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Buffalo Diocese issues closing date for Ascension, mandates due by Friday for appeal

By Joanne Beck
Ascension Parish Community
Ascension Parish Community, part of Sacred Heart Church in Batavia, has been slated to close Nov. 22 per the Diocese of Buffalo. Friends of Ascension are still collecting affidavits, due Friday, for an appeal to be filed to save the parish.
Photo by Howard Owens

Still hopeful that there’s a way to save Ascension Parish from closing next month, Connie Bruggman worked this week to correlate the nearly 250 affidavits from members to prepare for an appeal to the Diocese of Buffalo.

“I'm correlating all these affidavits now; they want them in chronological order, and I put them all alphabetically, thinking that will probably be the way to do it. And we have to have three copies of each, so we have, it's close to 250, so I just finally got them all copied. They have to go in with the appeal. We're hoping to have it going by Friday because it has to be within ten days that it’s filed with the diocese,” she said Monday, a day after learning about the Diocese’s decree to close Ascension on Nov. 22. “We’re hoping that our appeal will be taken and that we will be saved, is what we're hoping for. So, it's happened in other states that have had this issue, and the appeal has gone through. So we're hoping that it will show that we are willing to take care of our church and fund it, you know, use it and take care of it.”

She’s been collecting signed affidavits as part of a core group of members, Friends Ascension, working to fight the Road to Renewal plan to close and merge Ascension into Resurrection Parish. The affidavits, also called procurator mandates, are still being collected until Friday. They may be obtained at the group’s social media page. 

ascension parish sign

After a decree was read in church this past Sunday, the group posted the letter with the statement: 

“At the close of Mass today a letter was read pertaining to the future of Ascension Parish. This letter was to be made public. The feeling was one of sadness and grief that was felt throughout the church as parishioners exited. Our resolve is to not give up and an appeal will be submitted. Please continue to pray and support us as we work together to keep Ascension Parish open.”

A group from St. Brigid’s Parish in Bergen is following a similar process of appeal since that parish is also facing closure and merge with Our Lady of Mercy in Le Roy.

The Batavian contacted St. Brigid’s office in an attempt to talk to someone about that appeal effort; however, the message was conveyed to Father Scott, who returned the call.  

He emphasized that “no priest wants to do this” to a church family.

“And seeing the people that they care about hurting,” he said. “You know, it’s a very difficult process for everybody, and yet they seem to think that the Diocese is somehow enjoying this or something. They make it sound as though it’s a vicious attack against them. And while it may seem that way, no bishop or priest is interested in doing these things, it’s not something that we want.”

If the bishop does not reverse the decision to close, the parish can then file an appeal to the Vatican, he said, which is “delaying the closure, but may not save it” from eventually being closed. In fact, if the Diocese follows the process correctly, “the Vatican is going to respect the decision of the bishop to keep things closed,” he said. 

“And just because it’s appealed doesn’t mean that it’s going to work, and they’re going to keep the church open. I think that that’s something that a lot of people don’t quite understand, is you’re asking them to look at the process, and if there was a problem with the process, sure, you keep the church open, but the Diocese could reinitiate that process, correcting what they did wrong,” he said. “So it’s delaying the closure, but it may not save the church from closing eventually, I think.”

sacred heart cornerstone

He cited the lower number of sacraments—no first communions in 2023—given at Ascension Parish or St. Brigid’s versus other more robust sites, including 25 at Resurrection in Batavia, and that 75% of St. Brigid’s congregation is an older community of age 66 and up, with no weddings since 2017. 

He said it’s not just a matter of selling the building for money or the lack of priests but also about the low number of sacraments performed at the sites chosen to be closed. The Diocese has also apparently considered getting the most bang for its buck.

“We’re supposed to be splitting expenses, and St. Brigid’s pays 18% of the secretary's salary, 18% of the bookkeeper's salary and 20% of the priest’s salary. But by rights, they should be paying 50%, but if they were paying more than 18 or 20%, they wouldn’t have enough money to pay their bills.”

Ascension has reported a healthy savings account of $1 million, and Friends of Ascension is urging parishioners to continue supporting the parish through attendance, volunteer efforts and donations. 

Despite those reasons that Father Scott cited for closure, that’s not what is on the minds and hearts of faithful Ascension members, such as former trustee Bill Brach. And he’s not giving up.

“You’ve always gotta hope,” Brach said, adding that he’s encouraged by the history of other parishes that have filed appeals from around the country, and input from the Save Our Buffalo Churches group that has been providing advice and information.

In its communication this past Sunday, the Diocese filled four pages with “the facts” about Ascension Parish being born of the journey of faith and grace on April 1, 2008, and then becoming part of Family #12 on the Road to Renewal, via the Diocese’s direction, in September 2022.

“The Road to Renewal has allowed the diocese to gain a more realistic picture of the financial and sacramental situations in its parishes. Ascension Parish has been identified as a community that could benefit from being joined by its sister community in Batavia. Additionally, due to our need to amass a substantial sum of money to settle numerous civil claims in Federal Bankruptcy Court, the possibility of alienating this property has also been suggested,” Father Michael Fisher said in the letter.

“THE ARGUMENT: The reshaping of the diocese to prepare it for more effective ministry in the future requires a certain consolidation of resources. The goal of the Road to Renewal is to reduce the strain on our already limited number of priests while at the same time uniting communities to foster a greater drive to ‘go out to all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation’ (Mk 16:15). Part of this process requires the merging of parishes and the overall reduction of physical worship sites throughout the diocese,” Fisher stated. “Looking at Ascension Parish in particular, the research and consultation done by the Office for Renewal and Development has revealed that this community would be better served by joining its resources to Resurrection Parish in an extinctive merger. 

“On 27 August 2024, the presbyteral council met at the Catholic Center of the Diocese of Buffalo. At this meeting, I consulted the council about the possibility of merging Ascension Parish into Resurrection Parish, Batavia. Rev. Zielenieski pointed out that there would likely only be three available priests (1 Diocesan and 2 Mercedarians) serving in Family #12 by 2030. Resurrection Parish was also considered to absorb the territory of other nearby parishes so as to centralize pastoral ministry and increase efforts for evangelization. This proposal received nearly unanimous support from the members of the Presbyteral Council present on 27 August. 

“Having heard the Presbyteral Council on this issue, I have chosen to merge Ascension Parish into Resurrection Parish in accord with canon 515 §2. Thus, having done the requisite consultations and having gained the required consents, I, the undersigned Most Reverend Michael W. Fisher, Bishop of Buffalo, exercising my ordinary power in virtue of canon 515 82, do hereby decree that Ascension Parish, Batavia be merged into Resurrection Parish, Batavia and Ascension to be extinct thereby.”

Resurrection Parish will be the recipient of Ascension Parish's net assets and liabilities, he said in the letter. The territorial boundaries of Resurrection Parish will include the entire city and town of Batavia east of Kelsey Road and Wortendyke Road and that part of the Township of Stafford that is north of Route 5 and west of Byron-Stafford Road.

“The intentions of the founders and donors regarding the temporal goods and patrimonial rights proper to the extinct Ascension Parish, insofar as they exist, must be respected. In addition, the temporal goods and patrimonial rights, and obligations of the extinct Resurrection Parish must be defined and allocated according to the norm of law,” he said.

Brach read and tried to decipher the letter, but he couldn’t determine exactly how the Diocese arrived at its decision.

“They didn’t come out with a real reason. It says right in Canon law you can’t close a church because of lack of clergy,” he said, also referring to the federal bankruptcy court. “Well, you know, we've got this chapter 11 bankruptcy thing going, that's like, you know, that's not my chapter 11 bankruptcy, that's your chapter 11 bankruptcy. So, yeah, they really didn't give solid reasons why they want to close the church. There’s a lot of smoke and mirrors, but there’s not a lot of substance.”

There’s a process of three different appeals that takes it from a local level to another notch up the chain of command, with the final appeal to the Vatican. 

It’s certainly worth the time and effort, he said.

“I don’t think it’s hopeless,” he said. “I think the Diocese has shown enough mismanagement that the appeal will go through.”

He cited Father Scott’s forewarning that ‘you’re going to waste your money’ by hiring an attorney to file an appeal to the Vatican when and if necessary, but Brach’s research has shown some areas of the country, such as in the Diocese of Cleveland, where almost every parish that went through an appeal process won, he said.

After the Vatican reversed the closures of 13 churches in the Diocese of Cleveland,  Bob Kloos, vice president of Endangered Catholics, characterized the reversals as "the most stunning" actions in Catholic American history,” according to an online article for Sojourners. 

"It's incredible," Kloos said. "Rome is saying to this bishop and to all the bishops: 'You can't close churches just because you don't have the money or the staff.' Budgetary constraints can't be used to suppress parishes."

That’s what Brach and Friends of Ascension are counting on. He questioned why the parish was given Nov. 22, a Friday, as the closing date. Father Scott explained that it’s the last day of the liturgical year before the first Sunday of Advent and that a new liturgical year begins. 

Given that appeals will be filed, there may be delays, but Father Scott said whenever the final service takes place, it won’t be ordinary. It will be a time of “celebration” of that particular parish's history and meaning and “emphasize the impact” it has on the community. Parish members are likely to disagree with the celebration component.

As for the property of Ascension and Sacred Heart Church, about four statues have been returned from St. Joseph’s, including the black Madonna, Bruggman said. Parish members had questioned clergy about statues having been removed during a meeting in September, and the items have since been returned.

For the full Diocese letter, go to Friends of Ascension. 

A cheer of appreciation, and back to business approving trips, expenses

By Joanne Beck
BCSD Board of Education
2023 File Photo

Batavia Blue Devils is the best team we know. 

With the help of our board, we can learn, play and grow.

That was part of a cheer given by three Jackson Primary students, aptly dressed in cheerleader uniforms, as part of a line-up for school board appreciation thank-yous to Batavia City Schools board members Monday evening.

That performance was followed by John Kennedy Intermediate students singing a “skip counting” song using the numeral six to count up until they reached 60 as a demonstration of how school lessons have helped them to learn multiplication.

The middle and high school students named parts of the district that they liked and appreciated best, thanking board members for providing them opportunities to participate in band, chorus, orchestra, Page Turners, Tech Wars, drama, volleyball and other various activities.

Board members John Marucci, Barbara Bowman, Korinne Anderson and Alice Benedict then received goodie bags. 

Superintendent Jason Smith presented them with a certificate of appreciation. 

“Thank you for the awesome show of appreciation,” Marucci, board president, said.

National School Board Appreciation Week is Oct. 14 to 18, and “is a time to recognize the important role that school boards play in communities and schools.” 

Board members John Reigle, Chezeray Rolle and Jennifer Lendvay were absent. 

New York State School Boards Association sponsors School Board Recognition Week, which runs the same week, to recognize school board members for their commitment to New York public school children, the NYSSBA site states. 

“Recognizing school board member service should be a year-round endeavor, but designating one week to highlight these volunteers’ efforts ensures they receive some of the thanks they deserve,” the site states. “School Board Recognition Week is an opportunity to raise community awareness and understanding about the crucial role school board members have within a school district.” 

The board then returned to business and approved two student trips:

  • A senior trip from June 19 to 21 to Washington, D.C. and Ocean City will include the Smithsonian and a guided illuminated tour, a walk on the beach and boardwalk, or the National Air and Space Museum and National Zoo as a backup rain plan, and Baltimore Aquarium and Inner Harbor. Price is dependent on how many students sign up, but it’s estimated to cost no more than $500. Fundraisers have been ongoing, and future ones include popcorn sales, the Snow Ball and Chipotle.
  • A music-related trip to New York City in spring 2025 is to give students an opportunity to perform in a major city, see a professional musical on Broadway and see and learn about Central Park and the Intrepid Museum. Cost of this trip is to be about $485.

Board members also approved:

  • A contract renewal with the city of Batavia Police Department for two school resource officers through June 30, 2028. The city agrees to have the SRO’s on site at the designated School District building and hours each day that school is in session during the school year between Sept. 1 and June 30, and be available for school events, such as sporting events or district meetings as needed.
  • An agreement with UConnectCare for a prevention educator to provide services two days a week, delivering evidence-based educational programs to students as requested for a yearly total of $14,560. The contract runs through June 30, 2025. Programs may include Too Good for Drugs or Too Good for Violence; SPORT group or individual; a Girl’s or Boy’s circle; classroom education presentations; intervention services; active parenting; staff in-service training.
  • Revised pre-school service rates at a half hour each for individual speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, counseling, psychological services, music therapy, teacher of the hearing impaired, and teacher of visually impaired are now $63. Assistive technology services, parent counseling and training and coordination of services, rate is $50. A 1:1 aide is $9. 

Sponsored Post: Reliant Real Estate: Why wouldn’t you dream about building your dream home on days like this

By Sponsored Post
Reliant Real Estate

2730 W Main St Road Batavia-Town, NY 14020. Shovel ready! This property is ready for you to hit the ground running when you are ready to build because current owner has done all the detail work for you already!! Site work completed with survey, perc test/wastewater treatment plan, building permit AND housing blueprints should you want!! All the rest of the details can be worked out easily depending on what you want to do! This l plus acre lot is conveniently located to all major routes and two Thruway exits; not to mention shopping, restaurants, and more! ALSO, located in Pembroke School System as an added bonus! Call Reliant Real Estate - 585-344-HOME (4663)

Bergen Triangle Club celebrates 115 years of community service

By Staff Writer
bergen triangle club

Photos and story by Jennifer DiQuattro

The Bergen Triangle Club held an open house on Saturday to celebrate its 115th year anniversary.  

The Triangle Club is a women's organization founded in Bergen in 1909.  The objective of the club is social, civic and intellectual improvement.  And, the ladies of the club also really enjoy a cup of hot tea together.

Some past initiatives of the Club include: In the 1960's, Triangle Club petitioned for the creation of the Byron-Bergen Public Library.  And, members donated books to seed its opening.  Triangle Club also participated in the building of the veteran's memorial in Hickory Park.  And, more recently, Christmas decorations and the hometown hero banners initiative in the Village.  

Marian Partridge is the club's longest-serving member.  She joined in 1957 and has been actively participating for 67 years.  

Triangle meets every other month on the third Saturday at 2 p.m. 

The meetings are typically held in the Community Room at the Byron-Bergen Public Library.  New members are always welcome.  The next scheduled meeting is Saturday, Nov. 16.

bergen triangle club
Marian Partridge
bergen triangle club
bergen triangle club
bergen triangle club
bergen triangle club

Le Roy man sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for possession child pornography

By Staff Writer

A 37-year-old Le Roy resident was sentenced to 12 years in federal prison on Monday on a conviction off possession of child pornography by U.S. District Court Judge Charles J. Siragusa.

Jordan E. Brodie was charged following an investigation that revealed he traded child pornography through an online chat application in May 2023. Brodie was accused of uploading at least one image to another platform, which reported the image to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. 

The State Police opened an investigation based on the complaint and determined the image was uploaded from Brodie's home in Le Roy. A search warrant was executed, and his phone was seized. 

He was found with images that included violence against children.

Brodie was convicted of child pornography possession in May 2021, leading his supervision by the Genesee County Probation Department.

Sponsored Post: The UR Medicine Mobile Mammography Van will be providing breast screenings at Batavia Downs

By Lisa Ace
U of R Medicine
The UR Medicine Mobile Mammography Van will be providing breast screenings at Batavia Downs. The van will be available on October 23, 2024, from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM in the parking lot at Batavia Downs. This service offers advanced 3D mammography screenings, targeting women aged 40 and older. It's an easy, quick process that provides the same quality of care as an in-office visit.
To schedule an appointment, call 1-844-870-0002 or email You can also visit their website at for more information.

Chamber of Commerce announces 2024 annual award ceremony date and calls for nominations

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Chamber’s Annual Awards Committee has announced the “2024” Annual Award Ceremony will be held on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at Batavia Downs Gaming, Park Road, Batavia. This is the County’s premier event that honors businesses and individuals for their achievements in business, community service, and volunteerism.

Please note that a brief write-up will qualify your nominee for consideration. Nominations are now being accepted for Business of the Year, Entrepreneurial Business of the Year, Agricultural Business of the Year, Innovative Enterprise of the Year, Special Service Recognition & Geneseeans of the Year. Business Nominees must be a Chamber Member (If unsure of your nominee, call the Chamber to verify).

Nomination forms are available at the Chamber of Commerce office, 8276 Park Road, Batavia, and can also be downloaded from the Chamber Website at

Nominations MUST BE RECEIVED BY December 13 to be eligible for consideration.

If you would like more information, feel free to call or email Kelly J. Bermingham, Director of Member Relations & Special Events at the Chamber office, 343-7440, ext. 1026,

Photos: BHS 2024 Hall of Fame Inductees

By Howard B. Owens
Batavia High School's 2024 Hall of Fame inductees: Top row left to right: George Galliford, Ryan Darch, Robert Darch, Anthony Kasmarek 
Bottom row, left to right: Melissa Thurston, Nancy Arras (wife of late Peter Arras), Tricia Lewandowski, and Jennifer Adams Schuster.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Batavia High School inducted its Hall of Fame members for 2024 at Batavia Down on Saturday evening.

Previously: Batavia Blue Devils induct 9 into Athletic Hall of Fame on October 19

The 2003 hockey team: Top row, Jesse Catino, Paul Barton, Brennan Briggs, Kevin Zola, Charlie O’Geen, Nick Priolo, Kevin Wigton, Justin Kocent, Dave Martinez; Bottom row, John Kirkwood, Nate Korzelius, Tim Lutey, Matt Lutey.
Photo by Howard Owens

Stitchers gather at St. Mark's for full-day seminar on sampler created by Le Roy girl in 1934

By Howard B. Owens
st. marks stiches

More than 50 people from eight states gathered at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Le Roy to learn more about Jane Boyer.

As a 10-year-old in Le Roy in 1834, Boyer created a sampler that is popular with cross-stitch enthusiasts today.

St. Mark's hosted a full-day seminar on Boyer and her work in the neighborhood where she grew up and attended church. The seminar included three lectures on Boyer and visits to the Le Roy House and the Jell-O Museum. Each participant received two fully-kitted cross-stitch projects based on her sampler to work on during the retreat and a digital PDF chart of the full reproduction sampler at the end of the retreat.

Leslie Delooze, host of the event, School Girls Samplers of Western New York, said, "it was very common for girls in the early to mid 1800s to make these (samplers) as part of their education."

Samplers allowed the girls to demonstrate their skills at cross-stitch patterns and other embroidery stitches.

D&R Depot Restaurant catered lunch.

Photos by Howard Owens.

st. marks stiches
st. marks stiches
st. marks stiches

Photos: Mercy EMS open house

By Howard B. Owens
mercy ems open house

Mercy EMS, located on Call Parkway in Batavia, held an open house on Saturday morning.

Photos by Howard Owens

mercy ems open house
mercy ems open house

Batavia's running game and defensive play too much for Vertus on senior night

By Staff Writer
Batavia's Jameson Motyka strips the ball in the first half from Vertus and makes a big defensive play on senior night.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Batavia's Jameson Motyka strips the ball in the first half from Vertus and makes a big defensive play on senior night.  Photo by Steve Ognibene

The Batavia Blue Devils dominated under the lights of Van Detta Stadium on Friday night as the beat the Vertus Warriors 33-8.

Bronx Bucholz was 14-23 passing for 128 yards and three touchdowns. He ran for 54 yards on nine carries, scoring twice.

Da'Van Gallo-Williams had two receptions for 22 yards and a TD. Lakoda Mruczek had five receptions for 43 yards and a TD. He had seven tackles on defense. Carter Mullen, five catches for 69 yards and a TD.  Maggio Bucholz, 14 tackles and a fumble recovery. 

To view or purchase photos, click here.

 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene

Volleyball: Elba beats Cal-Mum 3-2

By Staff Writer
elba volleyball

The Elba Lancers volleyball team beat Cal-Mum on Friday three sets to two.

Sets: 21-25, 18-25, 25-23, 26-24, 15-9.


  • Alexa Ocampo: 8 kills, 3 aces, 10 digs
  • Sydney Reilly: 16 digs, 2 aces
  • Mariah Ognibene: 7 kills, 2 blocks, 4 aces

Cal Mum:

  • Mia Wilson: 2 aces, 7 digs
  • Reba Kessler: 19 kills, 2 aces, 14 digs
  • Olivia Amorese: 2 aces, 17 digs, 25 assists

Photos by Debra Reilly


elba volleyball
elba volleyball
elba volleyball
elba volleyball

Photos: OAE girls play to 1-1 tie on senior night

By Staff Writer
oae girls soccer

On senior night at Oakfield-Alabama, the OAE Girls Soccer team played Royhart to a 1-1 tie on Thursday.

OAE's goal was scored by PIper Hyde. Goalie Lily Davis had 14 saves.

Photos by Kristin Smith.

oae girls soccer
oae girls soccer
oae girls soccer
oae girls soccer
oae girls soccer
oae girls soccer
oae girls soccer
oae girls soccer
oae girls soccer

Not your ordinary DMV, Genesee County's staff wants to make your visit 'the best it can be'

By Joanne Beck
genesee county dmv
Kendal Watson, a motor vehicle representative, demonstrates ringing the bell at the Genesee County DMV, which 16-year-olds are invited to do when they first pass the written test for their driver's licenses.
Photo by Howard Owens.

After more than two years at the same job, Brittany Hausfelder still looks forward to it, from the camaraderie of her co-workers to the positive response of customers.

That’s not exactly what you might expect from a motor vehicles rep, given the atmospheres and reputations of those departments with long lines and staff with short tempers. 

“We have a great crew of employees here, and that stems down from the top line. So our bosses are great. And then we do have a good group here. We all get along. We all help each other so that just makes coming to work a lot easier. I have never woken up and said ‘Man, I don’t want to go to work today,’ and I think we’ve all had jobs where we’ve definitely felt like that, so I’ve loved it since I started,” Hausfelder said Friday at Genesee County’s Department of Motor Vehicles. “We do have people every day that come in from the public saying how great it is to come to our DMV versus big city ones, how they see a difference. We're so friendly. We really try to help. So I think just hearing that too makes you internally want to help more and do better because you see the results coming right in.”

And in the last six months, it has only gotten better, with dress-down Fridays in Buffalo Bills gear to benefit local charities, a special ring-the-bell incentive for teens who pass their written driving test, a whopping and slightly secretive enthusiasm to win big in this year's Halloween costume contest (fair warning to the county manager) and overall helpful attitudes from staff and management.

Bigger city DMVs seem to fit the mold of herding people through to get the job done, but that’s not the atmosphere at Genesee County’s DMV, and it’s a purposeful difference, Deputy County Clerk Debbie Underhill said.

“I think we’re one of few DMVs that answers their phone,” she said. “I’m a customer service person. I have been my whole life.  I want you to come in and be greeted and one stop. I don't want multiple trips, you know. I want to make your experience the best it can be in one stop, if at all possible. That doesn't always happen, but that's the goal.”

Underhill has been with the department for more than 20 years, holding the position of deputy clerk for the last four. When she does her staff training, she focuses on team bonding and the aspect of quality customer service, she said, adding that she’s willing to step out of her office and walk the walk.

“I’m out on the floor working right along with the girls and helping, assisting as needed,” she said. “I love helping people.”

Customers have responded favorably, with verbal compliments, online five-star ratings, treats from Tim Horton’s, flowers and thank you cards, she said. 

Not every 16-year-old takes them up on the offer to ring the bell after passing the written driving exam, but when one does, others in the office and lobby cheer and clap to make it a fun, memorable experience. A staff member came up with the idea of recognizing one of the regular occurrences in the DMV that previously went without so much as a whimper.

During his annual report presentation earlier this week, County Clerk Mike Cianfrini mentioned the department’s improved flow since being able to recruit and retain a full staff. His department had been down one or two employees in the Motor Vehicle and Records departments for at least the past year, he said.

“It was intermittent; someone would leave, or they weren’t working out, and we were without a full staff,” he said. 

He attributed the retention of staff for about the last six months to a pay raise as part of labor negotiations with the CSEA union. During the meeting, he thanked county legislators for approving that deal, acknowledging that it made the difference between hiring and keeping people.

“The staff has said it; we're now able to actually hire people and keep them,” he said. “They don't come in, work for six months, and then say, fine, I can make $3 an hour more working somewhere else and leave. So thank you all.”

In turn, Legislative Chair Shelley Stein praised his work and department, as “the change has been amazing,” she said, and “your staff is welcoming, friendly, ready to greet people. It is a reflection of leadership.”

Cianfrini did refer to the occasional need for the department’s security guard, which was for “nothing violent,” but to address a couple of issues when a customer was yelling or swearing about an issue.

“They can just walk in and tell them enough, and it not be me or Deb,” he said. “So that’s been a huge help.”

During a walk-through of the DMV on Friday, Cianfrini nodded to staff members wearing the signature red, white and blue Bills garb. They pitch in donations to wear the gear on Fridays, and the collection goes to a local charity. So far, it has supported Genesee Cancer Assistance, Genesee County Animal Shelter, Crossroads House, and others, Underhill said.

The shift in focus has been on that customer service component, including when prospective employees interview, Cianfrini said. 

“And that's one of the things that we do really stress when we're doing the interview, is we try to focus on finding people that we think have not just the knowledge to be successful, but also the personality to put the image out there that we want: friendly, welcoming, that's what we're really looking for when we do the interviews,” he said, answering if any services have been added.  “The services are the same; it’s just the manner in which we provide them.” 

Speaking of services, there has been a “big development” in the DMV for revenue sharing with New York State, he said. Previously the county would receive 12.7% of transactions processed in person and nothing if done online, which has now been changed so that the county receives an across the board 10.75% for all transactions. 

Vehicle use tax revenue is projected to be approximately $410,000 for the year, which is an increase of $25,000 from 2023, he said. 

On the declining end, local mortgage tax is expected to decrease, going from $481,000 in 2023 to $425,000 this year, “given the significant increase in interest rates and declining housing market,” Cianfrini said in his report. He is uncertain as to what 2025 will bring for mortgage tax since it will be the first of an election year, so his department is estimating it to be about $450,000.

genesee county dmv
County Clerk Michael Cianfrini
Photo by Howard Owens.
genesee county dmv
Deputy County Clerk Debbie Underhill
Photo by Howard Owens.
genesee county dmv
Photo by Howard Owens.
genesee county dmv
Thank you cards from satisfied customers.
Photo by Howard Owens.
genesee county dmv
Thank-you flowers as one of many gestures for staff at Genesee County DMV.
Photo by Howard Owens.
genesee county dmv
Photo by Howard Owens.
genesee county dmv
A family of customers hangs out at the Genesee County DMV, which is decorated for Halloween.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Hunter's call to 9-1-1, Le Roy officer's response potentially save life of motorcyclist

By Howard B. Owens
le roy motorcycle crash

A hunter who heard a crash victim's screams called 9-1-1 leading to a response from Le Roy Fire, Le Roy Ambulance, and Le Roy PD, according to a release from the police department.

An unidentified 61-year-old resident of Brockport was seriously injured after he apparently lost control of his motorcycle at about 4:30 p.m. on Friday on Circular Hill Road, Le Roy.  

The driver's motorcycle had left the roadway and would not have been visible to any passersby, according to police.

Le Roy Officers Trerrez Smith and Sgt. Jordan Wolcott were first on scene.  They administered life-saving measures, including the application of a tourniquet to stop serious bleeding. 

The operator was transported to Strong Memorial Hospital by Mercy Flight. He is listed in critical condition, according to Le Roy PD. 

"We would like to sincerely thank the hunter for his quick action in calling 9-1-1," said Chief Greg Kellogg.  "His timely response was crucial; without it, the operator could have remained undiscovered for an unknown period.

The cause of the accident remains under investigation but preliminary indicates the driver failed to negotiate a curve in the roadway.

Photos courtesy Le Roy PD.

le roy motorcycle crash
le roy motorcycle crash

News surfaces that suggests Plug Power pulling out of WNY STAMP

By Howard B. Owens
plug power WNY STAMP
FIle photo by Howard Owens

Is Lathan-based Plug Power pulling the plug on its $290 million green hydrogen fuel plant under construction at WNY STAMP?

Heatmap, a news organization that tracks alternative energy companies, reports that the STAMP site is not included in Plug Power's loan application with the Department of Energy. 

Plug Power has preliminary approval for a $1.6 billion loan from the DOE to help it build more fuel plants. The company is aiming to become the nation's first vertically integrated green hydrogen producer, providing customers with fuel, products, and support.

Chris Suozzi, VP for business and workforce development at the Genesee County Economic Development Center, reportedly told a Washington, D.C.-based commercial real estate firm that Plug Power's STAMP project is on hold.

Asked to authenticate the quote, Suozzi said, "no comment."

According to Heatmap, Suozzi spoke to PRP Real Estate Management. The firm recorded the phone call.

“They’re not ready to go," Suozzi reportedly said. "They’re on pause. We don’t know what’s going to happen with them at this point.”

Plug Power has not responded to The Batavian with requests for comment, including a spokesperson The Batavian has communicated with before, who didn't respond to an email sent early Friday morning.

The Batavian also reached out to two people in Sen. Charles Schumer's office  seeking comment. Schumer has been a major proponent of STAMP and a supporter of Plug Power's initiative. The Batavian has not received a response.

Editor and Publisher has described Heatmap as a start-up news company run by seasoned professionals. The company lists its leadership and reporters on its masthead, and all have substantial credentials.

The story published two days ago indicates a lawsuit filed by the Tonawanda Seneca Nation may be influencing Plug Power's actions.

Environmental justice issues have also been a drag on development. The native Tonawanda Seneca Nation is opposed to the entire industrial park because of the resulting impacts on wildlife, noise and the visual landscape. In April, the Fish and Wildlife Service revoked a necessary permit for a wastewater treatment pipeline that would be used by companies at the park.

Earthjustice attorney Alex Page – who is working with the Nation to fight the project – told me the tribe was told last year by the Energy Department that Plug Power had withdrawn the New York site from its loan application. The Nation will continue to fight the project and DOE’s loan financing to Plug Power on the chance that money could be reprogrammed to the industrial park. Page said: “The Nation remains very, very much opposed.”

When Plug Power received its preliminary loan approval in May, The Batavian published this explainer about the project:

  • Plug Power is a New York-based company with headquarters in Lathan. It is a "green hydrogen" company, which means it uses renewable energy sources to convert water into hydrogen fuel, which can be stored in fuel tanks and sold to power vehicles and factory equipment.  
  • In its 20-year history, Plug Power has never turned a profit. It's annual revenue is currently about $800 million. In 2023, the company reported a $1.4 billion loss. 
  • Plug Power is building a $290 million hydrogen energy plant in WNY STAMP, the GCEDC-developed high-tech business park in Alabama. The plant is expected to employ 69 people with an average annual salary of more than $70,000. In exchange for the job creation, the company is anticipating $2 million in grants from New York State. 
  • The company received $118.2 million in sales and property tax exemptions from the Genesee County Economic Development Center. Over the 20-year life of the property tax extensions, Plug Power will make payments in lieu of taxes totaling $2.3 million annually, which will be shared by Genesee County, the Town of Alabama, and the Oakfield-Alabama School District.  Each jurisdiction will also receive an increasing amount of property tax payments each year over the life of the agreement.
  • In March, the DOE awarded Plug Power grants totaling $75.7 million.
  • The DOE loan, if finalized, is expected to help Plug Power complete the WNY STAMP plant, along with five others in the nation, which is reportedly critical to the company generating the hydrogen fuel sales necessary to start achieving profits.
  • This phase of the loan guarantee process requires the DOE and Plug Power to negotiate a term sheet, which means "certain technical, legal, environmental and financial conditions, including negotiation of definitive financing documents, must be satisfied before funding of the loan guarantee" (company statement).

For previous coverage of Plug Power, click here.

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