circumstances include a two-bedroom apartment, a shared garage and a single driveway with a neighbor who “tries to intimidate me.” She doesn’t feel very safe at present and looks forward to this new adventure. Her new rent will be $569, which will allow her to accrue some savings, she said.

Laird will turn 50 at the end of this year, and getting a new apartment is the perfect birthday present, she said.

“So it’s gonna be a big and new experience for me for sure,” she said. “But with the support I have from my friends and family, I should be all right.”

Laird has read news articles about Ellicott Station, and related online comments, and can’t help but feel that some people are “degrading” her when they talk about the housing complex and issues surrounding it. There has been a lot of chatter about the new housing complex being built at 50 Ellicott St., Batavia, but most of it has had to do with unfulfilled promises of the developer, Savarino Companies.

Ellicott Station was originally discussed as market-rate housing, which evaporated quickly into workforce housing as being more viable for this area’s needs and economy.

City officials were on board with that, but when the final plan was unrolled, and applications opened for submissions, the complex was for very low to low-income tenants, which came as a surprise to city officials, they said.

Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr. was one of the first to publicly express he was angry and disappointed with that news, not about the tenants moving in, but that developer Sam Savarino didn’t fulfill his end of the perceived promise, he said.

All eight council members sent a letter to state Homes and Community Renewal officials, which funded a portion of the project, asking them to increase the area's median income level. It was at 50 to 60 percent of the area median income (AMI).

“The city of Batavia is requesting that HCR work with us to present a better mix of incomes on the property with apartments that rent for 80 percent and 120 percent AMI,” the letter stated. “We feel that this will encapsulate the workforce housing that we were promised, better align with the city’s vision of the DRI strategy, and still provide affordable housing for residents.”

City Manager Rachael Tabelski has previously described the project as being “a moving target over the last several years.”

“As the developer made various and multiple overtures to funding entities with regard to making the project financially viable. In 2019, the City supported the project’s housing component as being mixed-income that would provide housing for residents that were employed in local manufacturing in an application submitted to New York State Homes and Community Renewal from the developer,” Tabelski had said. “Furthermore, in 2020, it was confirmed that people living at Ellicott Station must be employed and not receiving government assistance."

That mixed-use component has yet to materialize, as a Buffalo brewery ended up pulling out of the deal, and though there was plenty of talk about a restaurant, none have committed, Savarino said during a prior interview.

Rentals have been promoted as being available in May on the complex sign, and by the summer to fall 2023 during interviews. Laird said that she was told it wouldn’t be until sometime between December to February 2024 before she could move in.

Photo of Carla Laird of Batavia, the first person to be selected in a lottery for Ellicott Station, with her dog Sophie, in front of the housing complex on Ellicott Street in Batavia. Photo by Joanne Beck.

Sutton hired as director of educational technology at BCSD

By Press Release

Press Release:

Brian Sutton
Brian Sutton
Submitted Photo

Upon recommendation from Superintendent Jason Smith, the Batavia City School District Board of Education approved the appointment of Brian Sutton Monday as the Director of Educational Technology, effective July 1, 2023.

“Brian Sutton has been a respected and impressive leader in the Batavia City School District for many years,” said Superintendent Jason Smith. “What set Brian apart for this position is his clear and compelling vision for the role both operationally and instructionally. I look forward to seeing how he transforms BCSD with his enthusiasm for education and technology.”

Mr. Sutton has served as the Principal of John Kennedy Intermediate since 2020. He previously served as Assistant Principal at Batavia Middle School and as Technology Coach in the Hilton Central School District prior to arriving in Batavia.

“I have had the distinct honor and privilege of working in leadership roles at both John Kennedy Intermediate and Batavia Middle School, where I was able to share my passion for infusing technology into instruction and preparing students with 21st-century skills. I’m thrilled to step into the district-wide role of Director of Educational Technology as I believe there are tremendous opportunities to take our district to new heights of innovation and provide new and exciting learning opportunities for staff, students, and the community,” said Brian Sutton.  

“It is critical we prepare students for our ever-changing society through teaching, computer science, and digital fluency learning standards. I am dedicated to turning over every stone to ensure that, under my leadership, our district continues to progress in both the technological and instructional aspects of education,” said Sutton. 

After a 2022 Comptroller Audit and subsequent independent Technology Department Functional Review in the fall of 2022, Jason Smith, BCSD leadership, and the Board of Education determined that hiring a Director of Educational Technology was a top priority to meet the needs of the district. Following Mr. Sutton’s appointment, he will work with the leadership team to follow up on additional items outlined in the audit and review, including equipment inventory, the re-formation of the Instructional Technology Committee, additional staff and student training, and the implementation of an overall technology curriculum.

“The Board of Education and Jason Smith took the findings of both the Comptroller Audit and resulting Technology Review and made immediate steps towards prioritizing IT needs across the district,” said John Marucci, Board of Education President. “The Director of Educational Technology is a much-needed position on our leadership team, and Brian is a wonderful choice to fill the role. He’s been an exceptional leader at John Kennedy and BMS, and I know he’ll bring his stellar work ethic to the position.”

Mr. Sutton will remain as Principal of John Kennedy Intermediate through June 30. Jason Smith and the BCSD leadership team will immediately begin the search process to name a replacement. 

Photo submitted by Batavia City Schools.

New facilities director hired at Batavia City Schools

By Press Release

Press Release:

chad bliss
Chad Bliss
Submitted photo

On Monday, upon recommendation from Superintendent Jason Smith, the Batavia City School District Board of Education approved the appointment of Chad Bliss as Director of Facilities III, effective June 16, 2023.

“We’re thrilled to welcome Chad Bliss as our new Director of Facilities. Chad brings more than 20 years of leadership and management experience and has a thorough understanding of the scope of operations involved in managing the facilities of a public school system. We look forward to tapping his expertise in all areas, including safety and access systems, energy management, special events, facilities, education, and athletics, as well as his knowledge of New York State codes and regulations,” said Superintendent Jason Smith. 

Mr. Bliss currently serves as the Director of Facilities for the Eden Central School District, and has served as a Construction Manager for Campus Construction Management, a firm that specializes in K-12 capital construction projects. 

“I look forward to working with the BCSD facilities team to ensure our community members take pride in the safety, cleanliness, and appearance of our buildings and grounds,” said Chad Bliss. “I am eager to get started, and I am genuinely excited to become part of the Blue Devils family.” 

“We have a BMS capital project on the horizon, which is outlined in this year’s proposed 2023-24 budget, as well as ongoing tasks to wrap up the 2020 Vision Project, including our Energy Performance Contract. It’s essential that we have dedicated leadership in place to execute these projects, and we’re confident that Chad’s project management, communication, and strategic planning skills will lead us toward success,” said Scott Rozanski, BCSD Business Administrator.

Photo submitted by Batavia City Schools.

Law and Order: Two people charged with drug possession after complaint of intoxicated driver

By Howard B. Owens

Jacob W. Patterson, 27, of Kilian Road, Pembroke, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, obstructing governmental administration and operating a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs. Patterson was arrested after officers William Yung and John Gombos were dispatched to a gas station on East Main Street on April 24 to check on a report of an intoxicated driver. Patterson allegedly tried to run from officers before being subdued and apprehended.  He was issued an appearance ticket.

Jordan E. Hamilton, 26, of Baker Road, Kent, is charged with tampering with physical evidence and criminal possession of a controlled substance.  Hamilton was reportedly a passenger in a vehicle at a gas station on East Main when Officer William Yung dispatched on April 24 to check on a report of an intoxicated driver. Hamilton was allegedly found in possession of a controlled substance. He was issued an appearance ticket.

Tonya Marie Ficarella, 36, of Lovers Lane, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Ficarella is accused of stealing merchandise from a store on Veterans Memorial Drive at 1:44 p.m. on May 2. The Sheriff's Office withheld the name and address of the store. Ficarella was issued an appearance ticket. UPDATE: The Sheriff's Office has released that the location was Walmart.

Jaime Leigh Ayala, 43, of Walnut Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt 2nd. Ayala is accused of entering a store where a protected party worked at 8:28 a.m. on May 2. Ayala was released on an appearance ticket.

Jakob Neale Abrams, 18, of Indian Falls Road, Darien, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, leaving the scene of a property damage accident, driving while using a mobile phone, failure to keep right. Abrams was reportedly involved in a property damage accident at 1:59 a.m. on April 30 on Harper Road, Darien. He was arrested following an investigation by deputies Ayrton Blankenburg and Jeremiah Gechell.

Christopher John Gulczewski, 33, of Thomas Street, Holley, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Gulczewski is accused of threatening to kill a mother in front of her children at 3:20 p.m. on May 3 at a location on South Main Street in Elba.  He was held pending arraignment.

Jerrol Paul Newell, 53, of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt 2nd.  Newell was arrested while incarcerated in Genesee County Jail for an incident reported at 2:29 p.m. on May 2. The nature of his alleged offense was not released by the Sheriff's Office. He was arraigned and remanded back to the custody of the jail.

Auntunez Jaime Antunez, 35, of Dewey Avenue, Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, failure to keep right and speeding. Antunez was stopped at 11:25 p.m. on May 5 by Deputy Ryan Mullen on Route 33 in Batavia. He was issued and appearance ticket.

Danielle Florance Reed, 34, of Standart Woods, Auburn, is charged with felony DWI, felony driving with a BAC of .18 or greater, speeding, failure to dim lights, and moving from lane unsafely. Reed was stopped at 1:50 a.m. on May 7 on Route 20 in Pavilion by Deputy Zachary Hoy.

Casey T. Vaughn, 33,of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with harassment 2nd, strangulation 2nd, criminal mischief 4th and aggravated family offense. He is also charged with criminal mischief 4th and criminal tampering 3rd. Vaughn allegedly struck another person and broke a mirror on April 28 during a disturbance at a location on East Main Street, Batavia. That same day, while in custody, Vaughn allegedly spit on a wall, floor, bench, and desk in an interview room at the Batavia police station. He is also accused of pulling molding off the wall.  On the first set of charges, he was ordered held on $10,000 bail. On the second set, he was issued an appearance ticket.

Cassandra F. Smith, 37, of Manhattan Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on four warrants issued by Batavia City Court. Smith was first arrested on April 8 on two counts of petit larceny after she allegedly stole property from different yards on Manhattan Avenue. On April 14, Smith allegedly committed criminal tampering and trespass at a residence on Ross Street by being on the property after being trespassed earlier by police and throwing garbage/other items at the residence.  A warrant was requested.  On April 23, Smith allegedly trespassed again at the residence on Ross Street and was captured on Ring cam.  A warrant was requested. 

Tanika N. Avant, 21, of Bank Street, Batavia, is charged with two counts of harassment 2nd and endangering the welfare of a child. Avant is accused of being involved in a disturbance on April 28 at an undisclosed location and engaging in a physical altercation with another person. During the course of the altercation, he allegedly struck a juvenile. He was arraigned in City Court and released.

James T. Hardaway, 39, of Utica Street, Brockport, is charged with speeding, unlicensed operation, and DWI. Hardaway was stopped on April 30 on Clinton Street, Batavia, by Officer Joseph Weglarski. He was released on an appearance ticket.

Misty R. Scutt, 34, of Exchange Street, Attica, is charged with driving while ability impaired by drugs. Scutt was the subject of a traffic stop by Officer Joseph Weglaski on Jan. 28 in the City of Batavia and arrested on April 28 following the return of a lab analysis of a blood sample. She was issued an appearance ticket.

Hunter M. Passage, 22, of Dellinger Avenue, Batavia, is charged with no headlamps, speed in zone, and driving while ability impaired by drugs. Passage was stopped at a gas station on West Main Street, Batavia, by Sgt. Mitch Cowen on April 27. He was issued an appearance ticket.

Car off the road, with injuries on Route 77 in Darien

By Howard B. Owens

A vehicle is off the road, and entrapment and injuries are reported in the area of 9575 Alleghany Road, Darien.

Darien Fire and ambulance and Corfu Fire dispatched.

A first responder reports patients are conscious.

UPDATE 5:55 p.m.: There are two patients.

UPDATE 5:56 p.m.: Mercy EMS dispatched.

Suspects reportedly flee from stolen vehicle on Route 63 in Pavilion

By Howard B. Owens



A vehicle off the road on Route 63 just north of Route 20 in Pavilion following a reported chase by law enforcement starting in Livingston County of a stolen vehicle.

The vehicle was reportedly occupied by two black males.  At least one of the males fled from the car and law enforcement is conducting a search of the area.  The State Police is assisting with a helicopter and drones.

There's been no response from the Sheriff's Office to a request for more information.

Reader submitted photos.


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