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Fourth-grade teacher from Batavia wins McDonald's teaching award

By Philip Anselmo

Thirty-five-year-old Batavia resident Angela Rogers teaches at Neil Armstrong Elementary School in Gates. Earlier this week, Rogers was surprised with a teach award from McDonald's Family Restaurants. From the Democrat & Chronicle:

Rogers was awarded a plaque that the fast-food chain gives to honor one teacher locally in the six-county region each week.

At the school gathering, (Principal LeRoy) Greer said Rogers is a valuable teacher who he is happy to have in the district. She received the award in only her second year with the Gates Chili Central School District.

Rogers began her career teaching kindergarten in Buffalo, but eventually moved back to Genesee County "to be closer to family." Check out the complete article for more details, photos and to hear from Rogers about the honor of receiving the award.

New hope for live music in Batavia

By Philip Anselmo

Hot Shots Coffee on Harvester Avenue has some great news for live music fans in Genesee County. From the release:

There is new hope for entertainment in Batavia. Other than at bars, there are not many concerts to speak of in our small city. Especially in the winter. On Saturday,January 24th, 6:30pm HOT SHOTS COFFEE at 56 Harvester ave. will be host to an alcohol free concert open to all ages. The Headlining band responsible for setting up the show, is Batavia's own RADIO RELAPSE, a modern rock coverband made up of the cream of Batavia's young talent. By young I mean mid 20's. There will also be an opening act t.b.a. RADIO RELAPSE is in support of seeing the local music scene flourish.  Entertainment is the spice of any city.

Snow, sleet, ice and rain on its way overnight, into Christmas Eve morning

By Philip Anselmo

The National Weather Service in Buffalo has issued a winter weather advisory beginning at 10 o'clock tonight and stretching overnight to about 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. We should expect to see "mixed precipitation" that should start out as freezing rain but soon turn to rain only.

From the National Weather Service:

Light snow will overspread the region tonight, then change over to a mix of freezing rain and sleet for a few hours overnight before transitioning to all rain by mid Wednesday morning. A general 1 to 3 inches of snow is expected, along with the potential for up to one to two tenths of an inch of ice accumulation, with the greatest amounts of ice accumulation most likely across interior sections of the Finger Lakes, Genesee Valley and Western Southern Tier. Any such ice accumulation will result in hazardous driving conditions on any untreated roadways later tonight and early Wednesday.

A winger weather advisory for mixed precipitation is issued when some icing is forecast to develop, but accumulations are expected to be light. Any accumulation would make driving and walking difficult but not impossible on untreated roads and sidewalks. If you will be driving be especially careful on bridges and overpasses and allow extra time to reach your destination.

Here's a look at the current Thruway conditions... clear:

News roundup: Rain in the forecast...?

By Philip Anselmo

Road crews all over Genesee County have been vigilant and most roads and city streets are now all clear of the ice and snow that covered them yesterday, according to WBTA's Dan Fischer. Nevertheless, some patches of packed snow can be found in spots, so caution is still advised while driving. As for tonight—how about rain? Temperatures will be pushing 40 degrees as we head into Christmas Eve. That means some of the ubiquitous snow will shrink down as it melts.

Fischer reports that the storms have caused some collateral damage, costing the Salvation Army some $5,000 in donations to the Red Kettle Campaign, presumably because folks couldn't get out and give.

Video: Businesses weather the storms that battered Genesee County

By Philip Anselmo

We stopped by a few businesses in Batavia earlier today to see how they've been holding up amidst the brutal storms over the weekend and today. Whiteouts and incessant snow may have deterred a few shoppers, but for the most part, business has found its way here. That's especially the case at Stan's Harley Davidson, where the three employees who were able to make it in to work today—several were called and told they didn't have to come in—could barely keep up with the swell of shoppers cycling through. We would love to hear from other businesses around town. How did you fare?

Travel advisory lifted for Genesee County

By Philip Anselmo

The Genesee County Sheriff's Office lifted the travel advisory for the county at 2 o'clock this afternoon. "There is still blowig and drifting snow, however all roads are passable and visibility has improved," according to a released statement. "Roads are snow packed and slippery and extreme caution is advised when driving."

If you have gone out today, how have you found the roads?

My snow story and pictures from around Batavia

By Steve Ognibene

I was snowblowing my driveway this morning and my wife took a picture of me.  I was very chilled by the cold air and wind that was whipping through the area.

Then when I finished.  I went around town taking some pictures of different places:

Main Street

I drove down Bank St. here shown above, the street was really narrowed by the snow.

Pictured here is a guy snowblowing his driveway on North Street.

Along side a neighbors house was a tree that was weighed down by the heavy snow.  Total I believe we got approx 2 feet but difficult to tell with the blowing and drifting.  More to come.

Christmas lights 12-22-08

By Brian Hillabush


I personally love this house on Highland Pk. The lights all around are cool, but check out the hockey player. I has a Sabres logo on his chest, but the blue lights make it look like a Batavia High player.

Sunshine, snowy roads and whiteouts

By Philip Anselmo

Blowing snow made for a tricky commute this morning. What was normally a forty minute drive became a near two-hour trek. Some stretches along Route 33 between here and Bergen were blotted out by blowing snow. A few whiteouts were so severe that once I had come out the other side, I found myself half off the road or veering dangerously near the oncoming lane.






All in all, though, it was an uneventful ride. Sunshine has replaced snow clouds. Fewer people are on the roads during the eleven o'clock hour. Plus, the highway crews have done one heck of a job getting the roads clear—as best they can while competing against a relentless, unceasing wind. Route 33 was the worst of it. This video should give you an idea of how bad it could get out there. This was a few hundred yards from the junction with I-490. Further down the stretch, the blowing snow was much more dense and blinding, but the sound of the wind more than the picture should give you a good idea of its ferocity. (You may just be able to make out Ingrid Haebler playing Mozart's piano sonata in E-flat major in the background.)

Anyhow, it couldn't have been that bad out. Not if the woman driving the blue-grey Buick ahead of me on I-490 felt no qualms about tailgaiting the car in front of her. She even found time to clean her car some while she was driving. At least, that's what seemed to be the case as she randomly through bits of paper and trash out of her window as she was driving.

If we can rewind a bit, back in Rochester, I ought to admit that I was slightly intimidated at first. Pulling out of the side street was a feat in itself, grinding through the hash of snow and slush. Then, at the gas station, the attendant had to come out and de-ice one of the nozzles for a customer whose gas had frozen inside the pump handle! Further on, a few miles down I-490, near Gates, a vehicle had flipped up onto its side and was quite literally balanced that way on the edge of the westbound lanes. A coterie of police and emergency vehicles were lined up behind it, but I was too busy navigating through the wraith-like whips of snow to snap a photo. From there on out, the drive was mostly go slow and pray.

So I'm safe, as I hope all of you are, as well. For those who have yet to brave the elements, don't be too lulled by the azure, sunny skies. A fierce wind still blows.

Oh yeah. Let's all wish this guy luck digging out...

Braving the elements...

By Philip Anselmo

Well, folks. I'm ready and willing. We shall soon find out if I'm able. We've gathered the morning news for you. Now, there's nothing left to do but brave the commute. I'm leaving from Rochester and heading to Batavia in search of life on the streets, off the streets and in the shops. Check back later for full photo coverage of the journey. In the meantime, if you've got photos, video, stories to tell or whatever related to the storms of the past few days, please send them our way. We would love to share.

On the Beat: Not your scrap to scrap

By Philip Anselmo

Richard Cooke, 40, of Medina, was charged with a felony count of first-degree offering a false instrument for filing and unlicensed itinerant vehicle collector, a misdemeanor, deputies said. Cooke is accused of taking a 1992 Mercury Marquis to Eddie Arnold Scrap Processing Inc. in Pembroke, where he filled out paperwork stating that he was the owner of the vehicle. Cooke was not the owner, nor does he possess an itinerant vehicle collector license. The incident occurred on September 15, and a number of other charges are pending in Orleans County relating to the same vehicle. Cooke was released and will answer the charges on a later date.

Terry L. Roth, 33, of 110 W. Main St., Batavia, was charged with felony driving while intoxicated and felony aggravated driving early Sunday morning, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Roth was picked up by deputies following a one-car crash on Route 5 in Le Roy. He was sent to Genesee County Jail in lieu of $5,000 bail. Roth was also ticketed with moving from the lane unsafely.

Thruway opened, but conditions still bad

By Philip Anselmo

The Thruway between Rochester and the Pennsylvania border has been re-opened. Nevertheless, conditions are nasty. Expect snow, ice and blowing snow. If you do have to drive this stretch, please do so with caution.

City and town will draft consolidation plan — Could go to vote by November

By Philip Anselmo

We received the following press release from the city of Batavia:

The City of Batavia and the Town of Batavia today reported the results of a joint public meeting between the City Council and the Town Board held on December 17.  The joint meeting was held to receive a report and recommendations prepared by the Center for Governmental Research (CGR).  CGR has been engaged to conduct a City and Town Consolidation Study under a Shared Municipal Services Incentive (SMSI) grant funded jointly by the City, the Town, and New York State.

The joint City/Town Consolidation Study Committee supports CGR’s report and recommendation to proceed to develop and present a draft consolidation plan to the City Council and Town Board by July, 2009.  If the plan is approved by the two elected bodies, the plan could be presented to the voters of the City and Town in the November, 2009 general election.

CGR and the Committee made a presentation to the joint meeting of elected officials to discuss the initial recommendation.  The Study Committee will begin to develop the plan starting in January, and agreed to update the joint boards every few months, to ensure that the process is open and transparent.  At the end of the presentation, the joint boards applauded the Study Committee for its work to date, and endorsed moving forward as discussed.

Charles Zettek Jr., CGR’s project Director, noted that there are several key factors that are aligning in favor of consolidating the City and the Town at this time.  These factors include:  1. the severe fiscal crisis that is going to drive changes to keep costs as low as possible, 2. new financial incentives from the State to consolidate local governments, 3. strong support by the City Council President and the Town Supervisor, and 4. recent events that have shown that consolidation works and benefits the greater community.

“There is no question that if the City and Town of Batavia become a single new government, this will put Batavia in the national spotlight” Zettek said.  “Everyone recognizes that fragmented local governments in New York and across the northeast and Midwest are inefficient. Communities across the country will look to Batavia as being the best example of how to consolidate a city and town to create an efficient government designed for the 21’st century” Zettek said.

City Council President Charlie Mallow summarized the consensus of the two boards by saying “Both boards want to develop a detailed consolidation plan that can be presented to the voters next fall.”   “We both realize that consolidating the City and Town will provide significant cost savings that will reduce taxes” Mallow said. “The plan will spell out specifically how services will be provided, how much will be saved and other efficiencies.”

Town Supervisor Greg Post stated, “If you look at the master plan that was done 40 years ago, it viewed the Town and City as one community.  Now we have the opportunity to make that vision a reality.”

City Manager Jason Molino told the joint boards that the Committee is going to have an incredibly busy six months, reviewing all the operations and coming up with a plan to present to City Council and the Town Board.”  “However, the end result will be a definite plan so that the voters will have the facts and options they need to decide if they want to create a new consolidated government”.

"Snow pushers" roll through downtown

By Philip Anselmo

Thanks to Brian Odachowski for getting us this photo over the weekend. This was taken on Main Street in Batavia during Friday's storm, which already seems like a pleasant memory compared with the frigid winds and whiteouts of this morning. You can't quite make it out in this scaled-down version, but this truck here is hauling snow pushers. Is that irony?

Lake effect snow closes Thurway between Rochester and Buffalo

By Howard B. Owens

If your job requires a commute to either Rochester or Buffalo, you might want to call your boss now and tell him or her you won't make it into work today.  That big project you're working on? It will just have to wait.

The Thruway is closed in both directions from from Rochester to Erie, Pa., according to the Thruway Authority web site.  Those are exits 46 to 61.

We have no information on alternative routes at this time, but if the Thruway is closed ... 

UPDATE: 6:24 a.m.: WBTA has more on closings and cancellations.

UPDATE: 6:49 a.m.: Here's the latest weather statement from the National Weather Service:






Snow is not fun

By Brian Hillabush


My friend plowed my driveway and I could get my car out. I decided to use it to pick up a friend as a bunch of us got together to watch football.

I got caught in three snowbanks.

Do not drive if you don't have to. It is not getting any better and it is really bad out there.

Being safe is the most important thing.

Back to the Panthers//Giants game.


UPDATE: The game ended and I had to drive home. The snowplow filled the end of my friend's driveway with snow, and I got stuck for a fourth time. It took about an hour and a half or more to get out and I'm just walking in my door at 3:15 a.m.

I was going to move to Arizona two years ago. What was I thinking?

Another snowy day

By Brian Hillabush

 My car is totally stuck in the driveway today and I'm not going to shovel it out. Luckily my friend has a snowblower and could get out of his driveway, so I'm at his house watching games. I enjoyed driving around on Friday taking photos and talking to people, but unfortunately it would take too long to clear out my driveway, and I need to watch football.

I'm not going to be risking my life driving around today, like I did on Friday. I think it might actually be worse out there today than the other day.

But here are a few pics from my neighborhood before I left.

Christmas lights 12-21-08

By Brian Hillabush


This home on Jackson St. is very well decorated with the Christmas lights. My favorite part is the tree. I think it is the most originally decorated tree in the city of Batavia.

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
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AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
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