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Car strikes small gasoline can on Route 19, Bergen, causing fuel spill

By Howard B. Owens

A car has reportedly struck a small metal can on Route 19 just south of Sackett Road causing a fuel spill.

The can is lodged under the vehicle.

It's believed to be a small spill.

Bergen Fire Department is responding.

A chief reports there is a second incident further down the road involving another can.

UPDATE 9:38 p.m.: The southbound lane is closed.

UPDATE 10:32 p.m.: Traffic being allowed through "real slow."

UPDATE 10:42 p.m.: Bergen's engine returning, but fire police staying on scene until the DOT arrives on scene.

No reply from Jane Corwin on trade and ag questions, Day 3

By Howard B. Owens

UPDATE 9:29 p.m.: Jane Corwin's answers are now added to the original post.  Click here.

It's been three days since the answers were due on the set of trade and agriculture questions we sent to the four candidates in the NY-26 special election to fill the seat vacated by Shirtless Chris Lee, and still no reply from Jane Corwin.

We've been promised the answers, but have not yet received them.

It would be interesting to know Corwin's answers because on one hand, the head of her party in the House of Representatives, Speaker John Boehner promised the passage of three free-trade agreements if the GOP won a house majority.

On the other hand, when she announced her candidacy, Corwin promised to be an independent voice in Washington and not beholden to the House leadership.

So we don't really know where Corwin stands on what may be one of the most important votes likely to come up during her first few months in office, should she win.

Is Corwin authentically in support of free trade agreements or will she oppose such deals? We still don't know.

With most Democrats and some Republicans opposing the deal, whomever wins the NY-26's race could wind up casting a crucial vote.

Kathy Hochul, Jack Davis and Ian Murphy all told The Batavian they oppose the South Korean trade deal and would vote no on ratifying the treaty if elected.

There are also pending free trade deals with Colombia and Panama, which Boehner has promised to get passed.

Double-fatal DWI accident re-enacted for Le Roy HS students

By Howard B. Owens

About 200 Le Roy High School students witnessed one of their classmates being carried away in a body bag by four volunteer firefighters on Friday.

The student wasn't dead, just an actor in a multi-agency demonstration for the youths about what happens when people drink and drive and get into serious auto accidents.

The event was put together by Tim Hogel and Christina Marinaccio of the Le Roy Fire Department. Also participating were the Stafford Fire Department, Le Roy Ambulance (who's members also assisted to planning and setting up the drill), Mercy Flight, Le Roy Police, the Genesee County Sheriff's Office, Genesee County Emergency Services and Coroner Bob Yungfleisch.

"We wanted them to know, to have a firsthand experience," said Le Roy Chief Mike Sheflin. "We can read statistics to them all day long, but we wanted them to really see what happens, to have a friend being put under an orange blanket and in a body bag."

The scene set up in the parking lot of the high school involved two cars, four student actors and two mannequins. The demonstration, lasting more than an hour, showed students what happens when first responders arrive on scene -- from providing immediate medical treatment to extricating people trapped in cars.

The re-enactment portrayed a double fatality accident with one person being trapped in a car and the other being thrown from a vehicle. Yungfleisch pronounced both victims dead at the scene and went through all the steps he normally would in documenting the deaths.

Two other students were "transported" by ground ambulance and a third student was transported in a Mercy Flight helicopter. (He described the ride as "bumpy.")

At least three students --Lindsay Snyder, Ashley Russo, Shelby Joshlin -- said the demonstration had a real impact on them.

"It’s traumatizing for everyone," Lindsay said. "Even if you don’t know them, it still impacts you. Even in just acting, it kind of makes you stop and think, what if that happened to me?"

Ashley said the demonstration really showed her that driving while intoxicated is really bad and Shelby added that she would do everything she could to keep people from drinking and driving.

"If somebody needs a ride, even if I’m not friends with them, they can give me a call and I’ll come and give them a ride," Shelby said. "I don’t want to see this happen to anybody I know."

Hogel said he's known five young people over the past five years involved in fatal DWI accidents, which was part of the reason he wanted to put this demonstration together.

"If we can influence just one person not to drink and drive then I’m happy with it," Hogel said.

Of course, just about every volunteer firefighter, police officer and EMS responder has dealt with a fatal accident. Often people they know are involved, so how these accidents effect their own families is never far from their minds.

The 17-year-old daughter of Scott Kibler, 1st Assistent for Stafford Fire, was in the audience, and Kibler said he's warned his daughter many times about drinking and driving.

"Of course, she's only 17 and shouldn't be drinking at all, but I can't be with her twenty-four-seven," Kibler said.

“I’ve told her I’ve seen what happens firsthand at fatal accidents involving alcohol," Kibler said. "As a parent, the last thing I want to do is get woken up in the middle of the night to go to a fatal where she’s involved, whether she’s involved injured or uninjured."

UPDATE: Here's the names of the students who participated. Ben Eadie road in the bird, Chelsie Hixenbaugh had the broken leg, Emily Hogle had an arm injury, Gino Forte was the drunken driver, Chris Merica played the role of DOA.

More pictures after the jump:


Car losses fuel tank on Thruway

By Howard B. Owens

A car on the Thruway has apparently lost its fuel tank and spilled fuel "all over" the roadway.

The spill is in the eastbound lane in the area of mile marker 388.6.

Town of Batavia firefighters dispatched.

Batavia man accused of driving under the influence of drugs with 2-year-old in car

By Howard B. Owens

A report of an allegedly intoxicated man with a child at Walmart at 9:43 p.m., Friday, led to a traffic stop and the arrest of Cody A. Bush, of Bank Street, Batavia.

Bush, 25, was charged with felony driving while ability impaired by drugs, felony aggravated DWI with a child in the car (Leandra's Law), felony aggravated unlicensed operation, four counts criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, and unlawful possession of marijuana.

The child allegedly in the car is 2 years old.

He was allegedly in possession of four different types of controlled substances.

Bush was also charged with driving left of pavement markings, unsafe tires, uninspected motor vehicle and unlicensed operation.

Following arraignment before Justice Thomas Williams, Town of Batavia Court, Bush was jailed on $15,000 bail.

Officer intercepts would-be robber at the scene of the alleged crime

By Howard B. Owens

Just after midnight, a Kentucky man allegedly punched somebody in the face while on Main Street, Batavia, and took his wallet.

Officer Frank Klimjack was on patrol on Main Street when the incident occurred and immediately apprehended the suspect before the crime was even reported to the dispatch center.

Charged with robbery, 2nd, and assault, 2nd, was Patrick J. Ettleman, 43, of 1218 West Oak St., Louisville, Ky.

Ettleman was jailed without bail.

Report of smoke in a residence on Harvester Avenue

By Howard B. Owens

City firefighters dispatched to 16 Harvester Ave. for smoke in the residence.

No fire seen.

UPDATE 8:26 a.m.: Second alarm, second and fourth platoons requested to the scene.

UPDATE 8:33 a.m.: Fire located in the ceiling on the first floor on the A side.

UPDATE 8:41 a.m.: Fire under control.

UPDATE 9:21 a.m.: Red Cross being notified for four adults and three children.

UPDATE 12:25 p.m.: All fire units put back in service.

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Jack Davis goes negative with new TV ad

By Howard B. Owens

We didn't receive a press release announcing Jack Davis's new TV commercial, but I heard the audio all day on WBTA and then saw it tonight on CBS Evening News.

While looking for the ad on YouTube, I found the video of a stump speech Jack Davis gave recently.

Steiner says new grant program will help create jobs and boost economy

By Billie Owens

This information comes from Genesee Community College.

A new challenge grant program to aid SUNY's four research centers will also create facilities and programs that strengthen the business climate and boost private sector job creation, according to Genesee Community College President Stuart Steiner.

NYSUNY 2020, a new economic development initiative announced earlier this week by SUNY Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, aims to spur economic recovery in New York State and create jobs.

The program will rely on a mix of public and private funding, including financing from the Empire State Development Corporation and SUNY Construction Fund.

"We have opportunities right here in Western New York to build thriving industries in such emerging fields as biotechnology, high-tech agribusiness, information technology and many others," Steiner said. "The new SUNY strategic plan commits our university system to help restore an entrepreneurial spirit in New York State. We look forward to NYSUNY 2020 becoming a vital part of this effort.

"Each of our four SUNY university centers -- located in Buffalo, Albany, Binghamton and Stony Brook -- already possesses world-class research and development capabilities. NYSUNY 2020 can help bolster the scientific and technological expertise of these research institutions, and result in business and job creation in their surrounding communities. NYSUNY 2020 is good for SUNY and good for New York.

"Through The BEST Center and through our partnerships with such organizations as chambers of commerce and the Genesee County Economic Development Center, we at Genesee Community College are already working to boost the economic climate of our Genesee, Livingston, Orleans and Wyoming region. We look forward to the work our great research centers will be able to do through NYSUNY 2020, especially The University at Buffalo, and to be partnering with UB on projects that create businesses and jobs in our local communities."

Corwin visits county GOP; doesn't object to Murphy in debate; GOP picks slate

By Howard B. Owens

Jane Corwin, candidate for the NY-26 special election race, stopped by the Genesee County GOP dinner last night at Bohn's Restaurant.

When I first heard she would make an appearance, I thought I would try to catch up with her there and ask questions in person. Then I heard from her Communications Director Matthew Harakal, who apologized for not sending in the answers for the questions on trade and agriculture, which the other candidates have provided (now including Ian Murphy). Harakal promised them today.

It's 6:33 p.m., and I still don't have the answers. I wish I had asked the questions at Bohn's.

But I did ask Corwin for her thoughts on Ian Murphy being excluded from the WGRZ candidates' debate.

She said it's up to WGRZ to decide whom to include, but "I"m happy to talk about any issue with anybody at any time." 

She said she had no objection to Murphy being included in the debate.

So now Jack Davis, Kathy Hochul and Jane Corwin all say they either favor or have no objection to Murphy being included in the debate.

As for the county GOP's business, here's the endorsed slate of candidates:

Genesee County Legislature

District #1, Towns of Alabama and Oakfield
Raymond F. Cianfrini
District #2, Towns of Elba, Byron and Bergen
Robert J. Bausch
District #3, Towns of Darien and Pembroke
Annie Lawrence
District #4, Towns of Batavia and Stafford
Mary Pat Hancock
District #5, Town of Le Roy
Shelley Stein
District #6, Towns of Alexander, Bethany and Pavilion
Esther Leadley
District #7, City of Batavia, Wards 1 and 6
Marianne Clattenberg
District #8, City of Batavia, Wards 2 and 3
Frank C. Ferrando

Genesee County Coroner - Barry Miller

New York State Republican Committee, Assembly District #139
Gertrude Penepent and John Rizzo
New York State Republican Committee, Assembly District #147
Barbara Eddy and Neil Kingdon

Eighth Judicial District Convention, Assembly District #139
Don M. Read and Charles Zambito, Delegates
David Saleh and Michael Cianfrini, Alternates
Eighth Judicial District Convention, Assembly District #147
Nelson Green, Delegate, Kenneth Alfes, Alternate

One last note: Ian Murphy did answer the questions on trade and ag. His answers are now posted.

Police Beat: Time Warner accuses Batavia woman of theft of services

By Howard B. Owens

Luz J. Castro, 27, of 679 E. Main St., Batavia, is charged with theft of services. Castro was arrested following a complaint by Time Warner Cable.

Rebecca S. Hensel, 28, of 8311 Kelsey Road, Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and speeding. Hensel was stopped at 1:03 a.m. on West Main Street in the area of Bogue Avenue for allegedly going 50 mph by Officer Darryle Streeter.

Robert C. Paris, 21, of 3469 W. Main St. Road, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Paris is accused of harassing an acquaintance.

A 17-year-old resident of 41 S. Pearl St., Apt. 1, Oakfield, is charged with falsely reporting an incident, 3rd. The youth is accused of contacting the Genesee County Sheriff's Office on April 13 saying she was a victim of a crime. The reported incident allegedly did not occur.

Level 3 sex offender accused of sending indecent messages to minor

By Howard B. Owens

A level 3 sex offender is in jail after being accused of sending indecent text messages to a minor and of not properly reporting a change of address.

Held on $50,000 bail is Marlek E. Holmes, 37, of 103 W. Main St., Batavia.

Holmes is charged with disseminating indecent material to a minor, endangering the welfare of a child and sex offender failure to notify change of address within 10 days.

The text messages were reported to Batavia Police on Feb. 19. That case was investigated by Det. Todd Crossett.

Det. Charles Dudek conducted the investigation into Holmes' residency.

Le Roy Police assisted in the investigations.

Davis campaign accuses GOP of 'dirty tricks' phone calls

By Howard B. Owens

Statement from the Davis campaign:

The same day Roll Call reported phone calls being made from the Republican National Committee's headquarters in Washington D.C., the Jack Davis office was inundated with calls from voters complaining of late night phone calls, re-calls and number of other disturbing incidents.

In response, Campaign Manager Curtis Ellis sent a message to the campaign's entire email list alerting them about the harassing phone calls.

The e-mail is reproduced below.

Dear ______,

I’m writing to you because voters in Western New York have been receiving irritating phone calls pretending to be from the Jack Davis campaign. These calls are not from our campaign.

The calls begin by saying that they have information on Jack Davis. If a voter hangs up, the callers call back again.

The calls are being made by the Republican National Committee in Washington DC. While these type of dirty tricks are par for the course for Washington DC insiders, the Jack Davis campaign won’t stoop to this level to win an election. This type of behavior is inappropriate and wrong. Our campaign would never make calls like this and would like to reassure voters about our volunteer callers:

We always begin by explaining we are calling on behalf of Jack Davis.

We never repeat rumor or false statement about another candidate.

We never call after 8:30 p.m. at night.

This is an important election for our future. I hope that you will consider supporting Jack Davis. If you would like to volunteer for our phone bank or canvass operation, please click here.


Curtis Ellis
Campaign Manager, Jack Davis for Congress

Corwin release knocks Hochul on taxes

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

WILLIAMSVILLE – As the unemployment numbers released today show the economy continues to struggle, a new survey released this week showed job creators ranked New York as the second-worst state in the country to do business. Citing high taxes as one of the most significant barriers to job creation, more than 550 CEOs surveyed <> by a business journal offer more evidence that the tax-and-spend economic policies pushed by career politicians like Kathy Hochul are having a devastating effect on New York’s economy.

Hochul has repeatedly said she would raise taxes on small businesses making more than $500,000, which includes a significant number of Western New York’s small businesses. 

“Only a career politician like Kathy Hochul – whose only time in the private sector was spent as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. – would think that raising taxes on job creators will create jobs,” said Matthew Harakal, Communications Director for Jane Corwin for Congress. “Despite a rise in unemployment numbers and job creators saying what they need to create jobs, Kathy Hochul still says she knows best and wants to raise taxes on small businesses.”

Having helped run a business and create hundreds of jobs right here in Western New York, Jane Corwin understands the conditions needed for small business to grow and create jobs. If honored to serve as Western New York’s next Representative for New York’s 26th Congressional District, Corwin would fight to lower taxes, cut spending and strengthen our economy to create jobs here in Western New York.

Taking care of business

By Howard B. Owens

Sorry for the lack of posts today.  

This morning after covering something in Le Roy (will post tonight or tomorrow), I realized that if I went back to the office and started posting I'd get stuck in the office all day. I had very important business matters to attend to today, so I decided I just had to make that a priority and make sure that work was done.

Now, I'll start posting.

Candidates' Questions: Trade and Agriculture

By Howard B. Owens

In our ongoing effort to ask candidates questions of substance on issues that matter, we turn our attention this week to trade and agriculture.

All four candidates in the NY-26 special election to replace Shirtless Chris Lee on May 24 where asked the same exact questions.

We received responses from Jack Davis and Kathy Hochul. Ian Murphy apologizes for missing the deadline and will have his responses in later today.

As for Jane Corwin -- we've heard not a peep from her campaign. I've left messages and sent multiple e-mails today seeking a response and Matthew Harakal, her communications director, hasn't acknowledged the messages.

If Corwin replies later, we'll update the post with her answers.

UPDATE 5:50 p.m.: We received an e-mail from Matthew Harakal that he sent about an hour ago. He apologized for not responding to messages today.  He said he was away from the office all day.  He said answers will be forthcoming tomorrow. We'll add the answers to this post once received.

UPDATE: Ian Murphy's answers added below.

As previously, the questions we asked are below and the candidate answers, in the order received, cut and pasted verbatim after the jump.

What is your position on NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)?

The next representative of the NY-26 is likely going to be asked on vote on the South Korea – United States Free Trade Agreement. If elected, will you vote “Yes” or “No.”

After offering a straight up or down answer, please explain your yes or no vote.

The U.S. has a $252 billion trade deficit with China, the largest between any two countries in the world. Does this concern you and as a congressional representative would you do anything to address it?

Would New York’s farmers find your immigration policy beneficial or harmful to their businesses?

What policy changes need to occur that you would favor in support of New York’s dairy farmers?

What policies, if any, do you favor to assist family farmers selling their products in local markets?


Jack Davis:

What is your position on NAFTA?

I am against it. NAFTA has been a disaster for Western New York, the United States and working Americans who have seen their jobs disappear in a “giant sucking sound” and their wages depressed in a race to the bottom. We need to get out of NAFTA.

The next representative of the NY-26 is likely going to be asked on vote on the South Korea – United States Free Trade Agreement. If elected, will you vote “Yes” or “No.”

Both President Obama and the Washington Republican insiders are pushing this deal which is the next NAFTA. I will vote NO. 

After offering a straight up or down answer, please explain your yes or no vote.

The Korea Free Trade Agreement would export as many as 159,000 more American jobs. It would also surrender American sovereignty to international organizations, and make “Buy American” initiatives illegal.  This is unacceptable.

The U.S. has a $252 billion trade deficit with China, the largest between any two countries in the world.  Does this concern you and as a congressional representative would you do anything to address it?

Communist China is our enemy. They’re predatory trade practices target American industries for extinction. We must use trade-balancing tariffs to level the playing field for American farms and businesses and counter the unfair advantage the Chinese government is giving its domestic industries through currency manipulation and direct subsidies.

Would New York’s farmers find your immigration policy beneficial or harmful to their businesses?

Farmers would benefit from a reliable supply of legal labor.

What policy changes need to occur that you would favor in support of New York’s dairy farmers?

We must end the uncontrolled import of MPCs (milk protein concentrates) which depress the price of fluid milk and allow processors to bypass our local dairy farmers for the production of cheese and other dairy products.

What policies, if any, do you favor to assist family farmers selling their products in local markets?

We need to place limits on imports of foreign agriculture products that drive down commodity prices for our local growers. In addition, “Buy local” provisions in government procurement of food is an important tool to help local agriculture compete for markets and to develop our local economies.  In addition, local growers should have access to credit so they can invest in facilities to add value to what they grow. There is a growing “local food” movement and with the largest markets in the US within a one-day drive, our growers are in a great position to take advantage of this. 

Kathy Hochul:

Q: What is your position on NAFTA?

A: I do not support NAFTA. All we have to do is look to Western New York to see that trade policies, like NAFTA, do not work. In this state alone, NAFTA has cost New Yorkers more than 51,000 jobs. As a Member of Congress, I will oppose any trade policy that gives corporations and manufacturers the incentives to ship Western New York jobs overseas.    

Q: The next representative of the NY-26 is likely going to be asked on vote on the South Korea – United States Free Trade Agreement. If elected, will you vote “Yes” or “No.” After offering a straight up or down answer, please explain your yes or no vote.

A: No, I do not support the U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement. I also do not support the U.S.-Panama or the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreements. 

Millions of hard-working Americans have lost their jobs due to unfair trade deals like NAFTA and CAFTA and entering into additional free trade agreements will only further harm our economy. Instead of expanding trade policies that have resulted in thousands of good paying Western New York jobs being sent overseas, we need to focus on creating an environment that gives smalls businesses the opportunity to innovate and grow, right here in the 26th District.

Q: The U.S. has a $252 billion trade deficit with China, the largest between any two countries in the world. Does this concern you and as a congressional representative would you do anything to address it?

A: I am absolutely concerned with America’s growing trade deficit with China and addressing the trade deficit begins with taking action against the Chinese government’s continued currency manipulation. Last  year, I was glad to see the House take steps to crack down on China's currency manipulation, by passing the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act. As a Member of Congress, I would support steps like this to reduce our trade deficit and get our economy back on track.

Q: Would New York’s farmers find your immigration policy beneficial or harmful to their businesses?

A: Our immigration system is broken – no question. Farmers here in Western New York need the workforce necessary to sustain their land.  Once  elected to Congress, I will follow the advice of the farmers here in the 26th District and do what’s right for them, including expanding access to the H-2A Visa, which allows immigrants to travel here legally for temporary work in agriculture. While our focus must be getting Western New Yorkers back to work, we must provide our farmers with an adequate workforce if Americans are not willing to take these jobs. 

Q: What policy changes need to occur that you would favor in support of New York’s dairy farmers?

A:  We need to make dairy pricing measures more competitive and make it more profitable for farmers to stay in the dairy farming business. It is crucial that we include competitive pricing, not parity pricing, in the next Agriculture bill so that our dairy farmers can continue to sustain their farms and put food on their tables.

Q: What policies, if any, do you favor to assist family farmers selling their products in local markets?

A: When I visited McCormick Farm in North Java (Wyoming County) just a few weeks ago, I learned how they make their own maple syrup and sell it locally to different markets and restaurants in the region. We need to support these local farms and provide more avenues of support, like promoting farmers markets, which allow many of these products to be sold locally.   

Ian Murphy:

What is your position on NAFTA?

NAFTA is a scam. A factory in Texas moves 5 miles south, for cheap labor, and when that factory ships its widgets back north, it's called “free trade.” It's lowered America's living standard, for the profit of the CEOs.

The next representative of the NY-26 is likely going to be asked on vote on the South Korea – United States Free Trade Agreement. If elected, will you vote “Yes” or “No.”


After offering a straight up or down answer, please explain your yes or no vote.

Absolutely not. If American labor doesn't like it, I don't like it. It's not “free trade” at all.

The U.S. has a $252 billion trade deficit with China, the largest between any two countries in the world.  Does this concern you and as a congressional representative would you do anything to address it?

Well, it's hard to match price with peasants working for pennies. See: Wal-Mart. This is the problem with globalization, generally. A corporation's board of directors are legally obligated to maximize profits for their shareholders. They will always relocate, if the nature of their business allows, to wherever labor is cheapest. The traditional solution to this problem is to impose a trade tariff. If Wal-Mart wants to outsource it's labor to prisoners and children in China, it has to pay the US people for the right to cut them out of the wage equation.

“But then my tube socks will cost $2 instead of $1!” might be the response to that. Well, you spend the collected tariff on infrastructure and job creation. Suddenly, people can afford $2 socks, and nearly extinct mom & pop shops can compete again—putting more money into people's hands.

Also, the Chinese yuan's value isn't determined by supply and demand. They keep its value artificially low by trading their currency on the foreign exchange markets. Real pressure needs to be applied by the world community for them to peg the yuan to a basket of world currencies.

Would New York’s farmers find your immigration policy beneficial or harmful to their businesses?

This country is nothing but immigrants. Immigrants built this country. And people should still have the opportunity to come here, work hard and make a life. Farmers would find this beneficial.

What policy changes need to occur that you would favor in support of New York’s dairy farmers?

I milked cows professionally, so I know small dairy farmers work damn hard, for not enough money. They get priced out by the huge factory farms, which make it next to impossible to compete, and stress their animals to the point of infection and death—often providing us with puss-filled milk. 

We need to start building policy in terms of what is sustainable, rather than what makes the most short term profit, for the fewest and biggest stakeholders. What that would mean functionally is that we need to make sustainability profitable.

What policies, if any, do you favor to assist family farmers selling their products in local markets?

In this case, gradual market forces will invariably make locally produced goods more feasible and competitive in the future. Energy costs from traditional carbon-rich sources will keep increasing, and it will make pure economic sense for markets to buy local. That said, any potential emergency measures to keep family farmers from going broke should be taken.

The dictum is that “all politics is local.” Economics is also local to a large extent—believe it or not, in this age of “globalization.” What benefit does the American taxpayer see from giving tax breaks (or not taxing at all) huge multinationals? We get cheap junk made by slaves. We get cheap produce picked by the extremely poor. And it doesn't matter all that much because our jobs went overseas, so we can't afford even the cheapest of junk.

What we have both agriculturally and industrially is a battle between the giant conglomerates, with their cheap labor and economies of scale, versus small businesses and family operations who pay Americans a decent wage. I'll side with small, locally owned businesses every time. That's economics for the people, not the CEOs and crooks on Wall Street.

Jane Corwin's response (received May 7, 9 p.m.)

What is your position on NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)?

I am a believer in the free markets and free trade but it must also be fair trade. American workers can compete with anyone in the world, but free trade has to be fair. Some of our trading partners – noticeably China – have engaged in unfair trading practices and have been manipulating their currencies to gain an unfair advantage, and if I was in Congress I would support steps to address this problem and not continue to ignore it, which the Obama Administration has done. 

The next representative of the NY-26 is likely going to be asked on vote on the South Korea – United States Free Trade Agreement. If elected, will you vote “Yes” or “No.”

After offering a straight up or down answer, please explain your yes or no vote.

Legislation can change considerably before it comes up for a vote, but Congress should work towards removing tariffs standing in the way of American job creation. Just last month the International Trade Commission released a report which said that U.S. auto industry’s exports – including those from GM, which has facilities right here in Western New York – would “increase significantly” if the South Korea FTA were to be implemented. This is a sign of the type of job creation that can come from free trade agreements.

But again, we need to ensure that any trade agreement is implemented fairly and that American manufacturers can compete on a level playing field with their foreign competitors.    

The U.S. has a $252 billion trade deficit with China, the largest between any two countries in the world. Does this concern you and as a congressional representative would you do anything to address it?

It’s absolutely concerning and it’s one of the reasons I would support efforts to address China’s currency manipulation practices. A broad range of economists believe the Chinese yuan may be undervalued by as much as 40%. The practical impact of China intentionally lowering its currency's value is to make its goods and services cheap internationally.

Addressing China’s currency manipulation is one of the most effective ways we can address our trade imbalance with China. 

Would New York’s farmers find your immigration policy beneficial or harmful to their businesses?

I’ve been a vocal advocate for Western New York’s agricultural community in the State Assembly and would continue to be in Washington. Agriculture is our state’s leading industry and a key economic driver for our region, and I’ve visited numerous farms of all sizes across the district. I have a keen understanding of the issues they face – including labor concerns – and would work closely with our agricultural community to ensure they have the resources they need.

What policy changes need to occur that you would favor in support of New York’s dairy farmers?
New York is among the leaders in dairy production, generating billions of dollars annually. Wyoming County is the state’s leading county for dairy production. Unfortunately, the economic crisis has had a significant impact on the dairy industry.

I’ve met with several dairy farmers across the district to learn directly from them what needs to be done to strengthen the industry. If elected to Congress, I would join the Dairy Farmers Caucus to ensure that Dairy Farmers are being treated fairly and be able to directly advocate on their behalf.

Congress needs to closely examine the process used for setting milk prices, specifically the Federal Milk Marketing Order. The Federal Order system must be more responsive to changes in cost of production and market forces, and if elected to Congress I would work towards implementing these changes.

What policies, if any, do you favor to assist family farmers selling their products in local markets?

Family farms can only sell their goods where consumers will purchase them. I’ve visited several Western New York farms and some sell their products directly at the farm, and it doesn’t get anymore seller to consumer than that.

Corfu man seeks redemption following meth lab sentencing

By Howard B. Owens

Dustin R. Benham thought for sure last week he was going to get locked up in a federal penitentiary.

The sentencing recommendation for his role in a meth lab operation in Alabama was 12 to 18 months.

Today, he's under house arrest on a six-month term and then will serve three years probation for unlawful possession of chemicals that could be made into a controlled substance. He also must pay more than $4,000 in restitution.

Benham said a few days after his sentencing that an outpouring of support from friends and family and his own statements to the judge about wanting to move forward with his life seemed to have an impact on the judge's decision.

Getting busted on Nov. 12 at the home of Kenneth Mosholder changed his life and set it in a more positive direction, Benham said.

Shortly after that, he returned to a job he once had at the Pizza Pantry in Corfu, successfully completed a drug treatment program and reconciled with his parents, family and friends.

“I’m happy that I was there," Benham said. "I can’t say I’m 100 percent happy about what happened, but I was ruining my life. If I hadn’t been there, it might not have been until I was 30 or even 50 before I realized I wasn’t going anywhere.”

Now, Benham wants to go from being a "meth cook," as he put it, to a kitchen cook.

According to Pizza Pantry owner Bev Snyder, Benham has a natural talent in the kitchen, and he's matured suddenly.

“I see a difference from when he was here before," Snyder said. "I’m not sure if it’s just that he’s older or what he’s been through, but you could just see he’s more interested in the business and how it runs and cares for how it runs rather than just collecting a paycheck.”

Shortly after his arrest, Benham said he sat down and talked with his father about drugs and said he didn't think he had a drug problem, but a problem with priorities -- making drugs too much of a priority.

His father told him he should re-evaluate that position and look at some of the things he had done in the previous couple of years.

“I realized that if I didn’t have a problem with drugs, then I was a real asshole, and I thought, I’m not that person," Benham said. "I’m not an asshole. It was the drugs.”

As his life moves forward, Benham is hoping people will look past his days of drug involvment. Most importantly, he wants to clear his family's name. He doesn't want the name Benham associated with meth, either for the sake of his parents or if he's ever fortunate enough to have children, for his past to reflect poorly on them.

“I don’t want my kids to have a hard life because their father was me," Benham said.

He then added, “Tell people, everybody has a story. No matter how bad it may seem, it doesn’t mean they’re a bad person. Some people can change.”

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City of Batavia, NY Position: Full-time Building Maintenance Worker. Salary: $20.60 - $24.45/hour. The City of Batavia is accepting applications for one full-time Building Maintenance Worker. The work involves a variety of mechanical and other building maintenance tasks. Applicant must have a minimum of two years of full-time paid experience in general building construction or maintenance work, or an equivalent combination of training and experience indicating ability to perform the duties of the job. Civil Service applications may be obtained at City Hall in the Human Resource Department. Please send completed applications to Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk, One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY, or via email to by September 20, 2024. Background check, psychological assessment, and physical/drug testing required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO
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