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Video: OHMS Band performs in Jackson Square

By Howard B. Owens

More from the OHMS Band here.

Pat Tehan sent us the links with this note:

I hope you don't mind this shameless self-promotion - I'm the piano player in The OHMS Band.  We played at Jackson Square on July 31 - the weather cooperated for once this summer and we had a good crowd because of it.  Melissa Eddings Mancuso videotaped it and made DVDs for the band - her husband, Bill Mancuso, played organ.  I posted 15 of the songs to youtube, I thought that some of your readers might enjoy it if they were there.  Some good crowd shots in the videos...  Guys in the band are Anthony DelPlato (drums, vocals), Charlie DelPlato (electric guitar, vocals), Chris Bartz (acoustic guitar, lead vocals), Joe Palmer (bass), Bill Mancuso (organ), Pat Tehan (piano)

We're always happy to promote local music.

Car fire reported off Route 20 in Alexander

By Howard B. Owens

A car fire has been reported on Route 20 east of Route 98 on the south side of the roadway.

The initial report had the car fire west of Route 98, but a first responder found the car and reported it was off the roadway in a field.

He reported it didn't appear that anybody was in the car, but did say, "If it gets up into the trees, we may have a little brush fire."

Alexander Fire Department is responding.

There's a been a request for law enforcement to respond.

UPDATE 4:23 p.m.: Alexander Fire back in service. Apparently, the driver/owner of the car is nowhere to be found.

Paterson includes Batavia's Bank Street in infrastructure funding

By Howard B. Owens

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Batavia will receive $411,000 for improvements to Bank Street as one of many projects around the state approved for funding by Gov. David Paterson

Bank Street is one of several projects the city sought funding for through state-controlled federal stimulus dollars. 

The project includes a new waterline, sidewalks and roadway between Washington and North Streets.

Paterson announced yesterday that the state will hand out $34.7 million in grants that will "help expand affordable housing, revitalize New York's Main Streets, and modernize local infrastructure."

Batavia's funding comes from a federal program called Community Development Block Grants.

Paterson's office claims the spending will result in leveraging an additional $48 million in resources, but the press release does not fully explain that statement. It seems to mean some of the projects will require local matching funds or other contributions.

"These grants will make a difference in urban and rural communities across New York. Neighborhood by neighborhood, block by block, the Community Development Block Grant and New York Main Street programs will further local development so that our communities thrive," Governor Paterson said. "Improving and upgrading infrastructure, revitalizing traditional downtown business districts, and rehabilitating and renovating housing for working families will provide much-needed investment and make New York a better place to live, work and raise a family."

No word on the City's other grant requests.

(Thanks to a reader tip for bringing this to our attention.)

Arrestee accused of bringing cocaine into jail

By Howard B. Owens

A man arrested for alleged assault during the Lil' Wayne concert Thursday is now also accused  possessing cocaine in jail.

David F. John, Jr., 23, of 1248 Lackawana St., Buffalo, was placed into Genesee County Jail on $1,000 bail following an alleged altercation at Darien Lake Theme Park.

During a routine search at the jail, he was found to allegedly possess cocaine.

He has been charged with promoting prison contraband in the first degree.

John was initially charged with harassment and assault.

Bail on the new charge is $5,000.

New Feature: Pet of the Week

By Pachuco Owens

Hello, I'm Pachuco. My masters are Howard and Billie, who run The Batavian.

Every day I watch them work so hard on The Batavian that I wanted to do something to help out. I get a little bored sometimes laying in the office while my dad works, or sitting at home while my mom's tied up on the computer.

So I asked if there was something I could do, and mom and dad suggested that I become the "Pet of the Week Correspondent."

That's perfect, 'cause I know a good pet when I see one. A good pet is loyal and loving, a friend to lean on and just always there. They're also handsome, and everybody who meets me tells me how handsome I am!

But I won't discriminate on looks, if you're pet really loves you, I may pick your pet as Pet of the Week, too.

Here's what you do: E-mail me a picture of your pet -- dog, cat, ferret, horse, goldfish, parakeet or any creature you keep as a pet -- and each week I'll pick one Pet of the Week. Your pet should also tell me why he or she deserves to this distinction. Your pet doesn't need to write a lot, just something about the joy and fun he brings into your life, the special things he does.

E-mail your picture (JPEG) and story to "pets (at) thebatavian dot com." 

Each week, I'll pick one deserving pet. If I don't pick your pet this week, I will hold onto your submission for future consideration (yes, I'm a smart dog; I can use big words).

Here's the GREAT PART: If your pet is Pet of the Week, we'll send you a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds, so please be sure to include your name and address with your submission.

And please support our sponsor, Genesee Feeds. That's where I get all my food (well, except for the table scraps I sometimes mooch) and I love my meals from Genesee Feeds!

Adopt-A-Pet: Garbo and Sissy

By Billie Owens

Hello, I'm Garbo the fabulous! I'm going to be a big, friendly girl because I'm a Labrador retriever/Great Dane mix. I was picked up as a young stray, roaming around with nothing constructive to do. So now I'm in the decidedly austere Kennel 21 at the town pound. I deserve better! Firstly, I am good on a leash, something many of my ilk cannot say (truthfully). Secondly, I know and respond appropriately to some commands. (But more on that when you come visit.) Lastly, I'm a sweet goofball and oh-so-playful. But did I mention I'm a quick study, and let me also say ... "


Hey there, I'm insouciant Sissy. As you can see, I am a black-and-white cat in lounge mode. I enjoy doing, uh, not much, after having raised my first -- and last -- litter of kittens. I brought them to the shelter with me so we could each find a special home. I have to say, I did 'em proud. Them kittens was raised right! And now I'm spayed and ready to give people who love me, lots of love in return.

Adoption fee is $30. Unspayed/unneutered animals also require a $35 refundable deposit.

The Genesee County Animal Shelter is located at 3841 W. Main St. Road in the Town of Batavia. Visit Volunteers for Animals on the Web at <>

Hours are:

Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.

Wednesday 1 to 3 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.

Saturday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Fire units responding to furnace sparking on Galloway Road

By Howard B. Owens

A furnace is reportedly sparking and smoking at 2622 Galloway Road, Town of Batavia.

Town of Batavia and East Pembroke fire departments are being dispatched.

UPDATE 11:40 a.m.: The resident reports the fire is out, but there is still smoke in the house. Town of Batavia returning to service; East Pembroke still responding.

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Overheard on the scanner: "We've only got two more days of this"

By Howard B. Owens

A city unit was unable to respond, for unknown reasons, to an ambulance call in Indian Falls.

The dispatcher reported this to a person on scene and he said, "What else is new?"

The call was routed to Darien's ambulance, which agreed to respond.

The person on scene then said, "Just think, we've only got two more days of this."

On Sept. 1, Mercy Flight takes over primary ground ambulance service in the county.

No injuries in Alabama fire that damaged two-unit apartment complex

By Howard B. Owens

A two-family residence in the Town of Alabama was heavily damaged by an early morning fire.

The fire was reported at 4:37 a.m. at 6967 Knowlesville Road.  The cause of the fire is under investigation.

All residents escaped the fire without injuries.

The front porch and a kitchen were heavily damaged in the blaze, according to a Sheriff's Office press release.

Responding to the fire were the Town of Alabama Fire Department, Oakfield, Town of Batavia, City of Batavia, East Pembroke, Indian Falls, East Shelby, City of Batavia Medic, Genesee County Emergency Management Office, State Police, Sheriff's Office and National Grid.

Caring for the City

By Robin Walters


Care-A-Van Ministries of Batavia in Partnership with Dr. Russ Marchese and Dr. Marcela and staff along with local agencies hosted Caring for the City on Friday.

It all started as a vision last fall and became a reality today. The parking lot of the dental office was filled with local agencies, churches and the dentist office coming together to let the people of Batavia know that they care.

Working side by side with Care-A-Van and the Dental office were Lake Plains Community Network who were on hand to help the uninsured apply for health insurance, Cornell Cooperative Extension who offered parenting and nutrition classes, United Memorial Medical Center Cancer Services of Genesee and Orleans County who made the uninsured women aware of the free medical services available and Continental School of Beauty who’s teaching staff and students offered free haircuts.

Pastor Charlie Piscitello, his wife Judy of Batavia Christian Fellowship and Pastor Mark Perkins of Oakfield-Alabama Baptist were on the grounds for prayer support and to offer encouragement to all. 

Janet Stedman of United Memorial Medical Center’s Cardiac Rehab staff was busy on the bus doing medical screenings and blood pressure checks.

Care-A-Van Ministries is a street ministry that goes into the streets of Batavia to show the people we care and to take the good news of Jesus to them. We do weekly cookouts, street church on Sundays and grocery distribution every Saturday.  It was proven today that street ministry is not just for churches. Agencies, physician offices and organizations can and do make a huge difference in people’s lives.  

Today free dental services were given to over 50 people! The people coming out were offered tooth extractions, fillings and cleanings. With today’s economy and many people being without dental insurance, today was a huge blessing to many. Upon exiting the dental office, one woman was in tears of joy because she got her smile back! Another young man who had no dental insurance had 2 teeth pulled. As he was given a ride home, he was crying and saying it was the best birthday present ever! He had been in pain for months with his bad teeth. He felt so much relief after receiving his free services.

Continental School of Beauty gave over 30 free haircuts today.

One young man really touched everyone’s heart when he stated “I may look rough on the outside but I am not that way on the inside”.  Wow, think about that, how many of us might have judged someone for the way they look. 

Today was an awesome day for Caring in the City! Care-A-Van thanks everyone from the bottom of their hearts for partnering with them and the dental office to care for those in need. Jesus said the poor would always be with you. We invite all of you to come on board with Care-A-Van as we go out weekly. There are many opportunities for your churches and agencies go to forth and let the people know that they are cared for and not forgotten. We also invite all of you to next year’s Caring for the City Day!

God Bless and Keep the Light On!

Robin Walters

Public Relations Director

Care-A-Van Ministries

More photos to come- all patients agreed to photos for sharing

Dr. Russ and Son RJ attend to patient

Dr. Marcela checking patient out


Fire Alarm at College Village

By William Buckley

Friday moning (8/28/09) at approximately 2:00 AM, fire alarms were activated in Beech and Cedar Halls (Buildings B and C) at College Village. Initial response was two Town of Batavia Fire Department chiefs and Engine 21, with one Genesee County Sherriff's Office patrol car and two New York State Police patrol vehicles arriving shortly afterward. During the investigation Beech Hall's alarm activated a second time. At approximately 2:25 AM residents were allowed back into their rooms. Information regarding cause, etc. is currently unavailable due to lack of an appropriate time to ask officials who were on-scene.

More photos as well as personal comments "after the jump..."



First view of E21 as I walked out to see what was happening:

E21 in front of Beech Hall:

From the road (walked around to stay out of the way):

GCSO response arrives (sorry for the blur - unsupported long lens at night didn't want to work too well) :

Residents awaiting all-clear:

CV Safety (I think, couldn't really be sure), Sherrif's Deputy and unidentifiable individual (possibly TBFD) talking next to E21:

My Comments:

Based on the number of people talking (and in general having no respect or care) at our fire safety meeting Monday night, I have a feeling that these unnecessary incidents are going to continue for a while. Furthermore, the total lack of respect from my fellow residents toward our firefighters is not only appalling, but absolutely unacceptable. When someone gets out of bed at 3:30 AM (two years ago this was a pretty common time for alarms to happen within an hour of) to possibly pull people out of a burning building if necessary (regardless of if it's for pay or not), a little respect is due to say the least. We've even had residents vehemently arguing (trust me, this is putting it nicely) with one of the fire chiefs and a safety officer wanting to go back into a building with the smell of smoke and a sounding alarm still present.

I'm honestly no longer sure there's anything that can be done to change these issues, but if you have ideas feel free to share, I'll pass along anything good to one of the RAs, the CV office or GCC.

I have a suspicion that tonight's alarms were a false pull due to it being two buildings at the same time and the larger-than-average police response.

Also, an obligatory disclaimer:
My comments are made purely on my behalf. I have never been a Resident Assistant at, or employee of, College Village or Genesee Community College. I am not speaking on their behalf, and have no intention of doing so unless I am asked to, in which case I would indicate such. Furthermore, I have no affiliation with any fire or law enforcement agencies in Genesee County. I am simply a concerned GCC student and CV resident. Intentionally misconstruing anything I publish/print/say in regards to the above disclaimer and the content it applies to will be interpreted as slander, and/or libel, and may or may not be met with legal action as necessary and to the fullest extent of the law. None of this is meant to harm the reputation of administrative, security, law enforcement or fire officials, nor that of the organizations they represent. It is, to the contrary, meant to support them.

If any official from involved agencies and organizations feels that I may have photos which would help their investigation into this incident, please contact me via bill [AT] buckleyw [DOT] net or my college e-mail address. I have retained all revisions of the images above (which had to be enhanced due to exposure issues) as well as various images either too blurry or not useful enough from a journalism perspective.

Edit: Code refresh and added photo captions.

Car hits pole in Batavia

By Billie Owens

A one-car motor vehicle accident is being handled at Summit Street near North Street in Batavia. The female driver is coherent, walking around, but will receive a hospital medical evaluation.

It's a car-into-utility pole incident involving pole No. 24 (first reported as pole No. 596), which has three transformers. National Grid has been advised of the incident. It was initially believed that the pole was split and displayed arcing electricity at the top. First responders say the pole does not appear to be split, but National Grid will still need to inspect it.

CORRECTION: Someone, ostensibly with the fire department, sent an email correcting this post:

You combined two different car pole accidents into one....Pavilion had one at the same time with pole number 596 that was cracked toward the top. The one in the city was a few minutes afterwards and was pole 24 that had 3 transformers on it.

The Batavian regrets the error and appreciates the clarification.

Suspect in grand larceny released from jail after D.A. doesn't present case to Grand Jury

By Howard B. Owens

In a rare turn of events, a man charged with multiple felonies is being released from jail today because the District Attorney's office did not bring his case to the Grand Jury in a timely manner.

Michael L. Jackson, Jr. still faces two counts of grand larceny, a count of burglary and a count of criminal mischief stemming from an alleged break-in at Holland High Lift building in Bethany on April 11, but Judge Robert Noonan released him this afternoon from Genesee County Jail, where he was held on $25,000 bail.

The D.A.'s office had 45 days to seek an indictment from the Grand Jury, but as Asst. D.A. Will Zickl explained to Noonan, the D.A.'s office has been waiting for DNA-match results from a Monroe County criminal lab.

Zickl argued that the DNA evidence could potentially make for a stronger case to bring to the grand jury, but it also could be exculpatory and be "to the defendant's benefit."  There have been requests sent to the lab to quickly finish the tests, but to date, no results have been received.

(Presumably, there was DNA evidence collected at the scene of the alleged crime. Zickl said Jackson submitted to a mouth swab at the time of his arrest.)

There were also ongoing negotiations for a plea bargain, Zickl said, which kept open the possibility of a plea without the necessity of a Grand Jury indictment.

Defense Attorney Gary Horton said he was aware of only one plea bargain offer from the D.A.'s office, and that offer was immediately rejected by Jackson.

Horton contended that there was nothing preventing the D.A.'s office from presenting the case to the Grand Jury at any time.

"There was probable cause for an arrest," Horton said. "If that probable cause appears sufficient for an arrest, then presumably it rises to the same level of proof for a Grand Jury."

Zickl also argued that Jackson is a significant flight risk. He allegedly left the state immediately after the alleged crime was committed, but Horton countered that Jackson didn't know he was a suspect in the case at the time and that he returned to New York voluntarily.

Noonan said the issue before him wasn't about DNA, it was whether the people could have presented the case, and he saw no reason the people couldn't have proceeded.

Jackson indicated that upon release he had a place to stay in Oakfield.

Jackson is accused of damaging parts worth $1,500 and stealing items worth at least $8,000 and a pickup truck valued at $19,000.


By Jacob Bell

Now I'm not really one to complain about how this city is run, because it seems to work and we all get by, but theres a problem in this city I cant ignore anymore, SKUNKS! This city is INFESTED with skunks and its rediculous! There is one animal control officer in Genesee County and I've seen it drive around only during the day. These aren't just a couple skunks that are affraid of humans, these ones have no fear of humans, just tonight I was literly charged by a skunk! I got up and ran, it stopped a little short and kept creeping towards me, I had to throw several rocks at it to get it to run off. I know of several people who have been followed by the skunks. This city smells like skunk nearly everyday! This issue will not go away on its own!

The city, and residents, need to take steps to take care of them. The city must place traps, set up a 24 hour line for people to call when skunks are spotted, and they need to be dealt with immediately! No waiting. And an important part of control are the residents. We need all take steps to help discouraged the skunks. Skunks are much like bears and in places where bears are issues there are laws in place regulating garbage. We need to never leave bags not in a container, try waiting as long as possible to put youre garbage outside. If theres opening under houses and pourches cover them up, its where they live and nest. Theses are a couple messures that can be taken, we need a joint effort and the city and residents need to take steps to control them or else theres going to be an infestation, and I dont know about yall, but Im not a huge fan of skunk smell.

Byron dairy farmer tells Sen. Gillibrand like it is

By Billie Owens

Here's the verbatim testimony of Byron dairy farmer Robin Denniston-Keller given at the Senate hearing on the dairy industry held at GCC on Thursday.

It's titled "Legislative Responses to the Dairy Crisis: Reforming the Pricing Structure."

"...I am a proud American dairy farmer. My husband and I milk 100 Jersey cows and take care of another 100 young stock on our farm 10 minutes northeast of here in Byron, New York. It’s a privilege and honor to be asked to speak today.

"I’m not an economist or an expert on milk pricing, but I do feel I have common sense and a strong work ethic, which have served me well so far in life. I milk my own cows every day, and being up to my elbows in the results of lactation and excretion (generally not at the same time!) gives me a certain sense of reality!

"On our farm, our “pay price” for our milk produced in July 2009 was $13.26 per hundredweight. Put in consumer terms, $1.14 a gallon. This includes all protein and quality premiums received from Sorrento, the cheese plant we supply with pure, fresh Jersey milk. 

"Last year our July pay price was $24.23 per hundredweight, or $2.08 a gallon. I could spend my next three minutes ranting about the volatility and injustice of this, but that’s not constructive, and you can figure out on your own how I do the math to pay for our own health insurance, groceries, feed for the cows and calves, fuel for the tractors, hauling and fuel surcharge costs to send the milk to the processor, and the numerous other bills staring me in the face each month!

"Our 100-cow dairy benefits from the MILC program. We are at the perfect size to maximize our usage of the program. Our MILC government payments are currently a little more than 10% of our monthly income.

"Solutions to milk pricing issues -- please remember, as I said before, I’m not an economist or a milk pricing expert! Time heals all wounds, however, how do we stop the bleeding now?

Increase solid-non-fat fluid milk standards.

I like to call this the “No more blue skim milk” suggestion. Since 1962, California has had higher minimum standards for nonfat solids in fluid milk than the rest of the United States. Raising the United States standards to match the California standards will accomplish the following:

  • Improve the nutrition benefits of milk. For example, California 2% milk has 21% more calcium than does 2% milk in other states. In addition, higher solids result in better tasting milk.
  • Utilize more milk solids in consumer products and reduce the amount of nonfat dry milk produced for CCC purchase. This June, Dairy Farmers of America estimated that if the California Standards had been in effect for the rest of the U.S. during 2008, an additional 300 million pounds of milk solids would have been included in fluid milk sales. This represents more milk solids than were in all the CCC nonfat dry milk purchases through July 2009. California retail milk prices have remained competitive with, not higher than, the rest of the U.S.

Urge Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to have USDA purchase cheese for nutrition programs.

  • This single action would accomplish several goals: Help to bolster milk prices and ease the current crisis faced by many dairy producers across the country; reduce outlays in dairy safety net programs (MILC payments and CCC purchases); and by donating the purchased cheese to food banks and other charitable organizations; USDA would be providing humanitarian nutrition services.

Cheese inventories are poised to be much higher than normal heading into this fall. This supply is weighing on the market and suppressing prices. A purchase of 100 million pounds of cheese would bring inventories more in line with past levels, and would bolster farm milk prices. Even a modest rise in milk prices would provide relief for dairy producers, reduce MILC expenditures, and lower CCC purchases of cheese.

Overhaul the dairy price discovery program.

I believe that our current milk-pricing structure is based on the trading of 2% of the cheese in this country on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. This small amount of cheese determines my mailbox price. Or, in other words -- what the check I get in the mail says I will be paid for the product I’ve spent the last month getting covered in manure and other fine things to harvest!

This whole process goes against my good old common sense. Large milk processors were convicted for price manipulation as recently as 2006; clearly a more fair and broad based pricing mechanism is needed. We need a new set of tools in our milk-pricing toolbox. 

Sometimes I wonder why I am in a business where, I buy everything retail and sell my product wholesale, and the pricing mechanism is based on what I would call a “house of cards”? Way of life, being my own boss, pride of ownership, producing good food for an expanding world; they’re all good reasons. But if I’m not treated fairly, it’s time for me to wake up and find another life. I digress. Back to my suggestions.

Imports -- Charge promotion fees on imports.

United States dairymen contribute 15 cents for every hundredweight of milk we produce towards dairy promotion. I believe the new Farm Bill instructs USDA to charge importers
seven and a half cents for every hundredweight of dairy products imported. Dairy promotion basically helps create a larger market for dairy products. Importers benefit from that increased demand for dairy that our domestic producers have paid for, so it only seems fair to have importers contribute into the promotion program. 

At issue here is the fact that USDA has not implemented this fee, and it discourages me to see the lack of timeliness on legislation implemented into law. Seven and a half cents is not much, but I think charging importers this fee would decrease the amount of imported dairy products flooding our domestic market. 

I believe in fair trade, and I feel this fee charged to importers would somewhat level the playing field, and I’m encouraged that this promotion fee works for WTO reasons as well. 

Proceed with Extreme Caution before implementing Growth Management or Supply Management Programs.

While some producers and organizations are promoting growth management or supply management plans as a long-term solution to the dairy economy problems, I have some issues with these plans. Again, not an expert, and applying my common sense, I’m concerned that without solid knowledge of the impact of any such plans, I am not in favor of “jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.”

Mandatory supply management goes against all my gut instincts, and my belief in the efficiency and productivity of the American Dairy Farmer. Last year’s high milk prices at the farm level resulted from a booming export market for American dairy products. We live in a global economy, and putting handcuffs on the American dairy industry with mandatory supply management seems to me to set us up for failure. We only have to look “across the pond” to see Europe struggling to get away from its quota system.

Finally, a sincere thank you to Senator Gillibrand and your staff for your efforts on increasing the MILC rates and indexing these payments for inflation. I am a proud American Dairy Farmer, and taking handouts does not please me, but this truly is a time of need for my fellow dairymen and me. Thank you for your efforts and your interest in the intricacies of dairy pricing. Thank you for listening to my suggestions, and I’m looking
forward to working together to resolve the dairy pricing issues we currently are facing and those in the future."

The public should know the details of union settlement well before vote

By Howard B. Owens

City business, which is taxpayer business, should not be conducted in secret.

Last night, the City Council met in secret session to discuss a proposed settlement in an unfair labor practices claim with the local firefighters union.

It's a great deal, as we know it so far, for the firefighters, and probably well deserved and maybe even inevitable. It's possible that the best thing for City Hall is to settle this matter and move on.

But if not for a leak to The Batavian, residents of the City of Batavia would have scant knowledge that a proposed settlement was in place, nor the details of the settlement (we're confident the details provided to The Batavian are correct, but grant that we haven't seen an official document nor received confirmation from an on-the-record source).

We can only presume, then, that the city would charge ahead with a public meeting on Monday where the council could presumably vote on the settlement.

In such a rush to vote, where is the opportunity for public input? In the minutes before the vote? That hardly provides residents a chance to fully digest the agreement, let alone provide meaningful feedback.

If the vote is going to be Monday, the details should have been released to the public last night if not today.

City Council President Charlie Mallow says releasing the details jeopardizes the city's business and that the matter is still in negotiations.


It's clear the negotiations were wrapped up Tuesday.

And, what jeopardizes city business -- taxpayer business -- is withholding information from citizens. In environments of secrecy, it is when mistakes are made and elected officials wind up looking foolish for voting on things without giving constituents a proper chance to provide input.

In comments on the story breaking the details of the settlement, John Roach raises a number of important questions that should be answered before a vote.

This is a big issue. Eliminating the ambulance service was supposed to save the city money, but by putting off negotiations for two more years on overtime pay, by keeping four firefighters and guaranteeing no layoffs, and promising a 5 percent pay increase, by giving away $36,000 in bonuses, we have to wonder how much of the cost savings has just been given away?

Even if the settlement must be accepted, the public has a right to get answers to these questions.

City officials will argue that the closed session was necessary because it involved litigation and contract negotiations.

But there is nothing in New York's Open Meetings Law requiring elected officials to go into closed session on such matters. It's an option, but not a requirement. Nor are elected officials, as matter of law, prevented from discussing what happens in closed session.

City Manager Jason Molino and the City Council could handle this issue in a much more transparent manner if they so choose. But apparently, they want to get this matter put in the past with as little public input and possible.

(NOTE: Friday at 1:10 p.m. and so far no public notice of Monday's meeting.  We assume that's still the plan, but the clock is ticking according to New York's laws on public notice for meetings.)

UPDATE 5:04 p.m.: The city released this announcement at 3:23 p.m.

Please be advised that Batavia City Council will hold a special business meeting on Monday, August 31, 2009 to discuss contract and collective bargaining issues.   The meeting will begin at 6:00 pm in the Council Board Room at Batavia City Centre. 

Porters keep farming in the family

By Gretel Kauffman

If you're looking for fresh, locally grown produce, look no further than Porter Farms on Edgerton Road in Elba.

I stopped by the farm on Tuesday morning to talk to Katie Porter (pictured above with her three-legged dog, Milo) and get a tour of the family farm, which is one of the top models for organic growers and Community Supported Agriculture in the nation.

Porter, a 2004 graduate of Elba High School and a 2008 graduate of Cornell University, says that she has worked on the farm as far back as she can remember.

"When we first started the CSA, it was my dad, my sister and I," Porter says.  "We helped him with the newsletter and the produce."

Today, as the manager of the program, she writes the newsletter, does presentations to promote the farm, makes phone calls, sends out emails, and oversees distribution of the produce.

"Basically what the CSA is, is people buy a share and we use the money to pay for seeds, labor, equipment repair, stuff like that. Then in return we give them fresh, locally grown produce. Since their money goes right into the farm, they really get to feel what it's like to be a farmer."

Porter says that she thinks this is a big part of the CSA's appeal. It is growing rapidly, with approximately 860 members, which is about 760 members more than it started with in 1996.

"If we have a bad season, the members see the results. Like this year our tomatoes weren't too good, so they didn't really get tomatoes. Or if we have an abundance of onions, they'll get a lot of onions. I think people like it not only because they get their vegetables, but because they learn a lot about farming."

The program usually begins in June and ends in November and is either $310 or $340 a share, depending on whether you choose to pick up your produce at the farm Saturday mornings, or have it delivered if you live in the Rochester area. 

"It's so funny how everyone comes here on Saturday mornings and seems to know everyone else. They just hang out and talk."

The farm, which was started in 1956 by Jack Porter, began as a beef-feeding operation.  In the 1970s the Porters decided to grow the crops they needed to feed the cattle, such as hay, corn and wheat. Eventually pigs and sheep were added to the farm. 

In 1990, due to economic downturns in the livestock market, Jack's sons Steve and Mike switched the focus to crops and began experimenting with organics. Today, the 500+ acre farm is entirely organic and, since the deaths of Jack and Steve, is run by Katie's uncle Mike Porter with assistance from Katie, her sister Sarah and the rest of the family.

"It's definitely beneficial to the environment, It gives us healthier soil and helps with biodiversity.  We're farming the way people used to farm."                                


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NOW HIRING seasonal agribusiness positions. CDL A & B Drivers to deliver bulk crop nutrients. Potential long-term opportunities. Great for retirees! GENERAL LABOR positions. Daily variety of indoor/outdoor responsibilities. Loader experience a plus. SIGN-ON BONUS and plenty of OT during spring/summer months. Apply in person at: 8610 Route 237, Stafford, NY
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