Village of Oakfield resident honored for 50 years of dedicated community service

Over the past 50 years, Ron D'Alba never did it for recognition. He didn't hang Christmas lights or help start the Oakfield Betterment Committee or the Labor Daze celebration, coach Little League or serve on the village board or the zoning board of appeals to get attention.
He didn't do any of that so that someday the community might thank him, but that's exactly what took place at the Village of Oakfield Board of Trustees meeting on Monday.
As D'Alba's term on the ZBA draws to a close, the village recognized his five decades of community service.
"The village board would like to recognize and applaud Ron D'Alba for 50 years of dedication and passion to our community," Board Chairwoman Judy Boyle said. "He loves the village, and over the years, he has shown his commitment by volunteering in many capacities. Ron has lived in Oakfield his entire life raising two sons and settling on Bennett Avenue. Preserving the character of Oakfield has always been a concern of his. It has been a major reason he has continued to volunteer and help keep the village a great place to raise a family."
Ron's son Scott is a current board member, and he listed many of his father's achievements over the years.
- He was a Little League coach and manager from 1972 to 1984.
- He was a founding member of the sports boosters.
- He helped raise funds for the first lights on the OAS football field.
- He was a member of the Youth Recognition Commission from 1975 to 1983.
- He and his wife Sue were founding members of the Oakfield Betterment Committee.
- He installed Christmas lights on Main Street in the village.
- He Helped organize the first Labor Daze celebration.
- He helped raise funds to build the Gazebo in Triangle Park.
- He served as an interim member of the village Board of Trustees in 1988 and 1989.
- And from 2012 until this year, he served on the Zoning Board of Appeals.
"He was born and raised in the Village of Oakfield," Scott said. "He's always loved this community and shown that love, by the way he supported our local school sports teams and in volunteering and finding ways to make this village a nicer place to live and raise a family."
He added at the end of his speech, "We are all here tonight to acknowledge and thank him for his time and service. I've been fortunate enough to witness all this firsthand along with my brother Joel, and couldn't be prouder to call him Dad. Dad, you have instilled this love for community in Joel (Scott's brother) and me. You've always been a true role model, and we thank you for that."
The ceremony highlighting Ron D'Alba was a surprise for him, and he was quite honored for the recognition, he said.
"It means the world to me," he said. "I've been doing this forever because I love the community. I never expected to get anything. It's beautiful."
Photos by Howard Owens. Top photo, as a gag gift, Mayor David Boyle presents Ron D'Alba with an old village Christmas banner.

Ron D'Alba.

Mayor Dave Boyle reads a proclamation honoring Ron D'Alba on his 50 years of community service.