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How to blog

By Howard B. Owens

What is a blog?  The short and sweet answer is it's nothing more than a piece of personal publishing software.

Another short answer from a different point of view is a blog enables a means of self-expression.

What it is mainly is a way for anybody -- from the professional to the person who just has something to say -- to communicate in a real, personal voice.

Blogging refers both to the technology that makes personal online publishing easy and to an attitude about media.

At The Batavian, we blog.

To some traditionalist, the idea of mixing journalism and blogging is something like mixing holy water and gin.

We ask, why?

Up until the second half of the 20th Century, when journalism finished its full transformation from a trade to a profession, the craft and art of media revolved a lot around personal expression.  Writers could write, and readers generally knew the bias and predilection of either the reporter or the publication where the news appeared.

Blogging allows media to get back to its more uninhibited roots.

Why should you blog? Because blogging give you a chance to add your voice to the media mix.  You know stuff. You have opinions.  When you come into possession of new information, you have just as much right to share it with the public as any journalism-school graduate.

It doesn't matter if you won a seat on the City Council, drive a snow plow, operate your own store, sell insurance, arrest thugs or push paper -- it's highly likely you know things or can share things that others will find useful or interesting.

That's what blogging is all about -- allowing for a form egalitarian communication.

At The Batavian, we make it easy for you to blog. 

First, sign up for an account -- more than 100 people already have.

Second, look for the link on the left rail of the site that says, "Create Content."

Third, click on the "Blog Entry" link of the "Create Content" page.

Fourth, write a title, add some tags (I usually do this after I write my post) and then go to the big text box a little lower on the page and start writing.

Fifth, after you've said all you save to say, click publish.

Once you've written your post, a member of The Batavian staff will see it the next time we log onto the site (contrary to rumor, we do eat and sleep sometimes, so we may not see your post right away), and if we find it of sufficient public interest, we'll "promote" it to the home page.

What should you write about?

Well, you can use your blog on The Batavian for purely personal expression -- stuff about your family, pets, garden, dating life, etc.

Or you can write about issues of current interest, either in Batavia or abroad.

You can also use blog posts to promote things your civic group is doing. 

You can also share other bits of news you happen to learn and believe to be true.

We don't have too many restrictions on what you write about.  We do ask that you avoid being nasty and mean, using foul language and engaging in unfair attacks on other people, either by name or as a group (such as racist rants).  In a few days, we'll publish more on our "official" rules.

BTW:  If blogging for The Batavian isn't your style, go to and start a blog.  If you do, let us know about it, we'll follow it (and when we add a blog roll, we'll link to it), and when you write something we find interesting, we will link to that blog post.  And we hope you'll do the same for us.

So, what are you waiting for? Start blogging.  It's fun, easy and can help make Batavia a better place to live and work.

UPDATE: BTW, for those who don't know ... Blog is short for "web log."  A log being a form of personal journal, or a place to record things.  Some of the first blogs (going back to 1999) were just a collection of favorite links with maybe a comment or two.  Of course, blogs have become much more than that, but link blogging is still popular.

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Telling stories that tell stories: The art of Brian Moore

By Philip Anselmo

In an interview with David Sylvester around 1970, the Irish painter Francis Bacon quipped: "You can be optimistic and totally without hope." He was always amazed when he got out of bed in the morning, he said, yet he pursued his work with an almost belligerent perseverance, short-circuiting his own mastery of design by warping and mutiliating his subjects on canvas. By way of an explanation, he said he wanted to pull images straight off his nervous system, wanted, really, to bypass all the interference of judgment and meaning and get right down to the guts and gore of his art.

No matter. Artworks as brutal and pungent as Bacon's don't need the explications of their maker. They tell their story without him — or they at least relate the absence of any tale.

This morning, I came upon a houseful of artworks that stood just as resolutely on their own two feet. They spoke quite well without voice. Nonetheless, I found myself as fascinated by the narratives that spawned the paintings as I was by the paintings themselves. So it went today with the artist and musician Brian Moore.

This is Brian's latest painting. He's not done it with it yet. It's titled Jungle, and you may be able to guess why. Brian's a Rochester native who now lives in Batavia. He has toured the country in an indie-rock band, studied fine art at college, founded his own recording studio — Red Booth Recording in Medina — produced his own albums, worked for a Web site about horses, painted, sculpted and just generally got by, though he hasn't yet reached his goal of settling down and brewing up a family life. For someone who considers painting a secondary activity, he's damned good at it. Real damned good.

"I worked so hard at doing the music," he says, painting "became a sort of release... something I didn't have to take so seriously."

Unlike Francis Bacon, Brian gets at the guts and gore of his painting through hashing out (sometimes for a long time in advance) a narrative that takes shape in his mind before it all comes spilling out. At one point today, he called it mental throwup. His paintings couldn't be more filled with meaning before they hit the canvas.

"An idea starts subconscious, almost as if there's a movie or a storyline," he says. "Then I find one image that represents it."

Let's leave any interpretations of Jungle up to you for now. Instead, let's take an earlier work of his, called Cancer. (This is a section of that piece to the left here.) Brian composed it out of spray insulation, a goopy, intestinal looking stuff that he then painted once it dried.

Cancer most literally means what it says and came out of Brian's own grieving over his friend's death from an agressive melanoma some years back. By giving form to that pain and loss, Brian found at least a little release.

Not that all of his art comes out of the tragedy of living. Another work made of the spray insulation was a commissioned piece that was a straightforward task of re-interpretation.

Folks from the George Eastman House in Rochester asked Brian to build them a replica of Treebeard, a character from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, in honor of that year's Oscar celebration. Brian told me the story of constructing the mammoth sculpture in his parent's garage that winter, and how he installed a sound system in the creature's chest that continuously played the white noise of flowing water, sometimes interrupted by the  booming voice of the character speaking lines from the film. He laughed as he remembered the spooked reactions of people at the Oscar party when they heard this lumpy bearded thing suddenly barking at them.

Brian spoke a lot about his music, which should rightly be noted as his number one passion — though he said that he feels the same sort of energy whether he's painting, writing lyrics, singing or recording someone else's music. That would make sense. It was his music, not his painting, that took him across country twice. His music settled him in Ocean City, Maryland for a summer. His music brought him through rural Kentucky and into the heart of New York City. Maybe most importantly, these days, music pays the bills, and that means he gets to live the life he chooses.

Brian's current band Live for the Day will be headlining the Battle of the Bands show at Water Street Music Hall in Rochester this Friday night.

But let us get back to the paintings, for a moment, before I go cook dinner. Of all the great works Brian introduced me to this morning, I may have to say Frogman appealed to me the most, maybe because there is a little frogman in me, though I won't admit it to often.

You may not be able to see it, but this piece is not only made of paint on the canvas. Brian has mounted a table, draped with a gold velvet tablecloth, onto the painting. Atop the table are a pair of wine glasses — one full, one empty — and two place settings, for dinner. The empty glass tells us that frogman has already finished his wine, and that tells us he has likely been sitting there for a while.

After Brian told me the story that became this painting and the story the painting now tells, whether we see it or not, I fell in love with it even more. It sounded like a tale J.D. Salinger might have concoted if he let his humans become a little more... I don't know... animal. (Or maybe more like the Argentinian surrealist Julio Cortazar.) It goes like this: Our hero here, if we may call him that, is a gentleman who was born with the head of a frog. It's no mask. It's him. His wealthy aristocratic parents kept him forever locked up in the house to keep his freakishness from the world. But evenually, frogman makes it outside. He puts on a disguise and ventures out, meets a woman, falls in love. He invites her back to his place. Only, she never shows up. And that is where we find him, sitting, waiting, drinking his wine and contemplating his isolation (which is as if he were stranded in a hut on the top of a mountain). Beautiful.

Check back with us for a future video discussion about Brian's piece Jungle and (possibly) the premiere of Live for the Day's music video now in production.

IRS lien already "corrected" — City will not be charged a penalty for the error

By Philip Anselmo

City Manager Jason Molino told us a bit more about the announcement made by the city earlier today that the Internal Revenue Service had placed a lien on a City Hall bank account. Molino said the lien was the result of a "reporting error," and that the city's cash flow and debt were not affected.

"Payroll taxes are filed every three months," he added. "When you file a report with the IRS, the payroll needs to be equal to what was reported."

In the case of the payroll reported for the second quarter last year, the report was in error: that is, the numbers didn't match. Molino said that it was a one-time mistake.

"We've done the paperwork to correct the error," he said. That means that any financial penalties that may have been levied by the IRS would be revoked.

Molino said he could not comment further on the departure of Deputy Director of Finance Shelly D'Alba — also announced today following an executive session of the City Council this morning — including whether D'Alba was fired by the city or resigned.

The amount of the lien was not readily available, said Molino, though it should be provided to The Batavian soon.

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IRS placed a lien on a City Hall bank account

By Philip Anselmo

From WBTA earlier this afternoon (following reports that the City Council "hastily" met in an executive session this morning to deal with a "personnel issue"):

The Internal Revenue Service placed a lien on a Batavia City Hall bank account due to an error in a payroll tax report. The error, which occurred in the second quarter of last year, was recently discovered by city hall management and has now been corrected.

City Manager Jason Molino told WBTA that Deputy Director of Finance Shelly D'Alba "is no longer emplyed by the city," though there was no indication of whether D'Alba was fired or resigned his position. Also, though D'Alba was in charge of filing the payroll tax reports, Molino cautioned that "it would be wrong to link D'Alba's departure from City Hall to the payroll tax reporting error," writes Dan Fischer. The result of the lien was "human error," according to Molino, indicating that there were no criminal acts.

Get the full story at WBTA, plus an audio file of City Manager Jason Molino explaining the situation.

IT Begins & IT Ends

By Patrick D. Burk

And so it begins and ends again.  When you think of it that is what happens in our lives.   Each and every day something begins, something else ends and we deal with more and more things that are in the middle.   I sometimes wonder if my life was a book how I would create the chapters and exactly how many of them there are exactly.... who knows.

This week I started Directing and Producing the 2008 Summer Youth Theater Show - JESUS CHRIST, SUPERSTAR.  It will be held this year at Batavia High School in August.  This is a real treat for me because once upon a time, I was Jesus in Superstar and it was an amazing experience.   My wife played Mary Magadeline in fact.  Now it comes full circle.  I am working with 70 plus young people to bring this classic to the stage.  I find that all truly amazing.  So that was this week's beginning. 

The ending was the successful vote for the propositions and the City of Batavia School Budget.  This was my friend Dick Stutzman's last budget, he retires in July.  Dick and I have been through a ton of budgets and we were successful with most all.  If the public knew all the work it took to put to together a $39 Million budget, you would understand.   We have succeeded here because of the due dilligence of Dick Stutzman, first as our Assistant to the Business Administrator, then as the Business Administrator and finally as our Superintendent of Schools.  Batavia City Schools have been so lucky to have this wonderful caring veteran working daily on the behalf of our students. One thing I can say about him is that he always participated, always was willing to learn and share and always worked hard for the children.  He cared for this district.  If you see him - pass along some thanks.

And now to the future.  A little vacation the end of this month, the end of the long Primary Season that will bring us our nominees and more late nights and trips to the south of Warsaw to relax and have fun...doing summer stuff.....which reminds me.... The average temperature for the month of May is like 65..... Have we hit that yet....????  Who knows...that is probably in another chapter.





News roundup: Investigators may have found cause of Byron blaze

By Philip Anselmo

From the Daily News (Wednesday):

• Genesee County Sheriff Gary Maha told the Daily News that investigators "are looking at an electric stove as the possible cause" of the fire that charred an apartment complex in Byron early Monday morning, claiming the lives of a family of four.

• Batavia native Dan Burns got to tee off with "golf legend" Tom Watson in the Pro-Am for the Senior PGA Championship at Oak Hill Country Club in Pittsford Tuesday. The tournament begins Thursday and runs through the weekend.

• Reporter Paul Mrozek writes: "The Genesee County Economic Development Center is spearheading a $1 million "life sciences" initiative that will pay students and teachers to attend college this summer." Teachers will take courses at the University of Buffalo in biology and bioinformatics. Students (aged 16-19) will attend courses at Genesee Community College in "career planning, cell biology and biotechnology." They can earn up to seven college credits and be paid about $7 per hour to attend the courses, according to the GCEDC. Teachers will be recruited from schools in Genesee, Wyoming, Livingston, Monroe and Steuben counties. Interested students should call GCC at (585) 343-0055 for more information.

• University of Buffalo head football coach Turner Gill will be the guest speaker at the Iroquois Trail Council Boy Scouts of America BoyPower Dinner May 27 at Batavia Downs Race Track. The 7:00 o'clock dinner will be preceded by a "social gathering" from 5:45 to 6:45pm. Tickets for the event are $130 per person, $1,200 per table or $250 per couple. Call the Boy Scout office at (585) 343-0307 to reserve yours.

• Memorial Day observances Monday in Batavia:

  • Genesee County Park and Forest (Vietnam Veterans of America): 7:00am.
  • Williams Park on Pearl Street: 8:00am.
  • Batavia VA Medical Center at 220 Richmond Ave.: 8:30am.
  • United Memorial Medical Center on North Street: 9:00am.
  • Upton Monument at Main Street and Route 63: 9:30am.

A parade will start at the Aldi's parking lot at East Main Street and Route 33 and continue down East Main west to Main Street and Harvester Avenue. It will be followed by a ceremony at the Veterans Plot at 11:00am.

• Genesee Cancer Assistance's Festival of Hope will start at 5:30pm June 6 at Batavia Downs on Park Road. The group hopes to raise $50,000 this year. Call Patricia Arnold at (585) 345-0417 for more information.

For the complete stories, the Daily News is available on local newsstands, or you can subscribe on

Fancy yourself a forensic scientist?

By Philip Anselmo

I've been something of a nerd for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, I was literally fascinated by rocks — minerals and crystals and gems, to be more specific, but you get the idea. Learning is one of the greatest gifts of our human race. A monkey may be able to learn sign language, but he can't discuss the Pythagorean Theorem. Your dog may roll over, but he can't sculpt a dog rolling over.

For all of you out there who share such passions for puzzling out mysteries and uncovering the hidden truths in things, you may be excited to know that Genesee Community College is hosting some summer workshops about forensic science, for teachers and for students.

The adult version:

Designed for middle and high school teachers, science coordinators, and principals, the workshop provides ideas for the development of course work that engages students and uses forensic science to foster problem solving, critical thinking, and laboratory skills in all science areas.

The hands-on workshop may include introduction to such topics as accident investigation, fingerprints and impressions, DNA techniques, forensic anthropology, and crime scene protocol.

For further information or to register for the workshop, contact Zane Bloom at (814) 720-0171 or by email at  zane_bloom (at) vwreducation (dot) com.

A children's version will be part of the Infotonics Technology Center Summer Science Camp from July 7-11. GCC will host two workshops related to the camp:

Crime Scene Investigators: The Case of the Calculating Copycat will run from July 7-11. Recommended for students entering grades 6-9, the course allows young forensic scientists to help solve the case of a missing teacher by developing vital evidence in a lab and presenting it to a jury of peers.


Mission to Mars, will be held at Genesee July 14-18. In this session, recommended for students entering grades 5-8, participants must plan a spacecraft launch to the red planet, design a mission patch, and create and launch their own rockets.

A fee of $275 covers instruction, program materials, lunch, refreshments, and activities. A multiple camp discount, which applies to two or more campers per family or two camps per child, is available for a $25 per camp deduction.

Call (585) 389-5125 for more information, or send an e-mail to scicamp (at) naz (dot) edu.

News roundup: "Secret" meetings at City Hall?

By Philip Anselmo

Check out WBTA for these and other stories:

• Dan Fischer writes:

"Personnel problems continue to plague Batavia City Hall. The city council held a hasty secret meeting this morning to deal with, "a personnel matter," City Manager Jason Molino said today. He declined further comment.

The executive session was called for last night and took place at 7 this morning. Just barely within the required time frame. The meeting lasted a little less than an hour.

In the last six months, three key city hall department heads have either quit or retired."

• School budgets in every Genesee County district were approved yesterday. Elba had the closest vote (144 to 109).

• Investigation into the Byron blaze that claimed the lives of four family members continues. The apartment building where the fire broke out has been demolished, and a "makeshift memorial" has been erected by the roadside.

Batavia Lions Club Family Fishing Fiesta

By Tom Clark


Second Annual Family Fishing Fiesta

June 28th, Time: 9 AM -1 PM at Dewitt Recreational Area, Cedar Street Batavia..

Music by Bart and Kevin – Performance time TBA,

Build a kite with Pieces Art Gallery.

No Fishing License required.

FREE Event. Lions Club will be selling hotdogs and hamburgers.

 Sponsored by Batavia Lions Club with assistance from the Oakfield Lions Club.

City school budget passed

By Philip Anselmo

Batavians passed their $39.4 million city school budget tonight by a vote of 429 to 135. Also decided in the voting booths:

  • A proposition to renew the position of student representative on the Board of Education passed unanimously 446 to 88. School Board President Patrick Burk said the position comes up for renewal every two years or so, and that it was good to see such support from the community for it.
  • A $5.7 million capital project that will mean further technology upgrades for the school was approved by a lesser margin of 386 to 136.
  • Board of Education candidates Wayne Guenther and Steven Hyde were enthusiastically supported by voters. Guenther received 493 votes. Hyde pulled in 490. Both candidates ran unopposed. City school representatives said that there were some write-in votes, but no other candidate gained significant numbers. Burk said he is glad to have both men on the board.

See this post for more information about the budget.

All numbers were provided by Batavia City Schools.

Feelin' it: Behind the scenes at WGCC 90.7 FM

By Philip Anselmo

Long gone are my own days behind the microphone in a broadcast booth at a college radio station — I jocked for a couple years at RIT's underground rock station — but today I got to relive the delirium as I joined deejay Robyn at Genesee Community College. Robyn spins rock of all stripes (though mostly classic, she says) for WGCC 90.7 FM, where she doubles as the station's public relations director.

Her personality is perfect for radio: cheeky, garrulous and none too shy of the microphone's allure. It was no surprise, then, that she was also a perfect video tour guide to take us behind the scenes at the station and tell us a bit about herself, the music and what it takes to run a radio show.

Thank you to everyone at WGCC for letting me and my camera in your sacred space, no questions asked. Look forward to working with you all again.

News roundup: Batavia high school sports red hot

By Philip Anselmo

From the Daily News (Tuesday):

• Rich Baird stepped up at Monday's game versus Eastridge and threw a no-hitter to take his record to 4-0 for the season. The Blue Devils won that match 11-1 — the one run for Eastridge came when two errors and a walk loaded the bases and "a fielder's choice knocked in the run," writes reporter Brian Hillabush.

• Batavia senior Mike Spiotta won the Section 5 golf championship for 2008 with an even-par 72 at Stafford Country Club Monday. Hillabush writes: "Spiotta will lead a group of nine Section 5 golfers at the New York State Public High School Athletic Association Tournament June 1 and 2 at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Course at Cornell University."

• Muckdogs General Manager David Wellenzohn is pleased with the team's opening day sales Saturday. Reporter Joanne Beck tallied "130 tickets and four season tickets, 13 coupon books and three ticket packs." Wellenzohn sat atop a scissor lift out front of the stadium from Friday to Saturday morning — a stunt likely intended to bring people down.

• The Daily News followed-up on news that city police Lt. Eugene Jankowski is out of the running for the police chief position — a story that broke at The Batavian yesterday. There was nothing new to the story to report. City Manager Jason Molino was unavailable for comment.

For the complete stories, the Daily News is available on local newsstands, or you can subscribe on

Gearing up for the Public Market

By Philip Anselmo

Batavia's Public Market is less than a month away and in need of a few more donations to help lock all the pieces into place. In particular, market director Don Burkel is looking for two picnic tables and a smallish outdoor shed. Also:

If you are an artist (painter, photographer, sculptor, etc.) or crafts person (cloth, jewelry, pottery, weaving, wood, etc.) that would like to sell your handmade products at the market please give us a call.

The market starts June 28 and runs through October 11, every Saturday from 9:00am to 2:00pm in the Center and School streets parking lot (across from O'Lacy's Irish Pub). You can expect fresh produce, baked goods, coffee, flowers, handmade jewelry and pottery, barbecue, Batavia-style pizza and more.

Call the Batavia Business Improvement District at (585) 344-0900 for more information.

Definetly an experiance

By Robyn Horn


    So I went to the station this morning(90.7) and started puttering around doing a bunch of things but not staying focused on task and .. The phone rang. It was Philip from TheBatavian. I have to tell ya at first I was pretty scared to think that someone was going to come watch me do my thing. At the same time I was intriqued by what was going to unfold because of it.

        What a good time! I laughed at the notion of a camera in my face and yet was drawn to the whole process. Hopefully you'll enjoy what ya see when you check it out.

I'll talk to ya laters....


Oh yeah I almost forgot if you want to check out the station I was refering to earlier just click on this linky thingymajigger. Thanks.. me

Vote Today to Maintain High Quality in Batavia's Schools

By Patrick D. Burk

Here is hoping that you all get out and support your school districts today.  Across New York State it is School Voting Day with all district's putting  up Board Members, Budgets and Projects for Voter Approval.  I am looking forward to a very positive result.  I am convinced that the people in Genesee County really do support the education of our children.

In Batavia, two incumbent Board of Education Members are up for Re-Election.  Steve Hyde, who served one year on an unexpired term and Wayne Guenther who has served previously as well as the past three years, are both up for re-election.  Both are wonderful members who deserve your support.  They are thoughtful and they support kids.  They are two very fine members of this wonderful City of Batavia Board of Education that proves time and time again that they support the best of educational programs for all of our children.

We also need to carry the 60% threshold on the Technology Project.  This is on the ballot to enhance the District's current award winning technology program, increase security through technology and establish a wireless system that upgrades our current classroom capabilities.  This project will be paid with sources of revenue other than current tax revenue and state aid.  It also replaces the damaged work station at the Board of Education Office... with some help from our insurance company.

Also on the Ballot is the approval of the Student Representative on the Board of Education.  This is an important part of our local Board of Education and we have had some wonderful representatives on our Board.  It is my hope the Public will approve this once again. 

Last but certainly not least is the budget which reduces the taxes by 2% and maintains and in some cases enhances current programming.  I can tell you that it is a solid budget and well thought out.  I think it once again is very progressive in nature and insures that our positive educational system is maintained.  Your support is much appreciated.

Reminder that Pagent of Bands is this weekend in Batavia.  What a wonderful program for our city and our students.   Please also remember Ron Davies in your thoughts and prayers...what a wonderful teacher.... It saddens me to here of his passing as a result of a long fight with cancer.  My heartfelt sympathy to his family and his life partner.



Hanging out at Main Street Coffee

By Howard B. Owens

Every once in a while, some person or other stops in at Main Street Coffee asking for me and/or Philip.

We're here today.  Well, I am now.  Philip will be here later. 

I'll be here until heading out for lunch at an undetermined time, and back by 2 or 3 (depending on when I leave for lunch) and here until 5 or 5:30.

Stop by and say hello and I'll buy the coffee.

News roundup: Family confirmed dead in Byron blaze

By Philip Anselmo

Check out WBTA for these and other stories:

• Investigation into the fire that killed four at a Byron apartment complex Monday continues today. Fifty-one-year-old Sherri Reis is confirmed dead, along with her three children: Timothy Reis, 17; Emily Reis, 19; and Virginia Reis, 21.

• Polls are open at Batavia city schools from noon to 9:00pm today for the school budget and school board votes.

Video: Train pulling out of roundhouse in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Here's an interesting video that appeared on YouTube overnight -- of a train pulling out of a roundhouse in Batavia.

The description of the video reads:

S6 1044 emerges from the DLWR Enginehouse in Batavia. The five-stall roundhouse was closed up at or around 1956, when the New York Central moved their mainline south of the city; track was relaid into the building during the past winter (2007) by the hard-working GVT track department. So like the title says, it's no fire, it's just an ALCO.

A local church has also uploaded a "pastor appreciation" video.

Powers Rallies Supporters, Serves Community

By Daniel Jones

On Saturday Jon Powers, the endorsed Congressional Candidate in the 26th Congressional District (which includes all of Genesee County) came out to Batavia to rally supporters and meet voters to help spread his positive message of change and real leadership.

He arrived at Main Street Coffee to meet an enthusiastic and fired up group of supporters.  Jon and his field director, Sara Gordon, gave us a quick rundown on canvassing (door-knocking) and on how to engage voters and sent us out into the field.

(Powers and Field Director Sara Gordon at Main Street Coffee)

Powers, an Iraq war veteran, didn't just campaign though.  With his combat boots laced up he entered a neighborhood where he met up with Council President Charlie Mallow and Councilpeople Rosemary Christian and Sam Barone along with other community volunteers that were helping clean up a portion of the city and began helping out.  In his clean white polo shirt he grabbed a rake and began raking branches and helping move bags.  Many who came out were impressed with the young veteran and teacher.  Many were impressed with his style and attitude.  I had the pleasure of spending this time with Jon, it was remarkable to see how people seemed to swarm around him, listening to him talk about his plans and his vision for our district and our country.

(Powers chats with Councilwoman Rosemary Christian at a Neighborhood clean-up)

After that he was off to Warsaw to fire up more supporters to canvass for him in Wyoming County and then was back at Batavia for a night at the American Legion.

One thing's for sure, Jon Powers isn't afraid to do the hard work of making a difference for our district. 

Thats what's going to win him this race.

Batavia man faces multiple charges after reported scuffle with deputies

By Philip Anselmo

Genesee County Sheriff's deputies got into a tussle with a suspect Saturday night outside the man's home in Batavia. Fifty-six-year-old William G. Horner, of 8013 Bank Street Road, allegedly shoved and kicked deputies when they tried to arrest him around 8:30pm Saturday based on reports that Horner had chased someone with a knife earlier that night. Horner was charged with second-degree menacing, resisting arrest and two counts of second-degree harassment. He was sent to Ontario County Jail on $1,000 cash bail.

Top Items on Batavia's List

NOW HIRING seasonal agribusiness positions. CDL A & B Drivers to deliver bulk crop nutrients. Potential long-term opportunities. Great for retirees! GENERAL LABOR positions. Daily variety of indoor/outdoor responsibilities. Loader experience a plus. SIGN-ON BONUS and plenty of OT during spring/summer months. Apply in person at: 8610 Route 237, Stafford, NY
Tags: Jobs offered

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