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Hawley celebrated National Pizza Day with local police departments

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C -Batavia) visited local police departments yesterday to celebrate National Pizza Day. Hawley sent pizzas to 11 police stations and was able to personally deliver five. The departments Hawley visited were very appreciative and took him on tours of their facilities and discussed recent events. Hawley was able to get the perspective of the officers on multiple political and social issues, including bail reform and public safety laws.  

“Continuing a positive relationship with police departments around my district is extremely important to me. I want to be able to understand what we can do better in New York to keep them and the residents they protect safe,” said Hawley. “Far too often, we take their duties for granted, but our local police risk their lives for our safety. I want to show my appreciation for their hard work.”

Submitted photos.

Law and Order: Rochester woman accused of fleeing police

By Howard B. Owens

Brittany Leann Hollaert, 26, of Saint Paul Street, Rochester, is charged with petit larceny, unlawful fleeing a police officer, aggravated unlicensed operation 3rd, unsafe passing on left, speed not reasonable and prudent, and failure to obey a police officer. Deputy Mason Schultz attempted to stop a vehicle on Veterans Memorial Drive, Batavia at 1:22 a.m. on Feb. 3. As a result of the incident, Hollaert was arrested. Information on what was allegedly stolen was not released. Release status was not included in a press release. 

Justin Swift, 43, of Gilbert St Le Roy, is charged with grand larceny 3rd.  Swift was charged after an investigation by Genesee County Department of Social Services Investigator Robert Riggi.  It is alleged that Swift failed to report that he had earned wages through employment, resulting in him receiving $3,324 in SNAP benefits he was not entitled to.  Swift was arrested and arraigned in Batavia Town Court and released on his own recognizance.'

David Michael Wahl, 57, of Scottsville, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th, aggravated unlicensed operation 2nd, no left-side mirror, unsecured license plate, and uninspected motor vehicle. Wahl was allegedly found in possession of narcotics following a traffic stop by Deputy Andrew Mullen on Feb. 6 at 9:08 p.m. on South Lake Road in Bergen. He was released on an appearance ticket.

James Dean Conway, 36, no residence provided, is charged with criminal possession of stolen property 4th. Conway is accused of operating and possessing a stolen vehicle on Route 20 in the Town of Bethany on Feb. 6 at 1:34 p.m.  He was apprehended by Deputy James Stack. He was released on an appearance ticket.

PUBLIC NOTICE: Establishment of Water District No. 5 (Pratt Rd) in the Town of Pembroke

By Legal Notices


At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pembroke, in the County of Genesee, New York, held at the Pembroke Town Hall in said Town on February 9th, 2023.


Tom Schneider, Supervisor
Kathleen Manne, Councilperson
Edward Arnold Jr. Councilman
Thomas Dix, Councilman
K. Warren Clark, Councilman


Establishment of Water District No. 5 (Pratt Rd) in the Town of Pembroke, in the County of Genesee, New York                                                   :

To read more click on the headline:

WHEREAS, a map, plan and report relating to the establishment of a proposed Town of Pembroke, Water District No. 5, prepared by Clark Patterson Lee, Engineers in a manner and in such detail as has been determined by this Town Board, has been duly filed with the Town Clerk, in accordance with the requirements of Article 12-A of the Town Law; and

WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by this Town Board on January 18, 2023, reciting the filing of said map, plan and report, the improvements proposed, the boundaries of the proposed district, the proposed method of financing, the fact that the map, plan and report describing the same were on file in the Town Clerk’s Office for public inspection, and stating all other matters required by law to be stated, and specifying February 9, 2023  as the date, at 6:30 pm on said day as the time, at the Pembroke Town Hall, Pembroke, New York as the place where this Town Board would meet and consider said map, plan and report, and to hear all residents and landowners interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, and to take such action thereon as is required or authorized by law; and

WHEREAS, such order was duly published and posted as required by law; and

WHEREAS, a hearing on said matter was duly held by said Town Board on February 9, 2023 at 6:30 pm on said day, in the Pembroke Town Hall, Pembroke, New York, at which all interested persons desiring to be heard were heard, including those in favor of, and those opposed to, the establishment of said Water District No. 4; now, therefore, upon the evidence adduced at such public hearing, be it


a.   That the notice of hearing was published and posted as required by law, and is otherwise sufficient;

b.   That all property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby;

c.   That all property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed district;

d.   That it is in the public interest to establish said district; and be it further


That Water District #5 (Pratt Rd) is hereby established, the bounds of which are described in the attached Exhibit A, and shall be constructed as set forth in the said map, plan and report and order calling a public hearing, at a cost not to exceed Two Million Fifty five Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($2,055,000.00) of which Nine Hundred Four Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($904,000.00) will be provided by USDA Rural Development in the form of a grant and One Million One Hundred Fifty-one Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($1,151,000.00) will be provided by a loan from USDA Rural Development at a rate of 1.75% over a period of 38 years, which shall result in the annual cost of the district for debt service to the equivalent dwelling unit for the first fiscal year is estimated to be $551.00; and the annual cost for the typical home for operation, maintenance and user charges is estimated to be $495.00, for a total cost of $1,048.00, there is estimated to be one-time costs of $1,140.00 for installation of the individual water systems, and

That, the permission of the State Comptroller is required prior to District formation, and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that this order is subject to a permissive referendum as provided in section 209-e of the Town Law.

Dated: February 9, 2023

Motion made by: Councilman Dix

Seconded by: Councilwoman Manne

Ayes: Councilwoman Manne, Councilman Dix,

Councilman Arnold, Supervisor Schneider

Nays: None

APPROVED by: Unanimous vote (4-0)

State of New York)

County of Genesee)     ss:

I, Nicole Begin, Town Clerk of the Town of Pembroke, Genesee County, New York, do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding Order with the original thereof filed in my office in Pembroke, New York on the 9th day of February 2023, and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof.

In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town, this 9th day of February, 2023.

Nicole M. Begin
Town Clerk of the Town of Pembroke, Genesee County, New York



All that tract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Pembroke, County of Genesee, State of New York, and being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, and the center line of Slusser Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way); thence,

1.Southerly, along the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, a distance of 507 feet, more or less, to the southerly property line of tax account number 17.-2-10.1; thence,

2.Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-10.1, a distance of 330 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road; thence,

3.Northwesterly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-2-10.1, 17.-2-10.2, and 17.-2-31.21, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road, a distance of 1,868 feet, more or less, to a point on a southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-31.21; thence,

4.Northwesterly, along the southerly lines of the tax account numbers 17.-2-31.21, 17.-2-31.12, 17.-1-48.11, 17.-1-48.12, 17.-1-49, 17.-1-50.1, 17.-1-50.2, and 17.-1-75, to the easterly extension of a line of tax account number 17.-1-75; thence,

5.Westerly, across Tonawanda Creek, along the easterly extension of a southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75, and a southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75, a distance of 325 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75; thence,

6.Northwesterly, along the westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75, and the northerly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75 a distance of 337 feet, more or less, to the center line of Pratt Road; thence,

7.Westerly, along the center line of Pratt Road, a distance of 148 feet, more or less, to the southerly extension of a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11; thence,

8.Northwesterly, along the southerly extension of a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, and a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, a distance of 448 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11; thence,

9.Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, a distance of 165 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of 17.-1-11; thence,

10.Northwesterly, along a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, a distance of 290 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11; thence,



11.Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, the easterly extension of the northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, and the existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, a distance of 762 feet, more or less, to a southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-18; thence,

12.Northwesterly, along the southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-18, a distance of 541 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the center line of Pratt Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way; thence,

13.Northerly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-1-18, 17.-1-19.12, 17.-1-19.11, and 17.-1-21.111, along a line 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the center line of Pratt Road, a distance of 1,528 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111; thence,

14.Northeasterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111, a distance of 323 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111; thence,

15.Northwesterly, along a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111, a distance of 116 feet, more or less to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111; thence,

16.Northeasterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111, and the westerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-1-35 and 17.-1-36, a distance of 684 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 17.-1-36; thence,

17.Southeasterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-36, a distance of 68 feet, more or less, to an angle point; thence,

18.Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-1-36, 17.-1-37, 17.-2-2.212, 17.-2-2.211, and 17.-2-2.1, a distance of 1,863 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of tax account number 17.-2-2.1; thence,

19.Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-2.1, and the southerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-2.1, a distance of 330 feet, more or less, to the center line of Pratt Road; thence,

20.Easterly, along the center line of Pratt Road, a distance of 70 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3; thence,

21.Northeasterly, along the southwesterly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3, and the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3, a distance of 336 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3; thence,

22.Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-3, 17.-2-5, 17.-2-4, 17.-2-38, 17.-2-39, 17.-2-40, 17.-2-41, 17.-2-42, 17.-2-43, 17.-2-44, and 17.-2-45, a distance of 1,179 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-45; thence,

23.Southerly, along the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, a distance of 803 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-6.2; thence,

24.Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-6.2 and 17.-2-6.12, a distance of 408 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-6.12; thence,

25.Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-6.12, a distance of 124 feet more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-46; thence,

26.Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-46, 17.-2-47, 17.-2-49.1, 17.-2-55.2, and 17.-2-6.112, a distance of 662 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-51; thence,

27.Southwesterly, along an easterly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-51 and 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 143 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1; thence,

28.Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 206 feet, more or less, to an easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1; thence,

29.Southeasterly, along an easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 96 feet, more or less, to a southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1; thence,

30.Westerly, along a southerly line of a tax account number 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 40 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road; thence,

31.Southwesterly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-2-6.111 and 17.-2-7, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road, a distance of 667 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-7; thence,

32.Westerly, along a southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-7, a distance of 199 feet, more or less, to an easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-7; thence,

33.Southerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-8, a distance of 1,952 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet northerly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road; thence,

34.Southeasterly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-2-8, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road, a distance of 1,390 feet, more or less, to the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia; thence,

35.Southerly, along the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, a distance of 530 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning.

Pratt Road/Water District #5, as described above, contains approximately 309 acres of land.

All as shown on a map prepared by CPL, entitled “Pratt Road Water District – Water District Map”, dated May 20, 2020.

PUBLIC NOTICE: Establishment of Water District No. 4 in the Town of Pembroke

By Legal Notices


At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pembroke, in the County of Genesee, New York, held at the Pembroke Town Hall in said Town on February 9th, 2023.


Tom Schneider, Supervisor
Kathleen Manne, Councilperson
Edward Arnold Jr. Councilman
Thomas Dix, Councilman


Establishment of Water District No. 4 in the Town of Pembroke, in the County of Genesee, New York                                                   :

Click the headline to read more:

WHEREAS, a map, plan and report relating to the establishment of a proposed Town of Pembroke, Water District No. 4, prepared by Clark Patterson Lee, Engineers in a manner and in such detail as has been determined by this Town Board, has been duly filed with the Town Clerk, in accordance with the requirements of Article 12-A of the Town Law; and

WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by this Town Board on January 18, 2023, reciting the filing of said map, plan and report, the improvements proposed, the boundaries of the proposed district, the proposed method of financing, the fact that the map, plan and report describing the same were on file in the Town Clerk’s Office for public inspection, and stating all other matters required by law to be stated, and specifying February 9th, 2023 as the date, at 6:30 pm on said day as the time, at the Pembroke Town Hall, Pembroke, New York as the place where this Town Board would meet and consider said map, plan and report, and to hear the residents and landowners in the proposed District interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, and to take such action thereon as is required or authorized by law; and

WHEREAS, such order was duly published and posted as required by law; and

WHEREAS a hearing on said matter was duly held by said Town Board on February 9th, 2023, at 6:30 pm on said day, in the Pembroke Town Hall, Pembroke, New York, at which the residents and landowners of the proposed District desiring to be heard were heard, including those in favor of, and those opposed to, the establishment of said Water District No. 4; now, therefore, upon the evidence adduced at such public hearing, be it


a.  That the notice of hearing was published and posted as required by law, and is otherwise sufficient;

b.  That all property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby;

c.  That all property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed district;

d.  That it is in the public interest to establish said district; and be it further


That, Water District #4 is hereby established, the bounds of which are described in the attached Exhibit A, and shall be constructed as set forth in the said map, plan and report and order calling a public hearing, at a cost not to exceed $9,056,000.00 (Nine Million Fifty-six Thousand Dollars and no/100), which shall be financed in the following manner; a USDA grant of $3,744,000.00  (Three Million Seven Hundred Forty-four Thousand Dollars and no/100 dollars) and a 38 year Bond at an annual estimated interest rate of 1.25% in the amount of $5,312,000.00 (Five Million Three Hundred Twelve Thousand Dollars), which shall result in the annual cost of the district for debt service to the equivalent dwelling unit after the first fiscal year is estimated to be $466.00; and the annual cost for the typical home for operation, maintenance and user charges is estimated to be $496.00, for a total cost of $962.00, there is estimated to be one-time costs of $1,140.00 for installation of the individual water systems, and That, the permission of the State Comptroller is not required prior to District Formation, and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that this order is subject to a permissive referendum as provided in section 209-e of the Town Law.

Dated: February 9, 2023

Motion made by: Councilman Arnold
Seconded by: Councilwoman Manne
Ayes: Councilwoman Manne, Councilman Dix,
Councilman Arnold, Supervisor Schneider

Nays: None

APPROVED by: Unanimous vote (4-0)

State of New York County of Genesee)     ss:

I, Nicole Begin, Town Clerk of the Town of Pembroke, Genesee County, New York, do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding Order with the original thereof filed in my office in Pembroke, New York on the 9th day of February 2023, and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof.

In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town, this 9th day of February, 2023.

Nicole M. Begin
Town Clerk of the Town of Pembroke, Genesee County, New York

Richmond hosting pair of virtual educational events

By Press Release

Press release:

Attend a library program- from home! To register for either of these programs, visit

Wednesday, Feb. 15 at 7 p.m. on Zoom: James Herriot- The Simple Life of the World’s Most Famous Veterinarian
Join Anglophile and former UK resident Claire Evans as she recounts the life and times of Alf Wight, an unassuming country veterinarian who practiced for 50 years in one of England’s most beautiful places, the Yorkshire Dales. He rose to international fame later in life under the pen name James Herriot as he recounted the heartwarming animal stories and colorful characters of a bygone era, inspiring a film and multiple television series. Of the latest TV adaptation of “All Creatures Great and Small,” shown on PBS’ Masterpiece, The Guardian said, “Switching it on was the television equivalent of taking your brain out and dunking it into a bucket of warm tea (Yorkshire, obviously).” Bask in the visual beauty of Claire’s recent Yorkshire Dales visit and learn the surprising story of the vet whose books still entertain millions.

About the presenter: Claire Evans is a former journalist, attorney, and college lecturer who started her love of most things British as she and her mother watched countless Britcoms on PBS.  She went on to study abroad in London and, against the odds, she married a Brit she met in Peoria, Illinois.  They moved to England, where they lived for a number of years.  Outside of her work for a legal advice charity, Claire became a student of historical sights, pub dining, and tea shops.  Her business, Tea with Claire, grew from friends asking for travel and relocation advice. For more, visit

Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 7 p.m. on Zoom: Meet Belle Greene
Art historian Dr. Daria Rose Foner will introduce Belle da Costa Greene (1879-1950), one of the most prominent librarians in American history. Belle was hired as J. Pierpont Morgan’s personal librarian in 1905, eventually becoming the director of what was then known as the Pierpont Morgan Library. Born to Black parents, Belle spent her adult life passing as white. Belle’s life is the inspiration for several fiction books, notably The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray.

About the presenter: Dr. Daria Rose Foner is an art historian and native New Yorker. She is currently a member of the Old Master Paintings department at Sotheby’s, New York. Prior to joining Sotheby's, she was the Research Associate to the Director at the Morgan Library & Museum. She completed her Ph.D. at Columbia University and is a Fulbright Award Recipient. She received her B.A. from Princeton University and her M.Phil. from the University of Cambridge.

Pair of Genesee Region cheerleaders win spots on national squad at McDonald All-Star Game

By Howard B. Owens

Emily Konfederath, an Alexander High School senior, and Emma Quintern, from Kendall, have been named to the cheer squad for the Ronald McDonald All-Star Game, to be played in Houston in March.

The cheerleaders won their spots on the team through their individual routines in a competition held in Attica.

The Ronald McDonald All-Star Game features top high school basketball talent from throughout the United States. Proceeds from the event benefit the Ronald McDonald House Charities, which provides a home-away-from-home for families with children receiving medical treatment at nearby hospitals.

Bergen GOP seeking candidates for local offices

By Press Release

Press release:

The Bergen Republican Committee has been notified that Town Clerk, Michele Smith; Town Council Member, Mark Anderson; and Town Justice, Joe Nenni will not be seeking re-election this year.  The Republican Committee appreciates their service to the community and wish them well as they move forward.  The committee is seeking residents that may be willing to serve on the town council to contact either Cindy Anderson (329-1848) or Bob Bausch (797-9357). 

Details released on GLOW With Your Hands healthcare event

By Press Release

Press release:

The success of GLOW with Your Hands in workforce recruitment in the manufacturing sector and the urgent workforce need for healthcare providers has once again brought businesses, educational organizations, and economic development agencies from across the region to collaborate to provide an incredible opportunity for GLOW region students to learn about the careers in their own backyard in the healthcare sector.

Approximately 600 students in grades 8-12 from 28 schools will gather at Genesee Community College on March 24 to connect with various healthcare businesses and organizations to learn about the multitude of gratifying jobs in healthcare and science-related fields throughout the GLOW region.

“Our collaboration once again focuses on supplying GLOW region employers with the resources that will facilitate the ongoing development of our future healthcare workforce,” said Karyn Winters, director of the Genesee County Business Education Alliance Director and Co-Chair of GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare. “We are very excited to provide another hands-on career exploration experience for students across the GLOW region.”

Healthcare is an essential component of the regional economy as evidenced by various developments and expansions across the GLOW area. GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare will provide the healthcare sector with the opportunity to meet and recruit its future workforce as these projects are completed and start operations.

“The GLOW region gives United Memorial Medical Center access to an educated, well-trained workforce because of our partners in the private sector, which is why we continue to make significant investments in the area,” said Dan Ireland, President of United Memorial Medical Center. “These investments will create hundreds of new jobs, and we need the next generation of workforce candidates to fill them.”

“We are all aware of the current challenges in the healthcare sector, especially in rural areas such as the GLOW region,” said Angela Grouse, Education to Employment Director at the Livingston County Area Chamber and Co-Chair of GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare.  “Our goal is to showcase local healthcare organizations and businesses to our students as they plan to start their careers so they can be a part of the workforce solution.”

“We are always trying to find new strategies and services that prepare our students to enter the workforce upon graduation,” said Justin Dueppengiesser, Executive Director, of Wyoming County Business Education Council.  “The GLOW region is special because we have so many organizations working together that passionately want to find job and career opportunities for our youth to keep them here.”

Students will also have the opportunity to interact with colleges, universities, and secondary and post-secondary training programs to learn about the career pathways offered through these academic institutions.

“It means so much to our GCC community, as not only do students get to interact with local healthcare organizations to learn about different careers, but this also gives us a chance to expose GLOW region students to affordable options available at our college that can lead to good-paying careers in the healthcare sector,” said Maureen Welch, Director of Respiratory Care at Genesee Community College.

Various healthcare businesses and organizations have demonstrated their appreciation of the value of this event with generous support including: ESL Federal Credit Union, Livingston County Area Chamber Of Commerce: Education to Employment, Wyoming County Community Health Services Skilled Nursing Facility, Rochester Regional Health, M & T Bank, UR Medicine | Noyes Health, Workforce Development Institute, Lifetime Assistance, Blossom Modern Home Care Solutions, Batavia Downs, Episcopal Senior Life Communities, VNA of WNY, and the Iroquois Job Corps.

There are still sponsorship opportunities for the March 24th event at the Platinum ($5,000), Gold ($2,500), Silver ($1,000) and Bronze ($500) levels.

For more information about GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare visit or contact Chris Suozzi at

Submitted photo.

Tenney introduces bill to exempt firearms from bankruptcy proceedings

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) yesterday introduced the Protecting Gun Owners in Bankruptcy Act. This bill would exempt $3,000 worth of firearms from bankruptcy proceedings, allowing Americans to maintain their Second Amendment rights through tough financial times.

Current bankruptcy law allows debtors to maintain items to support a base quality of life, including a primary residency, car, clothing, household appliances, and even musical instruments. But there is no current exemption for a firearm that can be used for self-defense, a constitutional right. This important piece of legislation ensures that Americans can keep their firearms to defend themselves, no matter their financial state.

“No American should ever have to sacrifice their constitutional rights because of their financial situation,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “The Second Amendment is a constitutional right for all Americans, even those experiencing financial hardship. I am honored to lead this important legislation that protects the rights of gun owners everywhere, no matter their financial situation.”

Additional co-sponsors include Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-9), Rep. Randy Weber (TX-14), and Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO-5).

Read the full text of the bill here.

Notre Dame announces second annual Irish 5K Run/Walk

By Howard B. Owens

The Notre Dame Running with the Irish 5K Run/Walk is back for its second year and is set to take place on March 11.

The event will kick off with a Kids Fun Run for children under 11 years old at 9 a.m., followed by the 5K run/walk starting at 10 a.m. The course will start behind the school and take runners north on Richmond Avenue, around the VA facility, and up and down Redfield Parkway before returning to the school.

All proceeds from the event will go towards supporting the athletic department at Notre Dame.

Participants in the Kids Fun Run can register for $10, with prizes being given to all participants. T-shirts for the kids can be purchased separately. The 5K registration fee is $25 and includes a cotton long-sleeved T-shirt with the race logo.

Awards will be given to the top overall male and female runners, as well as the first-place winners in the following age categories: 14-Under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60+. There will also be awards for the local school with the most registered runners, the business with the most registered runners, and the family with the most registered runners.

Registration for the Notre Dame Running with the Irish 5K Run/Walk can be found online at or on the ND website at

The race is held in close proximity to St. Patrick's Day to celebrate Notre Dame's Irish pride. Last year's event had 125 participants, and the organizers are hoping to see even more runners this year.

(Based on press release).

Buffalo Dioceses marking 175th anniversary, including events in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo is celebrating its 175th anniversary from May 1 to May 7, marking the occasion with various events, activities, and service projects across the diocese, including events in Genesee County. 

On Sunday, Feb. 19, at 3 p.m., there will be a celebration mass at Ascension Parish, 19 Sumner St., Batavia.

The celebration also involves Our Lady of Mercy and St. Brigid (Le Roy), St. Padre Pio (Oakfield), Our Lady of Fatima (Elba), Mary Immaculate (E. Bethany), and Immaculate Heart of Mary in Darien Center.

The Diocese of Buffalo was founded in April 1847 and has been serving the people of Western New York for 175 years. The anniversary celebration is a recognition of the powerful legacy of faith and service that the diocese has established, and an opportunity for members of the diocese to deepen their own faith, share and witness that faith to others, and serve one another.

According to a statement from the diocese, "We are called to continue and pass on our heritage of faith and service to future generations." The 175th anniversary of the Diocese of Buffalo is a time for celebration and reflection, and an opportunity for members of the diocese to recommit themselves to the legacy of faith and service that has defined the diocese for 175 years."

(Based on a press release from The Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo.)

Le Roy's Merritt Holly Jr. scores 1,000th career point

By Howard B. Owens

While Le Roy's Merritt Holly Jr. reached a significant career milestone, Le Roy couldn't quite get past Avon for a win.

The Knights lost 74-55.

Holly scored 16 points, giving him 456 points on the season.

Boys Basketball:

  • Pembroke beat Alexander, 86-49. For Pembroke, Tyson Totten, 28 points, Avery Ferreira, 17 points, Cayden Pfalzer, 14 points, Owen Hootman, 9 points, Jon Suro, 11 assists. For Alexander, Dylan Pohl, 17 points.
  • Wheatland-Chili beat Elba, 75-31
  • Byron-Bergen beat Notre Dame, 62-51. Braedyn Chambry scored 25 points and had 17 rebounds and five blocked shots for the Bees. Ryan Muscarella scored 12 points and had seven rebounds. David Brumsted scored 11 points and had 10 rebounds. Gianni Ferrara scored eight points.  No stats were provided for Notre Dame.
  • Oakfield-Alabama beat Attica, 53-44.

Photos by Jason Coniber.

Enjoy Super Bowl weekend and don't drive impaired, officials say

By Press Release

Press Release:

Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, the City of Batavia Police Department and the Village of LeRoy Police Department will be participating in a coordinated effort with the STOP-DWI program to bring awareness to the dangers of impaired driving.

The Super Bowl is America’s most watched national sporting event and Super Bowl Weekend is historically a deadly period for impaired driving. In a combined effort to bring awareness to the dangers of impaired driving, prevent injuries and save lives, law enforcement officers across New York State and STOP-DWI programs will be participating in special engagement efforts.

The statewide STOP-DWI efforts begin Friday, and will end on Monday.

Highly visible, highly publicized efforts like the STOP-DWI High Visibility Engagement Campaign aim to further reduce the incidence of drunk and impaired driving.

Remember: Impaired driving is completely preventable. All it takes is a little planning. If you are impaired by drugs or alcohol and thinking about driving, pass your keys on to a sober driver.

Artist David Burke demonstrates Intuitive Painting

By Howard B. Owens

Local artist David F. Burke provided Tuesday's artist demo on Intuitive Painting for the Batavia Society of Artists and GO ART!

Intuitive Painting, Burke said, is what happens when you have no preconceived image in your head about your finished work. You let the blank canvas lead you each step of the way. 

There are no rules, no restraints.

"You just allow for each paint stroke or mark that you have made to speak to you about the next one," he said. "You are freed from the needless self-analyzing or overly scrutinizing your work. It can be meditative and self-reflective as you explore all the possible combinations of color, value, shape, visual texture, that show up through your own personal style."

Town of Batavia GOP endorses candidates, appoints new members

By Press Release

Press release:

Last evening the Committee unanimously endorsed Incumbents for Re-election:

Brooks Hawley, County Legislature, District 4 Towns of Batavia and Stafford. Additionally, Chad Zambito and Sharon White were both endorsed to continue serving as members of the Town Board.

Appointed as new Town Republican Committee members were William Sutton, Andrew Mullen and Michael Pettinella.

EverPresent Church hosting Mass Deliverance Service

By Press Release

Press release:

Are you or a loved one struggling with anxiety, fear, panic disorders, depression, obsession, sleep disorders, PTSD, schizophrenia, eating disorders, disruptive behavior, bipolar disorder, hearing voices, or seeing hallucinations? While some of these conditions may have scientific explanations, others may not.

Doctors often attribute these symptoms to physical or mental disorders and prescribe drugs to treat them. However, some believe that many of these symptoms are actually spiritual in nature.

As Christians, it is believed that some of these issues can be caused by poor decisions, wrong choices, and engaging in activities that are not in line with biblical teachings. This can include occult practices, sorcery, or witchcraft, even if engaged in unknowingly.

The Bible offers guidance on these matters, and Jesus Christ offers deliverance and healing. If you or a loved one are struggling with afflictions, you are invited to attend a Mass Deliverance Service on Feb. 17 at EverPresent Church, located at 4 Batavia City Centre in Batavia. Parking is available in the former JC Penny lot. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the event begins at 6 p.m.

If you have any questions, please call (585) 297-3155.

Tenney introduces resolution promising to protect Social Security

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), a member of the Ways and Means Committee, today introduced a resolution expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Social Security should be preserved and protected for current beneficiaries, and for future generations to come.

Congresswoman Tenney released the following statement after the introduction of the resolution: 

“Last night, in his State of the Union address, President Biden once again spewed lies and a false narrative surrounding House Republican’s plan for Social Security and Medicare,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “This resolution reaffirms House Republicans’ commitment to protecting Social Security for current beneficiaries and future generations to come. Programs like Social Security and Medicare were lifelines for my parents when they were older, and I will always fight to preserve and strengthen them for seniors, retirees, and future beneficiaries. Joe Biden’s shameful and deliberate deception demonstrates once again how unserious he is about working with Republicans to address the crises facing our nation under his leadership.”

Read the full text of the resolution here.


Volunteer firefighters complete leadership training

By Press Release

Press release:

The Leadership and Supervision course is one of five modules required to earn New York State Fire Officer 1 certification.

The 15-hour Leadership and Supervision module provides current and potential fire officers with the fundamental knowledge of the duties, responsibilities, and leadership required to be successful as a fire officer. This course covers the basic responsibilities of the fire officer as they relate to human resource management and common administrative functions.

New York State Fire Instructor Chuck Dodson presented the course to 13 county responders at the Genesee County Fire Training Center. The course concluded on Jan. 4, 2023. Congratulations to the following responders for the successful completion of the course:

Town of Batavia

  • Dwayne J. Fonda, Jr.
  • Robert J. Hunt


  • Paul J. Cummings
  • Donald S. Cunningham


  • Brandon L. Crossett
  • Zachary C. Johnson
  • Edward L. Sharp


  • John T. Mc Carthy

East Pembroke

  • Andrew D. Martin


  • Annette J. Johnson     

South Byron

  • Vitorrio J. Muoio
  • Jeremie J. Rassel


  • Jason M. Smith  

Top Items on Batavia's List

NOW HIRING seasonal agribusiness positions. CDL A & B Drivers to deliver bulk crop nutrients. Potential long-term opportunities. Great for retirees! GENERAL LABOR positions. Daily variety of indoor/outdoor responsibilities. Loader experience a plus. SIGN-ON BONUS and plenty of OT during spring/summer months. Apply in person at: 8610 Route 237, Stafford, NY
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