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Lets fill the stands! Bring friends, family and co-workers to the MUCKDOGS

By Russ Salway

We have come a long ways from city council meetings and searching for ways to save our team! The community needs to come together now for a strong finish with attendance and what better way to come together with a very possible playoff run? I challenge everyone on this site to bring family, friends or co-workers to the remaining games at Dwyer stadium. We have three home games left on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Then the playoffs! Yes the playoffs! Lets fill the stands, make some noise and have some fun at 299 Dwyer!  Let's send a message to Rochester thanking them for saving "OUR TEAM" and let them know we will be here for years to come supporting our team!  Business owners, buy two tickets to the rest of the games and give them away to your employees. Season ticket holders, bring a friend to the remaining games.  Every little bit helps, we have proven that since last December. I will see you there! Thanks Dave, Naomi, Travis, Mollie, Rock, Barb and all of the other great people associated with the Muckdogs!  You have done a great job all season with all the obstacles you have hurdled! From the season opener with the rain delay to the end of the season, you have been great! GO DOGS!

Quick Muckdog Update...

By Mollie Radzinski

The Muckdogs won tonight 10-2 as Jamestown fell 2-1 to Williamsport...increasing Batavia's first place lead to 2.5 games!!  We had an astounding 8 doubles on the night in our second straight big win.

Full game re-cap and new league standings & leaders to come in the morning!

Muckdog's Championship Quest

By dave wellenzohn

Something exciting will be happening at 299 Bank St. starting Thursday. No, it's not a City Council meeting. It's not a knock down the mall rally. It's a BASEBALL GAME!! A real life,professional,championship on the line,baseball game. The Muckdogs, the BATAVIA Muckdogs, are playing the jamestown jammers for the division title. Who would have predicted last January that they would be playing such great baseball at Dwyer on September 4th? So, Bill,Charlie,Jason and all you combatants on Main St? I expect to see all of you at the ballpark at 7 on Thursday and you can all cheer together for a Batavia victory.

News roundup: Back to school...

By Philip Anselmo

Every Monday the Daily News runs a fun feature called Q&A that introduces us to an interesting guy or gal in the community. Today's Q&A is about Nicole Brady, a gal from Bergen who collects animal skulls. Fun stuff. But the reason I mention this profile in particular is because of Brady's response to the question: "If could do over again..." She says: "Buy a winning lottery ticket." Excellent.

OK. Other than that, there isn't much in the paper today. Joanne Beck looks at Batavia High School's Link Crew, "a new transition program" whose "goal is to help incoming freshman feel more at ease in high school." Matt Surtel has a fun piece on the Oakfield Labor Daze festival this past weekend.

Pick up a copy of the Daily News at local newsstands. Or subscribe at

Protests, protestors and police: At the convention

By Philip Anselmo

A news search on Google brings up 170 articles from across the nation—plus one from our friends in the United Kingdom—about yesterday's protests at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul. Needless to say, no two news outlets handle the event in the same way. Many look for some figure to represent the action: the ever-juridical CNN, for example, focuses on the arrests: "Hundreds to be charged in court," reads the headline.

Most news outlets, however, can't resist the opportunity for a good old fashion us-versus-them report, and a few of them will even be so bold as to tilt their coverage in favor of one side or the other, empathizing with the police or the protestors. A Fox News affiliate in St. Paul, for example, seems to take the side of the police against the "unruly and violent" mob. There is no mistaking the tenor of the language in this report which classifies the demonstrators as "anarchists" who are "causing chaos" in the streets. For a different take, you can check out a Minnesota daily newspaper that takes up the showdown from both sides but nevertheless seems to make allegiance with the protestors. This is made clear less in the language than through the telling photograph of a lone demonstrator getting "hosed down" with pepper spray. She stands alone in the center of the image, cringing and hunched over as an intimidating line of masked police in full riot gear march at her, sticks held bent sinister across their chests. Nothing of their faces is visible behind the reflective plastic and the gas mask tube over the mouth.

However interesting it is to do this compare and contrast with national news stories, and whichever point-of-view you choose to take on the events in St. Paul, there is one very definite image that emerges from out of all the coverage, and it is best represented in these two paragraphs from the New York Times:

As the protests grew, scores of National Guard troops in riot gear and gas masks fanned out around the Xcel Energy Center, where the convention is being held, and set up a blockade about three blocks away. Police helicopters buzzed over St. Paul throughout the day. Humvees painted in fatigue green ferried water to police officers working in the 88-degree heat, and city dump trucks were used to block traffic on some streets.

At one point, a group of about 200 protesters — many wearing black bandannas across their faces and some wearing black balaclavas — roamed through downtown, shouting and chanting and throwing street signs and concrete planters in the road. At another point, a police officer grabbed one of the youths. Others wrested him away, then appeared to knock the officer to the ground. On one knee, the officer released an arc of pepper spray.

What an image! Step aside Alexis de Tocqueville, this is democracy in America.

Massey-Harris: Number 16 in "What Made Genesee County Famous"

By Philip Anselmo

The building that became known to the world as the first-ever business incubator earns a spot in the Holland Land Office Museum's countdown of The Twenty-Five Things That Made Genesee County Famous.

Museum Director Pat Weissend relates the history of this famous plant:

In 1886, the Johnson Harvester Company of Brockport, NY moved to Batavia following a fire in the Brockport plant. Company officials chose Batavia because the railroad lines that came through the village would make the shipment of product easier. Also, local citizens purchased 14 acres of land along Cemetery Street and donated it to the company to build its plant. Cemetery Street was renamed Harvester Avenue.

In 1910, a controlling interest in the Johnson Harvester Company was acquired by the Massey-Harris Company of Canada. One of the more well known products of the Massey-Harris Company was the Clipper Combine.

In 1953, the company merged with Harry Ferguson Limited of England and became Massey-Harris-Ferguson. Five years later, the name was shortened to Massey-Ferguson.

After the plant closed a few years after the merger with Ferguson Limited, the city began the search for a new tenant. When no one could be persuaded to take over the enormous space—industrial plants all over the nation were beginning to close their doors at the time—Charles Mancuso was charged with the task of filling the space. So was born the business incubator.

Mancuso came up with the idea to rent portions of the building to small manufacturing firms until they were large enough to strike out on their own. This type of arrangement allowed startup businesses to save money and resources until they grew enough to go out on their own.

One of the first tenants to the Industrial Center was a chicken company. Mr. Mancuso was traveling around the US looking for other potential tenants and spreading the word about Genesee County. He used the chicken company as an example, and started calling it an incubator. Mancuso invented the world's first business incubator. Today, there are an estimated 5,000 business incubators in the world. In Anshan City, China there is a statue of Joseph Mancuso, the father of the business incubator.

Visit the museum's Web site for more about the business incubator and to keep up with the countdown of The Twenty-Five Things That Made Genesee County Famous.

Muckdogs Up A Game and a Half

By Mollie Radzinski

With a Batavia win and a Jamestown loss yesterday, the Muckdogs now sit in first place, 1 1/2 games above the Jammers.  The Muckdogs are also doing well individually.  Here's a look:

  • In the NYPL, Arquimedes Nieto is in 2nd place for pitching, with a 1.76 ERA and 6-1 record.
  • Adam Reifer remains tied for 1st in saves with 21 and leads in games with 30.
  • Colt Sedbrook is 6th in batting (.311), 3rd in hits (79) and 3rd in on-base percentage (.399)
  • Shane Peterson's 19 doubles put him in a three-way tie for 2nd place.  His .403 on-base percentage is 2nd in the league.
  • Jose Garcia is 2nd in stolen bases with 24.
  • Collectively, the team is 3rd in both hitting and pitching with a combined BA of .265 and ERA of 3.27.

Habitat for Humanity in Batavia

By Philip Anselmo

Habitat for Huamnity of Genesee County is at work right now on a project at 6 Columbia Ave. in Batavia. Over the weekend, one of the crew chiefs sent us along some news about that project, along with a couple photographs (included below). We hope to get over to the site some time in the the next few days to record some video of the project. In the meantime, here's what they've had going on in recent weeks:

Employees of Tops (Friendly Markets) of Batavia had a volunteer day with Genesee County Habitat for Humanity doing plaster and lath demolition work at 6 Columbia Ave. in Batavia. This was another part of the support that Tops has been giving to Habitat. In the past they have provided food for the workers, (set up) coin donation cans in their store and hosted a hot dog and soda sale.The coin cans at the registers to date have provided over $3,000. Tops insisted on stocking the food pantry at the Habitat home when the family moved in last year. A sincere thank you to Tops and its employees.

August was the month for the raffle of the car at Valu Stores for Habitat for Humanity. The 21 Valu Stores sold over 185,000 tickets on a new Ford Focus. The winner is from Erie, Penn. Genesee County Habitat for Humanity received a check for $6,527 for their part of tickets sold in the Alden and Batavia stores. This money will be added to other donations to help complete restoration of the next Habitat home being worked on in Batavia.

Pictures: (Top) Employees from Tops at the job site on Columbia Avenue; (Bottom) Habitat crew accepts check from Valu Stores.

On the Beat: Labor Day weekend

By Philip Anselmo

An investigation into child pornography that spanned two years led to charges for an inmate of the Groveland Correctional Facility. Genesee County sheriff's deputies charged Kevin P. Boss, 27, with 13 felony counts each of possessing a sexual performance by a child and possession of an obscene sexual performance by a child. Investigation began in 2006 when officer Kevin Wright contacted the sheriff's office after he allegedly discovered computer images that contained child pornography in the home of Kevin Boss in the town of Batavia. A forensic lab in Buffalo later confirmed Wright's suspicions.

Harris G. Reed, 27, of Pavilion, was charged with a felony count of first-degree criminal possession of a forged instrument Sunday, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Reed allegedly attempted to use a counterfeit $100 bill to make a purchase in Darien Lake Theme Park. He was sent to Genesee County Jail in lieu of $15,000 bail. Reed also had outstanding warrants issued by the Le Roy police department and the Wymong County Sheriff's Department for issuing bad checks.

Jacqueline Eagen, 44, of Buffalo, was charged with three counts of endangering the welfare of a child Sunday, sheriff's deputies said. Eagen was stopped in the town of Pembroke following reports of a dispute earlier that evening by Darien Lake security. She was allegedly found to be under the influence of alcohol while driving with three children in the vehicle. Eagen was charged with driving while ability impaired by alcohol, driving with a suspended registration and driving in violation of a conditional license.

Marvin R. Gilbert Jr., 42, of Williamsville, was charged with second-degree promoting prison contraband, sheriff's deputies said. Gilbert was allegedly found with medication that he was not supposed to have while he was an inmate at the Genesee County Jail.

All above reports were issued in published releases by the sheriff's office.

Using the Web to build a stronger Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Some people think the web makes the world bigger. I say, it makes it smaller.  Some people say the web makes us neighbors with people in Kenya or the Ukraine.  I say it makes us better neighbors with the family next door.

There was a time in United States history when newspapers served as a centralizing force for drawing communities together -- and then came  television, and cable, and satellite -- all the forces that did nothing to humanize communication, but made mass communication more mass and less personal. (Radio is a mixed bag. For every WBTA there are 10 radio stations programmed by a computer in Texas, Nevada or Pennsylvania.)

The Internet brings back the possibility of human-sized communication.

At a time when too many glass-eyed Americans turn to network TV for their "Heroes" and get "Lost" in the idea that last night's episode of whatever flimflam Hollywood is dishing out this season is worthy of deep discussion,  the Web opens up new possibilities for people, local people, people who share a common interest in a common community, to partake in conversation and pursue change with conviction.

If I might share a bit of personal biography: In 1995, I started a web site in eastern San Diego County called East County Online.  At the time, I would tell any number of colleagues in the newspaper business: "Mark my words, the web is the best thing that ever happened to local news; all the fascination now is with global communication, but eventually, people will look homeward and want to use the web to build better communities."

I've never stopped believing that. I believe it to this day.

I've learned a lot about the Internet and how people use it since 1995, but the philosophy remains the same: Together, we can use digital communication to build better, stronger, more self-reliant communities.

That's what I want The Batavian to do for Genesee County. And maybe, along the way, we can convince a few people to turn off the TV once or twice a week and visit a local art gallery, spend an evening  with the Batavia Players, or "root,root, root for the home team."

Muckdogs Shine On Both Sides of the Plate

By Mollie Radzinski

The Muckdogs' (43-26) 13-0 win against the Spikes (16-53) was as lopsided in the stats as in the score.  State College had only three hits and five errors compared to Batavia's twelve hits and no errors, in a great game offensively and on the mound for the first place Muckdogs.

In the start, Scott Gorgen (4-2) earned himself the win in five innings with two hits, one walk and one strikeout.  Miguel Tapia followed him with one hit and four strikeouts through three innings, and LaCurtis Mayes pitched the 9th with two strikeouts to close-out the shutout.  The Spikes' Brian Leach (1-3) lasted three and a third innings with five hits, six runs (four earned) and three walks in the loss.

The Muckdogs wasted no time getting on-board, as they scored two in the 1st on a Colt Sedbrook single and Shane Peterson two-run homerun.  The biggest inning of the night came in the 4th as they scored four runs.  Bases were loaded early as Charlie Cutler walked, Xavier Scruggs doubled and Frederick Parejo also walked.  Cutler came in to score when Chris Swauger hit into a force out.  After Edwin Gomez walked, both Scruggs and Swauger came home on a fielding error.  Gomez scored the last run of the inning as he came home when Sedbrook hit into a force out.

Batavia scored once more in the 6th on singles by Gomez and Jermaine Curtis.  They scored three runs in the next inning, starting with two walks to Cutler and Scruggs.  Another error enabled Cutler to move to third to be in position to come home on a sacrifice fly off the bat of Parejo.  Swauger then hit one deep to right for the Muckdogs' second two-run shot of the night.

As if 10-0 wasn't enough, Batavia tacked on three more runs in the 9th.  Parejo reached on an error and Gomez walked before Alex Castellanos came up with pinch-hit triple to get himself two RBI.  He then came home when Curtis hit a sacrifice fly.

Curtis ended the night 2-for-4 with a double and two RBI.  Sedbrook got things swinging again, going 3-for-6 with a RBI and run scored.  The Spikes host the Muckdogs again tomorrow night before Batavia travels to Jamestown.   I'll bring the new NYPL standings first thing to you in the morning.

Big Day For Muckdogs Baseball

By Mollie Radzinski

As of right now, Jamestown lost a 1-0 game to Williamsport and our Muckdogs are up 7-0 against the Spikes in State College...I'll have a full game re-cap later, as well as updated standings and statistics when all the NYPL games are completed!

Since this is the last week of the regular season, I'll have full game re-caps and standings/stats EVERY DAY! So, be sure to check back in and get out to Dwyer this Thursday, Friday and Saturday as we continue our quest for the NYPL title!

Local Farmer's Markets Provide Locally Grown Food & Lighten Carbon Footprint

By Lorie Longhany

A visit Saturday to the LeRoy Farmer's Market yielded more than the fresh produce that I brought home.  This is a community gathering that brings together neighbors and friends along with our local growers.  We purchased goat milk soap from Darien, rhubarb chutney from Hill and Hollow in Pavilion (delicious, by the way), my friend Mary Margaret's yummy pumpkin bread, sweet corn from a farm a mile from my house and the sweetest cantaloupe that I have ever tasted.  I also learned about heirloom tomatoes which have more nutrients than the genetically altered tomatoes that we grow today.  It was fascinating to interact with the vendors and learn about the foods and homemade items that are produced in our own neighborhoods.  I also ran into many friends and enjoyed the camaraderie of being part of a community.

As the movement to eat local and sustainable food grows in popularity, the more we will learn how valuable this is. The "buy local --buy fresh"  movement creates a low carbon footprint that fits into a sustainable renewable lifestyle that is one of the good consequence of the end of cheap oil.  It will benefit our farmers and producers. It also provides nutritional value which promotes a healthier alternative to eating processed foods or foods shipped in that may lose nutrients on route.  A tomato picked in the morning and eaten the same day is far better than one that has been in cold storage for a week or more. Eating local protects us from bio-terrorism.  Food with less distance to travel from farm to plate has less susceptibility to harmful contamnination. Finally, purchasing locally conserves energy on a large scale as the produce is not packed and shipped from far off places.  I would much rather buy my corn from MacKenzie's or Pullyblank's -- growers that I know -- than from hundreds or perhaps thousands of miles away. A win-win for everyone.

Kudos to the LeRoy Farmers Market steering committee.  The Farmer's Market operates every Saturday in the parking lot behind Pontillo's from 8:00 until noon. This is truly a community venture that the farmers and the local consumers will benefit from greatly.  I also would encourage people to stop in at the permanent farm markets and stands.  These established stands need our support, too, and provide the same local flavors.

Labor Day news round up

By Howard B. Owens

Happy Labor Day, everybody. How come you're inside staring at a computer screen on a beautiful day like this?

Philip Anselmo has the day off. I hope you do, too.

There's  news on the WBTA news page.

A car struck a tree off the Thruway this morning. One person is unconscious. Mercy flights dispatched. Listen to WBTA for updates.

Police dispatchers made the switch to the County's dispatch center at midnight.

And those, so far, are the biggest news items of the day.

Be safe and have fun.

Race tightens and Brooklyn closes in on wildcard spot

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavia Muckdogs (42-26) enter the closing week of the season with a half game lead on the Jamestown Jammers (42-27) for the PInckney Division crown.

Winning the division could prove more significant than it seemed a week ago, when the Brooklyn Cyclones (42-28) sat three games back behind Batavia (then in second place in the division).  Since then, Brooklyn has reeled off eight straight wins and now sits a mere game behind Jamestown. If Brooklyn stays hot, the Pinckney's second place team -- either Batavia or Jamestown -- may not make the playoffs.

The next two days of games, however, are decidedly in Batavia's favor as they head to State College (16-52), where the Spikes have flirted with achieving the worst record in New York-Penn League history (the 1981 Batavia team holds the record at  16-59). Meanwhile, the Jammers travel to Williamsport (35-33, but 17-19 at home).

Tonight's game is at 5 p.m., while Jamestown and Williamsport clash at 1 p.m. and Brooklyn plays Aberdeen (34-36) at 7 p.m.

The Muckdogs are in Jamestown on Wednesday and then close out the season with three games at home -- Jamestown on Thursday at 7:05 p.m., and State College on both Friday and Saturday at 7:05 p.m.

According to the printed schedule, Friday's game is not slated to be a fireworks night.  Maybe Red Wings management will have a change of heart (hint, hint) so the team and fans can celebrate a great season -- especially if that turns out to be the night the Muckdogs clinch the division.

Top Items on Batavia's List

NOW HIRING seasonal agribusiness positions. CDL A & B Drivers to deliver bulk crop nutrients. Potential long-term opportunities. Great for retirees! GENERAL LABOR positions. Daily variety of indoor/outdoor responsibilities. Loader experience a plus. SIGN-ON BONUS and plenty of OT during spring/summer months. Apply in person at: 8610 Route 237, Stafford, NY
Tags: Jobs offered

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