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Deal of the Day: Present Tense Books and Gifts

By Howard B. Owens

Today's Deal of the Day: A $25 gift certificate from Present Tense Books and Gifts in Batavia. The Batavian's Good Deal Price: $12.50 -- HALF off!

Present Tense is a popular local bookseller as well as a great place to find unique gifts. It's located at 101 Washington Avenue

The gift certificate must be used by within 30 days of purchase. It is not valid with other offers and has no cash value.

Rules: E-mail me at howard (at) thebatavian dot com. First e-mail wins, but the winner must arrange to stop by my office on Main Street before 5:00 p.m. today to pay for the gift certificate. If the first e-mailer can't or doesn't make it in, the certificate goes to the second e-mailer.

If you want to be notified via e-mail of future Deals of the Day, sign up for the Deals of the Day e-mail list by clicking here.

Merchants: If you would like your business featured in Deal of the Day, call Howard Owens at 260-6970.

Denial of low-cost hydropower by NYPA sends another company, and its 200 jobs, packing

By Howard B. Owens

Yesterday, we asked the Poll Question: What inhibits job growth in WNY?  Obviously, we left out one possible answer: The New York Power Authority.

You may remember reports previously of the NYPA chasing Google away from Medina.

This morning the Buffalo News reports that a start-up steel firm that would have employed 200 people in WNY will not open its factory gates thanks to NYPA.

It was the second time the company had looked to the Empire State to build a plant. After being turned down for its first request for power a few years ago, which also might have been in Orleans County, it decided to build its first plant, now under construction, in Mississippi.

The company now will look for a site outside New York State for a second plant, Chief Commerce Officer Mark Bula told The Buffalo News on Wednesday.

For its part, NYPA claims there are other new businesses looking for the power and there just isn't enough to go around. That may or may not be true, but as the News points out, NYPA has a long history of turning away job-producing companies from WNY.

Police Beat: Student at GCC charged with harassment

By Howard B. Owens

DaQuan Reynolds, 18, of Rochester, a student of Genesee Community College, is accused of harassing another student. An order of protection has been issued barring him from contact with the student. He allegedly physically contacted the student. He is charged with harassment in the second degree.

Lee says government should only get involved in broadband rates as a last resort

By Howard B. Owens

City Paper's Jeremy Moule caught up with Congressman Chris Lee at a press conference and asked an unrelated question: What is his position on Time Warner's plan to tier broadband pricing.

Here's what Moule wrote about Lee's response:

Representative Chris Lee says that the federal government should get involved with Time Warner's broadband rate change only as a last resort.

He's looking into Time Warner's proposal and is aware that there's broad concern over it. Public officials should make sure "consumers are protected and that they pay a fair rate," he said after an unrelated press conference this afternoon.

The company has agreed to hold a public session on the plan, which would implement tiered, usage-based rates. Ideally, it would be able to develop fair-rate plans, said Lee, Monroe County's lone Republican Congressional representative.

Lee had called the press conference to support his push for a passport office in Western New York.

Batavia resident, at 24, deals with diabetes and layoff

By Tasia Boland

Today’s economic hardships are leaving thousands of Americans in fear of losing their job, house, and lifestyle. For some losing their job could cost their life.

Eric Boland, age 24 of Batavia, was temporarily laid off from a HVAC company in Buffalo last month. Boland’s first thought of course was financies, but not those of rent, food, etc. it is for a disease that demands hundreds of dollars of month, Type 1 diabetes.   

“It costs about $785 a month just for my supplies that I need every day,” said Boland. “Plus my doctor visits once a month, and an insulin pump on average, is $6,000.” Boland said he was ecstatic when he found out he would be receiving his full medical coverage, which makes living with diabetes slightly easier.



Every day an insulin pump is resting in his jean pockets. In every pair of pants he owns, he has cut a small hole inside the bottom of the pocket, so that the thin clear cord from the insulin pump, which connects into the skin on his stomach, is unnoticeable.

Every two days, he has to change what is called an infusion set. The infusion set is a long needle that is used to insert the cord from the pump into his body.  Boland says today it is difficult sometimes to find a spot on his skin that does not have scar tissue. Boland has been doing this since he was eight years old. 

Anytime he eats or drinks he has to take the pump out of his pocket and give himself enough insulin for the total amount of carbohydrates he consumes. He has to check his blood sugar with a finger stick needle at least four times a day. 

The day Boland found out he was diabetic is a crystal clear memory, and the everyday needles is a constant reminder. 

“I was so scared because I didn’t know what diabetes was,” said Boland who was diagnosed at eight years old. “ That day my biggest fear was to take a pill, because I couldn’t swallow them,” said Boland.  He didn’t realize how serious it was until he heard his mother crying at the hospital while on the phone with his father. 

“I only cried when I heard my mother crying. I thought because she was crying, I was going to die,” said Boland. 

Less than one percent of Americans age 20 and younger have diabetes.

Life became more complicated while he tried to ignore the fact that he was diabetic. Two years later his younger brother, Shaun, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and the family’s lifestyle became a little more intricate.

“The most difficult thing was all the day to day stuff, birthday parties, treats at school, everyone else would get cake and candy while my boys would get a matchbox car”, said Patty Boland, Boland’s mother. “I would tell them that the car lasts longer than candy but, they didn't want to be different, especially Eric.”

At 8-years-old children drink Kool-Aid and look forward to Halloween, but for Boland that wasn’t the case.

Just a few days before the exciting Trick-or-Treating night, he was in his room for a little too long. His mother said that he walked out to the living room with the most somber face and a sandwich board type sign that was hanging on his little body, that read, “ Trick or Treat, I'm diabetic so don't give me candy because I can't eat it."

“It was quite heart wrenching,” said Patty Boland.

Being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes was such a big responsibility and too much for Boland. He says he decided that he would just ignore the disease and life would be much easier.

He tried ignoring it when he would be at a friend’s house when they would offer him Kool-Aid. He would drink it and not say anything. When he would come home his blood sugar would be extremely high and make him feel horrible, but that wasn’t enough to make him change.

“Most of the time I feel like I can control it (diabetes), but when I think about what it can do to me, I think it controls me, said Boland. “The fact is no matter how well it’s controlled it could still lead to problems later in life.”  

As I watched him test his blood sugar I could see all the tiny needle marks on his fingertips.

He was very particular about which fingers he pricked,” said his mother, “He wanted to make sure he could use some fingers to read brail.” Blindness is one of the complications of diabetes.

Today he says he doesn’t even feel the needle anymore.

Last year he was told that he is showing signs of Diabetic Retinopathy (damage to the blood vessels in the retina). This happens because of his blood sugar levels being so inconsistent, from high to low. The normal blood sugar level for a diabetic is between 80 and 180.

Boland says his blood sugar will reach 300, sometimes even 400, and at other times will drop down quickly in to the 50’s or 60’s. The high and low blood sugar level is what leads to health problems later in life.

Diabetic Retinopathy in its beginning stages has no treatment, except that you must keep your blood sugar levels in the normal range. If it worsens, laser surgery is available but doesn’t guarantee that there will be no loss of sight.

Boland said this made him realize whether he wants to admit it or not, he has diabetes, and if he does not take care of it, it will destroy him.

Last year Eric and I were married. As with every couple your world always changes, that is life, but my lifestyle and attitude changed drastically because it had too. I had to realize the seriousness of this disease.

Today Eric has taken charge of his disease and is back at work.

Genesee County residents seeking more guns and permits in recent months

By Howard B. Owens

Mike Barrett, owner of Barrett's Marine and Sporting Supply, says he's seeing more first-time gun buyers in his store these days, and County Clerk Don Read reports that the most recent gun permit class had 42 people in it.

The increase in local gun ownership matches a national trend.

"I don't think it's one element that is behind the increase," Read said. "It's everything put together."

And everything means fears of new federal and state legislation restricting gun and ammo sales, the recession and increases in crime, and the usual reason -- newfound interest in hunting and target shooting.

Whatever the cause, Barrett said distributors' warehouses are bare and it's more difficult to get inventory.

Barrett and his staff where a little upset with Read this afternoon, after hearing that Read blamed the increase of permits on "scare tactics" by the NRA and other gun advocates. Conservative commentators have been raising concerns about President Obama's anti-gun positions and legislation being introduced at both the state and federal levels.

"I heard that (Read's comments) today and almost blew a gasket," Barrett said. "A lot of people are down playing what's going on and it's nothing to be played down. I don't say that just because I'm a business man  There is a train coming down."

Barrett handed over information on five state bills that would limit gun ownership, make it harder if not impossible to buy certain kind of guns and obtain ammunition.

Anti-gun legislation has been introduced before and didn't pass. Read said he thinks this round of legislation isn't likely to pass either.

"I don't attribute it to scare tactics, but there is an aspect that people are afraid there will be more restrictions," Read said. "Personally, I don't see that happening, but often perception of an issue is more important than reality."

The surge in gun permits goes beyond the specter of stricter legislation, Barrett said. The recession is also driving concerns about a rise in crime and the need for self protection.

A member of his staff, Jack Taylor, said a 70-year-old woman walked out of the store 20 minutes earlier with her first rifle.

"She bought it for target practice and to keep around the house," Taylor said.

Read tells a similar story: "We just had a lady in, a well-known lady, who is retired now and her husband enjoys target practice and she wanted to be able to enjoy it with him."

Asked about more gun ownership in Genesee County, Sheriff Gary Maha responded:

"Those persons obtaining gun permits are law-abiding citizens and are not
a concern to law enforcement.  I believe in the Second Amendment -- 'the right to bear arms.' It is the illegal guns and illegally obtained guns that I am concerned about."

For more information on the proposed legislation in New York, visit the SCOPE Web site.

Injuries reported in single-car rollover accident on Thruway

By Howard B. Owens

Two ambulances are responding to a single-car rollover accident on the westbound Thruway at mile maker 382.6 in the Town of LeRoy.

The extent of any injuries are unknown, but an original dispatch of Mercy Flight -- which was 90 miles away -- has been canceled.

All occupants are out of the vehicle.

LeRoy police seek help in rash of larcenies

By Billie Owens

The LeRoy Police Department is asking for assistance in determining who is responsible for a rash of overnight larcenies from unlocked vehicles in the Myrtle Street/Gilbert Street area. 
The larcenies have occurred nightly since April 7. The most recent was last night (4/14).   The thefts consist mostly of money and/or other valuables.
Witnesses state that teens wearing a dark hoodie and possibly a pink coat may be involved.
The LeRoy Police Department asks that you lock all vehicles at night. Any citizen with information about these thefts, or who sees suspicious persons in the area, should contact the LeRoy Police Department immediately at 768-2527 or call 9-1-1.

Author sings the praises of Present Tense Books

By Howard B. Owens

Author Lorna Bartlett was the guest of Present Tense for a book signing on Saturday, and she left an apparent fan of the charming shop on Washington Avenue.

She writes in her blog:

What a terrific store! Housed in a gorgeous old Victorian home, the shop (inside and out) is painted in wonderful colors. There are several rooms filled with books, a selection of coffee and teas, children's toys (and books!), candles, hand-sewn purses (I was really tempted by those), pretty teacups, a gallery of original photographs, magnetic poetry kits, and lots of other marvelous things. I admit, I did succumb to temptation and bought a package of Who Dunn-Its sticky notes.

If you missed the signing, Bartlett left some signed books at the store. 

Check her post for more details about her afternoon at Present Tense and some pictures she took of the store.

GLOW Democratic leaders meet with Gillibrand to discuss dairy crisis

By Howard B. Owens

Earlier this month, a group of regional Democratic leaders traveled to Buffalo to meet with newly minted U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Congressman Steven Israel.

Among the issues raised by GLOW Democrats was the dairy farm crisis, which we covered previously.

The Democrats discussed with Israel possible candidates to run against Congressman Chris Lee in 2010.

The full press release from Judith Hunter after the jump:




Members of the GLOW Democratic Coalition traveled to Buffalo on Saturday, April 4, to meet with New York U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Congressman Steven Israel (NY-2) and discuss the needs of Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, and Wyoming Counties.  “Now that our Democratic committees are working together across our region, we’re getting opportunities to speak up and be heard.  This was a great morning for our coalition,” said Lorie Longhany of LeRoy, Chair of the Genesee County Democratic  Committee.

Geneseo’s Phil Jones, Livingston County Democratic Chair, emphasized the importance of meeting with Senator Gillibrand.  “It was crucial for us to meet with our new Senator, because our federal Senators are our only legislators who are members of the majority.  Every legislator we have below that level is in the minority caucus and, of course, less powerful.”  The first issue the GLOW leaders raised with Senator Gillibrand was the crisis in dairy farming, with Harold Bush of Gainesville, Wyoming County Democratic Chair, stating that his county is projected to lose $60 million this year because dairy prices have fallen so drastically.  “I was very impressed with the Senator’s response.  She is a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee and understands this issue and its importance very well.  She explained the problem was structural and that the pricing system has to be changed so that you don’t have the current situation of the price level being set lower than the cost of the production of milk.  She had some great ideas.”

The GLOW Democratic leaders also met with Representative Steven Israel, who asked them to come and discuss possible Democratic candidates for the 2010 Congressional race in New York’s 26th District.  Congressman Israel is in charge of recruitment for the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee).  Suzanne Coogan of Warsaw, Wyoming County, noted that “the rural counties are crucial to our Congressional election.  It’s a great development that the people guiding our national strategy want our input.”

One of the things that came up in both meetings was the new website.  Senator Gillibrand’s staff was especially complimentary of the site, which tracks and analyzes developments that affect the GLOW region.

Reminder: Sign up for e-mail updates

By Howard B. Owens

Reminder: We've created the ability for you to receive e-mail updates from The Batavian. We have two e-mail subscriptions available now:

News Updates: Periodic news updates as needed, with usually a 5 p.m. daily e-mail. Don't miss the news on a busy day.

Deal of the Day: Daily specials from local businesses -- usually half off on a gift certificate.

To subscribe, click here.

Deal of the Day: Vintage & Vogue Inspirations in LeRoy

By Howard B. Owens

Today's Deal of the Day: A $25 gift certificate from Vingtage and Vogue Inspirations in LeRoy. The Batavian's Good Deal Price: $12.50 -- HALF off!

If you've not been in Vintage & Vogue yet, it's a new store in the village that is well worth a visit. It features great handcrafted goods for the home.

The gift certificate must be used by within 30 days of purchase. It is not valid with other offers and has no cash value and is non-transferable.

Rules: E-mail me at howard (at) thebatavian dot com. First e-mail wins, but the winner must arrange to stop by my office on Main Street before 5:00 p.m. today to pay for the gift certificate. If the first e-mailer can't or doesn't make it in, the certificate goes to the second e-mailer.

If you want to be notified via e-mail of future Deals of the Day, sign up for the Deals of the Day e-mail list by clicking here.

Police Beat: Driver accused of DWI and stealing a car

By Howard B. Owens

Anthony W. Dachille, 23, of Henrietta, was stopped on Route 33 in Bergen early yesterday morning for alleged "multiple" traffic violations and after a short investigation, deputies concluded he appeared to be drinking and driving and the car he was in was stolen. Dachille's license had previously been revoked for a DWI violation in 2007. Dachille is charged with felony DWI, unlicensed operation of a vehicle in the 1st degree and criminal possession of stolen property.

Batavian Stephen Earle has seen the world in Navy career, but hometown has its charms

By Howard B. Owens

Stephen Earle says his 24 years in the Navy have been fun and rewarding, but he often misses his home town of Batavia and thinks he might settle in Western New York when he retires in a couple of years. He and his wife purchased a home in Orleans County while he served as a recruiter in Batavia for a little more than two years.

Earle, whose mother still lives in Batavia, is currently serving in sonar aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Afghanistan theater. He called The Batavian today for an exclusive interview, at the request of U.S. Navy public relations personnel, to talk about his career.

We recorded the interview and you can listen here.

Earle said his two-decades-plus in the Navy have been great, but not without hardship. It's tough being away from his wife and two children, he said. Fortunately, long deployments are not common.

He's seen the world, too, and spent many years stationed in San Diego and Long Beach.

"I used to say that I missed the snow," Earle said. "And then moving back there for two-and-half years, I would say 'do I really miss the snow?'  I do miss the small town atmosphere. I've been at bases around large cities and San Diego was a great place and everything, but it never rained enough and the size of the town, I just sort of missed the small town atmosphere."

Hay bales on a truck reported on fire in Bethany

By Howard B. Owens

Bales of hay on a truck are reportedly on fair in Bethany at 6025 East Bethany Le Roy Road. Crews are responding. A second alarm has been responded.

UPDATE 4:21 p.m.: I'm on scene on Hawks Road, where the truck with burning hay was moved to after firefighters determined the only way to extinguish the fire was to dump the load in an open field. The load has been dumped and crews are now poring water and bulldozing dirt onto the burning fire. The flames are few but the smoke is profuse.  I should have some video edited and uploaded in an hour or two.

UPDATE 5:15 p.m.: The fire is reportedly contained and crews are returning to quarters; however, the fire is expected to burn for a couple of more days until it burns itself out, generating much smoke at times.

UPDATE 10:30 p.m.: At the scene today I met Scott M. Kibler, 4th assistant chief for the Stafford Fire Department, and it turns out he's a regular reader of The Batavian. He sends along the following report and pictures from the fire.

At 3:10 PM the Stafford Fire Dept was called out to assist the Bethany Fire Dept. at 6025 E.Bethany-Leroy Rd. for a tractor trailer loaded with hay that was on fire. First ariving trucks on scene deployed hand lines and attempted to put out the fire with little success. It was determined that the load needed to be dumped in order to get at the fire and put it out. A suitable dump site was located about a mile away on Hawks Rd. in a empty field. Pavilion Fire Dept. set up a draft site on Fox Place in the town of Stafford and tankers were filled from there. A front end Loader was brought in by A.D. Call & sons and when the load was dumped it was pushed around and spread out so it could be watered down. I have not heard how the fire started yet but my guess would be from the exhaust stack on the truck. Trucks from Stafford, Bethany and Pavilion Responded to this incident.

Deal of the Day: Grandstands Bar & Grille at Batavia Downs

By Howard B. Owens

Today's Deal of the Day: A $25 gift certificate for the Grandstands Bar & Grille at the Batavia Downs Casino. The Batavian Deal of the Day Price: $12.50.  That's HALF off.

The Grandstands features an affordable menu, so this is a pretty valuable offer.

The gift certificate must be used by June 30, 2009. It is not valid with other offers and has no cash value and is non-transferable.

Rules: E-mail me at howard (at) thebatavian dot com. First e-mail wins, but the winner must arrange to stop by my office on Main Street before 5:30 p.m. today to pay for the gift certificate. If the first e-mailer can't or doesn't make it in, the certificate goes to the second e-mailer.

If you want to be notified via e-mail of future Deals of the Day, sign up for the Deals of the Day e-mail list by clicking here.

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
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AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
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