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News roundup: Meat auction pulls in the big bucks

By Philip Anselmo

Genesee County's 4-H'ers logged record sales of more than $100,000 at the 38th annual meat auction at the Fair yesterday, according to the Daily News. Unfortunately, the ever-increasing costs of feed, straw and fuel mean that the higher sales prices were barely enough to break even in many instances. Check out the article by Tom Rivers for more details.

Animal shelters in Genesee and Wyoming counties are "inundated" with cats this summer. PAWS Animal Shelter in Albion is already "at capacity" with 190 cats — and more getting dumped in the donation slot regularly.

News of the potential relocation of Youth Football to John Kennedy that is noted on today's front page appeared on The Batavian yesterday.

Batavia sluggers will travel to Oakfield tonight for the District 3 youth baseball championship. Batavia's pitchers threw two no-hitters in the past two matches (versus LeRoy and Oakfield). If they win tonight, they clinch the championship and travel to Elmira for the sectionals. If Oakfield wins, the two square off Monday for a tie-break match. Tonight's game is at 6:00pm.

We encourage you to pick up a copy of the Daily News at local newsstands. Or, better yet, subscribe at

Wires down on Route 98

By Philip Anselmo


Reports have come in of a truck that crashed into a pole on Route 98 north of Peaviner Road. Genesee County sheriff's deputies have confirmed that wires are down across the road on Route 98 in that area. Motorists are advised to find an alternate route or expect delays.

Police Blotter: July 16 and July 17

By Philip Anselmo

All of the following calls were reported by the City of Batavia Police Department. Listed offenses do not imply that charges were filed. Calls may result in no official action.


  • 1:59am, 105 Washington Ave. (Apt: Side), trespass
  • 5:35am, 96 Ross St., criminal mischief
  • 6:40am, 64 Walnut St., criminal mischief
  • 12:31pm, Main Street, accident
  • 6:16pm, 141 Cedar St., trespass
  • 11:10pm, 17 Walnut St. (Apt: Side), harassment


  • 11:56am, 101 Bank St. (Apt: Lower), larceny
  • 2:10pm, 505 E. Main St., accident
  • 2:29pm, 136 W. Main St., accident
  • 3:23pm, 17 Thorpe St., menacing
  • 3:27pm, 419 W. Main St., fraud
  • 9:39pm, 151 W. Main St., accident (car + pedestrian)

Note: We don't include noise complaints, domestic disputes and routine police business.

Video: Scholarship winner strives to help other women in need

By Philip Anselmo

Cheryl Lewis of Bliss was recently awarded the Jeanette Rankin Foundation Scholarship of $2,000, which will permit her to switch from part-time to full-time studies to obtain a degree in paralegal studies at Genesee Community College. The Batavian sat down with Cheryl earlier this week to talk about her studies, her struggle to escape an abusive relationship and her plans to give back. Cheryl was kind enough to put that experience in her own words in a follow-up letter, and since I can do no better at expressing her intentions, I've included that complete letter (see below).

"My name is Cheryl. It’s been more than twenty years since I graduated from high school. I would never have dreamed that I’d be in college today. At one time, I was filled with such dreams, such goals. I wanted to make a difference; I wanted to be successful; I wanted to be rich… I wanted it all.

"I thought I had met the man of my dreams, but I was so very wrong. I chose to be with him rather than go to college. The day I made that decision was the day I lost me. I just didn’t know it yet. I am a survivor of domestic violence. After suffering years of emotional and physical abuse I was finally able to escape. I still have the scars, but I also have my freedom.

"My daughter and I had to live in a shelter for battered women and children for a while, but it was there that I suddenly realized that I still do have dreams. Gone was the feeling in the pit of my stomach, the kind that makes you want to cry in self-pity. I looked around me and I saw other women with not only bruises on their bodies, but also on their souls. I knew at that moment that I wanted to make a difference in the lives of these women and others like them.

"Going through the court system with all the legal formalities, I was scared and very confused. There was a lot that had to be done to obtain a restraining order. I knew others had to be just as afraid. Thus, it was my ordeal through the system that gave me the idea to attend college for the purpose of becoming a paralegal. Then I will have the resources to offer assistance to other abused women.

"My ultimate goal is to someday reopen a shelter for domestic violence victims in Wyoming County that was closed due to lack of funds. Within this shelter women and their children will be provided with a safe environment in which they can try to piece together their shattered lives. I hope to provide legal assistance, counseling, resources for finding a new place to live, and a second chance at happiness.

"Over the past two years, I have gone through a tremendous transformation. I no longer feel I am worthless and I am so very proud of getting myself and my daughter out of a dangerous situation. And I do make a difference – in the life of my child. I have an awesome responsibility in making decisions that will shape the life of a precious individual. And I am rich – in love and family. I do have it all. Or at least all I need to have.

"There have been many wonderful people who have helped me along the way. I wouldn’t be where I am now without them. Those individuals have inspired me greatly and I want to emulate them and hopefully make a difference even to just one person."


The most common response to domestic violence – “Why doesn’t she just leave?”

Answer: Shelters are often full, and family, friends, and workplace are frequently less than supportive. Faced with rent and utility deposits, day care, health insurance, and other basic expenses, the woman may feel that she cannot support herself and her children. Moreover, in some instances, the woman may be increasing the chance of physical harm or even death if she leaves an abusive spouse.

A few statistics:
• 85-95% of all domestic violence victims are female.
• Over 500,000 women are stalked by an intimate partner each year.
• 1,232 women are killed each year by an intimate partner.

Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women. What can each of us do?
• Call the police if you see or hear evidence of domestic violence.
• Speak out publicly against domestic violence.
• Take action personally when a neighbor, co-worker, a friend, or a family member is involved or being abused.
• Reach out to support someone whom you believe is a victim of domestic violence.
• Help others become informed, by inviting speakers to your church, professional organization, civic group, or workplace.
• Support domestic violence counseling programs and shelters.

If you or someone you know needs help: National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE

All of the above information and statistics were provided by Cheryl Lewis.

News roundup: Oatka Creek death termed 'accidental'

By Philip Anselmo

Check out WBTA for these and other stories:

  • LeRoy village police have determined that the death of 41-year-old Glen Kanaley, whose body was found in Oatka Creek earlier this week, was accidental. They say that he likely fell from a railroad trestle. The autopsy performed in Monroe County showed that Kanaley died of massive internal injuries.
  • It's true — the 1,200-pound "show steer" that escaped from the Genesee County Fairgrounds Monday is still on the lam. Dan Fischer relates the latest run-in with the elusive bovine: Last night, Dr. Cricket Johnson and about 50 others located the steer in some fields, popped it with a tranquilizer, but then lost it in some "thick growth." When it "resurfaced" later in the night, the tranquilizer had worn off. Fire crews even brought out heat-seeking search devices. But to no avail. We're told that it was last spotted hanging in an old railroad bed east of the fairgrounds. (I don't know about anybody else, but I find this the most interesting story I've tracked in the past two months. Many kudos to Dan Fischer for making it so much fun.)
  • No cause has yet been determined in the fire that destroyed part of Cristina's Restaurant almost a week ago.

Youth Football could have a home at John Kennedy

By Philip Anselmo

Batavia Youth Football has been offered the field at John Kennedy Elementary School for at least the 2008 season. In a memo to City Manager Jason Molino, Superintendent Margaret Puzio writes:

We welcome the opportunity to work with the City of Batavia in support of Batavia Youth Football. We hope that the field at John Kennedy Elementary meets the needs of the organization and the city.

Puzio then lists the associated costs and "stipulations" the school district would require "if the field at John Kennedy were chosen as the venue for Batavia Youth Football." They include:

  • Labor charges for painting the field — $35 per hour and $30 per field marking.
  • Facility costs of $105 per game.
  • Bleachers (must be provided by the city).
  • Concessions requirements: Health permit and trash containers.

The city still has yet to accept the offer.

The Batavian left a message with Puzio this afternoon. She was in a meeting at the time, and we were told that she may not be able to return the message until tomorrow morning. We also left messages for Molino and Youth Football representative Ben Bonarigo, neither of whom were available for comment.

News roundup: Body found in Oatka Creek

By Philip Anselmo

LeRoy police have identified the body discovered in Oatka Creek Wednesday afternoon as that of 41-year-old Glenn Kanaley, according to the Daily News. No cause of death has been determined, and the body has been taken to the Monroe County Medical Examiner's Office where an autopsy will be performed.

LeRoy Police Chief Christopher Hayward dispelled rumors on television that the death was a suicide. "Nothing indicated he was suicidal," writes reporter Scott DeSmit.

In other news, the New York State School for the Blind opened its "Sensory Park" playground Wednesday. The park is designed to"stimulate senses (and) help students with motor skills" and includes an herb garden, slides and a swingset, pedal cars, go-carts and a "spongy carpet, which gets thicker under any areas where students are apt to fall."

The Genesee Valley Agri-Business Park was approved for a $225,000 grant from the Batavia Town Board at its meeting last night.

Consolidation is under way as city police officers begin training on the new computer system they will share with the Genesee County Sheriff's Office. Once the consolidation is complete — should be in September — there will no longer be a dispatcher in police headquarters. Instead, "the city will have a clerk on duty during day-time hours."

Investigation into the fire that scorched Cristina's Restaurant Saturday continues, though "the probe has shifted ... to interviewing people," writes Paul Mrozek. Cristina's owner Charles Brumsted has declined to comment to the Daily News and has not returned messages left by The Batavian.

Pick up your copy of the Daily News at local newsstands — such as Main Street Coffee. Or, better yet, subscribe online at

Violent lightning strikes cause fires at several area homes

By Philip Anselmo

A severe thunderstorm pounded Batavia and other parts of the county this morning, according to the Daily News. Lightning strikes hit hard and may have caused at least three house fires in Alabama, Stafford and Byron.

Several fire departments responded to reports of a fire at 2634 Batavia-Oakfield Townline Road in Alabama around 8:30am. East Pembroke Fire Chief Bob Yungfleisch told The Batavian that the fire was contained to the laundry room and part of a back room that was in the process of being remodeled. While lightning was the cause of the fire, no bolts actually struck the home, he said. Instead, lightning struck outside of the house causing a power surge that shorted an electrical line running to an inside wall. Two children were home at the time, though no one was hurt.

"The fire was contained within about 20 minutes," said Yungfleisch. "There was damage from the fire, but nothing was destroyed, nothing that can't be fixed."

Yungfleisch estimated repairs at about $5,000, though they could be less, he said.

The Batavian has calls in to the other departments to find out more information about the fires in Stafford and Byron, neither of which were believed to have been serious, according to emergency personnel. We will relay any more information as it becomes available.

The Daily News also reports that LeRoy's Village Hall was without power for a spell this morning. The Batavian heard reports, too, that the campus of Genesee Community College was also without power for a time this morning.

Michael Perry of LeRoy goes to Friendly Home

By Philip Anselmo

LeRoy resident Michael Perry was named senior vice president and chief financial officer of the Friendly Home, a non-profit nursing care and rehabilitation center for aging adults. Perry has held positions with United Memorial Medical Center and the Genesee County Nursing Home in Batavia.

Friendly Home, established in 1849, is located on East Avenue in Rochester. It "offers a variety of health care services including 24-hour skilled nursing care, rehabilitation, and specialized care for individuals with Alzheimer’s and related dementias."

News roundup: Runaway steer spotted at the town line

By Philip Anselmo

Check out WBTA for these and other stories:

  • Reports have come in that the 1,200-pound show steer that escaped from the Genesee County Fair Monday was spotted last night along Batavia-Stafford Townline Road. The steer's owner cautions people not to approach the steer. He doesn't want anyone to get hurt. If you've seen the steer in that area today, call Dr. Johnson at (585) 704-1839.
  • City Manager Jason Molino told Dan Fsicher that the lawsuit filed by Sally Kuzon, assistant city manager, with the village of Williamsville, was "a private matter." Kuzon, who was phoned yesterday morning by The Batavian, has yet to return our call and declined to comment with WBTA.

News roundup: Beck and Mallow double team Cox and Bialkowski

By Philip Anselmo

Reporter Joanne Beck got a little spitfire and sass out of City Council President Charlie Mallow in an article that turned from good intentions to bad vibrations.

Beck's story opens with the headline: "Mallow's mission: Get city financially solvent in the next 18 months and then call it a day." Mallow tells her that he is "going to take care of the budget ... and then hand off the city in better financial shape for someone else to take care of" — and the article seems to be very much about that: Mallow's plans to save the city from itself.

The story takes a sharp turn, however, when suddenly Councilman Bob Bialkowski shows up and quickly assumes the role of the anti-Mallow.

Mallow's four-year term is up in 2009. Despite his belief that "I'm going to do what's right every single time," he's been accused by at least one councilman of not doing right. After Mallow abruptly shut down Councilman Bob Bialkowski at Monday's conference session, Bialkowski shared his thoughts about the leader-at-large.

Bialkowski told Beck that Mallow is "making up his own rules" and that he "had something other to discuss" but was prohibited to do so by Mallow, who is quoted later in the article as saying: "Sometimes you have to shut your mouth."

Mallow contends that Bialkowski should recuse himself from voting about the mall sign since Bialkowski's wife is the mall manager and stands to gain financially if the city purchases a sign for the Mall Merchants Association. There is no indication that Bialkowski was given a chance to respond.

Instead, Beck quotes more Mallow, who is anything but subtle about his opinion of Bialkowski: "I believe [Bialkowski] wants to put the city in a weakened position to benefit the mall merchants."

After quoting Mallow as saying that Bialkowski should "shut his mouth," Beck moves on:

[Mallow] would like to see that kind of silence more often from Bialkowski and Bill Cox. Both councilmen brought up — or attempted to discuss — issues that had nothing to do with city business, Mallow said.

Bialkowski and Cox brought up two issues: excessive bird droppings on the City Centre roof and legal fees for the city attorney. Cox said that he tried to get both items included on the agenda but was refused.

City Manager Jason Molino said the bird droppings were an issue for the mall. As for the legal fees, Mallow said: "A majority of council" already said it didn't want to discuss such costs.

Cox is never quoted in the article. Nor does Beck indicate that she made any attempt to give Cox a chance to respond.

Also in today's Daily News:

  • Mother's Chicken-n-Fish plans to add a dining patio and spruce up the landscaping around its Ellicott Street restaurant.
  • The May 19 house fire in Byron that was responsible for the death of Cheryl Reis, her son, Timothy, and her two daughters, Emily and Virginia, has been ruled "undetermined." Byron Fire Chief John Durand told the Daily News: "If we haven't determined a cause by now, I doubt it will become anything other than undetermined."
  • Officials in the towns of Batavia, Elba and Oakfield have agreed to look further into the possibility of sharing court facilities. Step one: get state approval.
  • A pair of fun features can be found on the front page and in the local section today. Matt Surtel writes about the 4-H Fashion Show that was held yesterday at the Genesee County Fair. And Virginia Kropf is back for another Around the Towns, this one about the Buffalo Transportation Pierce Arrow Museum. Kropf vows to write more articles on museum's in the area, so we can look forward to more.

As always, we encourage folks to pick up their own copy of the Daily News at area newsstands. Or, better yet, subscribe online at

Muckdogs Drop First, Win Second In Dramatic Fashion

By Mollie Radzinski

The Muckdogs (15-12) dropped the first game 3-1 but rallied back in dramatic fashion to win the second game and the series against the Aberdeen Ironbirds (13-14).


In the first game, Josh Hester (1-1) pitched three innings, giving up six hits and three runs with two strikeouts in the loss.  Aberdeen’s Cole McCurry (4-0) earned the win, pitching five innings with five hits, one run and four strikeouts.


The Ironbirds scored two in the 2nd when Lee Ellis singled and Robert Widlansky hit a homerun over the right field wall.  The Muckdogs looked to threaten in the bottom of the inning when they scored their one run.  Chris Swauger doubled and Domnit Bolivar singled to move Swauger to third before Xavier Scruggs flied out for the RBI.


Aberdeen’s last run came on three singles off the bats of Caleb Joseph, Jacob Julius and Tyler Kolodny.  Batavia’s Colt Sedbrook went 2-for-3 in the game.


In the second contest of the night, Hector Cardenas (1-0) got the win through his one inning of work.  Joseph Esposito (0-1) got the loss and the blown save as he allowed two hits and three runs with three walks and two strikeouts in one inning.


The Ironbirds jumped out to an early lead in the 1st when Calvin Lester singled, stole second and scored on a wild pitch. Batavia started their offense in the 3rd, scoring three runs.  Charley Cutler singled then Sedbrook tripled to drive him in.  Jermaine Curtis singled and Shane Peterson doubled to score the other two.


Things then got interesting when Aberdeen had a big six-run 6th inning.  An Eric Perlozzo single, Calvin Lester single, then a Joseph double started the rally.  After a pitching change, Julius walked and Kolodny was hit by a pitch to load the bases before Joseph scored on a wild pitch.  An Ellis double and Widlansky single plated the other runs.


The Muckdogs weren’t done though, as they started the comeback, scoring twice in the bottom of the 6th.  Peterson singled and Jon Edwards was hit by a pitch before both advanced a base on a wild pitch.  Cutler then singled to get two RBI.


After holding Aberdeen in the next inning, Batavia continued their rally.  Sedbrook led off with a walk and moved to second on a wild pitch.  Curtis followed with another walk.  Then with two outs, Christian Rosa dropped a single in front of the plate to score Sedbrook.  Scruggs then came into the spotlight, as he smashed a double to right field to score the two winning runs to end the game as the Muckdogs won 8-7.


Peterson went 2-for-4 with a double and Cutler went 2-for-3 with two RBI to finish out the homestand.  The Muckdogs now travel to Staten Island for a three game series.

Outdoor excursions for veterans

By Philip Anselmo

Area veterans looking for some time away in the great outdoors need look no further than Outward Bound, a non-profit outdoor education group that takes veterans on backpacking excursions in far away places.

It doesn’t matter what your current military status is (active, inactive, discharged, retired) — you’re eligible to attend as long as you deployed in support of OEF/OIF combat operations while in the military.  These five-day excursions offer adventure activities such as backpacking, rock climbing, canyoneering, canoeing, and dog sledding in wilderness areas in Maine, Texas, Colorado, California, and Minnesota.

Now for the good news: All trip costs, including transportation to and from the excursion site, are covered by a Sierra Club grant. Yes, that means it's free.

Call Doug Hayward at 1-866-669-2362 ext. 8387 for more information or to sign up. You can also e-mail Doug at obvets (at) outwardbound (dot) org. Visit the Outward Bound Web site to find out more about the programs.

Today at the Fair: Cars, hogs, kids and a parade

By Philip Anselmo

Visit the Genesee County Fair Web site for a full list of all entertainment for the week, plus info about the Fair Queen Pageant, tonight's Parade and other special events.

Today's highlights include:

  • A children's storyteller at the Gazebo at 2:00pm.
  • A children's artist from 4:00 to 9:00pm in the Entertainment tent.
  • The Eagle Garden-Tractor Pull in the Grandstand at 6:00pm.
  • Singer Michael Jones will perform from 7:30 to 10:00pm in the Entertainment tent.

Jason McElwain will be the Grand Marshall for the Fair Parade this evening at 6:30pm, followed by an autograph signing with Jason in the Entertainment Tent from 7:30 to 8:00pm.

If you've got a video camera and fancy yourself a cinéaste, The Batavian would be glad to take any footage you've got of the parade or any other fair festivities and put up highlight reels on our site. Send Philip an e-mail at philip (at) thebatavian (dot) com or give him a call at (585) 802-3032, if you're interested.

Elba Mucklands: Number 21 in "What Made Genesee County Famous"

By Philip Anselmo

Who knew muck could be a claim to fame... It's dirty. It sounds gross. It doesn't contribute anything to society. What has muck done for you and me?

But before we get to that bizarre question, let's start simple: What is muck? Holland Land Office Museum Director Pat Weissend takes up the question in his latest post in the countdown of "The 25 Things that Made Genesee County Famous."

As Pat says:

Muck? What is muck? That is a question often asked by visitors to our county. What is this land with such an unusual name? Muck is a black soil that is left behind after swamplands are drained. The soil is made up mostly of humus. The mucklands in northern Genesee County and southern Orleans are thought to be the largest continuous section of this type of soil in the world. To create muck, wetlands must be drained, and because of environmental concerns, it is unlikely that any more mucklands will be created in the United States.

Pat gets into much more detail than that on the museum's Web site, so be sure to check it out. Also, we here at The Batavian — inexcusably in my own estimation — forgot to post a reminder when Number 22 in the countdown was released a couple weeks ago: Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge. So go check that out, too.

Police Blotter: Monday, July 14 and Tuesday, July 15

By Philip Anselmo

All of the following calls were reported by the City of Batavia Police Department. Listed offenses do not imply that charges were filed. Calls may result in no official action.


  • 1:15am, 166 Vine St., trespass
  • 7:56am, Oak Street, accident
  • 9:22am, 278 Bank St., criminal mischief
  • 10:38am, 16 Woodland Dr., larceny
  • 12:50pm, 249 East Ave., criminal mischief
  • 3:26pm, 577 E. Main St., harassment
  • 4:25pm, 29 Liberty St., aggravated harassment
  • 6:39pm, 13 Thorpe St., larceny
  • 9:21pm, 8 S. Main St., harassment
  • 9:40pm, 117 North St., accident
  • 11:32pm, 238 Liberty St., trespass


  • 1:29am, Law Street, accident
  • 4:20am, 20 Main St., larceny
  • 10:13am, 260 State St., criminal mischief
  • 12:50pm, 136 W. Main St., accident
  • 1:35pm, 10 Olyn Ave., harassment
  • 1:56pm, 217 North St., harassment
  • 4:47pm, W. Main Street, accident
  • 5:11pm, 107 Elm St., fraud
  • 6:36pm, 416 E. Main St., harassment
  • 7:33pm, Jefferson Avenue, harassment
  • 7:53pm, 114 Liberty St., larceny
  • 9:23pm, 7 Central Ave., robbery

Note: We don't include noise complaints, domestic disputes and routine police business.

Job Posting form fixed

By Howard B. Owens

It turns out that for the past week, we had an error on our job submission form and somebody finally brought it to our attention.  It's fixed now.  If you tried to post a job and couldn't, you shouldn't have a problem now.

Photo Journal: Opening day at the Fair

By Philip Anselmo

Supermen, stuffed pink monkeys and plenty of other plush carnival prizes were strung up for the games yesterday afternoon when I stopped by the Genesee County Fair to get a preview of the festivities to come.

But the day belonged to the animals — bleating, sleeping, flirting, grooming, chewing, spitting, spatting, stinking, yet so lovable, animals. Plus the kids with water bottles who darted in and out of the stalls squirting at each other and squealing (not much unlike the goats, in fact) with glee.

As soon as I passed through the admissions gate, I heard the roosters. There must have been a hundred or so. Cackling, hooting and cock-a-doodle-doing and packed together in steel cages stacked one on top of another. Despite their close quarters they kept a proud chest high as they strutted, kicked up dust and barked at the rows upon rows of bunnies and fat rabbits that were as silent and immobile as the roosters were raucous and loud.

All of the game carts were shuttered, the rides were grounded, and the taffy girl wasn't pulling much of anything yet. A few families meandered through the midway. A couple dozen folks occupied the bleachers to spectate during some sort of sheep contest. But the animals seemed to outnumber the humans.

I couldn't quite gauge the emotion in this lady to my right here. At first she seemed sad, then flirty, then resigned, a little bit lethargic, all without doing any more than what you see her doing right here. Maybe she wanted someone to switch up the music — the speaker was set in front of her, sounding something jovial and bouncy, and she seemed anything but. A little while later, when I passed by again, she had the same expression on her face, though the tongue kept slipping out and tasting the air as a fellow bearing a set of clippers shaved the backs of her ears.

It didn't take long for this city boy to get over some of the more pungent, sour stinks emanating from the pens — was it the pheasants, I can't say — and soon enough I felt like a Saint Francis waiting for pigeons to land on my hands so we could converse and know the meaning of creaturely love.

Ah, the hogs. They had to be my favorite of the fair animals. They were most certainly the only ones there who, once alerted to the presence of myself and my camera, willingly sought out the lens. Like this starlet up above here who wanted to touch snouts with me, I'm sure. Or this one below who I'm sure hid a heart of love beneath that gruff, sleepy front he put up for the camera. If you look closely, you can see he wants to smile.

Then, of course, there were the goats.

Some had ears, some didn't. Some had horns, some didn't. Some couldn't keep their mouths shut for a second, bleating at kin and human baby alike. This one here was sounding the alarm for a few minutes straight. Maybe she was impatient to get out and strut her stuff, who knows.

Others were shuffled out of the pens, lifted up by strangers and cautiously pet by the trembling hands of little kids who went wide-eyed with joy at the touch of fur to skin.

Many of the sheep seemed content just to get some down time. Dressed to impress, they reclined in sackcloth coats, elastic sweaters and even tee-shirts. It must have been hard work getting paraded out in front of the gawking, bleacher-seated spectators while strangers grabbed at your sensitive places in front of all your friends and relations. But they bore it in style, those woolen ladies of the grange. Their randy goat brethren, however, typically got a laugh out of the whole show.

I have to admit. It wasn't easy to leave. I've never been much of an animal person. But there was something in the way the cows hid behind the fence slats only after I aimed the camera at them, something in those snouty grunts of the hogs and the knowing sneers of the goats, as if all of us — the animals, the frightened-yet-elated babies and the awkward photo-journalist — all of us shared something that never had to be spoken because it was already known. A sort of complicity, though none of us were guilty. A shared involvement in the silly, imbalanced joke of life that was had at all of our expense.

So I tell you. If you can get that much out of one brief visit to the fair, in the middle of the day, when the fried dough hadn't even been fried yet — then it's worth the $5 per carload.

Kuzon sues village of Williamsville

By Philip Anselmo

Batavia's Assistant City Manager Sally Kuzon is suing her former employer, the village of Williamsville, for breach of contract, according to the Buffalo News. Kuzon was the village administrator there from 2000 to 2007, when she left after she and the village board of trustees failed to agree to a contract. Kuzon was making $72,350.

She now says she is "entitled to $36,175 in severence pay above and beyond the $72,875 the Board of Trustees voted to give her back in September."

As village administrator, Kuzon worked under a generous contract, which included a take-home car for job-related and “limited personal” use, covered travel expenses for professional conferences and seminars, and payment of membership dues to various professional and local civic organizations.

And, key to the legal action now facing the village, it also entitled Kuzon to a lump sum equal to six-months pay if she was terminated without cause or not re-appointed.

Kuzon’s contract was renegotiated in 2003 under former Mayor Ray Hazlett to include even more favorable terms. It allowed her to be considered for merit pay in addition to her annual 3 percent raises.

It also stated that Kuzon could accumulate unused leave “without limit,” and be compensated for it up to the equivalent of a full-year’s salary if she was terminated.

Kuzon could not be reached for comment this morning. The Batavian left a voicemail message requesting that she please call us back.

[Village Trustee Jeffrey] Kingsley, a lawyer, has been particularly outspoken in questioning whether Kuzon is entitled to what she’s already received, whether she was terminated or had resigned, and whether the contract clause regarding benefit payouts applied to her decades of service with the village or just her accumulated time since her contract was redrafted in 2003. “I still believe, in my opinion, she was overpaid in excess of $30,000 back in September,” he said.

Also, Kingsley said, it is “mind boggling” that the village never sought a release from Kuzon regarding any future claims before depositing more than $72,000 into her bank account in September.

Kuzon filed a notice of claim with the village June 30. She has not returned calls seeking comment. The Damon and Morey law firm is representing Kuzon.

News roundup: Parachute was functional

By Philip Anselmo

Check out WBTA for this and other stories:

  • Investigations by the FAA into the skydiving death of 61-year-old Joseph Schickler at the Batavia Boogie on July 3 have revealed that the parachute Schickler wore during the jump was fully functional. That does not explain why the chute failed to open.

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
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AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
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