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GCC's Sunser announces retirement

By Howard B. Owens
jim sunser
GCC President Jim Sunser during the college's 2023 commencement.
Photo  by Howard Owens

Press release:

After more than a decade of leadership and service to the institution, Genesee Community College President, Dr. James Sunser, announced that he intends to retire at the conclusion of the 2023-24 academic year.

In a personal message, Sunser informed the campus community and thanked colleagues for being partners in always holding student success as the highest priority.

"My time at Genesee has represented some of the most rewarding of my long professional career in higher education," said Sunser. "I have been honored to serve a dedicated board of trustees, faculty and staff that always put students and their success at the center of every decision. I could not have asked for more, and I will leave with a heart filled with gratitude. I want to thank the entire GCC community for the support and friendship you have offered me over so many years."

During his time leading GCC, Sunser oversaw the development of the Richard C. Call Arena and the Student Success Center, capital projects that represented the largest fundraising efforts ever undertaken by the College. He also provided leadership during the historic COVID-19 pandemic that drastically altered the delivery of services, never wavering from the commitment to putting students first.

Prior to his service at GCC, Sunser held several senior-level positions at SUNY Onondaga Community College over a 22-year period. In addition, he served five years as an administrator at Syracuse University. He currently serves as the Immediate Past Chair of the Middle State Commission on Higher Education's Executive Committee, where he previously served two terms as Chair in 2020 and 2021.

In the coming months, the Genesee Community College Board of Trustees will launch a comprehensive search for the next campus president.

SRO's duties include disturbances, criminal mischief, building relationships and prom

By Joanne Beck
SROs Borchert and Stevens
File Photo of Batavia City School District School Resource Officers Connor Borchert and Miah Stevens.

School Resource Officer Miah Stevens receives a lot of questions about what she does every day at Batavia City Schools, and the answer is simple, she says.

“We're just placed in the school. We do everything we would do on the road and more. We get to build relationships with students, we get to kind of act as counselors in certain situations,” she said during the school board’s meeting this week. “For our agreement with the schools, we go to the training from the state of New York Police Juvenile Officers Association. So we are members of this, and basically they just help us stay up to date on laws that change or any other information that we should need to know.”

She gave the presentation along with the latest addition, second SRO Connor Borchert, who began in September 2022.

"So the roles of an SRO wear many different hats, as you all may know, but typically, the goals of a well-defined SRO program include providing safe learning environments in our nation's schools providing valuable resources, school staff members, fostering positive relationships with youth, developing strategies to resolve problems affecting youth and protecting all students so that they can reach their fullest potential. This is right off of a national school resource officer website,” Borchert said.

A school resource officer (SRO) is defined by that state site as “a carefully selected, specifically trained, and properly equipped law enforcement officer with sworn authority, trained in school-based law enforcement and crisis response and assigned by an employing law enforcement agency to work collaboratively with one or more schools using community-oriented policing concepts.”

So when Stevens is asked what she does, she explains that “we need to participate in the program,” no matter what program that may be. She and/or Borchert were at open houses, Careers and Candy, Shop with a Cop, Polar Plunge, family reading nights, Thanksgiving food drives, bike raffles, Golisano’s Hospital toy drive, Community Night Out, and Lion’s Club Day of Caring.

They were also at various sporting events and banquets, school dances, plays, musicals, the Mr. Batavia competition and graduation ceremonies.

“You know, we're definitely looking for more opportunities to get in the classroom, so the kids know our names and we know their names is truly helpful,” Stevens said. “Some of this is police jargon, it's what we would consider a call, you know, dealing with, we do a lot of community policing, assist, citizen can call for anything. We're doing lockouts for somebody in the parking lot to having somebody with a personal problem. But basically, we have a large range of different types of things we handle, like I said, pretty much anything that we would handle on  the road, if it involves the school in any way.

“You know, it just creates a partnership where now, if students get into an altercation outside of school, they are now coming into school and a lot of times those problems come with them. So it kind of gives the school another resource,” she said. “We get to be that liaison where they can say hey, we heard so and so I was involved in an incident … is there anything we should be on the lookout for and then I can either go back and either I'm getting an email from one of my co-workers or I'm going back and looking at the call log and reading the call and being able to say, okay, this is kind of what we should expect from this.”

Incidents handled or SRO involvements (no total numbers provided) in the 2022-2023 school year included:

  • Harassments
  • Disturbances
  • Suspicious Conditions
  • Mental Health Situations
  • Community Policing
  • Assist Citizen
  • Bus Issues
  • Fire Alarms (Intentional and Accidental)
  • Property Accidents
  • Larcenies
  • Courtesy Transports
  • Superintendent’s Hearings
  • Classroom Lessons
  • Check Welfare
  • Students and staff personal issues
  • Criminal Mischief
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Home visits
  • 911 Hangup calls
  • Parking Complaints
  • Property Complaints
  • Sporting events
  • Lockdown/ Fire Drills
  • Mediations

Stevens said that adding a second SRO allowed for more feasible coverage of five schools, split up coverage for both officers, and allowed for more positive interactions with staff and students. Both officers will be working toward future goals of a DARE program and the I Love You Guys standard response protocol, which is to enhance proactive communication between the school district, police department and community.

“It's easier now to build relationships with the school community, we have a lot more positive interactions with staff and students, which is really the goal and that's really what we're looking for," she said. "You know, I've had so many more people come up to me this year, now that they're used to seeing my face and they're saying, Oh, my God, I'm so glad you're here today. And then when they get to see both of us and we're both walking around the football games, and we're both handling prom, you know, I had multiple parents come up to us the other night when we were at prom and say, I'm so thankful that you guys are gonna be here all night. Because it's just in this era. It's just, it's an easier solution.”

Celebrating Dairy Month: it takes 'a lot of labor and love'

By Joanne Beck
Addison Kaberle, Maggie Winspear, back, Amelia Brewer, Ian Kaberle
Members of Elba's Future Farmers of America, front row, Addison Keberle and Maggie Winspear, and back row, Amelia Brewer and Ian Keberle, celebrate Dairy Month after a proclamation presentation during the Genesee County Legislature meeting Wednesday at the Old County Courthouse. Photo by Joanne Beck.

Things aren’t what they used be on the dairy farm where Ian Keberle has worked since being a kid, he says. Though just 18, the Elba student has witnessed the dawning of technological miracles.

“Everything’s robotic now, like, we just installed a 72-cell robotic rotary parlor that only requires one person to manage it,” Ian said in the lobby of the Old County Courthouse in Batavia. “So the amount of automation that has been involved in the dairy industry is just astounding. I don’t think many people realize that it’s not just a job. For many dairy farmers, it’s a lifestyle. This is what my family chose to do, and this is what we love doing.”

Ian and three fellow Elba students and members of Future Farmers of America had just been upstairs in Genesee County’s Legislative chambers for a photo and reading of a proclamation for June’s Dairy Month.

All four students are active on dairy farms, with three of them working at Oakfield Corners Dairy, a division of Lamb Farms, on Batavia-Elba Townline Road in Oakfield. 

For anyone that thinks farming is strictly a male pursuit, Ian’s peers can counter that notion. Maggie Winspear, 17, is in her third year of FFA.

“It's really important to get the attention from people that don't know a lot about dairy and get them to understand why we love farming so much and why we do what we do,” Maggie said. “And it's just a connection, you make a connection with the animals and the people. And it's always fun working and just coming to work at a farm.”

Ian, 18, and his younger sister Addison also work at Oakfield Corners, where their dad is a manager. While her brother will graduate this year and plans to study agribusiness in college, Addison, 15, is taking care of the clinical aspects of the job.

“I work at the calf facility, I mainly do vaccinations with them. I kind of held out a little bit here and there. I'm still kind of too young to do a lot of major activities,” she said. “Some days, it's easy. Some days, it's hard. It's kind of a mixture.”

The Batavian asked Ian what he’d want the public to know about the dairy industry it might not otherwise understand.

“It’s not just a way to make money; it’s wonderful to see the effects that you have in the community providing a good nutritious dairy product on the tables of everything,” he said.

In October last year, the Elba FFA Chapter competed in the National FFA Dairy Evaluation and Management Competition in Indiana, and Ian was one of two members awarded national gold individually, and Amelia Brewer was one of two members awarded national silver individually.

Amelia is also in her fifth year and has worked on her family’s Post Dairy Farm, also on Batavia Elba Townline Road, “for my entire life,” she said. She has no plans to slow down after going to college.

“It's been in my family for five generations. I'm hopefully going to be the sixth generation,” Amelia said. “So I've just grown up in the industry, and I've grown a passion and a love for it. So it's what I'm going to pursue in the future, and it's something I'm pursuing now.

“I would like to come back to our farm, but I also would like to set up a creamery on our farm and bring another ag tourist stop because I believe that it's very important to give people the opportunity to see where their products are coming from and get to experience what goes into making those products, because a lot of labor goes into the dairy industry, a lot of labor and love.”

The proclamation states:

WHEREAS, the Dairy Industry has contributed to the development and prosperity of our community since the earliest formation of Genesee County, and

WHEREAS, since 1937 the rich history of Dairy production and its producers has been recognized across our great nation in an effort to savor the natural goodness in one of the most wholesome agricultural products, and

WHEREAS, dairy farmers and farm workers strive to produce wholesome dairy milk which is used to make delicious dairy products like yogurts, cheeses, butter, sour cream and ice creams that provide health benefits and valuable nutritional     benefit to residents locally, regionally and globally, and

WHEREAS, in 2014 the fourth-graders at Byron-Bergen Elementary School began the push and later saw signed into law, the recognition of YOGURT as New York State’s official snack, and 

WHEREAS, the Dairy Industry in Genesee County is a significant contributor to the economy of our County, its Bread and Butter, allowing our landscape, citizens and businesses to flourish, and

WHEREAS, as of May 2021, the USDA Food Box Program sent over 176 million boxes to our hungry neighbors brimming with high quality Dairy products to fill a nutritional need nationally yet sourced locally. Now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Genesee County Legislature does hereby proclaim the Month of June 2023 as DAIRY MONTH and extend our thanks to the dedicated men and women who produce world-class dairy products enjoyed nationwide.

Photos: Flag Day at Jackson Primary School

By Howard B. Owens
jackson school flag day

Jackson Primary School in Batavia hosted a Flag Day celebration on Wednesday with the help of the Genesee County Honor Guard.

Members of the honor guard at the school were Tom Cecere, who read a history of the U.S. Flag for students, Philip Gaudy, Carl Hyde, and Tom Balonek.  All four men are military veterans.

Photos by Howard Owens

jackson school flag day
jackson school flag day
jackson school flag day
jackson school flag day
jackson school flag day
jackson school flag day
jackson school flag day
jackson school flag day
jackson school flag day
jackson school flag day
Mason Hubbard read a report he wrote with facts about the U.S. Flag based on his own research.

Ralph is missing in Pavilion

By Howard B. Owens
lost dog

Ralph was feeling lost without his companion Sue Stone so when she took a trip to Boston, he ran off from his pet sitter in Pavilion and now is really lost.

He's a rescue and skittish around people.  If you see him, call 585-356-4089, and someone will come right over.

Animal Control also knows he's missing.

UPDATE 4:29 p.m.: The owner has learned that Ralph was struck by a car on Route 20 and has passed away.

Police investigating use of stolen credit cards

By Press Release
batavia pd fraud
Person of interest in stolen credit card case.
Submitted photo.

Press release:

The Batavia Police Department is investigating the use of stolen credit cards and is seeking the public's assistance with identifying the two pictured individuals.  If anyone knows who they are, please contact Det. Matt Wojtaszczyk at 585-345-6357, or you can leave a tip on the confidential tip line.

batavia pd fraud
Person of interest in stolen credit card case.
Submitted photo.

Tenney says vote supports second amendment rights for disabled veterans and law-abiding gun owners

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of Claudia Tenney

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today voted in favor of H.J. Res. 44, a resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives relating to "Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached 'Stabilizing Braces."

This legislation, which Tenney cosponsored, passed the House by a vote of 219-210.

The stabilizing brace was invented in 2012 to assist disabled veterans that had difficulty controlling their firearms. After its creation, the brace was sent to the ATF for review to ensure that the brace did not change the firearm’s classification under federal law. 

Under the Obama administration, the ATF ruled that adding a stabilizing brace to a firearm would not change its classification under federal law. However, now the Biden administration’s radical and weaponized ATF has reversed this longstanding policy in a blatantly politicized policy change that directly targets law-abiding gun and stabilizing brace owners.

The proposed regulation, known as Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached Stabilizing Braces, seeks to redefine pistols equipped with stabilizing brace attachments as short-barreled rifles (SBRs). This reclassification would impact an estimated 10-40 million Americans, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service.

Stabilizing braces help individuals, particularly those with disabilities, safely and securely handle their firearms. By redefining pistols with stabilizing braces as SBRs, they would need to be registered with the ATF in addition to the application of expensive and onerous regulations.

Failure to comply with these new requirements would carry penalties of up to 10 years in prison and substantial fines. Stabilizing brace owners who do not register their pistol with a stabilizing brace would be required to either render their firearm inoperable, surrender it to the ATF, or detach the brace in a manner that prevents reattachment.

“The Biden administration’s pistol brace rule threatens to turn veterans and responsible, law-abiding gun owners into felons overnight,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “By passing this disapproval resolution, House Republicans are taking decisive action to prevent the Biden administration's overreach and infringement on the constitutional rights of all Americans, particularly the rights of our disabled veterans. This crucial disapproval resolution will work to prevent the Biden administration from unjustly radicalizing the ATF and turning lawful gun owners into felons by redefining pistols into SBRs.”

Read the full text of the resolution here.

Catholic Charities names Katelyn DiSalvo to tri-county district director

By Press Release

Press Release:  

Katelyn DiSalvo

Catholic Charities of Buffalo has promoted Katelyn DiSalvo to tri-county district director.

In her new role, she is responsible for the overall administration and functioning of Catholic Charities’ three tri-county offices located at 106 South Main St., Albion, 25 Liberty St., Batavia, and 6470 US-20A, Perry, which include the emergency financial assistance program, friendly phones, and home visitation programming.

“Over the last five years, Katelyn has often been the first point of contact for individuals and families looking to Catholic Charities for hope and support during some of their darkest hours,” said Deacon Steve Schumer, president and CEO, Catholic Charities. “A long-time resident of Genesee County, Katelyn understands the needs and community resources to best serve our clients and lead our tri-county team of staff and volunteers.”

With Catholic Charities since 2018, DiSalvo most recently served as an emergency financial assistance specialist, providing support to clients in emergency situations. She also assisted the district director with office responsibilities and local community outreach projects. DiSalvo is a Batavia resident.

Photo courtesy of Catholic Charities.

GCC team members honored with SUNY Chancellor's awards for excellence

By Press Release
2022-2023 SUNY Chancellor’s Award winners

Press Release:

Six exceptional members of the Genesee Community College team have been recognized by the State University of New York for outstanding contributions to their profession, the campus, and the community. The SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence is given in recognition of consistently superior professional achievement and encourages the ongoing pursuit of excellence.

The following faculty and staff members earned a SUNY Chancellor Award for the 2022 - 2023 academic year.

Kenneth G. Rainis was awarded the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching. This award recognizes consistently superior teaching at the graduate, undergraduate or professional level in keeping with the State University's commitment to providing its students with instruction of the highest quality.

Ken has been a member of GCC's Math/Science faculty since 2015 and has taught a wide variety of courses, including Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology, and Human Nutrition. Ken's over 45-year experience in science education and as a science education author go well beyond the textbook since lessons need to come to life with real-world applications. Ken is a highly experienced individual known for his creativity, adaptability, and connectivity inside and outside the classroom. He is committed to high-quality standards and nurturing student curiosity.

Gary J. Boccaccio was honored with the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in the Classified Service, a system-level award established by SUNY to give system-wide recognition for superior performance and extraordinary achievement by employees in the Classified Service. These awards demonstrate the University's commitment to individuals who provide superior service to its students and the community at large.

Gary has been a member of GCC's classified staff in the position of Custodial Worker since 2005. He is an individual dedicated to his work and possesses an exemplary work ethic. Gary is reliable, takes pride in what he does, and is always willing to go above and beyond what is required of him. Gary finds joy in what he does and is committed to making meaningful contributions to the college. His positive attitude and commitment inspire others.

Karyn S. Bryson received the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service, which recognizes the consistently superior service contributions of teaching faculty. This service must be sustained over multiple years and may occur in a variety of venues.

Karyn has been a member of GCC's Paralegal faculty since 2008. She has provided outstanding service both in and out of the classroom and truly is committed to the entire college community and learning environment. In addition to her excellence in the classroom, she has made significant contributions to the college through her service. A few examples include her instituting a chapter of the National Honor Society for paralegal students, implementing a HyFlex modality for the delivery of her instruction, reorganizing the Student Paralegal Association, and serving as a leader for the Genesee Educational Association.

Kristen L. Hargrave was recognized with the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service. This award recognizes consistently superior professional achievement within and beyond the position.

Kristen has been a member of GCC's Records Office since 2015, where she began as a Transfer Coordinator and was then promoted to Assistant Registrar. She is an individual dedicated to mastering her role and accomplishing a great deal of work beyond the outline of her position description. A few samples of her work include redesigning the college's transfer services web page, supporting student completion by maintaining and continuously improving the Degree Works system, creating shared resources to assist in campus-wide collaboration and advisement of students, and serving as the college's Curriculum Secretary and Genesee Educational Association Secretary.

Maureen "Moi" E. Dugan was awarded the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, which supports the pursuits foundational to sustaining the intellectual growth of SUNY institutions by recognizing consistently outstanding scholarly and creative productivity, conducted in addition to teaching by SUNY's instructional faculty.

Moi has been a member of GCC since 2006. Some of her career highlights include integrating art with the campus and community through an annual pottery fundraiser for the college's food pantry and implementing a summer studio fine arts camp for youth. She participated in the development of the Roz Steiner Art Gallery, working with the Gallery Advisory Board and architects in the evolution of the gallery design and vision. Beyond the classroom, she donates a significant amount of time to various organizations, exhibits her pottery nationally, and engages in regular professional development to learn new techniques that she can engage her students with.

Daniel E. Snyder was honored with the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching. This award recognizes consistently superior teaching at the graduate, undergraduate, or professional level in keeping with the State University's commitment to providing its students with instruction of the highest quality.

Dan has been a member of GCC since 2007 and a full-time faculty member since 2019. His approach to teaching is customized, effective, and empowering. Dan understands the importance of connecting to each student and adapting to the various classroom atmospheres he encounters. He has an engaging personality that students find intriguing, does not get intimidated easily, and adapts to any learning environment.

President of Genesee Community College, Dr. James Sunser, said, "We are incredibly proud of the exceptional individuals who have received the SUNY Chancellor's Awards for Excellence. Kenneth Rainis, Gary Boccaccio, Karyn Bryson, Kristen Hargrave, Maureen Dugan, and Daniel Snyder have consistently demonstrated outstanding contributions to their respective fields, our campus, and the community. Their commitment to excellence and dedication have had a profound impact on our students and the overall educational experience at Genesee Community College."

Photo courtesy of Genesee Community College

Got your $1 million liability? Open containers welcome

By Joanne Beck
beertavia 2016
File photo by Howard Owens.

What’s that in Jackson Square? Open containers for alcohol, now that City Council has approved them, with a few special contingencies in place.

After much discussion a few weeks ago about allowing open containers within the confines of Jackson Square — surrounded by buildings and alleyways within Main, Jackson, School and Center streets — council agreed to try out the concept during spring, summer and fall events. But not without some protection, as requested by City Manager Rachael Tabelski.

Those extra precautionary measures include:

  • Bars and restaurants bordering and participating in Square events shall provide the city with general liability coverage in an amount of at least $1 million, naming the city as additional insured, and provide liquor liability coverage for off-premises naming the city as additional insured with a minimum of $1 million in coverage.
  • Prior to permitting any open containers in Jackson Square, the city shall be provided with the necessary insurance certificate and policies from the participating bars and restaurants and will approve coverages as a condition of participation.
  • A yearly review, or as necessary, of the policy.

During council’s last meeting two weeks ago, business owner Matt Gray spoke about the positives to come from allowing people to mill about in the Square with alcoholic beverages, including how the state liquor authority only allows four licenses per business, and this would free up his and other restaurants to host more outdoor events.

The current policy prevented folks from being able to carry their beverages with them to enjoy the outdoor concerts in the Square, and an open container policy may help establishments to get cross traffic, he said, such as Center Street Smokehouse, Eli Fish Brewing Company and O’Lacy’s, which surround the Square.

Likewise, Mary Jo Whitman, who has been involved with the Ramble Music and Arts Festival, said she thought that loosening the open container policy would bring more people into Jackson Square and provide more opportunities for people to enjoy a drink while participating in the outdoor events. 

And offering a different perspective on the same subject, James Simonds said he favored the policy because it might encourage recycling of container materials by keeping them in one area.

Council approved the application for open containers, per a request from the Business Improvement District and local groups, including Genesee County Chamber, GO ART!, and city business and restaurant owners. It is to take effect now for any business that provides the required liability insurance per stated above.

Jackson Square is about to get busy at 7  p.m. with a line-up of:

  • Old Hippies June 23 and 30
  • Ramble Music & Arts Festival July 1 (All Day)
  • Skycats July 7
  • Jim E Leggs July 14
  • Bluesway Band  July 21
  • Creekbend  July 28
  • Don Newcomb  Aug. 4
  • Songbirds Aug. 11
  • Ohms Band Aug. 18
  • Ghost Riders Aug. 25

Funding request approved for July 3 fireworks, 'Dogs owner gives back

By Joanne Beck
robbie nichols muckdogs sweeping dwyer
Muckdogs owner Robbie Nichols helps clean Dwyer Stadium on May 30 during a scrimmage game before the start of the 2023 season.  General Manager Marc Witt on the left. 
Pis hoto by Howard Owens

It took a few minutes for Batavia Muckdogs owner Robbie Nichols to answer the phone Tuesday, which is understandable.

Not only does he plan for special events, network and take care of finances for the business, but also the minor details of minor league baseball.

“I was just moving garbage cans around the ballpark,” he said. "Whatever needs to be done."

Nichols had recently made a request that $4,000 originally granted to GO ART! for Picnic in the Park be instead given to Batavia Muckdogs for a Fourth of July fireworks display after the July 3 ball game. City Council approved the request during its business meeting Monday, and The Batavian called Nichols for comment.

“We're glad that it was approved, and we're just gonna give it back to the city and the show. So we're excited about that. We do have fireworks on that night, it's going to be more grandiose, like a big city fireworks show sponsored by the city,” he said. “And so obviously, this will be a much larger show. And thank you to the city. And like we said, we'll get tickets out to those people that could use them.”

dwyer stadium fireworks
Fireworks at Dwyer Stadium in 2018.
Photo by Howard Owens.

In his letter requesting the additional funds, Nichols pledged to donate 100 tickets for families in need. On Tuesday, he said it would likely be more than 100 tickets, as he wanted to make it possible for any families that couldn’t otherwise afford to attend to be able to also enjoy the Fourth of July festivities.

“We enjoy being part of the community, and we enjoy being involved in as many events as possible in Batavia,” he said in his letter to council.

Julia Rogers, coordinator of the Batavia City Community Schools program, will be referring families for the tickets, City Manager Rachael Tabelski said.

Nichols and staff were glad that the money was awarded to them, he said, and they have no plans to keep it, treating it in the same vein as they do Dwyer Stadium:  “This is a city facility. It’s not our facility. We’re just the holders of the keys,” he said.

“You know, we're really excited. We put a lot of hard work into Batavia. (General Manager) Marc Witt does a great job with all the groups and people that he brings here. This Friday is Batavia Blue Devil night, and it's gonna be a large crowd, and Monday's game got rained out, and we already had a large crowd coming Monday night, so Friday should be another sold-out game, and we're really happy,” he said. “We had three sell-outs in our first four (games). So we're pretty happy, and we know we're going to sell out this next one. So the crowds keep coming out. We're just happy. They like our product and like what we do here.

“And we want people to enjoy it. You know, every weekend, people don't know we have baseball games, from morning to night. GLOW uses our field every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,” he said. “So if the Dogs aren't playing, we have youth baseball being played from eight in the morning ’til eight at night almost every Friday, Saturday, Sunday.”

That was enough talk. He had other tasks to do.

“We get a lot of trash,” he said.

fireworks dwyer stadium 2018
Fireworks at Dwyer Stadium in 2018.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Twelve of 17 directors appointed to 'new' WROTB board; no word from Erie, Monroe, Buffalo yet

By Mike Pettinella

Twelve of the 17 people who will represent their counties or cities on the reconfigured Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp.’s board of directors have been appointed with a little more than a week to go before their next scheduled meeting.

WROTB President/Chief Executive Officer Henry Wojtaszek provided the names of the newly appointed directors to The Batavian this morning, noting that the Democratic-leaning municipalities of Erie and Monroe counties and the City of Buffalo have yet to announce their selections.

As previously reported first on The Batavian, Charles Zambito of Elba, former Genesee County Court judge, has been appointed to represent the host county in matters concerning Batavia Downs Gaming, Harness Track, The Hotel at Batavia Downs and the public benefit company’s Off-Track Betting locations.

Zambito was appointed by the Genesee County Legislature on May 24 to replace longtime director Richard Siebert, who stepped down after learning of the significant changes made by the powers-that-be in Albany to the board’s structure and voting format.

Legislation passed by state lawmakers dismantled the board – forcing county governments and executives to appoint new (or reappoint current) directors – and changed the voting procedure from one municipality/one vote to a weighted system based on population.

The change puts the majority of the “power” in the hands of directors from Erie and Monroe counties and Buffalo and Rochester.

Erie County will have 24 votes, followed by Monroe County (20), Buffalo (10) and Rochester (eight). Niagara County also has eight votes, while Chautauqua has five; Oswego, four; Steuben, Wayne, Cattaraugus and Cayuga, three each; Livingston and Genesee, two each; Wyoming, Orleans, Seneca and Schuyler, one each. The directors will serve four-year terms.

Richard Bianchi (Monroe County), who served as board chair for 13 years, was not reappointed to the board. Others not reappointed are Francis Warthling (Erie County), Paul Lattimore (Cayuga County), Philip Barnes (Schuyler County) and Michelle Parmer-Garner (Buffalo).

Lattimore and Barnes had not attended any meetings over the past four years while Parmer-Garner missed the last 18 meetings and many prior to that.

Directors reappointed to the board are Edward Morgan (Orleans County), Susan May (Wyoming County), Mark Burr (Cattaraugus County), Vincent Horrigan (Chautauqua County), Thomas Wamp (Livingston County), Elliott Winter (Niagara County), Mark Bombardo (Oswego County), Dennis Bassett (Rochester), Richard Ricci (Seneca County), Michael Horton (Steuben County) and Kenneth Lauderdale (Wayne County).

When asked if a chair and vice chair would be elected at the next board meeting on June 22, Wojtaszek said it depends upon if there is a quorum (which, again, is subjected to weighted voting). Morgan was the vice chair of the previous board.

Previously: County legislature chair on WROTB changes: 'Completely unfair, totally unnecessary'

Bergen and Byron republican primary elections begin June 17

By Press Release

Press Release:

On June 27 there will be a Republican Primary election ONLY in the Towns of Bergen and Byron. Only registered Republicans from Bergen and Byron are eligible to vote. There will be early voting for the Bergen and Byron Primary. 

There will be 9 days of early voting beginning June 17 – June 25 at the ARC Community Center, 38 Woodrow Rd., Batavia. Schedule as follows:

  • Saturday, June 17, 9 a.m - 5 p.m.
  • Sunday, June 18, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Monday, June 19, 9 a.m. 5 p.m.
  • Tuesday, June 20, 12 p.m. - 8 p.m.
  • Wednesday, June 21, 12 p.m. - 8 p.m.
  • Thursday, June 22, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Friday, June 23, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Saturday, June 24, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Sunday, June 25, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Polling sites in Bergen and Byron will be open on June 27 from 6 a.m. - 9 p.m. Check your poll-site at or call Genesee County Board of Elections at (585) 815-7804. All poll sites are accessible.

Absentee Ballot Information for Bergen and Byron Primaries Call the Board of Elections to request an absentee ballot or use the NY State Portal; The last day for the Board of Elections to receive an absentee ballot application is June 12.

Last day to apply in person is June 26 and ballot must be received at the poll site or Board of Elections no later than 9 p.m. on June 27. Last day to postmark ballot is June 27 and must be received by Board of Election no later than July 3. 

Registration Deadlines June 17 is the last day Application must be received by Board of Elections to be eligible to vote in the June 27 Primary. Registration forms can be found here;

Any questions, requests for registration forms, absentee applications, please call Genesee County Board of Elections at 585-815-7804 or visit our website

Law and Order: Le Roy man accused of holding person against that person's will in moving car

By Howard B. Owens

Johnny Burton Koonce, Jr., 32, of Conlon Road, Le Roy, is charged with unlawful imprisonment 1st and harassment 2nd. Koonce is accused of refusing to let a person out of a moving vehicle and of shoving the person's head into the door of the vehicle during an incident reported at 11:23 p.m. on June 11 on Route 20 in Pavilion. Koonce was held pending arraignment.

Justin T. Calmes, 45, of Watson Street, Batavia, is charged with open burning.  Calmes is accused of violating the Batavia Municipal Code on May 26 by conducting an open burn at a residence on Watson Street. Calmes, according to police, had been previously advised of city code regarding open burns. He was issued an appearance ticket.

Ricky L. Miller, 41, of State Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny and harassment. Miller was charged after allegedly stealing $400 from Tops Market on West Main Street on May 24. He allegedly shoved the store manager when confronted in an attempt to flee.  Miller was issued an appearance ticket.

Brinson M. Blocker, 29, of Barry Street, Brockport, is charged with DWI and running a red light. Blocker was stopped at 2:29 a.m. on May 21 at an undisclosed location in the City of Batavia. He was arraigned in Centralized Arraignment Court.  His release status is unknown.

Charles B. Lee, 47, of West Bergen Road, Bergen, is charged with operating a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs. Lee was stopped by Officer Kegvin Defelice on Sept 29 at an undisclosed location in the city of Batavia. He was arrested on May 26 following the completion of bloodwork in a crime lab.  He was issued traffic tickets and ordered to return to City Court on a later date.

Nathan W. Campbell, 42, no permanent address, is charged with trespass. Campbell is accused of returning to a business on East Main Street on May 31 a few hours after being banned from the location for reportedly causing a disturbance. He was issued an appearance ticket.

Matthew J. Wenzel, 36, of State Street,  Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Wenzel is accused of stealing medication from a family member. He was issued an appearance ticket.

Josia G.J. Culver, 18, of Tracy Avenue, Batavia, is charged with attempted burglary 3rd and criminal mischief 3rd.  Culver is accused of attempting to break into a business in City Centre on May 15.  It was Culver's third arrest in May for allegedly attempting to break into the same business. Following the arrest, he was ordered held in the Genesee County Jail.

Adam B. Thomas, 34, of South Main Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal mischief 3rd. Thomas is accused of damaging family property at his residence on May 28. He was arraigned in Centralized Arraignment Court. His release status is unknown.

Richard A. Demmer, Jr., 30, no known address, is charged with attempted robbery 3rd. Demmer is accused of attempting to rob the 7-Eleven on May 29. He was released on his own recognizance. 

Jaqulyn A. Dueppengiesser, 39, of Page Road, Perry, was arrested on two warrants for failing to appear. Dueppengiesser was reportedly located in a dumpster on May 25 by Officer Felicia Martinez after receiving a call of a suspicious condition at a local business. The first warrant stems from a criminal possession of a controlled substance 5th charge, a Class D felony, arrest on April 11. On that arrest, Dueppengiesser was arraigned in City Court and released under the supervision of Genesee Justice pending her next appearance.  The second warrant stems from a petit larceny arrest on May 9. She was issued an appearance ticket.  She is accused of failure to appear for both arrests. Dueppengiesser was arraigned in City Court and released on her own recognizance.  

Adam J. Montes, 39, no known address, was arrested on a bench warrant for failing to appear. Montes was taken into custody on May 31 by Officer Felicia Martinez. He was previously arrested on charges of grand larceny of a vehicle and conspiracy 5th. He was arrested on a failure to appear warrant on April 6 and released. He was arraigned in City Court on the May 31 arrest and ordered held without bail.

Rosemary R. Waters, 37, of East Main Street, Batavia, was arrested on two City Court bench warrants for failure to appear. Officer Josh Girvin arrested Waters on May 17. The first warrant stems from an incident on Aug. 17, 2021, where Waters was arrested on an unrelated warrant and allegedly found in possession of narcotics, a modified fully automatic 9mm pistol and a 40-round magazine. Waters was arrested prior to the completion of lab work, and subsequently, an arrest warrant was issued. She was arrested on that warrant on April 7. The second warrant stems from an incident reported on July 30. Waters was reportedly the passenger in a vehicle during a traffic stop on Mix Place in Batavia. Waters allegedly provided a false name and was released. Narcotics and a modified short-barrel shotgun were later located in the vehicle. An arrest warrant was issued.

Oraid W. Edwards, 39, of West Avenue, Rochester, was arrested on a warrant for failing to appear. Edwards was taken into custody on May 19 by Officer Kevin Defelice. Edwards was arrested on June 19 after allegedly being found sleeping on the couch of a residence where he was unknown. Edwards reportedly left prior to patrols arriving on scene. He was arrested on a trespassing charge on June 23 and issued an appearance ticket. A warrant was issued on Aug. 23. He was arraigned in City Court and released on his own recognizance.

Stephen D. Freeman, 52, of Mcmahon Road, Hinsdale, was arrested on an arrest warrant for petit larceny. Freeman was located by Troopers in Cattaraugus County and turned over to Batavia PD on May 28. Freeman is accused of stealing from an employer in City Centre on or around Sept. 19. He was arraigned in Centralized Arraignment Court and released on his own recognizance. 

Adam D. Altobelli, 42, of Mount Hope Boulevard, Rochester, was arrested on a bench warrant for failing to appear. Officer Richard Messmer arrested Altobelli on May 24. The warrant stems from an incident reported on East Main Street, Batavia, on Feb. 22, 2020. He was accused of stealing items and possessing a controlled substance. He was issued an appearance ticket. After allegedly failing to appear, he was arrested on a warrant on Dec. 4, 2020, and arraigned in City Court. He was released under supervision. He allegedly failed to appear for his next court appearance and was arrested on a warrant on May 6, 2021.  He was again arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear on Aug. 30, 2021. On this arrested, he was arraigned in Centralized Arraignment Court. His release status is unknown.

Carlos E. Flores, of Dewey Avenue, Greece, was arrested on a bench warrant.  Officer Kevin DeFelice arrested Flores on May 25. The warrant stemmed from an incident on Aug. 11, 2019, at a location on Bank Street. Flores was accused of threatening another person. He was arrested on a harassment 2nd charge and issued an appearance ticket. He was arraigned in City Court on the latest arrest and released after entering a guilty plea.

Gregory Alan Palone, 60, of Tennesee, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, and insufficient tail lamp. Palone was stopped at 1:27 a.m. on June 4 on Lewiston Road by Deputy Jeremiah Gechell. He was released on traffic tickets.

Kenneth Dwright Robinson, Jr., 49, of Seven Springs Road, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th. Robinson was stopped at 1:59 p.m. on June 4 by Deputy Jacob Kipler and allegedly found in possession of a glassine bag containing crack cocaine during a vehicle inventory. He was processed at the Genesee County Jail and released on an appearance ticket.

Emily Nichols, 33, of Batavia, is charged with welfare fraud 3rd. Nichols was arrested following an investigation by the Department of Social Services. She is accused of failing to report the wages of her husband and receiving $7,885 in SNAP benefits for which she was not entitled. She was arraigned in Batavia Town Court and released on her own recognizance.

David Alan Leach, 29, of Morganville Road, Stafford, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th. Leach is accused of possessing cocaine during a traffic stop by Deputy Nicholas Chamoun at 8:40 p.m. on Oct. 25.  Leach was arrested on June 11 and issued an appearance ticket.

Church leaders deliver message at City Hall, want to talk over dinner

By Joanne Beck
Jason and Michelle Norton

Pastor Jason Norton and his wife Michelle became upset this past Friday afternoon when a rather loud and proud message for PRIDE week was displayed in the city parking lot in front of their church in downtown Batavia.

He and Michelle said that they are not a gay-affirming church, just as much as they wouldn’t have wanted a beer tent out front.

Not only did they not like the venue — a staging area for the annual LBGTQ parade and festival — to imply what type of church they were, but the event apparently blocked other needs for repairs and entry into the public lot, which conveyed a lack of communication they would have appreciated.

Once the pastor of EverPresent Church in City Centre voiced his intent to take the matter to City Hall, he faced backlash from a segment of the community, he said. He posted that since events, such as Drag Queen Story Hour, are happening at the public library, then he has decided to do likewise with his church message: For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

“My point is this, that on social media today, I don't need this. Because I said that we were coming here, we've already been barraged with the titles of bigotry and hatred, and homophobia, the list goes on and on. And on. I just wanted to go on the record tonight to let people know that not only are we a people-affirming church who loves all people, we love God and His stance first,” he said. "We are actually moving forward now, with having some dinners and some open discussions and some forums, that we can all meet in a peaceable manner to talk and discuss these things and why we believe this.”

His online post had reaped well over 100 comments, mostly debates between opposing LBGTQ beliefs. There was a similar ongoing debate recently on a series of photos posted by The Batavian from that PRIDE event.

Michelle Norton expanded on her complaint to add that further communication about the event and location of the staging area — with opportunity to negotiate — would have been ideal so that the church entrance at Batavia City Centre wouldn’t have been blocked.

Jason Norton focused on the principle of his ire, and gave as examples himself, as a  former drug addict who was invited in and accepted by a church that allowed “us to come in and experience God in a way that proved his love, and proved there was a God,” he said. He also spoke of his own daughter and how she struggled with bisexuality. He did not shame her but prayed for her and taught her about God and Jesus, he said.

"But we did not compromise on God's Word. We did not water it down to try to change God's word to fit into her choices to make her feel more accepted or approved as a lifestyle choice that she had made. Why did we do that? Because God is sovereign. And his viewpoints and his stance on certain things are steadfast and immovable. And I do not have the authority or the power to change or excuse me to change God's position on what is right and what is wrong,” he said. “Three years ago, our daughter came to the understanding that her lifestyle doesn't fit in contrast to God, and ... she asked God to help her to heal her. She experienced Jesus, not religion. Two and a half years ago, Tasha died suddenly. And I don't know how I would have lived with myself if I had buckled and twisted the truth of God and changed the scriptures to accommodate the struggle that she was going through and showing her a falsehood.”

City Council listened to the couple until their time limit was up and offered no comments about the subject matter. Councilman Bob Bialkowski asked about the way events work in city parking lots. City Manager Rachael Tabelski said that the backdrop of the stage was at the facade of the church building, but it is in a public lot.

“So when we do event applications, we can take into consideration placement of things and try to help those who would like to do events in our city parking lot to maybe have better flow,” she said. 

Wires arcing and sparking on Bank Street Road

By Howard B. Owens

There is a report of wires arcing and sparking in a tree in the area of 8319 Bank Street Road, Batavia.

There is a report of power being out in the area.

Town of Batavia Fire dispatched.

UPDATE 7:34 p.m.: National Grid is reporting 2,471 customers without power in an area that stretches from East Main Street and Clinton Street in the City of Batavia up to Starowitz Road near Edgerton Road in Byron. A crew has been assigned.  No ETA yet on power restoration.

UPDATE 7:54 p.m.: Town of Batavia assignment back in service.  National Grid's repair ETA is 9:30 p.m.

UPDATE 9:18 p.m.: The power outage area has been greatly reduced, down to 241 customers, with power restoration still expected by 9:30 p.m.

WROTB president sounds the alarm regarding possible placement of full casino in Rochester

By Mike Pettinella

A potential deal between the state and the Seneca Nation to place a full casino in the City of Rochester would devastate the operation of Batavia Downs Gaming and two other established gaming facilities in Western New York.

That’s the stated view of Henry Wojtaszek, chief executive officer and president of Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp., the public benefit company that operates Batavia Downs Gaming.

“The latest scheme by the Senecas and some New York State government officials to place a stealth casino in the Rochester area should be a non-starter for residents, community leaders and elected officials," Wojtaszek said in a statement issued this afternoon.

“Many of the more than 400 jobs here at Batavia Downs would be in jeopardy if a Rochester area casino opened, and the millions of dollars in revenue we send to 15 counties and the cities of Buffalo and Rochester would be drastically cut. There are already 10 gaming facilities less than 100 miles in any direction from Rochester; that’s the definition of saturation.”

According to published reports, the new 20-year agreement forged by the New York State Senate and Gov. Kathy Hochul with the Senecas apparently includes a casino in Rochester. Over the weekend, the Senate voted 62-1 to ratify the pact; the Assembly has yet to vote on it.

In his statement, Wojtaszek indicated that the three Video Lottery Terminal facilities of Batavia Downs, Finger Lakes Gaming and Hamburg Gaming paid $140 million in combined taxes to the state last year (and) “that is more than the Senecas did.”

“What is the point of putting yet another facility in the region? No major decision like this should ever be made without robust public input and a comprehensive economic impact analysis.  When you see this type of secret top-down governing from our elected officials, it is fair to question their motives and who they are really serving.

“We’ve seen this tried before, and the ending should be the same as the previous two failed attempts to open a casino in the Rochester area.”

Genesee County Legislature Chair Rochelle Stein, contacted by The Batavian tonight, was quick to point out that any casino within 30 miles or so away “would really be a big blow (to Batavia Downs).”

“What’s really unfortunate here is that there are no details,” she said. “The last thing I read was there was a conceptual agreement, but nobody had been able to see what the concept was.”

When it was mentioned that recent changes to the structure of the WROTB board of directors also came with no advance notice to municipal leaders, Stein added that “it seems like we’re in a vacuum constantly – by our one-party rule in Albany and it’s not working well for Genesee County.”

Stein said she and county officials are “frustrated” by the lack of information coming out of Albany and the lack of input by local governments.

“Not to have a plan that is laid out so that we all can participate in … because we’re in, I understand that we’re in that Seneca compact area,” she said. “This new plan, if it’s known to be that it will be in Rochester, will not benefit the public as Batavia Downs does.”

She also noted that rural counties are exploring litigation to stop the changes made by Albany to switch from a one-county/city, one-vote format to a weighted voting format for the WROTB board, effectively transferring power to the Democratic-leaning Erie and Monroe Counties and cities of Rochester and Buffalo.

She did not comment when asked about a conflict of interest situation involving Rochester and Monroe County representatives to the WROTB board (if and when a casino was placed in Rochester), preferring to wait until she learned more about the Seneca compact.

Democrat Jeremy Cooney (the City of Rochester, the Town of Brighton, and the western suburbs of Monroe County) was the lone senator to vote against the measure.

“I have concerns with the announced deal between New York State and the Seneca Nation,” Cooney said in a news release and reported by The Rochester Business Journal. “As a state senator, I did not feel comfortable voting in favor of legislation that removes state lawmakers from their oversight responsibilities and limits input from the public.”

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