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Coaches organize new traveling youth football team for Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

More than two dozen young football enthusiasts turned out for an organizational meeting for the Batavia Bulldawgs, a new youth traveling football team.

Actually, two teams -- one for third- through fifth-graders and another for fifth- through new seventh-graders.

Unlike youth football, the Bulldawgs will play four of their eight games away from home, against other teams in the region.

The games are also played on 100-yard fields under the same rules as high school football's Section V.

Team Vice President Ken Proefrock explained that the Bulldawgs will learn the same system used by the Batavia Blue Devils and work as a feeder organization, preparing Batavia's young players to be competitive at the high school level.

Registration is from 6 to 8 p.m., May 13, in City Centre, between JCPenney and Sunny's. Students need a photo, proof of school grade (current report card or letter from the school) and doctor's clearance. For more information, write

Jack Davis calls on WRGZ to include Ian Murphy in debate

By Howard B. Owens

WRGZ is hosting a debate in the NY-26 special election race, and Ian Murphy, Green Party nominee, has been told he won't be welcome.

Murphy was originally included, but the invitation was pulled after News Director Jeff Woodard took offense to an item Murphy wrote about how his invitation was handled in the first place.

Jack Davis says Murphy should be included:

“In a democracy, all citizens should have a voice, and all candidates should be heard. The media shouldn’t be deciding who gets heard and who doesn’t. Though I may disagree with where Ian Murphy stands on the issues, I believe in the First Amendment and he should be heard. Ian Murphy is on the ballot, and he should be in any debate televised on the public airwaves.”

Murphy's take on the kerfuffle, which includes copious amounts of R-rated language, can be found here.

UPDATE: We asked the campaigns of Jane Corwin and Kathy Hochul for their thoughts on whether Murphy should be included in the debate. 

We've received a response from Fabien Levy with Kathy Hochul's campaign:

"Kathy Hochul has already accepted six debates and is willing to debate any candidate on the ballot. An open debate will show that Kathy Hochul is the only one in this race who will fight to protect Medicare, fight to help small businesses create jobs, and fight to get our debt under control."

Car snaps power pole in half on Pratt Road

By Billie Owens

A car has struck a pole at 2811 Pratt Road, just east of Powers Road. There are no injuries reported. The pole snapped in half. There are electrical and cable wires down.

East Pembroke Fire Department is responding. Law enforcement is on location.

UPDATE 11:54 a.m.: Westbound traffic on Pratt Road is being shut down.

UPDATE 11:58 p.m.: National Grid was contacted. No ETA given.

UPDATE 12:04 p.m.: National Grid expects to be on scene in about 15 minutes.

UPDATE 12:43 p.m.: The roadway is reopened. Responders are back in service.

New Corwin ad attacks Jack Davis

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

WILLIAMSVILLE – The campaign for Jane Corwin, successful businesswoman and candidate for New York’s 26th Congressional District, released a new 30-second ad today highlighting Jack Davis’ consistent and unwavering support of liberal Democrats.
“Democrat Jack Davis proudly said he ‘couldn’t be happier’ to have played a role in making Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House, and during her time as Speaker the government borrowed trillions of dollars more from China and our economy lost millions of jobs," said Matthew Harakal, Communications Director for Jane Corwin for Congress. "Jack Davis can try and avoid talking about his past helping liberal Democrats get in power and push through economic policies that have decimated our economy, but Western New York voters deserve to know the truth about the real Jack Davis.”

Jack Davis knocks opponents for 'insider' endorsements

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

In response to media reports in today’s Roll Call and elsewhere that Washington insiders including Crossroads - Karl Rove’s super-PAC - and Democratic groups including EMILY’s list and the AFL-CIO, are going to influence the NY-26 special election, Jack Davis issued this statement:
“The voters of Western New York are not going to be intimidated or bullied by Karl Rove, big labor and other special interests that are willing to spend millions to try to own this seat for the insiders. This seat belongs to the people of Western New York, and I have faith that they will vote for someone who’s independent of the influence of lobbyists and both the Democrat and Republican parties. This seat is the people’s seat.”

Batavia School officials explain budget difficulties at public hearing

By Howard B. Owens

Fewer than a dozen people showed up to Jackson Street School on Tuesday night to hear, and have a chance to be heard, on the proposed 2011-12 Batavia City Schools' budget.

It's a budget that would, if passed, increase the tax levy by 5.75 percent, or about $1.14 per $1,000 assessed valuation.

The $39.6 million spending plan eliminates several staff positions as the district struggles to meet the demands of shrinking state aid and growing personnel costs.

Voters will be asked to approve the budget May 17.

If voters turn out against the budget,  it doesn't necessarily mean local property owners will avoid a property tax increase.

The district has two choices if the budget isn't ratified: propose a new budget for voters or pass a contingency budget.

In the case of a contingency budget, the state mandates certain budget expenses be removed -- equipment, some instructional and extra-curricular programs and public use of school buildings.

Even if those items are cut from the budget, Superintendent Margaret Puzio explained, it would only decrease the tax levy by about $100,000.

Even a contingency budget would lead to a property tax increase.

About 75 percent of the district's budget is taken up by personnel costs.

Employee benefits account for $8.8 million of the district's expenses. The state mandated employee retirement system contribution has gone up more than 16 percent, an increase of 39.6 percent over 2010-11. The district's contribution to the teacher retirement system has gone up 11.11 percent, a 28.9 percent increase over the previous budget year.

“Those are significant expenses and completely beyond the control of anybody in the district,” said Board Member Gary Stich (inset photo).

Most of the revenue for the district comes in the form of state aid, which is being cut for the fourth straight year.

In 2008-09, the district received $20.1 million in state aid. The estimated aid for 2011-12 will be $17.9 million.

In that time, state aid has decreased from 49.92 percent of the district's revenue to 46.83 percent.

The district is getting a little help from the federal government, Puzio said. It's a one-time grant of more than $500,000. The district is using that money to help offset reduced state aid.

"The good thing is it (the grant) helped us plug a little bit of the hole from that loss in state aid," Puzio said. "The bad news is, next year it will be gone. We don’t know what we’ll get in state aid next year, but we need to realize that we are already a half-million dollars down.”

The budget reduces non-instructional staff time and eliminates six non-instructional positions.  

Six full-time instructional positions are eliminated, including three teacher aids.

The only audience member to speak was David DiSalvo, and he questioned the seemingly high salaries of some staff and district administrators.

Board Member Patrick Burk defended administrator salaries saying that current administrators are earning less than they might make elsewhere and that the district must offer competitive salaries in order to hire and retain the best personnel.

Grasso and Radley joining Upson as incumbent legislators stepping aside

By Howard B. Owens

There are now three Republican incumbent legislators who won't seek re-election in November.

Le Roy's representative, Jay Grasso, informed GOP County Chairman Dick Siebert today that he won't run and Siebert also confirmed that Legislator Bob Radley is not running.

County Republicans will meet at Bohn's Restaurant on Thursday evening to discuss potential candidates to endorse in each of the three races.

Seibert said Town of Le Roy Republicans already have a candidate they expect to endorse and will announce that candidate tomorrow night.

The local GOP will also need to select a candidate for coroner. Siebert said Coroner Jack Taylor will not seek re-election.

Upson announced in early April that he won't run again. Radley was not been available for comment today, but Grasso said he's been accepted into a doctoral program at the University of Rochester and fears he won't have time to pursue that program while serving as a legislator.

"I like to provide a certain level of constituent service," Grasso said. "I don't feel I can provide that level of service while in a doctoral program."

Grasso is studying education management. 

The other five Republican incumbents in the Legislature have all notified Siebert they intend to seek re-election.

Siebert said no potential candidate for District 9, the seat held by Democrat Ed DeJaneiro, has contacted either him or City GOP Chairman Joe Gerace seeking a GOP endorsement.

Republican Jane Corwin, running in the NY-26 special election, is expected to make an appearance at the GOP dinner tomorrow night.

Photo: Heavy clouds

By Howard B. Owens

The low, heavy clouds looked pretty ominous earlier today, but produced no rain.

The good news is, we should be getting some sun Thursday, Friday and Saturday with daytime temperatures in the 60s.

The photo was taken on Bank Street Road, just outside of the city limits.

Funeral arrangements announced for truck driver killed in Bergen crash

By Howard B. Owens

Funeral arrangements have been set for Gerald M. Olin Jr., 76, of Perry, who died Tuesday in a trucking accident on Route 19 in Bergen.

Olin's truck left the roadway and overturned just east of Bovee Road shortly before 9 a.m. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

He is survived by his wife, Patricia, as well as several children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Olin was a longtime member of the First Congregational Church in Perry Center. He was an avid outdoorsman who loved to hunt and fish.

Calling hours are from 2 to 4 pm. and 7 to 9 p.m., Friday, at the Eaton-Watson Funeral Home, 98 N. Main St. in Perry. Funeral services will take place at 10 a.m., Saturday, at the funeral home. Interment will take place in Prospect Hill Cemetery, Perry Center.

Funeral details announced for Gerace family member who contracted C. diff

By Howard B. Owens


Funeral arrangements have been made for Margaret E. Wagner, 86, of Batavia, who died Monday.

Wagner's illness made news after the family of Joe and Lois Gerace publicly raised concerns about her care at United Memorial Medical Center, where Wagner, they believe, contracted Clostridium difficile, more commonly called "C. diff."

State Department of Health officials said in a release today that Wagner is among of three deaths of UMMC patients who are believed to have contracted C. diff at the hospital. The cases remain under of investigation to determine what role C. diff might have played.

The total number of C. diff cases under investigation at UMMC is 19, according to Jeffrey Hammond, a spokesman for the Department of Health.

Previously, only one C. diff-related death had been reported there, in March. There were 18 C. diff cases going back to February.

Currently, according to spokeswoman Colleen Flynn, one patient is being screened to see if he or she has contracted C. diff.

That's a substantial drop in probable C. diff cases a few weekends ago when six patients were being treated for the bacteria.

"The policies we've always had in place were effective and the steps we've taken since the higher than usual numbers were reported have worked very well," Flynn said.

After the outbreak of C. diff was detected, hospital officials step up sterilization measures and took aggressive actions were taken to battle against the bacteria.

Wagner was born April 5, 1925 in Buffalo and worked 26 years for MetLife Insurance in Batavia.

She was a member of the Batavia First United Methodist Church, where she sang in the choir, taught Sunday school and also kept the records for the Sunday school classes. She also worked and volunteered at the Salvation Army and for the Beckwith Insurance Company in Pembroke.

Calling hours are from 5 to 8 p.m., Thursday, at the H.E. Turner & Co. Funeral Home, 403 E. Main St., Batavia. Services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at the Batavia First United Methodist Church, 8221 Lewiston Road, Batavia. Burial will be in Alexander Cemetery, Alexander.

Photo: Man in pink gorilla suit on East Main Street

By Howard B. Owens

Did you see the guy in the pink gorilla suit on East Main Street, Batavia? It's apparently a publicity stunt. First thing I said to the guy was, "What, lose a bet?" He said he was only allowed to answer, "Coming soon." He said he was hired to walk up and down Main Street in the suit.

Power outage from Batavia to Elba

By Howard B. Owens

More than 500 National Grid customers along the Route 98 corridor from Batavia to Elba are without power.

The power outage spreads like triangle from the City of Batavia, where the tip starts, up to the Village of Elba, where the base of the triangle stretches east and west.

Power is expected to be restored by 2:15 p.m.

The outage caused one person to become briefly trapped in an elevator at the Hampton Inn. (Back-up generators corrected the problem.)

Radio traffic indicted the problem is a power line that stretches under the Thruway.

Hochul expresses opposition to GOP effort to change aviation bill

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

ERIE COUNTY – Kathy Hochul, candidate for New York’s 26th Congressional District, today reiterated her opposition to the Shuster amendment after the Federal Aviation Administration yesterday announced their opposition to the Republican-backed amendment that would unravel two years of work to reform the airline industry.   

In a statement yesterday, the FAA said they had “concerns” that the Shuster amendment protects “a set of procedural hoops that could have the effect of slowing down rulemaking projects under way and in the future.”

“Every Member of the United States House of Representatives, who voted for the Shuster amendment, is responsible for potentially endangering the lives of airline passengers from across the country,” said Hochul.

“If I were in Congress today, I would be fighting, alongside Senators Schumer and Gillibrand and Congressmembers Slaughter and Higgins, for the people of the 26th District and the families of Flight 3407; working tirelessly to ensure major changes to how the airline industry operates are enacted.    

“No one from outside this area understands the collective pain we experienced as a community following the crash of Flight 3407, which is why it is disturbing to hear my Republican opponent will not rescind her offer for Speaker John Boehner, the leader of the party that overwhelmingly supported the Shuster amendment, to travel to Western New York and raise thousands of dollars for her campaign.

“The safety of our families and loved ones must be our top priority and we must do anything we can in order to ensure such a tragedy does not happen again.”

The Shuster amendment halts major measures to combat pilot fatigue, increase commercial pilot licensing requirements, improve training practices, establish an electronic pilot records database, and set up new transparencies for regional carriers.  

Person stuck in hotel elevator due to power outage

By Billie Owens

A person is stuck in the elevator at the Hampton Inn because of a power outage at the hotel. Town of Batavia Fire Department is responding.

The hotel is located at 4360 Commerce Drive.

UPDATE 12:47 p.m.: (Due to computer problems, I wasn't able to post this update sooner.) The back-up generators kicked in about 20 minutes ago and the person is out of the elevator. National Grid is on scene and the Town of Batavia fire crews have been put back in service. There is a brown out in the area which is expected to take just over an hour to repair. A transformer on the property has some hot spots in it. There is a "two to three layer" power problem. A power line that runs under the Thruway and connects power to the hotel and vicinity is the trouble point.

Pembroke PTA entering new Pepsi Challenge for playground grant

By Howard B. Owens

A new Pepsi Challenge grant contest is under way and the Pembroke PTA is pushing for a new playground.

The $50,000 grant would be used to build a "Challenge Park," which will serve as a teaching station for leadership and team-building exercises, as well as a place for students to play during recess. It would also be a recreation area where parents can bring their children after school and on weekends.

You can vote by clicking here, or texting 106129 to the phone number 73774.

Library budget, with tax increase, approved by voters

By Howard B. Owens

Voters approved a new budget for the Richmond Memorial Library on Tuesday that increases the tax rate for Batavia property owners from $1.48 to $1.51 per $1,000 of assessed value.

The budget passed by a vote of 223 yes votes to 120 no votes.

The total budget is $1,320,649 with a tax levy of $1,166,749.

The budget included a 2-percent salary increase for the libraries 14 full-time and six part-time staff members.

Currently, the library serves more than 22,000 cardholders and more than 188,600 visitors per year.

Dana Charters was re-elected to the Library Board of Trustees with 299 votes.

City GOP picks half its slate for City Council elections

By Howard B. Owens

City Republicans have candidates they're backing in three wards and are looking for candidates for the other three wards.

Last night, the local GOP picked newcomer Kristopher Doeringer in Ward 1 and incumbents Patti Pacino in Ward 2 and Bob Bialkowski in Ward 4.

Chairman Joe Gerace said candidates interested in wards 3, 5 and 6 should contact him by May 20.

Currently Ward 1 is represented by Bill Cox; Ward 3, by Sam Barone; Ward 5, by Kathy Briggs; Ward 6, by Rose Mary Christian.

Police Beat: State Street man accused of menacing with a knife

By Howard B. Owens

Dashawn A. Butler, 31, of 112 State St., Apt .1, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon, 3rd, and menacing, 2nd. Butler was arrested on a warrant issued out of Batavia City Court for an alleged incident involving a knife on Sept. 1.

James E. Murray Jr., 22, of 119 S. Swan St., Apt. B, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. Murray is accused of communicating with a person in violation of an order of protection. He was jailed on $300 bail.

Top Items on Batavia's List

City of Batavia, NY Position: Full-time Building Maintenance Worker. Salary: $20.60 - $24.45/hour. The City of Batavia is accepting applications for one full-time Building Maintenance Worker. The work involves a variety of mechanical and other building maintenance tasks. Applicant must have a minimum of two years of full-time paid experience in general building construction or maintenance work, or an equivalent combination of training and experience indicating ability to perform the duties of the job. Civil Service applications may be obtained at City Hall in the Human Resource Department. Please send completed applications to Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk, One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY, or via email to by September 20, 2024. Background check, psychological assessment, and physical/drug testing required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO
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