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City council reviews proposal for economic development position

By Howard B. Owens

The proposal is in the city budget, it's in the strategic plan, it's on the drawing board, but officially, the Batavia City Council has yet to approve the creation of an economic development director.

The vote will take place at the council's next business meeting, but on Monday council members got a chance to learn more about the proposal, ask questions and state their opinions.

There were no strong objections, and Councilman Bill Cox called on his fellow council members to approve the proposal.

"It’s a great opportunity for the city and it’s the most important thing we’ve done in a long time," Cox said. "I don’ think you’re going to see any results for 18 months, because no matter what you decided, you’re going to have to apply for grants, you’re going to have to wait for replies, you have to be selective, so I think we’ll see the first fruits of our labor in 18 to 24 months."

Under the proposal, the city would chip in $10,000 per year for each of the first two years (funded by cutting $15,000 from the grant writing budget of the city), with the balance of the eventual hire's salary being covered by money from the revolving loan fund and the micro-enterprise fund (both funds filled years ago by state grants).

The Batavia Development Corporation, which in the past has overseen the revolving loan fund, would hire and supervise the economic development position.

Councilman Bob Bialkowski wondered if, within the two years allotted for the new position to start paying off, whether new grants would start funding the position.

Ray Chaya, president of the BDC board of directors, said, "that would be the hope. Even though the state is in dire straits, there is still money out there for economic development. We want to be able to capture whatever is out there as soon as it’s available."

Council members asked questions about benefits -- the new hire will not receive benefits through the city as an employee of the BDC -- and what the person will actually do.

The job description specifies that the economic developer will be required to recruit and retain small businesses in the city and help businesses find ways to expand and grow.

If the council approves the proposal, the BDC can get to work on recruiting the right person and hopefully getting him or her in place on or before Aug. 1.

"We really need three-to-four months to get that person in here and really have benchmarks set up," Chaya said. "Two years is really a short amount of time, so this person needs to have strong communications skills, small business sense and a really good understanding of economic development."

Photo: After the storm

By Howard B. Owens

There was at least about one thunderclap over Batavia around 4:30 this afternoon, which is about the same time the National Weather Service issued a thunderstorm warning, but by then radar showed the storm moving quickly to the northeast.

We never got the big hail downpour that was supposedly part of the storm.

And then patchy clouds rolled in and the warning was cancelled.

This picture was taken from Mill Street off of Evans Street about about 7 p.m.

Photo: Steam train

By Howard B. Owens

At about 7 p.m., Batavia City Fire Department responded to a call of smoke coming from a train car at Mill and Evans streets.

It turns out, the white vapor is nothing more than steam.

Metal shavings in the train car from the scrap metal operation heat up, and then when rain falls on the hot metal, it generates steam.

A thermal imaging camera showed the internal temperature was 111 degrees.

New commercial from Hochul attacks Corwin over support of GOP 2012 budget

By Howard B. Owens

This is the new commercial released today by Kathy Hochul's campaign. 

Here's a fact-checking assignment: The commercial cites several newspaper sources. Are the quotes being used in context?

UPDATE: A reply from Corwin's campaign: 

Statement from Matthew Harakal, communications director for Jane Corwin for Congress:

“This commercial and personal attack is a bold-faced lie.Politifact has given claims in this ad a “Pants on Fire!” rating. These types of baseless scare tactics are exactly what you’d expect from a career politician like Kathy Hochul, but Western New Yorkers deserve better.”

Harakal sends along a link to a Times-Union article as well.

UPDATE: New, related PR from Hochul's campaign:

“On April 15, after a week of prodding, Assemblymember Jane Corwin finally admitted she supports the Republican’s 2012 budget that would end Medicare as we know it and give massive tax breaks to America’s corporate giants – the same corporate giants that paid absolutely nothing in income taxes last year.

“Jane Corwin talks a lot about cutting spending, closing corporate loopholes, coming up with alternative energy plans, and protecting our seniors, but the truth is Jane Corwin is all talk and no action.  She says she has a ‘plan’ that would ‘fight to begin getting our national addiction to spending under control.’  Well that plan is a point-by-point copy of the Republican budget, which does none of those things.  

“Assemblymember Corwin has publicly supported a budget that cuts taxes on major corporations and the highest-earning individuals, instead of making them pay their fair share.  She supports a budget that cuts spending on alternative energy research and development, instead of cutting subsidies for big oil.  She supports a budget that decimates Medicare, instead of ensuring we protect our seniors from burdensome costs.

“While Jane Corwin says she supports solutions for the people of the 26th District, she really only supports solutions that line the pockets of corporations, oil companies, and the super rich.”

Police Beat: Rape 2nd charge filed against visitor to Oakfield

By Howard B. Owens

Raymond Allard, 27, of Fall River, Mass., is charged with rape, 2nd. Allard is accused of having sexual relations with a person under 15 years of age on April 15 in Oakfield.

Duffy L. Starks, 18, of 1 Dawson Place, Batavia, is charged with violation of probation. Starks was arrested on a warrant issued out of Batavia City Court and jailed on $2,500 bail.

Nicholas A. Antonucci, 23, of 4192 Broadway Road, Alexander, is charged with driving while ability impaired by drugs and failure to stop for stop sign. Following a report of an erratic driver, in which the caller provided a license plate and direction of travel, Antonucci was observed by Officer Matt Fleming allegedly running a stop sign. Antonucci allegedly failed a field sobriety test. He was arrested and later released to a family member.

Jonathan James Langenfeld, 29, of Canandagua Street, Leicester, is charged with burglary, 1st. Langenfeld is accused of entering a residence illegally and remaining there and then allegedly assaulting the new boyfriend of his estranged girlfriend.

Jon J. Reynolds, 35, of Wood Road, Bergen, is charged with stalking, 4th, and endangering the welfare of a child. Reynolds was taken into custody by State Police for an alleged incident reported at 3:41 p.m., Sunday. No further details released.

House on Bloomingdale Road that burned was unoccupied at the time

By Howard B. Owens

At 10:54 p.m., a house fire was reported at 465 Bloomingdale Road, Basom, on the Tonawanda Indian Reservation.

The house was unoccupied.

A passerby saw flames coming from inside the house and notified neighboring homeowners who called 9-1-1.

No word on the damage to the house, but responders last night reported the house was fully involved and no interior firefighters were used to battle the blaze.

Alabama and Indian Falls fire departments were initially dispatched, with mutual aid from Akron, Batavia, Newstead and Pembroke. Also responding were Genesee County Emergency Services, the Sheriff's Office and Mercy EMS.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation.

(initial report)

House fire reported in Basom

By Howard B. Owens

A house fire has been reported 465 Bloomingdale Road, Basom.

Alabama and Indian Falls fire departments dispatched. Akron is asked to fill in at Indian Falls' hall.

The fire was called in by the resident and a neighbor.

UPDATE 11:02 p.m.: Bloomingdale Road is partially flooded. Units told to respond with caution. A chief on scene reports a full involved structure fire. A second alarm requested.

UPDATE 11:19 p.m.: City's FAST team was dispatched, but now put back in service. Alabama chief reports that there will be no interior firefighters used on this fire.

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Deputy praises his new partner, K-9 'Pharoah'

By Howard B. Owens

Deputy Brian Thompson's new partner has convinced him to keep working a couple of years longer.

Thompson was considering retirement in December, but then "Pharoah" came into his life.

The 8-year-old, 80 pound, Czech Shepherd was donated to the Sheriff's Office by the Niagara Falls PD and handler Michael Bird after K-9 "Finn" was retired due to a medical condition.

Thompson has nothing but praise for Pharoah, who he described as a great tracker, good with children and an excellent drug detection dog.

"When we get a chance to use him for tracking, we're going to find some bad guys andhopefully find some people who might be missing," Thompson said.

Already, Pharoah is making an impact in the fight against illegal drugs in Genesee County, according to Thompson.

"He's had some awesome drug finds so far that led us into some pretty good arrests, in the Class B felony range," Thompson said. "That inspires me."

It inspires him, Thompson said, to keep going for the sake of the community.

He thinks local law enforcement has been making good progress so far in fighting meth and crack in the community.

"Hopefully, some people will be put back on their heels to say, 'I don't want to deal drugs in Genesee County -- they're catching a lot of people there,'" Thompson said. "We can clean this town up. I love this place. It's the greatest place to live in the world."

Pharoah is trained to alert on methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, hashish and ecstasy.

He is also trained to track human scents, both in the open and in confined areas, and trained for handler protection and criminal apprehension.

The K-9 program's vet bills, medications and non-handler kenneling are paid for from a K-9 fund set up with community and business donations, including an original substantial donation by Ken Barrett Chevrolet several years ago. All equipment for the K-9 program also comes from the fund, and when Pharoah retires in a couple of years, a new K-9 will need to be purchased from the fund, which has been dwindling over the years, Thompson said.

He said he's confident, when the time comes, the community will come through to offer continued support of the Sheriff's K-9 program.

Grand Jury Report: Batavia man indicted on charge of rape 1st

By Howard B. Owens

Patrick J. Donahue is indicted on a charge of rape in the first degree. Donahue is accused of engaging in sexual intercourse with another person by forcible compulsion on Jan. 10, 2010.

Frank J. Bieniek is indicted on charges of grand larceny, 3rd, and criminal possesion of stolen property, 3rd. Bieniek is accused of stealing a .45-caliber flintlock rifle from the Holland Land Office Museum on Dec. 10, 2010.

Jorge Portugal-Pineda is indicted on charges of felony DWI, felony driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and a felony of aggravated unlicensed operation. Portugal-Pineda is accused of driving drunk on Dec. 28, 2010 on Transit Road in the Town of Byron.

Sheriff's Officer looking for green pickup at scene of accident on Route 77

By Howard B. Owens

The Sheriff's Office is looking for help identifying the owner of a green pickup truck possibly involved in a minor-injury accident on Route 77 at Gabbey Road earlier today.

The truck apparently pulled into traffic from Gabbey Road onto Route 77 at about 11:29 a.m.

A passenger in a car headed southbound on Route 77 grabbed the wheel of the car and turned the car to the right in order to avoid a collision. The car went off the road and its undercarriage was damaged.

The only information on the truck is that is was full-sized and green.

The truck, which continued northbound, was not struck.

The driver of the car, a 2003 Ford SUV, Maria C. Valentin, 35, of Normal Avenue, Buffalo, suffered a minor injury, but did not require transport to a hospital.

The passenger, Wilson J. Alvarado, 38, was not injured.

The accident was investigated by Deputy Chris Parker.  

Anybody with information about the accident can contact Parker at (585) 343-5000 or

City awarded $267K grant to identify potential redevelopment sites

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

The City of Batavia has been notified by the New York State Department that it has been awarded a $266,508 New York State Brownfield Opportunity Areas Program Grant. Please see

The city applied to the Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) Program for $266,508 to develop a Nomination Study for a 250-acre area downtown that has the potential for redevelopment. 

The primary community revitalization objectives to be achieved by this project include the redevelopment of underutilized, vacant and Brownfield properties, cleanup of contaminated properties, continued revitalization of the downtown business district and neighborhood stabilization.

Anticipated community benefits resulting from this project include the creation of jobs, private and public reinvestment, increased tax revenue and increased property values. The expected time frame for completion of this project is 24 months.

GCC contributes to the economy directly and through earning power of graduates

By Howard B. Owens

GCC makes a substantial contribution to the regional economy, according to a new study that will be presented at a public meeting at 1 p.m., Wednesday, in the Conable Technology Building.

The direct impact of college spending, salaries and goods and services is more than $22 million, according to the study, and former students add another $104 million.

Since 1966, 22,000 people have earned degrees and certificates from GCC. The lifetime earnings of a GCC graduate is $415,700 more than a peer with only a high school diploma.

About 70 percent of GCC's graduates remain in the GLOW region.

GCC's overall fiscal impact on the GLOW region is about 2.5 percent of the total economy.

To assist in arranging seating and refreshments, please RSVP attendance to the "The Economic Impact of Genesee Community College" presentation to Patty Hume in the External Affairs office at (585) 345-6809 or

Full press release after the jump:

BATAVIA, NY  -- The results of a recently completed study entitled, "The Economic Impact of Genesee Community College" will be presented to the public on Wednesday, April 27, by Kjell A. Christophersen, Ph.D, of Economic Modeling Specialists, Inc. (EMSI), the president of the internationally acclaimed research organization.

Sponsored by GCC in cooperation with Genesee County Chamber of Commerce, the Genesee County Economic Development Center, and Genesee Community College Foundation, the public presentation will be held in Conable Technology Building at GCC's Batavia Campus in room T-102 from 1 to- 2:15 p.m.

A synopsis of the presentation will also be given to the Genesee County Legislature Committee of the Whole at 6 p.m. the same evening within the Genesee County Legislative Chamber in Old Courthouse, Batavia.

"The Economic Impact of Genesee Community College" will feature results of EMSI's recently completed economic impact study which utilizes state-of-the-art, field-tested research techniques to report and analyze the investment that both students' and taxpayers' have in the college.

With great precision, the EMSI model records the college's economic value in terms of job and income formation, higher earnings captured by the students, the return to taxpayers for their college support, and a broad collection of social benefits and avoided costs through reduced crime, improved health habits, and lower expenditures for welfare and unemployment by GCC graduates and former students.

The economic impact study measured the flow of money through area communities resulting from college spending, faculty and staff spending, and student spending. The annual direct regional spending by the college on goods and services (other than housing) was $22.1 million, while spending by former Genesee students directly attributable to their education totaled $104.1 million annually. Together, these make a total current contribution of $126.2 million annually to the local economy, and comprise 2.5 percent of the entire GLOW region economy.

Since its founding in 1966, about 22,000 people have earned degrees and certificates from GCC, of which approximately 70 percent live in the GLOW region. Additionally, the lifetime earnings of a GCC graduate are $415,700 more than their peers with high school diplomas.

While the $126.2 million represents direct economic impact, the college also has an indirect economic impact on the community as college graduates tend to become good citizens investing in their homes, becoming involved in their communities and relying far less on taxpayer funded health and social service programs. The EMSI study shows that taxpayers save an annual $1.2 million through indirect benefits such as lower criminal justice costs, a decrease in employee-related absenteeism, and less health care spending for smoking, drug and alcohol abuse.

Christophersen has 30-plus years of experience as a senior economist developing and analyzing economic models in Africa, Asia, the Near East, Europe, the Caribbean, and the U.S. He has served as team leader on many assignments to carry out activities that include economic modeling, project appraisal, assessments, planning, design and evaluation, feasibility and recurrent cost studies, and training in economic and financial analysis.

To assist in arranging seating and refreshments, please RSVP attendance to the "The Economic Impact of Genesee Community College" presentation to Patty Hume in the External Affairs office at (585) 345-6809 or

GCEDC sets May 12 for public hearing on Alabama STAMP project

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release from GCEDC:

On April 14, during a board meeting of the Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) a resolution to approve the Draft Generic Impact Statement (DGEIS) for the Western New York Science Technology and Advanced Manufacturing Park was approved. The DGEIS has been completed and accepted by the GCEDC as Lead Agency for the proposed action.

On February 10, reports to the public of the preliminary findings of the DGEIS were presented at a public information meeting at the Town of Alabama Fire Hall.

The completed DGEIS, which was approved by the GCEDC board, includes an economic impact study, environmental studies, master plan update, traffic impact study, utility plan summary, proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment and farmland protection plan. The contents of the completed DGEIS have not changed significantly from what was presented in February.

The proposed action being examined by the DGEIS is the construction and operation of approximately 6.1 million square feet of advanced technology manufacturing and ancillary facilities, along with on-site utility improvements, on 1,337.20 acres of land in the Town of Alabama.

The WNY STAMP site is located along New York State highways 77 and 63, approximately 5 miles north of the I-90 New York State Thruway. The proposed action will involve rezoning the property pursuant to the Town of Alabama Zoning Laws. 

According to the DGEIS the buildable area of the WNY STAMP project is 46 percent of the entire site. The remainder of the land would remain as open space. The intent of the master plan design is to blend the manufacturing park into the existing fabric of the community.

The Hamlet of Alabama is separated from the STAMP site by a subtle ridgeline and gracious landscape setbacks from existing uses. As part of the open space system, only 9.5 acres of wetlands would be impacted by the current design, and the site will retain its rural nature.

The park will be built to high-tech industry standards, in line with employee expectations, and will respect its surrounding context and environment. 

The WNY STAMP site has seen several interested companies who were looking for locations on the East Coast and close to Canada. The companies were excited about the site, but it was not “shovel-ready” enough for their purposes.

“Planning, preparing and developing a shovel-ready site designed for appropriate industries, and having local community approval will help to secure companies at the WNY STAMP site,” stated Steve Hyde, president and CEO of the GCEDC.

"Developing the necessary infrastructure to attract investment from outside the region is one of the most important roles that the GCEDC takes on for our county. A site zoned for a particular purpose, where a company can begin building quickly, at the speed of business, is the best way to bring jobs to our community.”

A public hearing is scheduled for May 12 at the Town of Alabama Fire Hall. The hearing will begin at 7 p.m., and residents are welcome to attend and comment on the DGEIS. Postcards will be sent to the residents of the Town of Alabama next week as a reminder of the meeting. 

Copies of the DGEIS are available at <>, in print at the GCEDC offices, located at 99 MedTech Drive in Batavia, and at the Town of Alabama office.

GCC takes second in WNYAC golf tournament

By Howard B. Owens

Submitted by GCC Golf Coach Tom Tucker:

The GCC Golf team placed 2nd at the 2011 Western NY Athletic Conference Championship. Matt Ferdinand was named 1st Team All Star, Corey Kocent and Mark DeCook get the nod as 2nd Team All Stars.

On Saturday, the GCC Golf team competed in the Western NY Conference Championship at a soggy Willowbrook golf course in Lockport. On an unseasonably warm and sunny day, GCC finished second to MCC once again, as they posted a 323 score to MCC’s 299.

Matt Ferdinand, a second-year player at GCC, was named a WNYAC  First Team All Star with a fine score of 78, GCC’s Corey Kocent, a former Batavia High School standout, was named a Second Team All Star with an 80, and Mark DeCook shot a season low 81, which also got him onto the Second Team All Star squad. Kyle Harman rounded out GCC’s scoring with an 84, and Adam Bishop also competed for GCC.

The tournament medalist was MCC’s Anthony Colosi with a 73.

On Friday, the GCC team travelled to Highland Park GC in Auburn, NY, for the Cayuga CC Invitational.

GCC finished a disappointing fourth in an 11-team field shooting 331, as, to a man, they just couldn't seem to figure out the greens. Tee to green GCC played strong during tough conditions, but they left a higher finish on the short grass. Kyle Harman and Matt Ferdinand each shot 81, Corey Kocent shot 83, Alex Muench and Mark DeCook each shot 86, and Adam Bishop also participated.

MCC won the event with a score of 307, Onondoga CC finished second with 318, and Mohawk Valley finished third with a 323.

GCC plays Friday at the Corning CC Invitational at the Corning Country Club in Corning, NY, and on Sunday at the Tompkins Cortland CC  Invitational at the Elm Tree Golf Club in Cortland, NY.

Photo: GCC's Corey Kocent, former Batavia High standout golfer, blasts from a buried lie under the lip of a trap on hole # 4 at the Highland Park GC in Auburn, NY, during the Cayuga CC Invitational on Friday. Kocent got the shot up and down on his way to an 83.

Photos: Documenting Downtown Batavia's demolition

By Howard B. Owens

A young C.M. Barons -- regular contributor to The Batavian and former State Assembly candidate -- was a journalism student at GCC when the north side of Main Street, Batavia, was demolished to make way for the Genesee Country Mall.

Over the weekend, Barons found his old photos for a story he did in college.

The bottom photo is of David J. Gordon, who was the urban renewal planner in charge of the project. Barons sent it along in case anybody needed new dart board material.

Chicken BBQ on Saturday goes to help Colby family

By Billie Owens

All proceeds from a chicken BBQ on Saturday planned by the Batavia Area Jaycees will go to help the Colby family.

The group's board of directors decided to use the money to help the family of Jonathan Matthew Colby, 37, of Batavia, who died earlier this month in a car accident on West Main Street.

The BBQ is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on April 30.

Cost for the dinner is $8 pre-sale or $8.50 the day of the event and includes half a chicken, cole slaw, salt potatoes, roll & butter.

Pre-sale tickets are available from 1 to 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Jaycee Office located at 31 Batavia City Centre. Or they can be bought at Genesee County Chamber of Commerce, (210 E. Main St.), T-Shirts, Etc., (438 E. Main St.) or by calling 585-343-5775; or by asking any Jaycee for more details.

Dinners can be picked up at Clor’s Meat Market at 4169 W. Main St., Batavia. If you have any questions about the chicken BBQ, contact the Jaycees at 585-343-5775.

Two new events at GCC: Radio DJs reunion and 'Trek the Trail'

By Billie Owens

This information comes from Genesee Community College.

Two unique new opportunities will make Genesee Community College's Batavia campus the place to be on May 6 and 7.

That weekend, there'll be a reunion for WGCC disc jockeys, as well as a community walkathon fundraiser for student scholarships -- "Trek the Trail."


The idea for a Radio Reunion came about at GCC's Homecoming event in October earlier this academic year, said Valerie Bello, instructor of Media Arts and Communication. About 25 WGCC alumni got together and had so much fun on the air together that they wanted to come back in the spring.

"For a lot of these alumni coming back, it's all about how the station represents fun memories for them," Bello said. "When these guys come back, it's like they are kids in a candy store. They are excited to get on the air and tell stories about what they did when they were students here."

Bello said that when a few alumni got to meet up with a few of their former instructors, the conversations made for some great radio time.

The Homecoming Reunion was "a huge hit" in October according to recent Alumni Hall of Fame recipient, Matt Locker. He was an integral part of the success of WGCC when he was a student and continues to work hard to keep in touch with other Communications and Media Arts alumni and support WGCC with in-kind contributions of his time, talent and resources.

Locker prepared an exciting radio-spot to advertise the reunion this spring, saying, "Voices from years gone-by return to the air to reminisce, rekindle and play a wide variety of music – it's an on-air time machine and you're invited to tune in!"

Hear Locker's WGCC ad by going to

All GCC graduates who may be interested in being part of the WGCC Radio Reunion from 1 to 10 p.m. on May 6-7 are asked to e-mail: <> with the time slots for preferred airtime that weekend.

Or, tune in to 90.7 FM to hear some college alumni tell colorful stories of "back in the day" when they enjoyed their time at GCC. For WGCCFM's Web site with a listing of the current schedule, shows and DJs go to <>.


Saturday, May 7 marks the debut of another event featuring outdoor fun and festivities for the whole family. The Alumni Trek the Trail offers an exciting opportunity for community members, alumni and/or current students to take a two-mile trek around the Batavia campus while raising funds for future students and programs.

Individuals or teams can sign up for the walkathon to support Genesee Community College Foundation's scholarship fund. Everyone is encouraged to participate -- no matter what their running, walking, hiking or trekking abilities may be. The main objective is to have fun! Come dressed up in innovative themes to celebrate the college with prizes awarded to the best outfitted walkers!

Registration for Trek the Trail begins at 9:30 a.m. in the Theatre Lobby and the walk is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Participants will have the opportunity to check out many hot spots on campus along the designed Cougar Paws Pathway.

Various "Trek Treats" will be given to walkers as they make their way from the Nature Trail, to the new soccer stadium, baseball fields, new lighted tennis courts, College Village and the newly renovated gym.

Trek the Trail winds up on the East side of campus where the enjoyment continues! A lunch featuring hotdogs and hamburgers, with an awards ceremony concluding the event and fundraising festival. Prizes will be given to individuals and teams with the most creative costumes and the most pledges. For the youngest trekkers, Mr. Scribbles will be on hand for additional entertainment.

Alumni Affairs Coordinator Jackie Christenson said it feels great to be able to offer community members a chance to tour the campus themselves and enjoy a festive event that also supports the college.

"I'm excited to offer the alumni, business owners and residents of the community a chance to check out all our new facilities in person, and to bring family, friends or even colleagues in on a fun and casual opportunity," she said. "People will be impressed when they tour the campus and see it with their own eyes."

Registration for Trek the Trail is $15 per person or $50 per team, with no limit on the number of team members.

Individuals who raise $100 or more in pledges will have their registration fee waived, and teams that raise $500 or more in pledges will also have their registration fee waived.

All participants will receive a T-shirt, lunch and "Trek Treats" as part of their registration fee. Details are posted on the GCC Alumni Web site at

Sponsorship opportunities for Trek the Trail are still available and can be arranged by contacting Jackie Christenson, Alumni Affairs coordinator, at 343-0055, ext. 6265 or <>.

ATV driver hurt in bad landing at Alexander race track

By Howard B. Owens

An ATV rider suffered a broken leg while riding at an ATV race track on Halstead Road, Alexander, on Saturday.

Michael A. Royce, 22, of 4073 Four Rod Road, East Aurora, was driving the ATV over a jump. When the ATV landed, Royce was ejected and the ATV landed on his right knee.

Royce was transported by ambulance to an area hospital (not identified in the report).

The accident was reported at 7:41 p.m. and was investigated by Deputy Kevin McCarthy.

Top Items on Batavia's List

City of Batavia, NY Position: Full-time Building Maintenance Worker. Salary: $20.60 - $24.45/hour. The City of Batavia is accepting applications for one full-time Building Maintenance Worker. The work involves a variety of mechanical and other building maintenance tasks. Applicant must have a minimum of two years of full-time paid experience in general building construction or maintenance work, or an equivalent combination of training and experience indicating ability to perform the duties of the job. Civil Service applications may be obtained at City Hall in the Human Resource Department. Please send completed applications to Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk, One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY, or via email to by September 20, 2024. Background check, psychological assessment, and physical/drug testing required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO
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