Truck shears off utility pole on South Main Street Road
A tractor-trailer has reportedly snagged a power line or otherwise hit a utility pole causing it to shear off in the area of 4050 South Main Road, Batavia.
The wires are still up and the pole remains upright.
Town of Batavia Fire is responding. National Grid has been notified.
UPDATE 5:56 p.m.: The scene was cleared some time ago. As for the picture above, it's a bit hard to see, but in the center foreground is a bit of a wire sticking up. It's attached to the base of the utility pole, barely visible. The rest of the utility pole is clear to the left of the picture. It's a very old, very short utility pole. The driver, making his first delivery to Batavia, thought he was on West Main Street Road, not South Main Road. He was making a turn into what he thought was a local business to deliver a supply of camper shells. There's a barn on the property. The cable and phone wires were lower than he thought. No citations were issued.