Alice Kryzan goes negative on Chris Lee
I met Alice Kryzan at the Octoberfest in Oakfield last night. I was impressed. She's an intelligent, well-spoken, sincere candidate. I think she does have the best interest of Western New York at heart.
And all along, I've liked the fact that she's tried to keep the campaign to issues, focused on what she will do and avoid negative attack ads. Her spokeswoman, Anne Wadsworth, has said Alice doesn't like the nasty DCCC-sponsored ad running against Republican Chris Lee.
So, it's disappointing to check YouTube this morning and find the ad embedded below.
There are two charges in the video that do not withstand scrutiny. First, that Lee thinks "the guys who messed things up" should be able to take even more risks. Second, "Lee says keep doing what we're doing."
Here's what Lee told us a couple of weeks ago:
When I asked him about how Democrats blame deregulation, and Republicans say there are still too many regulations -- such as Sarbanes-Oxley, which did nothing to help matters -- Lee said, "We have all of these new exotic financial instruments, so we need updated regulations to ensure we have control."
"There have mistakes made, and I don't like to point fingers," said Lee, adding again that both Republicans and Democrats share the blame. "I don't care about any of that. I care about getting to a solution and protecting taxpayers."
Those word directly contradict the assertion that Lee wants to "protect the guys who messed things up" and that he wants to "keep doing what we're doing."
Alice, if you disagree Lee's policies -- not that we have too much information on what Lee's policies are -- say so, but don't make things up. It reflects worse on you than Lee.
P.S.: To whomever produces Alice's commercials, Kudos. From a production values stand point they're absolutely stunning. I don't think I've seen a shoddy commercial from Kryzan's campaign yet. Lee's campaign would do well to hire the same firm.