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Pavilion firefighters, equipment helping York in structure fire

By Billie Owens

All available manpower from the Pavilion Fire Department is responding as mutual aid to York to fight a structure fire at 2905 Simpson Road.

Le Roy Fire Department is filling in at the Pavilion hall.

UPDATE (1:10 p.m.): Bethany Fire Department is called to fill in at the Le Roy fire hall.

UPDATE (1:33 p.m.): All Genesee County firefighters are ordered out of the structure. The fire chief reports they are already out and were the last ones out on the second floor.

Robbery in progress reported in Oakfield

By Billie Owens

A robbery is reported to be in progress at the Oakfield Pharmacy on Main Street in the Village of Oakfield.

The subject is reported to be a white male with blond hair. The Town Clerk is asked to be watchful as she has a camera in her office across the street to take pictures of the scene.

Two people are holding the suspect down on the floor inside the pharmacy.

UPDATE (12:50 p.m.): Two pharmacy workers subdued the suspect and Sheriff's deputies now have him in custody. No injuries are reported.

UPDATE (12:59 p.m.): The suspect is a parolee. A medic is requested to the scene because someone was said to be assaulted in the incident.

UPDATE (1:13 p.m.): The assault victim is said to have refused medical aid.

Jury selection in fatal DWI case starts today

By Howard B. Owens

Every few years a case comes along that the national media hypes as “The Trial of the Century.”

Jurors are being chosen today in Genesee County Court for what may not even be the local trial of the year – that label might better be applied to the Scott Doll murder case – but for Ronald J. Wendt, it's his trial of a lifetime.

He is charged with 11 felony counts stemming from a fatal automobile accident on Aug. 12, 2009, including aggravated vehicular manslaughter. The charge alleges more than just drinking-and-driving. The indictment contends that Wendt drove recklessly, causing an accident that took the life of another person.

If convicted of all charges against him, and given the maximum sentence, the 25-year-old Alexander resident would be older, by the time he's released from prison, than 60 percent of the people reading this article are today.

The charge carries a maximum 25-year sentence.

But Katie Stanley had her entire adult life ahead of her. The Dansville resident was just 18 when she was killed on Route 20 in Darien that summer day.

One of the key issues in the trial will be -- was Wendt really responsible for her death?

District Attorney Lawrence Friedman will try to establish: that Wendt was legally impaired by alcohol at the time of the accident; that he was reckless when he made a left-hand turn into oncoming traffic in order to pull into the parking lot of My Saloon; and that his actions are a direct cause of Stanley's death.

Defense Attorney Thomas Burns will try to prove that Wendt was not over the legal limit at the time of the accident. He will argue that a .08 BAC recorded in a test more than an hour after the accident, represents a slight elevation in his BAC from his last drink, but not his BAC at the time of the accident.

Wendt reportedly recorded a .07 in a breath test at the scene. Field breath tests, however, are not admissible as evidence at trial, by either side. 

Wendt, who was helping a friend bale hay that day, has said he drank his last beer about 15 minutes before the accident. That drink may not have made it into his system at the time of the accident, but could have shown up in the later BAC test.

Also at issue are the actions of the other driver Rachel L. Enderle, 27. There were reportedly no skid marks at the scene, and prior to trial, it's not been publicly established how fast the car was going at the time of the accident. 

The spot of the accident is an area in Darien Center that is posted 40 mph along a stretch of Route 20 that is otherwise 55 mph.

Enderle along with Wendt was named in a lawsuit filed in Rochester earlier this year by Timothy L. Enderle, who was also a passenger in Rachel's car.

"Any time there are two cars in an accident, there is a certain percentage of fault with both drivers," said Timothy's attorney, Sheldon W. Boyce.

The key question in this trial is to what degree, if any, is Ronald J. Wendt at fault? And if found at fault to any degree, how much of his life should he be forced to give up?

For previous coverage, click here.

Law enforcement kept busy on concert nights at Darien Lake

By Howard B. Owens


As a man we only knew as John Doe lay cuffed and prostrate in the back of a patrol car waiting to be arraigned on a trespass charge at Darien Town Court, Chief Deputy Gordon Dibble mused, "some people just shouldn't drink."

The night was still young, but already a handful of individuals had caused a mess of trouble for security and law enforcement at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center during the Aug. 28 Tom Petty concert.

Outside of two young guys busted for allegedly trying to sell hallucinogenic mushrooms, all of the night's law enforcement issues dealt with people drinking, and a little marijuana use, too.

"There are many more arrests we could make, but we try to arrest the people who need to be arrested," Dibble said. "We try to eject as many people as we can -- the people who can’t behave themselves. Usually the people who get arrested -- there’s just no other alternative."

petty_concert_02.jpgTake the case of Jonathan Raymond -- a.k.a. John Doe:  When he was taken into custody, according to one deputy, even his friends were saying, "Get him out of here." 

Investigator Roger Stone, who was in uniform, was on patrol and served as my ride-along escort for the first part of the night. We encountered Raymond in the security trailer next to the concert venue where arrestees are first brought for processing. 

At about 5'-10" and 190 lbs, the 21-year-old Raymond had some strength to throw around if he wanted. He offered enough resistance and spit out enough verbal threats that deputies were clearly intent on keeping him under control.

In the trailer, two deputies kept Raymond cuffed in a chair and their arms on his shoulders.

He kept demanding to leave, cussed at anybody who came within sight and let everybody know that given a chance, he could and or would kill them.

As Raymond sat while Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello prepared his paperwork, a female security guard pushed into the trailer a cuffed 19-year-old Sara J. Cooper.

"Whoa, I'm so scared," Cooper yelled. "Just so you know."

Later Cooper would reportedly start calling a woman deputy a couple of choice female-specific slurs and allegedly fight back against a deputy, getting herself shoved against a wall and held there until she settled down.

When it came time to escort Raymond to Stone's cruiser, five deputies were on hand to lead him from the trailer to the car and then try to get him into the back seat. 

Raymond said he wasn't going to do it. He wanted to be let go.

Investigator Stone, whose smooth baritone could improve many doctors' bedside manner, said, “You seem like a good guy. Why don’t you just get in?”

“Who are you?


“Stone who?”

“Roger Stone. I’m one of the deputies.”

Raymond didn't move. One of the deputies suggested picking up by turning him on his side and pushing him log-like into the backseat.

While Raymond verbally protested, his bit of wiggling and bucking was easily controlled by the deputies.

Once we were on the road, Raymond told Stone, "You're pro-Indian, so why do you act like a white man, mother f---ker?"

When Stone didn't answer, Raymond pleaded, "Stonehorse?"  No reply. Louder: "Stonehorse?"

"What?" Stone kind of whined.

“If you act like a white man, you are a white man.”

Raymond then started to cry.

“I want you to be on our side, Stonehorse.”


“I’m going to kill you Stonehorse.

Stone: "No you’re not. Come on."

"Ok," Raymond said. "I won’t."

And a few minutes later, Raymond said again, "I'm going to kill you, Stonehorse."

I asked Stone, "Isn't that something you could charge him with?"

Stone shrugged. "Sure," he said, "But why?"

Roger Stone is clearly not a cop who relishes confrontation. When he drove Brett Tofil and Joseph Kulig to the Genesee County Jail following their arrests on drug charges, each getting $5,000 bail, one of the young men thanked Stone for "being cool."  

But that "coolness" doesn't deter Stone from understanding he has a job to do. He sees a lot of value in the drinking-related arrests the Sheriff's Office makes, and also in the underage drinking citations deputies issue.

He totally rejects the suggestion that these law enforcement efforts are just aimed at generating revenue for the county or are motivated by a cop's desire to ruin somebody's good time.

"We’ll never know when we’ve stopped somebody from getting too inebriated," Stone said. "We’ll never know when we’ve saved their lives or the lives of somebody else. To me, that’s the reason why we need to do it.

"It’s the same thing as getting drunken drivers off the road. We’re never going to know whether we stopped some accident or somebody from being injured or killed. But you know the fact that we’re going out there and reducing it now and then is a good thing, and I feel good about doing it."

The Sheriff's Office has only 25 patrol officers, including sergeants, according to Dibble, so when it comes to one of the 18 concert nights at Darien Lake, Dibble himself and investigators such as Stone help out with patrols.

The Sheriff's Office provides traffic control and law enforcement inside the venue, while the State Police also patrol the roads surrounding the venue, mainly targeting drunken drivers.

To help with the manpower inside the concert venue, this summer, Sheriff Gary Maha deputized off-duty Batavia police officers, who were paid by the concert promoter, Live Nation.

During the Petty concert, one of those deputized officers, Eric Hill, was hurt when 20-year-old Matthew J. Pasternak allegedly resisted arrest. Hill's finger was splinted and iced following the altercation and Hill was concerned that it was broken. A couple of days later, Hill said his finger was still sore, but didn't appear to have been broken. He didn't miss any duty.

The Petty concert on Aug. 26, as well as the one a couple of weeks earlier, had a number of violent confrontations with law enforcement. Deputies found it surprising, since Petty is an older act without much of a hard-rock edge, and they said Petty concerts weren't, in past years, rowdy.

But every performer brings it owns audience, Dibble said.

"Some are more aggressive," Dibble said. "Some bring in more drugs, some more alcohol and some bring in more kids sometimes."

Dibble said the Sheriff's Office works closely with Live Nation so deputies are prepared to deal with the type and size of crowd anticipated.

"It's a partnership for sure," Dibble said.

Live Nation actually pays for all of the law enforcement inside the concert venue, including about 100 of its own security personnel (including personnel in the parking lots), according to Pete Riedy, with Live Nation.

People pay a lot of money to attend shows at Darien Lake, and 99 percent of them have a good time, and even down a few beers, without causing a problem, Riedy said. They don't want to be bothered with unruly drunks.

"Unfortunately there’s always a few people who take it to the next limit and cause problems," Riedy said. "Alcohol is usually the reason. ... No matter how many rules and restrictions you put on people, there are going to be certain people who can’t control themselves."

And with booze being the chief cause of problems, Riedy said, it's important that both security and local law enforcement address the underage drinking issue. While some people criticize deputies for writing underage drinking citations, Riedy said it's an important part of keeping people safe.

"Nothing good comes out of kids drinking in the parking lot and drinking when they're under age," Riedy said. "If I could, I’d have 100 more Sheriff’s deputies out there."

And writing underage drinking citations isn't hard, Dibble said. The typical kid will walk right up to a deputy, or otherwise brazenly display a beer or wine bottle with law enforcement in the area.

Dibble recalled one time he was standing in the parking lot -- in uniform -- and a 17-year-old walked right up to him, beer in hand.

"I don’t know if it’s the effects of alcohol, if it’s a sense of entitlement, I don’t know," Dibble said. "I can’t explain that."

If not for the deputies enforcing the underage drinking law, Riedy said, the only other alternative would be to disallow tailgating, and Live Nation doesn't want to do that. It wouldn't be fair to the majority of people who can remain civil and obey the rules.

"(Drinking problems) don't make our venue look good," Riedy said. "It doesn't make any venue look good. It makes people not want to come back. My biggest concern running the venue is people’s safety and people enjoying the concert.

"People pay a lot of money to come here. My biggest concern is that people have a good time."


Photos: Top, Sara Cooper is escorted into the processing trailer; Inset, Jonathan Raymond being held in his chair inside the trailer; Bottom, Brett Tofil and Joseph Kuligafter outside Darien Court after being arraigned. Roger Stone, right, allowed them a chance for a smoke and to make calls on their personal mobile phones to friends and relatives to arrange for bail.

Police Beat: Batavia resident accused of giving cigarettes to minors

By Howard B. Owens

Richard J. Kubis, 30, of 25 Vine St., Batavia, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Kubis is accused of supplying cigarettes to two youths, ages 12 and 13.

Darlene McComb, 51, of 110 Bank St., Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. McComb was arrested on a warrant for an alleged Aug. 27 incident. McComb is accused of kicking UMMC emergency room staff.

Lawrence D. Williams, 50, of 15 Walnut St., Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Williams is accused of shoving a woman. Bail was set at $200.

Clinton J. Reese, 46, of 106 Ellsworth Ave., Batavia, is charged with aggravated harassment, 2nd. Reese is accused of threatening to kill another person.

Chelsie R. Dibble, 25, of Corfu, is charged with DWI and aggravated DWI. Dibble was stopped by State Police at 2:26 a.m., Sunday, on Akron Road in Corfu.

Carl F. Jenkins, 18, of Clarence Center, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Jenkins was stopped by State Police at 1:47 a.m., Saturday, on Route 238 near Route 20 in Darien.

Edmund Rogalski, 51, of Rochester, is charged with DWI, aggravated DWI, and aggravated unlicensed operation of a vehicle. Rogalski was stopped by State Police at 1:38 a.m., Thursday, on the Tonawanda Indian Reservation.

High View Farm hosts annual Autumn Gathering

By Howard B. Owens

Saturday, the DeFelice family hosted their annual Autumn Gathering for friends and family at High View Farm in Le Roy. Besides food and music, there were games, a hay ride and Gasper DeFelice's farm equipment on display as well as the stock cars of Gasper and Christopher DeFelice.

Pratt helps carry Notre Dame to win over Oakfield-Alabama

By Howard B. Owens

Mike Pratt and the Fighting Irish dominated the Oakfield-Alabama Hornets from Notre Dame's opening drive, when Pratt carried the ball on each snap resulting in a touchdown.

In all, Pratt had 234 yards on 18 carries and scored three times.

Notre Dame won 36-0 in the Saturday afternoon match-up.

It was also a big game for Nick Taylor, who had 16 carries for 118 yards and two touchdowns.

In all, Notre Dame rushed for 433 yards on 50 attempts.

On defense, Taylor also had six tackles.

The Hornets drop to 0-3 and Notre Dame moves to 2-1.

In other Genesee County football action Friday and Saturday:

Alexander (0-3) fell to Barker (1-2), 20-17. Jared Quinn threw two touchdown passes to John Winiecki for Alexander.

Pembroke (3-0) defeated Elba/Byron-Bergen (2-1) 6-3. For Pembroke, Caine Cole had 155 yards on 32 attempts, while Dylan Bordonaro had 85 yards on 13 rushes for Elba/Byron-Bergen.

After two shutout wins to open the season, Holley (2-1) lost to Attica (2-1), 26-23. For Attica, Brad Clark rushed for 247 yards on 32 carries. He scored twice, including the winning touchdown. 

Le Roy (2-1) dominated Perry (1-2), 56-20. Tommy McQuillen rushed for 186 yards on 10 touches and scored four touchdowns. Defensively, Brad Morgan forced a fumble and had nine tackles. Austin Steinbrenner added six tackles to go with two interceptions.

In a Saturday night game at Van Detta Stadium, the Batavia Blue Devils were 0-3 after losing to St. Mary's (2-1), 21-14.

More pictures from OA at ND after the jump:

Report of smoke in the area of Batavia Downs

By Howard B. Owens

A caller reported smelling smoke and seeing ash falling in the Batavia Downs parking lot.

City Fire and Town of Batavia Fire were dispatched.

A Town of Batavia chief reports seeing a haze in front of Kmart.

Another responder reports smelling smoke in the area of Redfield and Richmond.

A security guard from Batavia Downs reported smelling smoke, too.

Firefighters are checking the grandstand area.

Another responder reporting seeing a plum of smoke in the area of BJs.

UPDATE 11:53 p.m.: The source has been located. It's behind BJs. It's apparently some sort of controlled burn. City units put back in service. Only Town of Batavia's Engine 24 is going to the scene. A deputy is requested to the scene.

UPDATE 12:14 a.m.: Fire extinguished. Town of Batavia units back in service.

Batavia's personal bookstore celebrates fifth anniversay

By Howard B. Owens

For the literary-minded of Genesee County, Present Tense Books and Gifts at 101 Washington Ave., Batavia, has become an important community hub.

Owner Erica Caldwell opened the shop five years ago, on Sept. 17, 2005, because she thought Batavia needed a bookstore.

Today, the store officially celebrated its fifth anniversary and Caldwell said its success has exceeded her expectations.

"I’m thrilled that we made it five years," Caldwell said. "That’s a great milestone and I’m thrilled that we’ve gotten so much support from the community."

In an era of mega-chains, and now e-readers, there's plenty of competitive threats, but Caldwell said Present Tense has done well filling a quite little niche for the customer who prefers the bookstore experience and doesn't want to drive to Buffalo or Rochester to get it.

"You have no idea of the number of people who came in and thank us for saving them a trip," Caldwell said.

While it's a small shop, so there isn't the massive selection you might find in one of the mega-chains, there isn't anything Caldwell said she can't get for customers, often the next day and without any shipping costs.

For Caldwell, running the store isn't just about business success. She said one of the greatest joys is getting to know her customers.

"I enjoy talking with people about books," Caldwell said. "It's great to see all the people who love to read. People come in and I know what they’re reading and they know what I’m reading."

Youngsters at Genesee County Airport given chance for flight of a lifetime

By Howard B. Owens

Michael Dorobilala, a student at Robert Morris, thought his time in a plane flying over Genesee County today was "awesome."

The best part?

"Going down because it gives you a swoosh of excitement and you’re like tingly."

Michael was one of 60 kids to show up at the Genesee County Airport today to get a first-hand experience flying a small airplane. The Young Eagles event was sponsored by Experimental Aircraft Association chapters out of Buffalo and Rochester.

The EAA has been running the Young Eagles worldwide since 1992, when the idea was launched with the goal of getting one million children at the throttles of a small plane by the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers' first flight. To date, more than 1.6 million kids from 90 countries have been through the program.

Rochester Chapter President Norm Isler said the EAA wants to not only expose kids to aviation, but to show them a practical use for math and science.

Pilot Mary "Willie" Mattocks said, to her, being able to fly is a privilege, so a program like Young Eagles is a chance to give back.

The flight is more than a tag-along ride. The children actually are given a chance to fly the plane.

"It's a fantastic event for children," said Mattocks, who owns her own Piper Cherokee and has been flying for 20 years. "It gives them an introduction to flying and I think it stays with them for the rest of their lives. They get just such a lot of pleasure out of it."

As for Mattock's assessment of Michael, she wrote in his log book, "Michael will be an awesome pilot. Keep going with the math and science. Straight and level at 2,500 feet. Executed turn at Darien Lake."

John Kennedy School welcomed new families, highlighted community

By Daniel Crofts

On Friday, Megan Houseknecht sported an eye-catching face painting at John Kennedy Elementary School's Community Night.

The annual event is organized by the Parent Group at the school, located at 166 Vine St. Its purpose according to Parent Group President Jen Houseknecht, is to "welcome our kindergarten families and to reinforce what the community and our school have to offer."

Displays of school programs included:

The school Post Office, represented by Lydia (left) and Kaetyn, both pictured below.


Representatives from the Tonawanda Valley Federal Credit Union with information on the Junior Banking Program, which allows kids in grades K-5 to set up primary savings accounts through in-school branches. This is a hands-on and fun way for them to learn how to be responsible with their money.


Patti and Jim Pacino were there on behalf of the Kiwanis Club, an organization of volunteers dedicated to fostering community values and to the service of children and young adults. Patti takes advantage of the opportunity to advertise an upcoming pancake breakfast.

Representing the Batavia Fire Department were Tom Douglas (left), Chuck Dodson (center) and Chuck Hammon.

Diane (left) and Tammy -- whose last names are omitted by request -- for the YWCA.

Mark Fitzpatrick, the new program director at the YMCA, set up a hoop-jumping exercise for the kids and provided information on YMCA programs.

Mary Ellen DeFelice, of Cornell Cooperative Extension, couldn't wait for people to check out her "germy" ground beef.

Robin Ettinger, recruitment manager, for Girl Scouts of America. 

Kristen Drilling and Robin Cotler held down the fort on behalf of Images in Dance, a Batavia dance studio for kids and adults located at 29 Liberty St. For more information, please visit their website:

Bethany Gabriele of Cain's Tae Kwon Do is pictured here holding a board that was filled with circles a moment before, until an enthusiastic "karate kid" kicked them out one by one.

Outside the school, City of Batavia Police Detective Rich Schauf kept vigil by his car outside as kids checked out the back seat.

Close by, a couple of adventurous young fellows manned the wheel of a vehicle from Wormley Contracting and Development.


Kids got free "tattoos" from Houseknecht.

Maria Branche "hits the greens" at the mini-golf station. 

Quinton, left, succeeds at getting whiffle balls into one of the Target Drop buckets.

Here's Quinton again, victorious.

Kennedy Kolb and a friend (hiding behind the curtain) entertain themselves and passersby with Puppet Theater.

The Parent Group officers in charge of organizing Community Night were Houseknecht (president), Sherri Wahr (vice president), Jill Halpin (treasurer) and Sheri Kolb (secretary).

Photo: Fire Department deals with leaking propane

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia Police were investigating a fender bender in the parking lot of Tonawanda Valley Federal Credit Union when a woman pulled up and said there was a propane tank in her car that was leaking. Batavia Fire was dispatched to the scene to deal with the situation.

Today's Deals: Present Tense, Adam Miller, Terry Hills, Mane Attraction and more

By Howard B. Owens

Present Tense Books and Gifts, 101 Washington Ave., Batavia, NY: Whether your taste runs to local authors, the finest in fiction or nonfiction or you're looking for a unique and special gift, this charming store in a cozy Victorian house on the edge of downtown is a great place to stop and shop. We have a $25 gift certificate for $12.50. (NOTE: Be sure to stop by Present Tense today for the store's 5th Anniversary celebration, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

Adam Miller Toy & Bicycles, 8 Center St., Batavia, NY: Feel like a kid in a toy store again, or treat your kids to the greatest toy store they will ever see. We have a $25 gift certificate for $12.50.

Blue Pearl Yoga, 200 E. Main St., Batavia, NY: Exercise your soul as well as your body in a friendly and relaxing atmosphere. We have a gift certificate for seven weeks of yoga, a $70 value, for $35. Next session starts Sept. 27.

Terry Hills, 5122 Clinton Street Road, Batavia, NY: Terry Hills features a championship 27-hole public golf course that has been consistently ranked as one of the best in the area and an all new clubhouse, boasting both a restaurant and banquet facility that offer panoramic views of the golf course. We have a pair of gift cards for 18 holes of golf with a value of $46 available for $23.

The Mane Attraction, 99 E. Main St., Batavia, NY: The Mane Attraction is a spa and salon offering pedicures, manicures, hair styling and massage. We have a $20 gift certificate for $10.

Pudgie's Lawn and Garden Center, 3646 W. Main St. Road, Batavia, NY: Get started on your spring gardening projects. We have a $25 gift certificate for $12.50.

Delavan's Restaurant and Tavern, 107 Evans St., Batavia, NY: To me, Delavan's is one of those restaurants where you want to eat frequently until you try everything on the menu. We have a $20 gift certificate for $10.

Clor's Meat Market, 4169 W. Main St. Road, Batavia, NY: For the best, most flavorful, juiciest chicken or hamburger in town, hands down, stop by Clor's. Oh, and the steaks are great, too. And the sausage. Clor's also serves lunch and dinners from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. We have a $20 gift card for $10.

Matty's Pizzeria, 4152 W. Main St., Batavia, NY: Matty's is another Batavia favorite for pizza and wings. We have a $20 gift certificate for $10.

The Daily Grind, 85 E. Main St., Batavia, NY: For Batavia's finest coffee, smoothies, as well as fast and convenient breakfasts and lunches, stop into The Daily Grind. We have a $10 gift card for $5.

Larry's Steakhouse, 60 Main St., Batavia, NY: The name says it all -- Larry's is a great place for steak. Larry's has a fine dining atmosphere with a great menu and outstanding service. We have a $25 gift certificate for $12.50.

Alex's Place, 8322 Park Road, Batavia, NY: People come from all over the region for a fine dining experience at Alex's. It's best known for its ribs, of course, but Alex's seafood is also a favorite of the restaurant's diners. We have a $25 gift certificate for $12.50.

Center Street Smoke House, 20 Center St., Batavia, NY: Authentic Southern BBQ, from ribs to brisket with all the fixin's. We have a $20 gift card for $10.

Red Osier, Route 5, Stafford, NY: Truly, one of the landmark restaurants of the area. Red Osier features prime rib carved table side. We have $25 gift certificates for $12.50.

South Beach, 59 Main St., Batavia, NY: Only recently reopened, a fine/casual dining atmosphere, offering steaks and seafood and daily specials. We have a $25 gift certificate for $12.50 (must be used by Nov. 30, 2010).

NOTE: If you've never bought Deal of the Day before, or are otherwise unfamiliar with the rules and process, click here.


Minor injury motor-vehicle accident on Thruway

By Billie Owens

A minor-injury accident on the eastbound Thruway at mile-marker 400 is reported. Six people are involved.

Pembroke and Indian Falls fire departments and Mercy EMS are responding. Darien fire is requested to respond to the Pembroke intersection exchange on the Thruway.

UPDATE (8:48 p.m.): There is one car off the road, no roll-over. Looks like a "back axel accident" with people suffering minor bruises.

UPDATE (8:51 p.m.): The individuals involved are all purportedly refusing medical evaluation/treatment.

Photo: 'The Barn'

By Howard B. Owens

If I'm going to take pictures of barns, I need to take a picture of "The Barn" on Route 77 in Pembroke, right?

When I drove by today, the sky and the yellow wildflowers seemed like a good setting.

A Palace in the Popple


Limited to working Saturdays, we began the construction of the cabin in late July. First we needed to make inroads through a tangle of dogwood thickets, sumac and wild grape vine until we reached what we felt was a suitable building site. Then we needed to make a clearing. Axes, chain saws, weedeaters and loppers were employed those first few outings. After that it was time to build the foundation, then cut logs - mostly maple but a few red pine - and haul them  to the work area. Most cutting was done within a hundred and fifty yards of the cabin, but when the tractor broke down, carrying them made it seem so much farther. The logs were then notched by hand and chinked with mortar. Above the logs rough cut cherry was used.

The cabin was completed a week ago, situated in the clearing from which the red maples and cottonwoods tower above the dog thicket. Deeper into the property, beyond the thickets, are the mature hardwoods, filled with hickory, oak and more maple. Directly north and east property are massive fields filled with either corn or soy beans and the whitetails who feed on them are here in prolific number. Some of my favorite waterfowling grounds are in close proximity as is the Alabama swamp.

While sitting around the campfire last Friday, I looked up into the night sky. Despite the fire's glow, the stars were incredible. To the north was Cassiopeia, the North star and, directly overhead, a spiral arm of the Milky Way. 

In a few weeks, a couple of long bows will be hanging from the cabin wall,  quivers filled with arrows, and a lake plain woodlot filled with adventure yet to come. But about ten p.m. last Friday evening I wasn't thinking so much about the upcoming hunting season. Sure, I'm looking forward to glimpsing antlers darting through the thickets, the cry of honkers and ducks on the wing, but  looking at the stars, that signature handiwork high overhead, I couldn't help thinking about what really  matters most - and Who is really in charge.

Search teams return to Darien to look for missing Sumner Road resident

By Howard B. Owens

The search for Jeffrey G. Fredericks resumed at nine o'clock this morning after going until 1:30 a.m.

The search for the 66-year-old man centers around his home at 1177 Sumner Road, Darien. This morning, the command post was relocated to that location.

The search continues to involve local law enforcement and volunteer firefighters.

Last night's search and rescue team was comprised of members from Cattaraugus, Niagara and Livingston counties.

So far, the search has covered about 200 acres.

Chief Gordon Dibble (pictured above, left, with Sgt. Steve Mullen) said search teams identified another "hot spot" and were about halfway through searching that area.

Car wreck at Seven Springs and East Main, Batavia

By Billie Owens

A two-car accident, with air-bag deployment but minor injuries, is reported at Seven Springs Road and East Main Street Road in the Town of Batavia.

It is blocking the roadway. Police, firefighters and medics are responding.

One person complains of back and chest pain.

Police Beat: Driver involved in head-on accident on Route 98 charged with DWAI

By Howard B. Owens

David P. Neibert, 23, of Albion, is charged with DWAI-Drugs, two counts of criminal possession of a hypodermic instrument, criminal possesion of a controlled substance and several vehicle infractions. Neibert was charged following a head-on collision on Route 98 near West Saile Drive on Wednesday. Neibert's pickup truck hit a Thruway maintenance truck driven by Nick Ciccarelli, 42, of Lancaster. Ciccarelli was uninjured in the accident. A passenger in the Thruway truck, Kevin Thompson, 40, of West Seneca, transported himself to Mercy Hospital for a possible neck injury.

Thomas John Bressinger, 42, of Countyline Road, Darien, is charged with criminal mischief, 4th, and harassment, 2nd. After coming home from work on Thursday, Bressinger is accused of breaking a computer monitor, punching holes in the wall next to his wife's head, kicking her and threatening to kill her.

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City of Batavia, NY Position: Full-time Building Maintenance Worker. Salary: $20.60 - $24.45/hour. The City of Batavia is accepting applications for one full-time Building Maintenance Worker. The work involves a variety of mechanical and other building maintenance tasks. Applicant must have a minimum of two years of full-time paid experience in general building construction or maintenance work, or an equivalent combination of training and experience indicating ability to perform the duties of the job. Civil Service applications may be obtained at City Hall in the Human Resource Department. Please send completed applications to Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk, One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY, or via email to by September 20, 2024. Background check, psychological assessment, and physical/drug testing required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO
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