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Police Beat: Charges of unlawful possession of marijuana and petit larceny

By Howard B. Owens

James Kenneth Goodenow, 40, of South Academy Street, Wyoming, is charged with petit larceny. Goodenow is accused of shoplifting from a store on Lewiston Road, Batavia. He was jailed on $500 bail.

Brian Thomas Kerwin, 23, of Country Lane, Geneseo, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Kerwin was charged following a traffic stop at 6:09 p.m. Wednesday on Route 19, Le Roy, by Deputy Joseph Graff.

Nicholas Shawn Andrews, 32, South Lake Road, Pavilion, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Andrews was was charged following a traffic stop at 6:09 p.m. Wednesday on Route 19, Le Roy, by Deputy Joseph Graff.

Lucas Daniel Allen, 20, of Horsehoe Lake Road, Batavia, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Allen was charged following a traffic stop at 10:07 p.m. March 30 on Caswell Road, Byron, by Deputy Joseph Graff.

Mitchell Andrew Cummings, 19, of Byron Road, Batavia, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Cummings was charged following a traffic stop at 10:07 p.m. March 30 on Caswell Road, Byron, by Deputy Joseph Graff.

Carrie Ann Rucinski, 25, of West Avenue, Medina, is charged with petit larceny. Rucinski is accused of shoplifting six items from Kmart on Tuesday.

Gardner Estates will require more public input

By Brittany Baker

Residents who live around Clinton Street Road will have another opportunity to make their case for or against the proposed Gardner Estates housing development that could end up in their neighborhood.

Odds are, residents will continue to oppose the project that they say could drastically alter the character of their community.

Refer to previous story here.

Another public hearing will be held at the next Town of Batavia Planning Board meeting on April 19 after the town board voted unanimously to reopen the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) for the project on Wednesday evening.

Members of both boards feel that two issues deserve further study -- the debate between a cul de sac or a new roadway and the possibility that the project could end up using public funds for low-income housing.

"We as a board feel that there will be adverse environmental impacts," Town Supervisor Greg Post said, agreeing with a previous decision from the planning board.

Pudgie puts the local into 'locally grown' produce and garden plants

By Howard B. Owens

This is the third in our series of stories about the 2010 Chamber of Commerce award winners. The awards will be presented at a dinner Saturday at the Clarion Hotel.

Like many small businesses, Triple P Farms in Oakfield started with a budding business owner seeing a need and believing he could start small and grow his enterprise.

Daniel "Pudgie" Riner, 52, was raised on a farm in Byron. After his father sold the family farm to the My T Acres, Riner spent 11 years working for the Call family.

He was pretty confident he could grow things. He had just never tried growing anything in a greenhouse before.

Shortly after marrying Patti Call more than 22 years ago, he opened Triple P Farms with a single 2,000-square-foot greenhouse.

Riner was encouraged by his brother and Craig Yunker of CY Farms to start with tomato seedlings.

"They were not happy with quality of transplants that they were buying out of the south and I thought I could grow something better," Riner recalled. "They gave me an opportunity to try and that’s what started the greenhouse business."

Today, Triple P Farms is comprised of more than two acres of greenhouses and he's adding on another 25,000 square feet. Triple P annually produces more than 12 million onion and cabbage plants for local farmers.

It's that kind of growth and contribution to the local agriculture community that led the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce to select Triple P Farms as 2010 Agriculture Business of the Year.

It's an award, Riner said, he finds humbling.

He credits his employees, his customers, his vendors and other members of the agriculture community, even his bank, for making the award possible.

"I always say, one of my biggest assets is the people around me who help make it work. I have the right team around me."

After more than 22 years in business, Riner said what gives him the biggest satisfaction are his employees. He keeps five full-time employees year around and employees 15 to 20 more people during the summer months.

"It feels pretty good that you’re doing something to help people survive."

He said people like his office manager, Debbie Lynch, who has been with Triple P almost from the beginning, and his retail store manager, Scott Fisher, are the ones who really get the work done.

"I don’t know how we could do it without the key people around that make it work."

In the summer, much of Triple P's staffing increase comes from Riner hiring young people.

Riner -- whose friends started calling him "Pudgie" when he was a teen and the nickname stuck -- said he likes new hires to be juniors in high school. It's hard, physical labor, but he enjoys working with youngsters, even mentoring them right through college.

"I always tell them, If you work for me you'll figure out why you don’t want to do this for the rest of your life. Go to college and get a brain."

About 11 years ago, Riner bought a retail nursery on West Main Street in the Town of Batavia from the Riegel family.  

He renamed it Pudgie's Lawn and Garden Center.

“They (the Riegel family) had a wonderful reputation and I’d like to think that we have continued that wonderful reputation of high quality plants that are locally grown. The lawn and garden store we call Pudgie's has been good to us and we try to add more and more to it every year. We have a very good customer base there."

All of the "bedding" plants sold at Pudgie's are grown at Triple P, giving gardeners a chance to buy locally grown plants from local plant experts (most of Pudgie's employees are master gardeners).

This year, Riner lost his pea-picking business as the frozen food industry has consolidated around just two harvesting companies (Riner said he's proud that his business was one of the final four out of a few dozen once upon a time), but he's already taking Triple P in a new, promising direction.

This winter, he and a partner, A.J. Wormuth, started growing cucumbers in the Triple P greenhouses to sell through area retail stores under the Fresh Harvest Farms brand.

The new line is off to a promising start and the time is right, Riner said, to expand into other winter-grown vegetables because of the strong consumer interest in locally grown produce.

"There’s a big push industry for local. The challenge is getting into the big box stores like Tops or Wegmans or Save-A-Lot, but with the impact of people pushing local, the door has opened a little more than in the past."

Riner and Patti have three children. One attends RIT, another is working on becoming a teacher and their oldest daughter lives and works in the Washington, D.C., area.

He said he and Patti keep most of their community involvement pretty low-key. They're active in Northgate Church and do what they can individually to help families and young people.

Patti supports the Cancer Society. She's twice survived cancer.

As he mentions her cancer battles, Pudgie chokes up.

“It still bugs me," he said, as his eyes moistened and his voice cracked. "You can tell. You can tell.”

NY-26 candidates respond to GOP budget reform proposal

By Howard B. Owens

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis) has proposed what he claims is a bold plan to reduce government spending by $4 trillion over 10 years.

The plan would:

  • Repeal health care reform
  • Turn Medicare over to private insurances and provide vouchers for recipients
  • Turn Medicaid into a block-grant funded program with state's picking up any unfunded expenses
  • Lower the highest individual and corporate tax rates from 35 to 25 percent
  • Lift drilling moratoriums on and off shore
  • Cap government spending at 20 percent of the Gross Domestic Product
  • It also makes claims for job creation, claims to spur growth and higher wages, bans earmarks and cuts corporate welfare.

Since this is a plan that the next representative from the NY-26 could be asked to vote on, we asked each candidate to respond to Ryan's budget proposal.

Jane Corwin:

Our country is facing a historical challenge – we can either keep pursuing a path of runaway spending, and job-killing debt, or we can choose to get serious about reducing spending, cutting taxes and creating sustainable long-term economic growth for our children and grandchildren. The plan unveiled today recognizes this reality. I look forward to studying the proposals and working to change the direction of our country.

Kathy Hochul:

It’s time to get our fiscal house in order and start working toward reducing our national debt. There is no question that we need to make substantial cuts to our budget, but decimating Medicare cannot be the solution. Once elected, I look forward to working with all members of Congress to cut wasteful spending, while still keeping the promises made to our seniors and ensuring the survival of job re-training programs, so that our businesses can innovate, create jobs, and compete in the global market.

Ian Murphy:

Ryan's budget proposal represents the height of Republican dishonesty. It's a reverse-Robin Hood, where they rob from the poor and give to the rich. You can't reduce the deficit by lowering taxes on corporations and the super-rich, and cutting social spending. Anyone who suggests such an obvious lie should be laughed off the political stage. It's just one more example of our elected officials representing wealth, not people. 

As for Jack Davis, his communications director Curtis Ellis wrote, "This is a large and complex proposal. As an engineer, Jack wants to give it the attention it requires and deserves. He's looking closely at it and we'll get back to you." That was yesterday afternoon and we've not yet received a response from Davis.

For further reading:

New GCC president brings passion for community college education to new post

By Howard B. Owens

When James Sunser, Ed.D, starts his new job in August it will be with a sense of purpose and a lifetime of experience in community college.

Sunser replaces Stuart Steiner, Ed.D, as president of Genesee Community College in August.

Sunser told WBTA's Geoff Redick that his passion for education was instilled in him by his parents.

"Our parents ingrained in us from an early age that getting an education is really a big part of the American dream," Sunser said. "I was a first-generation college student. My sisters and I were the first generation in our family to go."

Sunser says that experience alone was enough to push him to work in education for the rest of his life, and see other people live that dream.

"It's very natural for me to be in (education)," he says.

Steiner is retiring after 36 years of leading GCC, taking it from what he's said was sometimes referred to as a "high school with ashtrays" to one of the most prestigious community colleges in New York, if not the nation.

"GCC really has an outstanding reputation in all the SUNY system -- and nationally, too," says Sunser. "Dr. Stuart Steiner, the board of trustees, the whole faculty and staff and administrative team...they're really among the best that I've ever had the chance to come across."

Sunser also praised Steiner

"He is absolutely an icon in SUNY," Sunser said. "What he's done has been fantastic."

The newly selected president has spent the past 23 years at Onondaga Community College, ascending to the position of Vice President for Continued & Extended Learning in 2004.

During that time, he oversaw the the construction of the Whitney Applied Technology Center, the addition of residence halls for 600 students, the creation of a Center for Workforce Development, and the development of new degree programs in Nuclear Technology, Sustainability, and Overhead Lineman Studies.

For the full interview, click here.

Founder of beer business that got its start in Batavia honored by SBA

By Howard B. Owens

In 1983, a Henrietta resident bought a small beverage company in Batavia with a vision for building a chain of stores that would offer customers a wide selection of handcrafted and imported beers.

Batavia Beverage Corporation became Angotti Beverage Corporation and Tony Angotti was on a path toward what is now three stores in the Rochester region, including the widely known Beers of the World in Henrietta.

That success has landed Angotti the prestigious honor of Small Business Person of the Year for the area's 14-county Small Business Administration district.

The Democrat & Chronicle published a story about Angotti today.

"I've always been a nut for imported beers and something different," he said Tuesday. "I always dreamed of something different, something that was not available in upstate New York. So I started bringing in beers, sometimes obscure beers, that nobody knew anything about and some are very well-known brands today."


"The population today is not like it was years ago when our fathers and grandfathers used to go a bar and say 'give me a beer' and didn't even know what they were getting," Angotti said. "To them a beer was a beer. But today we have a very sophisticated drinking population that is looking for something unique, something different."

Planning Board declares Holiday Inn Express won't impact environment

By Brittany Baker

The Town of Batavia Planning Board decided Tuesday that a proposed Holiday Inn Express would not have a negative impact on the environment if it were to be built next to the Hampton Inn on Federal Drive.

"What we did tonight was to say the project will not effect the community environmentally," board Chair Kathleen Jasinski said. "At our next meeting on April 19 we will review the site plan and see if they get ... permission to build the project."

Board members completed the mandatory State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) document with project architect Mark Tiedemann, of MWT Architecture, present to answer questions.

The SEQR document asks yes or no questions about whether the proposed project would negatively impact certain aspects of the environment such as bodies of water, endangered or protected species, etc. In this case, most answers were easily answered "no," according to Tiedemann.

One question was "Will the proposed action result in a physical change to the project site?"

Board Member Don Partridge suggested the answer be no and looked to the others for objections. When none were made, Partridge began to move on to the next question but was interrupted by attorney Thomas J. Warth, of Hiscock & Barclay, out of Rochester. Warth represents other local hotel owners who strongly oppose another hotel in what they claim is an already saturated market.

"It has a much larger footprint," Warth called out.

Board Chair Kathy Jasinski responded by saying that Warth's issue will be addressed when the board reviews the site plan later this month.

"This evening is on the SEQR and how it will react to the land and right now having a hotel where there has been a building already won't affect the land," Jasinski said.

When asked about the impact traffic, Tiedeman said developer Michael Patel had SRF Associates complete a traffic study. It concluded that a small to moderate impact on traffic could be expected, but mitigated by putting in a left-hand turn lane for Route 98.

The SEQR question regarding traffic impact was ultimately answered yes.

Another SEQR question was "Is there likely to be public controversy related to the potential adverse environmental impacts?"

Board members agreed that there most certainly would be public controversy because many community members have already voiced their opposition to the project as a whole. Hotel owners are concerned about the economic impact another hotel would have on their businesses.

Tiedemann politely argued, "Competition technically can't be a controversy related to any environmental impact. Environmental impact would be water, sewer, gas, traffic, any one of those."

Jasinski replied "Our board usually takes a stand on the side of our community and there will be a public controversy over this. I don't think we can ignore that fact."

Partridge documented on the SEQR that, "...the major controversy has been competition-oriented and is noted."

He added that personally, he didn't think it was a project-altering issue.

Jasinski concluded that every "yes" answer to an impact on the environment at the project site could be mitigated. She asked that the developer get in contact with the Department of Transportation about a possible turning lane on Route 98.

The motion was made by Partridge, and seconded by Board Memeber Paul McCullough, that a negative declaration is appropriate for this project. The board agreed unanimously.

Stuart Steiner: Leaving at the 'top of his game' and reaping a special reward

By Billie Owens

This is the second in our series on the 2010 Chamber of Commerce award winners. The awards will be presented at a dinner at the Clarion Hotel on Saturday.

The inaugural Genesee County Lifetime Achievement Award of the local chamber of commerce will be presented Saturday to retiring college President Stuart Steiner, Ed.D. The accolade will be a singular coda for an exceptional career.

By all accounts, it is altogether fitting that this renowned educator, who leaves his post at Genesee Community College on Aug. 31, should get this unique honor.

During his 44 years at the GCC, 36 as president, he has worked relentlessly to make what used to be known as "junior college" more attainable, affordable and respectable. Nationally recognized for his solid and indefatigable leadership in education, he has brought GCC to new heights in every respect, according to community leaders.

In his comfortable office at the Batavia campus, the Maryland native talked about how pleased he is to be honored by the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce at its 39th Annual Awards Ceremony.

His eyes seem to "smile" when he talks and he smiles a lot, too. His voice is soft and low and he's easy to chat with, a guy students can talk to, even play Ping-Pong with, seriously.

He motioned toward the MedTech building across the street, the new athletic fields, and indicated that most of what he set out to do has been accomplished.

So after two consecutive academic years of record enrollments and sound financials, with new labor contracts in place, and good relations with staff, faculty and the Genesee County Legislature -- he's taking his late wife Rosalie's advice.

"(Roz) said 'I know you love the job. You get up and you still go to work at 6:30, quarter to 7, in the morning. ... But when you decide that maybe it's time to retire, pick a time when everything's going right, when you're at the top of your game."

Steiner looks back and takes a lot of pride in what's taken place.

"It's enjoyable to see people who the college made a difference in their lives and the lives of their families," Steiner said. "It's not a theoretical difference. That's just a delightful thing."

Time was when going to that hilltop "high school with an ashtray" meant slouching toward a place of second-rate learning, where you went when you couldn't get into a "real" college. 

But over the years that perception waned because it could be proven that the quality of instruction and the transferability of credits earned would make it possible for more students to attend say, the University of Buffalo or even Cornell, as juniors. From a practical standpoint, for parents, that meant that a four-year university that was out of reach financially, could become at least a feasible option.

The degree earned comes from the graduating college. It doesn't say, the "first two years at a community college," Steiner said.

Add to that the surge in working adults, so-called "nontraditional students," needing job-specific instruction, and more people wanting certificate courses, and junior colleges grew up to become community colleges.

Steiner saw the changes and helped encourage the trends. Today, GCC typically has students from more than 20 different nations and more than 40 counties statewide.

The success story that is GCC would not be possible, Steiner repeatedly notes, without being able to delegate to quality staff members and instructors.

"You have to have a great support team and staff," Steiner said. "You can't run it and have a good college if you don't have other people who are good at their jobs."

There's high praise from Steiner about the college's foundation board and the board of trustees. Over the years, the men and women involved have helped steer the course, raise the money, get the buildings built and more. Ditto the county legislators.

(He happens to be the second-longest-serving community college president in the nation. Here's true kismet -- In the early years, he accepted a job at a community college in Maryland and there was another person hired there, same day, same hour, same type of job -- a director -- who is now the president of Westchester Community College. And that man is the longest-serving community college president in the nation.)

A lot of fancy degrees are on Steiner's office wall, including a doctorate in education and also in law, master's degrees and an AA degree from Baltimore Junior College (as it was called then). So he, too, started at a community college.

But of all his awards, honors and degrees, his crowning moment comes April 15 when the Rosalie "Roz" Steiner Art Gallery opens at the campus. She herself was a highly regarded artist.

"The decency that the board recognized that I couldn't do all that I was able to do if she wasn't doing a lot of the support work. She worked with the board, she hosted things. She did things in the community.

"That's the highlight -- to have the kids there and let them see their mom recognized for the work she did, not because she was my wife. I think that's important."

Sen. Gillibrand announces package of legislation to aid entrepreneurs

By Howard B. Owens

Small businesses need help, according to Sen. Kristen Gillibrand, so today she announced a legislative package she believes will help small businesses start and grow.

Her plan would provide more federal grant money for business incubators, tax-free savings accounts for entrepreneurs and tax credits for investment in small businesses.

"The lack of early capital from the poor economy holds us (New York) back," said Gillibrand in a press release. "We need to support budding entrepreneurs, free up the credit they need to get their ideas off the ground, and invest in the kind of research we can turn into cutting-edge businesses and new jobs."

Gillibrand plans to introduce the Early-Stage Business Investment and Incubation Act, legislation to provide federal grants of up to $5 million for business incubators to support the development of early-stage small businesses in targeted, high-growth industries. 

Another legislative proposal, Small Business Savings Account Act, would allow aspiring entrepreneurs to save up to $10,000 tax free to later invest in a new business.

Gillibrand also proposes making from $250,000 to $2.5 million available for clustered science-tech parks to help drive high-tech entrepreneurship and job creation.

Full press release after the jump:

Washington, D.C. – While small businesses serve as the economy’s biggest job creator, creating half of all new jobs across the state, they are struggling to grow in this tough economy. To help kick-start the backbone of our economy, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today announced her entrepreneurship agenda to help generate access to the capital needed to start more small businesses, and create jobs for New York.

The focus of Senator Gillibrand’s plan is directing more early capital to business start-ups through federal grants for business incubators, tax-free savings accounts for entrepreneurs, and tax credits to leverage private investment in new businesses. Senator Gillibrand is also fighting for greater investments in New York’s science parks that have the ability to turn groundbreaking academic research into viable businesses that can create jobs and help grow our economy.

“My number-one focus is creating good-paying, family-supporting jobs,” Senator Gillibrand said. “But I know that government doesn’t create jobs – businesses do. New York is home to some of the world’s brightest minds and best ideas to grow our economy. But the lack of early capital from the poor economy holds us back. We need to support budding entrepreneurs, free up the credit they need to get their ideas off the ground, and invest in the kind of research we can turn into cutting-edge businesses and new jobs. This is the future of our economy, and we need to make sure it starts right here in New York.”

Small businesses are responsible for half of all private sector jobs and 70 percent of all new jobs created in the last decade. But nearly 60 percent of all small business report having trouble getting the credit they need – holding them back from growing, and creating new jobs.

February employment data from the New York State Department of Labor show that while more Americans are slowly going back to work, approximately 800,000 New Yorkers are still unemployed.

·         Approximately 370,000 New York City residents are out of work, giving the region an average percent unemployment rate of 9.4%.
·         Approximately 64,000 Western New York residents are out of work, giving the region an average percent unemployment rate of 9.5%.
·         Approximately 52,000 Rochester/Finger Lakes Region residents are out of work, giving the region an average percent unemployment rate of 8.6%.
·         Over 50,000 Central New York residents are out of work, giving the region an average percent unemployment rate of 9.6%
·         Almost 25,000 Southern Tier residents are out of work, giving the region an average percent unemployment rate of 9.6%.
·         Over 47,000 Capital Region residents are out of work, giving the region an average percent unemployment rate of 9.2%.
·         Approximately 25,000 North Country residents are out of work, giving the region an average percent unemployment rate of 10.8%.
·         Approximately 87,000 Hudson Valley residents are out of work, giving the region an average percent unemployment rate of 8.2%.
·         Over 110,000 Long Island residents are out of work, giving the region an average percent unemployment rate of 7.7%.

Senator Gillibrand’s Entrepreneurship Agenda

1. Supporting Business Incubators that Fuel Entrepreneurship
One of the biggest obstacles for starting any new business is access to capital. As communities look for new ways to support local business development during tough economic times, increasingly more are looking to business incubators to help launch job creation engines. Currently there is a need for more federal mechanisms to support business incubators beyond “bricks and mortar” support. 

Entrepreneurs need support as they work to move their ideas into viable, successful new businesses that create jobs, revitalize neighborhoods, and commercialize new technologies that can help grow our economy.  

To support business incubators and foster growth among our high-tech entrepreneurs, Senator Gillibrand is introducing the Early-Stage Business Investment and Incubation Act, legislation to provide federal grants of up to $5 million for business incubators to support the development of early-stage small businesses in targeted, high-growth industries. Grants for incubators would go toward assisting start-up companies with comprehensive training and counseling services, investment management and purchased services.

Supporting entrepreneurs and business incubators is one of the best investments to rebuild areas of New York that were hit hardest by the economic crisis, and grow our high-tech sector.
·         Every $10,000 invested in business incubators has the potential to create up to nearly 70 new local jobs, according to the Economic Development Administration (EDA).
·         Every dollar devoted to an incubator generates approximately $30 in local tax revenue, according to the National Business Incubation Association (NBIA).
·         In 2005 alone, business incubators supported more than 27,000 start-up companies that provided jobs for more than 100,000 workers – generating more than $17 billion in annual revenue, according to NBIA estimates.

2. Tax-Free Savings to Fund New Small Businesses
Entrepreneurs spend on average about $80,000 in first-year start-up costs. But since the economic crisis, with minimal access to capital, debt financing for new businesses has been increasingly difficult to obtain.

As part of her broad agenda to help entrepreneurs develop the start-up funds they need to get their new business ideas off the ground, Senator Gillibrand is co-sponsoring the Small Business Savings Account Act, legislation to allow prospective entrepreneurs to grow tax-free savings to fund their new small business.

The legislation would allow entrepreneurs to save up to $10,000 a year tax-free for their business. Once an individual decides to start their business, the funds from their savings could go toward equipment, facilities, marketing, legal fees, and other capital and operating expenses. 

3. Tax Credits for Investments in Small Businesses
Private investment in new businesses helps fuel job creation, and helps entrepreneurs power through the common gap between the start-up of a company and the point it turns profitable. In 2008, companies backed by private investment employed more than 12 million people and generated nearly $3 trillion in revenue, accounting for 11 percent of private sector employment and representing about 21 percent of U.S. GDP. In 2009 alone, angel investments led to the creation of 250,000 new jobs. But since the economic crisis, private equity investment has dried up, holding entrepreneurs back from starting their businesses and growing our economy.

To leverage more private investment into budding entrepreneurs, Senator Gillibrand is co-sponsoring the American Opportunity Act, legislation to provide a 25 percent tax credit to encourage private investors to support emerging small businesses in fields with the most potential to lead in the high-tech economy, including advanced manufacturing, aerospace, biotechnology, clean energy and transportation.

Qualified small businesses could receive $2 million per year in tax credit-eligible cash equity investment, of which no more than $1 million may come from one single investor.

Estimates project the tax credit could spark $2 billion a year in private investments into new businesses. 

4. Expand and Build New Science Parks
Science parks hold the potential to make major breakthroughs in academic research that translate to promising new business ventures and new jobs. New York is home to some of the nation’s best science parks, including at Clarkson University, the University at Buffalo, Binghamton University, the College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering at the University at Albany, New York University, Stony Brook University, as well as New York City’s Bioscience Initiative that brings together over a dozen world-class research institutions and business leaders to grow New York’s bioscience industry. Its state-of-the-art facilities and leading research has helped secure over $1 billion in federal investments from the National Institutes for Health (NIH) and create over 110,000 related jobs for New York City.

To give all of New York’s science parks the resources they need and build more science parks across America, Senator Gillibrand fought for and helped pass a provision in the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act that supports new business start-ups, generates student interest in science and technology, and promotes strong relationships between universities and high-tech industries.

Now, Senator Gillibrand is working to secure federal investments to support the growth of science parks. Specifically, Senator Gillibrand is writing to Senate leaders, urging them to include $107 million in the FY2012 budget to help grow America’s science parks. 

5. Grow Regional Economies and Attract New Businesses
To grow the economy, businesses must work together and draw on regional strengths that can attract more investment to the area. To foster regional economic growth, Senator Gillibrand is working to pass the Strengthening Employment Clusters to Organize Regional Success (SECTORS) Act – legislation that would award competitive grants ranging from $250,000 to $2.5 million to eligible entities to develop cluster-based economic development strategies. 

These investments are critical to connecting regional businesses, suppliers, research and development entities, education and training providers, and associated institutions in a particular field to fulfill regional workforce needs and grow regional economies.

From Eastern New York’s Tech Valley to Western New York’s biotech corridor, to New York City’s Bioscience Initiative, the SECTORS Act would provide critical federal investments to some of New York’s most promising regional cluster development projects, and lay the foundation for our state’s long term economic strength in the high-tech sector.

Hochul announces support of budget compromise that cuts up to $40 billion

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

ERIE COUNTY – Kathy Hochul, candidate for New York’s 26th Congressional District, today declared her support for a budget compromise in Congress that would cut $30 to $40 billion in spending and called on her opponents Republican Jane Corwin, and Tea Party Line candidate Jack Davis, to join her in supporting the compromise. 
“There is no question that major budgetary cuts need to be made in Washington, and that is why I support a compromise that reduces spending by $30 to $40 billion. The House and Senate are in the middle of a dangerous standoff, and the only way to avoid a massive government shutdown that could disrupt essential services, like veterans’ benefits, new Social Security claims, student loans, and critical job-training services is by coming to a compromise on the budget,” said Hochul.
“If Washington politicians continue to engage in this brinkmanship, it will be the promises to our veterans, our seniors, our students, and our hard working families that are broken. Therefore it is time for the House and Senate to make the necessary cuts, without butchering vital programs, and agree to a $30 to $40 billion cut in the budget. I urge my opponents – Jane Corwin, the Republican nominee, and Jack Davis, the Tea Party Line candidate – to follow my lead and support this necessary compromise.
“The long-term financial health of our country depends upon getting our fiscal house in order, but some of the $61 billion in cuts approved by the House erode our ability to create jobs and compete in the global economy. Across the board cuts in job re-training, high-tech research, medical research and education will make it more difficult for American families to hold onto their jobs and keep our economy moving forward,” Hochul concluded.

Plans for teen nightclub on East Main back on track

By Howard B. Owens

A pair of local entrepreneurs who plan to open a teen nightclub in the former location of PowerHouse Gym on East Main Street, Batavia, say a major financial hurdle has been overcome and they're ready to move forward.

After initially announcing plans in January, just two weeks later, the venture had to be put on ice when Tim Walton and Mike Marchese learned they would need to install a $50,000 sprinkler system in the 7,350-square-foot facility.

Walton announced this week that additional, unnamed, investors are now involved in the project and Walton and Marchese have $100,000 available for the project.

Most of that fund is being bankrolled by Walton and Marchese, Walton said, but the local investors are willing to put in more money if needed.

"We don't want to cut corners," Walton said.

No opening date was announced.

"We've got a plan, contract and partnership that allows us to have direct access to over 20,000 teens in Western New York," Walton said. "We're going all out to make this a success."

Walton also announced a partnership with local DJ Marc Tillery.

"The move to buy into the DJ company was a move I made to allow us to have our own disc jockey company rather than have to hire out," Walton said. "I partnered with Tillery as a way to have more access to the current music, club mixes and even recording artists. Tillery has some connections with Hollywood stars, EA Sports, Boyz II Men, New Edition and his most recent connection is Island Def Jam recording artist Kenny Klassix."

Walton and Tillery previously joined forces in local marketing, as Walton bought out Tillery's advertising marketing company and merged it with his screen-printing business, TopLine Shirt Company.

Meanwhile, Walton has also sold out his interest in the DJ operation at Falleti Ice Arena to Firland Management.

The ice arena DJ operation was a venture he had gotten involved with in 2001. 

"I had a great time doing it while I did," Walton said. "It was great working with Rich Nobles, Dee Gugel, Bob Filighera and everyone else."

Police Beat: Man accused of stealing computers and games from estranged wife

By Howard B. Owens

Christopher Jonathan Feidner, 25, Middle Road, Gowanda, is charged with burglary, 2nd. Feidner is accused of entering the Oakfield apartment of his estranged wife without consent on two occasions in June. During the first alleged incident, Feidner reportedly stole two Xbox game consoles and two PlayStation game consoles along with their controllers. During the second alleged incident, Feidner reportedly stole two laptop computers. Feidner is currently an inmate at Collins Correctional Facility in Gowanda serving time on an unrelated felony conviction.

GCEDC's 'profits' not necessarily liquid

By Howard B. Owens

To look at a reported $592,000 in profit and $4 million in assets for GCEDC, it seems obvious to wonder if the oft-criticized industrial development agency is going to give back some of the $238,000 it received from Genesee County taxpayers in 2010.

It's not that simple.

First, what we often refer to as GCEDC is really two organizations. There is the Genesee County Industrial Development Agency -- doing business as the Genesee County Economic Development Center, which is a public-benefit corporation -- and there is the Genesee Gateway Local Development Corp., a not-for-profit corporation.

As far as profits go, GCEDC generated a positive cash flow of $4,860 in 2010.

The GGLDC reported net unspent revenue of $589,183.

But it's not like that money is sitting a bank somewhere with the GCEDC having free reign on its distribution.

Much of the money comes from grants, both from state and federal agencies and entities such as National Grid and can only be used for designated purposes. It's money received but not yet spent and, though it will be spent, it can only be spent on specified projects and programs.

A $1.3 million increase in 2010 in operating revenue for GGLDC comes from a $900,000 Empire State Development Grant for the STAMP project in Alabama; and new rent revenue of $300,000 from tenants of the MedTech Center, opened in 2010.

Other grant revenue included $19,353 from National Grid for gas meters and service at MedTech; $175,000 from National Grid for STAMP; and a state grant of $752,716 for phase II development of STAMP.

In all, GGDLC had operating revenues in 2010 of $1.778 million and operating expenses of $1.189 million.

In 2010, GCEDC had $935,592 in revenue, which included a 77-percent increase over 2009 in fees from companies receiving GCEDC assistance. In 2009, there were $361,152 in fees paid. For 2010, that figure was $639,550.

Total operating expenses for GCEDC in 2010 was $930,732, which included $689,100 in salaries, wages and benefits.

As for GCEDC sitting on $4.4 million in assets, that includes $1.89 million in land held for development.

Assets also includes nearly $600,000 due this year and in following years from Darien Lake Theme Park in fees.

There's also more than $2 million in bank accounts.

Mark Masse, senior VP of operations, explained a portion of the accounts this way: $469,000 is from grants for revolving loan funds; $729,000 set aside for specific park projects and the work force development program; $230,000 in the operations checking account; $292,000 in savings that mostly came from the sale of One Mill (the former GCEDC office) and is a set aside for emergency expenditures.

Asked about all of the revenue and seeming profits of GCEDC, County Manager Jay Gsell said, "It's not that simple."

In some counties, the IDAs need to come to their legislators and ask for money for road and sewer improvements, Gsell said. That doesn't happen with GCEDC.

"You’ve got to look at the bigger picture," Gsell said. "What is that they’re doing? What is their game plan? What else have they got that money leveraged for? You know, there are a lot of things they’ve been doing that -- as far as infrastructure improvements in other parts of the county -- precludes the county from actually having to participate."

As far as changing the county's contribution to GCEDC, it's too soon to say, Gsell said.

“Certainly, it’s not something, as far as the budget is concerned, that I’m ready to say to the legislature, 'well let’s do this or let’s do that' as far as 2012 is concerned," Gsell said.

Chairwoman Mary Pat Hancock said she is certain any profits from GCEDC are being reinvested on behalf of the taxpayers, but she did say, reducing the county's share of contribution -- designed primarily to cover about half of the GCEDC's personnel expenses -- is not off the table.

“We look at that every year and certainly, this is a tough budget year," Hancock said. "This isn’t a discussion we haven’t had, that we’re afraid to have and that we won’t have.”

James Sunser named new GCC president

By Howard B. Owens

James Sunser, Ed.D, currently VP for Continuing and Extended Learning at Onondaga Community College in Syracuse, has been named the new president of Genesee Community College.

He's expected to start his new job on Aug. 1 at a starting annual salary of $177,832.

The 51-year-old veteran educator replaces Stuart Steiner, Ed.D, who is retiring after 36 years as president and 44 years serving the college.

"We looked for all the qualities that Stu had given us over the years and tried to get a match," said Charles R. Ruffino, chair of the board of trustees. "No one is going to match Stu Steiner. He's one of a kind, but we were looking for a person is who is passionate, who lives and breathes community colleges, and who has financial experience."

Sunser is himself a product of community college education. According to a press release, Sunser graduated from Onondaga Community College in 1984, later obtaining a BS degree from Syracuse University, an MS degree from SUNY Brockport, a certificate of advanced study from the University of Rochester and his doctorate in 2010 from UR.

Neither of Sunser's parents attended college, but he told GCC's publicity office that his parents felt it was important for him and his sisters to attend college.

"My father was a very smart man and loved to learn," Sunser said. "Even though he didn't have a great deal of formal education, he was passionate about the importance of learning, and he urged me to get as much education as I could, and do as much good for other people as I could."

Sunser's family had limited financial resources, so he enrolled in Onondaga.

"A community college made all the difference in the world to me," he said. "My community college education gave me confidence, and opened up a world of opportunities."

His father, Carl "Sonny" Sunser, passed away in 1995 at 64 years of age.

"He would be very proud," Sunser said.

Prior to his current position with Onondaga, Sunser was was VP of finance, and it's that financial experience that was important to the search committee, said Ruffino.

"We’re looking at some difficult times, so we wanted a person who knows finances and would be able to cope with the possible problems coming up," Ruffino said.

Sunser's community activities in the Syracuse area include volunteering on the: YMCA of Greater Syracuse's Education Advisory Board; Syracuse City School District's Construction Advisory Council; Education Committee of Central New York Works; American Red Cross; and Onondaga Stop DWI.

Sunser and his wife, Roseann, a teacher, currently reside in Clay, a Syracuse suburb. They are parents of three children: Ryan, 23; Sean, 20; and Casey, 17. His hobbies include reading, especially books on leadership and history, golf, basketball and spending time with family and friends. The family plans to relocate to Genesee County this summer.

Le Roy man arrested for allegedly growing marijuana, other drug charges

By Howard B. Owens

A 40-year-old Le Roy resident has been arrested, accused of growing marijuana without a license, which is a misdemeanor under York State Public Health Law.

Jose A. Martinez Jr., was also charged with criminal possession of marijuana, 5th, and criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th.

While Title 7, Section 3382 of NYS Health Law makes it a crime to grow cannabis without a license, a Google search finds no provision in New York for obtaining a license.

Martinez was issued appearance tickets for Town of Le Roy Court and released following his arrest.

The bust came following an investigation by the Local Drug Task Force along with Le Roy Police, leading to the execution of a search warrant in the Village of Le Roy at the residence of Martinez on March 11.

Martinez was allegedly found in possession of a quantity of marijuana, a quantity of Darvocet and Ambien along with six marijuana plants.

UPDATE: I did find a reference on the NORML site that notes that the DEA has the ability to license -- though they never do -- farmers to grow hemp.

UPDATE: Article 33, Title 7 is the Controlled Substance Act, and it does contain provisions for licensing the manufacture and distribution of controlled substances. That seems to be the sections that apply here.

Robert Bennett honored for outstanding community service

By Brittany Baker

This is the first in our series on the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce award winners. Today, we feature Robert Bennett, winner of Wolcott “Jay” Humphrey III Excellence in Community Leadership Award. The awards will be presented at a dinner Saturday at the Clarion Hotel.

It takes a truly selfless man to find ways to go above and beyond to volunteer in his community for more than 20 years but Robert Bennett swears that his countless hours of community service have rewarded him just as much in return.

He has served on a number of boards and organizations in Le Roy and Genesee County just because he likes the feeling of being productive and doing good things for good people.

“I’ve made some great friendships and relationships,” Bennett said.

“The kind where if they need something, they call you and if you need something, you call them.”

When he heard he was to receive the Jay Humphrey III Excellence in Leadership Award at the annual Genesee County Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet, Bennett said he certainly felt humbled.

“What a great award. I was close friends with Jay – he and I worked on many different boards together. We’re old friends.”

Bennett used to work with Humphrey’s family at Wyoming County Bank. Although he’s remained in the banking industry, Bennett now manages the Le Roy Bank of Castile.

“My job at the Bank of Castile encourages everyone to get involved with the community,” he shrugged.

“Banking promotes getting involved…and there’s a lot of things that need your help but it’s not always the money. Anyone can write a check but sometimes it’s expertise, it’s running the projects or helping to guide these organizations.”

Bennett dedicates his time to the Genesee Community College Foundation and the college’s housing board. He’s been involved with United Way, the American Red Cross and he even helped develop the Le Roy Business Council. He is an active Le Roy Rotarian and a past president. He has coached sports teams, helped with Easter egg hunts, appliance raffles and various fundraisers for a number of different causes.

He plans to continue to make service to his community a priority and is currently looking forward to the annual Easter celebration in Le Roy, helping to choose which deserving graduating seniors will be awarded scholarships through the Le Roy Rotary, and working with the GCC foundation.

“If I get involved, I’m usually trying to just do something,” Bennett said.

“It’s not to be a member or a board director…I’m a people person. I just try to make a difference.”

Photos by Howard Owens

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City of Batavia, NY Position: Full-time Building Maintenance Worker. Salary: $20.60 - $24.45/hour. The City of Batavia is accepting applications for one full-time Building Maintenance Worker. The work involves a variety of mechanical and other building maintenance tasks. Applicant must have a minimum of two years of full-time paid experience in general building construction or maintenance work, or an equivalent combination of training and experience indicating ability to perform the duties of the job. Civil Service applications may be obtained at City Hall in the Human Resource Department. Please send completed applications to Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk, One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY, or via email to by September 20, 2024. Background check, psychological assessment, and physical/drug testing required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO
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