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By Howard B. Owens

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Hawley expresses his unhappiness with proposed budget

By Howard B. Owens

We just received the following statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley. 

I did not know until I read it here that the proposed budget shifts money from local governments to the state, which as Hawley points out, is going to only mean increased local taxes (or severe cuts in services).

I've tried to keep my comments on the budget as non-partisan as possible.  The shipwreck of a budget could have just as easily been produced by a GOP-controlled Albany -- maybe not the same, but I have no confidence the Republicans could do any better. That said, I think it needs to be said: Local Democrats tend to be pretty active commenters on The Batavian. It's noteworthy, then, that in two days of raising the budget issue on The Batavian, none of the usual Democratic stalwarts have stepped forward to defend Paterson, Smith and Silver.  Maybe my noting this will bring forth some sort of intelligent defense. I would love to hear it. But I suspect strongly that any common-sense Democrat also recognizes this budget proposal is exceptionally indefensible.

Hawley's statement follows the jump:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C-Batavia) today expressed his displeasure with the 2009-10 State Budget and the secret negotiations used to hammer out a deal.

"The budget was agreed upon in secret closed-door meetings that involved the state's three legislative leaders, Governor Paterson (D - Harlem), Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith (D - Queens) and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D - Manhattan/Chinatown) - all downstate New York City Democrats - with no input from other elected representatives.

"The state budget, details of which were hashed out at the last minute under a cloud of secrecy, lacked the transparency and openness that New Yorkers deserve. Albany's dysfunction once again reared its ugly head at a time when the state is in the midst of a recession and is struggling to survive with a $17 billion budget deficit.

"The $132 billion spending plan calls for a ten percent increase, or $10.5 billion in spending, over last year and includes $7 billion in new taxes and fees. In addition, the budget eliminates the critical STAR Rebate program that provides middle-income homeowners with $1.7 billion in relief from skyrocketing property taxes. More taxes and no property tax relief is the last thing that New Yorkers need right now. Raising taxes through "hidden" fees will force more New Yorkers to flee the state in search of less expensive areas and will further erode the state's tax base.  The governor is retaining $1 billion from the federal stimulus program (newly printed money) and I challenge him to use it all to reinstate the STAR Rebate program.

"The budget will also include a 50% reduction in VLT funding that will leave municipalities that depend on this money left holding the bag. The City of Batavia will see a cut of $314,849, the Town of Batavia $114,563, and Genesee County $143,137.  This lack of funding will force municipalities to pass along the added burden to taxpayers.

"The budget spends too much, taxes too much and does nothing to solve the state's fiscal problems. New Yorkers are struggling everyday to pay their bills and put food on the table and placing additional tax burdens on their backs will only further the struggle. New Yorkers deserve better, and for this reason I have voted no on the entire 2009-10 state budget."

Police Beat: Driver involved in rollover accident charged with DWI

By Howard B. Owens

Kevin L. Madden, 24, of Albion, was charged with DWI and issued traffic tickets for unsafe speed and moving from lane unsafely, following a rollover accident on Transit Road, off Route 63 in Bethany  (reported on The Batavian yesterday), Madden was transported to UMMC, treated for minor injuries, and released to State Police. He is scheduled to answer the charges in Bethany Town Court on April 7 at 7 p.m.

Rory Howe, 21, of Attica, is charged with petty larceny. Howe is accused of shoplifting at the Wal-Mart in Batavia. According to a Sheriff's Office report, loss prevention officers at Wal-Mart apprehended Howe Monday with $55.25 worth of merchandise on her person as he exited the store.

No injuries in single-vehicle rollover following report of erratic driving

By Howard B. Owens

A black Mazda SUV pick up was involved in a single vehicle accident on Transit Road off Route 63 at about 3:40 p.m.  The driver told emergency personal he was unhurt, but was placed in an ambulance and checked over as a precaution. State Troopers on scene estimated the driver tried to make turn off southbound Route 63 onto Transit at 55 p.m. Skid marks arched across both lanes of Transit from Route 63 to the crashed truck. There were no passengers. Dispatchers had received a report of an erratic driver heading south on Ellicott Street in a black truck with a ladder rack, possibly a Nissan, at about 3:30 p.m. The driver was allegedly driving in the oncoming traffic lane, nearly causing at least one head-on collision.

Round up of blogger reaction to state budget

By Howard B. Owens

Albany Watch reports on Gov. Paterson defending the "three men in a room" budget:

“None of this makes sense,” he said when asked if the new taxes and fees make sense in the face of the state’s economic woes. “We don’t want to tax the wealthy, we don’t put these taxes in to raise fees, we don’t want to hold our school budgets at zero increase at a time when our children need education. We don’t want to in any way jeopardize anyone’s ability to get health care.

“We don’t want to lay workers off. It’s a response to a crisis.”

Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith, D-Queens, said “this is not a happy budget” and defended the need to negotiate the budget behind closed doors, saying “Difficult times call for different approaches” but that transparency is still important.

Elizabeth Benjamin, blogging for The Daily News, also carries a portion of Paterson's defense of the budget.

The governor started out by arguing it's unfair to characterize this budget as dramatically increasing spending because the bulk of the additional cash going out the door - about $7.2 billion - is federal stimulus aid.

The only reason state spending isn't being reduced, Paterson maintained, is due to increased allocations for things like Medicaid, food stamps and unemployment insurance - all going up as a result of the economic crisis - things over which, according to the governor, the state has "no control."

The blog Open Left praises the increased tax on the wealthy as a victory for progressives.

This is the Make Him Do It Dyanmic on the state level - in this case, progressive groups, led by the Working Families Party, forced Democratic Gov. David Paterson (D) to accept a commonsense, progressive budget/tax solution. It shows that movement pressure - whether you want to denigrate it as  "anger" or "outrage" or "insufferable stridence" - can actually create significant concrete results.  

The Niagara Times takes the position that Paterson, Smith and Silver are once again "sticking it to update."

And despite the enormous fiscal pressure the state faces, the budget contains $170 million in financing for pet projects — an amount unchanged from last year — suggesting that Albany’s appetite for with what critics call pork-barrel spending appeared to be undiminished.

Listed in the budget were grants to gun clubs, an upstate museum dedicated to bricks and brick-making, the Soccer Hall of Fame in Oneonta and an organization known as the Urban Yoga Foundation.

The Buffalo Niagara Partnership Blog says the budget is not terribly helpful to small businesses.

It's interesting - we're spending an awful lot of energy as a nation looking into how companies such as AIG and GM are using stimulus money - which is good (at least it would've been good had it been done proactively instead of after all hell broke loose). Let's hope that Washington begins to put the same scrutiny on states, because it's pretty certain that this "three men in a room" budget misses the boat on the intent of the historic federal aid.

You have to go back only a couple months to remember Gov. Paterson saying that everyone will have the "share the pain." Well, this budget is painful for a lot of people - small businesses, students, everyday citizen taxpayers... The only entity that seems to have come away unscathed is New York State, itself - to the point, even, that they've left $170MM in pork for the state legislature to divvy out. A week ago, there was a threat of layoffs in state government. Nope. There's been talk of a cost-saving Tier V level of the state employees' pension system. Nope.

The Albany Project offers up a round of news coverage.

Just a "BIG" kid in a Candy store

By Timothy Paine

This past week I got to live out the dream of every kid (and most adults) I know.  I got a tour of Oliver's Candies from manager Jeremy Liles.  He showed me all their products, machines and specialties.  He introduced me to his dedicated staff and explained what each one of them did and what made each one of them so valuable to the company and its success. 

With Easter being right around the corner I felt this was the best time to feature them here.  I was amazed by how many different sizes and shapes of Bunnies they offered.  From little realistic to cartoonish, solid and hollow and from little bite sized all the way up to nearly 4ft tall and topping the scale at 31 pounds.  They have chocolate shaped like sports equipment, tool sets, Champagne bottles and Dinosaurs.  Baskets galore, stuffed animals, keepsakes, cards and balloons which they even offer to deliver for any and all occasions.

Oliver's was started in 1932 by Joseph Oliver in his home which is still the main section of the current store.  In fact, the bedrooms now are used as offices upstairs.  He began making his candy and started by selling it at local gas stations and corner stores.  Joseph continued to grow and set up a retail space in his front palor, he eventually served as the first president of the RCA (Retail Confectioners Association). 


According to Jeremy, one of the interesting things he did was make all ingredients used in his candies public.  However, in what order, how much, and procedures belonged to the person.  He did share one creation of his with a company and they still follow it today.  To everyone who  has enjoyed an "Andes Candy", you can still buy the original created right here in Batavia.  The Hostess Mints made here are still the original recipe followed from years ago. 

Jeremy said that he constantly hears from people that have tried ones from other companies and state that they just aren't as good.  Jeremy says that after purchasing the company in 1998 he and his family made a promise to never change the quality or ingredients of any of their famous products.  They still buy everything they can locally to insure quality.  He also says they haven't raised prices in three years and there is no plan to in the near future. 

He stated, "People have come to expect our quality and high standards, we never want to disappoint them.  We love hearing the same thing year after year".  One of his favorites is someone coming in that hasn't been able to visit for a few years and after the first bite they are filled with joy and exclaim "just as I remeber it!" 

I know even in my family, whenever my parents return to Florida they, and Ed Arnold had better remembered to bring some down with them.  Jeremy said the only changes they've made to the store is the size of the shipping room.  By adding creating a web-site and offering world wide shipping during holidays even the larger shipping room over flows with boxes waiting to leave. 

He added the ice cream palor in 2001 and on a hot night the jammed parking lot is proof of just how good it is.

We all wish Jeremy and his family continued success.  Nearly everyone I ever spoke with has a cherished memory of Oliver's.  I myself have them and now I happily make memories with my kids.  If you visit there often there is nothing I'm saying you don't already know.  If it's been a while, it is just as good as you remember.  Oliver's is located at 211 W. Main St in Batavia. Phone them at 1-800-924-3879.  Check outt their web-site; and see some videos or place an order.

(her's where I was going to insert some pictures. I'm unable to insert them at this moment. When my 13 yr old daughter gets home she can show her cyber-moron father what he's doing wrong)

Batavia Downs employee wins Dodge Challenger in casino giveaway

By Howard B. Owens

Officials at Batavia Downs are trying to figure out what to do after Rocky Ferrando won a 2009 Dodge Challenger over the weekend.

Great for Rocky, but the problem for the Downs is that Ferrando is a full-time OTB employee.

According to Dan Fischer at WBTA, officials are researching Batavia Down rules about employees entering and winning contests.

Listen to WBTA this morning and afternoon for more on the developing story.

UPDATE: WBTA has an audio interview up with Marketing Manager Marty Biniaz. The prize has been rewarded to Melanie Rahlston  of Mount. Morris.

James Bay Frontier: A Wilderness Odyssey


The months and weeks leading up to that first wilderness fly-in fishing trip can be a time of great anticipation. It’s been thirty years since my first trip via float-plane, and countless thoughts drifted through my mind while counting down the days to departure. But of all the wilderness scenarios I envisioned, none included the sight before my eyes on an afternoon in late May pf 1979.

A fourteen foot, semi-V hull fishing boat containing two wide-eyed fishermen was teetering precariously atop a beaver dam. Johnny Plasko sat in the stern, Phil Albanese occupied the bow. Both were wearing the “what do we do now?” look.

Friends since the fifties, growing up and attending school together in Newark, New Jersey, Phil and Johnny were beginning to understand life in the Canadian wilds was a far cry from metro New Jersey.  

In the moments before John and Phil’s boat became airborne I was attempting to lead a second boat around the dam. In this boat were Basil Pizzuto and Dave Ryder. Holding the bow line, I moved slowly through a flooded backwater. When we heard the roar of the outboard we looked downstream. We saw Phil leaning forward, both his hands clutching the gunwale. Behind him was Johnny, one hand on the throttle and his head held high, trying to see around Phil.

I worked side by side with Johnny in those years, and there was no doubt in my mind what he was about to do.

Johnny had the throttle wide open when they made contact with the beaver dam. They nearly cleared the barrier but the prop shaft caught in the mixture of mud and sticks.

I just shook my head and continued leading the second boat around the dam. That’s when the bottom disappeared. I may have found the underwater entrance to the beaver lodge. Big Dave reacted quickly, reached over the side of the boat and with one hand snatched me out of the drink before my chest waders completely filled with water.     


The beaver dam spanned Soucie Creek, a narrow waterway that meanders through muskeg country for three miles before spilling into the Burntbush River.

Basil and I located the head of the creek three days earlier, barely an hour after the float plane dropped us off. Thanks to the Canadian Ministry of Mines & Resources, we had been studying topographic maps of the area several weeks prior to the trip.

That first trip down Soucie Creek saw us in a square stern canoe with a 10 hp motor – and we nearly swamped it several times. We returned to camp and decided to return another day – this time in a boat. 

Three days later we left our camp on Soucie Lake early in the morning, negotiated the creek with no problem, portaging around the beaver dam before coming to the river.

 A day’s fishing on the Burntbush had been quite productive. There would be several fish to clean for supper. And it was Phil and Johnny, who caught the largest pike and walleye, respectfully. Both fish came from the same pool at the head of a stretch of rapids. Unfortunately, Phil’s pike – a real trophy - didn’t make the return trip. I’ll explain why.   

Within minutes after entering the river the fish began to cooperate. Whether spin casting or trolling we caught fish. After a lull in the action Phi said he had a fish on. It looked to be a good one, judging by the arch in his rod. We watched his line zig-zag back and forth for several minutes before he brought the fish alongside the boat where Dave was waiting with the net. With one deft scoop of the net the pike was lifted from the water. To say the fish was big would have been an understatement. No one had a scale, but in pike fishing circles, this was the size of pike referred to as a “slob.” Lying in the bottom of the net, the big fish curled itself into a U - shape, straining against the mesh.   

Phil attached the pike to an old fashioned chain and clip stringer which already held a few fish – more pike and walleyes. No sooner was the fish back in the drink when it started thrashing to beat the band, banging the stringer repeatedly against the boat and creating a racket. Every few moments Phil would lift the stringer to look at the giant pike – and who could blame him – the fish was that impressive. And when he eased it back into the water the racket began anew. Soon the fish quieted down – or so it seemed. The next time Phil checked on his fish it was gone. At the end of the stringer were the two clips he had stuck through the pikes mouth. They were pried open. All that thrashing had been the pike repeatedly twisting and turning, in the process prying open the clips and freeing itself.  


After dinner that same evening, the lake was mirror calm and here and there one could see surface rises. Casting a surface plug resulted in a strike which turned out to be my first pike caught on the surface. When I caught another there was a mad dash for the boats. “Let’s take this one, John,” said Phil as he stepped off the makeshift dock and into the previously mentioned canoe. Phil should have stepped to the canoe’s center but he didn’t and the canoe rolled, sending him into the lake. Phil stayed in camp to put on dry clothes and never did fish that night. As a result he and John missed an incredible light show. That’s Phil with the net trying to retrieve sunken belongings.

We had seen the northern lights the first few evenings in camp, at the time they appeared as ghostly vapors high overhead, there one second - gone the next. But on this night Basil, Dave and I were in for a real treat. By the time total darkness enveloped the lake - about 11 pm and the fish had long since retired. We were still on the water when we saw a small speck of light overhead. Within minutes that speck grew in size until it covered most of the northern sky. Three of us sat in the boat for a considerable time without talking, staring upward at spectacular shades of blue-green, pastel-red and brilliant white draped across the heavens.        

All things considered, it was an eventful trip. We lived on fish and potatoes that week, save for the night Phil cooked spaghetti and concocted a sauce using ketchup. Our coffee was made in an old style percolator pot. Sipped outdoors in early morning amid the aroma of evergreens, it was amazingly tasty.  


It would be a seventeen hour drive from the float plane base to North Jersey, including a stop at Timmins, Ontario, where Johnny and Phil caught a commercial flight. There was an additional stop at Customs on the U.S. side of the Thousand Islands Bridge. Here I need to add that Dave Ryder lived on the Jersey shore in a town called Neptune – well known throughout New Jersey, but certainly never heard of at the U.S.-Canadian border.

We pulled up to the U.S. Customs booth in the wee hours of the morning, unkempt and disheveled looking as could be. The Custom’s Agent looked at us and asked Dave, who was driving, “Where ya headed?”   

“Neptune,” replied Dave.

Quickly realizing the mistake, Basil and I whispered in unison, “Say New Jersey! Tell him New Jersey!”

Dave explained by showing his driver’s ID. Eyeing us warily, the Customs Agent let us go without incident.

Basil, Johnny, Dave and I worked together at the Meadowlands. Three years later our group – along with Phil - would make a trip to a desolate outpost in the Northwest Territories before a return to the James Bay Frontier and adventure on the Detour River.

Before either of those trips nook place I was fortunate enough to visit northern Manitoba and experience some exceptional shallow water lake trout fishing. Stay tuned!

Proposed state budget will suck $10 billion out of the economy

By Howard B. Owens

We keep hearing about how New York is in crisis.

So I find this morning's Buffalo News headline a little shocking: Both spending and taxes soar in state budget.

When you or I find our income greatly reduced, our primary option is to massively cut our own spending. We can only raise more revenue if we can sell our services on the open market for a higher fee. We don't have the option of extorting more money from people, unless we want to risk jail time.

The government, especially New York's government, doesn't work that way.  When it find itself facing revenue shortfalls, not only can it force its citizens to pony up more taxes and fees, it can go right ahead and increase spending as well.

Where on the measure of common sense does this fall?

The lead of the News story, with its list of new taxes and fees, along with the total amount raised, is stagger:

The state’s new, inflation-busting budget will require New Yorkers to pay more to go fishing and hunting, drive a car or motorcycle, have life insurance, operate the lights and heat in their homes, buy cigarettes, own a cell phone and drink beer, wine and bottled water.

Single taxpayers making more than $200,000 a year will see a jump in taxes, as will bus companies, nuclear plants, food processing companies, racehorse owners, farmers, pesticide applicators, grocery stores and anyone wanting to open a hospice.

In all, the total number of new taxes, fees and various assessments and surcharges will top $7 billion in the new budget that state lawmakers will vote on beginning Tuesday. The governor’s office put the number at $5.3 billion, but that misses a number of levies.

That's $7 billion that will be sucked out of state's economy. That's $7 billions in lost jobs, lost opportunity and lost economic growth.

The News also reports that items such as the end of the STAR rebate program, will cost taxpayers a total of $10 billion when all is said and done.

That's $10,000,000,000.

Meanwhile, spending is skyrocketing to an astonishing $131.8 billion.

With a $17.7 billion deficit to wrestle—up from $16.2 billion just a week ago — Paterson and lawmakers turned to every possible revenue source to go along with $6.5 billion of assorted cuts to hospitals, nursing homes and other programs. Rounding out the money to fill the gap is $6.2 billion in federal stimulus aid.

It's not enough to just close the budget gap, Gov. Paterson and the legislative leadership just can't wait to spend more money.  As the D&C reports, the new budget increases spending by 9 percent, or about $10 billion. Again, in tough times, you and I must cut spending, but not the government -- it just raises taxes and fees and takes more money out of your pocket.

And what's with using $6 billion in federal stimulus money to balance this bloated budget? That money should go to things that, you know, supposedly, allegedly will stimulate the economy, such as new infrastructure projects. Or helping small businesses. Not to increasing the size and scope of government.

Fiscal mismanagement like this should be an impeachable offense. Albany is out of control.

Oakfield man arrested in Orleans County after slow-speed ATV chase

By Howard B. Owens

Steve Moore, 47, of Oakfield, reportedly led law enforcement officers on a low-speed ATV chase Saturday.

The chase started in Murray and Moore was eventually apprehended in Barre, News 10 reports.

At one point Moore got off his ATV and approached a police sergeant. The sergeant tasered him, but it had no effect and Moore got back on his ATV and drove off.

He also allegedly struck a police vehicle.

Moore was charged with DWI.

Police Beat: Teen from North Chili charged with sexual misconduct with LeRoy girl

By Howard B. Owens

Michael J. McCauley, 19, of North Chili, is charged with one count of unlawfully dealing with a child and one count of sexual misconduct. The investigation began in November 2008 when the mother of a Village youth came home to find McCauley allegedly in the house with her underage daughter. The daughter was allegedly served alcohol.  It was later alleged that McCauley and the daughter had been involved in a sexual relationship over the previous year. McCauley was arraigned and released on an order of protection.

Kyle W. Nash, 21, of LeRoy, was arrested early Monday morning for allegedly supplying a minor with alcohol. Nash was reportedly observed with an 18-year-old on Lincoln Avenue. Nash was found to be so intoxicated that police had him transported via ambulance to a hospital. Police believe Nash purchased and supplied his 18-year-old companion with alcohol. He is charged with unlawfully dealing with a child.

Sheldon Wetmore, 19, of Wyoming, was arrested in Alexander on Sunday afternoon for alleged unlawful possession of marijuana. The reported marijuana was found after Wetmore was stopped for an alleged unsafe lane change.

Jerrod J. Cramer, 31, of Alabama, was charged with a DWI Saturday afternoon after being stopped for an alleged traffic violation. Sheriff's Deputies report an open contain was found in Cramer's vehicle. He is charged with a DWI with a BAC of more than .08 percent. He was also cited for hauling an unlicensed, uninspected trailer.

Rodney McKenzie, 44, of Alden, was charged with criminal contempt for allegedly violating an order of protection out of the Town of Alabama court. McKenzie allegedly placed several harassing phone calls to an individual he was ordered not to contact.

Amanda L. King, 27, of LeRoy, was arrested Friday by LeRoy police officers on a charge of harassment in the second degree, and one count of endangering the welfare of a child. King allegedly bit a 12-year-old child during a domestic incident, leaving a bruise. King was arraigned and released on an order of protection.

Jeffery L. Bowker, 44, of Bergen, is charged with DWI out of the Village of LeRoy, after Det. John Condidorio reportedly observed Bowker make a wide right turn at routes 5 and 19, almost striking another vehicle. The subsequent investigation found that Bowker reportedly had a BAC of .18 or higher.

Dale R. Williams, 25, of LeRoy, was arrested in Bergen Saturday morning for an alleged DWI. Wiliams is reported to have had a BAC of .08 or greater. He is also charged with unlicensed operation of a vehicle.

Two-acre grass fire reported on Batavia-Oakfield Townline Road

By Howard B. Owens

An "out of control" grass fire is being battled at 3186 Batavia-Oakfield Townline Road.

The fire covers an estimated two acres and additional crews have been request.

No report on whether any structures are threatened.

UPDATE 2:58 p.m.: I'm on scene. Fire seems pretty much under control. Manpower-only crews were called in from Stafford and Pembroke (Pembroke's brush truck was reported out of service). The fire started as a controled burn, according to homeowner Michael Cusmano. "It just took off," he said. I'll post a picture or two shortly. Also, there is another reported brush fire near Stafford (I didn't catch the exact address) and a grass fire at 10346 Hartwell Road in Pavilion.

UPDATE 3:45 p.m.: I didn't make it out to the Pavilion fire. It sounds like it's under control at this point. Some crews are returning to station.


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Bank of Castile in good shape, according to public records

By Howard B. Owens

A new national database designed to let consumers check on the health of regional banks shows the Bank of Castile in a relatively strong position.

According to the site, Castile has a troubled asset ratio of 3.4 percent, compared to a national median of 9.9 percent. The report also says as of December 2008, the bank had no loans more than 90 days past due.

You can check on all of New York's regional banks from this page.

M&T Bank, of Buffalo, which received $600,000 in TARP bailout money, has a struggling subsidiary. Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company has troubled asset ratio is 17.1 percent. It has more than $44 million in delinquent loans.

You can find out more about the Bank Tracker on the site's Q&A page.

Rural towns face challenges in securing stimulus funds

By Howard B. Owens

Rural towns may find it hard to compete against metro areas for stimulus funding, according to an Associated Press report.

Big cities have more shovel-ready projects and deeper pockets to fund staff time to make applications.

"I feel that we're at an unfair disadvantage because I can't put a staff of 10 on to go out there and see what we can qualify for," Silver City Manager Alex Brown said.

Gov. Bill Richardson and Lt. Gov. Diane Denish said at a news conference last week rural communities need help to get their share of the federal money.

"Some rural communities, they don't have the staff and the expertise, in some cases, to make some of these submissions" required to apply for stimulus money, Richardson said.

Meanwhile, on small town in Vermont was surprised to find that it had to come up with 20 percent matching funds to qualify for stimulus aid on a project.

The town submitted its applications and learned it must come up with 20 percent in matching funds.

"We are at a definite disadvantage there is no way we can raise that kind of money," Viskup said.

The town says the 20 percent match was never mentioned and expected the stimulus money would fully fund the projects.

County's 9-1-1 Center receives accreditation

By Howard B. Owens

The County's 9-1-1 Center received accreditation this week in a presentation at the County Legislature meeting. The presentation was made by Peter R. Kehoe, Executive Director of the New York State Sheriffs' Association. Pictured with the plaques and certificates are Deputy Deborah Snyder, Accreditation Program Manager, Deputy Ed Vlack, Civil Officer, Peter Kehoe, Sheriff Gary T. Maha and Director of Emergency Communications Steve Sharpe.

Rummage and bake sale at St. Paul's in Stafford

By Howard B. Owens

Bake Sale at St. Paul's: I stopped by the rummage and bake sale at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Stafford this morning. Pictured are Audrey Chessman, Mary Waterman and Betty Ward.

Rummage Sale Stafford: The rummage sale this morning at St. Paul's in Stafford. After a I took my first picture, a lady told me "I don't want my picture in the paper." So that's not the one I used.

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
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AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
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