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UMMC's Lemonade Stand helps support patients, teaches children community care

By Howard B. Owens
lemonade stand

The UMMC/RRH Lemonade Stand, after a successful debut last summer, was back at Centennial Park on Thursday, this time with live music.

One reason to bring it back, said Lori Aratari, senior development officer for UMMC, was that last year's event raised $15,000, which was double the amount anticipated.

That's great, but really, it really is about the kids.

"That's the biggest thing," Aratari said. "We're getting kids involved in philanthropy at a young age and showing them the importance of giving back and especially supporting health care in our community."

This year, donations to the event will be used to assist patients dealing with congestive heart failure.

"We're going to be able to purchase these kits. They're $60 each, and these kits have some tools that patients can use to help keep them out of the hospital," Aratari said. "The tools include a digital scale and a blood pressure machine that's digital. So being able to give them the tools will help keep them home and keep them healthier."

There were 260 patients who came through UMMC in the past year to be treated for congestive heart failure. 

"If we can get every one of them a kit, that would be wonderful," Aratari said. "Every dollar we raise will stay here and will allow us to buy those kits."

Photos by Howard Owens.

lemonade stand
lemonade stand
lemonade stand
lemonade stand
lemonade stand
lemonade stand
lemonade stand

Juneteenth memorial service to reclaim the truth, honor for Addy

By Joanne Beck
Sharon Burkel with Addy gravestone
Sharon Burkel, president of Batavia Cemetery Association, shows the gravestone of Adeline "Addy" Barbara, a slave who lived in Batavia in the mid-1800s. In honor and celebration of Juneteenth, there will be a memorial service for Addy at 10 a.m. Monday at the cemetery, 65 Harvester Ave., Batavia. Photo by Howard Owens.

When the Rev. Shiela Campbell McCullough, pastor of Bethany Presbyterian Church, learned of Batavia’s cultural history, she was surprised, to say the least, about one particular person who lived and died here.

Her name was Adeline “Addy” Barbara, as listed in the 1850 census. Her gravestone, weathered and worn, bears the etching of her burden from age 4 until she died at 50: “faithful colored servant.”

“I never thought about it here in Batavia until (City Historian) Larry Barnes unearthed it, and then he published his findings (in the book “History by the Hearth”). And then it was not until Mike Stuart … brought it to my attention I had no knowledge of this, and when Mike met me at the cemetery to show me the marker, it was overwhelming. I was so full of pain,” McCullough said during an interview with The Batavian. “I’m a grandmother, and at that time, my granddaughter was four years old. And I just could not even imagine someone treating her like that. And the mere thought that just a four-year-old child was snatched from her mother, and I put my daughter in the place of her mother. I mean, in my mind, it was just, that was painful. And the only thing I could do is to lay some flowers at her marker.”

Turns out that’s not the only thing she could do. McCullough and members of Batavia First Presbyterian Church, including the Rev. Roula Alkhouri and her husband Mike Stuart, and Batavia Cemetery Association will not only remember Addy and celebrate her life during Juneteenth’s Freedom Day at 10 a.m. Monday, but will also reclaim the narrative from those words so horribly skewed on the gravestone, McCullough said.

A faithful servant? “That’s not the truth,” she said.

“Honoring Addy is paramount in certain form and fashion, but we’ll be pointing out the truth, and being her voice: no, no, no, I didn’t have a voice in the matter. I was a slave,” McCullough said.  “It’s a celebration of her life, but more than just her life, her humanity. To be a slave, especially in America, meant you were sub-human, which meant the animals had more value than you.”

McCullough thinks about that fragile child and all of her “little girlness.” She would have been attending preschool in present day America instead of doing chores and being stripped of her family, her rights, choices, and future.

Another action that organizers will take in her name and spirit is to restore the marker, not to destroy any of the history, the reverend said, but to enhance it and, again, “reclaim the narrative” with scripture affirming Addy’s spiritual worth in the eyes of God versus how she was undervalued by her human owners.

The graveside service to honor Addy is to begin at 10 a.m. Monday at the Historic Batavia Cemetery, 65 Harvester Ave., Batavia.

Addy, Batavia slave, gravestone at Batavia Cemetery
Photo by Howard Owens.

She lived from 1807 until she died Jan. 28, 1857, according to the marker, Batavia Cemetery Association President Sharon Burkel said, and lived with the family of Episcopal priest Rev. Lucius Smith.

“She’s listed right in the census with them in 1850 … We don't know a whole lot about her,” Burkel said. “We had thought for many years, because that section of the cemetery is where the first plots were laid out in 1823, that was the part where a lot of the people buried in there were from St. James Church and the Presbyterian Church. They owned the cemetery initially.”

This service is a reminder of the importance of recognizing and confronting the legacy of slavery in our society, organizers said. All are welcome to attend and pay their respects. 

It’s an important part of Batavia’s history, and people might want to attend to acknowledge our shared history, McCullough said.

“To acknowledge that we have a responsibility to make this world a better place for the generations that come behind us to begin to see our shared history, as also the type of legacy that we're leaving behind,” she said. “At least I do, I want to leave my granddaughter with the truth of who she is, where she comes from, which includes being an American in this country. I want her to know all the ins and outs, the good and the bad. I want her to know.”

Three new shows at GO ART! feature the whimsical, the imaginary, and the realistic

By Howard B. Owens
Patricia Schafer
Patricia Schafer with some of her artwork on display at GO ART!
Photo by Howard Owens.

Patricia Schafer has been painting for years and years, she said, but she never thought about placing her work in an art show until she started to get a little unexpected recognition.

"It was so exciting, Schafer said. "I never had a show before. I've gotten to this stage of my life without a show; though I've been painting for a long time, but I never really had confidence in my work. Through the Chili art group, I've won a couple of ribbons here and there. And I thought, Oh, wait, there is somebody who likes my stuff."

GO ART! invited the Spencerport resident to show a bit of her work in Medina, and that led to a full show that runs through August at Seymour Place in Batavia.

She's titled the show, My Whimsical Heart, a totally appropriate description of her work, which is mixed media -- mostly painting and collage -- and features bright colors, mostly people, with creative, shall we say, whimsical backgrounds.

"If I do a landscape, and I do have a couple of landscapes, people are like, 'you gotta get back to those people. We love those people and the backgrounds.' So, people recognize my work, which is nice."

She said she paints for the love of it, for the joy of it.

"This is kind of like a relaxation hobby," Schafer said. "For me, I love it. I love color, it makes me happy. If you have a day that you're kind of down about stuff, that's just why I do it."

Patricia Schafer
Picture titled 'Lulu.' Louise Brooks was a silent movie star who later moved to Rochester and died in Rochester in 1985.
Photo by Howard Owens.
Patricia Schafer
Justin Reynolds
Justin Reynolds
Photo by Howard Owens

Corfu resident Justin Reynolds describes his seascapes and landscapes as somewhere between the abstract and realism.  They're never of any place he specifically remembers visiting.

"I've been asked a lot tonight if they're from specific places, and they're really not from places. I guess they're in my head or maybe I have been and forgotten. They're all very just kind of conjured up," he said.

Painting, Reynolds said during the opening of his show at GO ART!, takes him to different places.

"I think I always gravitate (to these places), in my mind, when I think of where I'd like to be relaxed and find some peace," Reynolds said. "I think those are some of the places I picture. So a lot of times, I'm painting where I could see myself unwinding and detaching from the stresses of life."

Patricia Schafer
carla coots
Photographer Carla Coots
Photo by Howard Owens.

Photographer Carla Coots, a Le Roy resident, is best known for her music photography.  She can often be found at the Smokin' Eagle in Le Roy, snapping shots of bands playing in the bar.  Some of her best work is displayed on the venue's walls.

She also likes trees. Well, she likes photographing other things, but she does like trees, and trees are the focus of her show that opened Thursday at GO ART!

Coots is a retired special education teacher.  She took up photography 16 years ago when she was looking for something to do in the arts. 

"I think that I got into it because I needed to, and it was a good, really therapeutic thing," Coots said. "Art is a form of communication. I think that it really helped me get through a lot of things that I was going through at that time."

carla coots

BCSD receives Utica National school safety excellence award

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Batavia City School District is proud to announce it is one of at least 165 school districts and the Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) in New York State to receive the Utica National Insurance Group's "School Safety Excellence Award" for 2023 at the Titanium with Honors level. 

The honor is presented annually and recognizes school districts' safety efforts as they work to help keep students, staff, and visitors safe. Batavia City School District officials received a certificate to commemorate the district's safety efforts and a $500 award for use in furthering those efforts from Utica National representatives. 

Utica National's School Safety Excellence Award Program has three levels—titanium, platinum, and gold—in which schools can earn a meritorious distinction by meeting specific criteria to enhance overall safety. 

Through the program, schools with their own transportation, schools with contract transportation, and BOCES are evaluated. Categories covered include bullying prevention programs, playground safety, and other areas, and are measured using specific, quantifiable surveys. 

“We’re proud and encouraged to receive this award from Utica National,” said Batavia City School District Superintendent Jason Smith. “The health, safety, and security of our students, faculty, staff, and community is our top priority. We’re consistently evaluating our programs, and this award will certainly go towards our continued efforts.” 

"Safety and health concerns continue to be a priority in our school districts," explained Brian Saville, Senior Vice President of Utica National's Educational Institutions Unit. "Districts that go 'above and beyond' to provide a safe, healthy, and focused culture for learning are to be applauded, and we're pleased to count Batavia City School District among them."

For more than 45 years, Utica National Insurance Group has kept kids and school staff safe and currently insures more than 300 school districts in upstate New York alone. 

Three Rochester women arrested in Batavia in connection with theft reported in Erie County

By Howard B. Owens
mcbean mug shot
Ashanay McBean

Three women from Rochester were arrested following a felony traffic stop June 13 on West Main Street Road, Batavia, and were then accused of possessing more than $6,000 in stolen property.

A felony traffic stop is conducted when police officers consider it a potentially high-risk situation. Officers keep their distance from the vehicle and order the occupants out of the vehicle with their hands in view.

The incident began at 12:26 p.m. when the Erie County Sheriff's Office contacted local law enforcement about a theft of property from an undisclosed location in Erie County. A suspect vehicle was apparently believed to be eastbound.

henderson mug shot
Jayona Henderson

Later, a patrol spotted the possible suspect vehicle on West Main Street Road, Town of Batavia. 

A felony traffic stop was initiated in Batavia just east of Oak Street.  All three occupants exited the vehicle without incident. 

The suspects were identified as Klara A. Bates, 31, of Agnes Street, Rochester, Jayona D. Henderson, 20, of Hooker Street, Rochester, and Ashanay J. McBean, 27, of Terrace Street, Rochester.

The vehicle they were in was reported stolen on May 28 to the NFTA Transit Police.

bates mug shot
Klara Bates

All three were charged with criminal possession of stolen property in the third degree, a Class D felony.

Bates, Henderson, and McBean were arraigned in Centralized Arraignment Court. Bates and Henderson were released and turned over to the Erie County Sheriff's Office to face potential further criminal charges. McBean was held because a town court cannot set bail for a defendant with two prior felonies.

The Sheriff's Office was assisted by Batavia PD, State Police, the NFTA Transit Police, and the Ultra Organized Retail Crime Investigation unit.

Advocacy Center earns accreditation for service to the GLOW region

By Press Release

Press Release:

Following an extensive application and site review process, National Children’s Alliance recognizes the Justice for Children Advocacy Center (JFCAC) for its delivery of high-quality and effective services to child abuse victims through accreditation. 

As the accrediting agency for Children’s Advocacy Centers (CAC) across the country, National Children’s Alliance awards various levels of accreditation and membership to centers responding to allegations of child abuse in ways that are effective and efficient and put the needs of child victims of abuse first. Accreditation is the highest level of membership with the National Children’s Alliance and denotes excellence in service provision.

The Justice for Children Advocacy Center has a long and successful history of providing services to children and families in the GLOW region. In 1992, Genesee Justice, a department of the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, helped establish a multidisciplinary team to serve the unique needs of children that have been physically or sexually abused. 

With the support of many dedicated members of the community and the multidisciplinary team, the Justice for Children Advocacy Center opened its doors in Batavia in 1998. As the program grew, satellite offices in Albion and Warsaw were opened in 2017. The goal of the Justice for Children Advocacy Center is to provide a child-friendly location where highly trained professionals provide forensic interviews, medical examinations, mental health counseling, and advocacy services to children from birth to age 18 and their non-offending family members regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, religion, or financial status. 

Since 1998, approximately 4,500 children have received services at the Justice for Children Advocacy Center, and in 2022, 274 children benefitted from the services available. As an Accredited Member of the National Children’s Alliance, the Justice for Children Advocacy Center is dedicated to providing comprehensive, coordinated, and compassionate services to victims of child abuse.

National Children’s Alliance awards accredited membership based on a CAC’s compliance with 10 national standards of accreditation to ensure effective, efficient, and consistent delivery of services to child abuse victims. 

National Children’s Alliance updated these standards in 2017 to reflect the most recent evidence-based practices in the field of child abuse intervention and prevention. According to these standards, accredited members must utilize a functioning and effective multidisciplinary team approach to work collaboratively in child abuse investigation, prosecution, and treatment.

National Children’s Alliance also considers standards regarding a center’s cultural competency and diversity, forensic interviews, victim support and advocacy, medical evaluation, therapeutic intervention, and a child-focused setting.

“As a team of individuals who are fiercely devoted to professionally and compassionately responding to reports of child abuse, we strive to meet the highest standards of care for child victims and their loved ones. Accreditation from the National Children’s Alliance not only validates our organization’s proven effective approach to responding to allegations of child abuse but also provides consistency across the child advocacy center movement as a whole. A team response to child abuse is what we stand for, and it is our entire team that allows us to provide the highest level of care and service to children and families in our community,” said Theresa Roth, Justice for Children Advocacy Center Program Coordinator.

“The Justice for Children Advocacy Center is to be commended for its excellent work serving victims of child abuse. As the national association and accrediting body for Children’s Advocacy Centers across the country, our goal is to ensure that every victim of child abuse has access to high-quality services that result from professional collaboration,” remarked Teresa Huizar, Executive Director of National Children’s Alliance.

For more information about the Justice for Children Advocacy Center, visit them on Facebook @justiceforchildrencac. 

One arrest reported at Dave Matthews Band concert

By Howard B. Owens

The Sheriff's Office reported the following arrest on June 14 at the Dave Mathews Band concert at the Darien Lake Performing Arts Center:

Kelly P. Jones, 43, of 80th Street, Niagara Falls, is charged with harassment 2nd. Jones allegedly punched a Live Nation security guard and also attempted to bite a guard.

GO health gives reminder about removing lead-based paint

By Press Release

Press Release:

With the warmer weather here, more home renovation projects are starting. If you have a home built before 1978, it is important to make sure renovations are done safely. 

Homes built before 1978 are more likely to have lead-based paint that can be disturbed when renovating. Renovations can put lead dust into the air as well as into the heating and cooling systems of homes with lead-based paint.

Children (and adults) exposed to this lead dust are at risk of lead poisoning. There is no safe level of lead to have in the body. The effects of lead poisoning are permanent and can affect a child into adulthood. 

“Lead poisoning can affect anyone, but is especially dangerous for infants and small children,” stated Paul Pettit, Public Health Director for the Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health). 

“Childhood lead poisoning can harm the brain and nervous system leading to learning challenges, lower IQ, difficulty in paying attention/hyperactivity, kidney damage, and very high levels can be fatal. Lead poisoning can also be dangerous for pregnant women because lead can pass to the baby during pregnancy.”

While thinking about renovation plans for this summer, consider using a lead-safe certified contractor if you live in a home built before 1978. If planning to do the work yourself, here are some simple steps you can take to keep both you and your family safe.

  1. Set up safely in a way that should prevent dust from escaping the work area and keep anyone not working on the project from entering. This can include removing all furniture, rugs, curtains, and other household items, tightly wrapping items that cannot be removed with plastic sheeting, covering floors with plastic sheeting, closing and sealing all doors, turning off forced-air heating and
    air conditioning systems, and covering vents with sheeting. All sheeting should be taped in place to ensure it is secure.
  2. Protect yourself. Wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE) when working, wash your hands and face every time you stop working, wash your work clothes separately from the rest of your family’s laundry, and do not eat, drink, or smoke in your work area. Dust and debris can contaminate food or other items and cause you to ingest dangerous lead dust.
  3. Minimize Dust. Many renovation tasks (drilling, cutting, opening walls, etc.) create dust that may contain lead. Using proper tools and simple practices can help limit and control dust. 
  4. Clean your work area at the end of every day. This helps minimize dust and protects you and your family. Easy ways to keep your work area clean include; putting trash in heavy-duty bags as you work, vacuuming with a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) cleaner frequently, cleaning tools daily, disposing of or cleaning PPE, and keeping non-workers out of the work area.
  5. Control Waste. Collect all waste and secure it tightly with duct tape or a double bag to prevent lead dust or debris from escaping before disposal.
  6. Clean again. When your renovations are complete and before using the room again, use wet-cleaning methods in order to control the dust and prevent the dust from going back into the air. Make sure to mop uncarpeted floors thoroughly, clean walls with a HEPA vacuum or damp cloth, thoroughly vacuum all remaining surfaces and objects with a HEPA vacuum, and then wipe down all surfaces with wet cloths until the cloths are clean.

For any questions and more information on GO Health Lead Programs, contact the Genesee County Health Department at (585) 344-2580 ext. 5555 or You can also visit the GO Health website at

Tenney votes to prohibit federal gas stove bans

By Press Release

Press Release:

Claudia Tenney

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) this week voted in favor of two pieces of legislation that work to preemptively block any future attempts from the Biden administration to restrict the use of gas stoves or otherwise limit consumer choice.

H.R. 1615, the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, passed the House by a vote of 248-180. This bill would prohibit the Consumer Product Safety Commission from using federal funds to regulate a gas stove ban under the pretense that they are “hazardous products.”

H.R. 1640, the Save Our Stoves Act, passed the House by a vote of 249-181. This legislation would stop the Energy Department from finalizing a rule that sets energy conservation standards for household appliances.

“Nearly 46% of New York households rely on natural gas to fuel their cooking appliances, power their electricity, and run their home heating systems,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “Earlier this year, Kathy Hochul’s $229 billion dollar budget made New York the first state in the nation to ban gas stoves. 

Now, under the Biden administration, federal agencies are potentially exploring similar policies in what would be an unprecedented and inappropriate expansion of federal power. Federal bureaucrats have no right telling American consumers what kind of stoves they can use, and this week, House Republicans made that abundantly clear.”

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Creative Communities joins Just Kings for a jam-packed Saturday in Batavia

By Joanne Beck
2022 Just Kings event
2022 File Photo of Just Kings Juneteenth Celebration, by Howard Owens.

What began four years ago as a grassroots effort to celebrate the end of slavery has this year drawn city and county organizations into the mix for a community-wide gathering of food, arts, crafts, activities, educational and wellness materials, entertainment, and lots of fun on the city’s north and south sides.

That’s what happens when Juneteenth, hosted by Just Kings, meets up with the city schools’ Creative Communities: Interactive Health Fest. It began when Community Schools Coordinator Julia Rogers began discussing possibilities of a collaboration with Just Kings members.

“It's important that when we as a community are planning events, we try to work together.  As many know, we tend to have many events on the same day in our community, so I wanted to make sure that everyone had the chance to attend both,” Rogers said to The Batavian.

Both events happily fit into one another’s schedules, with Creative Communities first set for 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at Robert Morris School, 80 Union St., Batavia.

“Our interactive event will focus on local artists sharing talents with Batavia students, their families, and the community. We are encouraging Batavia community members to focus on whole body health: physical, mental, social and emotional,” Rogers said. “The difference between this and past events is, in addition to Go ART!, we have partnered with Just Kings, the Suicide Coalition of Genesee County, and the Madeline Bartz Mission, Inc. Families will be able to visit various agencies who have tables at the event, including Rochester Regional's Teddy Bear Clinic and the Batavia Lions Club's Vision Screening. 

“They will have the chance to visit our Heart of Kindness Center (formerly the Community Closet), have a chance to win prizes, and most importantly, learn various ways to stay healthy,” Rogers said.

Integral to this program has been a free bus service, which will pick up and drop off students and families throughout the day at designated school locations from 8:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Buses will then be available to transport families to the Just Kings event beginning at 1:45 through 4:45 p.m. For details and the full bus schedule, go HERE

That’s where the second half of the day fits into this partnership. Just Kings will be hosting its annual Juneteenth, A Freedom Celebration from noon to 8 p.m. at Williams Park on Pearl Street, Batavia.

Greg Monroe and fellow Just Kings members were thrilled to join forces with Rogers for a jam-packed day full of activities, he said.

“It means more people, which is just awesome,” Munroe said. “They had their health fest going, and they pitched their idea to us. I say the more the merrier, celebrate Juneteenth with us. It’s a celebration of the end of slavery, and a day that everyone can celebrate.”

There will be arts and crafts, food and nonprofit vendors at the park, a DJ, an African dance troupe, and Buffalo recording artist Marchon Hamilton II performing at 3 p.m. 

Just Kings will have a booth with brochures and history about the significance of the date — June 19, 1865 — and its designation as Jubilee, or Freedom or Liberation, Day, to mark the end of slavery in the United States.

Saturday is only the beginning of this joint effort, and “collaboration is the key” in moving forward, Rogers said.

“Everyone is part of the Batavia community, and coming together to support one another in any way possible is the best way to be role models to our children. Greg Munroe, a member of Just Kings, has been very helpful in getting the word out about both of our events,” she said. “The Suicide Prevention Coalition and the Madeline Bartz Mission, Inc. also helped develop the idea, and our Community Schools subcommittee (made up of local and state agencies) got the ball rolling.  We are very lucky to be in a community that wants to work together.”

Just Kings barbecue
2022 File Photo of a Just Kings barbecue, by Howard Owens.

Just Kings vendor liaison Lydia Bruce worked with Rogers so that attendees will be able to get a $2 voucher toward food at the Just Kings event. Ever been to a Just Kings chicken barbecue? Organization members line up the grills and have that tangy-charred smell of barbecue in the air just waiting for passersby who may find it hard to resist.

Bruce said that there are about 15 vendors signed up to participate so far, and she appreciates the opportunity for them — whether nonprofits or businesses — to let the community know what they offer.

“This is the first year we’re doing that tag team (with community schools), and everyone can attend both events,” Bruce said. “I think it's going to be an awesome day.”

This event is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant Program, a regrant program of the NYS Council on the Arts with the support of the office of the Governor and NYS Legislature and administered by Go Art! 

Byron-Bergen students help 'lift' community with renewed nature trail

By Press Release
Students, staff, and faculty enjoyed the trail re-opening day

Press Release:

In the fall of 2022, Byron-Bergen Central School District joined the Lifting Our School Community Challenge through the Genesee Area Healthcare Plan (GAHP) in partnership with Excellus BCBS.

The Lifting Our School Community Challenge is aligned with the internationally recognized initiative “The Lift Project,” created by award-winning educator, researcher, and well-being expert Dr. Darren Morton (PhD, FASLM). The Lift Project was designed to help individuals live a happier life by providing tools and tips to help “lift” your overall wellness.

According to an article published by the American Psychological Association, “Spending time in nature is linked to both cognitive benefits and improvements in mood, mental health, and emotional well-being.”

Through the Lifting Our School Community Challenge, Byron-Bergen School District secured funding to begin a revitalization and maintenance project for the established Nature Trail on the district campus. 

This project includes updated and increased signage created by BB engineering students as well as the newly created Star Trail in the Northeast quadrant of the woods.

Using the provided funds, students in Byron-Bergen High School’s Home Maintenance and Repair class were able to create new trail signage, including a Welcome Area and trail markers throughout the woods.

Byron-Bergen 11th-grade student Brody Baubie acted as team leader with the guidance of teachers Marc Palmer and Jay Wolcott. Brody created scale models and identified the necessary materials and techniques for his designs to take shape.

“This has been a good learning experience for me”, said Brody. “It helped me see and overcome challenges, problem-solving, and finding resources.” Brody is interested in carpentry work and plans to study construction management after graduation. The welcome kiosk he designed includes a roof and a sitting area.

The new trail map signage was geolocated and digitally designed by Buildings & Grounds Manager Roger Caldwell and Technology Teacher Marc Palmer and will be displayed in Brody’s welcome kiosk. Printing of the map signage was donated by Tom Chapell at Visual Impact Graphics in Byron, NY.

Throughout the years, the Byron-Bergen Nature Trail has been maintained by several groups and individuals, both district employees as well as valued members of the Byron-Bergen community. 

In the spirit of paying tribute to all of those who have helped to make the trail what it is today, Byron-Bergen Schools hosted a Grand Re-Opening Ceremony in June.

“A big thank you to Roger Caldwell and the Byron-Bergen Grounds Crews as well as our technology teachers and students for their hard work making the trails fresh and inviting,” said Superintendent Pat McGee. “Thank you also to our team of staff Wellness Champions for their organization and planning of the project.”

The community is invited to enjoy the Nature Trail during daylight hours and dogs are welcome outside of school hours. The trail entrance is located behind the Elementary School and is visible from the road leading back to the softball field and soccer stadium.

Brody Baubie holds the scale model he created while designing the welcome kiosk
Jay Wolcott and Brody Baubie test out the welcome kiosk bench

Photos submitted by Gretchen Spittler and Sam Herson

Hawley opposes construction of casino in downtown Rochester

By Press Release

Press Release:

Steve Hawley

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) denounced the recent reports of a deal between Gov. Kathy Hochul’s administration and the Seneca Nation to build a casino in downtown Rochester. 

The construction of a new casino in the area would be damaging to the local economy and would jeopardize the more than 400 jobs at Batavia Downs. Local officials and New York lawmakers were also not included in any discussions between the governor and the Seneca Nation. 

Hawley is frustrated that local businesses and communities are once again not being given priority by the state government

“The recent news of the deal between the state and the Seneca Nation is disappointing and yet another example of the livelihood of local businesses, like Batavia Downs, being trampled on by this governor’s administration,” Hawley said. “A move like this that doesn’t take into account the needs or desires of the community while purposely shunning local leaders from the conversation will undoubtedly do nothing more than hinder the local economy and create further consequences down the road.”

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Spartans look to rebound at home on Saturday night against Ithaca

By Mike Pettinella
spartans logo

The Genesee County Spartans are in “bounce back” mode heading into Saturday night’s home Northeastern Football Alliance semipro game against the Ithaca Warriors.

Kickoff is set for 7 o’clock at the Genesee Community College field located behind the Richard C. Call Arena.

The Spartans were on the losing end of a 28-0 score last weekend at Lockport, failing to capitalize on a couple of excellent scoring chances in the opening half when they trailed by only 8-0.

“The game wasn’t as lopsided as the score suggests,” Head Coach Harry Rascoe said. “An interception right before the half when we were driving really hurt us, and right after intermission, a fumble thwarted another drive.”

Rascoe said the team was missing a few key players against the Wildcats, but expects them to be back in action on Saturday.

“Tight end Howie Wilson was unable to play due to injury, but he’ll return, as will our captain and standout lineman Adam Hausfelder,” Rascoe added. “We’re revamping the offense a bit to give quarterback Joe Canzoneri more opportunities to showcase his skills.”

Against Lockport, Alex Rood was the signal caller, completing 10 of 20 passes for 75 yards, while Tyler Budzinack, filling in for Wilson, caught six passes for 50 yards. The Spartans couldn’t get the ground game going, however, rushing 20 times for just 46 yards.

On defense, defensive end Gunner Rapone forced a fumble and he and fellow Batavia High graduate Kaden Marucci combined for several tackles.

Admission for this weekend’s game is $5 per person with children under 12 admitted at no charge. The contest has been designated as Dan’s Tire & Auto Night.

City hires Batavia native as new HR director

By Press Release

Press Release:

The City of Batavia announces the appointment of Rebecca McGee to the position of Human Resources Director for the City of Batavia.  McGee was selected following an extensive search for candidates and an active recruitment campaign.  She will assume her new role on Monday, July 10, 2023.

A Batavia native, McGee holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Plattsburgh State University in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management.  She is currently serving as the Human Resources Manager at Liberty Pumps in Bergen.

McGee has served in several other Human Resources positions aside from her current role at Liberty Pumps. She was the Human Resources Generalist at Liberty Pumps from 2015-2019.  Prior to her roles at Liberty Pumps in Human Resources, she was the Human Resources Coordinator at United Memorial Medical Center in Batavia for nearly two years and Human Resources Assistant at Oxbo International Corporation for five years.

McGee is a 2013 graduate of Leadership Genesee.  She currently serves as the President of the Genesee Area Personnel Association.  She also serves on several Board of Directors in Genesee County including UMMC and the UMMC Foundation, Business Education Alliance (BEA), Richmond Memorial Library, and the United Way.  Rebecca is a student mentor at the Western New York Tech Academy and has served in the past as the City of Batavia School District’s School Budget Ambassador and on the Board of Directors for the American Red Cross.

“Rebecca’s current position with Liberty Pumps and other experience in HR have given her a wealth of knowledge and experience in Human Resources.  She has the ability to lead teams effectively and efficiently, problem solve, address human resource issues with dignity and respect, and see things from a global perspective.  We are excited to have her join our team at the City,” said City of Batavia City Manager Rachel J. Tabelski. 

Rebecca, a 2000 graduate of Batavia High School, lives with her husband Patrick in the City of Batavia.

Two-vehicle accident at Ellicott and Liberty streets in Batavia

By Joanne Beck
MVA Ellicott St. and Liberty 6/15/23
Photo by Howard Owens.

A Chevy HHR was northbound on Liberty Street around noon in Batavia Thursday when it apparently ran a red light, City Assistant Police Chief Chris Camp said.  The vehicle was struck by a Ford sedan that was traveling southbound on Ellicott Street.

One occupant was in each vehicle, and both were evaluated at the scene, Camp said. The status of the patients is unknown. 

UPDATE: The driver of the sedan, Edwin Perez of Holley, was cited for allegedly running a red light, according to new information released by Batavia PD. Contrary to earlier eye-witness statements, Camp said, the driver of the HHR did not run the red light. 

Statement by police: "Upon review of the street camera at this intersection, it was determined that the silver SUV, that was traveling northbound on Liberty Street, in fact, had the green light. The silver four-door sedan, traveling south on Ellicott Street, traveled through the steady red light at Liberty Street and struck the silver SUV in the intersection."

VFW in Batavia retires tattered and faded flags in ceremony

By Howard B. Owens
VFW flag disposal
Robert Kendall, a member of VFW Post 1602 in Batavia, ignites flags that were deemed no longer servicable during a Flag Day ceremony at the post on Wednesday.
Photo by Howard Owens

After a brief ceremony to incinerate retired flags on Wednesday at the VFW Post 1602, Veness-Strollo, in Batavia, members celebrated the freedom the U.S. Flag represents and the price paid and sacrifice made by those who served in the military to protect that freedom.

Members of the post incinerated dozens of flags as part of the ceremony. 

A crew from the City of Batavia Fire Department was on hand to assist in the Flag Day ceremony.

The flags are collected from area residents throughout the year.  

A flag that is torn or faded should be disposed of in a dignified manner, according to the U.S. Flag code, and incineration is the generally preferred method to dispose of flags that are "no longer a fitting emblem for display." Flags that are no longer serviceable should not be on public display.

The ceremony was carried out by Vice Commander William Frieday, Robert Kendall, treasurer, and member Ronald Gibson.

Each read from a script for the ceremony that reads in part:

A Flag may be a flimsy bit of printed gauze or a beautiful banner of the finest silk. Its intrinsic value may be trifling or great, but its real value is beyond price, for it is a precious symbol of all that we and our comrades have worked for and lived for and died for a free Nation of free men, true to the faith of the past, devoted to the ideals and practice of Justice, Freedom and Democracy.”

“Let these faded Flags of our Country be retired and destroyed with respectful and honorable rites, and their places be taken by bright new Flags of the same size and kind, and let no grave of our soldier or sailor dead be unhonored and unmarked. Sergeant-at-Arms, assemble the Color Guard, escort the detail bearing the Flags and destroy these Flags by burning.

Photos by Howard Owens.

VFW flag disposal
 Ronald Gibson, William Frieday, and Robert Kendall.
Photo by Howard Owens.
VFW flag disposal
VFW flag disposal
VFW flag disposal
VFW flag disposal
Robert Tedford, City Fire.
Photo by Howard Owens.
VFW flag disposal
VFW flag disposal
VFW flag disposal

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