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Now That Is Alot of Wood That Needed Stacking

By Robin Walters

The Care-A-Van Ministry Team headed out to a local widow's home this evening to

help take care of her wood pile. 10 Face Cord of wood was stacked by the team of 5.

The weather was beautiful and a great time was had by all! 

Unknown fire alarm at United Memorial

By Howard B. Owens

A fire alarm was triggered at UMMC, 16 Bank St. Firefighters are on scene and investigating. No further information is available at this time.

Car fire reported in Bergen

By Howard B. Owens

Fire units are being dispatched to 6951 N. Bergen Road for a reported car fire.

View Larger Map

Ironically, Google's "Street View" of the address puts a car right in front of the residence. We have no idea, of course, if this is the car.

View Larger Map

Teen uses web to encourage youths to get into action

By Tasia Boland

When Ethan Thompson, resident of Oakfield, speaks to you, he moves you because he sees you. He looks right at you, and his words are strong like his eyes. After speaking with him you can tell his spirit is on fire for God.

How can I make my mark for God? Was a question that pushed forth his Web site

“Encouraging this generation to get in action,” is his drive and tagline for the site.

Thompson said the site is to encourage and give positive ideas for Christian teenagers.

Thompson went to the library once a week for a year, reading about how to build and manage your own Web site. He brings in his own income from selling things here and there on EBay.

“If I don’t make any money, then whatever,” said Thomas who continued by saying its more about the positive message he wants to send.

“I wanted to make a bigger difference in the world,” said Thompson, “I wanted to have an outlet to express my feelings and things.”

A year ago the site was basic HTML and Thompson decided to hire someone to design something new.

Thompson who enjoys web developing more than design said in a year from now the site will have more content, and more podcasting. He hopes to have a writer other than himself.

His parents are very supportive and help proofread and review the content of his articles. He gets their viewpoint and said it is always great to have different perspectives on an idea. Right now he is seeing about 50 visits a day and said when he has a new article posted the site gets much more attention.

“It’s an ever-changing process,” said Thompson, “You can never have a perfect Web site because technology is always changing.”

Thomas attended St. Paul’s and is now home-schooled. Thompson has the discipline to set aside time for his school work, and completely focus on it until it’s done

“I don’t have to worry about walking to the next class, or lunch, or study halls,” said Thompson, “Mine is all a study hall.” 

Thompson chooses to take a stand against the question he says society demands, “How can I be satisfied or entertained?”

He talked about the negative aspect to social networking like Facebook and Myspace saying the sites allow you to be someone who is viewed as cool. It doesn’t matter whether or not you as a person agree with who you are choosing to be online, because online you can be anyone.

He is very active in his youth group at Genesee Country Church. He also has his black belt and loves mountain bike riding.

He spends about 4-5 hours a day on the computer working on his site.

“Your mind thinks your working, but your not really working, your not doing anything physical,” said Thompson. So after 4 or 5 hours he will enjoy his quiet time reading the bible, or thinking about his favorite verse, Romans 3:23. The verse sets up everything he does. 

What makes Ethan so true to the meaning of Christianity is his spirit to encourage others, and he is doing this in a big way, with his own Web site.

Although he loves this experience, he said he doesn’t want to get into Web design in college.

“I would want to major in Marketing or Broadcasting,” said Thompson. He likes to do tech related things and commented that he isn’t even sure if college is for him because of the costs. But the almost 15-year-old already sees the truth of the world and is doing something to encourage others is something a college degree could never teach anyways.

ND Seniors in the Spotlight

By Notre Dame

Our ND "seniors in the spotlight" - Jill Marshall, daughter of Paul Marshall and Maureen Torrey Marshall of Elba and Kevin Francis, son of Mark and Cindy Francis of Batavia - both recently received the prestigious Ronald McDonald Game Sportsmanship Award for their respective teams during the Saturday, March 28, 2009 Ronald McDonald High School Basketball All Star games held at R.I.T. It is a rarity that two student athletes from the same school are selected to represent their [Genesee Region] league and school in this annual showcase of local basketball talent, much less receive the same prestigious award as a result of their performance in this contest! Congratulation on jobs well done!

Kevin Francis is a very talented student-athlete and has been a stalwart member of our Fighting Irish Football, Basketball and Baseball programs throughout his high school career. He has been a member of our Section V Class D Varsity Football Championship team as a Sophomore and Section V Class D Varsity Baseball Championship team as a Junior earning Sectional [Section V – Rochester Region] patches during both of these seasons. He played a key role in the success of our Fighting Irish Baseball team last year which captured the NYS Far West Regional championship and advanced to the NYSPHSAA “Final 4” at SUNY Binghamton last June. Kevin earned a spot on this year's 2009 Section V Class D- All Star team for his exemplary play during our recently concluded season. Regardless of the sport, Kevin can always be counted on to play hard and give it his all. He consistently plays within the parameters of the rules and lets his performance on the field or court “speak for itself.” Kevin has been a very unselfish team member throughout high school and makes everyone else that much better by his presence in a line up. He was selected to receive the "Birdseye Player of the Year" in the Genesee Region by a vote of league coaches in addition to being selected to play in this year's Ronald McDonald High School Boys All Star Basketball contest!

Kevin is also the type of student who is capable of “stepping up” and taking on leadership roles. A two time Genesee Region All-Star in both football and basketball, Kevin is a leader by example both on and off the field of play. He has captained each varsity sport that he has competed in during his Junior and Senior years at Notre Dame. He is a role model for all of the younger student-athletes in our athletic programs. 

An individual who enjoys spending time helping others, Kevin has volunteered to assist others through his involvement with Salvation Army bell ringing at Christmas time, reffing grade school basketball games and assisting veterans at the Batavia Veterans Administration Hospital and Home.

Kevin is considering attending St. John Fisher College in Rochester, SUNY Fredonia and D’Youville College in Buffalo and is interested in pursuing a degree in business administration. He also has aspirations of continuing his football and/or basketball career at the collegiate level.

Jill Marshall has a never-ending thirst for knowledge and exhibits an outstanding work ethic on a daily basis at Notre Dame. She is the type of student that any instructor would love to have based on her appreciation for education and willingness to work hard to achieve her goals. She is the type of individual who is not afraid to challenge herself academically having spent the second semester of her Junior year as a Page for United States Representative Louise Slaughter in Washington, DC, as well as having taken summer courses at Cornell and Georgetown Universities.

A very well rounded individual and member in good standing of the National Honor Society, Jill served as her Class President during her 9th, 10th and 11th grade years at Elba. She is currently a contributing member of our Notre Dame Environmental Club, as well as our ND Mission Club and SADD organization during her senior year, as well as a member of the Genesee County Youth Court, a position to which she was appointed in December 2008.

A very talented student-athlete, Jill has been an integral part of our highly touted Fighting Irish Varsity Girls Cross Country and Basketball teams during the 2008-2009 school year. She has received numerous individual Genesee Region honors in Basketball and Soccer, as well as Section V NYSPHSAA All Star recognition in both Cross Country this past fall and in Basketball twice - once at Elba and this season at ND. She [like Kevin Francis] is the consummate team member, sacrificing individual recognition for the success of a team victory and was a fitting representative to this year's Ronald McDonald High School Girls All Star game from the GR league. She makes everyone better just by being in the lineup. She is a leader by example and has achieved prestigious NYSPHSAA student athlete status (minimum 90% team average) during each varsity sports season she has played during her combined high school career at Elba and Notre Dame.

Jill plans to continue her education at Cornell University while pursuing a degree in the area of nutritional science next fall.

The Notre Dame Family is proud to salute Kevin Francis and Jill Marshall as our spotlighted seniors for the month of April 2009 and wish them the best of luck next year at the collegiate level!!!

Pictured: Jill Marshall ‘09 and Kevin Francis ‘09

Deal of the Day: Three-for Thursday

By Howard B. Owens

Today, we have a special Deal of the Day -- three gift certificates offers in one day.

Rules: Gift certificates must be used within 30 days of purchase.  People who have won a gift certificate in the past 30 days cannot win a gift certificate from the same business again. State law prohibits using gift certificates to purchase alcohol.

Process: Purchase your gift certificate through the PayPal button below. There is only one gift certificate available from each business. The first completed purchase wins.  PayPal will notify you if the gift certificate has been purchased and is out of stock. It's best if you're able to stop by The Batavian office and pick up your gift certificate prior to 5 p.m. today, however mail is an option.

T.F. Brown's ($12.50):


 Adam Miller ($12.50):



Batavia Downs ($12.50):


Local bloggers start gabbing about sports at the Watercooler

By Brian Hillabush

As Matt Novak, Matt McCracken and Brandon Brummert were driving back from the NCAA Basketball Tournament in Memphis, they started talking about a way to have some fun talking sports with their friends.

The trio of Oakfield-Alabama graduates decided that starting a blog was the best way to accomplish this. That was when GC Watercooler was born.

Novak created the site that night (March 30) and it went live on Friday of that week, with links being posted on Facebook and Section 5 Talksback. 

Novak currently attends Syracuse University and is a big basketball fan. He is also the top poster on Talksback. 

McCracken attends SUNY Geneseo and specializes in NFL and Brummert is a junior in college and writes about college football.

The site has more than just the three writers.

Steve Huber - who is a graphic designer that graduated from Attica - is a baseball analyst and fellow Attica grad Don Busch writes about college football.

O-A grad Travis Klotzbach writes about the NFL and current Oakfield-Alabama student Ben Cherry writes about soccer and wrestling. Casey Call - another O-A grad - writes about basketball.

Elba's Collin Stucko and Sonny Giuliano both write about college and NBA basketball while Notre Dame's Christian Bochicchio writes about college football and Shea O'Connor writes about the NFL.

These young writers are a talented group and the site offers a lot of humor to go along with news and opinions. You can check it out here.


Video: Tom Mancuso talks about Masse Gateway Project

By Howard B. Owens

After the public hearing last night, Dan Fischer of WBTA and I spoke with Tom Mancuso, of Mancuso Development Group, about the Masse Gateway Project.  Mancuso has been on vacation, so the public has not yet heard from him on the proposal, so this video represents the full interview.

Masse Gateway Project public hearing draws light turnout

By Howard B. Owens

Maybe it was the time, as one speaker noted, but for as controversial as the Masse Gateway Project has seemed, the turnout at tonight's public hearing was disappointing. Only five people got up to speak.

Below are videos of each of the speakers. Note that I didn't necessarily capture the entire speeches of each person, though in some cases I did.


Ken Mistler working on project to bring new live theater to downtown Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

There may be a theater, possibly a dinner theater, in the future of the former Carr's Department Store location, if owner Ken Mistler can line up appropriate funding through the BID.

Mistler does not have many specifics on the proposal at this time, but has been working on putting together the project for several weeks.

In response to an e-mail, Mistler said:

I do not have any exact plans until the Engineers get back to me... Engineer hopes to give me my plans/answers early next week.

In a comment on The Batavian, Mislter acknowledged that he paid only $10,000 for the Carr's building, but has spent a good deal of money renovating it.

  • $214,000 on the Jackson Street façade
  • $22,000 on replacing windows
  • $87,000 on the back façade, which helped preserve the structure
  • $58,000 on new roofs
  • $42,000 on the front façade
  • $150,000 on repairs from leaks due to broken pipes (the elevator and dry wall were damaged)
  • $20,000 on a new sprinkler system
  • $15,000 on heating and air conditioning

In another comment, he said:

I offered Old Navy 4 years free rent on a 7-year lease. After 4 attempts they finally replied. They are not currently seeking any type of retail location in your (our) demographic. Now I will look toward entertainment.

Northwest Territories Fly-In: Nueltin Lake


The plane ride into the Northwest Territories revealed a barren wilderness interspersed with pristine lakes and brawling, turbulent rivers.  As the plane descended for landing we had a birdseye view of the local terrain. Visible through the windows of the twin engine Otter were endless rolling hills studded with boulders, some the size of small houses.  We had flown just beyond the fringe of the North American tree line, into the home of the barren ground caribou, ptarmigan and other tundra denizens.  The few trees that do grow here are stunted spruce and willow, the ground carpeted with caribou moss and lichen.    

The lakes and rivers here teem with lake trout, grayling and very few northern pike. Not surprisingly we failed to hook a northern during our week long stay. Not that it mattered. Our tent camp was located at Nueltin Narrows.  As the name implies, “the Narrows” is a bottleneck in 135 mile long Nueltin Lake.     




It was the third week of June, 1982, and much of the lake was still locked in ice, including a large bay in close proximity to our camp.  The remaining ice was honeycombed, and I’ll never forget the sound it made whenever a breeze picked up – like ice cubes being swished around inside thousands of crystal drinking glasses.

Because the water was deep and clear, we could look down into the lake depths, sometimes able to see the shadow of a large fish swimming by – probably a big lake trout. But the fish weren’t all that cooperative to start with. We caught lake trout, but not a great number. That would change once the cold front passed through.   Gray skies and chilly air temperatures required warm clothing – goose down and wool – and thermoses filled with hot liquid, usually cocoa or chicken broth.

After three days the sun returned, and the lake trout action heated up.  They provided great sport on light tackle, and one evening they put on an aerial display – very uncharacteristic of lake trout.  It was close to ten pm when we found a small bay full of six to eight lb.  lake trout. They went crazy for yellow and red wobbling spoons called Five of Diamonds. I don’t know how deep a one ounce spoon can sink in three seconds, but that’s where the fish were. We began reeling after a three count and the lakers wasted no time attacking the spoons. Within seconds they were on the surface, jumping, rolling and just giving a good account of North Country forktails.  By 1:30 a.m. we were feasting on broiled lake trout. After dining on all that fresh fish it was hard to fall asleep – we were wired on protein!

We found a great set of caribou antlers while hiking and saw a number of ducks including scoters, eider and several ptarmigan. One afternoon a solitary otter persisted in following us. He gave us a wide berth, staying thirty yards or more behind the boat. Once we began trolling, the aquatic mammal had no trouble keeping up and followed us for a quite a while.   

In the short sub-arctic summer only the top few inches of earth thaws.  For this reason camp food is kept in a small underground chamber and cooled by the perma-frost.  Our hosts had stocked the food locker with pork chops, chicken, etc. That didn’t stop us from dining on lake trout whenever possible.

During the sub-arctic summer the sun sets late at that latitude and we never experienced darkness. Lowest light was between 2 and 3 in the morning, a dusk-dawn setting. Today Nueltin Lake is no longer part of the Northwest Territories. In 1993 a new territory called Nunavut was formed. In Inuktitut -the language of the Inuit - Nunavut means “our land”, essentially any Canadian land north of the tree line.  On April 1, 1999 Nunavut officially became separate from the Northwest Territories.

Work crews setting up carnival rides on Jackson Street

By Howard B. Owens

The Carnival is coming to town. Work crews are busy now on Jackson Street setting up 10 rides for kids of all ages (so long as they're at least 36 inches tall).  The carnival opens Friday afternoon.

Work temporarily halted on Ellicott Street project

By Howard B. Owens

Today's lunch was at Mother's Chicken and Fish on Ellicott. After our meal, owner Tim Chugg and I started chatting.

He's pretty upset that the new brick bench across the street from his store, outside the Pok-A-Dot, remains unfinished several months after the project was started.  There's been no sign of progress all spring.

I checked with Don Burkel at the BID, and he said there's an unresolved issue the DOT holding up the entire Ellicott Street project.

"We're anxious to get it finished, too." Burkel said. "We hope to have the entire project finished by late spring."

Calista Miakoda, a new boutique, opens on Ellicott Street

By Howard B. Owens

Calista Miakoda, a second-hand clothing and accessory boutique, opened today on Ellicott Street in Downtown Batavia.

Owner Kaitlin McGratf is 19 and spent her whole life in Genesee County, growing up in Bergen.

She's dreamed of owning her own clothing store since she was 12, she said, which is when she picked the name for the business. She doesn't remember which language the words come from, but Calista means "most beautiful" and Miakoda means "night sky" (roughly).

"My dad always owned his own business," Kaitlin said. "I don't like working for other people too much, and I thought it would be fun (to own her own business). It's (clothing) has always been a hobby of mine."

Hawley planning to vote against medical marijuana bill

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley says he will vote against a bill aimed at legalizing marijuana for medical uses.

"I voted against it last year and unless something miraculous happens I'll be representing my constituents and their wishes and will be voting against it," said Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C Batavia).

Bill A07542 was submitted by Assemblyman Richard Gottfried, chairman of the Health Committee.

It would allow New Yorkers with serious medical conditions to grow up to 12 marijuana plants or possess up to 2.5 ounces of the weed. The bill includes legal protection for a patient's primary caregiver and physician. A similar proposal was previously passed by the Assembly only to die in the Senate.

Even though the bill hasn't cleared the Assembly yet, we have a call into Sen. Mike Ranzenhofer as well to check his position on the topic.  We will update this post with his response, should we get one.

Hawley said last year's bill had a number of problems. He thought it lacked sufficient controls and made marijuana too easy to get.

Thirteen states allow medicinal use of marijuana. According to a 1999 report by the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine, "nausea, appetite loss, pain and anxiety. . .all can be mitigated by marijuana."


The active ingredient in marijuana, THC, has been approved for medical use by the Federal Food and Drug Administration and the Drug Enforcement Agency since 1986 in synthetic pill form (Marinol). But consuming it in natural form -- which many physicians say is more effective -- continues to be illegal.

The New England Journal of Medicine says inhaling THC is more effective than taking the synthetic pill because "smoking marijuana produces a rapid increase in the blood level of the active ingredients and is thus more likely to be therapeutic." It also enables tighter control of the amount ingested.

Proponents claim marijuana can be an effective treatment where other medications have failed -- for at least some patients who suffer from HIV/AIDS, cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and other life-threatening or debilitating conditions.

Gottfried and other supporters of medicinal marijuana use maintain that this usage doesn't undermine the message that using illegal drugs is wrong. They note that many controlled substances that are legal for medical use (such as morphine, Valium and steroids) are otherwise illegal.

But opponents of medicinal cannabis say making it lawful indeed sends a mixed message about drug use, at best. They say the legislation exploits public sympathy in order to legitimize drug use and provides loopholes to drug dealers.

GOP targeting bill that would require higher wages for IDA-funded businesses

By Howard B. Owens

Republicans are lining up in opposition to a provision in a bill that would reform IDA regulations, calling it the "IDA Death Bill."

The provision would require businesses moving into an IDA project to pay union-scale wages, known as the prevailing wage.

We received a press release this morning from Assemblyman Steve Hawley expressing his displeasure with the bill.

"If this bill is enacted, Albany might as well hang a sign on
the Thruway to tell everyone entering our state that New York is closed for
business," Hawley said.

Other coverage: 

Hawley's press release following the jump:



Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C-Batavia) joined with state
legislators from both houses, including Western New York State Senator
Michael Ranzenhofer and Erie County Executive Chris Collins, to express
their strong opposition to the proposed Industrial Development Authority
(IDA) reform bill (A.3659), commonly dubbed the "IDA Death Bill," at a press
conference held this week in Albany.

"If this bill is enacted, Albany might as well hang a sign on
the Thruway to tell everyone entering our state that New York is closed for
business.  This bill, if enacted, would drastically reduce Western New York's
ability to attract business and create jobs, especially in rural
communities," said the Assemblyman, referring to the provision of the
legislation which requires all IDA projects to be "shovel-ready," meaning
the locality will have to have road, sewer and utility services already
installed.  As Hawley further explained, "This is a prospective cost that
smaller cities, rural towns and suburban communities simply can not afford.
This bill would leave rural upstate, or 37 percent of the state's
population, out of the equation."

Hawley and his colleagues, who also included Assemblywoman Jane
Corwin (R,C,I-Williamsville) and Assemblymen Thomas O'Mara (R,C,I-Big Flats)
and Marc Molinaro (R,C,I-Red Hook), outlined their opposition to the bill's
provisions to instate a prevailing wage for construction costs as well as a
living wage for all employees of the completed facilities; both measures
which businesses would not agree to due to the excessively high costs, an
increase estimated to be at 25 to 30 percent.  The current IDA benefit given
to companies is around 15 percent.  Hawley explained, "The problem here is
that this bill calls for employers to pay a higher wage to the employee,
which doesn't sound bad, except that coupled with the many other intrusive
provisions in this bill and the fact that this makes it more expensive,
employers simply will choose to do business with another state.  So we must
consider what is better: the current, livable wage or no wage at all?"

Another point of contention with the bill outlined by the
officials was the fact that up until now, New York State's opportunities for
businesses, offered through IDAs and the Empire Zone Program, have been
comparable to neighboring states, such as Pennsylvania.  However, parts of
the enacted 2009-10 State Budget have lessened incentives through the Empire
Zone Program, while neighboring states have increased their business
incentives and job creation benefits.  Hawley stated, "on top of decreasing
Empire Zone incentives, the state has increased the cost of health care,
energy and insurance costs for businesses.  This IDA bill will be the final
nail in the coffin for businesses in New York State, and I strongly
encourage members of the business community and concerned residents to
contact the leadership in Albany to say 'no' to the IDA Death Bill."

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
Tags: Jobs offered
AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
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