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Monday Morning

By Bea McManis

It feels more like October than May.  Looking out at the cars in the parking lot, I see frost on the windows. 

The pollen count was high all weekend.  It was common to run into people with running eyes and noses.  As uncomfortable as the pollen makes us, I have to admit that spring is always glorious. The colors of the buds, the flowers blooming, the grass is green and there is hope for a nice summer.

I even noticed one farm where they have completed their first cutting of hay. The windrows raked into long straight lines appeared to be the epitome of spring...renewal of the land.  I also noticed a farm stand selling asparagus for $2 a bunch.  The stand was empty, had we passed it earlier in the day, I would have bought some.

Remember when your kids were young and you had to think of things to amuse them on a long ride?  The kids are long grown, but I still find myself mentally playing the games that occupied their time.  Bury the cow was a favorite.  It started quite get points for each herd of cows you found on your side of the car.  If we passed a cemetery and it was on your side, you lost your cows.  As the kids got older the game became more complex.  How many cows constitutes a 'herd'?  If a fence divides cows on the same farm, does each pasture count as one point or does the farm just count as one point?  I smile as I pass Lamb's and imagine the discussion that would go on in the back of the car.

Police Beat: Teen accused of shooting child with BB gun

By Howard B. Owens

Michael J. Elmore, 18, of  Batavia, is accused of shooting 8-year-old boy in the leg with a BB gun at the skate park on Evans Street. Elmore is charged with reckless endangerment and endangering a child.

Megan J. Nenni, 21,of Albion, is charged with DWI following a traffic stop in the City of Batavia early Saturday morning.

Jake Myers, 19, of Batavia, was charged with possession of marijuana following a traffic stop early Saturday morning. Myers was also cited for drivers view obstructed, but no details on that violation were provided.

Eric L. Skeet, 20, of Corfu, is charged with DWI and possession of Marijuana following a traffic stop following a traffic stop on Pearl Street early Saturday morning. He is accused of having a BAC .08 or more.

UPDATE: Somehow I missed a couple of faxes from the weekend this morning. Below are additional items not part of our original report.

Jerod L. Trebian, 30, of Batavia, is charged with DWI stemming from a traffic stop for alleged speeding Friday evening in Pembroke on Route 77. He is accused of having a BAC of .08 or greater and driving 59 in a 40 m.p.h. zone.

Lazeuia D. Washington, 32, of Buffalo, was arrested in Darien for an alleged DWI, resisting arrest and consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle. She was placed in jail in lieu of $1,500 bail.

Shuvon Williams, 32, of Batavia, is accused of shoplifting from K-Mart. He is charged with petit larceny.

Red's Taxi - Anyone remember?

By Bea McManis

Does anyone remember where the dispatch office was for Red's Taxi?

Was there a taxi cab company near the Blue Bus Station on Court St?

While we are at it, does anyone remember an ice cream parlor attached to the Family theater on Jackson St.

....and to settle a dispute, where was Alexander's clothing store located.



By Maureen Davis

Future farmers help fix up Corfu barn

By Billie Owens

A bunch of teenagers in red T-shirts spent Friday toiling in the sun to fix up an old barn off Route 77 in Corfu. And they did so willingly, even enthusiastically.

They spent the day scraping off old paint, powerwashing, brushing on new red paint, replacing worn out two-by-fours and doing landscaping. They'll do the trim and wrap things up Saturday and then enjoy a well-deserved banquet Sunday.

The workers are students from BOCES in Batavia and Albion High School in Orleans County and the barn is one of only five chosen nationwide to get an overhaul thanks to a generous donation from the Campbell's Soup Company.

It's all part of a project to help sustain family farms and aid the next generation of farmers. It also provides scholarship money for a prestigious six-week leadership conference this summer in Washington, D.C..

The Campbell's initiative is being done in conjunction with the national Future Farmers of America (FFA) Alumni Association, FFA student chapters, farm families and the agricultural community.

The soup maker ponied up $250,000 for the coast-to-coast campaign called "Help Grow Your Soup." Of those funds, $75,000 was set aside to refurbish five specially selected barns (at about $5,000 each) and provide scholarships to FFA students.

The barns, iconic symbols of family farms, had to be visible to the community and belong to a multi-generational farm family that produces something used to make soups.

The local one belongs to the Reynolds family, who operate a 600-cow dairy (for cream of broccoli, maybe?). The Reynolds also own 1,500 acres of land on which they grow feed crops. They sell their milk to Syracuse-based Dairylea Cooperative.

The other "Help Grow Your Soup" barns are in Illinois, Oregon, Tennessee and Kansas.

The hulking Allegheny Road structure is about 60 feet long and 40 feet wide and built sometime in the 1800s, no one seems to know exactly when. It's been used for hay storage but used to be where cows were fed and milked by John Reynolds' late parents.

The Reynolds built a new milking structure in 1997 and a new barn last year. Since the old barn was no longer essential, the family thought of tearing it down.

But family friend Barry Flansburg sort of intervened. He's also a Future Farmers of America alumnus and thought the Reynold's barn would be a good choice for the Campbell's opportunity. Apparently, his lobbying efforts weren't wasted.

"You're the first person I thought of, and you're right off Route 77," Flansburg said to Shelley Reynolds, who is delighted her family was chosen for the refurbishment project.

She likes what she and John do for a living, too.

"There's something about raising calves and seeing them become milk producers," Shelley said. "Sometimes you have to do chores on Christmas Eve, but you're responsible for it all and it's a good life. My kids never spent one day in day care. ... we operate as a family."

The family also includes Tyler, 18, MacKenzie, 17, and Andrew, 15.
Incidentally, MacKenzie is this year's Genesee County Dairy Princess and Tyler will be a freshman at Cornell this fall.

She says the kids say after college they'll come back to Corfu to run the dairy.

"It's their choice," she said, adding that it wouldn't be a bad one either.

Pictured above: Left: Christina Kirby, 11th grader at Albion; Right: Sarah Connor, 10th grader at Albion.

Batavia without fire chief as qualified captains decline temporary appointment

By Howard B. Owens

At the close of business today, the Batavia Fire Department will be without a fire chief, as none of the four captains who are qualified to fill an interim position wanted to take on the role at this time, CIty Manager Jason Molino told WBTA this afternoon.

Molino said he will handle routine administrative tasks for the department while the job search for a new chief continues.

Chief Tom Dillon resigned after learning last week that the New York Civil Service Commission denied the city's request for a waiver on his position. Dillon retired after 29-years with the Rochester Fire Department and the commission said he could not continue to draw retirement and earn more than $30,000 per year.

Ken Barrett Chevrolet spared GM's ax

By Howard B. Owens

On a day when as many as 1,100 Chevrolet and Cadillac dealers were told by General Motors that it would no longer need their services once their contracts expire, Batavia's Ken Barrett Chevrolet-Cadillac was notified the dealership will remain open.

“We are part of GM’s continuing plans,” Ken Barrett told WBTA this afternoon. "Ultimately the people who will determine our fate are our customers.”

The dealership cuts, which amount to about 20 percent of its network, come amid financial turmoil for the auto giant. Unlike the Chrysler cuts announced yesterday, GM is not releasing a list of dealerships that will not get contracts renewed.

Yesterday, we learned Castiglione Chrysler also survived the round of cuts announced by that car maker.

Mistler closes on South Beach purchase this afternoon

By Howard B. Owens

I ran into Ken Mistler about 30 minutes ago entering The Insurance Center office on Main Street. He let me know he was closing on his purchase of South Beach, building and restaurant.

Mistler said there are two potential tenants looking at the location, but nothing is firm yet.

Deals of the Day: Fine Dining Friday - Alex's and Larry's

By Howard B. Owens

Hey, it's Friday -- end of a long work week, time to reward yourself with a good meal at a nice restaurant. So today we're offering two $50 gift certificates for $25 each. (note, starting today, we're charging a $1 service fee to offset our PayPal fee).

One is for Alex's Place on Park Road and the other for Larry's Steakhouse in Downtown.

After dinner, you can take in a show, too.  We still have tickets available for The Lion in Winter from The Batavia Players. These tickets are $5 each (regularly $10).  The offer expires at 5 p.m. today.

Rules: The gift certificate must be used by within 30 days of purchase. It is not valid with other offers and has no cash value.  People who have won a certificate in the past 30 days are not eligible to win a certificate from the same business as before.  Gift certificates cannot be used, by state law, to purchase alcohol.

How to Win: Purchase using the PayPal "Buy Now" button below. After the first person to hit the "buy now" button completes the purchase, PayPal will let you know that the item has been sold. Ideally, the winner will arrange to stop by my office on Main Street before 5:00 p.m. to pick up gift certificate. Mail is an option, but it would be better to hand you the gift certificate. 

If you want to be notified via e-mail of future Deals of the Day, sign up for the Deals of the Day e-mail list by clicking here.

Merchants: If you would like your business featured in Deal of the Day, call Howard Owens at 260-6970.

Alex's Place


Larry's Steakhouse


The Lion in Winter

GCC Commencement for Class of 2009 is Sunday

By Billie Owens

Genesee Community College's 41st graduating class will be recognized at a Commencement ceremony at 1 p.m. Sunday, May 17.

The Commencement will also be cablecast live on the Time-Warner Educational Access channel (Ch.15 in Genesee County).

The college's first commencement was held in 1968. The Class of 2009 brings the number of GCC grads to 20,000.

Several outstanding scholars will be recognized, including Jennifer Bryant (Batavia), Danielle Collins (Pavilion) and Kathryn Scarborough (South Alabama).

The keynote speaker is Ruth Andes, PhD, Genesee's professor of sociology and assistant dean of assessment and special projects. She has been a member of the faculty since 1970 and plans to retire next month. Andes is the most-honored SUNY award recipient at GCC and it is believed she has earned more SUNY-wide academic honors than any faculty member in the state's entire 64-college system.

The college is located at 1 College Road in Batavia.

Bench on Ellicott finally completed

By Howard B. Owens

Yesterday, we noticed this bench was completed. Looks nice, but patrons in the Pok-A-Dot are still making skeptical remarks about it, wondering what kind of riffraff it will attract.

Police Beat: K-9 alerts on backpack, marijuana suspected

By Howard B. Owens

Christopher Saddler, 25, of Albion was pulled over by a Sheriff deputy for an alleged traffic violation at 12:20 p.m. yesterday. The K-9 working with Deputy Thompson reportedly alerted on the car, and then alerted on a backpack in the car. Saddler was cited for unlawful possession of marijuana.

Batavia Chrysler to stay open as hundreds of others close nationwide

By Billie Owens

The Castilone Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep dealership in Batavia will stay in business.

The owner, Steve Castilone, was told about the decision this morning. It will continue to sell and service the brands for the Chrysler Corporation's as well as Chrysler's new partner, Fiat, of Italy.

Chrysler has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. 

According to an interview with WTBA, the news is a relief for Castilone.

Audio: Steve Castilone talks about receiving the letter this morning.

Audio: Steve Castilone talks about his business, which began as Hawley Motors generations ago and is was the oldest family owned Chrysler dealership in the nation.

Nationally, 789 dealership were told today they will be shut down.

Gymnastics enthusiast's dream of a training facility in Stafford, but neighbors object

By Howard B. Owens

Amy Mathisen has a dream -- to build a facility for gymnastics and offer them after-school programs on her parents' farm in Stafford.

Karen Nostrant and Paul Hendel don't necessarily want to stomp on that dream, but they aren't eager to see such a facility close to their home on Caswell Road. The prospect of increased traffic and car lights shining into their windows is not appealing to them.

On Mach 24, Mathisen sent a letter to the Stafford Town Council outlining her plans, which will require land-use changes.

Mathisen's dream starts with converting three or four acres of the farm into a lot for the facility, which would be 9,000 square feet with 400 square feet dedicated to before-and after-school programs and recreational activities.

Parking would be a gravel lot.

In a letter dated May 1, Nostrant and Hendel say the proposed location would be less than 100 feet from their front porch, that the parking area would significantly increase noise and lights adjacent their property, traffic on Caswell would increase from three vehicles per hour to more than 30 and the value of both properties would decrease as a result.

Rather than try to shut down Mathisen's dream entirely, however, Nostrant and Hendel, who are both volunteers with the Stafford Fire Department, suggest the facility be shifted to Griswold Road, which would put a barn between it and the two houses on Caswell.

Mathisen's a 33-year resident of Stafford and has been involved in gymnastics since age 13. She wrote to the town council:

"Gymnastics is a sport that prepares youth for any sport through gross motor skill development, strength training, flexibility and balance. Gymnastics is for both boys and girls of all ages and with the afterschool program right at the center, some parents will have one less stop to make in their busy schedules, which in turn strengthens the family unit. I want gymnastics in Genesee County to have a facility that will be around for years to come with the tools it needs for gymnasts to excel. I have been involved in a program that has moved at least 8 times in the last 10 years. I want there to be a permanent home for gymnastics in Genesee County."

We tried calling Mathisen three times, but she has not returned our calls.

No hearing date has been set to review the proposal.

Online Exclusive: Save $300 on rocker recliner from Max Pies Furniture

By Howard B. Owens

Through a special arrangement with Max Pies Furniture, 400 South Jackson St., Batavia, The Batavian is able to extend this special, online-only offer to its readers:

We have for sale a rocker recliner. This big, comfortable chair normally sells for $699. The first reader of The Batavian to act on this offer can buy it online for $399 (plus sales tax). That's a $300 savings!

You can't buy this recliner in the store at that price.

The winner of this exclusive item will be able to choose from an in-stock rocker recliner or custom order in one of the three available colors.

The rocker recliner features soft upholstery and plush contemporary styling so you can enjoy a comfortable relaxing time whether watching TV, reading or enjoying good conversation. With plush saddle arms and unique butler back design, these recliners are comfortable while retaining their design that compliments almost any home décor. The upholstery, construction and design are built to handle everyday living.

There is only one item available at this price and it is exclusive through
The Batavian. The winning purchaser will need to arrange to stop by The Batavian office to pick up a purchase voucher. Final arrangements to take delivery of the chair are made at the Max Pies location at 400 South Jackson St. This item will be available until it sells and only one at this price is available.

The voucher has no cash value, but can be used toward an upgrade purchase on another item.

Deliver is free in Genesee County.

To purchase this online exclusive from The Batavian and Max Pies Furniture, click the PayPal button below (this is the only way you can make this purchase -- this price is NOT available in the store).

If you're a local business owner and would like to offer The Batavian readers great deals either as part of The Deal of the Day or as an Online Exclusive, call me at 585-260-6970.


Deals of the Day: Essence of Candles and Herbly Wonderful

By Howard B. Owens

Today, we're offering gift certificates for two charming stores, Herbly Wonderful and Essence of Candles.

These are both $25 gift certificate and you can purchase them through The Batavian for $12.50 each -- half off!*

Essence of Candles is located at 201 Liberty St. and features a variety of handmade candles -- made right here in Batavia. Store hours are Tuesday through Friday, 2 to 6 p.m. and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Herbly Wonderful is located at 3701 Pearl Street Road and offers teas, dried herbs, blends and spices. Hours: Tuesday thru Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday: noon to 5 p.m..

Rules: The gift certificate must be used by within 30 days of purchase. It is not valid with other offers and has no cash value.  People who have won a certificate in the past 30 days are not eligible to win a certificate from the same business as before.  Gift certificates cannot be used, by state law, to purchase alcohol.

How to Win: Purchase using the PayPal "Buy Now" button below. After the first person to hit the "buy now" button completes the purchase, PayPal will let you know that the item has been sold. Ideally, the winner will arrange to stop by my office on Main Street before 5:00 p.m. to pick up gift certificate. Mail is an option, but it would be better to hand you the gift certificate. 

If you want to be notified via e-mail of future Deals of the Day, sign up for the Deals of the Day e-mail list by clicking here.

Merchants: If you would like your business featured in Deal of the Day, call Howard Owens at 260-6970.

Herbly Wonderful


Essence of Candles


*NOTE: Starting Friday, we will beginning charing a $1 service fee to offset the fees we pay to PayPal.

Fire crews battle blaze on Otis Street

By Howard B. Owens

Approximately $30,000 in damage was caused to a home at 46 Otis Street in Batavia last night after a fire erupted in the cockloft area of the house.

The Batavia Fire Department reports that dispatchers received numerous calls around 9:42 p.m., including an initial call from a neighbor at the rear of the house on Hutchins Street.

Crews from the city and town were dispatched to the blaze. No injuries were reported.

Damage to the structure, which is owned by Rose Szczesny, was confined to the cockloft -- or attic-like area -- of the house. There was smoke and water damage to other portions of the house.

Police Beat: Marijuana ticket issued in Byron

By Howard B. Owens

Jeffery Vanslyke, 27, of Elba, was issued an appearance ticket Monday around 10:20 p.m. for alleged unlawful possession of marijuana. The marijuana was reportedly found following a traffic stop in Byron.

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
Tags: Jobs offered
AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
Tags: Jobs offered

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