The Genesee County Republican Committee is recommending that former County Court judge Charles Zambito fill the vacant position on the Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp. board of directors.
In a unanimous vote at a meeting last week, the committee acted to submit Zambito’s name for consideration by the Genesee County Legislature.
The process now is for the Genesee County Legislature to vote on a resolution supporting the recommendation at this Wednesday’s meeting at the Old County Courthouse.
Republican Committee Chair Richard Siebert said Zambito’s background as an attorney was a key factor in the recommendation.
Fred Gundell of Batavia also had expressed his interest in serving on the WROTB board, which was disbanded earlier this month per adoption of a bill calling for a restructuring and change to a weighted voting system.
“Chuck was unanimous in what has to do with his background as an attorney, and possibility of litigation that might be taking place in regard to our county having only two votes out of 100 with this new weighted voting format,” Siebert said. “That’s a big issue in Genesee County as we have the casino right here.
“I believe that eventually they're going to try to pursue some sort of court action to try to rectify that. But right now, I think the main thing was Chuck's background (Zambito also served as the acting Supreme Court justice) and the fact his legal experience could help Genesee County rectify some of these wrongs.”
Siebert resigned from the board after learning of the announcement out of Albany that the board was being restructured.
The move has been criticized by local politicians on the Republican side as being a “political power grab” to transfer power to the Democrat-leaning population centers of Erie and Monroe counties and the cities of Buffalo and Rochester.
The City of Batavia Police Department is urging drivers to buckle up during the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) national Click It or Ticket high-visibility enforcement effort. The national seat belt campaign, which coincides with the Memorial Day holiday, runs from May 22 to June 4.
“We want seat belt use to be an automatic habit for drivers and passengers alike,” said Assistant Police Chief Chris Camp. “It’s not just a safe thing to do - it’s the law. During the Click It or Ticket campaign, we’ll be working with our fellow law enforcement officers across local and state lines to ensure the message gets out to drivers and passengers. Buckling up is the simplest thing you can do to limit injury or save your life during a crash. We see the results of not wearing a seat belt all the time. So often, it could have been prevented.”
According to NHTSA, in 2021, there were 11,813 unbuckled passenger vehicle occupants killed in crashes in the United States. In that same year, 57% of passenger vehicle occupants killed at night (6 p.m.– 5:59 a.m.) were not wearing their seat belts. That’s why one focus of the Click It or Ticket campaign is nighttime enforcement. Participating law enforcement agencies will be taking a no-excuses approach to seat belt law enforcement, writing citations day and night.
“No matter the type of vehicle you’re driving in or the type of road you’re driving on, the simplest way to stay safe in case of a vehicle crash is to wear your seat belt,” said Assistant Police Chief Chris Camp. “Unfortunately, many families are suffering because their loved ones refused to follow this simple step. NHTSA data shows that seat belt use is higher among females than males. In fact, nearly twice as many males were killed in crashes as compared to females in 2021. Of the males killed in crashes during that same year, more than half (54%) were unrestrained. For females killed in crashes, 42% were not buckled up.
“If the enforcement effort alerts people to the dangers of unrestrained driving, we’ll consider our mission to be a success,” said Assistant Police Chief Chris Camp. “If you know a friend or a family member who does not buckle up when they drive, please ask them to consider changing their habits. Help us spread this lifesaving message before one more friend or family member is killed as a result of not buckling up. Seat belts save lives, and everyone - front seat and back, child and adult - needs to remember to buckle up.”
Todd Jantzi, from Bontrager Real Estate & Auction Service, talks with Gary Harkness and his wife, Debbie, about a lamp the couple brought into the HLOM appraisal event on Saturday. Photo by Howard Owens.
It was indeed a bit like the set of an episode of PBS's Antiques Roadshow at the First Presbyterian Church of Batavia on Saturday, with local residents walking in carrying their treasures and experts giving sharing what they observed about the item while the owner awaited the verdict: Priceless or worthless.
There were items of little or no value, such as the windup Victrola, which is a great artifact but a common item in antique terms. Of keener interest to Todd Jantzi, the Bontrager's auctioneer who shared his judgment on a several items during the nearly daylong appraisal event that was a fundraiser for the Holland Land Office Museum, was the old shellac 78s the owner of the Victrola brought in. Those are not common and, in fact, among the hardest records for collectors to find.
Many items, of course, were of middling value, like the mantle clock brought in by Crystal Rhinehart of East Bethany.
It was made by Ansonia, a well-known maker of clocks with a solid reputation, Jantzi told her.
Rhinehart said the clock had been in her family since it was new.
"This would have taken a little bit more funds to purchase it, so it probably would have kept better time than some other clocks," Jantzi said.
Then he joked, "We usually only see these from the homes of the rich people in East Bethany."
He valued it at $100 to $225 at auction.
Other experts on hand during the day were representatives from Cottone Auctions and Schultz Auctioneers. A variety of items were brought in from musical instruments, such as a guitar, and pieces of art, such as a colorized 1880s etching of the famous duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton.
At the end of the day, Gary Harkness and his wife, Debbie, walked in with a bag of items for appraisal.
The largest item was the one that came out of the bag first. It was a cast white metal lamp with two candle-shaped lights. Harkness said it sits on his mantle as a night light.
It's from the 1920s or 1930s.
"No cracks, which is uncommon for that age," Jantzi said.
Harkness pointed out a small piece of metal missing, and Jantzi said, "But usually you'll see age cracks, and there's none here."
At auction, Jantzi said, $400, maybe $500.
Then Jantzi picked up a scrimshaw-engraved bone card-carrying case and nudged a photographer, "You'll want to get a picture of this."
Above an etching of a patriotic woman was the inscription, "Col Emory Upton. 124 New York Vols."
The other side was inscribed, "In much appreciation from U.S. Grant, Nov. 1863."
Upton, of course, is the Batavia-born Civil War hero, who would become a general before the war's end, and whose likeless stands vigil at Main and Ellicott in the city. Grant, a future president, would, in a few months' time from the date of the inscription, take over command of the U.S. military and lead the Union to victory over the traitorous southern states.
Harkness said he bought the case about 25 years ago from a dealer in Canada for $600 or $700.
Jantzi said it's such a rare item with such historical significance, he couldn't put a price on it.
"That is cool, Gary. That is cool," Jantzi said. "The only way you're gonna find out is to put it up for auction. That's the only way you'll ever find out, but you hate to get rid of it to find out."
Harkness said he's thought about a heritage auction, but, he said, "It's not going anywhere soon."
The historical treasure has been displayed before at the Holland Land Office Museum, he said.
Kind of like a real episode of “Antiques Roadshow,” Harkness coming in at the end with Upton's card box from Grant, gave the day of appraisals its dramatic closing.
Harkness let a couple of volunteers hold the case, and one woman said, "Oh, my God" as she looked at it in awe.
"And you touched it," said the other. "You touched it."
Todd Jantzi holds a bone card-carrying case inscribed from U.S. Grant to Col. Emory Upton. Photo by Howard Owens.
Crystal Rhinehart and Todd Jantzi discuss a clock she brought in for appraisal. Photo by Howard Owens
Sue Gagne of Batavia, a 2023 graduate of the nursing program at Genesee Community College, receives her diploma during commencement ceremonies Saturday at the Richard C. Call Arena. Photo by Howard Owens.
This weekend ended a 30-year journey for nursing graduate Sue Gagne.
It began with a chemistry class in January 1993, one of the prerequisites for a nursing degree.
However, Gagne’s path took a different turn, with baby Allison’s arrival that same year, and the decision that school would be too rigorous to do simultaneously while raising her daughter.
“I ended up choosing a different path. I went on to have a career in mental health and chemical addiction, and focused on my family,” she said.
Her second child, baby Joe, came in 2002. Time went on, the kids got older, and Gagne revisited former goals.
“Once my son got to high school, my dream of becoming a nurse came back to mind,” she said. “With a strong support system of people in my life who encouraged me to follow my dreams, it became a reality. So almost 30 years later, I started taking one class at a time — biology, anatomy 1, then anatomy 2.”
And then one of the big moments happened: “I was accepted to the nursing program.”
“I started the program in the fall of 2021, and here we are two years later,” Gagne said, answering The Batavian’s question of how it feels to walk across that stage. “Amazing. Although this was the absolute hardest thing I have ever done, it is also the most rewarding. My professors and classmates were absolutely wonderful, and I couldn't have asked for a better experience.”
She has two pieces of advice for anyone who might be dragging your heels to pursue a longtime goal or passion: “I would encourage anyone who has a dream not to hesitate,” Gagne said. “Get around some good people who will support your dream and go after it.”
Ben Bonarigo, a retired attorney from Batavia, who, as a graduate of GCC, was the first member of his family with a college degree, was the keynote speaker for Genesee Community College's graduation ceremony on Saturday in the Call Arena. "Once a Cougar, always a Cougar," Bonarigo said at the end of his speech, donning a Cougar baseball cap. Photo by Howard Owens
Get off the couch, put down the phone and get out of the house to make a difference in the world. Some rudimentary but important words of wisdom from this year’s commencement speaker for Genesee Community College’s Class of 2023 this weekend.
As keynote speaker, retired attorney and GCC alum Benjamin Bonarigo mused about how and what one can say to this generation of graduates full of excitement and possible angst about how to storm the life before them and make a worthwhile impact.
After all, Bonarigo’s mom accepted his early decision to return home after one college semester, due to family circumstances, with the admonishment to continue his education. Her words were understanding but moving, to the point that her son eventually fulfilled his promise to carry on with his schooling as a first-generation college student, graduating first from GCC in 1977.
For the next four years, he studied at the State University of New York at Buffalo, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in business management in 1979 and then his Juris Doctorate in 1982.
So he knows that words matter. And Bonarigo listened not only to what his mom said, but knew that she “recognized the importance of education, even though hers was limited,” he said.
“I’m so grateful to her and to GCC because she provided the direction and GCC the foundation for me to continue up the educational ladder. I wouldn't be standing here without both of them in my life. For those of us here, like myself, who lived a good portion of our lives. I know what you may be thinking, as I am, that we should be using our life experiences to direct these graduates like my own mother did to tell them what to do, how to do it, and what to look out for along the journey to come,” Bonarigo said during the 55th annual commencement ceremony at the Richard C. Call Arena in Batavia. “After all, who better to lay out a plan for them than those of us who have been through many of life's ups and downs and who have had to face many of life's challenges. No doubt.
“We have an obligation to help them down life's winding pathway. But my question to all of us here today is, do we have that right? Our world has made tremendous advances in our lifetime. We can fly rocket ships to Mars with regularity. A driverless car can chauffeur us anywhere we want to go,” he said. “Almost all of us have in our pockets that computer that we use to research to buy anything in a day or to call, text or do math, or email anyone in the world. It's been said before, and most would agree, that we live a more affluent lifestyle than generations before us.”
He added that, despite all of those remarkable developments, “We leave this generation with several problems,” such as mental health issues, dramatically increased suicide rates over the last decade, and unyielding spikes in drug addiction.
“Even with all the affluence and wealth we have acquired, social unrest is out of control, and the politics of the day just adds fuel to the fire,” he said. “People are dying all over this world, for reasons that none of us can really comprehend. And that's just the shortlist. As we look at this, are we really in the best position to lay out the plan for these folks? What has become clear to those of us who have lived long enough is that material things don't bring us true happiness.
In fact, those of us like me who have seen the sun rise thousands of times, are desperately trying to get rid of stuff that in earlier days meant so much to us. We have lived the dream of chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Are we really better off for it? Are we fulfilled by our success and acquiring things?” he said. “Graduates, would you believe us if we told you that unless you have a higher purpose in life than acquiring worldly goods, you may be unfulfilled in this life? This seems contrary to everything that you've been taught, which is to be like PacMan, acquiring everything that comes your way.”
He quoted England’s late Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who once said, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
Dr. James Sunset, GCC’s president, talked about “what we give” — more specifically, about what those on campus have given to students by their very own accounts. Graduates have shared with him how parents, family, friends and others have helped along on their educational journey, and he asked for a round of applause to thank them all on this culminating day of all efforts. But they weren’t the only ones, he said.
“You've also told me about another group of strong supporters that have helped you along the way, that pushed you and challenged you and encouraged you to achieve your best,” Sunser said. “They're the faculty and staff of the college. They believe in you and were willing to give you the best they had by sharing their knowledge, and especially their time.”
It’s about taking a stance to care that matters, Bonarigo said. Not being involved breeds indifference, he said, pointing to the big picture of life.
“Indifference to the greatest democracy in the world occurs when we don't feel our vote is worthwhile. When we feel it is more comfortable to complain about the way things are run, than to make a difference by running them ourselves,” he said. “So I say to you, get off social media, get off the couch, get out of the house, make a difference in this world, do the things that we may not have been so good at. Maybe, ladies and gentlemen, our problems are not as great as I make them out to be today.
“I’ve taken a very close look and studied these graduates. And they're actually smarter and more aware than we ever were. They are energetic and bright. This will allow them to recognize easily our shortcomings and failures. I see in them a strength, a commitment and resolve to seek a better way forward to see the need to live in peace and harmony, not only with their neighbors, but all the people of the world,” he said. “They will find a way to smooth out the bumps in the path that we leave behind with their intelligence, hard work and ability to give more of themselves than we ever did.
"My hope is that we can all live long enough to see and appreciate the differences that they will make. Let me take this final moment to tell these graduates something we all believe and that we know we have a right to say: that we are also very proud of you and how much we believe in you, and the future you will create.”
Bonargio has been a well-worn name in this area, Batavia especially, having founded Bonarigo and McCutcheon Law Firm 40 years ago, and also previously working as an attorney for the city and town of Batavia and village of Oakfield, president of Genesee County Bar Association and several other professional and civic involvements, including Batavia youth football, Holland Land Office Museum, Paolo Busti Cultural Foundation, Literacy Volunteers, and Little League Baseball.
Adhering to the motto "Once a Cougar, always a Cougar," he ended his speech with those words and firmly placed a GCC Cougar-themed baseball cap on his head.
To view more than 60 photos from GCC's commencement ceremony on Saturday, click here.
Alex M. Maldonado earned a degree in digital art. Photo by Howard Owens
Molly Snyder received a degree in fashion business Photo by Howard Owens
Photo by Howard Owens
Melanie Diaz-Negron earned a degree in nursing. Photo by Howard Owens.
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Timothy Freeman Edgerton, whose distinguished life as a citizen of Genesee County included winning a Golden Gloves championship in 1977 in Texas, died at age 62 at home in Oakfield on May 7.
He is the last known boxer with roots in Batavia to have won a championship.
Edgerton was born Aug. 6, 1960 in Batavia. He graduated from Byron-Bergen and attended GCC for a year. He then transferred to Sam Houston State University in Texas, where he majored in Criminal Justice.
As a youth, Edgerton was captivated by boxing stories of his uncle Norman, who once battled for a Golden Gloves title and lost. In 1976, he took boxing lessons in Rochester. He was unable to get on a Golden Gloves card in Buffalo -- for some reason, the only names drawn were all Buffalo residents, so he hung up his gloves for a little bit.
He moved to Houston, and while there, he decided to try again to compete for a Golden Glove title. While signing up, he was recruited by a boxing team, Cut and Shoot, Texas.
They were a few boxers short for the team, Edgerton told The Batavian in 2013 in an exclusive interview. They could provide people to work his corner. That way, Ederton got help, and if he scores any points, the Cut and Shoot team gets the points.
That sounded like a fair deal, Edgerton said.
"Of course, they had no idea what my skill level was," Ederton said. "They just went into it blind, kind of like I went with them blind."
Then this man from Cut and Shoot, Texas, had another proposal for the 174-pound fighter.
"The guy says, 'What would you think about fighting as a heavyweight?' and I said, 'Are you kidding me?' "
Edgerton would be giving up at least 25 pounds to every fighter he faced.
"You'll be giving up a lot of weight, but you're quick, you're fast," the man said. "Jab and move, stay away from them, try to score some points. Your chances are better as a heavyweight. I know some of the kids in the lightweight division. They're really good. I don't know you, but that's the best I can offer."
Edgerton and Lettie talked it over. The man, whom Edgerton still didn't know from a fence post, seemed to know what he was talking about.
After winning the preliminary bouts, Edgerton was facing a man 45 pounds heavier in the finals.
"He had had to go 220, maybe 225 pounds," Edgerton said. "He was bigger. He was taller. And I won. I don't know how. Maybe out of fear. But I was able to take it to him pretty good.
"It did work out where he was bigger and stronger, but he was slower," Edgerton added. "I could outmaneuver his punches, you know, duck. A couple of times, he swung, and I could just literally feel the air rush overhead. If he ever hit me, I would have been gone. They would have been carrying me out."
The fight went all three rounds, and for a moment, Edgerton thought he could score a knockout.
"In the third round, I almost had enough to put him down," Edgerton said. "He was stumbling back into the ropes, but I didn't have enough.
"In my corner, they yelled out, 'stick and move, stick and move, you got the fight won, just stick and move,' so that's what I did," Edgerton added. "I got on the bicycle, and started sticking, moving, moving, sticking. He couldn't catch me. He was tired. I was in better shape, thank God, and I ended up winning."
With the victory, Edgerton won his Golden Gloves title, and as a heavyweight. Those points also put the team from Cut and Shoot, Texas, over the top for a team championship.
That was Edgerton's last fight. He finished with a career record of 19-6.
Edgerton married Lettie, whom he met in Texas.
He wanted to return home, but couldn't land a crime-fighting job in Genesee County. He went to work for the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, living in Detroit for a while.
Eventually, the job brought him back to Batavia
In 1993, he developed Operation Child Intercept, which has been adopted nationwide, to combat the illicit transportation of missing and abducted children across the international borders into the U.S.
Edgerton served on the Oakfield-Alabama Central School District board for 15 years and was an advocate for student rights, improved school nutrition, and diversity and inclusion. He also served as President and a key member of the Elementary Community School Organization (ECSO), where he helped bring skating parties, winter carnivals, public speakers, and countless other special events to the students and larger community each year.
In Girls Softball on Friday, the Alexander Trojans kept their season going with a 20-5 win over East Rochester.
Freshman Ava Yax, along with Sophomores Faith Goodenbury and Brianna Neyman, led Alexander at the plate as the three hits each for a combined 9-11 on the day.
Ava Yax was 3-4, with four RBIs, two runs scored, and two stolen bases, while Faith Goodenbury was 3-3 with a two-RBI double, one run scored and one stolen base and Brianna Neyman was 3-4 with a double, two RBIs and one run scored. Madison Boyce, Melissa Sawyer, and Carley Shepard all contributed with Multi-hits games. Emily Pietrzykowski extended her hitting streak to 13 games with a triple to right center. The 17 team hits pushed Alexander over 200 team hits on the year.
Madison Boyce picked up her sixth win (6-2) on the bump with another dominant performance where the hurler tossed six innings, allowing five hits, one earned run, and one walk. She whiffed 11 batters. It was her fourth double-digit strikeout outing of the year and brought her strikeout total to 86 through nine starts.
Next up for Alexander (#5 seed) is the Section V Quarterfinal matchup with Oakfield (#4 seed) on Monday at 5 p.m. in Oakfield.
“The girls did a great job in the box again today," said Head Coach John Goodenbury. "Any game that your team can come out and get 17 hits while your pitcher tallies double-digit strikeouts is going to be a good day. Today was nice for the girls, but we all know what lies ahead of us Monday with Oakfield. We will try to focus on the game at hand, but we all had Oakfield on our minds today. That’s going to be a fun game, and they did beat us twice this season by one run each time, so we just want to go in there, play solid defense and let the chips fall where they fall. We’ve had a fantastic season so far, and we just don’t want it to end.”
The Batavian owes publication of this photo to Fran and Bobbi Norton, owners of Norton's Chizzlewood at 4309 Gilhooly Road, Alexander. The Batavian attended a Chamber of Commerce Buisnesss After Hours at Noton's on May 11 and forgot to follow up with coverage. Photo by Howard Owens.Business
Solid home in great location-literally a minute from shopping, dining and thruway entrance for quick commute to wherever you need to go! This 3 bedroom home has a spacious main floor large and bright living room good size kitchen with plenty of cupboards and sliding glass door which leads to great enclosed three season room perfect for all the great weather coming your way! The basement is partially finished into great rec area and utility room has laundry and room for all your storage need's. Located on great City street this home has great yard with loads of perennials and pretty back yard with deck and small patio area ready for you to play and entertain! The home has been well maintained and is ready for the next person to move in and make it their own!
Frank Capuano shared this shot of a woodpecker in his backyard in Batavia. He said he had to act quick to get the shot. By the time he was ready to snap again a crow had chased it away.
The Batavia Police Department would like to thank the Batavia Lions Club for its generous donation and work during the Day of Caring. Batavia PD donated several slightly used bicycles to the Lions Club.
During the Genesee County Day of Caring, the Lions Club partnered with Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle to service/fix up these bikes. Once the tuneups were completed, the Lions Club donated eight bicycles back to Batavia PD to be distributed to local children in need.
The Batavia PD School Resource Officers teamed up with guidance counselors from Batavia City Schools to select these children. Batavia PD and the Lions Club have agreed to continue this partnership in the years to come to ensure we can help the community in which we serve.
Batavia PD would like to thank the Lions Club, Adam Millers, and the Batavia City Schools for their assistance in this newly founded program.
You can’t see it. You can’t smell it. But breathing in high levels of radon can increase your risk of lung cancer even if you don’t smoke. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, and it is estimated to cause over 20,000 deaths each year in the United States. This is the reason it is so important to get your home tested for radon.
Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that seeps into your home through cracks in the foundation, walls and joints. It can be found in well water and in dirt floors. Whether your home has a basement, sits on a slab, is brand-new or old, radon can build-up and go undetected.
Testing your home with a short term radon test kit is a quick and easy way to determine if there are high levels of radon in your home. The Genesee County Health Department has a limited number of short term test kits available free of charge for Genesee County residents. These test kits are easy and quick to use.
“Testing for radon is one of the easiest preventative health measures you can take,” stated Darren Brodie, Environmental Health Director for Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health). “If your radon levels are low, we suggest you test every couple of years. If your radon levels are high, we can give you information about how to mitigate the radon. Either way, you have made an important step to keep your family safe.”
For more information about radon and how to receive a free radon test kit in Genesee County, contact the Genesee County Health Department at 585-344-2580 x5555 or
Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C -Batavia) signed a letter today alongside several Assembly legislators calling on Gov. Hochul to prevent SUNY college campus dormitories and other facilities from being used as undocumented migrant housing during the unprecedented migrant crisis from downstate New York. The letter highlights the need to keep these public schools serving their primary purpose, that being the housing and support of students attending the institutions full-time. Hawley would like to see alternative housing solutions for migrants considered.
“SUNY is considered underfunded and undermaintained as it is,” Hawley said. “The migrant crisis our state is facing is only going to continue if local leaders are not brought in to help coordinate a plan that is the least impactful on residents currently living in these upstate communities. I sincerely hope the governor reconsiders this haphazard proposal before it becomes another unmanageable crisis.”
When Genesee County Board of Elections organizers announced the I Voted sticker contest earlier this year, they hoped for not only more awareness about the election process but also some cool artwork submissions from area students.
The results did not disappoint. This inaugural event reaped several sticker scenarios, with the Grand Prize going to Elijah Webster of Pavilion Central School for a Portrait of Women's Suffrage Leaders Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
First Place went to Olivia Gillard of Batavia Middle School for her rendition of Eagle over Bars.
Both the grand and first prize artworks will be visible on I Voted stickers to be handed out to voters during this year's upcoming elections, and the other winning designs will be used for voter outreach and on social media campaigns.
"It is wonderful to involve our Genesee County students in our electoral process,” Democratic Election Commissioner Lorie Longhany said in a press release Friday. “It will be exciting to see the student’s graphic designs in print and used in our outreach and distributed to voters during early voting and on election day. As an artist and part-time art instructor, I was so pleased with all the designs."
Remaining student recipients are:
Second Place: Logan Almekinder of Pavilion Central School - City Skyline
Third Place: Kelly Parsons, Byron-Bergen Central School - I Voted Teddy Bear
Honorable Mention: Summer Snyder, Alexander Central School - I Voted Snail on Stars and Bars
Honorable Mention: Piper Hargrave, Alexander Central School - I Voted Epic on Stars and Bars
Honorable Mention: Maddy McKenzie, Pavilion Central School - I Voted Abstract
The I Voted committee congratulates the winners who were chosen and for all artists who submitted "so many incredible designs."
Superintendent Jason Smith, city schools, shared this photo of a duck on her eggs in a tree at John Kennedy School in Batavia. He said he spotted the duck this morning while making his rounds. "She has been appropriately named Kennedy," he said.
3238 Broadway Road, Alexander.Super solid and well maintained Village home that will charm you as soon as you pull in the driveway! This home has been updated regularly throughout the years so you can move right in and feel at home. This home has everything at your fingertips-homey eat-in kitchen with tons of cupboards, cathedral ceiling with skylite, letting in loads of natural light - and super convenient side pantry/laundry room that holds all your extras and lets you be productive while cooking dinner! Large family room with gas fireplace and 1/2 bath perfect for all your large gatherings as well as a super cozy front living room leading to first floor bedroom and two more additional upstairs bedrooms! This homes exterior is as inviting as the interior! With a double wide driveway for all your guests and large 2 car garage for all your toys there is also pretty landscaping and the most inviting screened in welcoming porch that will make you want to sit down and relax! Delayed negotiations till Wednesday May 24th at 7 p.m.-please allow 24 hours for life of offer
Head Coach Harry Rascoe, left, and Drew Crofts, assistant athletic director at Genesee Community College, promote the Genesee County Spartans’ use of the new football field at GCC this season.
The Genesee County Spartans football club travels north this Saturday for a non-league game against the host Watertown Red and Black.
“Watertown is a powerhouse in the Gridiron Developmental Football League and an awesome organization, but if we play Spartans football – hard-nosed and disciplined – I feel we can play with any team in the country,” said Head Coach Harry Rascoe.
That’s a strong statement considering that Rascoe and his coaching staff have had only a couple months to recruit players and conduct practices in preparation for their inaugural season in the Northeastern Football Alliance.
Rascoe said that the team’s quarterbacks – Joe Canzoneri and Alex Rood – will each play two quarters against Watertown as the competition for the starting job continues.
“This weekend will allow us to get a look at both QBs and see some players at different positions in a real game. We are excited to play finally after weeks of practice,” he said.
Canzoneri is a 2010 graduate of Batavia High School and a three-year starter at QB for the Blue Devils. He attended GCC for two years. Today, he owns his own barber shop on Ellicott Street.
“I joined the team because I wanted to see if I still have it or not,” he said, noting that he held a couple passing records at BHS.
Rood graduated from BHS in 2020, went on to play quarterback at Geneva College and now competes in track and field at Brockport State College.
“This is a great opportunity to continue playing at the semi-pro level,” he said.
When the squad’s regular home season gets underway on June 17 (opponent to be determined), the game will take place at the new synthetic turf football field behind the Richard C. Call Arena at Genesee Community College.
GCC Assistant Athletic Director Drew Crofts said the college is eager to show off the facility.
“It was completed last summer and it’s something we’re very proud of,” he said. “A lot of people don’t know that it’s here; it’s kind of a hidden gem.”
Crofts said the plan is to host different teams on the field, which also serves as the venue for the college’s lacrosse and soccer teams.
“We’re excited about having the Spartans play here. The team is great for the community, so we’re hoping they draw big crowds.”
Rascoe, a GCC graduate, said his staff and players “are pumped to be the first football team to play at the new stadium.”
“We can’t thank the community and all of our sponsors enough for the support,” he added.
The remainder of the Spartans’ schedule is as follows:
June 3 – at Auburn June 10 – at Lockport June 17 – home vs. TBD, 7 p.m. June 24 – home vs. Broome County, 7 p.m. July 15 – at Broome County July 22 – home vs. Lockport, 7 p.m. Aug. 5 – TBD Aug. 12 – home vs. Auburn, 7 p.m.
GENESEE COUNTY SPARTANS ROSTER 0 Jedidiah ReeseRB/WR 1 Marc Montana K 2 Alex Rood QB/RB 3 Jzon Richardson Sr. RB/WR 4 Tyler Budzinack WR/DB 5 Josh Bradley WR 6 Patrick Krantz DB 7 Gunner Rapone DE/OL 8 Joe Canzoneri QB 9 Dame Butler Sr. DB 10 Eric Snell TE 11 Corey Nicholas WR/DB 12 Evan Cummings WR/DB 13 Alan Riggi WR/DB 14 Kier Moore WR.DB 16 Marley English DE/LB 17 Daryl Leach DB/LB 20 Brandon Bethel FB/LB 21 Delonta Curry LB/DB 22 Cody Wenner DB 23 Rob William Jr. RB 24 Kris Geising DB 25 Tre Woods DB 26 Dillon Szpaicher LB/DL 27 Baylee VerCruysse OL/DL 28 Keith Neureuter DB 29 Dylan Bordonaro WR 32 Brooks BoyleLB/DB 33 Robert Thurston Jr. TE 39 Howie Wilson TE/DE 40 Matt Dillon LB 42 Kyle Dougherty LB/DL 44 Ethan Jennings LB/DE 45 Amir Cleveland DB 46 AJ Spearance LB 52 Jordan Chambers RT 53 Alton Rupp C 56 Steve Kowalczyk DT 58 Jon Grann LB 65 Chezeray Rolle DT 67 Travis Mosher DT 68 Adam Hausfelder OL/DL 70 Tim KingOL/DL 71 Anthony NatrigoFB/LB 75 Austyn FernandezOL/DL 78 Randy Reiner DL 88 TJ Henderson DE/TE 92 Matt Mead OL/DL 98 Steve Stink OL/DL 99 Rylee Elliott OL/DL
COACHING STAFF Harr Rascoe, Head Coach/Offensive Coordinator Craig Tiberio, Defensive Coordinator Burton Howell, Special Teams/Offensive Assistant Cody Vohs, Line Coach
For more information about the team, including how to become a sponsor, go to the team’s Genesee County Spartans Facebook page or contact Rascoe at
Alex Rood, left, and Joe Canzoneri will be under center for the Spartans as they compete in the Northern Football Alliance.
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