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I found a dog - is it yours?


I found a dog out in the cold Friday afternoon, January 16 running around in the Lehigh Ave - Creek Road area.  He is safe & sound at my house.  If you have lost a dog & can identify the features - gender, color, size, markings - and satisfy that he is yours I will return it to you.

Please spread the word to friends & family that may have lost a dog.

Call Joe Marchese 716-474-4794


New/Old Food in Town

By Ian Cromwell

This entry is mostly looking for opinions. I was very surprised to see noone has wrote anything about the fast food joint up and running. I personally have yet to eat the wonderful kentucky fried chicken and i'll give you one, maybe two reason why. Traffic and parking. That place is crazy. A line of cars streching all the way back east towards the light with their turn  signals on. Seems as if there is no place to park in the small lot they have. People were literally parking in mcdonalds and walking over. Also i heard long john silvers isn't even up and running yet. I can't imagine what it will be like when it is.

Im just wondering if anyone has been in yet and what you think of the setup.


By Russ Stresing

Its often risky to propose a blanket assumption, but it seems fair to say that the actions of the pilot in this week's airplane accident in New York City saved the lives of the 155 people in his care. There's no doubt that the selfless, reflexive response by the boat pilots and emergency personnel in the immediate accident area were instrumental in saving lives, but without the steady, competent actions of this experienced airman, much of what followed would have been a recovery effort instead of a rescue.


The commercial airline industry is one of the most regulated industries in America. The pilots are held to very high standards and repeated testing. Its not like taking a 5-hour pre-licensing course and then never undergoing any further examination. Commercial airline pilots don't get a pass for passing one test. This instance demonstrates that sort of strict regulation saves lives.


In addition, that sort of strict regulation seems to also select exceptional individuals. Reports indicate that the pilot not only managed to land the airplane safely in a dire circumstance, he felt that his responsibility for the people in his care demanded that he walk the length of the passenger cabin twice to ensure that everyone got out while the plane was sinking in the frigid waters of the Hudson River. This wasn't a stroll down the sunny boardwalk; passengers reported that water was already rising as they were making their way to safety, yet this man waded through the rising flood of icy water to try to ensure the safety of his charges What makes it even more an amazing demonstration of assumed care and responsibility is because he saw it as his duty. Nothing extraordinary. These passengers placed their safety and well-being in his hands and Chelsey "Sully" Sullenberger is made more heroic because he did his due diligence in the manner that any fireman, volunteer or otherwise, any law enforcement officer, emergency medical tech, soldier, sailor, airman, or marine would respond. Honor comes from doing your duty.


Its only because his actions and the professional response of rest of the flight crew saved all of the people on-board the aircraft that I feel comfortable contrasting how this result of the strict supervision of the airline industry contrasts with the calamitous after-effects Americans have suffered because of the abandonment of attention in so many other industries. Food safety. Drug safety. Financial regulation. Import inspection. As attentions have lapsed, as supervision has been abandoned, as accommodations have been made to further corporate interests and profits, people have been sickened, killed and pauperized. Imagine if we applied the same standards to air traffic safety that have been extended to other industries. Not only wouldn't this story have had such a fortunate and inspiring ending, we'd instead be deluged daily by stories of airplane after airplane spiraling into the craters that would surround most major airports. If we had ignored airline industry regulation to the extent that we've swallowed the fairy tales that the corporate mercenaries who bankrupted America have our best interests foremost in their kindly hearts, no one would venture to travel further off the ground than a Greyhound bus seat.


The slickest salesmen in America aren't the infomercial hucksters that populate cable television's off-peak hours. They aren't the guys who try to sell you a driveway sealing job that consists of pouring used motor-oil on your blacktop driveway. They're the ones who insist that national and international corporations have your best interests at heart and can only serve to improve your economic situation if they're allowed to operate under rules that would shame a 17th Century pirate. Then, just before they dive-bomb us into life-sucking disaster, they'll abandon the airplane beneath golden parachutes. They're the ones who insist that if you leave them alone to deal with things as they see fit, they'll respond just as nobly as the people in whose hands we daily place our lives.


They won't come even close to that standard of decency and duty.


Posting under real names on The Batavian

By Howard B. Owens

On The Batavian, we have a policy -- which most members of the site seem to support -- of requiring people to post using their real names.

From the first week of the site, we had a user with a first name of Laz who posted quite regularly.  I had initial doubts as to whether this was a real name, but the way people responded to him initially, I kind of got the impression that this was somebody that other people knew, so I let the name go.

A couple of weeks ago, I got complaints suggesting that Laz wasn't his real name.  I wrote him an e-mail and asked for confirmation.  I didn't get a response.

Earlier tonight, I banned his account. 

He sent me an e-mail after the banning suggesting another name was his real name, and then later suggested that name was one of three aliases he uses.

Here's the thing: We can't check physically the ID of everybody who posts to the site.  To some extent, this is an honor system. 

But if I have any reason to suspect that a user is not posting under his or her real name, I'm going to suspend that account, or at least challenge the user on the name.

We can't guarantee everybody on The Batavian is posting under his or her real name, but we will make every best, honest effort to ensure real names are used.

Empire State Games are canceled

By Brian Hillabush

 The Empire State Games have officially been canceled.

The Democrat & Chronicle just reported that because of all the financial cutbacks we wrote about last week, the games have been called off.


Joseph Spector writes:

Organizers of this summer’s Empire State Games in the Hudson Valley announced today that they will not host the games because of a cut in state aid.

The state announced last week that because of budget constraints they will be unable to spend the $2.7 million to run the annual games, which date back to 1978 and include 30,000 youth and adult amateur athletes.

The games have become a huge event each summer for athletes from all over New York State and were scheduled to be in Hudson Valley from July 22-26. But it looks like the event, which averages 6,000 athletes and 24,000 spectators per year, is finished.

The D&C story says there was no immediate comment from the state Parks Department as to whether the games would be moved to a different location. But with the amount of preparation involved, it is highly unlikely.

With Hudson Valley putting an end to the this year's games, and with no promise of state funding in future years, this looks like the end of the Empire State Games.

“The Hudson River Valley LOC arrived at this regrettable decision based on an overwhelming feeling that the participation fee violates the spirit of the Games and that objections to this approach are so strong among our host site partners, sponsors and volunteers that maintaining the support necessary to successfully host the games has become untenable,” Steven V. Lant, chairman of the games and CEO of CH Energy Group, wrote to Parks Commissioner Carol Ash

Video: William Morgan (Part Three) - Origins of the Republican Party

By Philip Anselmo

Here it is: the final installment in our three-part video series on William Morgan. Please be sure to check out part one and part two, both posted earlier today.

For more information on the story of William Morgan, visit the Holland Land Office Museum Web site, where you can find an enhanced podcast on the topic. You can also head down to the museum at 131 W. Main St. to check out the Morgan exhibit and to pick up a copy of Morgan's book, Secrets of the Masons Revealed.

Former Muckdogs GM Wellenzohn headed to Georgia for new baseball job

By Brian Hillabush

Dave Wellenzohn has a championship ring and had a great experience while meeting "great people in Batavia".

But he was let go as general manager of the Batavia Muckdogs after this season by the Rochester Red Wings, who are owned by the Rochester Red Wings Management, LLC.

Things happen fast in minor league baseball, and Wellenzohn found his new job quickly after searching since the end of the season.

Just yesterday, Wellenzohn was hired by the Savannah Sand gnats as  Director of Tickets and Sales.

"I was the one left holding the short end of the stick (after the season)," Wellenzohn said. "I'm thrilled to be leaving Batavia. I'm happy to be going to Georgia because I've lived there before. I'm looking forward to setting up residence and hopefully being there for a while."

Wellenzohn being happy about leaving Batavia has nothing to do with the people or his experience during the season. In his interview he used the words "bitter sweet" very often. 

Batavia won its first New York-Pennsylvania League title in 45 years on September 14 and he was let go on the 15th. 

"I would not trade my experience in Batavia for anything, but I wouldn't do it again either," Wellenzohn said. "It was bitter sweet and I was the only one that lost. But it was nice. We won a championship and I met a lot of nice people."

Wellenzohn literally was ready to move back to his home town of Buffalo. He had the moving truck booked, found an apartment and had an appointment to have his satellite TV set up.

After having no luck finding a job, he was just going to head home.

But he was hired by the Sand gnats yesterday and is now looking for a place to live there, while canceling his plans to move to Buffalo.

"One of my former employees at Jamestown is there and is the public relations director for NASCAR driver Jamie McMurray, and she's helping me to find some housing. I need to find a place that allows dogs because I still have my trusty companion, my german shepard."

The Sand gnats are a full-season Class A team that is an affiliate of the New York Mets that plays in the South Atlantic League. The team has one of the oldest stadiums in the country, but there is talk of a new one being built in the near future.

He will be wearing his first championship ring when he starts his job on February 2.

"Baseball continues to move on and the calendar moves on," Wellenzohn said. "I'll be with a new team and a new affiliate, but I'll have my first championship ring on my finger. We won 50 games and that is neat. It's something I'll never forget."

Video: William Morgan (Part Two) - Theories: Masons vs. Anti-Masons

By Philip Anselmo

This is the second video in our three-part series on William Morgan. Please, check out part one, The Vanishing of William Morgan, if you have not already done so. Part three should be on its way soon.

For more information on the story of William Morgan, visit the Holland Land Office Museum Web site, where you can find an enhanced podcast on the topic. You can also head down to the museum at 131 W. Main St. to check out the Morgan exhibit and to pick up a copy of Morgan's book, Secrets of the Masons Revealed.

Video: William Morgan (Part One) - The Vanishing of William Morgan

By Philip Anselmo

It has been a while since we've been down at the Holland Land Office Museum to take a look at the artifacts and get a lesson from everybody's favorite local historian, Pat Weissend, the museum's director. Well, to make up for that, we've put together a three part video series on "probably the most important story in the whole Genesee country"...

William Morgan.

Weissend had a lot to say on the subject. Nearly ten minutes worth of a lot to say, in fact. But since it's all so darned interesting, and we just couldn't bring ourselves to edit any of it out, we've instead divided up his tale into three separate videos: The Vanishing of William Morgan, Theories: Masons vs. Anti-Masons, and Origins of the Republican Party. We'll get up part one now and then post the other two later this afternoon. Be sure to watch for them. Enjoy!

For more information on the story of William Morgan, visit the Holland Land Office Museum Web site, where you can find an enhanced podcast on the topic. You can also head down to the museum at 131 W. Main St. to check out the Morgan exhibit and to pick up a copy of Morgan's book, Secrets of the Masons Revealed.

Emergency landing in the Hudson: Everyone aboard Flight 1549 is OK

By Philip Anselmo

This is just one of those stories that everyone is talking about... A news search on Google for the emergency landing of US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River yesterday afternoon yields no less than 7,211 articles—and counting—on the story that have gone up in the past 18 hours. Most of you have likely heard the details by now: an emergency crash-landing of a passenger jet in the Hudson River after both engines burned out; a heroic pilot; a freezing river rescue; 155 people aboard and nobody seriously injured; and so on.

Already, not even a full day later, this story has become ... Someone has already posted a montage of images from the crash landing on YouTube set to synthesized 1980s disco rock. New media reactions on the instantaneous dissemination of cell phone photos via services such as Twitter are as frequent as traditional media coverage. Everyone has something to say about almost every aspect of the event. One religious publication urges: "Yesterday's amazing airplane rescue... provides spiritual ponderings," according to the Village Voice, in its cheeky roundup of some coverage on the fringe.

Here are some other headlines from stories out there right now:

How the Hudson River plane crash brought us together

Landing hailed as 'Miracle on the Hudson,' probe begins

How Birds Can Down a Jet Airplane

Passenger: 'It seemed like it lasted an eternity'

Breaking news from the office window

On the Beat: DWI charges in Alabama and Le Roy

By Philip Anselmo

Lucas M. Roggen, 28, of Akron, was charged with driving while intoxicated Thursday, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Roggen was stopped for an alleged traffic violation at the intersection of Klossen and Meanville roads in Alabama. Rogged failed to stop at the intersection and slid into a snow bank. He was also ticketed with failure to reduce speed, unsafe passing, moving from the lane unsafely and unlawful possession of marijuana.

Anthony J. Reisdorf, 61, of Alexander, was charged with driving while intoxicated Thursday, deputies said. Reisdorf was driving on East Bethany-Le Roy Road in the town of Le Roy when his vehicle crashed, overturned and landed in a creek. He was uninjured. He was also ticketed with failure to reduce speed and moving from the lane unsafely.

Deep freeze will linger in Genesee County through Saturday morning

By Philip Anselmo

A wind chill advisory for the region has been extended through today up until about 11 o'clock Saturday morning. Temperatures with the wind chill could drop as low as 20 degrees below zero this morning and overnight, according to the National Weather Service out of Buffalo. Right now it feels like about 14 degrees below zero, and it may not get any worse than that as long as the winds hold steady.

And of course: more snow. From the National Weather Service:

Bitterly cold wind chill values with significant lake effect snows east of the lakes through Friday night.

A frigid arctic airmass will remain in place across all of western and north central New York through at least Saturday morning. Temperatures during this period will average some 15 degrees below normal.

In addition to the bitterly cold wind chills, winds will be aligned well enough for organized lake effect snow east of both lakes Erie and Ontario. Some areas could see storm totals close to 2 feet.

Anyone else catch that: "a frigid arctic airmass." Doesn't sound friendly.

A look at the radar shows that most of this snow will be south and east of us, maybe reaching Attica and Warsaw, and well north on the Lake Ontario shoreline. For now and for the rest of the morning, at least.

Snow and Ice become Water and Muckdogs Can't Swim

By dave wellenzohn

A question to our city leaders ............ All those huge piles of snow recently deposited in the parking lot of Dwyer Stadium......  When it melts and it will, where will the water go? Let's guess together, shall we.  Water will seek the lowest level which at this time is the Visiting Clubhouse , the area around the deck and then right field. This water will be both above ground and below. Right Field is always the wettest spot due to the low spot that is and has been there for years. Also, if I'm not mistaken, the parking lot is part and parcel  a part of the stadium, which means it is covered by the existing lease with Rochester. I'll also guess that Rochester wasn't asked about using the stadium as a snow and ice dumping ground. 

I'm about to become a "former citizen" of Batavia in 2 weeks. It was a great and eventful , some might say CHAMPIONSHIP year. It's Jan. 14th, city of Batavia. GCC baseball starts in about 2 months.  Look at the mountains that continue to be built and ask :  "Did we think this thru?"  

 GOODBYE BATAVIA, IT'S BEEN AN ADVENTURE !           Dave Wellenzohn GM    NYPL 2008 Champions Batavia Muckdogs

Buffalo News says cancel ESG

By Brian Hillabush

 Last week I wrote about the cutbacks and possible $300 charge for the Empire State Games.

Keith McShea followed up with a great story in the Buffalo News today, basically saying the games are dead and should just be canceled.


Hopefully some sort of funding can be restored. State funding for the Games went from $2.7 million to zero. The Games can certainly be streamlined — a scholastic-only competition isn’t the worst thing. But making athletes pay? No way. How about cutting funding in half? Since when does Albany work this quickly and decisively?

The state’s announcement included the caveat that for the 2010 Games, scheduled to be held in Buffalo, that there is “hope of reinstating the suspended competitions, as well as revisiting the new fee structure.”

But we know how that goes. Once something is cut from a budget, good luck getting it back.


The story is a good read and makes some great points. As one of many Empire State Games fans, I am sad to hear about all these cut-backs. But I hate to say it, this is the beginning of the end.


Inauguration party Tuesday at TF Brown's sponsored by The Batavian

By Howard B. Owens

Join The Batavian and your friends and neighbors Tuesday for the inauguration of Barack Obama as president of the United States.

Whether you're a Republican, Democrat or independent, you're surely mindful of historic event we'll witness Tuesday as Obama takes the oath of office and delivers his First Inaugural Address.

The Batavian will supply some appetizers/finger foods.  Guests will be responsible for the purchase of any lunches or beverages.

The Inauguration Party starts at 11:30 and will run until shortly after Obama completes his speech.  Obama takes the oath at noon.

We look forward to seeing you Tuesday at TF Brown's, 214 East Main Street.

News roundup: Batavia's Graham Corp. lays off 14 employees

By Philip Anselmo

Dan Fischer reports on WBTA this morning that Batavia manufacturer Graham Corp. let go 14 full-time employees yesterday. Most of those who received the pink slips were in the engineering department, Fischer says. A brief statement that was issued to the radio station did not give any reason for the layoffs, which were figured at about 5 percent of the total workforce.

We left a message at Graham Corp. to find out more. We will be sure to post any more information as it becomes available.

Poll: What has made Genesee County the most famous?

By Philip Anselmo

Yesterday, we got up the announcement of No. 4 in the Holland Land Office Museum's countdown of The Twenty-Five Things That Made Genesee County Famous. It was none other than the eponymous Holland Land Company.

So... that brings us to the top three, and the way we've got it worked out, there are still five likely contenders for those three slots. Surely, William Morgan and Jell-O will be among those three. But the third is something of a toss up. A couple of our readers suggested the state School for the Blind. Others have suggested Bill Kauffman. Quite a few more were sure that Barber Conable would make the top five. What do you think? What else has a chance at fame?

What else will make the top three famous countdown?
( polls)

City police urge caution on slick roads

By Philip Anselmo

Scenes similar to this clean up yesterday at the site of a head-on collision on Clinton Street Road in the city have been common over the past few days. Below zero temperatures have kept the road salt from doing its work and frequent snowfalls have kept the plows more than busy.

In response, the city of Batavia police have issued a statement urging motorists to drive cautiously and maybe drive a little more slowly than they normally would.

In the past 24 hours the Batavia Police Department has investigated about 15 motor vehicle accidents. Only a few resulted in minor injuries. With the extreme cold weather conditions and the snow we have received, the city streets remain slippery and icy especially at intersections. Even after being treated, the intersections and streets become icy quickly with the near zero temperatures we are experiencing.
We are asking all drivers in the city to use extreme caution and to slow down, especially when approaching intersections.

On the Beat: Drug bust in Batavia

By Philip Anselmo

Kim M. Mobley, 45, of 11 Pringle Ave., Batavia, was charged with two felony counts of third-degree criminal sale of a cotrolled substance and two felony counts of third-degree criminal possession of  controlled substance Wednesday, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Mobley was arrested at her home Wednesday afternoon following an investigation into the alleged sale of crack cocaine to an undercover agent of the Genesee County Local Drug Task Force. Mobley was sent to Genesee County Jail in lieu of $7,500.

Jessica R. Henry, 23, of Oakfield, was charged with a felony count of use of a child in a sexual performance, a felony count of promoting a sexual performance by a child and a felony count of promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Henry is accused of directing a child to perform multiple sexual acts with Corey Klase, who was arrested by the sheriff's deputies last week. Klase faces multiple charges, including two felony counts of third-degree rape.

Henry was also charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. She was released under the supervision of the sheriff's office.

Eric C. Zglinicki, 46, of Darien Center, was charged with driving while intoxicated early this morning, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Zglinicki was stopped on Route 77 in Darien. He was also ticketed with failure to keep right.

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
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AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
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