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Girls Basketball: Byron-Bergen improved to 14-2 with win over Holley

By Howard B. Owens
byron bergen basketball

Byron-Bergen beat Holley 39-27 in Girls Basketball on Tuesday.

Scoring for the Bees:

  • Janessa Amesbury, 21 points
  • Riley Shallenberger, 8 points


  • Zoey Wolfe, 11 points
  • Alivia Wolfe, 10 points

"Janessa Amesbury scored all of her 21 points in the second half, and Riley Shallenberger scored 8 points in the second half, allowing us to overcome an 18-7 deficit at the half," said Coach  Rick Krzewinski. "We turned it around, out-scoring Holley 32-9 in the second half. With the win, we move to 14-2 and go to Alexander Thursday.

Photos by Jennifer DiQuattro

byron bergen basketball
byron bergen basketball
byron bergen basketball
byron bergen basketball

Girls Basketball: O-A prevails over Lyndonville 43-29

By Staff Writer
oakfield-alabama basketball

The Hornets overcame a slow offensive start to eventually beat Lyndonville in Girls Basketball on Tuesday.

After scoring only 13 points in the first half, to 11 for the Tigers, Oakfield-Alabama put up 19 in the third quarter and 11 in the fourth for a 43-29 win.

Hornets scoring:

  • Allison Harkness, 10 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists
  • Allie Williams, 10 points, 8 rebounds
  • Piper Hyde, 8 points
  • Alea Groff, 7 points, 7 rebounds, 4 assists
  • Alexa Clark, 4 points, 6 rebounds
  • Jess Sosnowski, 3 points, 4 assists

"While we struggled offensively in the first half, we played outstanding defense from start to finish," said Coach Jeff Schlagenhauf. "Our offense got going in the 3rd quarter, and the good defense continued. Lyndonville is well-coached, and I was pleased with how my kids responded after two very tough games last week."

O-A is 12-6 on the season, ranked #5 in Class C2.

Photos by  Jordyn Tobolski.

oakfield-alabama basketball
oakfield-alabama basketball

Girls Basketball: Elba still undefeated after win over Notre Dame

By Staff Writer
elba notre dame basketball

Elba improved to 18-0 on the season in Girls Basketball with a 57-46 win over archrival Notre Dame on Tuesday.

The Lancers sit atop Class D in Section V.

Notre Dame has been putting together a good season as well but falls to 13-5. The Irish are ranked #5 in Class D.

For Elba:

  • Brea Smith, 18 points
  • Maddie Hall, 13 points
  • Mariah Ognibene, 11 points

For Notre Dame:

  • Sofia Falleti, 20 points
  • Lucia Fiorentino, 9 points.

Photos by Debra Reilly

elba notre dame basketball
elba notre dame basketball
elba notre dame basketball

Cause of massive fire at dog food processing plant in Batavia deemed 'undetermined'

By Howard B. Owens
howard street fire
File photo by Howard Owens.

The damage was too extensive from an industrial fire at 20 Howard St., Batavia, on Nov. 9 for investigators to determine the cause of the blaze.

The massive fire destroyed a 4,160-square-foot structure, built in 1941, where Baskin Livestock processed dry dog food into feed for hogs.

The fire investigation team of Captain Jamie Call, Captain Michael Morris, and Firefighter Christina Marinaccio determined the fire started in the southwest corner of the structure.

City Fire was dispatched to the call at 7:47 a.m. after dispatchers received reports of a large quantity of black smoke coming from the building.

When Captain Mike Morris opened truck bay doors when he arrived on scene, he confirmed a large fire and requested a second alarm.

Because it was a heavily involved fire already, Morris, the incident commander, determined the priority for firefighters was protecting other buildings nearby. 

He requested a third alarm.

A short time later, Chief Josh Graham arrived on scene and assumed command.

Fire crews worked the fire for over 12 hours, with a single crew remaining on scene until 10 p.m.

"Due to the difficulty with access and size of the structure, crews were working on and off for the next four days," Graham said. "This also included the use of an East Pembroke Fire Department utility vehicle, which aided us in getting to hard-to-reach spots."

Graham indicated that investigators put a lot of effort into trying to determine the cause of the fire.

“I applaud the fire investigation team for their tireless work as well as all of the crews that responded to this incident,” Graham said.

Graham reported two minor injuries to city firefighters at the scene. They were evaluated by Mercy EMS medics and continued working the fire after being checked out.

The City of Batavia Fire Department was assisted by the City of Batavia Police Department, Genesee County Emergency Dispatch Center, the Town of Batavia Fire Department, the Leroy Fire Department, Stafford Fire Department, East Pembroke Fire Department, Mercy EMS, Genesee County Office of Emergency Management, City of Batavia DPW, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, City of Batavia Codes Department, NYS DEC, National Grid, and National Fuel.

howard street fire
File photo by Howard Owens.

Hawley hosts annual Valentines for Veterans program at Jackson Primary School

By Press Release
File photo by Howard Owens.

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) will be hosting his annual Valentines for Veterans Program Friday morning, February 14.

Hawley will collect valentines from students at Jackson Primary School and will deliver them to veteran residents living at The New York State Veterans Home at Batavia. Hawley is proud to be able to put this event on for another year and hopes it will raise awareness of veterans' issues in New York.

 “This event is a great opportunity every year to show my appreciation for our veterans and all of the sacrifices they have made to keep us free,” said Hawley. “As a veteran myself, I know the hard work and dedication these brave men and women have given over the years, and I hope events like this can serve as a way to give back.”

City resident with garbage business know-how offers advice to stop trashing Batavia

By Joanne Beck
bruce scofield
Still frame from video of Monday's council meeting.

Pizza boxes blowing against trees and styrofoam in the bushes are unsightly not only because they didn’t make trash pickup, Bruce Scofield says.

Those items that were put in residents’ recycling boxes are not recyclable, and it would be nice if they were better secured so as not to decorate the surrounding neighborhood and hurt the environment, he said.

"I have been in the garbage business for the past 23 years. I’m coming to speak to you tonight as a resident. I will offer my concerns as a resident. I will offer my advice as an owner of a garbage company, but by no means am I looking to steer business my way, other than to give insight into the garbage business,” Scofield said Monday during City Council’s conference meeting at City Hall. “My first concern is recycling in open containers. There is no reason this should be permitted in the city of Batavia; all recyclables should be placed in an enclosed container. Plastic bags are not recyclable, and if a resident puts their recyclables in a plastic bag the whole bag of recyclables gets trashed and not recycled.”

Scofield just opened his Scofield Transfer & Recycling pick-up business about a month and a half ago in the city. When he drives around on garbage pick-up days, “it is a mess,” he said. While people may think they are saving the environment by recycling, the materials that end up littering the streets and neighborhoods “can do more damage” than good, he said.  

“When paper or cardboard gets wet, guess what? It’s not recyclable. So, when it rains, that material becomes garbage – not recyclable. When the wind blows like it has in the past month that material now becomes garbage,” he said. “I don’t know how many times, on a windy day, I have had to pick up styrofoam products in my yard. Styrofoam isn’t recyclable. How about trees? I have never seen a tree grow a pizza box but, every garbage day, countless trees around the city have pizza boxes propped up against them. The funny thing is pizza boxes are not even recyclable. The problem with recycling is that people think they are doing the right thing but, in fact, they are not.”

He likens it to someone who eats a double cheeseburger with fries and adds a diet drink to offset the calories for a perceived net gain of zero. Subconsciously it may feel good but doesn’t actually accomplish the goal, he said. Same is true for recycling: it's a feel-good effort, however, recycle the wrong way, and the net gain is “a trashed city of Batavia, and you didn’t save the environment.”

He suggested that council provide stronger regulations for the garbage business, including for there to be only three pick-up days a week — Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday — to alleviate the city from having garbage and recycling along the streets seven days a week; and that all materials be in enclosed containers.

Can and should the city be the one to initiate such a mandate to private business owners?
“I’m asking the city to hold residents to be more responsible about the garbage they produce and to hold garbage companies to a city standard,” he said. “Let’s make Batavia clean again. My home, just like most of yours, is an investment. I’m here to protect my investment.”

Will this cost residents more?
“You might say it could create economic hardship for residents if they have to buy sealed garbage totes. Require the garbage companies to provide totes to the residents,” he said. 

When garbage in bags is placed by the road, it blows into the road, gets hit by cars or plows, or snow piles up on it, he said. In the summer, animals and rodents break open bags. 

"Employees from the garbage companies won’t pick up garbage that’s scattered all over. Why should they?" he said. "We live in a beautiful city; why trash it? I ask again, why does it have to be that way?"

City Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr. said he had not heard about this issue before.

“First I heard of it. It's all news to me, and we've directed the city manager to look into it and provide us with more information. I like to gather as much information as I can before I make decisions. So I can't even comment on it right now because I need way more information than I have,” Jankowski said, adding that he has not heard from residents. “No. And I live in a neighborhood and I have my recycling bin does have a cover on it, so I didn't know that people were still acting without covers. First I heard of it, so we're going to look into it.” 

In the meantime, there are three basic rules, according to one recycling site online:

  • Rule 1: Recycle bottles, cans, paper and cardboard.
  • Rule 2: Keep food and liquid out of your recycling.
  • Rule 3: No loose plastic bags and no bagged recyclables allowed.

Also on the “no” list are plastic wrap and film, flexible packaging, cups with wax or plastic coatings, polystyrene foam and plastic, dirty diapers, household items, medical or garage waste, tanglers that can wrap around equipment or endanger workers, such as water hoses. 

National Grid Agribiz Program available to assist farming operations upgrades or agri-business expansions in Upstate NY

By Kara Richenberg
With assistance from National Grid’s Agribiz Program, Dakota Wilson, left, and Sam Wilson installed new fans at their Ames, N.Y. dairy farm that keep their cows cool during the hottest summer days.
Submitted photo.

Press Release:

Whether farmers are looking to upgrade operations or expand their businesses, National Grid can assist with financial incentives and technical support to help Upstate New York farms reduce energy costs, improve health and efficiency, and reduce maintenance. National Grid representatives will be available to share details about its Agribiz Program at the New York Farm Show, scheduled for Feb. 20 to 22 at the State Fairgrounds in Syracuse.

Dakota and Sam Wilson know firsthand that upgrading equipment to grow their Ames, N.Y.- based dairy farm meant that they needed to make a significant investment. Last year, when the Wilsons installed six high-speed circulating fans, they earned incentives through National Grid’s Agribiz program that offset around 70% of the project costs.

The Wilsons represent one of nearly 150 farm owners across Upstate New York who, since 2020, have earned more than $1.5 million in incentives to increase efficiency, reduce energy and maintenance costs, meet sustainability goals, and improve the health of their farm animals.

In addition to incentives, National Grid also offers economic development funding and financing for farm owners.

“When our vendor was providing us with quotes for the new fans it was mentioned that a National Grid program could help pay for them,” said Dakota Wilson. “A National Grid rep visited us and walked us through their Prescriptive Energy Efficiency Program that covered more than half the project. Before winter set in, we were able to use the new fans, which keep the cows cool and moved the air throughout the barn just as we had hoped.”

“Farming is foundational to New York’s economy. When it comes to their own economics, our state’s farms understand the importance of productivity; and the more a facility produces, the higher the earning potential that facility has,” said National Grid Eastern Regional Director Kim Ireland, who added that a few energy upgrades such as high-efficiency lighting, ventilation fans, and water transfer pumps can improve harvest yields and overall livestock health. “We’re proud to help farmers across all of Upstate New York who are upgrading operations and growing their agri-businesses by lowering their initial investments in equipment and systems. Working together with farmers like the Wilsons, we can significantly reduce operating costs and energy use.”

At Lafayette, N.Y.-based Apple Acres, National Grid’s Agribiz Program provided incentives that covered around one-third of the project costs for the installation of automatic, high-speed refrigerator doors.

“Working with National Grid’s Agribiz team has allowed us to complete projects that we wouldn’t necessarily have tackled without their expertise, encouragement and financial assistance,” said Apple Acres Owner Catie Blackler. “We’ve installed equipment that delivers direct energy savings and have been able to invest in innovation that saves energy through improved production efficiency. National Grid’s Agribiz Program is a valuable partner that ensures our locally grown apples are competitive nationally.”

Farmers who are interested in learning more about National Grid’s AgriBiz program can contact John Snyder at

Six Flags Darien Lake hiring event for the 2025 season is set for February 18 - 22

By Press Release

Press Release:

Six Flags Darien Lake, the Thrill Capital of New York, today said it plans to hire 1,500 seasonal associates for the 2025 season ahead of opening day on May 16. 

The park will start filling those roles during a week-long hiring blitz to be held February 15-22 as part of a large recruiting campaign by the park’s parent company, Six Flags Entertainment Corporation, across all its parks in North America.

To learn more about the event and open positions, please visit the Six Flags Darien Lake job site. These positions include:

  • Food & Beverage Associates
  • Ride Operators
  • Lifeguards
  • Sales Associates for Merchandise
  • Park Services Attendants
  • Hotel and Campground Associates
  • And more!

Hourly pay starts at $15.50 for those who are 16 years of age or older based on experience, prior service, and position. Darien Lake offers competitive wages and amazing perks for its associates, including discounts on park food and merchandise, reward and recognition programs, exclusive park events for associates, ride nights, a cafeteria with discount meals, and free admission to any Six Flags park.

Candidates may apply online or visit the park’s Employment Office during the following times to learn about the job opportunities and be interviewed same-day:

  • Tuesday, Feb. 18 (12 to 7 p.m.)
  • Wednesday, Feb. 19 (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
  • Thursday, Feb. 20 (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
  • Friday, Feb. 21 (12 to 7 p.m.)
  • Saturday, Feb. 22 (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.)

“Seasonal associates are the lifeblood of our business and play an instrumental role in consistently delivering amazing experiences to our park guests,” said Christopher Thorpe, park president. “We offer competitive wages and unbeatable perks that include opportunities for leadership development, paid internships, career advancement, and so much more. We look forward to welcoming new associates for what I’m sure will be a FUN and exciting 2025 season!”

The hiring blitz at Six Flag Darien Lake is part of a plan by parent company Six Flags Entertainment to hire more than 50,000 seasonal associates across its network of parks in 2025. The company anticipates filling the majority of those roles during hiring events to be held across all parks in North America from February 15-22.

American Heart Association and Rochester RRH to host free hands-only CPR demonstration Wednesday

By Press Release

Press Release:

The American Heart Association and Rochester Regional Health (RRH) to host free Hands-Only CPR demonstration on Wednesday, February 12.

The American Heart Association and Rochester Regional Health are teaming up to create a Nation of Lifesavers. Trainers will teach Hands-Only CPR to local religious leaders, who can then share this life-saving skill with the community. 

The event will take place at the Rochester Regional Health Healthy Living Campus, located at 211 East Main Street, Batavia. 

The demonstrations for local religious leaders will be held from 2 to 3 p.m., followed by Hands-Only CPR demonstrations open to the public from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. 

The American Heart Association is challenging everyone to join the Nation of Lifesavers and commit to learning CPR during American Heart Month in February. 

More than 350,0000 people experiencing cardiac arrests outside of a hospital, including 23,000 children. CPR is a critical skill that kids as young as 9 years old can learn.

CPR, especially if performed immediately, can double or triple a cardiac arrest ictim’s chance of survival – which is key since nearly 90% of people who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrests die. Nearly 70% of cardiac arrests happen at home, so it is likely that the person who needs CPR will be a family member or friend.

Knowing CPR is an essential skill anyone can perform, and it could mean the difference between life and death.

Boys Basketball: Alexander tops Byron-Bergen 72-37

By Staff Writer
alexander byron-bergen basketball

The Alexander Trojans won the team's 14th game of the year on Monday, beating Byron-Bergen 72-37.

Scoring for the Trojans:

  • Dylan Pohl, 29 points (14-14 on field goals)
  • Austin Wakefield, 11 points 
  • Kingston Woods, 6 points, 7 rebounds, 5 assists

For the Bees:

  • Cole DiQuattro, 11 points
  • Craig DiQuattro, 9 points

Photos by  Melissa Brooks.

alexander byron-bergen basketball
alexander byron-bergen basketball
alexander byron-bergen basketball

Le Roy Republican endorsements announced for local candidates

By Press Release

Press Release:

At our Republican endorsement meeting on Tuesday February 2 the following candidates were endorsed after a vote under the by-laws of our committee.

  • Bill Fox Sr. a Conservative incumbent who asked for Republican endorsement for Town Board
  • Dave Paddock a Republican incumbent for Town Board 
  • Emily McNamara a Republican for Town Justice

Shelley Stein, the incumbent Republican legislator did not receive the votes to move forward with an endorsement.

We have a facebook page for news and updates

All inquiries can be made to the Chairman at

Genesee County Conservative Party announces endorsements for local candidates

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Genesee County Conservative Party are proud to announce the following endorsements:


  • District 3 - Gordon Dibble, (Pembroke/Darien)
  • District 5 - Dr. George Vito (Le Roy) 
  • District 7 - John Deleo (Batavia city wards 1 & 6)
  • District 9 - Kathy Briggs (Batavia city ward 4 & 5)


  • Richard Richmond
  • Eugene Jankowski


  • Greg Post


  • Amy DiSalvo


  • Patti Michalak


  • Jeffrey Wolak


  • William Fox
  • David Paddock


  • Emily McNamara


  • Jeffery Thompson


  • Kristy Murphy

We wish everyone the very best of luck.

Anyone looking to join the Conservative Party Committee, please email Chairwoman, Julie Carasone at 

BHS Alpine Ski team wraps up regular season with strong performances at Swain

By Staff Writer
Abby Bestine
Photo by Matt Holman.

The was an overcast day at Swain with a hard, slick, packed powder racecourse on Swain's Wheels Run. Saturday, February 8 was the regular season finale of the Southern Tier Race League. 2 runs of Giant Slalom, 1 run of Slalom.

While Batavia High School's Alpine ski team did not get the team results that were desired, the young team (mostly sophomores and freshman) and Senior Abby Bestine had some highlights. Setting up the underclassmen for a bright future.

Abby Bestine (12th Grade) - Last regular season race of her HS career. 16th place finish in Giant Slalom.

Nolan Radley (10th Grade) - 6th place finish in the morning's first GS run.

Lucas DeVay (9th Grade) - Consistently finished races and has established himself as Batavia's number# 2 skier going into sectionals. 15th place in Slalom.

Gunnar Pietrzykowski (10th Grade) - Much improved ski racer, hopes to win the rail jam at Swain's winterfest.

Brody Ditzel (10th Grade) - Good athlete and first year racer showing promise for the future.

Emersyn Mager (8th Grade, modified) - 9th Place in Slalom, 6th place in Giant Slalom.

Brody Ditzel
Photo by Matt Holman.
Emersyn Mager
Photo by Matt Holman.
Gunnar Pietrzykowski
Photo by Matt Holman.
Lucas DeVay
Photo by Matt Holman.
Nolan Radley
Photo by Matt Holman.

Change of enrollment deadline for 2025 primary elections

By Press Release

Press Release:

Genesee County residents who wish to change their party enrollment to be eligible to vote in June 24, party primary must submit a completed application to the Genesee County Board of Elections by February 14.

For more information, visit the Genesee County Board of Elections website or call 585-815-7804.

Hawley pushes for waiver proposal to opt out of statewide zero-emission school bus mandate

By Press Release

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) attended a press conference with his colleagues to promote a proposal that would authorize school districts to submit a waiver to the commissioner of education allowing them to officially opt out of certain zero-emission school bus requirements being implemented statewide. Across New York, there are more than 700 school districts facing full implementation of the zero-emission school bus mandate by July 1, 2027. Hawley believes this mandate is unrealistic for rural school districts and will result in higher costs for local schools.

“The Majority’s plan to mandate the purchase of electric vehicles for all new school bus purchases is not only unrealistic, it’s completely unattainable,” said Hawley. “Our schools are already substantially underfunded yet this administration seems hell-bent on punishing rural districts in order to promote their radical climate agenda. These out-of-touch policies will not work for Western New York. We must take action now to protect our schools.”

Try hockey for free event at McCarthy Ice Arena set for February 22

By Press Release

Press Release:

GENESEE AMATEUR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (GAHA) invites children to the to the The David McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena on Evans Street on Saturday, February 22nd for a Try Hockey For Free Event as part of “ USA Hockey Week Across America.” Which will be celebrated at 285 ice areas across the entire United States. 

Starting at 10:40 a.m. to Noon local youth, ages 4 to 9, are welcomed at the rink to experience getting on the ice, learning how to “skate”, get up after falling, basic skills with a hockey stick and shooting pucks into a hockey net (all by being guided by the head coach and on-ice helpers). The youngsters will have the experience of shooting on actual goalies.

“At our Fall USA Try Hockey for Free Event (November 2 nd ) we welcomed families to McCarthy Ice Rink from Batavia, Buffalo, Byron, Corfu, LeRoy, Nunda, East Bethany, Alexander, Byron, Brockport, Albion, Wyoming, Rochester, and Elba to try our great sport of ice hockey” said Sharon Gray, Coordinator of the “Try Hockey for Free” event. “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces and for the youngsters the on-ice experience.”

The head coach for this event will be Andres Manamon (this year’s Head Coach for our Timbit Beginners Program (which presently consists of 72 youngsters) and on-ice helpers who make up this year’s Batavia-Notre Dame United high school team along with their coaches – Marc Staley and John Kirkwood. The youngsters will also be assisted on the ice by other coaches and players from the GAHA organization. 

The event is hosted by the Try Hockey for Free Coordinators – Sharon and Bob Gray and the GAHA Beginner Player Coordinator – Marcia Barnes on behalf of the Genesee Amateur Hockey Association who provided the ice and the McCarthy Rink Staff – Katie Murray (General Manager), Matt Gray (Rink Operating Manager) and their great staff. 

It is the team’s goal to provide the hockey experience to area youngsters free of charge and encourage them to participate in the GAHA Timbit Beginner Program which starts the first week of October. The Beginner Program consists of two sessions (October to December and January to March) with a total of 15 on-ice hours per session. 

USA Hockey’s Try Hockey program, with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge. Pure Hockey (sponsor of USA Hockey) will provide “free” USA Try Hockey jerseys to each child.

What to bring: We encourage those who have equipment to bring it. If you do not have any equipment, you will need to bring:

  • A loose-fitting pair of sweatpants or snow pants
  • A pair of gloves (they don’t need to be hockey gloves – mittens or winter gloves are fine)
  • A helmet (hockey or bike) – we’ll have some “extras” available!

What we provide: Rental Skates will be provided for “free”, courtesy of David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena. Hockey sticks will be given out for use but MUST BE RETURNED.

ON-ICE EXPERIENCE: We will have plenty of coaches on hand to give your child a great youth hockey experience. They will get an opportunity to learn the basic skills of youth hockey. Your child does not need to know how to skate – we’ll have them up on their feet by the end of the session.

Registration is OPEN. Please register at: TRY HOCKEY FOR FREE.COM (Zip Code 14020). Registration limited to 40 participants. For more information contact or 585-344-2248.

Submitted photos.


UConnectCare Foundation to award four $1,000 scholarships

By Press Release

Press release:

Four $1,000 scholarships will be awarded through the annual UConnectCare Foundation Scholarship program in 2025.

The program, initiated several years ago, provides financial support to individuals pursuing their education at an institution of higher learning in the fields of human services or social services for the purpose of contributing to improving community health.

Scholarships will be given to one Genesee County high school student, one Orleans County high school student, one adult student pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree, and one technical/trade school student.

Applications are available on the UConnectCare website – – or can be obtained by contacting Diane Klos at Diane Klos at 585-815-1883 or Completed applications must be received via email or postmarked by March 7.

The scholarships will be awarded at the agency’s annual membership meeting in May.

“We take great pleasure in being able to continue this important program,” said John Bennett, UConnectCare chief executive officer. “More than ever, substance use and alcohol use treatment and prevention agencies are seeking qualified, educated and dedicated employees.”

Students enrolled in a Genesee or Orleans County school can apply for the scholarship even if their primary residence is in another county.

Other pertinent scholarship information is as follows:

  • Applicant must be accepted at an accredited college or university and enrolled in or matriculated in an eligible program/major.
  • Eligible programs or majors include Social Work, Nursing, Health Science, Mental Health Counseling, Psychology, or Human Services.
  • Current UConnectCare employees, board members and UConnectCare Foundation board members are NOT eligible.
  • Relatives of UConnectCare employees, board members and UConnectCare Foundation board members ARE eligible.
  • Applicant must provide academic history such as high school and/or college transcripts.
  • Applicant must provide two letters of recommendation from someone who knows the applicant’s work/volunteer/academic history. Letters from relatives will not be accepted.
  • Applicant must provide a resume or personal biography including work history, volunteer experiences, and extra-curricular activities.
  • Applicant must provide an essay that addresses educational and employment objectives as they relate to the mission of UConnectCare. Financial need, volunteerism, employment history and civic involvement will be given careful consideration.
  • The scholarship monies will be awarded upon completion of the fall semester. The award recipient must provide a copy of their transcript demonstrating at least a 2.0 GPA.
  • Applicant may be invited for an interview before final awards are made.

Top Items on Batavia's List

NOW HIRING seasonal agribusiness positions. CDL A & B Drivers to deliver bulk crop nutrients. Potential long-term opportunities. Great for retirees! GENERAL LABOR positions. Daily variety of indoor/outdoor responsibilities. Loader experience a plus. SIGN-ON BONUS and plenty of OT during spring/summer months. Apply in person at: 8610 Route 237, Stafford, NY
Tags: Jobs offered

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