An Introduction from Batavia council candidate Phil Ricci
Hello Everyone!
I think it’s high time for me to officially introduce myself. My name is Phil Ricci and I am running for the Batavia City Council At Large seat this November. As in the past I come to you all with great humility and an eagerness to serve this city through the next phase of its evolution. Even though I would be considered to many as the “newcomer”, I am confident that you will find my ideas and ideals very much in line with what is needed for this position.
My young public service career has seen me thus far as a member of the Batavia City School’s Board of Education, President of the Batavia Youth Board and member of the School’s Audit Committee. As a whole, I have strived to be the positive young voice that stands for controlled spending and forward thinking initiatives that benefit us in the long run, not just the short term. It is my belief that we must act responsibly not just for the current generation, but to our future ones as well. My two young children, Delilah and Vivian, serve as my constant reminder that my actions carry more weight than just a day’s vote, but in fact could help or harm them for years to come.
In my private profession I have been in finance and business management for almost ten years, running and creating profitable businesses that produce jobs and opportunities for many. I am also a small business owner and financial consultant and realize the detriment that our expanded governments cause on the very life blood of our economy.
My platform is simple: It’s time to get “Back to Basics!” It has been my experience that the more government is involved, the more complicated and difficult it becomes to get anything done! It’s not government’s job to solve every problem we have, but it is the responsibility of that body to provide a safe and reasonable place for us to live and grow our families. Even though we have done a good job of reducing our past debts, we are not done by far! It is one thing for any prospective candidate to sit before you and make promises to maintain tax levels and continue to do good works, but that is just not good enough anymore! We must find sensible, pragmatic and realistic solutions to become more efficient and effective in how we govern. We must also do whatever we can to clean up our neighbors so that not only can we can be safe, but reduce our taxes and create real growth through economic development.
If I am given the honor to serve the City of Batavia, I will do my best to represent the public’s interests and remain open to any and all ideas that are brought to my attention. I know that I am new, but I believe that it is time for my generation to stand and put our hands to the plow. I thank you for allowing me this brief time with you and welcome any questions you may have. I look forward to meeting you all as I put the rubber to cement this summer!
Respectfully Yours,
Phil Ricci